Movement of Novorossiya Igor Strelkov. Movement "Novorossiya" by Igor Strelkov

Yes, of course, Strelkov is a correct guy, in the sense that as a commander he is professional, on the other hand, to a certain extent he is “unmercenary” and does the right thing by exposing the grabbers in the Kremlin and the LDPR and thinking about the strategy of the LDPR in this war.
But here are his political ideas... “Crush Ukraine”, create in its place “Greater Novorossiya”... In 1945, the victorious countries did not set a goal to create a completely different country in place of Germany, it was about eliminating fascism in the state.
And then: hasn’t Kyiv had the right to statehood since the 12th century (what the government in Kyiv should be is another question!). Anti-Ukrainianism is somehow incomprehensible, and he turned the broad Eurasian idea again into the idea of ​​a “Russian world.” Aren't there too many political science ambitions for a military expert? Although we need people devoted to the interests of the people... We need an example of moral behavior of leaders...
But as an intellectual, Strelkov is again more of a military expert: Of course, he understands that if you put forward the slogan of Greater New Russia, then in Kharkov, Odessa, etc. (maybe) the partisan movement will intensify and it will be easier for Lao PDR fighters to fight! Otherwise, they can’t retake the airport and Sands (difficult)... In place of the movement of Novorossiya (it is not clear that this is Novorossiya), it is better to simply create something like a committee to help the fighters (and residents!!!) of the Lao PDR. And Lao PDR is simply Donbass (Lugansk region is also part of Donbass)...
From the position of the Ervasian idea, the LDPR is part of the Eurasian civilization, and the West of Ukraine is rather part of Western civilization. Hence the need for either the federalization of Ukraine with division into only TWO parts, or the isolation of the Republic of LDPR as (in the future) an independent country.
There is no need for any “Russian world”, nationalism, anti-Ukrainianism, self-praise of Orthodoxy, and, moreover, only Russian Orthodoxy (although Orthodoxy came to us from Kyiv!). Just create a committee for humanitarian aid to LDPR fighters, and that’s all. It’s the fighters who are fighting now, not Strelkov. They know better what to fight for. And they are now fighting for Sands, for the airport - this is already a big real deal. Keep residents safe! They don’t need to ascribe or “drive” their own political goals.
And history will put everything in its place (perhaps the broad Eurasian idea will justify itself, and not the more limited Russian-nationalist one). Strelkov himself is not very involved in issues of supplying (assistance) to the fighters; he has too much political talk, ill-conceived “ideas”... This hinders the movement - extreme anti-Ukrainianism and other mistakes repulse those who would like to help the Lao PDR fighters financially. It is necessary (or useful) to create some other movement to help the LDPR fighters, which would not be fixated on Strelok’s “geopolitical projects of the future” with their certain mistakes and overlaps...

Nadezhda Kodenkova:
“Special mission” is on the road again... Dokuchaevsk is a small, quiet and sweet town... all five years of war, under the merciless, targeted fire of the Ukrainian army... And today, an Ukrainian Armed Forces missile blew up a BelAZ, the driver died... Every day of our “truce” is colored blood...
A fighter with the call sign “Spik” is undergoing treatment at the Central City Hospital after the amputation of his left leg. With the money donated by philanthropists for the needs of the warring republics, medicine and a few products that one dreams of in a hospital bed were purchased.

Evgeniy Skripnik "Prapor":

Volunteer of the “Special Mission” Natalya visited another wounded sponsored person, Roman, 29 years old, married, has a son (5 years old), was born and lived in Donbass, in 2014 participated in rallies against the Maidan (Maryinsky Park), one of the first to join the ranks militia. Currently - in 1 Slavic.
He was wounded twice, the last time - 2 years ago, with a severe shrapnel wound to the head with concussion. I have lost hearing in one ear; the injury also resulted in fluid accumulation in my head; now I am preparing for surgery. He has no relatives in Donetsk, so no one visited him, and he was embarrassed to ask for help.
Yesterday they bought Roman syringes and medical gloves, today they brought food, bandages and medicines, and left 300 rubles for dressing materials. The assistance was provided at the expense of funds from Tamara from St. Petersburg.

Natalya also visited other wounded soldiers in one of the medical units. I learned from the guys about their needs and how we can help their families. We will definitely help if possible.

In addition to us, volunteers of the “Special Mission” of the Novorossiya OD, Sergei and Mikhail met in Vadim’s room. They have also suffered severe injuries in the past. Sergei has no legs, Misha has legs and arms. The men talked for a long time and in detail about their problems... without hysterics, without accusations and flagellations... about how to live further without falling out of this life despite their injuries... Vadim will soon need crutches (until the time comes for prosthetics), but his general condition requires so that the crutches have armrests... Sergei, who leads a very active life and helps his wounded comrades, really needs a strong, reliable cane...
Misha dreams of returning to the army and for this he needs a prosthetic arm that will allow him to perform certain manipulations. This, of course, is only feasible if someone who has access to structures that deal with such expensive prosthetics responds...
Friends, we need the help of caring people. Perhaps someone will have the necessary things for fighters?
If those reading this note live in Donetsk, Makeevka or Dokuchaevsk and they have the opportunity to give crutches and a cane to Vadim and Sergei, please respond.
Leave your suggestions in the comments or at the contacts below. Thank you all in advance!

Today we were driving around Donetsk with “Bike” and saw a man’s car catch fire. I was glad that no one drove by indifferently; everyone who saw the fire came running with fire extinguishers, blankets, and water. I was once again convinced that the best human qualities of Donetsk residents can be relied upon in an extreme situation.

Once again we visited the sponsored medical unit and the wounded guys. They gave them tea and sweets to go with it, as well as warm Ashanovo bread.
We bought a tricycle for Maxim’s daughter “Lesorub”, who is 2.4 years old.
WE are one family, one country, WE ARE THE RUSSIAN WORLD.

I met with Maxim from Konstantinovka and his guardian Valentina from the mining village "Kommunar." Maxim was wounded in 2014 and fought near the city of Snezhnoye. During his difficult time, the people with a heart of gold who happened to be nearby replaced his relatives. We also did not stay away from his problems and will continue to monitor his fate and help to the best of our ability. Now he has arrived in Donetsk for examination and hospitalization.

We met with the widow of a hero who gave his life for his homeland. Elena was given a box from Miroslava as a sign of attention and her merits in decently raising two children without a breadwinner. Elena works at a mine and earns 5 thousand rubles a month. My daughter is in 11th grade, my son is in first grade. Therefore, they did not miss the help from Miroslava in the form of a school office.

Igor Strelkov. Photo: Georgy Malets

“We believe that meeting the demands of heavy truck drivers will have a beneficial effect on the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the transport industry and the economy as a whole. We demand the abolition of the Platon system in its current form as senseless from an economic point of view and as thoroughly corrupt, reviving feudal taxation system,” says the statement of the Novorossiya movement. (Strelkov’s structure is also called the All-Russian National Movement (ORND) or the January 25 Committee (K25).

"Like the strikers, ORND/K25 believes that it is necessary:

1. Complete abolition of the "PLATON" system or its reorganization for transit transport with the transfer of control over it to the state, and not to some commercial structures.
2. Cancellation of the tax on vehicle owners (for this there is an excise tax on fuel).
3. Cessation of attempts to regulate the work and rest schedule of drivers (WRO) outside the framework of traffic rules and relevant medical tests - the driver of any vehicle has the right to determine his own WO. Cancellation of forced installation of tachographs. Installing tachographs is a personal matter for car owners.
4. Putting things in order at weight control, eliminating the 20 percent error in the readings of automatic scales (or taking into account the error in favor of the driver).
5. Providing carriers with an economic justification for calculating the amount of excise tax on fuel and a report on the expenditure of collected funds.
6. If the government fails to comply with economic demands - the resignation of the government, the formation of a cabinet of national trust, and if this requirement is not met and the Medvedev government is preserved - no confidence in the president."

Movement "Novorossiya"

“The Novorossiya movement is not for Putin, but for Russia. If the president does the right things, we are for him, if he does the wrong things, then we are against him. We are for justice, which is why our movement and Igor Strelkov personally decided to support the truck drivers’ strike,” said (one of the leaders of the movement, head of the Moscow headquarters of the organization Alexey) Sorokova, present at the capital’s protest parking lot near the Chocolate shopping center, on the 2nd kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road.

According to him, the leaders of Novorossiya are not embarrassed by the fact that many opposition politicians previously supported the drivers’ protest.

“If the “white ribbon fighters” provided support earlier, that’s their business. I was in the Donbass, I didn’t fight, but I delivered humanitarian aid to Lugansk and Donetsk, and in 2016, at Easter, I brought the “Holy Fire” to the front. I’m not interested in either Navalny or Maltsev, I don’t care what they say,” the activist explained his position.

However, as the truckers themselves assure, the “Novoros” arrived at the scene in a personal capacity.

“We have not yet negotiated with Strelkov’s movement, but we welcome Alexey as a private individual, we have nothing against him, he is our colleague, he came to the meeting, expressed a desire to join, and that’s why he is here,” said Sergei Rudametkin, coordinator of Moscow truckers, adding that Sorokova himself is a carrier by profession, and therefore has every right to participate in the strike.

26.10.18. Message from military officers and memorial post.

Message from military officers: “An 82 mm mine has arrived at the nuclear warhead. North of Donetsk - fighting was heard all night and in the morning.”

Memorial post: “2014.03.01 Donetsk. Raising the Russian flag. Raising the Russian tricolor on the flagpole near the Region. Administration. Donetsk, March 1, 2014.
The Russian revolution in Donetsk on March 1, 2014 began with the raising of the Russian tricolor on the flagpole in front of the regional administration. But few people know who exactly raised it. These were two people: the most important Ukrainian nationalist of the Donetsk region, who was predicted to have the fate of “Donetsk Biletsky”, on whose shoulders sat a Russian nationalist from Taganrog, against whom a criminal case was opened in the Russian Federation under Article 282. Because of the criminal case, he could not even legally cross the Russian-Ukrainian border. The flagpole was surrounded by policemen; the general mass did not manage to get close to it, but these two young guys made their way. Then Andrei Purgin, one of the founding fathers of the DPR, then the chairman of its parliament, and then the leader of the social movement “Donetsk Republic,” put the large Russian tricolor purchased the day before in a plastic bag and weighed it down with a pebble, and threw it all over the police cordon.
After that, the radicals quickly hooked him up as best they could and raised him on a flagpole. The tricolor soared over the square, and this became a kind of psychological turning point.”

26.10.18. Message from journalists. The Zhytomyr region of Ukraine, following the Lvov region, banned the use of the Russian language.

“The Zhytomyr region of Ukraine, following the Lvov region, banned the use of the Russian language.
Yesterday, October 25, deputies of the Zhytomyr Regional Council at a regular meeting introduced a moratorium on the public use of Russian-language cultural products in the region. Local media reported this, noting that the majority of deputies of the Zhytomyr Regional Council voted for the corresponding decision.
It is known that the initiator of this decision was the Svoboda party*, which is banned in Russia. The Nazis propose to introduce a moratorium on the public use of Russian-language cultural products in any form on the territory of the Zhytomyr region “until the Russian Federation’s occupation of the territory of Ukraine completely ceases.”
In addition, this document also proposes that all local governments of the Zhytomyr region, without exception, make a similar decision.

“We are talking about a ban on the broadcast of Russian films, performances by Russian actors, etc. in the region, since we should have a Ukrainian product, and there is no need to promote the Russian language, because we have our language and should have our power,” - say the deputies.
Let us recall that on September 18, the Lviv Regional Council voted to ban the public use of Russian-language “cultural product” in the region. The decision was supported by 57 parliamentarians, with 47 required.
Previously, a textbook on the Russian language reduced the Nazi Nitsoi to shaking hands and obscene expressions.
Let us remind you that on August 20, the Ministry of Information of Ukraine warned citizens that it would begin to impose the study of the Ukrainian language on the radio.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Nazi writer Nitsoy said that the Ukrainian authorities need to introduce methods of encouragement and punishment to introduce the Ukrainian language into all spheres of life of the country's citizens. She also told how she introduced fines for the Russian language at a children's camp.
In the winter of this year, the mayor of Kyiv Klitschko forgot the Ukrainian language during a speech on Sophia Square in the Ukrainian capital.
Let us remind you that at the end of April the Odessa City Council failed an attempt to hold a session in Ukrainian.
Earlier, the head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine called on the authorities to lift restrictions on the Russian language.
In March, in the occupied part of Donbass, the driver of the Mariupol – Svyatogorsk bus called the Ukrainian language “goat”. An SBU officer who was on the bus found out the driver’s phone number and called him for a conversation.
Let us recall that in November last year, residents of occupied Avdiivka refused to speak Ukrainian.
Let us also note that a survey conducted last winter in Ukraine revealed that only 5% of Ukrainian residents do not use Russian.”

26.10.18. Message from Novorossiya news agency. State Duma Deputy: The law on simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship will primarily affect residents of Donbass.

“State Duma Deputy: The law on simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship will primarily affect residents of Donbass. Bill No. 527255-7 on simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship, adopted today in the first reading, will primarily be aimed at introducing migration benefits for residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as to support certain categories of Crimeans who have not yet received Russian citizenship. This was stated by State Duma deputy, coordinator of the Donbass-Russia Integration Committee Andrey Kozenko.

“This bill is one of those aimed at changing the overall concept of migration policy in relation to our compatriots. This is the implementation in practice of the president’s instructions to attract to Russia those people who consider themselves connected with the Russian world, are part of it, want to speak Russian and work for the benefit of Russia. The adoption of such decisions at the legislative level will, of course, increase the status of our compatriots,” the deputy emphasized.

Kozenko added that another change proposed by the bill is the ability to submit a request for Russian citizenship for participants in the State Program at the place of temporary registration. This currently requires ongoing registration.

Today, October 25, in the State Duma, during a discussion of a statement on the situation in Ukraine, deputies adopted bill No. 527255-7 on the simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship by citizens of Ukraine.

If finally approved, the law will take effect three months after its official publication.

On July 26, it was reported that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is working on a bill that proposes to exempt Belarusians and Ukrainians “close in mentality to Russians” from interviews in Russian when obtaining Russian citizenship.

At the beginning of July, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs developed bills to simplify the acquisition of Russian citizenship. This was done in light of the instructions Russian President Vladimir Putin made on Direct Line in June.

Earlier, on June 25, a bill was introduced to the State Duma on the right of Ukrainian citizens in Russia to extend the period of temporary stay and obtain a residence permit, as well as for them and residents of Crimea to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner. The document was submitted to the upper house of parliament by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, Konstantin Zatulin.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Natalya Poklonskaya called for understanding the problems of refugees from Donbass and Ukraine when obtaining Russian citizenship

In early June, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised refugees from Donbass the liberalization of obtaining Russian passports.”

26.10.18. Message from journalists. Kyiv invited Crimeans to refuse service in the Russian army and join the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Kyiv invited Crimeans to refuse service in the Russian army and join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Ukraine, residents of Crimea were offered to avoid serving in the Russian Armed Forces by registering with the Ukrainian military registration and enlistment office. A corresponding proposal was made by the so-called representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea, Babin, whose office is located far beyond the borders of the Russian peninsula. TsarGrad reports this.
According to the official, registration with military registration and enlistment offices on the territory of Ukraine guarantees 100% protection from conscription into the Russian army. The downside of this is that if they transfer to serve in the Ukrainian army, young people will face the “exciting” prospect of serving in the Ukrainian army, where the chance of dying in a trench in the Donbass or at the hands of their own drunken colleagues is very high.
“However, most residents of Crimea already understand this very well, so it is not entirely clear what the Ukrainian official was even counting on. In addition, even UN data confirms that Crimeans are happy to join the Russian army. According to information for 2015, only 9 cases of evasion from service were registered on the peninsula. In addition, there is a tendency for Ukrainian residents to travel to Crimea to avoid serving in the Ukrainian troops,” the publication notes.
Let us recall that at the beginning of this year, the so-called Ukrainian “prosecutor’s office of Crimea” opened a criminal case regarding the conscription of residents of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Armed Forces.
Last November, Kyiv demanded that Moscow not conscript residents of Crimea into the Russian army. The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested against the conscription of residents of the Crimean Peninsula into the Russian army and demanded that this decision be reversed.
Let us note that in September of this year, an American officer called the militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces second-class citizens.
In February of this year, Israeli Army Major Wertzner, who since the beginning of the so-called “ATO” has been an accomplice of the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants and helps the Ukrainian military in every way available to him, including training and financial assistance, wrote a post on Facebook about the Ukrainian army, in which he defeated “ to smithereens" statements of the Ukrainian leadership about the "strongest army" in Europe.
In December 2016, Poroshenko called the Ukrainian Armed Forces the strongest army in Europe. Already in the summer of 2017, he repeated that the army that was created in Ukraine over the past three years is “strong in spirit” and is one of the most effective armies on the continent. In fact, today the Ukrainian army has completely disintegrated. One example of today’s Ukrainian army is a video shot by one of the contract soldiers in 2017 - he showed how the “strongest army in Europe” lives. Let us also note that the disintegration of the Ukrainian army is particularly evident in the Donbass.”

26.10.18. Message from the militia. Trudovsky - INTO THE COVER

“Trudovsky - IN THE SHELTER! Ukry are firing cluster shells from artillery. YBP: Mostly quiet. They hit a little with small arms and rarely with grenades. They hear fighting on Topaz. The guard also hears. Pros at Spartak and at the airport. Gorlovka also began to tremble at 23:51. Fighting continues on the northern outskirts of Donetsk. Putilovka hears the loud sounds of war. 22:58 - the windows in the houses began to ring (shudder). There are fights between Peski and Volvo Center. Launches from Sand. We are slowly extinguishing air defense.”

Message from military correspondent Roman Veprev: “Donetsk was lucky almost for the first time”: Khodakovsky about the new prime minister of the DPR. A week ago, a prime minister appeared in the Donetsk People's Republic. Alexander Ananchenko was appointed to this post by decree of the acting head No. 38. About the new acting the premiere in Donetsk, very little is known, if not almost nothing.
Before his appointment, he worked for a month in the Council of Ministers of the DPR. What happened before that is unknown; there are not even photographs of the official on the Internet. However, according to oppositionist Alexander Khodakovsky, ex-head of the DPR Security Council, Donetsk was lucky, perhaps for the first time: Ananchenko is a high-class professional with extensive experience in leadership positions. Khodakovsky spoke about this in his Telegram channel.
Khodakovsky has known Alexander Ananchenko since the beginning of the 2000s. Ananchenko is a professional economist with extensive experience, working for a large Russian corporation “with interests in Siberia and an office in Moscow.” After a conflict between the owner of the corporation and Aman Tuleyev (then governor of the Kemerovo region), the corporation ceased to exist, and Ananchenko came to Donetsk, where he headed a local concern that included several manufacturing enterprises. Khodakovsky believes that if over the past years Ananchenko has not changed personally and has not lost his business acumen, then Donetsk, perhaps for the first time, has been lucky.
A few touches to the portrait of the new acting. Donetsk journalist Sergei Belous also added the premiere. According to his sources, Ananchenko is the creation of Dmitry Kozak, deputy chairman of the Russian government in charge of the economic sphere in the DPR and LPR. “Among Ananchenko’s main tasks is to ensure that the republic adheres to the economic course established in Moscow, and to prevent possible attempts at voluntarism by the new political leadership in relation to military-technical cooperation enterprises (Vneshtorgservis - ed.) and other vital industrial facilities - that is, there is an obvious alignment systems of checks and balances,” writes Belous.
Thus, based on the grains of leaked information, we can conclude that the acting. The Prime Minister of the DPR is a professional economist with extensive experience in leadership positions in Russia and Donetsk, who is a creature of Moscow (and not the oligarch Sergei Kurchenko, as previously thought), whose tasks include the implementation of the economic course established for the Republic in the highest offices of the Russian government.” .

26.10.18. Review of current and combat information from military correspondent "John Hughes".

“Donbass today: the Armed Forces of Ukraine are overwhelmed by a wave of showdowns and suicide bombings, conscripts are being “caught” in the DPR and LPR. The artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is back in action, the south of the DPR is under fire. Civilians were again blown up at Ukrainian minefields, just like more Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters. Ukrainian intelligence created a fake story about draft dodgers in the LPR and DPR. The latest news from Novorossiya is in the review of the Federal News Agency.

Operational situation
It was relatively calm in the Lugansk People's Republic over the past 24 hours. Three attacks were recorded from Ukrainian positions on the western and southwestern borders of the LPR. Heavy mortars, grenade launchers and small arms were used. There were no civilian or military casualties.
In the Donetsk People's Republic, compared to the previous day, a sharp escalation is recorded - the Armed Forces of Ukraine increased the number and intensity of shelling, and Ukrainian troops used 122 mm artillery in the Mariupol direction.
In total, 21 cases of ceasefire violation were recorded in the DPR: more than 300 shells, mines and grenades were fired by Kyiv security forces at 14 settlements of the republic.

New victims of indiscriminate mining of Ukrainian Armed Forces territories
In the area of ​​Dzerzhinsk, controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a KrAZ vehicle of the emergency brigade of the Water of Donbass company was blown up by minefields while moving to the place of repair work. Two company employees received multiple shrapnel wounds. Fortunately, the people survived.
This incident once again confirmed the attitude of the Ukrainian “defenders” towards the civilian population. Let us recall that two days earlier, DPR intelligence reported that in the area of ​​the village of Novgorodskoye, which is part of Dzerzhinsk, sappers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were mining country roads at a great distance from the front line. These roads were used daily by local residents, but now it is deadly.

Non-combat losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
In the area of ​​the same Dzerzhinsk, at the positions of the 58th brigade, a drunken “defender” quarreled with his colleagues and threw a grenade into their trench. A private of the 15th battalion of the 58th brigade received multiple shrapnel wounds.
And a sergeant of the 128th brigade died while trying to disassemble a grenade for an underbarrel grenade launcher at positions near the village of Starognatovka - the southwestern direction of the DPR defense.
Another fighter, now of the 14th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the People's Militia of the LPR, was blown up by his own tripwire, but survived. The incident occurred during an attempt to escape from the unit's location in the Novozvanovka area. The reason for the fighter's escape was constant humiliation and beatings from his colleagues.

The LPR refuted the lies of Ukrainian intelligence
On Thursday, Ukrainian media announced that a strict system of control and registration of conscripts and older persons who evade military service is being introduced in the LPR and DPR. Allegedly, persons included in a special register of draft dodgers will not be able to travel outside the republics. The author of this message was the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence.
The operational command of the LPR stated that the purpose of this enemy message is to discredit the authorities of the republics, and it has nothing to do with reality.
“There are no strict controls or restrictions on exit,” said LPR official representative Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marochko.
Moreover, I would like to remind the Ukrainian side that, according to regulatory documents and regulations on military service, in both republics, service is on a voluntary basis and does not provide for urgent conscription.”

25.10.18. Report from AnnaNews military officers. NM DPR and “Angel” delivered humanitarian aid to the outskirts of Gorlovka

“NM DPR and “Angel” delivered humanitarian aid to the outskirts of Gorlovka
The People's Militia of the DPR, together with the humanitarian battalion "Angel", delivered humanitarian aid to the front-line villages of Gorlovka. Dolomitnoye and the village of mine 6/7 have been on the contact line since the very beginning of the war in Donbass. Most people left their homes long ago and moved to a safer place, but there are still people living in these villages, mostly pensioners, for the fifth year now every day there is a new confrontation between life and death for them.”

25.10.18. Report from military correspondent John Hughes. Donbass after Zakharchenko.

“Donbass after Zakharchenko. How do the residents of the DPR and LPR see the future? We will be with Ukraine only if it becomes part of the LDPR.
Death of Zakharchenko
Despite the fact that almost two months have passed since that terrible day, Donbass still cannot recover from the murder of the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko. It doesn’t matter whether people lived in Donetsk or Lugansk, everyone accepted this news as their own personal tragedy.
Today, every resident of Donbass has only one unanswered question: What next? It must be admitted that after the death of “Bati” (the call sign of DNRA leader Alexander Zakharchenko), the republic froze in anticipation and uncertainty. People saw in Zakharchenko not only the head of the DPR and commander-in-chief, but also a spiritual and ideological leader, a patriot of his region, ready to die for the good of Donbass. After his death, “the whole world collapsed”...
But the residents of Donbass have not ceased to be who they were all their lives. No matter how harsh it may sound, Donetsk and Luhansk residents are accustomed to looking death in the eyes almost every day (this has nothing to do with the war). Every miner, before going down into the mine, says goodbye to his family and friends forever, because something terrible can happen underground at any moment. Yes, Donetsk people are accustomed to death, so Donbass cannot be frightened by this.
It is necessary to realize that, despite the love of the population for the deceased head of the DPR Zakharchenko, the current course of Donbass is not the will of some of the current authorities of the LDPR, but the opinion of at least 90% of the population of the region.
People on the streets say: “Nothing, we’ll get out of it. We chose our path in 2014, so no one will force us to turn away from it,” “No matter how bad life is for us, Donbass will never again be together with Ukraine. If only Ukraine becomes part of the LDPR.”
Donbass will not stagger after the death of Zakharchenko, because the residents of the LDPR always sincerely worry about their people, take for example the dead Alexei Mozgovoy, Arsen Pavlov, Mikhail Tolstykh, Alexander Bednov and so on. The death of each of them was difficult for Donbass to survive; the region will honor its heroes, but will continue to move forward towards its goal - reunification with Russia.
Here I would like to quote the lines of the “Ghost” battalion commander Alexei Mozgovoy, who gave instructions to the people of Donbass what needs to be done if he is gone:
If I fall, pick up my sword
Not me, just raise your sword!
In the unbroken formation of Russian knights of shoulders,
Bring the truth unbendingly!
“Because the stench can’t smell anything…”
If you remember Donbass at the beginning of 2015, just one look made you want to cry: enterprises and firms were closing en masse, markets were practically not working, people were leaving cities, banks were not working, and everything around was roaring and burning. I remember that the current President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, once said that “they don’t know how to do anything,” so there will never be a normal life in Donbass.
But more than three years have passed since that moment, during which time Donetsk and Lugansk managed to create their own banking system and mobile operators (Phoenix and Lugafon). In 2015 alone, more than 300 heavy industry enterprises resumed production (this is only in the DPR), and the number of enterprises operating in foreign markets increased 9 times. The total volume of export-import operations is more than 6 billion rubles or 90 million dollars per month. Economic growth is almost 80% in certain industries. Not bad, right?
In settlements that suffered from shelling by the Ukrainian army, all houses, government and educational institutions were restored. Roads are being repaired; Donbass brand buses have recently started operating in Donetsk, as well as the first tram assembled in the DPR, which bears the proud name “I am Donetsk”. And this is by no means the entire list of what the young republics have achieved over the years. And how clean the cities and towns are! And all this was done by the people of Donbass under the conditions of a complete economic blockade from Kyiv and an ongoing war.
Here I would like to cite at least a couple of successes of the current Kyiv authorities, who said that the residents of the LDPR do not know how to do anything. But Ukraine has no such successes. Although, one can name one – visa-free, which allowed the citizens of Independence to finally legally escape the country forever. Thank you, Poroshenko.
What's next for Donbass?
All citizens of the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics are confident that their future is only together with Russia. After all, it is impossible to return to a place where you are not welcome, and somehow you don’t really want to return there. Yes, people are tired of the ongoing war for four years now, but none of them will turn away from the path, no matter what the cost...”

25.10.18. Message from journalists.

“In the DPR, a state auditor of the Ministry of Revenue of the Republic was detained for accepting a bribe. Employees of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR (UBEPK Ministry of Internal Affairs) detained the chief auditor-inspector of the first department of control and verification work of individuals of the Audit Department of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties for receiving a bribe. This was reported by the press service of the DPR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
“Employees of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR caught red-handed the chief state auditor-inspector of the first department of control and verification work of individuals of the Audit Department of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of the DPR,” the report says.
The department added that police officers established the fact of the transfer of a bribe in the amount of 165 thousand rubles. The official received this amount for failing to include significant violations in the inspection report and reducing penalties in the resolutions on completion of the inspection.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that operational search activities are currently being carried out to identify all persons involved in the commission of this crime and to identify additional facts of bribery. The actions of the accused fall under the sanctions of Part 4 of Art. 343 of the Criminal Code of the DPR (receipt of a bribe by a person holding a public office of the Donetsk People's Republic). Maximum liability under the article involves imprisonment for up to 10 years with a fine of 50 times the amount of the bribe.
It was previously reported that a number of arrests took place in the DPR as part of an investigation into corruption activities.
Let us recall that on September 14, the People’s Council of the DPR adopted a resolution “On the formation of the Temporary Commission of the People’s Council of the Donetsk People’s Republic to identify facts of damage to legal entities and individuals as a result of the illegal activities of representatives of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”
On September 7, DPR transport companies accused former Minister of Revenue and Duties Alexander Timofeev of seizing their business.
On the same day, the leadership of the DPR agrarian and industrial complex accused Timofeev, who fled to Russia, of multimillion-dollar corruption. It was reported that the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, by personal order of the head of the department, deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DPR, Alexander Timofeev, appropriated the property of one of the largest enterprises in the agro-industrial complex of the Donetsk People's Republic - Kolos D LLC - worth more than 850 million rubles."

Continuing the topic:
Children and music

- this is one of the cases when in the Russian language there is no direct, one hundred percent equivalent of the English construction, so its use often causes difficulties for beginners....