Beautiful description of natural phenomena. The most spectacular natural phenomena

Sun pillars are a rare natural phenomenon that can only be seen in very cold weather. Such pillars are formed because sunlight is reflected by flat ice crystals if the Sun is below the horizon or no higher than 6° above its level. Therefore, it is possible to observe solar pillars only at dawn or sunset. Sometimes columns of light are formed due to the moonlight, as well as the illumination of large cities.

The aurora is a truly fascinating natural phenomenon: rays, flashes, rings, as well as vortices that move across the sky and shimmer in a variety of colors, from purple to yellow, from sky blue to red. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off this amazing spectacle.

Noctilucent clouds are observed very rarely. Such clouds are the highest, they form at an altitude of 85 km and become visible only in clear weather, illuminated by the sun due to. The average speed of their movement across the sky is 100 m/s.

Mirage is considered a joke of nature. It can be seen only under certain weather conditions - for example, in sultry cold or heat. Marvelous landscapes, medieval castles, steamships soaring in the sky - a stunning sight can be seen in the middle of the open ocean, in hot deserts, in the mountains. Mirages of several types, the most amazing of them is Fata Morgana.

Fata Morgana is a complex optical phenomenon in the atmosphere that consists of several forms of mirages, with distant objects being visible repeatedly and with various distortions.

Beautiful and terrifying natural phenomena

Fiery ones are a rare but very fascinating natural phenomenon. For a long time they were considered fiction, but in 2003 indisputable evidence of their existence was obtained. This fire tornado is often confused with a fire whirlwind. In reality, these are completely different natural phenomena. A fire whirlwind is formed near the surface of the burning earth, for example, during forest fires, and the tornado itself is formed in the lower boundaries of a thunderstorm front.

Wind speeds around the center of a fire tornado can reach 250 km/h.

Another beautiful natural phenomenon is lava lakes. Lava is molten rock that is commonly seen during and after a volcanic eruption. However, there are several places on Earth where lava also occurs in the form of lakes. This is truly an unusual and magnificent natural phenomenon, since the lava in them is not contaminated with accompanying rocks and slags.

When talking about the most beautiful natural phenomena, geysers cannot be ignored. In fact, they can be considered miniature copies of volcanoes, but instead of lava, they emit fountains of steam and hot water. The geysers of Yellowstone National Park in America are considered the most beautiful. It is there that there are over 80 thermal springs. Many of them throw water to a height of 5 to 10 m.

One of the most mysterious, beautiful and dangerous natural phenomena is ball lightning. This is one of the mysteries that has not yet been solved by humanity. Sometimes the behavior of ball lightning does not fit into any laws of physics; it is impossible to study them in nature. The opinion that this natural phenomenon occurs only in thunderstorms is erroneous. Often such lightning occurs on a sunny day. Although something similar can be created in laboratory conditions, this does not yet bring physicists any closer to solving the mystery of the nature of ball lightning.

Fog is a natural atmospheric phenomenon that occurs in close proximity to the earth's surface. This is a haze formed by a huge number of tiny water droplets. The process of fog formation is very similar to the other two - the formation of a rain cloud and the precipitation of dew. Sometimes it is characterized this way - a cloud, near the surface of the earth. Fog differs from dew in that moisture condensation occurs not on the ground, but in the air.


Fog can only occur under certain conditions. The first necessary factor is the content of water vapor in the air. However, water vapor is always present in the atmosphere, even during dry, hot summers or severe winter frosts. But for fog to occur, supersaturated water vapor is required, the density of which can be many times greater than the density of saturated vapor, i.e. one that is in dynamic equilibrium with its fluid.

The second necessary condition is the presence of a sufficient number of so-called condensation nuclei, i.e. surfaces necessary to convert steam into water. These can be dust particles raised into the air, particles of soot, particles of soot and all kinds of pollution in general; as well as droplets of water already present in the air, etc. In this case, only 1% of the water vapor contained in the air condenses.

According to the method of occurrence, they are divided - although very conditionally - into two categories: cooling fogs and evaporation fogs. An example of the occurrence of cooling fog: warm, moisture-saturated air masses rise high into the air from the surface of the water. They become very cold and the moisture partially condenses. A fog appears, which gradually descends to the surface of the water.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, people have to increasingly lose touch with nature. Big cities, lack of time, and then the desire to get out somewhere in nature gives rise to a terrible habit of doing without the natural beauty of the world around us. Concrete jungles, animals in zoos, public gardens and parks are an illusion of replacing real nature. Many people mistakenly believe that nature is boring and dull, they say, there is no “drive” in it... This is what people say, as a rule, who have never gone further than forest planting for barbecues. Our planet is vibrant with life in all its manifestations. The world is a grand natural show, and here are ten impressive proofs of it.

Monarch Butterfly Migration

One of the most stunning natural phenomena on the planet, which occurs year after year. Millions, tens of millions of monarch butterflies flock for the winter from Canada to warmer climes thousands of kilometers away - to Mexico. These fragile creatures travel over 3,000 kilometers, migrating in a giant dense cloud. Butterflies settle in the highland forests and meadows of Mexico, literally clinging to tree branches and the ground. Their concentration is so great that some branches cannot stand it and break under thousands of butterflies. Before the time comes to fly back to the north, five generations of butterflies will change, but their descendants will still unmistakably find their way back. Scientists have not yet been able to reliably find out how this happens.

Geysers of Yellowstone National Park in the USA

In total, Yellowstone has 200 thermal springs, 60 of which spew water to a height of more than 3 meters, and the rest sometimes only flow a few centimeters. All geysers in the park are extremely diverse in terms of the form of release, the nature and strength of activity, and the amount of erupted water. The periods of their eruptions are measured from fractions of a minute to an hour and a half, the intervals between eruptions - from a minute and several minutes to many hours. Thus, the Old Servant geyser operates at intervals of one hour, and the Castle geyser within 12-24 hours. The height to which water is thrown out by different geysers is also not the same. We have our own record holders. The maximum height of the jet was recorded at the Beehive geyser - 62.5 meters. An incredibly beautiful sight!

Amazing night lights

A high concentration of organisms Noctiluca scintillans (also known as Nightlights) under the influence of mechanical factors can turn the sea into a real “laser show”. In favorable conditions, the nocturnal lights “turn on” a beautiful blue-blue illumination of impressive size, painting the sea a magical color. One of the most amazing wonders of the sea!

Fire tornado

A fairly rare phenomenon that occurs at the site of fires. It is a whirlwind of fire and smoke, moving like a tornado. It can reach several meters in width and several tens of meters in height. A very creepy and at the same time fascinating sight!

Solar pillars

In most places on Earth, a lucky observer can see sun pillars - columns of light that appear to emerge from the Sun. They form when flat, falling ice crystals reflect sunlight in the upper atmosphere. Typically these ice crystals evaporate before reaching the ground. However, at sub-zero temperatures, flat falling ice crystals can form near the ground in the form of light snow, sometimes known as freezing fog. These ice crystals can then reflect ground lights, forming columns similar to solar pillars. In this photo, colorful lights with pillars of light appearing above surround an ice skating rink in Fairbanks, Alaska.


Probably everyone has observed small whirlpools in a stream or on a small river. They usually arise where the bank juts out into the channel and the flow, having collided with it, returns back, against the current. The water begins to spin, and the speed of movement, in fact, depends on the strength and speed of the current. Rotating in a small space, the water tends to the outer edge of the whirlpool, creating a recess in the center. Large whirlpools arise in much the same way, only usually it is not the current and the shore that collide, but countercurrents. They occur especially often in narrow straits between islands and land areas, fjords due to the action of tidal currents. The most impressive of them look something like this:

Lava lakes

Lava, molten rock, is typically only visible during volcanic eruptions. However, there are five points on Earth where lava occurs on the surface in relatively safe pools. These lava lakes provide valuable scientific material and provide an opportunity to collect lava samples that were not contaminated by the volcanic eruption. These "hellish" pools also provide direct access to the molten center of the Earth. The video below shows that, despite their relatively gentle nature, lava lakes pose a serious danger.


Sandstorms are one of the most impressive spectacles that demonstrate the tremendous power of nature. Most often they are found in the desert, tormenting travelers. You can easily get lost in a sandstorm and even choke on the sand. Sandstorms can be so large that they are visible from space. Every year, forty million tons of dust are transported from the Sahara Desert to the Amazon Basin. Six months ago, this shocking video made a strong impression on me:

Eclipse of the sun

It’s good that we have the Moon, which perfectly covers the disk of the Sun during eclipses, despite the fact that its diameter is about 400 times larger (the distance evens out the difference). During a total solar eclipse, the corona, the layer of plasma around the Sun, becomes visible. Eclipses have inspired humanity since time immemorial. Now, with the ability to travel the world, there are tourists who will travel to where the next total eclipse will occur. It will be May 20 this year in Japan and on the west coast of the USA.

Polar Lights

In my opinion, the most beautiful natural phenomenon on the whole Earth. Photos and videos are not able to convey this beauty, magical wondrous light and the enormous scale of the miracle. Auroras occur as a result of the bombardment of the upper layers of the atmosphere by charged particles moving towards the Earth along geomagnetic field lines. Cosmic indescribable beauty!

20. Lunar rainbow.

We are almost used to the usual rainbow. A lunar rainbow is a much rarer phenomenon than a rainbow that is visible in daylight. A lunar rainbow can only appear in places with high humidity and only when the Moon is almost full. The photo shows a moonbow at Cumberland Falls in Kentucky.

19. Mirages

Despite their prevalence, mirages always evoke an almost mystical sense of wonder. We all know the reason for the appearance of most mirages - overheated air changes its optical properties, causing light inhomogeneities called mirages.

Usually, halos occur when there is high humidity or severe frost - previously, a halo was considered a phenomenon from above, and people expected something unusual.

17. Belt of Venus

An interesting optical phenomenon that occurs when the atmosphere is dusty is an unusual “belt” between the sky and the horizon.

16. Pearl clouds

Unusually high clouds (about 10-12 km), becoming visible at sunset.

15. Northern lights.

Appears when high-energy elementary particles collide with the Earth's ionosphere.

14. Colored Moon

When the atmosphere is dusty, high humidity, or for other reasons, the Moon sometimes appears colored. The red Moon is especially unusual.

13. Lenticular clouds

An extremely rare phenomenon, appearing mainly before a hurricane. Opened just 30 years ago. Also called Mammatus clouds.

12. St. Elmo's Fire.

A fairly common phenomenon caused by increased electric field strength before a thunderstorm, during a thunderstorm and immediately after. The first witnesses to this phenomenon were sailors who observed St. Elmo's lights on masts and other vertical pointed objects.

11. Fire whirlwinds.

They often form during fires - they can also appear over burning haystacks.

10. Mushroom clouds.

They also form over places with elevated temperatures - over forest fires, for example.

9. Light pillars.

The nature of these phenomena is similar to the conditions that cause the appearance of a halo.

8. Diamond dust.

Frozen water droplets scattering the light of the Sun.

7. Fish, frog and other rains.

One of the hypotheses explaining the appearance of such rains is a tornado that sucks out nearby bodies of water and carries their contents over long distances.

A phenomenon that occurs when ice crystals fall from clouds that do not reach the surface of the earth, evaporating along the way.

Hurricane winds have many names. They arise when air masses move from the upper layers to the lower ones.

4. Fire rainbow.

Occurs when sunlight passes through high clouds.

3. Green beam.

An extremely rare phenomenon that occurs at sunset or sunrise.

2. Ball lightning.

There are many hypotheses explaining the origin of these phenomena, but none have been proven yet.

1. Optical flashes and jets

Only recently discovered due to their short existence (less than a second). Occurs when hurricanes occur.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, people have to increasingly lose touch with nature. Big cities, lack of time, and then the desire to get out somewhere in nature gives rise to a terrible habit of doing without the natural beauty of the world around us. Concrete jungles, animals in zoos, public gardens and parks are an illusion of replacing real nature. Many people mistakenly believe that nature is boring and dull, they say, there is no “drive” in it... This is what people say, as a rule, who have never gone further than forest planting for barbecues. Our planet is vibrant with life in all its manifestations. The world is a grand natural show, and here are ten impressive proofs of it.
Monarch Butterfly Migration

One of the most stunning natural phenomena on the planet, which occurs year after year. Millions, tens of millions of monarch butterflies flock for the winter from Canada to warmer climes thousands of kilometers away - to Mexico. These fragile creatures travel over 3,000 kilometers, migrating in a giant dense cloud. Butterflies settle in the highland forests and meadows of Mexico, literally clinging to tree branches and the ground. Their concentration is so great that some branches cannot stand it and break under thousands of butterflies. Before the time comes to fly back to the north, five generations of butterflies will change, but their descendants will still unmistakably find their way back. Scientists have not yet been able to reliably find out how this happens.

Geysers of Yellowstone National Park in the USA

In total, Yellowstone has 200 thermal springs, 60 of which spew water to a height of more than 3 meters, and the rest sometimes only flow a few centimeters. All geysers in the park are extremely diverse in terms of the form of release, the nature and strength of activity, and the amount of erupted water. The periods of their eruptions are measured from fractions of a minute to an hour and a half, the intervals between eruptions - from a minute and several minutes to many hours. Thus, the Old Servant geyser operates at intervals of one hour, and the Castle geyser within 12-24 hours. The height to which water is thrown out by different geysers is also not the same. We have our own record holders. The maximum height of the jet was recorded at the Beehive geyser - 62.5 meters. An incredibly beautiful sight!

Amazing night lights

A high concentration of organisms Noctiluca scintillans (also known as Nightlights) under the influence of mechanical factors can turn the sea into a real “laser show”. In favorable conditions, the nocturnal lights “turn on” a beautiful blue-blue illumination of impressive size, painting the sea a magical color. One of the most amazing wonders of the sea!

Fire tornado

A fairly rare phenomenon that occurs at the site of fires. It is a whirlwind of fire and smoke, moving like a tornado. It can reach several meters in width and several tens of meters in height. A very creepy and at the same time fascinating sight!

Solar pillars

In most places on Earth, a lucky observer can see sun pillars - columns of light that appear to emerge from the Sun. They form when flat, falling ice crystals reflect sunlight in the upper atmosphere. Typically these ice crystals evaporate before reaching the ground. However, at sub-zero temperatures, flat falling ice crystals can form near the ground in the form of light snow, sometimes known as freezing fog. These ice crystals can then reflect ground lights, forming columns similar to solar pillars. In this photo, colorful lights with pillars of light appearing above surround an ice skating rink in Fairbanks, Alaska.


Probably everyone has observed small whirlpools in a stream or on a small river. They usually arise where the bank juts out into the channel and the flow, having collided with it, returns back, against the current. The water begins to spin, and the speed of movement, in fact, depends on the strength and speed of the current. Rotating in a small space, the water tends to the outer edge of the whirlpool, creating a recess in the center. Large whirlpools arise in much the same way, only usually it is not the current and the shore that collide, but countercurrents. They occur especially often in narrow straits between islands and land areas, fjords due to the action of tidal currents. The most impressive of them look something like this:

Lava lakes

Lava, molten rock, is typically only visible during volcanic eruptions. However, there are five points on Earth where lava occurs on the surface in relatively safe pools. These lava lakes provide valuable scientific material and provide an opportunity to collect lava samples that were not contaminated by the volcanic eruption. These "hellish" pools also provide direct access to the molten center of the Earth. The video below shows that, despite their relatively gentle nature, lava lakes pose a serious danger.


Sandstorms are one of the most impressive spectacles that demonstrate the tremendous power of nature. Most often they are found in the desert, tormenting travelers. You can easily get lost in a sandstorm and even choke on the sand. Sandstorms can be so large that they are visible from space. Every year, forty million tons of dust are transported from the Sahara Desert to the Amazon Basin. Six months ago, this shocking video made a strong impression on me:

Eclipse of the sun

It’s good that we have the Moon, which perfectly covers the disk of the Sun during eclipses, despite the fact that its diameter is about 400 times larger (the distance evens out the difference). During a total solar eclipse, the corona, the layer of plasma around the Sun, becomes visible. Eclipses have inspired humanity since time immemorial. Now, with the ability to travel the world, there are tourists who will travel to where the next total eclipse will occur. It will be May 20 this year in Japan and on the west coast of the USA.

Polar Lights

In my opinion, the most beautiful natural phenomenon on the whole Earth. Photos and videos are not able to convey this beauty, magical wondrous light and the enormous scale of the miracle. Auroras occur as a result of the bombardment of the upper layers of the atmosphere by charged particles moving towards the Earth along geomagnetic field lines. Cosmic indescribable beauty!

Some phenomena, such as rainbows, sunset and sunrise can be observed almost every day, others happen quite rarely.

If you want to witness a truly amazing show created by nature, you need to be in the right place at the right time.

Here are the most unusual and beautiful natural phenomena, including a fire waterfall, the division of the sea, an underwater park and others that can be admired on our planet.

Beautiful natural phenomena

1. Fire Falls in Yosemite National Park, USA

Every year for several weeks in February, the waterfall, called " Horse tail", in Yosemite National Park in California, looks like it's on fire.

It is at this time at sunset that the Sun is at the correct angle, and for about 10 minutes the waterfall becomes fiery. The phenomenon is quite difficult to capture in photographs and is best seen from the El Capitan Mountain picnic area.

It may even seem like lava is pouring from the waterfall, but in fact it is just water, naturally illuminated by the sun's rays.

Ironically, Horsetail was once a real firefall, when in the 1870s the owner of a hotel on the top of the mountain put on nightly shows for visitors by throwing red embers down. However, the entertainment was banned after 1968 and now many tourists and photographers gather to admire the natural fiery special effect.

2. "Miracle of Moses" on the Yellow Sea, South Korea

Approximately twice a year between March and June, tidal forces cause the Yellow Sea to experience very low water levels, creating path up to 2.8 km long from Jindo Island to neighboring Modo Island in South Korea. The path, approximately 40 meters wide, “opens” for only about an hour, during which thousands of tourists take the opportunity to cross the sea.

On the island of Chindo, in honor of this event, a 4-day festival “Partition of the Sea” is organized. Phenomenon called the "Miracle of Moses" after the story described in the Bible when Moses parted the Red Sea and led the people through it.

However, Koreans have their own version of the origin of this natural phenomenon. According to legend, Chindo Island was once overrun by tigers and all the people except one woman fled to the neighboring Modo Island. The woman prayed to the god of the ocean, who created her a path to Modo Island.

Natural phenomena (photo)

3. A river in Colombia turns colorful

The Caño Cristales River in Colombia is no different from any other river throughout the year. However, between September and November, the river is completely transformed.

During the heat, algae at the bottom of the river begins to bloom, and it comes in a variety of vibrant colors.

For this, it is even called “the river flowing from paradise” and “ the most beautiful river in the world".

To admire this natural phenomenon, tourists need to visit the small town of Macarena, swim a little along the river and walk along the path.

4. The Dolomites in Italy turn pink at sunset

The Dolomites, which are located in the north-eastern part of Italy, become literally rainbow-colored.

Every evening at sunset, the slope on the west side begins shimmer with colors from bright yellow to red and purple. And this is not just the result of reflection.

The glowing effect is characteristic of the Dolomites, which are made up of a unique combination of the skeletons of ancient marine animals, algae and magma from volcanic eruptions. Changing colors is a trick whose secret is hidden in the mountains themselves.

This phenomenon is called Enrosadira best seen in summer.

Unusual natural phenomena

5. A park in Austria turns into a lake in summer

Lake Grüner See(or Green Lake) in Austria is not a simple body of water located in the middle of the mountains, namely the Hochschwab Mountains. The lake, about 1 - 2 meters deep, surrounded by paths and greenery, is a favorite place for walks.

But you can sit on the benches near the lake only in winter. In summer, the snow melts and the meltwater falls into the valley, which turns into one huge transparent pool.

At the deepest point, Grüner See reaches up to 12 meters in depth, submerging all benches and footbridges, which look like toys in an aquarium.

It is in the summer that many tourists flock to this place to swim underwater and admire all this beauty.

Water levels are highest in June, so if you're planning your next vacation, bring snorkeling gear and waterproof cameras to capture this amazing location.

6. Very rare clouds that can only be seen in Australia

Clouds named " Morning Gloria"(Morning Glory) - a unique and very rare phenomenon are long rotating pipes of water vapor that can extend up to 1 kilometer long and 300 meters high.

Clouds can only be seen in the Gulf of Carpentaria in Australia and only during the dry season from August to November.

During this period, "Morning Glory" appears every few days, always in the morning.

The movement of air in front of the clouds accelerates at incredible speeds, spinning the cloud, while eddy currents at the rear of the cloud force the air down at a speed of about 450 meters per minute.

The phenomenon is most often observed in the small town of Burketown in Australia, but so far there is no exact explanation why it occurs.

Continuing the topic:

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