Cartoon mouse peak watch online. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Mouse Peak" Analysis of Mouse Peak

Children are playing on the river bank. The boy plays the pipe, and he also made a boat and is going to launch it. Suddenly the girl sees a small fluffy mouse on the sand. The brother wants to throw him into the water, but the sister does not allow him to do this. She places the animal on the boat and sets it sailing. Seagulls are circling over the river, the birds want to grab the mouse, and capsize the boat. The mouse swims to the shore and hides from birds of prey in the bushes. Then Peak runs under a snag and waits there for darkness.

At night the little mouse comes out to look for food. As he gnaws on a juicy stem, a bug-eyed frog jumps out of the grass towards him and croaks loudly. Out of fear, Peak climbs onto a high branch of a bush and sits there until dawn. In the morning, after sleeping in his shelter, the mouse goes to explore the world around him. He deftly climbs the branches and discovers a web woven in the bushes by a large black spider. Moving its paws threateningly, the spider drives away the intruder. The peak falls head over heels and runs away.

In the light of day, a mouse travels through a meadow over which butterflies fly. From a small hill, Peak examines the surroundings and notices the entrance to the hole. He runs towards her, but several large, furry bumblebees fly out from there. With a buzz, the bumblebees circle above his head, threatening to sting. Pieck is forced to flee; he hides from formidable insects under large burdock leaves. When the bumblebees fly away, Peak pokes his nose out from under the burdocks and notices a nest high on the branches of a tree. He climbs up the trunk and discovers squeaking chicks in the nest. A strong wind blows and a thunderstorm begins. All forest inhabitants hide from the rain in their houses: bumblebees return to their burrow, a squirrel jumps into a hollow. Peak is sitting under the burdock again. The rain stops and a rainbow appears in the sky. In order to have somewhere to hide from bad weather next time, from tall reeds mixed with sedge, Peak begins to build himself a light round house, similar to a bird’s nest. Having finished his work, the mouse listens to the birds singing. A snail crawls out of the grass, and a mouse hides from it in his new cozy house.

The rains do not stop, the wind shakes the reeds, and with it Peak’s home, the grass around turns yellow. One day, a mole appears right from under the roots of the reeds. From his digging, the stems with the mouse’s house fall to the ground. The unfortunate Peak is again deprived of shelter. He decides to dig himself a hole. Meanwhile, autumn comes, a wedge of cranes flies south, and the little mouse makes provisions for the winter. In his hole there is a sleeping place lined with dry grass and a storage room, where he tirelessly carries grains. The leaves are already falling from the trees, and soon everything around is covered with snow. Sometimes Peak goes out for a walk, but then returns to his house: it is warm, dry, and there is food.

The mouse is sleeping sweetly when the hole is shaken by powerful blows from above: an elk is rushing across the snowy ground. Under his hooves, Peak's hole collapses, and he himself is covered with earth. The mouse manages to get out, but it is dark, cold and scary. On the white snow, the gray skin of the Peak is very noticeable. An owl hoots. A bird of prey circles over the little mouse, grabs it with its claws and carries it into a hollow. When the owl flies off again to continue the hunt, Peak climbs up and looks out of the hollow. He manages to escape.

The fox smells the mouse, she sees his footprints in the snow, she goes after her possible prey, but the predator is frightened by the dogs running out to meet her with a loud bark. Pieck sees a people's house and sneaks into the cellar where bags of cereal are stored. He decides to stay here to live. Meanwhile, upstairs in the room are the children with whom the mouse met in the summer. A girl is leafing through a book, a boy is playing the pipe. Hearing familiar sounds, Pieck comes out to the guys. The children begin to feed the mouse, which gradually becomes completely tame. They make a cute house for the pet. When spring comes, the girl releases Peak into the wild.

Year of publication of the tale: 1928

Vitaly Bianchi’s fairy tale “Mouse Peak” is popular to read, largely due to the presence of the work in the school curriculum. Nevertheless, this is one of those works of the writer that can safely be considered a landmark in his work. It is not for nothing that a cartoon of the same name was filmed based on this fairy tale in 1978.

The plot of the fairy tale “Mouse Peak” briefly

In Vitaly Bianchi’s fairy tale “Mouse Peak” you can read about how a brother and sister launched boats. The brother was building a boat out of pine bark, and the sister was adjusting the sail. They decided to make a good mast for the largest ship, and the brother went into the bushes. Suddenly he jumped out shouting: “Mice!” In a bush, he scared away a whole family and one of them hid under a root. The boy hacked at the root with a knife and caught a mouse - a small, yellow-mouthed one. In his brother's hand, he only made a quiet noise. And the girl said that it was he who introduced himself - Peak. The little sister noticed that the boy had damaged the mouse’s ear with a knife. But the boy was still going to either kill or drown the mouse. The only solution that the girl could offer in order to save the mouse’s life was to put him on a boat. This way he will at least have a chance to escape. That's what they decided on. So Peak became a navigator.

The main character of Bianchi's story "Mouse Peak" was still very small - he was only two weeks old. When the boy scared them away, he and his brothers and sisters sucked his mother's milk. He couldn’t get food on his own, he didn’t know what to be afraid of and what not, he didn’t even know how to build houses. But he had to learn all this when his boat was thrown onto the island. But at first Peak did not know that this was an island and spent a long time looking for the way to other mice. But there were no such people on the island. So he began to live on his own. He built a house, built himself a cellar and filled it with grain for the winter. But in winter the goats destroyed his house and cellar. And the main character of the fairy tale “Mouse Peak” had to run across the frozen river to escape.

But our mouse was unlucky. An owl saw him, hit him painfully on the head and took him to her nest. But she only stunned Peak. Therefore, as soon as he woke up, he rushed to run away. He was lucky; he ended up in the house of that same girl and boy. By that time, the sister had made her brother promise to catch for her the very mouse they had sent on the voyage. The boy tried, but only gray mice came across, and the girl asked to catch a yellowmouth.

Local mice received Peak very poorly and rushed to fight. The mouse ran away and hid from people and mice for a long time. But on the eighth day the boy caught him. He gave it to his sister, but Pieck ran away from the girl and settled behind the chest. But with music, milk and bread, the children managed to lure the mouse and soon everyone became so attached to him that they even built a house for the mouse. So Peak, as in, began to live with people.

Fairy tale "Mouse Peak" on the Top books website

Vitaly Bianchi’s very short fairy tale “Mouse Peak” is so popular to read that it ended up in ours. At the same time, thanks to its presence in the school curriculum, interest in it is quite stable. Therefore, we will probably see the fairy tale “Mouse Peak” by Bianchi more than once among.

You can read Vitaly Bianchi’s fairy tale “Mouse Peak” online on the Top Books website.

Creative works of class 3A students

Creative works of students of class 3A based on the work of V.V. Bianchi "Mouse Peak"

Mouse's Journey

Lokshina Masha
I read a fairy tale - a non-fairy tale by V.V. Bianchi “Mouse Peak”.
Mouse Peak belongs to the breed of small mice. He's a fielder. His fur on his back is yellow-brown, exactly like the color of the earth. His tail is long, flexible and tenacious. With such a catch, he could even climb thin branches.
One day the guys caught him and let him swim. He sailed on a boat to the island. He built himself a house on it - a storeroom, but in the middle of winter his house was destroyed by goats. To survive, he decided to run across to the other side, where people lived. But the owl grabbed him! She brought Peak into her pantry, where there were many dead mice. The mouse was so scared that he jumped out of the hollow and rushed forward without looking back.
He ran to one house. The guys who sent him sailing lived in this house. One day, Pieck fell into a mousetrap, and the guys freed him and let him live with them. I liked this story because it is funny and because it ends well.

Brave little mouse

Nikolaeva Evgeniya

This mouse was a wild yellow-red mouse.
The mouse was sailing on a boat along the river. Peak survived many dangers while he was sailing. He was washed ashore and went to look for other mice. There were no mice. On the way, Peak experienced many difficulties and dangers before he realized that he was on an island. On this island the mouse built himself a house.
Mouse Peak was funny, smart, but sometimes stupid.
I liked this story because it was very interesting.

Journey of the Peak

Sipeikin Nikita
I read the book “Mouse Peak” by V.V. Bianchi.
Peak eats larvae and drinks dew. He is yellow and has a prehensile tail. Once on Peak Island, I once found myself in a bumblebee hive. He really liked the taste of honey. Suddenly someone stabbed him from behind; it was a queen bumblebee. The mouse ran away from the bumblebee hive and never appeared there again.
The peak was very brave, and I liked it. The fairy tale had many adventures and dangers, from which the brave little mouse always escaped.

Mouse - traveler

Bannikova Valeria
I read a fairy tale - a non-fairy tale “Mouse Peak” by V.V. Bianchi.
This field mouse is very small, its chest is white, and everything else is yellow and brown. The mouse's journey was very long and dangerous. It started like this.
Brother and sister launched boats along the river. For the largest ship they needed a large pine branch. The brother went into the bushes to look for bitches. The boy bent down, cut off the root and pulled out the mouse. The mouse was tiny and yellow. He opened his mouth and squeaked. That's why they called him Peak. The boy wanted to drown the mouse, but in order to save him, the girl offered to put Peak on a boat. The mouse grabbed the dry pine bark with its paws. He was very scared. Seagulls circled above him and wanted to eat him. But then the seagulls rushed into the scattered grass, and the mouse saw an osprey fisherman. The fisherman sank into the water and a few seconds later rose with a pike in his claws. Everything would be fine, but the bird hit the boat. Peak found himself in the water, but he couldn't swim! However, the mouse swam out of fear. The peak reached the shores. Suddenly strange sounds were heard. There was a little frog sitting right in front of him. Peak spent the first night on a bush, where he hid from the snake.
Soon Peak built himself a house to hide from enemies and bad weather. Cold days were coming. Peak dug himself a hole and a storage room underground. He ate his food and went to bed. Peak woke up from the cold: his hole was destroyed by goats.
Pieck crawled out of the destroyed hole and ran through the snow. The mouse ran into the house. He ended up underground where house mice lived.
One day a boy who lived in this house was playing the pipe. Peak went out to listen to music. So the mouse stayed with the guys.
The children made Piku a house with a real door and painted windows. The girl taught Peak to take bread from hands. Even his brother, who disliked mice so much, also became attached to him. The boy liked that the mouse washed itself with its front paws, like all people.
I liked this story because it is funny and has a good ending.


Fisherman Fry

Bannikova Valeria
One summer, Malka the dog ran to the river and spent the whole day there. She returned home only in the evening, she looked very pleased. So the fry ran to the river for a whole week. I became curious: why is Malka running to the river? And then one day I followed Malka. I saw Malka run to the river. I quietly ran after. The fry ran to the river, lay down near the very bank and hid. And suddenly the fry pawed into the water. And I saw how she pulled out a huge fish! So that’s why she ran to the river every day! I immediately ran and told everyone about this amazing incident. Since then, everyone calls Malka a fisherman.


Sipeikin Nikita
I have a small animal. His name is Sonya. She's a guinea pig. She loves cucumbers, cabbage, carrots and various greens.
One day an amazing story happened.
My mother and I released Sonya and couldn’t find her for a long time. At the same time, the grandmother opened the cage of a parrot named Kesha. He flew out of the cage and sat straight on the sofa. And then to the floor. He seemed to be talking to Sonya:
-Give me a piece of carrot, please.
“No,” the guinea pig answered menacingly.
Sonya took the carrot in her mouth and ran away. But Innokenty does not give up. He, like a fighter, rushes towards her. The parrot wanted to ride her like a horse, and sat on her. Sonya decided to get rid of the parrot and ran between the chair and the wall, but got stuck there. Fima ran into the room. Fima is our dog. She reconciled Sonya and Kesha. And we helped divide the carrots in half for Sonya and Kesha.

About the disc

Artemenko Sergey
One day I walked into a CD store and saw my favorite game. I bought it immediately. When we were driving home, I looked at the game disc the whole way in the car. We arrived, I went upstairs to install the disk. I turned on the computer.
-Hello, Sergey. Have you brought a new game again?
- Hello, computer. Yes, I brought you a new game again.
-Hello. I'm a computer game. I can talk, but you computer can talk?
-Yes I can.
-Sergey, insert me into the drive.
I inserted the game into the drive and the download began. The computer tells me:
-62% left, and now 2% to load. The game has now been successfully installed. Sergey, are you going to play or not?
-No, I changed my mind.
-Save me! Help! Get me out of the drive! – my disk beeped in the drive.
I pulled out the game disc.
-Thank you very much, Sergey, for getting me out of the drive, because it was very hot for me there.
This is the story, and I really like the disc.

From the site administration

“Mouse Peak” is a good story about a brave and quick-witted mouse who, without anyone’s help, learned all the wisdom of life.

Brief summary of “Mouse Peak” for the reader’s diary

Name: Mouse Peak

Number of pages: 34. Bianchi Vitaly Valentinovich. "Mouse Peak and Other Tales." Publishing house "Malysh". 2016

Genre: Fairy tale

Year of writing: 1927

Main characters

Mouse Peak is a brave, courageous, independent mouse who was able to survive alone among the dangers that awaited him at every step.

Bart and Sister are kind and caring children who sent Peak on a voyage and then befriended him.


Children, brother and sister, were playing by the water with a homemade boat. Under the roots of a tree, they accidentally discovered a mouse nest, in which there was a tiny mouse. The baby made a loud noise, and the children decided to name him Peak. They put the little mouse on a boat and set him sailing on the water. So Peak set off on his first trip in his life.

Many dangerous adventures awaited the brave kid ahead: a shipwreck, an attack by a toothy pike, an encounter with a large black snake. Finding himself in an unfamiliar area, the mouse wandered for a long time until he found a suitable place to sleep.

The next day, Peak almost became the prey of a falcon. The bird of prey saw the white breast of the mouse and rushed down like a stone. However, the mouse managed to cling to the ground, and the gray fur on its back completely merged with the ground. So Peak learned how to escape from dangerous birds of prey.

Once on the island, the little traveler built himself a house and began to prepare food supplies. However, the goats came and trampled all his buildings. With the onset of winter, when the river became covered with ice, Peak moved to the opposite bank and found the house in which he was born. He met the brother and sister who sent him on his voyage and became friends with them.

Retelling plan

  1. Mouse Peak.
  2. Boat trip.
  3. Serious tests.
  4. Pieck learns to escape from predators.
  5. The mouse builds a house and storage rooms.
  6. Goats trample Peak's buildings.
  7. The mouse moves to the other side.
  8. Friendship with children.

the main idea

Life is full of dangers and difficulties, but you should never despair and give up.

What does it teach

The fairy tale teaches you to be brave, decisive, persistent, and resourceful. It also teaches you to believe in your own strengths and never give up.


Kindness, courage and willpower do not depend on size. This was proven by his own example from the tiny mouse Peak, who bravely overcame all life’s difficulties that stood in his way. He himself learned to hide from predators, build a home for himself and get food. Such an independent baby will definitely not disappear anywhere.

Vitaly Bianchi "Mouse Peak"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"

  1. Mouse Peak, a very determined and independent mouse who was able to survive in a world hostile to him, learned everything on his own and experienced terrible adventures
  2. The boy really didn’t like mice, but he was kind and in the end fell in love with Pika
  3. The sister, very compassionate, immediately fell in love with the mouse and was very worried about him.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"
  1. Peak gets on a ship and floats down the river
  2. Osprey and shipwreck
  3. Peak and the frog
  4. Pieck is afraid of snakes
  5. Peak escapes from a falcon
  6. Peak collides with shrike
  7. Peak builds a nest
  8. Huge slug
  9. Peak builds storage rooms
  10. Peak sleeps and eats
  11. Goats destroy a burrow
  12. Fox and dogs
  13. Peak in a mousetrap
  14. Peak loves music.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Mouse Peak" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Children catch a mouse and send him sailing on a small boat
  2. Pieck is shipwrecked and nearly drowns.
  3. Pieck ends up on the island, survives terrible dangers, builds a nest and digs holes for seeds.
  4. The goats destroy the nest and Pieck runs hungry and freezing along the ice of the river
  5. Peak escapes from an owl and a fox, he sneaks into the house where those same children lived
  6. The children tame Peak with the help of music and he stays with them.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"
Even if you are very small, if you have a brave heart and a strong will, then you are not afraid of any danger.

What does the fairy tale "Mouse Peak" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us not to bend in the face of life's difficulties, teaches us to be brave and persistent, and teaches us resourcefulness. This fairy tale teaches you to always believe in yourself.

Review of the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"
I really liked the little mouse Peak, the main character of this fairy tale, for his courage and bravery. He could easily have died if he had chickened out and did not fight for his life. But Peak behaved like a real hero. He survived in spite of everyone and deserved his happiness. This is a very beautiful story that everyone should read. Moreover, it contains many interesting facts about nature.

Proverb for the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"
Cheek brings success.
Small, but smart.

Summary, chapter-by-chapter retelling of the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"
How a mouse became a sailor
A boy and his sister were playing with boats. They built a boat from pieces of bark and the boy, looking for the mast, stirred up a mouse's nest. All the mice ran away and only one very small mouse caught the boy. His ear was cut with a knife.
The boy wanted to kill the mouse, but his sister took pity on the mouse. She gave him the name Peak and offered to send him on a boat.
The mouse was carried along a stormy river and he was very afraid. Seagulls noticed him and a pike followed him. But suddenly the osprey dived and grabbed the pike, and in doing so hit the boat. The mouse ended up in the water and the seagulls decided that he had drowned. Peak clung to the boat and swam to the shore.
Scary night
The peak was alone among the tall grass. He was very hungry and began to chew grass. Suddenly he found a juicy stem and began to choose exactly the same ones.
Then Peak heard a splashing sound and a frog appeared from the grass. They looked at each other and suddenly the frog was swallowed by the snake. Peak ran away.
Catchy tail and invisible fur
Peak clung to blades of grass and twigs with his tail and moved without falling to the ground. He was very afraid of snakes.
Peak saw the shaking falcon, but was not afraid, because it was far away. Suddenly the falcon fell sharply to the ground and Pieck turned over on his stomach out of fear. The white spot on the chest hid. and the back was the same color as the ground around it. The falcon lost Peak and ate the grasshopper.
Nightingale the Robber.
One day Pieck heard beautiful singing and came up to see who was singing like that. It turned out to be a small bird. Peak was not afraid of her, but in vain. It was a shrike. He attacked Pieck and threw him off the branch with a blow.
Peak hid and saw the victims of the shrike in the tree. By nightfall the robber flew away.
End of the journey.
Pieck ran through the swamp and suffered from hunger. He fell exhausted on a hummock. Then he saw bumblebees flying out of their nest. When the bumblebees flew away, Peak dug up the nest and ate honey and larvae. The bumblebees returned and Piku had to flee.
Building a house.
Peak began to build himself a house on the branches of grass. He built a comfortable nest that hung above the ground.
Uninvited guest
One day, someone climbed into Peak's nest and it turned out to be a giant slug. Peak waited until he crawled away and cleaned out the nest. After that, he began to plug the entrance to the nest when he left.
Autumn was coming and the days became colder. Spikelets have ripened in the meadow. Peak dug a hole and made a storage room. He began to carry grain into it, making supplies. Then he dug a second hole and connected them.
Peak left the airy house and settled underground.
Snow and sleep
Soon it started snowing and it became completely cold. But Piku felt warm and nourished in the hole. He ate grains and slept a lot.
Horrible awakening.
At this time, the guys remembered Peak and the boy promised his sister to catch the mouse.
And Peak woke up because the earth fell from above - the hole collapsed. He tried to save the supplies, but it turned out that goats had eaten them.
On snow and ice.
Peak ran without knowing where. He climbed out onto the ice of a frozen river and some bird tracked him down. She hit Peak with her beak and grabbed him with her claws.
From trouble to trouble.
Peak woke up among dead mice in a hollow. It was the owl who brought it to her pantry. Peak was lucky that the owl was well-fed. He got out of the hollow and ran to the house. After being hit by the owl's talons, he began to whistle; something was damaged in his chest.
The would-be musician
Peak ran towards the fence, and the fox was chasing him. But the dogs ran out and drove the fox away.
Peak found himself in a basement that smelled of mice. He was happy, although these were other mice, not like him.
Pieck found the gnawed bag and began to eat. At this time, mice appeared who did not like the musician mouse, and they bit Peak.
The brother caught different mice in a mousetrap, but all of them were not like Peak and the sister was upset.
Then the boy noticed that the bait began to disappear, but the mouse was not caught.
Finally he caught Peak and showed him to his sister. The sister recognized Peak by his cut ear. She placed a mousetrap in the middle of the room and Peak ran away through a small gap.
The sister was upset that Pieck ran away. The children began to leave milk and crumbs for the mouse, which he ate. But the mouse did not go to the people.
One day, Pieck heard a boy playing the pipe and climbed out to listen. He whistled and the children decided that the mouse was singing.
Happy end.
Peak is used to children and they are used to him. They built a small house for the mouse, in which Peak began to live. The children believed that Peak loved music and sang on purpose; they did not know what dangers he had survived.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Mouse Peak"

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Vocals and singing

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