Summary of the Russian language lesson “Initial form of the verb. Lesson summary on the topic “Verb Give the correct definition of the verb

The purpose of the lesson in 2nd grade on the topic "Verb as part of speech" - introduce the part of speech - the verb, its distinctive features; develop speech and communication skills.

Planned results: students will learn to see verbs in speech, form phrases with verbs; analyze, draw conclusions, compare.

During the classes

I. Organizational and motivational stage

Good morning everyone! We are very pleased to see you at our school. Guests are always in a good mood. Let's welcome the guests and wish each other good luck.

Read the statement of R. Descartes “It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well”
- What do you think this statement might have to do with our lesson?
- Right. We must correctly apply the previously acquired knowledge not only in the classroom, but also in life.

II. Goal setting

Children, tell me which animal is called the “ship of the desert”.
- Camels are different. (one-humped and two-humped camels)

Individual work

Take the text on yellow pieces of paper
Bactrian camels _________ thick hair. They calmly________ the intense heat. ________ eyelashes _______ eyes from sand.
Words for reference: carry, protect, long, overgrown,

Exercise: You need to insert into the sentence words whose structure corresponds to the diagram, and identify its parts.

Organization of inspection. (front)
- Read the first sentence?
- What word did you insert? (the card is overgrown on the board)
- Who will read the second sentence?
- What word did you insert? (card is transferred)
- Read the last sentence.

What word was inserted into the first diagram and into the second? (cards are long, they protect)
- Think and tell me which of these words is superfluous? On what basis? Prove that these are verbs.
- Then formulate the topic of the lesson: “Verb as a part of speech.”

Why do you think verbs are needed in speech?
- Let's formulate the purpose of our lesson?

III. Updating knowledge about the verb as a part of speech

Do you know why a camel has a hump?
- Let's read the text on the green pieces of paper and find the answer.
- Who is ready to answer? (after answer)


The camel carries food with it. The humps contain fat. The humps are food reserves and are used by it during a long journey. Each hump stores up to thirty-six kilograms of fat. By the end of the journey, the camel's hump loses its shape, becomes flabby and hangs to one side, like an empty sack.

Group 1: write out the first sentence, underline the main parts and identify the parts of speech.
Group 2: Find a sentence with homogeneous members and write down the verbs.
Think and answer the question: What does the verb mean?

1st group: Name the grammatical basis. What part of the sentence is the verb?
Group 2: Read your sentence, what verbs did you write down? What does the verb mean?

Let's run the test and draw a conclusion. (Test on pink leaves)

Choose the correct answer:

1. Verb is
c) part of speech
d) member of the sentence

2. The verb means:
d) subject
e) the action of the object
g) a sign of an object

3. Verbs answer questions:
o) What? Who?
p) To whom? Where?
p) What to do? What to do?

4. What member of the sentence is it?
k) subject
m) addition
n) predicate

5. How is it emphasized in the sentence?
P)_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Examination: What word did you get? (right)
- So, what do we know about the verb?
- The verbs decided to play hide and seek with us and see if we could find them among other parts of speech.

Working from the textbook

P. 69 Ex. 143 - Read the entire task and find only the written one. Who's ready to read it?
Group 1 writes sentence 4.
Group 2: writes down the 5th sentence.

- Guys, what interesting things did you notice? (there are words that are pronounced and written the same, but have different meanings)
1st group:
The luminary is verb. Prove it. (question)
- Now tell me, did you find the verb just by looking at the question? What else did you notice? (on the lexical meaning of the word)
- What does this verb mean? (Radiate light)

Group 2: Read your proposal. Which verb did you underline?
White is a verb. Prove it. (question)
- How did you find your verb? What does this verb mean?
- Then what part of speech is the other highlighted word? (noun)
- How did you determine that this is a noun? (by question and lexical meaning)
- And to find out the lexical meaning of a word, where should we turn?

Working with an explanatory dictionary
1st group: You are looking for the lexical meaning of the word - luminary
Group 2: You are looking for the lexical meaning of the word - whitewash (read out)

Now let’s conclude: By what signs can we distinguish parts of speech?
- on the issue
- according to lexical meaning.
- What are the names of words in Russian that are written and pronounced the same, but have different lexical meanings - homonyms.

IV. Fizminutka

Everyone stood up. I will call out words (words on cards on the board) and you must show me the actions. (swim, stomp, clap, walk) Sit down quietly.
- What part of speech can they be classified as? Can we show actions without making movements with our arms and legs? So what do these verbs mean? (Movement)

V. Discovery of new knowledge.

And now my assistants will be... and... (I give a card) Read the word and show the action that is written here.
Is think a verb? Prove it. (question) Show action. It's difficult, it doesn't work.

Maybe the next word will work.
- Is reflecting a verb? Prove it? Show action. It's difficult again.
- Guys, why is it difficult and impossible for them to show these actions?
- What do these verbs mean? (these verbs mean thought)
- There are also verbs with the meaning of feelings and with the meaning of speech.

A) Task "Path" (performed on screens)
- The exercise is performed on two lines.
- The first line is verbs with the meaning of feelings. (h.)
- Second line with the meaning of speech (R.) I read the words, but you don’t write down the words, but only put the serial number of the word on the desired line.

  1. Speak
  2. be sad
  3. rejoice
  4. Tell
  5. Ask
  6. Have fun.

Connect the numbers in order. What happened? Show.

Group work
- Is it possible to hear sounds using verbs? see the color?
- These are the questions you will answer while working in a group.
Assignment for group 1

Read it. Answer the question: Is it possible to hear sounds using verbs? (yes or no) Write down these verbs.
Forest voices moan, grasshoppers chatter incessantly in the tall grass, woodpeckers knock on trees, hazel grouse squeak, yellow orioles squeal sadly, and the cuckoo crows pitifully.
And all these sounds merge into one roar, full of life.

Assignment for group 2(texts on blue pieces of paper)
Read it. Answer the question: Is it possible to see color using verbs? (yes or no) Write down these verbs.
All the trees are in full sap, all the grass is blooming. Everywhere you look, there are flowers, flowers.
There the St. John's wort turns yellow, the dark blue bells turn blue, and among the bright emerald greenery the lily of the valley turns white and the ripe berries of the stone fruit turn red.

Group report
We check this way: 2 people from each group.
the first one reads the text, the second one answers the question
1st group:
Group 2: What verbs prove this? (they turn red - and who will choose a synonym for this verb)
- It’s not for nothing that they say that a verb takes 2nd place after a noun.

V. Summing up the lesson

Guys, we completed a lot of tasks in the lesson, but the main thing is, did we manage to figure out what role verbs play in the language?
- What can verbs convey? (verbs in speech can convey movement, feeling, speech, see color, hear sounds)
- Where can the acquired knowledge be useful?
- Now you need to evaluate your work. Read it.

On the desk:

I'm in class

  • it was easy and interesting
  • it was difficult but interesting
  • it was difficult and uninteresting

You have your palms on your desks. Attach your palm. (it turned out to be the sun)

VI. Homework instruction (optional)

  1. Make up a story “How we went fishing” Underline the verbs.
  2. Working with a dictionary. Find four verbs and write down their lexical meaning.
  3. Copy the text from the encyclopedia (6 sentences) and underline the verbs.

Listen to the poem "I am learning verbs"
- Guys, I want to thank you for your work and say thank you.


To download material or!


    Review the material studied in elementary school about the verb, its grammatical features, and syntactic role in a sentence.

    Developing the ability to find a verb in a text.

    Reinforce the skills acquired in previous lessons;

    To promote a responsible attitude towards learning.

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. The sun is shining brightly outside, the weather is wonderful - let's smile at the sun together. It transferred its energy to us, and our mood turned from good to wonderful.

Look at the screen. Do you like riddles? Now we will try to guess one of them.

Interesting part of speech

Lives in Russian:

Who does what, will tell:

He knits, sows or sings.

Can cry and laugh

Or scores a goal

How to try, to be surprised -

Will explain to us... (verb)

II. Goal setting.

Tell me, guys, how long have you known this part of speech? (yes, from elementary school). Then why do we return to it again in 5th grade? (to repeat and learn something new). Let's try to determine the purpose of our lesson.

1. Review previously studied material about the verb.

2. Studying new material on the topic “Verb”.

III. Repetition of previously studied material. Work according to the algorithm(Annex 1).

Now each of you will receive a route sheet that will help you throughout the lesson. The route sheet contains the tasks that you will try to complete. Remember that tasks with an asterisk are tasks of increased difficulty. Along with the route sheet, you will find an assessment sheet (Appendix 2), in which you will keep track of the points you have scored. Be careful!

So, task 1.

1.Give the correct definition of the verb.

Your task is to fill in the blanks correctly. Execution time – 3 minutes.

*make a sentence with homogeneous predicates.

This is an additional task for which you can earn an additional 1 point.

Now turn your attention to the slide with the correct answers. Make a note of the points you received on your assessment sheet.

(further during the lesson, students work according to the algorithm - complete the task from the route sheet, check - the correct answers are given in the presentation - evaluate their work using the assessment sheet, assign a score)

Let's move on to task 2.

2. Open the textbook on page 242, read the rule. Based on this rule make a reference diagram “Changing verbs”. The time allotted for this task is 4 minutes.

*come up with examples for the diagram.

Task 3.

3.Changing verbs by tense. Working with the textbook. Execution of exercise 661. Execution time – 5 minutes.

*Complete additional tasks (2.5).(2 – word analysis by composition, 5 – punctuation analysis)


The students stand up. The teacher names the words. If the word is a noun, children clap; if it is a verb, they stomp.

Saw, poured, gave, chalk, marshmallow, oven, speech, lie down, burn, daughter, soap, snout, eat, entrance, carries, sings, ice.

Let's return to the route sheet.

Task 4.Verb conjugations. Give answers to questions. Determine verb conjugation (time – 8 minutes)

Open the textbook to pages 266 - 267 and look at the rules in the boxes. Answer the questions:

A) What is verb conjugation?

B) Which verbs belong to 1st conjugation?

Q) What verbs belong to the 2nd conjugation?

D) Name the verbs - exceptions.

Write down all your answers on the route sheet.

Determine the conjugation of the verbs (indicated by the number above):

Walk, hold, trust, endure, sow, answer, saw, see, sew, stand.

*Lay, drink, drive, hate, shave.

Subject: Generalization on the topic « Verb »

The purpose of the lesson: generalize and systematize students’ knowledge about the verb,

Lesson objectives:

consolidation of skills in applying acquired knowledge in practice;

development of attention and memory, ability to compare and generalize;

formation of skills to distinguish words denoting action

subject and correctly pose questions to them;

instilling accuracy in work, diligence, and a culture of behavior.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical, method of associations,

search, reproductive.

Form of study: collective, individual

Equipment: cards with individual tasks, test tasks,

cards for vocabulary work, student assessment sheet

During the classes

1. Organizing time (greetings).

We welcome our guests, dear teachers,

All acquaintances, strangers, both serious and cheerful.

The bell has already rung and the lesson is starting.

Listen, remember, don’t waste a minute

2. Psychological attitude

a) If you are in a good mood, stomp your feet.

b) If you have a friend, smile at him.

c) If you are happy to meet a friend, extend your hand and say hello.

c) If you love your school, clap your hands.

3. Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, now I’ll read you a short quatrain, and you

have to guess what we will talk about in class today

What are objects without me?

Only names

But I will come - everything will come into action:

A rocket is flying, people are building buildings,

And rye grows in the fields.

What part of speech are we talking about? (Verb ). Why do you think so? (Because the action of objects is indicated by the verb ). So, what are we going to talk about in class today? (About the verb ). Right. Today we will review everything we know about this part of speech. And we will evaluate our knowledge ourselves using assessment sheets

(After completing each type of work, the correct answers are posted on the board. Children check their answers and mark the number of correct answers on the score sheets)

4. Vocabulary work

(The teacher shows cards with diagrammatic images of people in action. Students select and write down words that are appropriate in meaning and denote actions)

gets up, runs,
reads, watches

runs, walks, hurries
draws, draws, works
plays, sits, works

5.Updating of reference knowledge

Card No. 1: " Continue the sentence...»

6. Training and repetition tasks

1. Didactic game« RIGHT WRONG»

The teacher reads statements that students either agree with (YES) or reject (NO) while completing the table.

Think is a verb

Studied is a feminine verb

Played is a singular verb

Draw is a plural verb

Remember - this is a neuter verb








2. Making a cluster for the answer

The teacher makes a riddle, and the children select words to solve the answer - verbs associated with this word« The tablecloth is white and covers the whole field »

Shines Spinning Lies down

SNOW is flying and falling

Melts Crunches Creaks

7. Physical exercise.

Once - bend over, straighten up,

Two - bend over, stretch,

Three, four - let's clap together,

Let's spread our arms wider.

Five, six - let's sit quietly

And let's start writing again

8. Reproduction and correction of basic knowledge.

1. Card No. 2

2. Card No. 3

Testing on the topic"Verb "

1. Indicate a combination of words in which the noun and verb do not agree in number:

A) Spring has come

B) The snow is melting

B) The sun has risen

D) Children are happy

D) The birds have arrived

2. Which verb goes with the noun SPRING:

A) They came

B) Came

B) They came

D) It has arrived

D) come

3. Specify the neuter verb:

A) Rose

B) Rose

B) have risen

D) Rise

D) Rising

4. Choose the verb that answers the question WHAT DID YOU DO?

A) were happy

B) rejoices

B) was happy

D) rejoice

D) was happy

5. Find the plural verb:

A) melted

B) Melted

B) Melted

D) Melt

D) Melts

Key: 1-G, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B

10. Summary and summary of the lesson.

What part of speech did we talk about in class?

What can you say about this part of speech?

What action words can you use to support what we did in class? (studied, wrote, answered, thought, reasoned, analyzed, etc.)

11. Grading (self-assessment)

Children use assessment sheets to give themselves one overall grade for the lesson.

Assessment sheet

Job No.

Grading standards

Assignment grade

Card No. 1

"Continue the sentence"

A game


Each correct answer - 1 point

Riddle - cluster

6 words or more – 5 points

4 words - 4 points

3 words - 3 points

Less than 3 words - 2 points

Card No. 2

Everything is correct – 5 points

1-3 mistakes – 4 points

4-6 mistakes - 3 points

more than 6 errors - 2 points

Card No. 3

Everything is correct – 5 points

1-3 mistakes – 4 points

4-6 mistakes - 3 points

more than 6 errors - 2 points


Saha Republic

Basic notes on the topic “Verb”

6th grade

Action or state

Explanation for the reference summary “Verb”

A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or state and answers questions what to do?, what to do?

First block. Verbs come in imperfect and perfect forms. Imperfect verbs answer the question what to do? , and perfect - what to do? They have suffixes (according to another concept - endings) in an indefinite form - -t, -t . After h at the end it is written b . (In verbs on -whose the same element refers to the root and at the same time serves as a suffix; it should be designated as follows: stri whose .)

Second block. Verbs change according to tenses: they are in the form of present, past or future tense. Perfective verbs do not have a present tense. In the present and future tenses, verbs change according to persons and numbers, and in the past tense - according to numbers and genders (singular).

Third block. Changing verbs according to persons and numbers is called conjugation. There are two types of conjugation in Russian. In the unstressed endings of the first conjugation in the 2nd person and in the singular. h. 3rd person letter is written e , second – letter And . The 3rd person plural of the first conjugation has the endings -ut, -ut , second – -at, -yat . If verbs have unstressed endings, then the conjugation is determined by the indefinite form. All verbs in -it (except shave, lay) And 11 exception verbs: look, see, hate, offend, endure, depend, turn; drive, hold, breathe And hear– belong to the second conjugation, the rest – to the first. Heterogeneous conjugates Verbs - want, run. Special verb conjugation give, eat .

Fourth block. Verbs that are or can be combined with a noun, numeral or pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition are called transitive (the action passes to the subject). The rest (including reflexives) are intransitive.

Fifth block. In a sentence, the verb is usually predicate.

The notes may seem large, but they contain material that students already know, so they help organize and review what they learned in 5th grade. New information is only at the end of the third block and in the fourth.

Attitude to reality

Explanation for the reference summary “Verb Mood”

The mood expresses the attitude of an action, called a verb, to reality. The verb has three moods: indicative, conditional, imperative.

First block. Verbs in the indicative mood denote real actions that are happening, have happened or will happen. They change according to tenses, that is, they are in the present, past and future tense. Imperfective verbs have a complex future tense form. Perfective verbs do not have a present tense.

Second block. Verbs in the conditional mood denote actions that are possible under certain conditions or desirable. Formed using a suffix -l- and particles would (b) , which can be separated from the verb by other words. They vary by number and in the singular – by gender.

Third block. Verbs in the imperative mood denote actions that are asked or ordered to be performed. Usually used in the 2nd person singular and plural form. Formed using a suffix -And- or without a suffix. In the singular they have a zero ending, in the plural they have a zero ending -those . At the end of verbs after soft and hissing consonants it is written b . Soft sign saved before ending -those and post-suffix -xia .

Verb as part of speech

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the meaning of a verb as a part of speech,

understanding of the morphological features of the verb and

its syntactic role;

develop the ability to find verbs in the text, identify them

morphological characteristics;

develop students' speech;

cultivate respect for the culture of other peoples.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

Expected result s: students find verbs in the text, define them

syntactic function; know morphological characteristics

verbs and define them; formulate their own

statements on the topic; motivate their activities.

Equipment: handout on cards, components of chamomile.

During the classes

1.Organizational moment..

Teacher's word:

Guys, tell me, do you like to visit? Today I suggest you visit someone. And who, you have to guess. Listen carefully.

I'm a terrible business person:

I throw myself into any business with my head.

I solve problems, I play the violin,

I'm pushing my neighbor's son in a stroller.

I spin yarn and buy bread,

And I score goals at the stadium.

I water the dill and trim the bushes

And I sweep the whole yard very, very clean.

I sprinkle sand on the paths in the garden,

And after work I relax in the shade.

(Such an unexpected start makes it possible to neutralize memories of past failures)

Tell me, have you guessed which “business” part of speech we are going on a visit to?

Lesson topic message

2. Main part of the lesson

Learning new material

Teacher's word:

Mockingbirds say about Uncle that it is a part of speech that fell from the stove, hit the floor and was called ... (verb).

What useful information is there in this joke? (verb denotes action)

Let's try to define the verb. (students give the definition of the verb)

Assignment for students.

Mary Poppins was looking for house number 17 on Cherry Street. Jane and Michael, meanwhile, were sitting in the Children's Room, looking out the window, imagining who would come to them. The East wind was humming outside, the bare branches of the cherry trees were trembling. The children saw a woman enter the gate. She held her hat with one hand and carried her traveling bag in the other. Suddenly the wind picked her up, lifted her into the air and carried her from the gate straight to the front door of the house.

Read the text. Find the verbs. What questions do they answer? Write down in one column verbs that answer the question what to do?, in the other - verbs that answer the question what to do

The group that completed the task first reads the written verbs and explains what questions they answer. The rest add and correct errors.

Now find in the textbook what the verbs in the first and second columns are called and what morphological feature unites them (students determine that these are verbs of the perfect and imperfect forms, which means one of the morphological features of the verb is aspect and attach a petal to the daisy with the word “VIEW” ")

Teacher's explanation

Verbs are used in the form of three moods: indicative (read), imperative (read), conditional (would read)

Speed ​​task.

Form moods from the verbs written down by the teacher on the board(run, call, dream, endure). The group that completes the task first voices it, the rest control and correct it.

After this, a petal with the word “TILT” is attached to the daisy

Teacher's explanation

Verbs change according to tenses: they are in the form of present, past or future tense. In the present and future tenses, verbs change according to persons and numbers. For example: I write, I will write (1st person singular); you write, you will write (2nd person singular), etc.

In the past tense, verbs change according to numbers, for example: he read - they read. In the singular past tense, verbs change according to gender, for example: he read, she read, it read.

Distributive dictation

Arrange the verbs in three columns. In the first - verbs of the past tense, in the second - of the present, in the third - of the future. Before each column, write down questions answered by verbs of the appropriate tense.

I wrote, I read, I will cook, I can, I think, I will rest, I completed, I slept, I will open, I dance, I sing, I exclaimed, I invent, I sculpt.

After completing the task, petals with the words “TIME”, “FACE”, “NUMBER” are attached to the daisy.

Teacher's explanation

Another feature of the Verb is reflexivity. Verbs ending in –Сь, -СЯ are called reflexive.For example: I washed my face and laughed.

Give your examples (students give examples of reflexive verbs).

A petal with the word “RETURN” is attached to the daisy.

Determining the syntactic role of the verb

Analysis on the proposal board

Above the sleeping lake the forest rustles with leaves.

At night the weather became noisy, the river became agitated...

Find the verbs, underline them as part of the sentence.

Which part of the sentence is the verb most often?

(Students independently formulate a conclusion about the syntactic role of the verb)

Working with the textbook

Find new information.

Physical education minute. Game for attention

Let's play a game called repair. These are the conditions. The driver reads a list of words. Most of them are verbs. These are the actions that are performed during repairs. But there are also nouns. So, when the driver names a verb, you must clap your hands, but if he names nouns, you cannot clap. If you make a mistake, exit the game. The one who remained wins. So, get ready!


Well done! You are very attentive.

3. Performing training exercises

Now we need to get a pass to the verb.

Write down the verbs, identify all morphological features

The lilies of the valley bloom, then the rose hips bloom. Linden is late this year, but it will soon delight us with its viscous aroma. Moths circled over the daisies. They were driven away by a grumpy bumblebee, which circled a little over the flower and flew away. It flies somewhere, and then it finds a daisy and again drives away the one who is resting on it.

Add the endings of the predicate verbs, matching them with the subject. Indicate time, date, person or gender.

Quiet breeze... breeze. We were sitting... with fishing rods on the shore of the lake. The cloud is closed... the sun. It's going to rain soon. From a distance the roar of thunder could be heard. Flying high above us... a duck. The wind is… stronger. The lake is excited...

4. Summing up the lesson

Teacher's word.

Uncle Verb is glad to see you in his house. He is very hardworking and inquisitive. Now the Verb will tear off one petal from the chamomile and the student. The student must talk about the sign that is written on the petal and give an example. If the student cannot answer, he turns to you for help

5. Homework.

Exercise 24, 32

Continuing the topic:
History of music

Agriculture is perhaps the oldest industry in the world. Historians generally agree that the earliest implementation of the plow was probably a stick or tree branch, the main thing is not dry,...