Modern technologies for dispatch control of electrical networks courses. On the path of digitalization: operational and technological management of electrical networks

Their age is estimated at five to ten years, and these complexes are already outdated. We talked about what is replacing them with Director of the Moscow branch of Monitor Electric JSC Sergei Silkov.

– Sergey Valerievich, now Monitor Electric is a significant enterprise for the development and creation of software technical systems for dispatch control centers in the electric power industry. How did it all begin?

– Perhaps it’s worth starting from 2003, when we released the operational information complex SK-2003: it was a real software product, and it is still in use in some centers. It was followed by a more advanced model - SK-2007. It was quite successful, and there are customers who still buy it today.

The creation at the same time of the electronic operational log “EZh-2” was a truly revolutionary event, which made it possible to replace the seemingly eternal “paper” dispatch documents. Its use allows you to quickly enter and systematize operational information about various events, ensuring their division into categories and maintaining dependencies. Very popular and, dare I say it, practically the best of its kind, it has actually become the standard operational magazine for the industry.

We also created the “Finist” dynamic dispatcher simulator (RTD), which makes it possible to simulate almost any events in power systems, allowing for the training of operational dispatch personnel.

These three products became the basis for the industrial production of software systems in the company.
Finally, we are now actively promoting our next generation system, the SK-11, which took eight years to develop.

– The SK-11 system is your main product. In short, what is its advantage?

– SK-11 is based on a high-performance information technology platform. This is a system for maintaining an information model of a control object, writing/reading data, storing the information model, and organizing access for user applications. Thanks to the innovative architecture of the SK-11 platform, it achieves super-fast processing characteristics of telemetric information (up to 5 million parameter changes per second), working with huge-sized power grid models, a large number of users, and more.

Various applications are connected to the platform according to the wishes and capabilities of customers. Today there are more than fifty of them. These are SCADA / EMS / DMS / OMS / DTS applications for various services of energy companies that are involved in operational management, repair planning and network development, and training of dispatch personnel. Due to the modularity of the architecture, as the system is mastered, financial capabilities change, and already during operation, user components can be easily added or changed.

The second important advantage of our system is that, unlike information systems of previous generations that rely on telemechanics signals, the SK-11 information model includes absolutely all power system equipment. This approach allows us to increase the number of previously unsolvable problems. As an example: our system models consumers, and since consumers are also part of the information model, we can implement the task of effective outage management. Modeling of non-telemechanized equipment and consumers allows you to reduce the search time for a failed element, automatically generate a program of actions for operating personnel and speeds up the process of restoring power supply.

I’ll also note that we model a network of any voltage, up to a 0.4 kilovolt network.

– How much do domestic network companies trust Russian developers of such systems?

– There is, in my opinion, a very competent, balanced policy for the development of this area. Firstly, Rosseti has a document defining its import substitution policy. It meets the requirements of the Russian government: no foreign software should be used to manage electrical networks.

In addition, Rosseti has its own standardized certification procedures, and everything that is done by the developers is checked for compliance with Rosseti standards.

Only after this is a conclusion issued by the certification commission on the possibility of using this product for network management, and only if there is a positive conclusion from the certification commission of Rosseti PJSC can one or another software product be used.

To date, only the Monitor Electric company has such a conclusion.

– Do Russian network companies really have a need for such systems or is it a matter of decrees and regulations of regulatory bodies?

– The management of network companies is constantly developing a system of operational, technological and situational management (OTiSU). They have investment programs within which they work.

Naturally, we are in constant contact with them all the time. We are invited to discuss the tasks, to consider the required set of functions of automatic systems and, most importantly, to implement them. Periodic conferences and scientific and technical councils are held. For example, in July we participated in the scientific and technical council of IDGC of Siberia. In September we will take part in the IDGC of the South conference. So, to summarize, the management of Rosseti PJSC and its subsidiaries are very actively planning investment activities to modernize OT&SU systems.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and Rosseti are carrying out intensive research work, research and development in this direction. For example, our company Monitor Electric is participating in several pilot projects as part of the National Technology Initiative EnergyNET. Firstly, this is the Digital Distribution Zone project, where we are working with Yantarenergo. Together with our colleagues from Kaliningrad, we are developing digital electronic distribution systems technologies, including issues of integrating the software package for operational and technological management with a number of related systems. For example, we have now solved the problem of integrating GIS and automated control systems; next in line is the integration of automated control systems and accounting systems. These are extremely complex problems that have not yet been solved in the Russian energy sector.

The second project is the development of a set of tools for long-term planning of network development. It was created, tested in practice, and by the end of the year we will have to report to the management of NTI on the implementation of the project.

– I got acquainted with the geography of implementation of your systems. It turns out that your systems can be found all over Russia!

- And not only. If we talk about the latest projects, we have implemented SK-11, and almost in a fully functional mode, in IDGC of the Urals, in their subsidiaries and affiliates - the Yekaterinburg Electric Grid Company. This is probably one of our most respected customers. There is a very high level of training of personnel and management; they went through all the stages quite quickly, and now the complex is actively used there. We have implemented SK-11 at Yantarenergo; it includes an interesting subsystem that calculates the technical indicators of the city electrical network based on a development model with a horizon of four years in advance. In total, over the past three years there have been about ten implementations of our systems. Yes, they are represented throughout Russia in different companies and in completely different configurations.

- But you said that it’s not only about her...

- Exactly. For example, three companies that train dispatchers in the USA bought our Finist software training complex, and with its help more than 1,000 dispatchers have been trained.

The Joint Dispatch Directorate of the Republic of Belarus also works on our SK-2007 complex. By the way, now we are also negotiating with them about switching to SK-11.

Our complex operates in Tbilisi city networks. We were invited to the project after difficulties with one well-known vendor, and we successfully implemented our products in their control center. There is successful experience in Kazakhstan, in the energy supply management system of Almaty (AZhK company). We have received positive feedback from our Kazakh colleagues, and are now negotiating with a number of energy companies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where we have been chosen as suppliers of IT solutions.

– You particularly highlighted the project with Yantarenergo, where you are jointly building smart networks. Tell us more about it.

– At the beginning of the year, we completed all the technical procedures to complete the first stage of implementation in the scope of the SCADA system (automatic control and information collection system) and a complex of electronic logs. Now we are working together very intensively to fine-tune what has been done and are preparing documents for the deployment of the second stage. At this stage, calculation and analytical functions will be implemented that will allow you to perform a whole set of technological operations for truly intelligent network management.

– In connection with the talk that in Russia we need to switch to smart networks everywhere, how difficult will it be to replicate this experience in other networks?

– Of course, everywhere has its own specifics. In almost every implementation, we are faced with the need to adapt our complex to the existing information environment, represented by the tools of a wide variety of developers, including foreign ones. Everyone is different, and this, of course, is not very good for us as a manufacturer and bearer of a fairly modern technical ideology. But we still have great faith in the regulatory role of Rosseti, which is now paying a lot of attention to the standardization of systems.

On the other hand, this diversity turns into our competitive advantage. Including foreign companies who are extremely reluctant to redesign their systems, for example the user interface. As for us, this is the first thing we start work with.

After all, everyone has their own judgment and their own standards regarding how and where information should be displayed to users: dispatchers, operational services specialists, managers. It is a very difficult task to display a huge amount of information on a video wall, because the main task of the dispatcher is to see the whole picture as a whole. Finally, there is still a very difficult aspect of ergonomics, and each dispatcher also has his own idea about it. So the process of so-called balancing of the scheme is very complicated and can take 4-6 months.

As for us, we successfully solve these problems using our own graphics subsystem. This is done in our Voronezh branch; there is a very strong team there, which has extensive experience and owns the most modern means and methods of displaying information, thanks to which all tasks are solved quite quickly and efficiently. This may sound a bit provocative, but many of our users say that our designs are the most beautiful in the world.

So, this is only one point, but there are other purely technical differences. But this is the advantage of our system. Thanks to many years of experience and the modularity of the complexes we create, the technical development of control center information systems never stops. We start with a simple configuration for any network and, as we master it, we improve and develop it without stopping operation to a world-class level.

– Do you have a dream?

– Well, of course, in a few years we will have a robot dispatcher, and then, like the driver of an unmanned car... Experienced specialists will move from shifts and engage in in-depth planning and analytical work, improving network architecture, and developing new “smart” components.


Increased efficiency
distribution network management

V. E. Vorotnitsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sciences, Professor, Deputy Executive Director for Research at JSC VNIIE

The main tasks of managing electrical networks in market conditions

Ensuring the technological infrastructure function of the electrical network under conditions of equal opportunities for its use by all participants in the electricity market;

Ensuring stable and safe operation of electrical network equipment, reliable power supply to consumers and quality of electricity that meets the requirements established by regulations, and taking measures to ensure the fulfillment of obligations of electricity industry entities under contracts concluded on the electricity market;

Ensuring contractual terms for the supply of electricity to participants(s) of the electricity market;

Ensuring non-discriminatory access of electricity market entities to the electrical network, subject to their compliance with the Market Rules, technological rules and procedures if such connection is technically possible;

Minimization of network technical limitations within economically feasible limits;

Reducing the costs of transmission and distribution of electricity through the introduction of advanced technologies for maintenance and repair of electrical grid equipment, new equipment and energy-saving measures.

The purpose of the article is to consider:

The main tasks of managing electrical networks in market conditions;

General characteristics of distribution networks 0.38–110 kV in Russia;

Technical condition of distribution networks, facilities and control systems;

Trends and development prospects:

a) digital information technologies;

b) basic information technologies;

c) geographic information technologies;

d) automated systems for operational and technological management of distribution networks of companies and their main subsystems;

e) means of partitioning distribution networks;

Problems of creating a regulatory framework for automation of distribution network management.

General characteristics of electrical distribution networks in Russia

Rural electrical networks

The total length of electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4–110 kV in rural areas of Russia is about 2.3 million km, including lines with voltage:

0.4 kV – 880 thousand km

6–10 kV – 1,150 thousand km

35 kV – 160 thousand km

110 kV – 110 thousand km

There are 513 thousand 6–35/0.4 kV transformer substations installed in the networks with a total capacity of about 90 million kVA.

City electrical networks

The total length of urban electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4–10 kV is 0.9 million km, including:

cable lines 0.4 kV – 55 thousand km

overhead lines 0.4 kV – 385 thousand km

10 kV cable lines – 160 thousand km

overhead lines 10 kV – 90 thousand km

overhead lines of external lighting - 190 thousand km

overhead lines of external lighting - 20 thousand km

About 290 thousand transformer substations of 6–10 kV with a capacity of 100–630 kVA are installed in the networks.

Technical condition of electrical distribution networks, means and control systems for them

Electrical network equipment

About 30–35% of overhead lines and transformer substations have expired their standard life. By 2010, this value will reach 40% if the pace of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of electrical networks remains the same.

As a result, problems with the reliability of power supply are becoming more acute.

The average duration of consumer outages is 70–100 hours per year. In industrialized countries, a “good” power supply condition is statistically defined when the total duration of interruptions for a medium voltage network throughout the year is between 15 and 60 minutes per year. In low voltage networks these figures are slightly higher.

The average number of faults causing the shutdown of high-voltage lines with voltages up to 35 kV is 170–350 per 100 km of line per year, of which 72% are unstable, turning into single-phase.

Relay protection and automation

Of the approximately 1,200 thousand relay protection and automation devices (RPA) of various types currently in operation in Russian distribution networks, the majority are electromechanical devices, microelectronic devices, or devices using partial microelectronics.

With the standard service life of relay protection and automation devices equal to 12 years, about 50% of all relay protection sets have expired their standard service life.

The lag in the level of produced domestic relay protection equipment compared to the relay protection equipment of leading foreign manufacturing companies is 15–20 years.

As before, over 40% of cases of malfunction of relay protection and automation devices occurs due to the unsatisfactory condition of the devices and errors of relay protection and automation service personnel during their maintenance.

It should be noted that not all is well with the reliability of relay protection not only in Russia, but also in some industrialized countries.

In particular, at the session of the International Conference on Distribution Networks (CIRED) in 2001, it was noted that in Norwegian electrical networks the annual damage from improper operation of protection and control systems is about 4 million US dollars. At the same time, 50% of false alarms occur in protection and control devices. Of these, more than 50% are due to errors during inspection and testing of equipment and only 40% due to its damage.

In other Scandinavian countries, the damage rate of relay protection equipment is 2–6 times lower.

The main obstacle to widespread automation of electrical grid facilities is the unpreparedness of primary electrical equipment for this.

System for collecting and transmitting information, information and computing systems

More than 95% of telemechanics devices and sensor sets have been in operation for more than 10–20 years. Communication means and systems are mostly analog, morally and physically outdated, and do not meet the necessary requirements for accuracy, reliability, reliability and speed.

In the vast majority of control centers of regional electric networks (RES) and electric network enterprises (PES), the technical basis of automated control systems are personal computers that do not meet the requirements of continuous technological monitoring and control. The service life of personal computers operating in continuous mode does not exceed 5 years, and their obsolescence period is even shorter. For an automated dispatch control system (ADCS) of electrical networks, it is necessary to use special computers that operate reliably in a continuous mode, complete with process control tools.

Microsoft, ORACLE, etc. system software used in electrical networks requires widespread licensing.

Application (technological) software (SCADA-DMS) in many electrical networks is also clearly outdated and does not meet modern requirements both in terms of functions and the amount of information processed.

In particular, the existing automated control systems for power supply systems and distribution systems provide mainly information services for personnel and practically do not solve the problems of operational management of power systems, optimization of operational and repair maintenance of electrical networks.

Voltage regulation system

Means for regulating voltage under load in power centers of distribution networks and switching means without excitation (with transformer disconnection) at 6–10 kV transformer substations are practically not used or are used sporadically as consumers complain about low voltage levels during peak load hours.

The result is that at individual electrically remote points of 0.38 kV electrical networks in rural areas, voltage levels are 150–160 V instead of 220 V.

In such a situation, the electricity market may impose very serious sanctions on distribution network companies regarding the reliability and quality of power supply to consumers. If you do not prepare for this in advance, in the very near future network companies will suffer serious material losses, which will further aggravate the situation.

Electricity metering system

At the vast majority of power supply centers of distribution networks (about 80%) and about 90% of household consumers, morally and physically outdated induction or electronic meters of the first generation, often with expired verification and service dates, are installed, providing the ability to only take manual readings.

The result is an increase in commercial electricity losses in electrical networks. With total electricity losses in Russian electrical networks amounting to about 107 billion kWh per year, distribution networks of 110 kV and below account for 85 billion kWh, of which commercial losses, according to minimal estimates, amount to 30 billion kWh per year.

If at the end of the 80s of the twentieth century the relative losses of electricity in the electrical networks of power systems did not exceed 13–15% of the electricity supplied to the network, then currently for individual power systems they have reached the level of 20–25%, for individual power plants – 30–40 %, and for some RES already exceed 50%.

In developed European countries, the relative losses of electricity in electrical networks are at the level of 4–10%: in the USA - about 9%, in Japan - 5%.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the regulation of tariffs for electrical energy, the Rules of the wholesale market and the draft Rules of the retail market of the transition period, standard losses of electricity in electric networks (and this is no more than 10-12% of the supply to the network) can be included in the cost of transmission services electricity and will be paid for by market entities, and excess electricity losses will have to be purchased by grid companies to compensate for them.

For some companies with losses of 20–25%, this means that more than half of the reported losses will be direct financial losses in the hundreds of millions of rubles per year.

All this requires qualitatively new approaches to electricity metering both in electrical networks and among consumers, primarily to automation of metering, automation of calculations and analysis of electricity balances, selective disconnection of non-paying consumers, etc.

Regulatory framework for optimizing the development of electrical distribution networks and their management systems

The regulatory framework has hardly been updated since the mid-1980s and early 1990s. Today, about 600 industry regulations require revision.

Many fundamental documents, primarily the rules for the design of electrical installations, the rules for technical operation, have not been approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and, in essence, have ceased to be mandatory for use.

Until now, new Rules for the use of electricity have not been agreed upon with the same Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not contain the concept of “electricity theft,” which causes great material damage to the electric power industry. The volume of electricity theft is growing and will objectively increase as electricity tariffs increase. To stop this, we need not only the efforts of energy workers, but also legal assistance from the state. Unfortunately, this help is not always adequate. In particular, with the entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation,” the status of GOSTs is sharply downgraded, which for a country like Russia can and is already creating significant problems. The main one is the lack of a unified technical policy in the field of development of distribution networks and their management.

Funding for this development and its scientific support is clearly insufficient and is carried out on a residual basis. The more than ten-year crisis in Russia's electric power industry has significantly worsened the situation. The electricity management reforms that began in recent years have so far affected backbone networks of 220 kV and above, which also have many problems, but not as many as have accumulated in distribution networks.

Hopes for the activity of domestic and Western investors and the introduction of Western technologies in the management of domestic distribution networks are most likely doomed due to the fact that Russian legislation, mentality, climatic conditions, peculiarities of network construction (large branching and length, other network equipment, low quality electricity, high levels of interference, etc.), control systems and software differ significantly from foreign ones. It is more correct to focus on your own strengths, taking into account advanced domestic and foreign experience. There are all the prerequisites for this, as evidenced by the emerging trends in the world and in advanced domestic energy systems and networks.

In the mid-1980s–early 1990s, JSC VNIIE developed a whole set of documents on the creation and development of automated control systems for electrical power stations and distribution systems. Of course, these documents are now very outdated and require revision.

Trends and development prospects

Digital and information technologies

Global trends in the development of management systems are inextricably linked with the transition to digital technologies, which provide the possibility of creating integrated hierarchical systems. At the same time, electrical distribution networks in these systems are the lower hierarchical link, inextricably linked with the upper levels of management.

The basis of the transition to digital technologies is the technical re-equipment and modernization of the communication and telecommunications system with a sharp increase in the volume and speed of information transfer. The gradual transition to digital integrated control systems will be determined by the stages of implementation of the Unified Digital Communication System in the energy sector and will take at least 10–15 years.

In the last years of the 20th century, the world's leading experts in the field of telecommunications put forward the thesis: “The 20th century is the century of energy, and the 21st century is the century of computer science.” At the same time, a new term appeared: “infocommunications,” combining “informatization” and “telecommunications.” I think it would be more correct to say that the 21st century will be the century of both energy and infocommunications based on modern information and digital technologies.

The most important trends in the development of infocommunication networks are:

Increasing the reliability and service life of telecommunication networks;

Development of methods for forecasting the development of telecommunications in the regions depending on electricity consumption;

Creation of information and communication environment management systems;

The introduction, simultaneously with the development of digital networks, of modern telecommunication technologies, primarily fiber-optic technology;

The introduction in a number of countries of so-called PLC technologies for the use of electrical networks of 0.4–35 kV for the transmission of any information from substations, energy enterprises, industrial enterprises to the control and management of energy consumption in everyday life, including solving the problems of ASKUE, information support for the activities of subscribers of the electrical network 0.4–35 kV;

Use of communications equipment for the protection of energy facilities and video surveillance.

Basic information technology

One of the main features of modern automated control systems is the integration (complexing) of many software products into a single information space.

Currently, integration technology based on Internet technologies and open standards is developing very rapidly, which allows:

Create a technical infrastructure for application design and capabilities for system development over time;

Provide the ability to integrate products from companies such as Microsoft, ORACLE, IBM, etc.;

Ensure the possibility of consistent integration of existing products without significant changes or reprogramming;

Ensure scalability and portability of software in order to replicate it across company enterprises.

Geoinformation technologies

The rapid development of computer technology and telecommunications, satellite navigation systems, digital cartography, advances in microelectronics and other technological advances, continuous improvement of standard and applied software and information support create objective prerequisites for the increasingly widespread use and development of a qualitatively new field of knowledge - geoinformatics. It arose at the intersection of geography, geodesy, topology, data processing, computer science, engineering, ecology, economics, business, other disciplines and areas of human activity. The most significant practical applications of geoinformatics as a science are geographic information systems (GIS) and geoinformation technologies (GIS technologies) created on their basis.

The abbreviation GIS has existed for more than 20 years and originally referred to a set of computer methods for creating and analyzing digital maps and related thematic information for the management of municipal facilities.

Increasing attention is being paid to the use of GIS technologies in the electric power industry and, first of all, in the electrical networks of JSC FGC UES, JSC-energos and cities.

Already the first experiences of using GIS as information and reference systems in domestic electrical networks have shown the unconditional usefulness and effectiveness of such use for:

Certification of network equipment with their linking to a digital map of the area and various electrical circuits: normal, operational, support, calculation, etc.;

Accounting and analysis of the technical condition of electrical equipment: lines, transformers, etc.;

Accounting and analysis of payments for consumed electricity;

Positioning and displaying on a digital map the location of operational teams, etc.

Even greater prospects are opening up in the use of GIS technologies in solving problems: optimal development planning and design; repair and operational maintenance of electrical networks, taking into account the terrain features; operational management of networks and emergency response, taking into account spatial, thematic and operational information about the state of network objects and their operating modes. For this, today there is a need for informational and functional linking of GIS, technological software systems of automated control systems for electrical networks, expert systems and knowledge bases for solving the listed problems. JSC VNIIE has developed an advisory system for analyzing requests for repairs of network equipment. Work is underway to link loss calculation programs to GIS.

In recent years, there has been a definite trend in the development of integrated utility systems on a single topographical basis of the city, district, region, including thermal, electrical, gas, water supply, telephone and other engineering networks.

Structure of the automated system for operational dispatch control of distribution grid companies (AS DSK)

The purpose of creating AS DGC is to increase the efficiency and reliability of the distribution of electrical energy and power by ensuring maximum efficiency of the operational and technological activities of DGC through comprehensive automation of the processes of collecting, processing, transmitting information and making decisions based on modern information technologies.

The DGC AS should be a distributed hierarchical system, at each level of which a mandatory basic set of tasks is solved, ensuring the implementation of the main functions of operational and technological management.

Main subsystems of AS RSK:

Automated operational dispatch control of electrical networks, performing the following functions:

a) current management;

b) operational management and planning;

c) control and management of power consumption;

d) planning and management of repairs;

Automated technological control:

a) relay protection and automation;

b) voltage and reactive power;

Automated system for commercial and technical metering of electricity (ASCAE);

System of communication, collection, transmission and display of information.

Due to limitations in the volume of articles, we will focus only on the main trends and prospects for the development of the main subsystems of AS DGC.

Relay protection and automation

The main directions of development of relay protection and automation systems in electrical distribution networks:

Replacement of physically worn out equipment that has reached the end of its service life;

Modernization of relay protection and automation devices with a focus on the use of a new generation of microprocessor devices;

Integration of microprocessor-based relay protection and automation equipment into a unified process control system of supply substations;

Expanding the functions of relay protection and automation systems to include measurement and control tasks, taking into account the requirements for the reliability of its operation, including the use of international standards for communication interfaces.

Voltage and reactive power regulation

The main tasks to improve the efficiency of voltage regulation:

Improving the reliability and quality of operational maintenance of voltage regulation equipment, primarily voltage regulation under load and automatic voltage regulation;

Monitoring and analysis of consumer load graphs and voltages in electrical network nodes, increasing the reliability and volume of reactive power measurements in distribution networks;

Introduction and systematic use of software to optimize voltage regulation laws in distribution networks, practical implementation of these laws;

Organization of remote and automatic control of transformer taps from dispatch centers;

Installation of additional remotely controlled means of voltage regulation, for example, booster transformers on the mains of long medium voltage distribution lines, where it is impossible to ensure permissible voltage deviations at network nodes by means of centralized regulation.

Automation of electricity metering

Automation of electricity metering is a strategic direction for reducing commercial electricity losses in all countries without exception, the basis and prerequisite for the functioning of the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

Modern ASKUE should be created on the basis of:

Standardization of data transmission formats and protocols;

Ensuring the discreteness of accounting, collection and transmission of commercial metering data necessary for the effective functioning of the competitive retail electricity market;

Ensuring the calculation of actual and permissible imbalances of electricity in electrical networks, localizing imbalances and taking measures to reduce them;

Mutual coordination with means of automated control systems, automated process control systems and emergency automation.

To collect information, there is a steady trend towards replacing induction meters with electronic ones, not only due to higher accuracy limits, but also due to lower consumption in the current transformer and voltage transformer circuits.

Of particular importance for the retail electricity market and for reducing electricity losses in electrical networks is the elimination of self-service (self-reading) of electricity meters by household consumers. For this purpose, the development of ASKUE for household consumers is underway all over the world with the transmission of data from electricity meters via a 0.4 kV power network or via radio channels to data collection centers. In particular, the PLC technologies already mentioned above are widely used.

Application of modern means of sectioning electrical distribution networks and decentralized automation

In many countries, in order to increase the reliability of distribution networks, reduce the time to find a fault location and the number of power supply interruptions, for many years they have been using the “backbone principle” of building such networks, based on equipping the networks with automatic pole-mounted sectioning points - reclosers, which combine the functions of:

Determining the location of damage;

Localization of damage;

Restoring nutrition.


1. Necessary priority tasks:

Development of a concept and long-term program for the development, modernization, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of 0.38–110 kV electrical distribution networks, means and systems for controlling their modes, repair and maintenance;

Transition from the residual to the priority principle of allocating financial and material resources for the phased practical implementation of this concept and program with an understanding of the crucial importance of the rapid development of distribution networks and their management systems for the effective functioning of not only the retail, but also the wholesale electricity markets;

Development of a modern, market-oriented management and management normative and methodological framework for the development of distribution electrical networks and their management systems;

Development of economically justified requirements for the domestic industry for the production of modern equipment for electrical networks and their control systems;

Organization of a system of certification and admission to operation of domestic and imported equipment for distribution networks and their management systems;

Implementation and analysis of the results of pilot projects to test new promising technologies and automated control systems for electrical distribution networks.

2. Development and implementation of effective automated control systems for electrical distribution networks is a complex task that requires significant investment.

Before starting the modernization and technical re-equipment of the existing electrical network management system or creating a new one, each distribution company and regional energo must clearly understand the set of tasks to be solved and the expected effect of implementing an automated control system.

It is necessary to develop modern methods for calculating the economic efficiency of automated control systems for PES and RES (distribution grid company), the stages of their creation and development.

3. The main question that always arises when developing and implementing new technologies for managing electrical networks is where to get the money for all this?

There can actually be several sources of funds:

1) centralized financing of pilot projects and regulatory and methodological documents;

2) electricity tariffs;

3) consolidation of a certain part of the financial resources of future distribution grid companies and today's regional energos in an officially created partnership - the Russian Association of Enterprises;

4) interested investors.

In Russian conditions, as the practice of advanced energy systems has shown, the principle should work: “Whoever wants to solve a problem, looks for and finds ways to solve it, whoever doesn’t want to, looks for reasons why a solution is impossible, or waits for others to solve it for him.”

As follows from the article, there are enough opportunities and ways to improve the efficiency of management of distribution networks in Russia. An understanding of the importance and an active desire to practically implement these opportunities is necessary.

TSF software outside the kernel consists of trusted applications that are used to implement security functions. Note that shared libraries, including PAM modules in some cases, are used by trusted applications. However, there is no instance where the shared library itself is treated as a trusted object. Trusted commands can be grouped as follows.

  • System initialization
  • Identification and Authentication
  • Network Applications
  • Batch Processing
  • System management
  • User level audit
  • Cryptographic support
  • Virtual machine support

Kernel execution components can be divided into three component parts: the main kernel, kernel threads, and kernel modules, depending on how they will be executed.

  • The core includes code that runs to provide a service, such as servicing a user system call or servicing an exception event, or an interrupt. Most compiled kernel code falls into this category.
  • Kernel threads. To perform certain routine tasks, such as clearing disk caches or freeing memory by swapping out unused page blocks, the kernel creates internal processes or threads. Threads are scheduled just like normal processes, but they have no context in unprivileged mode. Kernel threads perform specific kernel C language functions. Kernel threads are located in kernel space and run only in privileged mode.
  • The kernel module and device driver kernel module are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into and out of the kernel as needed. They extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. Once loaded, kernel module object code can access other kernel code and data in the same way as statically linked kernel object code.
A device driver is a special type of kernel module that allows the kernel to access hardware connected to the system. These devices can be hard drives, monitors, or network interfaces. The driver communicates with the rest of the kernel through a defined interface that allows the kernel to deal with all devices in a universal way, regardless of their underlying implementations.

The kernel consists of logical subsystems that provide various functionality. Even though the kernel is the only executable program, the various services it provides can be separated and combined into different logical components. These components interact to provide specific functions. The core consists of the following logical subsystems:

  • File subsystem and I/O subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to file system objects. Functions implemented include those that allow a process to create, maintain, interact with, and delete file system objects. These objects include regular files, directories, symbolic links, hard links, files specific to certain device types, named pipes, and sockets.
  • Process Subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to process management and thread management. The implemented functions allow you to create, schedule, execute and delete processes and thread subjects.
  • Memory subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to managing system memory resources. Implemented functions include those that create and manage virtual memory, including managing paging algorithms and page tables.
  • Network subsystem: This subsystem implements UNIX and Internet domain sockets and the algorithms used to schedule network packets.
  • IPC subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to IPC mechanisms. Features implemented include those that facilitate controlled exchange of information between processes, allowing them to share data and synchronize their execution when interacting with a shared resource.
  • Kernel module subsystem: This subsystem implements the infrastructure to support loadable modules. Implemented functions include loading, initializing, and unloading kernel modules.
  • Linux Security Extensions: Linux security extensions implement various security aspects that are provided throughout the kernel, including the Linux Security Module (LSM) framework. The LSM framework serves as the basis for modules that allow the implementation of various security policies, including SELinux. SELinux is an important logical subsystem. This subsystem implements mandatory access control functions to achieve access between all subjects and objects.
  • Device Driver Subsystem: This subsystem provides support for various hardware and software devices through a common, device-independent interface.
  • Audit subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to recording safety-critical events in the system. The implemented functions include those that capture every system call to record security-critical events and those that implement the collection and recording of audit data.
  • KVM subsystem: This subsystem implements maintenance of the life cycle of a virtual machine. It performs instruction completion, which is used for instructions that require only small checks. For any other instruction completion, KVM calls the QEMU user space component.
  • Crypto API: This subsystem provides a kernel-internal cryptographic library for all kernel components. It provides cryptographic primitives for callers.

The kernel is the main part of the operating system. It communicates directly with hardware, implements resource sharing, provides common services to applications, and prevents applications from directly accessing hardware-dependent functions. Services provided by the kernel include:

1. Management of the execution of processes, including the operations of their creation, termination or suspension, and interprocess data exchange. These include:

  • Equivalent scheduling of processes for execution on the CPU.
  • Splitting processes on the CPU using time-sharing mode.
  • Executing the process on the CPU.
  • Suspending the kernel after the allotted time quantum has expired.
  • Allocation of kernel time to another process.
  • Rescheduling kernel time to execute a suspended process.
  • Manage process security related metadata such as UIDs, GIDs, SELinux tags, feature identifiers.
2. Allocation of RAM for the executing process. This operation includes:
  • Permission granted by the kernel to processes to share part of their address space under certain conditions; however, the kernel protects the process's own address space from external interference.
  • If the system is low on free memory, the kernel frees memory by writing the process temporarily to second-level memory or swap.
  • Coordinated interaction with machine hardware to establish a virtual address to physical address mapping that establishes a mapping between compiler-generated addresses and physical addresses.
3. Virtual machine life cycle maintenance, which includes:
  • Sets limits on the resources configured by the emulation application for a given virtual machine.
  • Running the virtual machine program code for execution.
  • Handle the shutdown of virtual machines either by completing the instruction or delaying the completion of the instruction to emulate user space.
4. File system maintenance. It includes:
  • Allocation of secondary memory for efficient storage and retrieval of user data.
  • Allocating external memory for user files.
  • Recycle unused data storage space.
  • Organizing the file system structure (using clear structuring principles).
  • Protecting user files from unauthorized access.
  • Organizing controlled process access to peripheral devices such as terminals, tape drives, disk drives, and network devices.
  • Organizing mutual access to data for subjects and objects, providing controlled access based on the DAC policy and any other policy implemented by the loaded LSM.
The Linux kernel is a type of OS kernel that implements scheduling with task preemption. In kernels that do not have this feature, kernel code execution continues until completion, i.e. the scheduler is not capable of rescheduling a task while it is in the kernel. In addition, kernel code is scheduled to execute cooperatively, without preemptive scheduling, and execution of that code continues until it terminates and returns to user space, or until it explicitly blocks. In preemptive kernels, it is possible to preempt a task at any point as long as the kernel is in a state in which it is safe to reschedule.

According to the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry”, JSC FGC UES is responsible for the technological management of the Unified National Electric Grid (UNEG). At the same time, questions arose about a clear delineation of functionality between SO UES OJSC, which carries out unified dispatch control of electric power facilities, and grid companies. This led to the need to create an effective structure for operational and technological management of JSC FGC UES facilities, the tasks of which include, among other things:
ensuring reliable operation of UNEG facilities and implementation of the technological operating modes of power lines, equipment and devices of UNEG facilities specified by SO UES OJSC;
ensuring proper quality and safety of work during the operation of UNEG facilities;
creation of a unified system for training operational personnel to perform the functions of OTU;
ensuring technological equipment and readiness of operational personnel to carry out dispatch commands (instructions) of the CO and commands (confirmations) of operational personnel of the Central Control Center of FGC UES;
ensuring a reduction in the number of technological violations associated with erroneous actions of operational personnel;
in cooperation and in agreement with SO UES OJSC, participation in the development and implementation of UNEG development programs in order to increase the reliability of electrical energy transmission, network observability and controllability, and ensure the quality of electrical energy transmission;
planning activities for repair, commissioning, modernization/reconstruction and maintenance of power lines, power grid equipment and devices for the coming period;
development in accordance with the requirements of SO UES OJSC, coordination and approval in the prescribed manner of schedules for emergency limitation of electrical energy consumption modes and the implementation of actual actions to introduce emergency restrictions according to the dispatch command (order) of SO UES OJSC;
fulfillment of tasks of SO UES JSC to connect the electrical grid facilities of the Federal Grid Company and power receiving installations of electrical energy consumers under the influence of emergency automation.

To fulfill the assigned tasks, JSC FGC UES developed and approved the concept of operational and technological management of UNEG facilities. In accordance with this concept, a four-level organizational structure (with a three-level management system) is created: the executive office, the main control center of the MES, the control center of the PMES and the operating personnel of the substation.

The following functions are distributed among the corresponding levels of the organizational structure:
IA FSK - information and analytical;
head central control center of MES - information-analytical and non-operational;
TsUS PMES - non-operational and operational;
substation personnel - operating rooms.

At the same time, non-operational functions include tasks such as control and monitoring of network status. Acceptance by network control centers of operational functions related to issuing commands to perform switching requires highly qualified operational personnel, as well as appropriate technical equipment of the central control center.

In order to increase the efficiency and reliability of the transmission and distribution of electricity and power by automating operational and technological management processes based on modern information technologies, the network control centers of JSC FGC UES are equipped with software and hardware systems (PTK) that allow automating processes such as mode monitoring equipment, production of switching in strict accordance with the approved program and others. Thus, due to the automation of OTD, the reliability of electrical networks is significantly increased, the accident rate is reduced by eliminating errors of operating personnel, and the number of required operating personnel is minimized.

It is worth noting that the technical policy of JSC FGC UES for new construction and reconstruction provides for:
ensuring energy security and sustainable development of Russia;
ensuring the required reliability indicators of the provided electricity transmission services;
ensuring the free functioning of the electricity market;
increasing the efficiency of the functioning and development of the UNEG;
ensuring the safety of production personnel;
reducing the impact of UNEG on the environment;
along with the use of new types of equipment and control systems, ensuring the preparation of the substation for operation without permanent maintenance personnel.

Currently, the primary electrical connection diagrams of operating substations are focused on equipment that requires frequent maintenance, and therefore provide for ratios of the number of switching devices and connections that are excessive according to modern criteria. This is the reason for a significant number of serious technological violations due to the fault of operating personnel.

Currently, the automation of technological processes has been completed at 79 substations of the UNEG, and another 42 substations are under implementation. Therefore, the basic scheme for organizing operation is focused primarily on the 24-hour presence of maintenance (operational) personnel monitoring the condition of the facility and performing operational switching.

Operational maintenance of the UNEG substation includes:
UNEG condition monitoring - monitoring the condition of equipment, analysis of the operational situation at UNEG facilities;
organizing prompt actions to localize technological violations and restore UNEG regimes;
organization of operational maintenance of substations, production of operational switching, operational and circuit support for the safe performance of repair and maintenance work in electrical networks related to the UNEG;
performance by operational personnel of operational functions for the production of switching operations in the UNEG.

Planning and organization:
repair planning should be carried out in accordance with schedules of scheduled preventive maintenance, determining the scope of work based on an assessment of the technical condition, using modern methods and diagnostic tools, incl. without taking equipment out of operation;
carrying out a comprehensive inspection and technical examination of equipment that has reached its standard service life in order to extend its service life;
development of proposals for modernization, replacement of equipment, improvement of design solutions;
optimization of financing of operations, maintenance and repairs by determining the volume of repair work based on the actual condition;
reduction of costs and losses;
improvement of organizational structures of management and service;
organization of professional training, retraining and advanced training in accordance with the SOPP-1-2005 standard;
analysis of parameters and indicators of the technical condition of equipment, buildings and structures before and after repairs based on diagnostic results;
optimization of emergency reserve of equipment and elements of overhead lines;
the solution to technical problems during operation and construction is formalized in the form of information letters, operational instructions, circulars, technical solutions with mandatory status, orders, instructions, meeting decisions and other management decisions.

Monitoring and management of UNEG reliability:
organization of monitoring and analysis of equipment accidents;
assessment and control of power supply reliability;
creation of an appropriate information base.


To eliminate the dependence of the trouble-free operation of a network company on the qualifications, training and concentration of attention of operational and relay personnel, it is advisable to distribute the automation of technological processes that has been taking place for a long time - relay protection, process automation (recloser, automatic relay, on-load tap-changer, automatic transmission, etc.), emergency automation - to production of operational switching. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to significantly increase the observability of technical parameters, provide control, position verification, effective operational blocking of switching devices, and automation of control actions. The power equipment used must be adapted to the latest control, protection and monitoring systems.

When introducing microprocessor devices, preference should be given to devices designed to work as part of automated systems. Stand-alone devices should be used only if there are no system analogues. In this regard, at the facilities of JSC FGC UES, the possibility of using microprocessor devices with closed exchange protocols and devices that do not support operation in the uniform time standard must be excluded in a centralized manner.

The architecture and functionality of an automated substation technological process control system (substation automated process control system) as an integrator of all functional substation systems is determined by the level of development of technology designed to collect and process information at the substation for issuing control decisions and impacts. Since the beginning of the development of automated process control systems for substation projects in the domestic electric power industry, there has been a significant development of hardware and software control systems for use in electrical substations. High-voltage digital measuring current and voltage transformers appeared; primary and secondary power grid equipment with built-in communication ports are being developed, microprocessor controllers are being produced, equipped with development tools, on the basis of which it is possible to create a reliable software and hardware complex for the substation, the international standard IEC 61850 has been adopted, which regulates the presentation of data on the substation as an automation object, as well as protocols digital data exchange between microprocessor-based intelligent electronic devices of substation, including monitoring and control devices, relay protection and automation (RPA), emergency automation (PA), telemechanics, electricity meters, power equipment, current and voltage measuring transformers, switching equipment, etc. .

All this creates the prerequisites for the construction of a new generation substation - a digital substation (DSS).

This term refers to a substation using integrated digital measurement systems, relay protection, control of high-voltage equipment, optical current and voltage transformers and digital control circuits built into switching equipment, operating on a single standard information exchange protocol - IEC 61850.

The introduction of digital substation technologies provides advantages over traditional substation at all stages of the implementation and operation of the facility.

Stage "Design":
simplifying the design of cable connections and systems;
data transmission without distortion over virtually unlimited distances;
reduction in the number of equipment units;
unlimited number of data recipients. Information distribution is carried out using Ethernet networks, which allows you to transfer data from one source to any device at the substation or outside it;
reduction of time for interconnection of individual subsystems due to a high degree of standardization;
reducing the labor intensity of metrological sections of projects;

unity of measurements. Measurements are performed with one high-precision measuring device. Measurement recipients receive the same data from the same source. All measuring instruments are included in a single clock synchronization system;
the ability to create standard solutions for objects of different topological configurations and lengths;
the possibility of preliminary modeling of the system as a whole to determine bottlenecks and inconsistencies in various operating modes;
reducing the complexity of redesign in case of making changes and additions to the project.

Stage “Construction and installation work”:
reduction of the most labor-intensive and low-tech types of installation and commissioning work associated with the installation and testing of secondary circuits;
more thorough and comprehensive testing of the system thanks to ample opportunities to create various behavioral scenarios and simulate them digitally;
reducing costs for unproductive personnel movements due to the possibility of centralized configuration and control of work parameters;
reduction in the cost of the cable system. Digital secondary circuits allow signal multiplexing, which involves two-way transmission of a large number of signals from different devices through a single cable. It is enough to lay one optical backbone cable to distribution devices instead of tens or even hundreds of analog copper circuits.

Stage "Operation":
a comprehensive diagnostic system, covering not only smart devices, but also passive measuring transducers and their secondary circuits, allows you to quickly establish the location and cause of failures, as well as identify pre-failure conditions;
line integrity monitoring. The digital line is constantly monitored, even if no significant information is transmitted through it;
protection against electromagnetic interference. The use of fiber optic cables provides complete protection against electromagnetic interference in data transmission channels;
ease of maintenance and operation. Reconnecting digital circuits is much easier than reconnecting analog circuits;
reduction of repair time due to the wide supply on the market of devices from different manufacturers that are compatible with each other (the principle of interoperability);
transition to an event-based method of equipment maintenance due to absolute observability of technological processes allows reducing operating costs;
maintaining design (calculated) parameters and characteristics during operation requires lower costs;
the development and refinement of an automation system requires lower costs (unlimited number of information receivers) than with traditional approaches.

Kuzbass and Prioksky Central Control Centers were accepted as pilot facilities for the creation of central control centers with operational functions in JSC FGC UES.

Kuzbass NCC became the first network management center implemented within the framework of the program of JSC FGC UES to create a central control center with operational functions. As part of the creation of an innovative central control system to ensure continuous operational and technological control and dispatch, the center is equipped with modern software and hardware systems, a video wall has been installed to display network diagrams, software has been installed that allows online full display of the status of the power facility selected by the dispatcher, and to receive information about outages made repair and preventative measures down to the names of the assemblers working at the site. In addition, the equipment allows NCC dispatchers to intercept control of remote objects in the event of an emergency and make decisions in the shortest possible time to reduce the time to restore normal operation of the equipment.

Prioksky Central Control Center was also created using the latest technologies. Among the equipment used here is a video wall for displaying information, consisting of fifty-inch projection modules and a redundant high-performance video controller, an operational information complex for monitoring the modes of the electrical network and the state of switching devices of substations, allowing the operational staff of the control center to monitor the operation of the equipment and control it in real time, the latest system satellite communications, guaranteed power supply and automatic fire extinguishing systems.

Vladimir Pelymsky, deputy chief engineer - head of the situational analytical center of JSC FGC UES, Vladimir Voronin, chief, Dmitry Kravets, head of department, Magomed Gadzhiev, leading expert of the Electrical Modes Service of JSC FGC UES

Yuri MORZHIN, Deputy General Director - Director of the branch of OJSC "STC of Electric Power Industry" - VNIIE;

Yuri SHAKARYAN, Deputy General Director - Scientific Director of JSC Scientific and Technical Center of Electric Power Industry, Scientific Director of VNIIE;

Valery VOROTNITSKY, Deputy Director of the branch of OJSC "STC of Electric Power Industry" - VNIIE for scientific work;

Nikolay NOVIKOV, Deputy Scientific Director of JSC Scientific and Technical Center of Electric Power Industry

Speaking about the reliability, quality and environmental friendliness of power supply, we must first of all keep in mind the development and development of fundamentally new ones - innovative technologies for calculation, analysis, forecasting, regulation and reduction of electricity losses in electrical networks, operational dispatch control of their modes. We offer material provided by the Scientific Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (VNIIE), a branch of JSC Scientific and Technical Center for Electric Power Industry, which describes the most important developments of the institute in this area to date.

Improving reduction calculation tools and systemselectricity losses

New approaches to the electricity management system, to the formation of tariffs for electricity transmission services, to the system of regulation and management of the level of electricity losses require the corresponding development of methods for their calculation. This development is taking place today in several directions.

Accuracy calculations of technical losses (RTP) electricity is expected to be increased through a more complete use of operational information about the switching state of the electrical network (Fig. 1), the physical parameters of its elements, operating data on loads, voltage levels, etc.

There is a need for a transition from deterministic calculations of the level of electricity losses to probabilistic estimates with a given accuracy and confidence intervals, followed by a risk assessment when making decisions on investing money in reducing losses.

Another vector of development is the use of fundamentally new intelligent models for taking into account many uncertain factors that influence the amount of actual and technical losses of electricity, and for predicting losses. One of these models is based on the use of artificial neural networks, which are essentially one of the actively developing areas of artificial intelligence technology.

The development of automated information-measuring systems for commercial electricity metering (AIMS KUE), automated technological control systems (ATMS) for electrical networks, graphic and geographic information systems (GIS) creates real opportunities for improving the software for calculations, analysis and regulation of electricity losses (RP software) . In particular, at present there is an urgent need for the integration of software and hardware systems (STC) and the databases contained in them: AIIS KUE, ASTU, GIS and RP software to increase the accuracy, transparency and validity of calculations of electrical network modes, balances and losses of electricity. Partially such integration has already been carried out. Its further development should be based on new approaches to the standardization of information exchanges between various hardware and software systems on a single information platform, including the use of so-called SIM models.

As practice shows, traditional methods and means of reducing electricity losses cannot ensure maintaining the level of losses at a technically and economically feasible level. Approaching this level becomes increasingly more expensive and requires more effort. It is necessary to use fundamentally new equipment and technologies for the transmission and distribution of electricity. First of all this:

  • Modern static adjustable devices for longitudinal and transverse reactive power compensation.
  • Devices based on the use of high-temperature superconductivity (HTSC).
  • Application of “smart” technologies in electrical networks (SmartGrid technologies). This allows, by providing electrical networks with means of system control and load management at the pace of the process, not only to carry out operational monitoring of power and electricity consumption of consumers, but also to manage this power and electricity in order to most effectively use the capacity of the electrical network at each moment in time. Due to such control, the optimal level of electricity losses in networks is ensured at acceptable values ​​of power quality indicators.

According to estimates by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), by 2023, the use of Smart Grid technologies in combination with other measures for the efficient use of energy resources will save up to 30% of planned energy costs. That is, every third kilowatt-hour can be obtained not by expanding generating capacity, but by distributing existing energy resources using new information technologies.

The amount of actual losses of electricity in electrical networks, for which electrical grid organizations must currently pay, largely depends on the accuracy of measurements of electricity supplied to the electrical network and shipped from the electrical network.

The practice of implementing modern AIMS KUE shows that these rather expensive and spatially distributed information-measuring systems can fail during operation, lose measurement accuracy, introduce random significant errors in measurement results, etc. All this requires the development and implementation of methods assessing the reliability of measurements, identifying and localizing imbalances in power and electricity, introducing fundamentally new measuring instruments, including optical measuring current and voltage transformers.

In the picture: screenshots of the RTP 3 program.

Interactive simulation of power system operation calculations

Dynamic model of real-time EPS. It provides the ability to simulate large-scale EPS in accelerated, slow and real time. The model is used for: construction of simulators-advisers for the dispatcher on maintaining the mode, analysis of steady-state and transient modes, accident analysis, modeling of primary and secondary control systems and emergency automation (EA). The EPS model takes into account electromechanical and long-term transient processes, frequency and active power control systems (AFRP). Calculation of technical losses of electricity and power (including by voltage classes and regions) and other mode parameters is carried out. For the first time in Russia, a model of this class is used to build complex simulators-advisors together with topological analysis of the complete switching circuit of power interconnection.

The model uses fairly accurate algorithms for modeling transient processes in the “frequency - active power” mode (speed controllers, steam reheating, boiler automation, etc.). Voltage regulators are made according to two possible schemes: simplified (as an adjustable source of reactive power that maintains the voltage value at a given level) and refined (as a system for regulating the EMF of a synchronous machine with the ability to regulate according to deviations in voltage, frequency and their derivatives).

The model provides monitoring of the current mode of power facilities based on information from the state assessment task (OS) and OIC data. The calculation scheme obtained from the OS problem has been expanded (approximately 2 times) through the use of normative, reference and a priori information, as well as reliable TI and TS in the OIC.

The model performs a topological analysis of the complete switching circuit and performs its information interaction with the regime (calculation) diagram of power facilities. This ensures control of the model mode by turning on/off switching devices, that is, in a manner familiar to operating personnel.

The model is controlled interactively by the user, control systems and PA systems, and accident development scenarios. An important function of the model is to check violations and the existence of the current regime according to criterion N-1. Sets of control options can be specified according to the N-1 criterion, intended for different modes of controlled energy interconnection. The program allows you to compare the calculated mode in the EPS model with OIC data and identify erroneous and missing mode data.

Initially, the model was used to build real-time operational simulators, and later its functions were expanded to analyze accidents, test algorithms for identifying power systems as control objects, and other tasks. The model is used for routine processing of requests for equipment to be taken out for repairs, modeling of automatic frequency control systems, information support for operating personnel of EPS and power utilities, and as a dispatcher advisor on maintaining the regime. Using the model, studies were carried out on the propagation of frequency and voltage waves in real high-dimensional circuits under large disturbances, as well as in circuits of chain and ring structures. A methodology has been developed for using WAMS data to verify the current regime using OS and OIC data.

The difference between this development and others is the ability to simulate the dynamics of large-scale power objects in real time, cyclic monitoring of the regime according to OIC data and the OS task, expansion of the calculation scheme by 70-80% by taking into account buses of substations, power units, reactors, etc. .

To date, the real-time dynamic model of EPS has been implemented in SO UES, FGC UES, ODU of the Center, and OJSC Bashkirenergo.

KASCAD-NT complex for displaying operational

information on individual and collective means

(control boards and video walls)

The complex is a means of generating and displaying various screen forms (diagrams, maps, tables, graphs, instruments, etc.) on individual (displays) and collective means. Designed to display information from OIC and other software systems in real time, both on individual (displays) and on collective (mosaic control boards and video walls) means.

The system for displaying operational information on video walls was implemented in SO UES, ODU of the Center and OJSC Bashkirenergo. In SO UES, on a 4 x 3 cube video wall, the display of generalized information in graphical and tabular forms is implemented, as well as the display of the UES diagram on a Finnish mosaic board. In the ODU of the Center, on the video wall using the CASCADE-NT complex, information from the dispatch personnel support system is displayed in the form of an operational diagram, diagrams against the background of a map of the area and detailed diagrams of substations.

For OJSC Bashkirenergo, the complex is currently used in the gym when displaying structural and switching diagrams and generalized information in tabular form on a video wall of 3 x 2 cubes. On the small block diagram it is possible to open 5 main substations of Bashkirenergo OJSC. On a video wall of 8 x 4 cubes of the control room with a large block diagram, it is possible to display 62 substations and process task data. A large video wall can perform topological analysis and display the complete power interconnection diagram.

The KASCAD-NT system is open for integration with other complexes and is built as a set of constructors used to build display systems by both developers and users. This feature provides the ability to support and develop the functionality of the display system directly by users and maintenance personnel without the involvement of developers.

electric grid assets

In 2008, VNIIE specialists completed a major project - the Program for the reconstruction and development of the Automated Process Control System (ATS) of JSC "MOESK". The need to implement this project was associated with the moral and physical deterioration of the material base of the management system (for known reasons of a national nature), taking into account the significant change in the requirements for dispatch control when working in market conditions, as well as taking into account the structural reorganization of the company. The development is aimed at solving the task set at MOESK of building a high-quality vertical of operational dispatch control, using in its work the most modern methods of organization and technical support of the management process.

The program was developed jointly with Enera OJSC and with the active participation of MOESK specialists. The work includes sections on the analysis of the existing state of automated control systems, on the development of basic technical requirements for a promising automated control system, its elements and subsystems, as well as proposals for technical solutions. Including options for reconstruction and development of the system based on technical equipment from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers of control equipment.

During the development, the main provisions of the existing normative and technical documentation in the field of automation of the network complex were taken into account and specified for the company's conditions, which provide for the development of centralized technological control of electrical networks, the creation of automated substations based on a single set of modern technical means, with the integration of measurement systems, protection, automation and control of facility equipment electrical networks.

Due to the large number of substations and the moral and physical wear and tear of the bulk of telemechanics, a phased automation of the substation is provided, the first stage of which is the reconstruction of the TM, coordinated with the reconstruction and development of the communication system, that is, the formation of the basis of a modern SSPI, and the second stage - for part of the substation - creation of full-scale automated process control systems.

The program provides for updating the hardware and software of dispatch centers based on the modern electrical network management system (ENMAC GE) adopted by MOESK, which automates control and dispatch operations, as well as network operation management when servicing equipment and interacting with electricity consumers.

The development of the communication system is focused on a complete transition to digital data transmission technologies, widespread use, along with the existing HF communications, fiber optic technology and wireless communications.

An important place is given to the creation of an integration platform (IP) that supports the unified IEC information model (SIM model) and allows various applications to be connected to a common information bus using WEB-Service technology. Together with ESP OJSC and MODUS LLC, the first version of the graphical instrumental system for creating IP was developed and put into trial operation at RSK Kubanenergo, to which the OIC KOTMI is connected.

Let us add that VNIIE has developed the following expert systems for operational use dispatch control: advisory systems for annual planning of network equipment repairs; advisory systems for routine processing of operational repair requests; systems for analyzing topology in an electrical network with analysis of emergency situations; simulator systems for operational switching; instrumental expert system MIMIR for energy applications; ESORZ expert system for processing operational requests (use with SO-TsDU, ODU of the Center, ODU of the Middle Volga); ANTOP power grid topology analysis system (application in the Ural control center); CORVIN training system for operational switching (application in regional power systems).

Currently, a system for annual planning of repairs of electrical grid equipment is being developed (for SO-CDC).

The entire range of work of JSC Scientific and Technical Center of Electric Power Industry on new information technologies is complemented by current technological tasks, some of which will be completed in the near future and which we hope to talk about on the pages of the magazine.

Continuing the topic:

The Templars are members of the Order of the Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple - originally nine poor knights who chose as their goal the protection of pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. The name itself...