Nature, plants and animals of the Krasnodar region. Animals of Kuban Fauna and flora of Kuban

Georgievskaya Tatiana



Extramural sightseeing tour

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student of 4th grade

Georgievskaya Tatiana

On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, vegetation is distributed into zones. Latitudinal and vertical zoning is clearly expressed here. The steppe zone occupies the entire Azov-Kuban plain. In the recent past, this was a forb-fescue-feather grass steppe. At present, almost all of it has been plowed up and turned into vast collective and peasant fields where they cultivate wheat, corn, sugar beets, sunflower , barley, vegetable and melon crops. In total, there are more than 3 thousand plant species in the region.

Along the roads, along the slopes of ravines and on the tops of mounds you can find wild herbaceous plants: creeping wheatgrass, buttercup wild, yellow clover, wormwood, plantain, coltsfoot, quinoa , sow thistle, St. John's wort, immortelle. In forest belts there are oak, walnut, acacia and other tree species.

In the northeastern part of the region, in the Kuban-Azov lowland, steppe animals are common. This is where the wildflowers live mice, gophers, moles, mole rats , hamsters. All of them are harmful to agriculture. They live in burrows and feed on grain and leaves. Of the predators found foxes, weasels, ferrets. Birds: larks, quails , gray partridges, crows, magpies . There are also predatory ones - kites, owls, owls, steppe harrier.

In the Kuban delta, in floodplains and estuaries, they are common sedge, cattail, reeds, yellow water lilies , water lilies, water chestnut. Wild boars, foxes, and waterfowl live here: pelicans, gulls, ducks, lapwings, waders, geese, herons , sometimes they fly swans . The muskrat lives in the estuaries. In the floodplains of the Kalininsky district there is the largest high-water colony of storks in the region.

On the right bank of the Kuban, not far from the village of Ivanovskaya, there is an array Red Forest (5200 ha). This is the remnant of the forests that previously bordered the banks of the Kuban to its lower reaches. Narrow strips of forest remain in the middle reaches of the river. In the Red Forest grow oak, willow, maple, ash, apple, hawthorn, and rose hips; inhabited by deer, roe deer, wild boars, and hares.

Depending on the altitude above sea level and the associated changes in climatic, soil and other conditions, not only the general nature of the vegetation changes dramatically, but also the appearance of the plants.

As the relief increases, the steppe turns into a forest-steppe, and the latter into a forest zone. The forest-steppe stretches in a relatively narrow strip on the left bank of the Kuban, covering the Trans-Kuban inclined plain and the low (mostly up to 600 m) part of the foothills. About 50% of the area is shrubs and partly broad-leaved forests (oak, hornbeam, maple, hazel, dogwood).

Kuban forests occupy 1.7 million hectares and are characterized by exclusively valuable species. The region contains approximately 30% of oak forests, over 80% of beech and about 90% of chestnut plantations in Russia. The main part of the forests is located in the foothills, mountainous areas and the Black Sea coast.

Vegetation in the mountains forms three zones: forest, subalpine and alpine.

The forest zone is divided into two zones: broad-leaved and coniferous forests. Up to 700 meters above sea level, predominantly oak forests grow with an admixture of hornbeam, ash, elm, as well as fruit trees (pear, apple, dogwood). Oak forests give way to a belt of beech trees. At an altitude of 1200 meters they are joined by Caucasian fir. From 1300 to 1800 meters, coniferous forests predominate, consisting of Caucasian fir and eastern spruce. Fir needles are softer and slightly wider than spruce needles.

In the mountains and foothills there is an abundance of forest fruits and lush meadow grasses. This creates favorable conditions for the habitat of animals and birds. Wild pigs graze in small herds of oak and beech forests. Unlike domestic pigs, wild pigs are somewhat shorter and taller on their legs. Old boars reach 100-150 kg in weight. They are covered with thick, rough bristles of a dark brown and sometimes almost black color. The male has fangs.

In broad-leaved forests there are small roe deer, the size of a domestic goat, resembling a deer in appearance. Only males have horns. They hunt for food by bear, wolf, jackal, raccoon dog, badger, fox, and marten. On the river banks there are mink and otter. They dive and swim well, feed on fish and frogs.

Among the reptiles there are: snakes - common and water snakes, vipers - steppe and Koznakov's viper (found high in the mountains), legless spindle lizard and yellow-bellied lizard.

In the morning, the forest and valleys of the foothills are filled with the singing and chirping of various birds. Magpies chirp and whistle blackbirds, cuckoos calling, jays calling to each other , fussing by the streams wagtails , shaking his tail; near the river banks you can hear the melodic tune of a lemon-yellow oriole, quickly rushing for prey falcons , forest healers methodically tap on the bark of the trunks - woodpeckers Agile Shrikes hunt for insects. The nimble bee-eater chases bees and bumblebees, grabbing them in flight with its long, thin beak. Owls, eagle owls, starlings, grosbeaks, goldfinches, kingfishers, tits fly here, and high in the mountains - Caucasian black grouse, mountain turkeys - snowcocks.

They settle along the steep banks of riversblue rollers, tree sparrows and shore swallows.

Birds bring great benefits to the national economy by destroying harmful insects and rodents. For example, one swallow catches more than a thousand plant pests per day. Woodpeckers save hundreds of trees by eating beetle larvae hidden under the bark. An owl kills a thousand mice over the summer, and each mouse eats 1 kg of grain per year. It turns out that only one owl saves us a ton of bread a year.

Not all birds live with us all year round. Many live only in the summer, hatch their chicks, and fly to warmer climes in the fall. There are about 320 species of birds in Kuban.

Soil and air pollution has led to a sharp reduction in the number of insectivorous birds: starlings, swallows, sparrows. But the number of crows and pigeons has increased. City garbage dumps serve as an excellent food source for them.

At an altitude of 1800 - 2200 meters above sea level there is a belt of subalpine vegetation. extendsubalpine meadowsand crooked forests with scrub beech and mountain maple. Subalpine meadows are rich pastures. In the summer, cattle and flocks of sheep are kept here.

Above the subalpine meadows, starting from altitudes of 2300 - 2500 and up to 2800 - 3000 meters above sea level, stretches the belt of alpine meadows of the Northwestern Caucasus (in other parts of the Caucasus it is much higher). The nature here is harsh. Only in August are the clearings cleared of snow.

How striking the change! In the subalpine zone everything is large and lush, and in the alpine zone the same plants, but from 4 to 15 centimeters in height, with a creeping form. The brightness of the colors and the diversity of flowers in the rocky meadows, surrounded by rocks and snow, is striking. There are red ones growing all around mytniks, bright blue gentians , golden yellow buttercups and dandelions, rose red carnations, blue forget-me-nots.

From 3000 meters and above there are eternal snows and glaciers and inaccessible rocks, almost devoid of any vegetation.

The vegetation of the Black Sea coast is diverse. From Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam and oak, hornbeam and hornbeam. On the spurs of the Markotkhsky ridge from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, crooked and stunted trees grow elm, hornbeam and among them dogwood and hawthorn . In the Gelendzhik area there are elm, maple, ash, dogwood, walnut, cherry plum, apple, and pear trees; along the coast - Pitsunda pine.

The resort village of Dzhankhot is located 12 kilometers south of Gelendzhik. Here, on the high shore of the sea, an island of ancient flora has been preserved - a grove of Pitsunda pine. It is surrounded by hornbeam, maple and other trees.

Beyond the Mikhailovsky Pass, oak is distributed along the mountain slopes and rises to a height of 500 - 600 meters, then giving way to beech. Alder, viburnum, elderberry, dogwood, and pear grow in floodplains and on river banks.

On the coast from Lazarevsky to Adler they grow cypresses, Pitsunda pine, magnolias, palms . They remain green all year round.

Parks and squares are decorated with noble laurel, bamboo, yucca, and various palm trees. There is no month of the year when some plants do not bloom. Apricots, peaches and other fruits ripen in the gardens.

The fauna of the Black Sea is diverse, but is concentrated mainly in the upper layer. Fishes of commercial importance are: beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring , anchovy, sprats, bream, mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, flounder. There are dolphins.

The following fish live in the Sea of ​​Azov: ram, shemaya , herring, sturgeon (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon), sprat, horse mackerel.

In rivers and estuaries live: bream, silver bream, asp, carp, catfish and other fish. The champion here is the carp, it is found everywhere. He has a good appetite, so he grows quickly. In general, carp grows throughout its life and sometimes reaches 1.5 meters in length, and its weight reaches 35 kg.

The most valuable fish include vimba and shemaya. A mustachioed catfish lives in a den under a snag; its main food is frogs. Catfish have strong jaws and teeth, like those of a shark, curved back. You can't escape from such a mouth.

Another fish is found high in mountain rivers - trout.She only needs clean water. And if you see this fish in a mountain river, you can safely drink the water there, it is clean. Trout is a predator. It feeds on worms and small fish, and sometimes catches insects. When overcoming rapids, trout can jump out of the water 1-1.5 meters.

The forests of the Black Sea coast preserve supplies of drinking and mineral water, protect soils from water and wind erosion, landslides, rockfalls and landslides, and soften the climate. They ensure a constant water level in rivers, protect them from silting and shallowing, and thereby create conditions for the reproduction of fish resources. From mountain slopes not protected by forests, rains carry away 100 cubic meters of soil per hectare per year. In such places, ravines quickly form.

The forest has a certain influence on the climate and rivers that feed the fertile plains of the Kuban with their waters, protects reservoirs from drying out, fields from drought, and purifies the air from harmful carbon dioxide, dust and other small particles. The vegetation cover of the Earth is called the “lungs of the planet.” One hectare of forest purifies 18 million cubic meters of air smoky and saturated with carbon dioxide per year.

The forest is a healing factor and an excellent object for hiking, excursions, and walks. Forest air is clean, it contains a lot of ozone and phytoncides, substances that suppress the development of pathogenic microbes.

Forest is also a building material. The woodworking industry is developed in Kuban. There are furniture factories and associations in Krasnodar, Armavir, Kropotkin, Apsheronsk, Novorossiysk. They make wardrobes and bookcases, chairs, tables, sofas...

Unreasonable predatory extermination of any species of animals or birds causes great harm to nature. Interspecies connections are destroyed, the natural balance is disrupted. By destroying the surrounding nature, people destroy themselves.

Our rivers, lakes and ponds are often polluted with sewage, especially waste water from factories. This kind of water is harmful. The fish die in it. Therefore, it is necessary to protect animals, birds and fish from their unreasonable destruction.

There are nature reserves and sanctuaries in our region. These are areas of the area where nature remains intact. You cannot cut down trees or hunt birds or animals in the reserve.

Schoolchildren should remember the words of the writer M.M. Prishvin, who wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Not only are these treasures protected, they must be opened and shown.

Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!”


  1. Grin L. Nature of the native land. - Krasnodar, 2005.
  2. Lotyshev I.P. Traveling around his native land. - Krasnodar, 1999.
  3. Paskevich N. Ya. Favorite corner of the earth. - Kranodar, 2005.
  4. Red Book of Kuban.
  5. Internet resources.

* Target. Introduce children to wild animals; give an idea of ​​what mammals are; teach how to classify them according to food characteristics: herbivores, rodents, predators, omnivores; talk about elk, lynx, squirrel (appearance, habits, habitat): bring to awareness of the relationship between living and inanimate nature. Activate vocabulary (mammals, herbivores, rodents, predators, omnivores, hoof, smell, graceful).

* Several species of predators live in the Krasnodar forests. One of them is the wolf. A wolf is very similar to a dog - or rather a good purebred shepherd dog, but unlike it, it is much larger and fitter. This predator usually lives in the mountains and foothills. The wolf is hunted all year round, as a result of which its number currently amounts to about 500 individuals. These animals live in families - usually in a pack of 7-10 wolves, they are very smart and can adapt to different conditions. One flock - a family - oversees * a certain territory, marking its boundaries with odorous marks. They can go without food for several days, and when they make long journeys across large territories, they can go without food for more than a week. If they succeed in hunting, they try to eat as much food as possible. Wolves' diet is quite varied; they do not disdain carrion, but also feed on birds, lizards, large insects, frogs, livestock and even plant foods. Their lifespan is up to 15 years.

* Another predator is the raccoon dog, which actually comes from the Far East, but it has taken root here in the Krasnodar region. The dog lives in forests - both mixed and deciduous, but loves hilly terrain. It can also be found in ravines overgrown with bushes and near water bodies. It feeds on everything, like wolves - carrion, birds, insects, various reptiles and rodents. The raccoon dog usually sleeps in winter, although if the winter is warm, it may not hibernate. In general, this is a very active predator - it hunts both day and night. Its fur is warm and thick, so it is hunted a lot.

* How not to mention the well-known jackal? It lives in the foothills of the Krasnodar region and on the Black Sea coast. It loves mixed and deciduous forests, it is a very cunning creature, it resembles a small wolf, only its fur is red and its tail looks very thick. The jackal's fur is long and thick. It usually weighs up to 10 kilograms. Just like wolves, they live up to 15 years and eat whatever they can find. These predators are very agile, usually hunt alone and can catch a bird that has already taken flight in a jump. It should be noted that jackals are very fond of fruits and happily eat grapes, watermelons, melons and even sugar cane. For these animals, love is once and for all, and the male takes a very active * part in the life of the family and raising the young. If you hear a jackal howling at night, it means the rut has begun. In general, this type of predator is very noisy - it whines before hunting, especially often in clear weather, but it does not like cloudy weather. The jackal howls even if he suddenly hears loud sounds, such as a siren. During the day, jackals hide in holes and go out hunting in the dark. Jackals are not afraid of people; they often attack peasant farmsteads and cause enormous damage to gardens, melon fields, and plantations. This type of predator has a big sweet tooth and always chooses the juiciest and ripest fruits. The jackal's skin is unremarkable. This predator can even be tamed

* Among the predators of the Kuban there is also a predator - the fox sister... The fox belongs to the canine family and can live in different conditions, it is not picky, it especially loves the forest belt, where you can find many small rodents. Its color varies from gray to red on the sides and back, but the belly is light or gray. The fox lives in holes either in ravines or on hills. Eats mainly rodents, as well as hares, birds and shrews. Surprisingly, the fox really loves grapes and various fruits. Her fur has always attracted hunters, so this predator has a hard time.

* The gargle raccoon has also taken root in this area. It is the size of a dog, has fur with a brown tint, it can also be recognized by the rings on its white tail and black muzzle, the raccoon weighs up to 9 kilograms. It lives in deciduous forests and lives in tree hollows, but there must be a body of water nearby, it doesn’t like coniferous forests, but neither does forests without bodies of water. The striped raccoon is an excellent climber of trees and deftly descends from them upside down. During the day, the raccoon does not go hunting and spends all its time in its den. And at night this predator hunts frogs, birds, various reptiles, and mice. In winter he sleeps, but his sleep is not deep. Raccoons are attacked by wolves, and their cubs are hunted by snakes. This is a very cunning animal, for example, if it cannot hide from being chased, it pretends to be dead. Raccoon meat is edible, and its fur is very valuable.

* You can also find a very small representative of predators here – this is the weasel. This is an interesting, beautiful animal that is somewhat similar to an ermine. The weasel has a long, elongated body, it has very sharp claws and glands near the tail, which emit a very unpleasant odor. Weasel weighs only 100 grams, and its body length is about 20 centimeters. She runs very fast, climbs, jumps, and swims well. Its food is mice, moles, rabbits, chickens, pigeons, snakes, frogs and insects. She hunts at any time of the day, brings benefits by destroying rodents, but causes harm by attacks on chicken coops. Weasels live up to 30 years.

* The otter is a large animal with an elongated, flexible, streamlined body. Body length 5595 cm, tail 2655 cm, weight 610 kg. The paws are short, with webbed swimming. The tail is muscular and not fluffy. * Fur color: dark brown above, light, silver below. The guard hairs are coarse, but the underfur is very thick and delicate. The structure of its body is adapted for swimming underwater: a flat head, short legs, a long tail and non-wetting fur. *

* In its appearance, the ferret resembles the forest and steppe ferret, but is a smaller species than them, measuring only 29 to 38 cm in length with a tail of 15 to 22 cm. The weight of adult ferrets ranges from 370 to 730 g. In contrast from many species related to bandages, the males and females of these animals are equally large. The physique of the bandages with an elongated narrow body and short legs corresponds to the usual physique of many mustelids. The upper part of the body is colored in dark brown tones and covered with yellow spots and stripes. The lower part of the body is black. Notable is the coloring of their muzzle: it is black and white, with the areas around the mouth and a wide strip stretching from the ears to the eyes painted white, while everything else is black. The ears of the bandages are unusually large. The tail is fluffy with a black tassel.

* A very large and strong eagle, body length 7693 cm, wingspan cm. Females are much larger than males, their weight varies from 3.8 to 6.7 kg, while for males from 2.8 to 4.6 kg . The beak is typically eagle-like: high and laterally compressed, hooked downwards. The feathers on the neck are somewhat elongated, a feature also found in the Imperial Eagle. The wings are long and wide, somewhat narrowed at the base and at the hind finger, so that when soaring, the rear edge of the wing looks curved in the shape of the Latin letter S; this characteristic feature is most pronounced in young birds. The tail is slightly rounded and longer than other typical eagles. In relation to the width of the wing, it is more close to hawk eagles, in particular to the dwarf eagle, but unlike it, it is wide and open like a fan in flight. When soaring, the bird spreads its front flight feathers in a finger-like manner.

The Krasnodar region is located in the southwestern part of Russia.

Formed on September 13, 1937, the subject of the Russian Federation borders on many regions, territories and republics: the Rostov region, the Stavropol region, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Adygea and Abkhazia.

Flora of the Krasnodar region

The Krasnodar region is famous mainly for its steppe vegetation from Rostov to Kuban. Previously, feather grass, wheatgrass, vetch, and timothy grass grew in these territories, but now their place has been taken by fields of wheat.

Before the Krasnodar region became popular among tourists, hazel, lush almonds, and the ubiquitous thorn grew along the rivers. But now on the floodplains you can find willow, willow, poplar, and alder. Also in these places grow: oaks, elderberries, thorns, wild roses and other plants.

Steppe vegetation consists of sage, wormwood, as well as licorice, alfalfa and timothy.

Well-moistened areas of the Krasnodar Territory are overflowing with aquatic vegetation. On the estuaries you can see white flower, nickel nymph, steam-water walnut, duckweed and ferns. Along the estuaries, on the shore, reeds, cattails and kuga grow. In the Krasnodar Territory there are places where lotuses grow.

Shallow estuaries and dry swamps are suitable for growing rice, so these places are often used by the population.

If we talk about the Black Sea coast and its vegetation, it is worth noting the diversity of mountain nature.

The forests of these places are overflowing with mosses, vines and heat-loving plants. They are distinguished by their multi-tiered nature. Thanks to the warm climate, fallen leaves create the ground floor in autumn, so mountain forests always have young vegetation. In such forests you can find oaks, beeches, chestnuts, lindens, and maples. The following types of trees are also often found: birch, apple and pear, cherry, cherry plum and dogwood.

The high mountain zone is suitable for growing fir trees.

Blueberries, rowan berries and rhododedrod grow under the tree trunks.

Behind the forests there is a subalpine. Umbelliferous and leguminous plants, ranunculaceae and asteraceae grow here. Some of the representatives of these plants are hogweed, whitebeard, rosette, primrose and cuffs.

Fauna of the Krasnodar region

The fauna of the Krasnodar region is quite wide and diverse. Many animals living in these territories are listed in the Red Book.

Representatives of rare and protected animals are: ferret, Caucasian otter, golden eagle, bustard, snake eagle, gravedigger, steppe eagle, osprey, pelicans and many other animals.

The forest zone is perfect for the habitat and life of many animals. For example, foxes, pheasants, quails, hedgehogs, moles, jerboas and hares.

The most valuable and rare species of animals are found in the mountains. Here you can find wild boars, Caucasian deer, jackals, roe deer, mountain goats and bison. Predatory representatives also include brown bears, wolves, foxes, lynxes, badgers and others.

Otters and minks live near the rivers, and raccoon dogs are also found not far from them.

Rare species in the Krasnodar region are mountain goats, mountain bison, chamois, Caucasian snowcocks and Caucasian black grouse.

There are a lot of fish in the rivers, you can even find sturgeon species.

Among the birds and galliformes, you can find many geese, ducks and sandpipers here.

Representatives of reptiles are: marsh and Greek turtles, water and common snakes, steppe vipers and legless lizards.

The forests are home to a huge number of birds. In the valleys you can hear the trills and flapping of the wings of magpies, orioles, blackbirds, cuckoo jays and owls. The sound of woodpeckers can be heard everywhere. Harriers, falcons and hawks live in lowland areas.

The Krasnodar Territory is also home to bitterns, black grouse, quails, mountain turkeys, cormorants, gulls, and eagle owls. In cities and villages there are also a considerable number of birds: swallows, sparrows, pigeons, tits, starlings and others.

Climate in the Krasnodar region

Spring comes at the beginning of March. Characterized by temperature variability and strong winds. The average temperature in April is +10 degrees.

Summer in the Krasnodar region lasts almost 5 months. The average temperature is 25-30 degrees, sometimes higher. Krasnodar summer is characterized by frequent rains followed by sun.

Autumn comes in October. The temperature during this period does not rise above 15 degrees, and closer to December it drops lower and lower. This month sees frequent precipitation in the form of heavy rains. The first snow falls in November, but lasts no more than 2 days.

Winter in the Krasnodar region is quite mild. The average winter temperature is from 0 to 2 degrees. There is almost no snow cover, only on the mountain peaks.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Deer DEER (tight-horned), a family of artiodactyl animals of the ruminant suborder. Males have horns (most are branched), which are shed annually and grow again in the spring. OK. 30 types. The most famous are red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer, musk deer, elk, and reindeer. Object of trade (meat, leather, horns). The numbers of a number of species are declining. 11 species and 20 subspecies in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

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Boar BOAR (wild pig, boar), a non-ruminant, artiodactyl mammal of the pig family; forms more than 25 subspecies. Length 130-175 cm, weight 60-150 kg. The boar is unusually variable in size and proportions. The head is large, wedge-shaped, extended forward. The ears are long and wide, the eyes are small, and the snout has a snout. The body is covered with elastic bristles, longer and denser in winter, with underfur. On the back, the bristles form a ridge that puffs up when the animal is excited. Color ranges from light brown to almost black. Striped piglets.

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Wolf WOLF. Body length 100-140, tail 30-50 cm, height up to 90 cm, weight from 30 to 75 kg. The teeth are sharp, predatory with large fangs. The ears are erect and pointed. Wolves have a very acute sense of smell, detecting scent at a distance of 1.5 km. The fur is gray, thicker in winter than in summer. The wolf is active at night and feeds on any animals living in its range. These are ungulates, small vertebrates, reptiles, egg laying, insects and berries. A hungry wolf can eat up to 10 kg of meat, but usually 2-6 kg. In times of hunger, it does not disdain carrion. They live in flocks of 6-10 individuals. The leader of the pack is almost always a male. Wolves never lie in wait for prey; they chase it down, dividing into small groups. Wolves make their lair in rock crevices, on the slopes of ravines, under upturned tree roots. Sometimes they adapt the holes of other animals, less often they dig them themselves. Pregnancy lasts 63 days. In March-April, the she-wolf gives birth to 4-8 cubs, which by 6 months become completely independent. The entire pack takes part in raising and feeding the wolf cubs.

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Jackal JACKAL is a predatory mammal of the wolf family. The length of its body is up to 85 cm, its tail is about 20 cm; weight 7–13 kg. The color of the coat in winter is fawn, dirty yellow, with a noticeable red and black tint, the tail is reddish-brown with a black tip. It is found in southern Eurasia, North Africa; in Russia mainly in the North Caucasus. The Asian jackal prefers to settle in thickets of bushes and reeds, on plains, near rivers, lakes and seas. It is less common in the foothills. The jackal uses natural niches and depressions, crevices among stones, and sometimes abandoned holes as shelters. The animal is active mainly at night, but often during the day. Migrates only in search of food. The jackal is omnivorous, but feeds mainly on small animals: rodents, birds, fish, as well as insects, carrion and the remains of the prey of large predators. It also eats fruits and berries, including grapes, watermelons, melons, and plant bulbs. Living near villages, he also hunts poultry. When going out to hunt, the jackal emits a loud howl, which is picked up by all its relatives nearby. They hunt more often alone or in pairs. The jackal forms pairs for life; the male takes an active part in creating a hole and raising offspring. The rut occurs from January to February. Pregnancy lasts about 2 months. Usually 4–6, rarely 8 puppies are born. The Asian jackal is a carrier of dangerous diseases (rabies and plague). It has no commercial significance.

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White hare HARES, a family of mammals of the order Lagomorpha. OK. 50 species, including hare, hare, wild rabbit, tolai, Manchurian hare. Some species are adapted to fast running, digging, swimming, and climbing. Distributed everywhere, with the exception of the island of Madagascar, the southern regions of South America and Antarctica. Lead an active, solitary lifestyle; They do not have permanent shelters. They reproduce up to 4 times a year. There are 2-8 (up to 15) cubs in a litter. The cubs are born on bare ground, sighted, covered with fur. Already at the age of several days they can move independently. Rabbits live in burrows in colonies. Cubs are born naked, blind, helpless. Object of commercial and sport hunting (wild rabbit, brown hare, etc.). Some types of hares cause great damage to pastures, orchards, and forest plantings. Certain species spread vectors of natural focal infections. 4 species in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).

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Wagtail (Motacilla), a genus of passerine birds. Length 16.5-18 cm; the tail is long, constantly swaying from top to bottom (hence the name). Colored in black, white, grey, yellow and greenish. 11 species live in Eurasia and Africa. In the Western Hemisphere, the only species is the yellow wagtail (M. flava). Destroy harmful insects.

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Bustard Bustards, order of crane-like creatures. They look like chicken-like creatures. Weight 20–23 kg, the smallest 1–2 kg. The body of the bustard is dense, the neck is of medium length and rather thick, the head is large. Being land birds, bustards have strong, thick, medium-length notes with broad and short toes, adapted for walking and running. Bustards are inhabitants of open spaces - steppes, savannas, prairies, deserts and semi-deserts. The food is varied, mostly plant-based. Most species do not drink water. The nest is located on the ground in the form of a depression lined with vegetation. The clutch contains 2–5 motley eggs. . The chicks hatch after 20–30 days covered in down and soon leave the nest.

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Rhinoceros beetle Rhinoceros beetle is an insect of the lamellar family. Length 2.5-4.5 cm. The male has a horn curved back on his head. Distributed in Europe in mixed forests and steppes.

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Bumblebee Bumblebees are a genus of social insects of the superfamily bees. Length up to 35 mm. OK. 300 species, widely distributed. The most important pollinators of plants, including forage crops. The numbers of many species are declining and are protected.

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Lizard LIZARDS are a suborder of reptiles of the squamate order. 20 families, including geckos, agamas, iguanas, monitor lizards, poisonous teeth, chameleons and others, more than 3900 species. They live on all continents except Antarctica, mainly in the tropics and subtropics; in steppes, deserts and forests. The body is 3.5 cm long, covered with keratinized scales. The body is flattened, laterally compressed (or cylindrical), of various colors. Most limbs are well developed. Many species of lizards are capable of throwing off their tails (autotomy). Most lead a terrestrial lifestyle, some live in the soil, on trees, on rocks. Small lizards feed on invertebrates, mainly insects. Mostly oviparous, there are ovoviviparous and viviparous. The meat of lizards is edible, the skin is used for various crafts. Many species and subspecies of lizards

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Timothy Timothy, a genus of annual and perennial herbs of the grass family. OK. 20 types. Meadow timothy grass is grown as a fodder plant in a mixture with leguminous grasses.

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Yarrow Yarrow is a genus of perennial herbs in the Asteraceae family. Over 100 species, mainly in temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Yarrow infusion and extract are hemostatic agents. Some species are cultivated as ornamental.

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Nivyanik Nivyanik, a genus of perennial herbs of the Asteraceae family. OK. 20 species, in the temperate zone of Eurasia, mainly in mountainous regions. Common cornflower (L. vulgare), or popovnik, and some other cornflowers are ornamental plants.

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Clover CLOVER, a genus of perennial and annual herbs of the legume family. OK. 200 species, mainly in Eurasia and Northern. America. Mostly red clover is grown in a mixture with cereals and in its pure form. Forage plant (up to 400 centners per 1 ha of green mass, 60-80 centners per 1 ha of hay). Honey plant.

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Frogs Frogs are distributed throughout the world, except in the Arctic regions, southern South America, South Australia and New Zealand. In Russia, grass, pond, lake, and sharp-faced frogs are often found. They feed mainly on insects; large individuals can also eat small vertebrates, including amphibians. Frogs breed mainly in water bodies; the female lays from 500 to 11 thousand eggs. During the breeding season, many frogs are characterized by a variety of sound signaling (concerts).

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Cattail Cattail, a genus of perennial aquatic grasses of the cattail family. OK. 15 species, sometimes forming extensive thickets along the banks of reservoirs and swamps in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia and Middle East. Asia. Stems and leaves are used as building material, for weaving baskets, etc.; rhizomes, rich in starch, are food for muskrats, muskrats, and nutria. The cattail family consists of a single genus of cattails.

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Reed KAMYSH, a genus of perennial grasses of the sedge family. Over 250 species, all over the globe; in wet places and in the water of rivers, lakes, swamps. Lake reed, or kuga, is a peat former. Some types are decorative. Reed is often incorrectly called reed.

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Reed REED, a genus of large perennial grasses of the grass family. 5 species, mainly in the tropics, 1 species (common reed) - almost cosmopolitan; grows along the banks of reservoirs and swamps. It is used as a building material, for weaving mats, making coarse types of paper, and for fixing sand.

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Arrowhead Arrowhead (sagittaria), a genus of perennial aquatic or marsh grasses of the Chastuhaceae family. OK. 20 species, in Eurasia, America; in Russia there are 4 species. Some arrowheads contain starch in their tuberous formations. Arrowhead is a valuable food for ducks, muskrats, and beavers.

Animals are inhabitants of natural areas.
Protection of the organic world of the Krasnodar region

1. Define the meaning of the terms.

Population- a long-term group of individuals of the same species.

Area- this is an area on the surface of the earth or water that is occupied by one or another type of plant, animal, or fish.

Relic- a thing, phenomenon or organism preserved as a relic from ancient eras.

2. Using the “fishbow” technique, draw up a diagram “Fauna of natural complexes of the Krasnodar region.

3. Solve the Chinaword, which encrypts the names of animals living in the Krasnodar Territory and the Black Sea, and write down which of them are listed in the Red Book.

Bottlenose dolphin, mink, newt are listed in the Red Book

4. Mark the correct statements with a + sign.

— The species diversity of the fauna of the steppe zone does not depend on human activity
— Waterfowl live in the Azov region: hamster, weasel, hedgehog, hare, badger
+ The Trans-Kuban plain is inhabited by both steppe and forest representatives of the animal world.
— Among the predators in our region, the largest is the bison
+ The smallest predator living in the region is the weasel.

5. Make a list of the largest environmental organizations operating in the Krasnodar Territory.

Use the information posted on the website of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory ( Find out if there are specially protected natural areas in your area, including botanical natural monuments. Prepare a short report about one of them.
- World Wildlife Fund. Separate division of the Russian Caucasus department
— Rosprirodnadzor, department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea
— Azov-Black Sea Basin Department for Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources
— Regional Information and Analytical Center for Environmental Monitoring
— Kuban environmental company
— Kuban State Agrarian University Research Institute of Applied and Experimental Ecology
— Kuban Environmental Center

— Center for Legal Defense and Ecology
Plane trees two trees 150 years old - a botanical natural monument in Krasnodar, the Giant Oak - a natural monument since 1978 in Krasnodar, Gorky Park - is an active natural-historical cultural monument. In the park named after Zhukov there are botanical cultural monuments 100 - summer maple-leaved plane trees "Beauties".

6. Reflect on the statement of the Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin: “In nature, everything is connected with each other, and there is nothing random in it. And if a random phenomenon occurs, look for the hand of a person in it.” Write a short essay-reasoning. Reflect in it the natural features of the Krasnodar region and the role of man in transforming the environment.

In nature, everything was perfected not over years or even millennia, but over millions of years. Everything about her is harmonious. Not only Prishvin wrote about this. Einstein argued that there is nothing random in nature, and if something seems random to us, then it is only the result of our incomplete knowledge. Unfortunately, humans often play a destructive role in nature, and environmental problems arise due to their activities. First of all, this is water pollution and depletion of water resources. There is a decrease in the species and number of fish in reservoirs. The Kuban River flows in the Krasnodar Territory, the waters of which do not meet safety standards. Swimming is prohibited in the reservoir, so local beaches have been eliminated.
Another problem is soil erosion and a decrease in their fertility, especially in coastal areas. Some natural monuments, such as national parks, are also being destroyed. Rare species of flora and fauna are disappearing in the region.
One of the significant environmental problems of the Krasnodar Territory is pollution by oil and petroleum products. Due to some accidents, the situation has reached disastrous levels. The largest leaks were noticed in the following settlements: Tuapse; Yeysk; Tikhoretsk
There are leaks of kerosene and gasoline at oil depots. Lenses appeared underground in these places where oil products were concentrated. They pollute the soil and groundwater.
It is high time to realize that it is necessary to take care of nature and protect it for the sake of continuing our life on earth.

In the northeastern part of the region, in the Kuban-Azov lowland, steppe animals are common. Field mice, gophers, jerboas, moles, and hamsters live here. All of them are harmful to agriculture. They live in burrows and feed on grain and leaves. Predators include foxes, weasels, and ferrets. Birds include larks, quails, gray partridges, crows, and magpies. There are also predators - kites, owls, owls, steppe harrier.

In gardens and parks you can see finches, tits, buntings, and starlings.

In the Kuban delta, in the floodplains and estuaries, there are wild boars, foxes, waterfowl: pelicans, gulls, ducks, lapwings, waders, geese, herons, and sometimes swans arrive. The muskrat lives in the estuaries. In the floodplains of the Kalininsky district there is the largest multi-species colony of storks in the region.

Forest fauna

In the mountains and foothills there is an abundance of forest fruits and lush meadow grasses. This creates favorable conditions for the habitat of animals and birds. Wild pigs graze in small herds of oak and beech forests. Unlike domestic pigs, wild pigs are somewhat shorter and taller on their legs. Old boars reach 100-150 kilograms of weight. They are covered with thick, coarse bristles of a dark brown and sometimes almost black color. The male has fangs.

In broad-leaved forests there are small roe deer, the size of a domestic goat, resembling a deer in appearance. Only males have horns. They hunt for food by bear, wolf, jackal, raccoon dog, badger, fox, and marten. On the river banks there are mink and otter. They dive and swim well, feed on fish and frogs.

Among the reptiles there are: snakes - common and water snakes, vipers - steppe and Koznakov's viper (found high in the mountains), legless spindle lizard and yellow-bellied lizard.

In the morning, the forest and valleys of the foothills are filled with the singing and chirping of various birds.

Predators of the Krasnodar region

Magpies chirp, blackbirds whistle, cuckoos crow, jays call to each other, wagtails scurry around the streams, shaking their tails; Along the banks of the rivers you can hear the melodic tune of the yellow-lemon oriole, red falcons quickly rush after prey, and woodpeckers, the healers of the forests, methodically tap on the bark of the tree trunks. Agile shrikes hunt for insects. The nimble bee-eater chases bees and bumblebees, grabbing them in flight with its long, thin beak. Owls, eagle owls, starlings, grosbeaks, goldfinches, kingfishers, tits fly here, and high in the mountains - Caucasian grouse and mountain turkeys. Blue rollers, tree sparrows and shore swallows live along the steep banks of rivers.

Birds bring great benefits to the national economy by destroying harmful insects and rodents. For example, one swallow catches more than a thousand plant pests per day. Woodpeckers save hundreds of trees by eating beetle larvae hidden under the bark. An owl kills a thousand mice over the summer, and each mouse eats 1 kilogram of grain per year. It turns out that only one owl saves us a ton of bread a year.

Not all birds live with us all year round. Many live only in the summer, hatch their chicks, and fly to warmer climes in the fall. There are about 320 species of birds in Kuban.
Soil and air pollution has led to a sharp reduction in the number of insectivorous birds: starlings, swallows, sparrows. But the number of crows and pigeons has increased. City garbage dumps serve as an excellent food source for them.

The fauna of the Black Sea is diverse, but is concentrated mainly in the upper layer. Of the commercially important fish, beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring, anchovy, sprats, bream, mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, and flounder are of commercial importance. There are dolphins. The Sea of ​​Azov is inhabited by fish: ram, herring, sturgeon (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon), sprat, shemaya, horse mackerel.

In rivers and estuaries live: bream, silver bream, asp, carp, catfish and other fish.

The Krasnodar region is located in the south of our country, so it is much warmer here than, for example, in the Moscow region. In the Kuban-Azov lowland, in the foothills and mountains, on the Black Sea coast and the Taman Peninsula, different weather can be observed at the same time of year. Each season has its own weather. These annually recurring weather patterns make up the climate of a given area. It depends on the geographical location, proximity of seas, terrain and prevailing winds. The climate of most of our region is temperate continental, on the Black Sea coast (south of Tuapse) it is subtropical - humid.

The territory of the Kuban Plain is open from the north, that is, it is accessible to the action of Arctic air masses.

The formation of weather has a certain influence cyclones and anticyclones. Cyclones (air masses with low atmospheric pressure) usually bring rainy, unstable weather. Anticyclones (air currents with high atmospheric pressure) contribute to the establishment of stable weather, warm in summer and cold in winter.

With easterly and northeasterly winds, dry and hot weather occurs in summer. In winter these winds cause cold weather. A particularly sharp drop in temperature is observed during the breakthrough of Arctic air masses in the Ciscaucasia. The air temperature drops to minus 20-25°.

Winds from the southwest bring coolness and rain in summer, and thaws and precipitation in the form of snow and rain in winter.

Local winds also influence the climate. These include breezes and hair dryers.

Hairdryers- warm, dry winds blowing from the mountains, often in October - December. There are cases when in December, with such a wind, the air temperature in Krasnodar reached 15-20°C. Foes are observed on the Black Sea coast, in the mountainous and foothill parts and (weakened) in the Kuban-Azov lowland, lasting up to 1-2 days.

Breezes, or coastal winds, blow on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, during the day from sea to land, at night - from land to sea.

The Black Sea cools the coast in summer with breezes; in winter, on the contrary, it warms it, releasing the heat accumulated on hot days. The high Caucasus Mountains trap cold air flows coming from the north.

A cold northeast (north-east) wind blowing from the mountains with hurricane force is called boroy. Strong nor'easters prevail in winter, when there is a large difference in barometric pressure on land (high) and at sea (low).

The highest wind speeds were observed in the north-west of the Black Sea coast in the Novorossiysk region. The air temperature drops to 15-18° below zero.

There are usually about 50 days with bora per year (usually in November and March). Wind speed reaches 45-50 meters per second (with gusts up to 100 m/s). Bora often leads to icing of ships docked in the bay and causes great damage to the city economy.

On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, vegetation is distributed into zones. Latitudinal and vertical zoning is clearly expressed here. The steppe zone occupies the entire Kuban-Azov lowland. In the recent past, this was a forb-fescue-feather grass steppe. Currently, almost all of it is plowed and turned into vast collective and peasant farm fields, where wheat, corn, sugar beets, sunflowers, barley, and vegetables and melons are cultivated. In total, there are more than 3 thousand plant species in the region.

Along the roads, along the slopes of ravines and on the tops of mounds you can find wild herbaceous plants: creeping wheatgrass, wild buttercup, yellow sweet clover, wormwood, plantain, coltsfoot, quinoa, field sow thistle, St. John's wort, immortelle. In forest belts there are oak, walnut, acacia and other tree species.

On the right bank of the Kuban, not far from the village of Ivanovskaya, lies the Red Forest massif (5200 hectares). This is the remnant of the forests that previously bordered the banks of the Kuban to its lower reaches. Narrow strips of forest remain in the middle reaches of the river. In the Red Forest grow oak, willow, maple, ash, apple, hawthorn, and rose hips; inhabited by deer, roe deer, wild boars, and hares. Depending on the altitude above sea level and the associated changes in climatic, soil and other conditions, not only the general nature of the vegetation changes dramatically, but also the appearance of the plants.

As the relief increases, the steppe turns into a forest-steppe, and the latter into a forest zone. The forest-steppe stretches in a relatively narrow strip on the left bank of the Kuban, covering the Trans-Kuban inclined plain and the low (mostly up to 600 m) part of the foothills. About 50% of the area is shrubs and partly broad-leaved forests (oak, hornbeam, maple, hazel, dogwood).

Kuban forests occupy 1.7 million hectares and are characterized by exclusively valuable species. The region contains approximately 30% of oak forests, over 80% of beech and about 90% of chestnut plantations in Russia. The main part of the forests is located in the foothills, mountainous areas and the Black Sea coast.
Vegetation in the mountains forms three zones: forest, subalpine and alpine.

The forest zone is divided into two zones: broad-leaved and coniferous forests. Up to 700 meters above sea level, predominantly oak forests grow with an admixture of hornbeam, ash, elm, as well as fruit trees (pear, apple, dogwood). Oak forests give way to a belt of beech trees. At an altitude of 1200 meters they are joined by Caucasian fir. From 1300 to 1800 meters, coniferous forests predominate, consisting of Caucasian fir and eastern spruce. Fir needles are softer and slightly wider than spruce needles.

At an altitude of 1800-2200 meters above sea level lies a belt of subalpine vegetation. There are subalpine meadows and crooked forests with shrub beech and mountain maple. Subalpine meadows are rich pastures. In the summer, cattle and flocks of sheep are kept here.

Above the subalpine meadows, starting from altitudes of 2300-2500 and up to 2800-3000 meters above sea level, stretches the belt of alpine meadows of the Northwestern Caucasus (in other parts of the Caucasus it is much higher). The nature here is harsh. Only in August are the clearings cleared of snow.

How striking the change! In the subalpine zone everything is large and lush, and in the alpine zone the same plants, but from 4 to 15 centimeters in height, with a creeping form. The brightness of the colors and the diversity of flowers in the rocky meadows, surrounded by rocks and snow, is striking. Red mynacles, bright blue gentians, golden-yellow buttercups and dandelions, pink-red carnations, and blue forget-me-nots grow all around.

From 3000 meters and above there are eternal snows and glaciers and inaccessible rocks, almost devoid of any vegetation.

Diverse vegetation of the Black Sea coast. From Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam and oak, hornbeam and hornbeam. On the spurs of the Markotkhsky ridge from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, twisted and low-growing elm, hornbeam, and among them dogwood and hawthorn grow. In the Gelendzhik area there are elm, maple, ash, dogwood, walnut, cherry plum, apple, and pear trees; along the coast - Pitsunda pine.

The resort village of Dzhankhot is located 12 kilometers south of Gelendzhik. Here, on the high shore of the sea, an island of ancient flora has been preserved - a grove of Pitsunda pine. It is surrounded by hornbeam, maple and other trees.

Beyond the Mikhailovsky Pass, oak is distributed along the mountain slopes and rises to a height of 500-600 meters, then giving way to beech. Alder, viburnum, elderberry, dogwood, and pear grow in floodplains and on river banks.

On the coast from Lazarevsky to Adler, cypress trees, Pitsunda pine, magnolias, and palm trees grow. They remain green all year round.

Parks and squares are decorated with noble laurel, bamboo, yucca, and various palm trees. There is no month of the year when some plants do not bloom. Apricots, peaches and other fruits ripen in the gardens.

The forests of the Black Sea coast preserve supplies of drinking and mineral water, protect soils from water and wind erosion, landslides, rockfalls and landslides, and soften the climate. They ensure a constant water level in rivers, protect them from silting and shallowing, and thereby create conditions for the reproduction of fish resources. From mountain slopes not protected by forests, rains carry away 100 cubic meters of soil per hectare per year. In such places, ravines quickly form.

The forest has a certain influence on the climate and rivers that feed the fertile plains of the Kuban with their waters, protects reservoirs from drying out, fields from drought, and cleans the air from harmful carbon dioxide, dust and other small particles. The vegetation cover of the Earth is called the “lungs of the planet.” One hectare of forest purifies 18 million cubic meters of smoky and carbon dioxide-saturated air per year.

The forest is a healing factor and an excellent object for hiking, excursions, and walks. Forest air is clean, it contains a lot of ozone and phytoncides - substances that suppress the development of pathogenic microbes.

Wood is also a building material. The woodworking industry is developed in Kuban. There are furniture factories and associations in Krasnodar, Armavir, Kropotkin, Apsheronsk, Novorossiysk. They make wardrobes and bookcases, chairs, tables, sofas...

It is very diverse, you won’t find any kind of fauna here... This abundance can be explained by the mild climate and rich flora.

The distribution of animals in the area mainly depends on natural conditions. Lakes, rivers and seas, forests and steppes are inhabited by a variety of animals. Here you can find both formidable predators and harmless small rodents.

One of the most dangerous animals in the region can be called the brown bear. Its weight can reach 300 kg, and its body length is 2 m. In addition to this predatory animal, lynxes, reaching a length of 110 cm, safely live in the forests of the Kuban. These beauties are found in the Abinsky, Mostovsky, Seversky and Goryacheklyuchevsky districts.

Among the small predators, the weasel is very common. The most valuable animals, famous for their wonderful fur, are raccoons. And the rarest animal found in Kuban is the leopard. This truly graceful animal has almost disappeared from these places. But in wild areas remote from civilization, leopards still live.

And the most useful representative of the fauna is rightfully considered the sika deer.

Nature, plants and animals of the Krasnodar region

Why is it useful? Yes, because from its horns they get medical medicines that save people from many diseases.

Besides these animals, fauna of the Krasnodar region rich in wolves, hares, roe deer, wild boars, and Caucasian moles.

In the Kuban, in the northeastern part, steppe inhabitants are more common: foxes, jerboas, mouse-like rodents, common voles, and ground squirrels. The common mink lives in river valleys. If we talk about birds, then these are larks, gray partridges, quails, harriers. This steppe zone is well developed by humans, which is why the fauna has decreased significantly. But still, some animals adapted to the new conditions. Tourists can find only a few primeval areas of the steppes, where wildlife is in complete abundance.

Many waterfowl live in the floodplains and estuaries of the lowlands: pelicans, gulls, ducks, geese. And the muskrat was brought from North America to the estuaries.

As for the mountainous areas and foothills, roe deer, chamois, mountain goats, badgers, forest cats, as well as two species of martens live here. Forest (yellow) and stone (white) Jackals and raccoon dogs have taken root well.

If we talk about invertebrates, vipers, snakes, grass snakes, and newts can be found near rock slides and roadsides.

Representatives of reptiles include the marsh and Greek turtles, legless lizards, and small yellowbellies.

All the animal splendor is, of course, complemented by birds. During the day, the singing and chirping of birds can be heard in the forests and valleys. Magpies, orioles, blackbirds, and cuckoos take part in this musical concert. Jays sing along with them, wagtails scurry around the streams. But this is not all the inhabitants of the forest; we must not forget about owls, starlings, goldfinches, Caucasian grouse and mountain turkeys.

Finally, we can add that fauna of the Krasnodar region worthy of the attention of tourists, as well as careful treatment.

Presentation. Living world of Kuban

The living world of Kuban Prepared by students of class 10 "A" Briskman Tatyana and Prokhorov Vladislav


Kuban has always been famous for the richness of nature. And the beauty of the landscape.

About three thousand species of wild plants grow in the Kuban, belonging to 6 divisions and more than 150 families.

Bryophytes – more than 250 species. Ferns – more than 40. Angiosperms – more than 2800 species.

Gymnosperms Horsetails

And also a lot of Algae and Lichens

The number of species of mushrooms has not been precisely established, but quite rare specimens are often found among them. Summer truffle Caesar mushroom

Our Krasnodar region is famous for its tea plantations. Dagomys is the only place in Russia that is favorable for the growth of tea.

And also near Krasnodar, near the village. Belozerny, right next to the highway there are amazing flowers - lotuses.

Animal world

There are only 11 representatives of the class of amphibians (amphibians) in our region. And these are their brightest representatives.. Triton frog

Reptiles or reptiles - snakes, lizards, turtles. More than two dozen species of reptiles live in the region. Lizard Already

The smallest bird living in the Krasnodar Territory is the red-headed wren.

Of the large birds found in the Kuban, the Griffon Vulture is the Bearded Vulture.

Golden Eagle Bustard

Among the representatives of the rodent order there are many synanthropic animals: Gray rat House mouse

The largest terrestrial herbivorous mammal of the artiodactyl order is the bison.

The largest predatory animal is the bear, and the smallest is the weasel.

Introduction of new species Over the past few decades, in order to enrich the local fauna, people have introduced more than 30 species of vertebrates into the territory of the region. Grass carp Wild rabbit

American mink Muskrat North American raccoon

Some species of animals “came” to our region on their own, among them the rapana mollusk, turtle dove

The list of rare and endangered species is included in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory ASIAN MINOR NEWT CAUCASIAN VIPER


Some representatives of the Kuban fauna are considered extinct Saiga Tarpan

Wild bull tour

Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve

State Nature Reserve "Utrish"

Sochi National Park

Goryache-Klyuchevskoy State Nature Reserve

Presentation – Fauna of the Krasnodar region

Slides and text of this presentation

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Animal world
Krasnodar region

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According to the Department of Natural Resources and State Environmental Control of the Krasnodar Territory, there are over 580 species of animals in the region. Of them:

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The floodplain part of the region (Eastern Azov region) is deservedly considered a bird kingdom. A significant amount of waterfowl nest here - geese and ducks (17 species), waders (20 species).
According to the most characteristic features of flora and fauna, the Krasnodar region can be divided into floodplain, steppe and mountain-forest parts
During spring and autumn migration, millions of waterfowl nesting in the north of Eurasia stop in the floodplain zone.

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The most numerous animals in the steppe zone are the hare, fox, pheasant, and quail.

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The mountain-forest zone is the least developed by humans, and here are the main habitats of such animals as wild boar, deer, roe deer, chamois, aurochs, and bison.

Among the predators that live here are bear, wolf, jackal, forest cat, fox, badger, marten and others.

Slide 6

353 species of animals are included in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory
Some of them:

Slide 7

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Animals of the Krasnodar Territory Prepared by Nazarenko N.A. teacher of municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2 village Staroshcherbinovskaya

In the Black Sea region you can find dark-colored blacktails and browntails. They live in trees, covering a distance between them of 4 m horizontally and up to 10 m from top to bottom. Flexible body 20-25 cm long, long strong limbs, fluffy long tail, large, erect ears with tassels at the tips. They feed on tree seeds, fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms and many others. Squirrel (veksha)

Brown hareClass: MammalsOrder: Lagomorpha Family: LagoraceaeDistribution: In the Black Sea region it is more common in the lower mountains, but they were also seen at an altitude of 2600 m above sea level (Chugush), and in the North Ossetian Nature Reserve they were noted to live up to an altitude of 3000 m n.a.s. Description: Yellow-fawn color with large ripples, does not turn white in winter, body length about 60 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Nocturnal animal. The whole body is adapted for running, the front pair of legs serves as a support for the hind legs. In summer it feeds on various herbs, and in winter on the bark of deciduous trees and seedlings of winter crops.

MartenClass: Mammals Order: CarnivoresFamily: MustelidaeDistribution: Two species of martens are found in the Krasnodar region in the foothill and mountain zones. large form. The length of the body is up to 58 cm. The “yellow bird” has brown-brown fur with a fawn tint. The color of the spot on the throat is from light to dark red. The white-tailed one has a pure white throat patch in the shape of a horseshoe. It is slightly smaller in size than the forest one.

Otter (ash tree)Class: MammalsOrder: CarnivoresFamily: MustelidaeDistribution: Lives in the Krasnodar region along the left bank tributaries of the river. Kuban, in some rivers of the Black Sea region (Psou, Mzymta, Khosta, Sochi, Dagomy, etc.) The mountains rise to 2000 m above sea level. Description: Long flexible body, muscular long tail, short limbs with swimming membranes between the toes, dense fur, undeveloped ears, nostrils and external auditory canals that close when immersed in water. Adapted to a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

Order: Artiodactyla Family: Porcine Distribution: The Caucasian subspecies lives in the western Black Sea region from the seashore to alpine meadows. In winter they descend into coastal forests. Sedentary groups live in the Khosta yew-boxwood grove and on the slopes of the city of Akhun. Description: A large animal, distinguished by a highly elongated cone-shaped muzzle, ending in a bare movable circle - a “patch”. The body is covered with stiff bristles. The canines of the upper jaw are directed with their ends to the side or upward. The lower jaw of males is equipped with large fangs 10-12 cm protruding above the lips. In females, the fangs are much less developed and are covered by the lips. In the Western Caucasus, the weight of males reaches 250 kg, females - 150 kg

Dormouse Class: Mammals Order: Rodents Distribution: Lives in mixed and deciduous forests of the Krasnodar Territory. In the Black Sea region it is distributed from the seashore to an altitude of 200 m above sea level. Description: Externally, it is somewhat similar to a squirrel. Body length is 16-20 cm. Lives in hollows, rock crevices and nests. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. The main food is beech fruits, various nuts, seeds, pears, apples, sometimes chicks and small insects.

Animals of Kuban

Caucasian chamoisClass: MammalsOrder: ArtiodactylsFamily: BovidsDistribution: From heights of 260 m above sea level. sea ​​near the river Shah and 180 m above sea level. sea ​​near the river Mzymta (Akhtsu tract), to the highlands - 3200 m above sea level. seas on the year Chugush, Agepsta.Description: The most typical groups are 6-15 individuals. The average weight of adult males is 34 kg (the highest is 42 kg), females are 28 kg. They use 210 species of herbaceous, tree and shrub vegetation, mosses, lichens, and mushrooms for food (Duben, 1976, 1977,1985). Chamois hunting is prohibited, but every year several dozen of these animals are destroyed by poachers. Natural enemies of chamois are lynx, wolf, large feathered predators (golden eagle, bearded vulture

Caucasian bison (bison) Class: Mammals Order: Artiodactyla Family: Bovids Distribution: In the forest, subalpine and alpine zones of the Caucasian reserve at an altitude of 900-2100 m above sea level Description: The Caucasian mountain bison is a form of wild animal, genetically 95% is a bison and only 5 % - bison. The largest mammal in Russia. The weight of the bison is up to 1200 kg, the height from the front hooves to the withers is 2 m, from the head to the tail - 3.5 m. By 1982 - 85. there were more than 1200 individuals, now there are just over 300 heads. The Caucasian Nature Reserve is home to purebred mountain bison.

Bottlenose DolphinClass: MammalsOrder: CetaceansFamily: DolphinsDistribution: Black SeaDescription: They lead an aquatic lifestyle, feed mainly on fish, usually live in small groups from several heads to 50-60 individuals, give birth to cubs under water, live up to 20-30 years. The bottlenose dolphin, as a rare subspecies, endemic to the Black Sea, is listed in the International Red Book. The number of bottlenose dolphins in the Black Sea is about 36 thousand (Mikhalev, Savusin, Zelenaya, 1978) and there is a tendency towards their decrease

LynxClass: MammalsOrder: CarnivoresFamily: FelidaeDistribution: distributed in all foothill and mountainous regions from the belt of broad-leaved forests to the alpine highlands.Description: Lynx is the largest species of the cat genus. The Black Sea region of Russia is inhabited by the Caucasian subspecies of the beast. The body length of the Caucasian lynx is 66 - 104 cm, tail - 21 cm, weight - 12.2-24.15 kg. Leads a secretive lifestyle, a typical carnivore. The basis of nutrition consists of ungulates - chamois, aurochs, wild boar (usually piglets and gilts), roe deer, deer (usually young animals), rodents, birds, hares

The prairie dog is the ground squirrel's closest relative and is very similar to it.

My young friends! You and I have borrowed from future generations all the riches of nature. We must protect and preserve all natural values, because all of this should be used by the future inhabitants of the Earth.

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