Summary of the integrated lesson “Drawing cartoons. Summary of the integrated lesson “Drawing cartoons Learning to draw cartoons

How to draw a cartoon with a 5 year old child? I’ll say right away that at first the task was not to draw a cartoon. Every year, while working on a program for developing the prerequisites for reading with five- and six-year-olds, we draw a lot.

There is a category (in our time, by the way, quite large) of very intelligent guys, but who do not know how to draw at all. The reasons are known: weak shoulder girdle, weak and clumsy fingers, fear of starting work, and so on ad infinitum.

The kids are smart, they understand that failure awaits them. Avoiding this, they refuse to work. You need a strong motive. Motive: we will draw a cartoon. I almost always see round eyes, and the following dialogue occurs:

– Draw a cartoon? How to draw a cartoon? I can't.

- And I’ll teach you.

How to make a cartoon

A short summary

The topic has already been determined by the development work plan: winter quarters for forest inhabitants. But any one that the baby can handle will do. The first dialogue goes something like this.

Adult. What do you want to draw?

Child. Squirrel. But i can not.

Adult. It's nothing. I will help. Where does your squirrel live?

Child. In the forest.

Adult. So, first you need to draw the forest. Where does the forest grow?

Child. On the mountain (in our area the forest actually grows on the Khibiny Mountains).

Adult. And over the mountains and forest?

Child. Sky.

Let's start from the sky. Then the mountain, everything that grows on it, and so on. We draw with gouache. If we fail, we will paint over it (gouache is an opaque paint) and draw a new one.

Drawing frames-drawings

You need to explain to your child that a cartoon or movie is a series of drawings following each other. Such sequential pictures - what happened behind what. The drawings are made in gouache, because this dense paint allows you to correct mistakes. Covered it up and no problem. The only drawback is that when it dries, it fades. We photograph every frame. Can be scanned.

1. First frame: dark night sky and snowy mountain. In our area above the Arctic Circle there is polar night almost all winter. We draw what we see.

2. Now the forest. What grows there in our forests? Does your child not know how to draw different trees and animals? Therefore, without sketches it will not work. For the sketch, take a separate sheet of paper (usually A 4 or a landscape sheet), divide it in half: half for me, the other for the child. For example, I draw a Christmas tree. The child repeats after me all the actions on his sheet. Then he transfers the sketch to the sheet-frame. We drew a tree and take a photo. Another thing – we take pictures again. It turns out that there are so many trees, so many frames.

3. What happens in the forest in winter? It is snowing. Here are the following frame drawings. At first it snows lightly, and then gets heavier.

4. Finally, we got to the forest inhabitants. How do they cope in the winter snowy forest? The bear yawned and went to sleep in the den, and so did the hedgehog. The squirrel feeds on food preparations. How many frame drawings are there here?

5. How does the fox live? The fox is forced to run around in search of food, catching hares and mice. To convey movement, the fox was drawn separately and cut out. And then the cut out fox was moved around the picture-frame with the forest, as if it were running to its hole. And, of course, every frame was photographed.

6. With a mouse, a squirrel - the same. And fox hunting footage was filmed in exactly the same way.

Assembling frames of the future cartoon

To assemble frames into a cartoon, we took the simplest available and free computer program, Movie Maker. As far as I know, it is included in the standard set on every computer. Arranging the shots in a logical chain, we came up with and wrote down the voiceover text on paper.

This program has the simplest animation, you can record voice-over text. By the way, it didn’t work out for us. The voice acting was recorded using another free program, Audasity, and a microphone for 300 rubles. They wrote it down like this: I say the phrase, the child repeats it. While editing the audio recording, I cut out all my speeches. You can come up with a text in advance, and then draw a cartoon based on it. It will be even easier that way.

Some adult perfectionists (these are people who believe that only the perfect product deserves attention) criticized our brainchild. However, we were not upset. Look how many educational problems they solved while they were trying to draw a cartoon.

  1. Learned or consolidated knowledge about animals and their winter quarters. What do you think will stay in memory more firmly: words or your own drawing + words?
  2. We understood from our own experience why logical sequences are important. The kids will write an accurate presentation at school.
  3. We had a positive experience in drawing (which the children did not know how to do and were afraid of).
  4. Even the fact that a child learns to exactly repeat the text after an adult is good for him. Believe me, not every child can do this. Having learned, he will never experience difficulties in following the teacher’s instructions at school.

Of course, the work was long, because classes are only once a week and not only drawing. Here is a video with our homemade cartoon.

And if you set the task of drawing a cartoon on its own, then things will go much faster. Especially if the partner(!) is not a psychologist, always limited in time, but a parent. The site Non-standard children wishes you creative ideas and success.

Inzilya Dusboeva
Summary of the integrated lesson “Drawing cartoons”

Subject: « We draw cartoons...»

Age group: children of the fourth year of life.

GCD form: integrated lesson.

Form of organization: group, individual.

Facilities: blue tinted (sky) and green (Earth) colors; colored pencils, cut out "screens" the same format as the drawing paper, easel, dolls Masha, Katya and Vanya.

Visual: pictures of a baby elephant, a bear cub, a tiger cub. Layout "TV" in the form of a wide strip with folds along the edges, with a slotted hole ( "screen") in the middle.

Musical - from the relaxation collection.

Preliminary work: games with dolls, figurative toys. Reading poetry, singing songs, nursery rhymes. Examination of Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustrations, pictures, folk toys.

Target: develop the plot and game concept, teach to convey the characteristic features of the characters.

Objectives of educational programs:Educational:

Learn to transmit to drawing characteristic features of the character;

Learn to paint over details drawing with felt-tip pens.


Develop the plot and game concept.


Call interest to drawing familiar characters.

Guys, we have guests today. These are dolls. Let's guys say hello and get to know them. (Children's answers)

This doll is Katya, Masha, Vanya. They walked in the yard, went sledding down the hill and decided to come to our place to play and watch cartoons.

And you know what? They brought us pictures.

Guys, let's look at the pictures?

Who is shown in the pictures? (Children's answers.)

Guys, did you recognize the baby elephant, the bear cub, the tiger cub.

Do you like to watch cartoons, about whom? (Children's answers.)

Today we are with you for dolls let's draw a cartoon, that's what the guys call him. They love to watch cartoons. And the dolls Masha, Katya and Vanya also love cartoons.

Guys, do you want to draw a baby elephant, a bear cub, a striped tiger cub? (Children's answers.) We let's draw, and it will work out cartoon. We'll watch it on TV with our dolls (shows the layout, inserts pictures into the slotted window).

And now I’ll show you how you can draw a baby elephant, a bear cub, or a striped tiger cub from balloons.

Here's how you can draw different animals from balloons for animations.

Now, guys, I suggest you sit down at the tables and start drawing our cartoon for dolls.

Who will you draw? And what will this character do? (tiger cub, bear cub, elephant calf)

First you need to draw the head (circle)– it is smaller, then the torso – (oval)- it's bigger. How are our characters different from each other?

The baby elephant has big ears and a long trunk; the bear cub has small ears and a short tail; The tiger cub has a mustache and stripes on its back.

Physical education minute.

We painted today

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

They will start drawing again.

Guys, remember when we watched how the artist Yu. Vasnetsov drew his characters? In clothes, you can also dress your characters, For example: you can draw a hat for a baby elephant or a bear cub.

Don't forget that a tiger is striped.

Guys, we started drawing characters for cartoon, artists- animators draw small details. And we are with you we'll finish it later, now let’s look at some of them and listen to the guys.

What do we see in the picture?

Guys, I have prepared for you for each "screen", put it on top of yours drawing and it will work out that you each have your own cartoon - cartoon.

Guys, did you manage to depict the animals? Did everyone try and draw? Did you like it class? What did you like more? Whoever completed the task will stroke himself.

Now you can play and show cartoon for dolls.

In the evening, children can finish drawing the figures of animals and show them to their parents.

Given class is the first stage of development "plot". On the next the lesson will continue. In this regard, it should be considered drawings(albeit unfinished). Having laid them out on a separate table, the teacher draws the children’s attention to "heroes cartoon» , To this end, everyone drawing places in the slotted hole ( "screen", and children perceive him as "frame" cartoon. Every child tells what's wrong with this "hero" is happening. The teacher says that all the pictures can be completed.

In the evening, children look at their drawings, tell each other the content "plot" showing it through the screen.

Learning to draw. Educational cartoon.

. All young children show a very great interest in drawing, right from childhood. The first pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, and paints appear in children very early. Already in the second year of life, children try to draw their first blots. The funny thing is that they do this wherever their tool draws: on the floor, on wallpaper, on furniture, and least of all on a piece of paper.

It is very important to teach your child the basic basics of drawing from early childhood. After all, the earlier you start developing your abilities, the greater the chance of learning to draw. Previously, lessons have already been published ", it shows in great detail the rules and details of drawing many animals, plants, and other objects.

But it is also very important to explain to the child how to draw correctly with paints, pencils, crayons, and felt-tip pens. How to mix colors correctly, how to choose colors correctly. What is the difference between painting with oil and watercolor. How to start drawing correctly. This will help you a lot educational cartoon . Everything is explained there in great detail and clearly. And the main thing is that the child perceives everything very easily. After all, children love cartoons very much, so they watch them carefully.

The cartoon is intended for children over 4 years old.

Educational cartoon "Learning to draw" . Let's watch and learn.

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