Letter to aliens. Natalia Oleneva - letters to aliens Comparison of us and aliens

People have long been striving inform the aliens about your existence. And sometimes they get answers to them. So in 2001, on August 14, two strange drawings of crushed signs appeared in the fields of Great Britain. One of them is the face of a humanoid, the second is similar to the image that people sent aliens in 1974. Moreover, at the same time, the answer came using a radio telescope in the form of a binary code.

After the incident, many attempted to decipher the mysterious message, and it was solved. It is assumed that alien response sounds something like this: “We understand that you sent us a message by depicting yourself, we are also showing you what we look like. You and I have a similar carbon structure, but our DNA structure is different. We answer your question using telepathic technology through superspace..."

How did you figure out the answer?

Work on the news to the aliens lasted 32 years. Astrophysicists were mainly involved in the formation of the code. Drake and Sagan. They thought long and hard about how the information should be presented and where to send it. As a result, the matrix was sent to the constellation Hercules. It is interesting that the answer was expected only by 47574, but it did not take long to arrive.

Message from aliens contains the same number of columns as the message of earthlings. However, the information in it is completely different. So the little man has a big head, and the data on the chemical elements includes silicon. The structure of DNA is also different - it has one more strand.

The government's response is silence

It would seem that humanity has almost solved the mystery, but the government did everything to prevent this outstanding event from becoming public knowledge. His policy is to suppress the truth! The authorities do not benefit from ordinary citizens getting out of control, so they hide the facts, claiming that we are alone in the Universe.

How soon we will find out the truth is unknown, but to say that aliens They don’t make contact with us, it’s impossible. They are slowly sharing information - this is confirmed by drawings in the fields and attempts to communicate on television and radio, for example. And if the radio broadcast can still be considered falsification, then the crop circles, at least for now, have not been able to be repeated. Mankind does not know a technology that allows one to bend ears of grain without damaging them, so intricately and over such a large area.

On November 16, 1974, using a radio telescope in the crater of the Arecibo volcano, a series of powerful radio signals were sent towards the constellation Hercules. More than one and a half thousand consecutive radio pulses contained encoded information about humanity. A message formed by a sequence of 1679 zeros and ones went to the stars. The addressee was: the constellation Hercules, star cluster M-13. It was there, according to project leader Francis Drake, that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could be located. Information about the decimal system of earthlings, the atomic weights of the most important chemical elements, a schematic image of earthlings, formulas of the main Sugars and nucleotides of human DNA, an image of the Solar system and the Arecibo telescope, a diagram of its operation and the diameter of the antenna parabola went to the stars. Despite the fact that there was no hope for an answer, it still came.

In 2001, the first alien response was discovered

In August 2001, in one of the wheat fields of England near a radio telescope, a huge picture was discovered, also consisting of 73 lines, 23 dots each. When the picture was photographed from an airplane, there was no doubt: it was a copy of Drake's message, which went to the stars 27 years ago. But when they began studying the message, scientists were surprised to realize that significant changes had been made to it. It wasn't a copy, it was a response. The alien civilization was not only able to read the message, but also communicated about its civilization to earthlings in a similar way, which indicates a fairly high level of its development. In the first place, as in the earthly message, was the decimal number system, in the second place were the atomic weights of chemical elements, indicating the existence of other biological life.

Comparison between us and aliens

After comparing this fragment of two messages, the researchers found that they differed by one element. Just like for earthlings, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus turned out to be vital for aliens. But another new element has been added - silicon. At that time, many theories were known that proved that biological life could be not only on a carbon-hydrogen basis, as on Earth, but also on a silicon-hydrogen basis. The structure of the molecules in the message was identical to the human one, only the DNA helix itself changed. The height of the cosmic creature, also encrypted in the binary system, turned out to be significantly less than ours - only 140 centimeters.

The number of unearthly creatures was also indicated

It turned out that the number of alien civilizations is at least twice as large as ours. And finally, the most interesting thing is the image of the planetary system where the intelligent species is located. The number of objects in an alien star system turned out to be completely identical to our Solar system. At the same time, if in the message of the Drake group one planet of the system was singled out - the habitat of the human species - then in the answer three planets were noted in exactly the same way. But that is not all.

A year later in 2002, a second message arrived

In a grain field five miles from the first “letter” an information circle appeared, looking like a huge CD, and next to it was a portrait of the sender. From the field, the head of a strange creature, vaguely reminiscent of a lizard with cat eyes, looked at the people. Almost all specialists actively involved in the study of alien civilizations had a hand in deciphering this message.

And finally, in the fall of 2002, the first version appeared: “Beware of those who bring false gifts and break promises. A lot of pain, but not for long... then there is a piece of damaged text that could not be understood, then again the text of the message. It's good there. We stand against deception. The channel is closed."

Two races answered us

One can speculate for a long time about alien “letters,” but one thing is clear: If the first civilization to respond is indifferent to humanity, then the second may well be aggressive. In addition, it is unknown how many other civilizations received the message from Earth.

Dear Flora!

In fact, letters are the only genre in which I have any idea. The point here, apparently, is that I’m simply talkative - where a normal person has a word, I have a whole conversation. Of those whom I know, only my mother surpasses me in talkativeness, may the Higher Intelligence prolong her days, and you, dear Flora. Therefore, I will not be able to contact you verbally. But you, like many of my friends, love to receive letters, and so I can tell you a lot and receive in response your fragrant letters, filled with you. Your sister Fauna is another matter. She is silent, even gloomy. It happens that she will not answer “good morning”, and there is no question of writing anything. She won’t even read a small note - she’ll look at it and throw it away. Don't bother addressing her with anything. I can write to you about everything that happens to me during the day, even about what you yourself witnessed.

I spent this day, as usual, in complete peace and solitude, disturbed only by my pet iguana, two beautiful knights who were repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, my friend Ora, who came into our garden early in the morning to pick strawberries, Senora Olga - the one who in my mind, - the Valentina you know and your sister Fauna, without whom not a single day of mine can go by. So the day turned out to be calm. In the evening, bored, I went out for a walk, taking only an iguana, and walked for a long time in the forest, where I met a Deer. Knowing from experience how timid he is, I didn’t even try to pet him, and my delicacy was rewarded - he immediately disappeared into the thicket, from where he brought me a hundred Ukrainian hryvnia in one banknote. He does this about once a month, approximately on the seventh lunar day. Out of a hundred hryvnia, I immediately spent forty - I bought two sheets, blue and pink. I hope that the wonderful knight, the one I like more than others, will be able to appreciate them. There is no need to say his name, you know who I mean, but you will never tell anyone this - you are great at keeping secrets, not like your sister Fauna.

It’s dark to write - the sun is setting, the reflections of pink flashes fall on the paper. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day, even if you don't take your sister Fauna into account. In the morning, Valentina and I were going to have a debate on political topics. The main question is whether to vote for Khryushchenko, or prefer Khrenukovich to him? Valentina leans towards Khrenukovich, citing the fact that Khryushchenko always has his fly unzipped. At night I will think whether to agree with her. I'm wearing an orange bow for now.

Tomorrow I will have another walk in the forest. You need to take cheese sandwiches to Deer. We must take care of the representatives of the biosphere, but if you knew, dear Flora, how much you don’t want to get up early. The iguana has a cold and is coughing, so it will stay home.

That's it, goodbye, dear friend. If you are in my area, come in. You can bring some mushrooms with you, we’ll make fondue.

Yours forever,

Dear Flora!

This morning it occurred to me that it would be nice to look into my purse - the black one that I always carry with me. Lately it has begun to seem to me that it is too heavy for me and that it might be worth taking something not very necessary out of it. That's what I found in her.

1. A notebook with addresses and phone numbers, started last year.

2. A notebook with addresses and telephone numbers from 1998 to 2001, thick.

3. A notebook given to me by a friend when we were both in third grade, with addresses and phone numbers from third grade to 1997. It is unknown where the notebook from 1997 to 1998 went.

4. Business card of a lawyer named Tsarelung.

5. Business card of a lawyer, the name is filled with Crimean Madeira from 1997.

6. A faulty lighter, a gift from a loved one.

7. Photo of my ex-husband's second cousin's son.

8. Two keys on a ring - one from one door, the other from the other, and with them key rings: plexiglass with a view of Sofievsky Park in Uman, a transparent lilac dolphin, a large tiger eye stone, a faceted glass ball, the “all-seeing eye”, a tiny notebook with the image of a dollar on the cover, six in total.

9. The toilet key is on a green cord.

10. Pens with red ink, two pieces.

11. Pen with blue ink, a gift from Bella Kleshchenko, a journalist from Moscow.

12. Pen with black ink.

13. Mirror from Turkey.

14. Another mirror, not so beautiful, but bigger.

15. Comb without a handle.

16. A lot of analgin.

17. Paperback novel, I’m embarrassed to say the title.

18. Banana flavored condom. I chewed it and chewed it – no banana, rubber, that’s all.

19. Passport of a Ukrainian citizen with a photo of Pikachu.

20. Three Chinese coins for fortune telling on the Book of Changes.

21. Levomycetin.

22. Pravomycetin.

23. A letter from another city, not even from our country, in a long envelope.

24. A disc with a game about the adventures of either the grasshopper Kuzi or the bear cub Ignashi, for children from 5 to 13 years old.

25. Vanishing powder.

26. Wallet. There is money in it - 387 hryvnia 73 kopecks. It also contains a picture of an apple, a business card of lawyer Nadezhda Stetsenko, a business card of a real estate agent, I won’t tell you his last name, the agent is bullshit, a piece of paper with the phone number of lawyer Polina Li, a discount card for a German dry cleaner and three Chinese coins for money.

27. Lipstick, I’m embarrassed to name the company. However, why be ashamed - “Ruby Rose”. The color is pearlescent pink.

28. Lots of broken toothpicks.

29. A receipt for a registered letter to another city, not even in this country.

30. A piece of paper with the phone number of Esther, a manicurist.

31. Samsung floppy disk.

After thinking, I decided to throw away the business card of a lawyer named Tsarelung - although it’s a pity, it’s such a beautiful orange color. Without broken toothpicks it’s also bad - many of them are not very broken. Your sister Fauna always takes away whole toothpicks from me, and it is unknown what she does with them. The key rings are quite heavy, but they are all dear to me as memories. I'll throw away the condom, it's of no use. Two mirrors are a lot, but one of them is convenient, and the second is beautiful. In general, I can’t throw anything away anymore, and I’m in despair. If you can, please advise something.

Forever yours

Dear Flora!

There is finally a limit to my patience. How obnoxious your sister Fauna is!

Or she comes to me early in the morning, when I am still sleeping, or late in the evening, when I have already gone to bed an hour ago. If I buy myself a cheap blouse that suits me, she tells my guests how much the blouse cost. If I buy an expensive blouse, she buys exactly the same one, goes to the same party as me, and even shows up fifteen minutes earlier, so that later everyone will say that I have a blouse like Fauna. As soon as the handsome knight speaks to me in her presence, she immediately asks if my stomach upset has passed and if my stools are still green. She immediately recognizes any noble gentleman who turns her eyes on me as worthless, ugly and unworthy in all respects, after which she immediately begins to flirt with him. She says “screw” to the iguana. Your sister is always dissatisfied with everything - the direction of the wind, breakfast dishes, city transport, domestic and wild animals, the government and parliament, Jews and goyim, men and women. But it can always be found everywhere where everything listed is found, and also in those places where it is not. What to do with your sister? It’s so good, my dear Flora, that you are not like that.

Natalia Oleneva

Letters to aliens

Dear Flora!

In fact, letters are the only genre in which I have any idea. The point here, apparently, is that I’m simply talkative - where a normal person has a word, I have a whole conversation. Of those whom I know, only my mother surpasses me in talkativeness, may the Higher Intelligence prolong her days, and you, dear Flora. Therefore, I will not be able to contact you verbally. But you, like many of my friends, love to receive letters, and so I can tell you a lot and receive in response your fragrant letters, filled with you. Your sister Fauna is another matter. She is silent, even gloomy. It happens that she will not answer “good morning”, and there is no question of writing anything. She won’t even read a small note - she’ll look at it and throw it away. Don't bother addressing her with anything. I can write to you about everything that happens to me during the day, even about what you yourself witnessed.

I spent this day, as usual, in complete peace and solitude, disturbed only by my pet iguana, two beautiful knights who were repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, my friend Ora, who came into our garden early in the morning to pick strawberries, Senora Olga - the one who in my mind, - the Valentina you know and your sister Fauna, without whom not a single day of mine can go by. So the day turned out to be calm. In the evening, bored, I went out for a walk, taking only an iguana, and walked for a long time in the forest, where I met a Deer. Knowing from experience how timid he is, I didn’t even try to pet him, and my delicacy was rewarded - he immediately disappeared into the thicket, from where he brought me a hundred Ukrainian hryvnia in one banknote. He does this about once a month, approximately on the seventh lunar day. Out of a hundred hryvnia, I immediately spent forty - I bought two sheets, blue and pink. I hope that the wonderful knight, the one I like more than others, will be able to appreciate them. There is no need to say his name, you know who I mean, but you will never tell anyone this - you are great at keeping secrets, not like your sister Fauna.

It’s dark to write - the sun is setting, the reflections of pink flashes fall on the paper. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day, even if you don't take your sister Fauna into account. In the morning, Valentina and I were going to have a debate on political topics. The main question is whether to vote for Khryushchenko, or prefer Khrenukovich to him? Valentina leans towards Khrenukovich, citing the fact that Khryushchenko always has his fly unzipped. At night I will think whether to agree with her. I'm wearing an orange bow for now.

Tomorrow I will have another walk in the forest. You need to take cheese sandwiches to Deer. We must take care of the representatives of the biosphere, but if you knew, dear Flora, how much you don’t want to get up early. The iguana has a cold and is coughing, so it will stay home.

That's it, goodbye, dear friend. If you are in my area, come in. You can bring some mushrooms with you, we’ll make fondue.

Yours forever,

Dear Flora!

This morning it occurred to me that it would be nice to look into my purse - the black one that I always carry with me. Lately it has begun to seem to me that it is too heavy for me and that it might be worth taking something not very necessary out of it. That's what I found in her.

1. A notebook with addresses and phone numbers, started last year.

2. A notebook with addresses and telephone numbers from 1998 to 2001, thick.

3. A notebook given to me by a friend when we were both in third grade, with addresses and phone numbers from third grade to 1997. It is unknown where the notebook from 1997 to 1998 went.

4. Business card of a lawyer named Tsarelung.

5. Business card of a lawyer, the name is filled with Crimean Madeira from 1997.

6. A faulty lighter, a gift from a loved one.

7. Photo of my ex-husband's second cousin's son.

8. Two keys on a ring - one from one door, the other from the other, and with them key rings: plexiglass with a view of Sofievsky Park in Uman, a transparent lilac dolphin, a large tiger eye stone, a faceted glass ball, the “all-seeing eye”, a tiny notebook with the image of a dollar on the cover, six in total.

9. The toilet key is on a green cord.

10. Pens with red ink, two pieces.

11. Pen with blue ink, a gift from Bella Kleshchenko, a journalist from Moscow.

12. Pen with black ink.

13. Mirror from Turkey.

14. Another mirror, not so beautiful, but bigger.

15. Comb without a handle.

16. A lot of analgin.

17. Paperback novel, I’m embarrassed to say the title.

18. Banana flavored condom. I chewed it and chewed it – no banana, rubber, that’s all.

19. Passport of a Ukrainian citizen with a photo of Pikachu.

20. Three Chinese coins for fortune telling on the Book of Changes.

21. Levomycetin.

22. Pravomycetin.

23. A letter from another city, not even from our country, in a long envelope.

24. A disc with a game about the adventures of either the grasshopper Kuzi or the bear cub Ignashi, for children from 5 to 13 years old.

25. Vanishing powder.

26. Wallet. There is money in it - 387 hryvnia 73 kopecks. It also contains a picture of an apple, a business card of lawyer Nadezhda Stetsenko, a business card of a real estate agent, I won’t tell you his last name, the agent is bullshit, a piece of paper with the phone number of lawyer Polina Li, a discount card for a German dry cleaner and three Chinese coins for money.

27. Lipstick, I’m embarrassed to name the company. However, why be ashamed - “Ruby Rose”. The color is pearlescent pink.

28. Lots of broken toothpicks.

29. A receipt for a registered letter to another city, not even in this country.

30. A piece of paper with the phone number of Esther, a manicurist.

31. Samsung floppy disk.

After thinking, I decided to throw away the business card of a lawyer named Tsarelung - although it’s a pity, it’s such a beautiful orange color. Without broken toothpicks it’s also bad - many of them are not very broken. Your sister Fauna always takes away whole toothpicks from me, and it is unknown what she does with them. The key rings are quite heavy, but they are all dear to me as memories. I'll throw away the condom, it's of no use. Two mirrors are a lot, but one of them is convenient, and the second is beautiful. In general, I can’t throw anything away anymore, and I’m in despair. If you can, please advise something.

Forever yours

Dear Flora!

There is finally a limit to my patience. How obnoxious your sister Fauna is!

Or she comes to me early in the morning, when I am still sleeping, or late in the evening, when I have already gone to bed an hour ago. If I buy myself a cheap blouse that suits me, she tells my guests how much the blouse cost. If I buy an expensive blouse, she buys exactly the same one, goes to the same party as me, and even shows up fifteen minutes earlier, so that later everyone will say that I have a blouse like Fauna. As soon as the handsome knight speaks to me in her presence, she immediately asks if my stomach upset has passed and if my stools are still green. She immediately recognizes any noble gentleman who turns her eyes on me as worthless, ugly and unworthy in all respects, after which she immediately begins to flirt with him. She says “screw” to the iguana. Your sister is always dissatisfied with everything - the direction of the wind, breakfast dishes, city transport, domestic and wild animals, the government and parliament, Jews and goyim, men and women. But it can always be found everywhere where everything listed is found, and also in those places where it is not. What to do with your sister? It’s so good, my dear Flora, that you are not like that.

Your M.

Dear aliens!

Thank you for quick response. There are no words to express my joy at the news that you have agreed to review my resume. Let me remind you that I proposed my candidacy to fill the vacant position of resident observer. I emphasize that I am not applying for a job that requires business trips - this is not my character, and the iguana requires constant attention.

At your request, I will describe in more detail what you call the habitat.

I live in the city of Odessa. The city of Odessa is... how can I explain it to you. This is such a place. There are still a lot of people living here, much more than is convenient, but still less than I would like, otherwise you go out into the street and the same people are walking there, you’re tired of it, at least don’t go out. I go to work in the morning, leave at 8.15, and on the corner of Osipov and Chkalov I meet a woman who is taking a little girl to kindergarten. If I leave at 8.10, I will meet her at the corner of Osipov and Kirov, but I can only avoid meeting her if I leave at 8.20, and then I will be late for work. The woman looks quite nice, I’m just tired of everything.

The city of Odessa is a place that was not created for what it is used for. I don’t know why it was created, but it is used for the life of people who eat, walk on two legs, carry money in their wallets, talk to each other and tell each other that the weather is bad and there is less and less money. They also indulge in religious cults and political struggle. Political struggle is when people walk down the street for a reason, but with pieces of multi-colored material of different sizes and shouting the same names of two different people. They also litter, that is, they leave substances and objects they do not need in public places.

Continuing the topic:

At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, revolutionary sentiments were gaining strength in the Russian Empire. Like mushrooms after rain, political parties are growing, which see...