How to teach a child to read quickly (1st grade). Learning to read

When teaching a first-grader, you should remember that he is still a kid, yesterday’s student. Studying became his main activity, replacing fun games. Therefore, it is possible to interest the student and teach him effectively only using game moments. How to teach a first grader to read quickly in class and at home?

Scout's trick

It is known that the last thing is remembered better. Strengthen the craving for books by reading before bed - the child will fall asleep with the thought that he has read an interesting book.

Reading Mystery Words Plastinian

Reading while lying on your stomach will seem interesting to your child. And you will be sure that his spine is rested.

Rational reading

Teaching elementary schoolchildren to read quickly is only possible in the absence of resistance. Approach reading rationally - try not to bore your child, who is not good at reading. Let him read a couple of lines and go and rest - then reading will not seem like torture to him, but will become a pleasant leisure time.

Tongue speaking while reading

An interesting technique for developing the speech apparatus is teaching first-graders to read quickly. The child’s task is to read the text very quickly, pronouncing the words exaggeratedly clearly.
Reading for memory

So that the student remembers everything he has just read about, exercise him with the help of Fedorenko’s dictations.

Game "Vocabulary Snake"

Who is faster?

How to teach a first grader to read while competing? Cut short texts from children's magazines. Write a task - a sentence that the child must find in this set of texts. The next turn is yours - who can do it faster?

Reading detective

Give the young detective the task of finding vital information in spy documents. The child must skim the text with his eyes and determine the right place.

Speed ​​Reading Festival

Learning to read in 1st grade can be a cause for real celebration. When testing your reading speed, mark your results on a beautiful wall chart. Compare specific numbers, and the student will want to read better!

Give your child a library

How can you teach a schoolchild to read quickly if reading is not interesting to him? A bookshelf with children's books - educational, educational and reference literature - will help to arouse interest in the book. Don't forget to add fairy tales and other fascinating works.

Problematic reading in first grade - a mistake or a sad joke of nature? If the child really cannot, all that remains is to accept it. Perhaps he will be an excellent student in mathematics or physical education? However, there is a way out, even if you are short on funds. The children's local clinic must have a speech therapist on staff, whose job is to solve such problems.

Reading is a very important process in cognitive activity. A child’s ability to read well is the basis for his success in school. And it’s not just about grades in school subjects, but also about intellectual development in general.

The better a child reads, the more eagerly he does it, the more successful his development will be, the higher his self-esteem will be.

General idea of ​​reading technique

Reading is a process in which two sides are distinguished: semantic and technical. By semantic we mean understanding the content of the text, and by technical we mean fast, correct, expressive reading.

Reading techniques are regularly tested in primary school, as well as in grades 5 and 6. Students are given an unfamiliar text that they must read for one minute. Then the teacher counts the number of words and asks the child 1-2 reading comprehension questions.

The reading technique test takes into account:

  • speed;
  • reading comprehension;
  • absence of omissions and errors in the pronunciation of words;
  • presence of semantic stress, pauses.

Standard reading speed indicators for schoolchildren (per minute):

  • 1st grade – 30-40 words;
  • 2nd grade – 40-60 words;
  • 3rd grade – 60-80 words;
  • 4th grade – 90-120 words.

To improve reading technique, the child must smoothly, gradually move from slow syllabic reading to reading whole words. This must be done by the end of primary school, otherwise in middle school it will be very difficult for the student to master large amounts of material.

It is worth noting that many children, especially in 1st grade, The process of publicly testing reading techniques is frightening. This can lead to errors, and this can sometimes explain the low speed. Therefore, it may be worth checking the child at home again. If the result improves, the same will happen with the little reader’s self-esteem.

Why is speed important?

Reading speed is a direct factor influencing a student’s academic performance. It is believed that normal, adequate reading speed is equal to the speed of spoken speech, which is 120-150 words per minute. Why is it so necessary for a student to strive for this indicator? It's a matter of simple mathematics.

It has been estimated that in grades 6-7 of a general education school, a student receives 8 pages of oral homework daily (all oral assignments). This is approximately 6.5 thousand words, which will take about an hour at an average speed of 110 words per minute.

To master the material, and not just familiarize yourself with it, you need to read 2 or even 3 times, which increases the time to 2-3 hours a day. Let's add time that needs to be devoted to written assignments.

It is easy to conclude that a student who reads poorly or will devote most of the day only to lessons, or he simply won’t torture himself with them, which will affect his grades.

Among other things, reading speed affects the development process: memory and attention improve. And reading speed is affected by the amount of reading: the more, the faster.

Reasons for failure

  • Undeveloped memory. This is not a pathology for a preschooler, so don’t be alarmed. It happens that a child, reading, for example, the fifth word in a line, forgets the first. Because of this, the idea is lost, the child does not understand what is said in the text, and as a result, interest is lost.
  • If difficult words are encountered, the child stumbles and reads them slowly. The reason for this may also be poor functioning of the speech organs.
  • Low concentration. The baby is easily distracted by various external factors, as well as by his own thoughts, and interest in reading dissipates.
  • Vision angle. It often happens that a child does not see the whole word, but only a few of its letters. This slows down reading.
  • Return to what you read. Often the young reader’s eyes return to the previous word or sentence, and he re-reads them.
  • Inappropriate literature. Texts should be selected in accordance with the preferences and age of the child.

Often, learning is hampered by the child's lack of self-confidence and fear of making mistakes. Or he is simply bored while reading, the text is uninteresting.

A realistic look at a child's abilities

You should not demand from a child what he cannot do at the moment. Learning to read should proceed calmly, without nerves, with a great deal of patience on the part of parents.

If you force your child to pore over books against his will, and then also swear when he cannot adequately squeeze out at least a few sentences, the result will not be positive.

First of all, a parent needs to come to terms with the fact that his child does not have superpowers, he is not a child prodigy, but an ordinary kid who needs help and understanding.

The reading process must be turned into an exciting activity, the student must be motivated, do not forget to praise him, and in no case should he be irritated.

Parental help

To help your baby, just follow a few rules:

  • Interesting texts. Do not bombard a beginning reader with boring literature, even if it is educational. So that he does not give up reading, it must captivate him. Choose books according to his passions.
  • Games. The reading process can be turned into a game in many ways. More about them below. You can also organize home competitions for the best reader.
  • Read with your child regularly for 30 minutes a day.
  • Personal example. It is difficult to instill a love for books in someone if you don’t love them yourself. Show by your own example that this is interesting and educational.
  • Patience. Don't push, don't rush, show restraint and understanding.

  • Positive motivation. It is worth talking more about what a child will achieve in the future if he learns to read well. If you constantly repeat that he will grow up ignorant, provided that he does not read as expected, the result will be worse.
  • Individuality of learning. As they say, you can’t cut everyone with the same brush. A method that works for one student may not work for another. The same applies to the pace of learning. For everyone, it is chosen that is suitable, which is impossible to do at school, which is why it is so important to read at home.


You need to teach your child to read by involving him in an interesting gameplay. First, you should attract his attention to this activity through games, then maintain this attention through various exercises.

Here are some of them:

  • Learning the alphabet. We learn new letters every day. To do this, we prepare cards with bright illustrations. Let the baby look for similarities between letters and objects. Reading involves sounds, not letters, so when learning the alphabet, read the sound, not the name of the letter.
  • Train wherever you are. Ask your child, for example, while walking, to name all the objects he encounters with a certain letter. If it’s hard for him, help him, give him some advice.

  • Attach labels to objects around the house. So these objects will be associated in the child’s mind with certain words. Move your finger over the word and, for example, “SOFA”, “MIRROR”, etc.
  • Word recognition game. Prepare cards in advance with words familiar to the baby (“dad”, “mom”, “TV”, “door”, etc.), place them in front of him. One of the parents says a phrase, and the child looks among the cards for the word that is in the sentence.

“Mom has prepared a very tasty lunch” - the child chooses a card with the word “mother”.

  • Making words from cubes or cards. 3-4 letters are selected, from which the child makes words. Gradually add the number of letters, complicating the task. There may also be syllables on the cards.
  • Learn nursery rhymes and songs with your baby. This develops memory.
  • Letter recognition game. Parents give a letter, and the child looks for words with it at the beginning, middle or end.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly at 6-7 years old?

You can teach speed reading to a first-grader using more complex exercises:

  • Reading is a vital skill. You must convince your child of this. Leave him notes with instructions, requests, wishes. Sometimes arrange a mini-quest: let him look for a gift using signs and instructions.
  • Parallel reading. We take two identical texts (for mother and child). The mother reads aloud, changing intonation and tempo, and the child follows the reading. You can stop and ask the child to continue, or read the last sentence spoken, or find a name. Assignments may vary.
  • Tongue Twisters. Be sure to develop your articulatory apparatus.
  • Words that differ by one letter. Take pairs of words, for example, cat - code, dough - place, etc. The child must explain how the words differ in appearance and explain the meaning of each.
  • Speed ​​reading. Time yourself for a minute, and after reading, count the number of words. Then ask your child to read the same passage again, with the emphasis that he will do better the second time. And it will really work. So he will read faster every time.
  • Reading to yourself. Reading out loud is always slower, so sometimes give your child the task of reading to himself and then retelling what he read.
  • Development of the visual field. In a table, for example, 5x5, write a letter or syllable in each cell. Have the student read them from right to left and vice versa, from top to bottom, diagonally. Give the task to find a specific letter or syllable, to compose a word, as in a word word, only at the simplest level.
  • Reading with a buzz. The child reads the text to himself and hums out loud like a bee. This exercise is aimed at increasing concentration.

Exercises for children 8 years old

To develop reading fluency in a second grader, we increase the load and complicate the tasks:

  • Game "Words from words". Write a long word, such as “wayward,” and ask them to make several small ones from it.
  • Proposals requiring adjustments. Write a set of words similar to a sentence, and the child will put all the words in their places: “The guys went for a swim in the river.”
  • Development of anticipation. Take a text where words come with missing letters. As the child reads, he fills in the missing elements.
  • Reading "By Tops and Roots." We take a ruler, close the bottom of the line and let the child read the tops. When this task is well worked out, you can move on to the roots.

Shamil Akhmadullin

Psychologist, writer, author of 15 books and manuals on effective teaching of children, including “Speed ​​Reading for Children. How to teach a child to quickly read and understand what they read”, “Development of memory in children”. Founder of a network of centers for speed reading, development of memory and intelligence in children

Why does a child need speed reading?

An important skill, mastery of which allows a child to succeed in school. This can be taught from about seven years of age, or more precisely, from the age when a child can read words at a speed of at least 30 words per minute.

Starting from the fifth grade, students have to process unusually large amounts of information. Most subjects, such as history, natural history, literature, and so on, require quick reading, memorization and further retelling of the information received. Therefore, this skill is simply necessary for every student who intends to engage in intellectual work in the future.

How to learn to read quickly

Any complex skill, such as speed reading, consists of a number of smaller subskills. In order for a child to learn to read faster, he needs to master them.

Develop voluntary attention

An important component of the reading process is the child’s ability to concentrate for a long time. This sub-skill is trained through simple exercises such as a maze. The child only needs to find a way out of it with the help of his gaze.

Expand your field of view

For example, when reading the phrase “Masha ate porridge” sequentially, the image of a girl first appears in the child’s head. Then he imagines that she is eating, and then that she is eating porridge. It takes quite a lot of time to consistently compile this image.

It’s another matter if the child sees three words at the same time. The image of a girl eating porridge immediately appears in my head. This happens instantly and significantly speeds up the reading process.

In order for a child to see and perceive 2-3 words at the same time, it is necessary to expand his field of vision. There is a simple exercise that allows you to do this. It is called “wedge tables”. The child needs to concentrate on the central column and slowly look down, while saying the side numbers out loud. The goal is to reach the very bottom and see the numbers both to the right and to the left of the central column at the same time.

Reduce enunciation

Pronouncing text greatly slows down the reading process and negatively affects understanding and memorization. To prevent this, the child needs to compress his lips tightly and bite his tongue when reading. In this way, you can avoid articulation - the process of speaking the text while reading.

Eliminate recurrent eye movements

When reading, a child often returns to an already read part of the text, rereading entire paragraphs of the paragraph. This process, firstly, negatively affects reading comprehension, and secondly, reduces reading speed due to the fact that the child has to re-read the same thing several times.

The solution to this problem is simple: the child needs to run his finger along the line while reading. And if he does this quickly enough, then his reading speed will certainly increase, and without losing the quality of understanding.

Be able to highlight the main thing in the text

One of the most important skills is to highlight the main thing in the text. It is strengthened by numerous training sessions. For example, you give your child a text highlighter (marker), ask him to mark important points in the text and then describe it in just 10 words. The child will choose words very carefully in order to fit the entire meaning of the text into them.

If you help your child master at least a few techniques, then positive results in the form of increased reading speed, and, accordingly, increased academic performance will not be long in coming. Good luck in your education to you and your children!

No one argues that the skills of quickly combining letters into words and then into sentences are the basis for acquiring knowledge. While the child is confused in the text, not understanding what is written there, he will not be able to master the material or understand what is required of him. Every parent who is faced with a problem thinks about how to teach their child to read quickly. 1st grade, as they say, is just around the corner, it’s time to do something. Many people believe that this is exactly what school exists for: teachers will do everything. But, as practice shows, by the end of the first year of school a child does not always know how to read normally. There are many reasons for this, and it is not always necessary to blame the teacher for unprofessionalism. But let's talk about everything in order.

Features of the approach

When figuring out (1st grade), you need to start with the character of your child. A naturally diligent and attentive baby is much easier to captivate with the process than an active and absent-minded fidget. These are not shortcomings at all, but rather peculiarities of perception. It is necessary to start from them as initial conditions when solving a problem. Then your words: “Now let’s learn to read!” will be perceived with pleasure, and not with tears. So, you need to observe and find out what is the best way to motivate your child. Then choose the correct method from those described below. Naturally, everything will not work out right away. You will have to try, setting aside a certain amount of time every day to acquire skills. With the right approach, you yourself will be surprised that in a couple of days your beloved offspring will pester you with the question: “Are we learning to read?”

Involvement in the process

Now let's move directly to methods for solving the question of how to teach a child to read quickly. 1st grade is just the beginning, the first step towards a huge body of knowledge. A waterfall of information falls on the student! But first-graders are still small children. It’s hard for them to even just sit through a lesson, not to mention everything else. Advice to parents: remember those times when you were locked up for boring ABC! How hard it was (for almost everyone). Free your beloved child from such memories. So far nothing better than the game has been invented. The child must be one hundred percent sure that he is not studying, but having fun. The methods are simple: let your favorite bear sit with you and read faster than a child. Have a competition. Or ask questions, the answers to which are in the text. If the child is interested, he will not notice the difficulties. Such easy educational games are recommended from the very beginning, that is, from the period of recognizing letters. If you can’t come up with anything yourself, then buy a book of special poems. There are such people. In them, each letter is dedicated to a quatrain (sometimes more than one). Then - this is the plan. You exclaim: “Learning to read letters”! When attention is fixed, the first thing to do is a quatrain. Then - a letter. After some time (quite quickly), the baby will learn them all: letters and poems. Then you can have a guessing game. This is how the material is fixed.

The next step is syllables

Having learned the letters, the baby will not immediately learn to add them. The fact is that this is a completely different process. When planning how to teach your child to read quickly (grade 1), keep in mind that you will have to overcome two main obstacles: finding the right stimulus and overcoming syllables. Moreover, according to teachers’ observations, the second is much more difficult. At school, the child will be told how to put two letters into a word. You definitely need to repeat what you have learned at home. Don't let things take their course! Start with the simplest things. Try to put together 2 letters: yes, ma, pa and so on. Then move on to short words in which only one sound changes (whale, cat). You will see how your baby will quickly master the “tricky arrangement of letters.” This step is perhaps the most difficult. After this, the process will go easier, and you will be able to teach your child to read syllables.

Parallel reading

This method is used so that the baby observes how you read as an example. Let's do this. We take two identical texts (you can use those divided into syllables) and read them ourselves, and the child runs his finger over the text. Then switch roles. You can involve toys or animals in the process. The main thing is not to lose interest. This method, if you master it together, will continue to be useful. It is used to speed up reading. As noted, a child should begin to be taught when interest in letters awakens. Everything has its time. You need to understand when your baby will be inspired by the call: “Let's learn to read!” Whether he is 5 years old or older is not important. Is the child interested? Get started!

Household use

The next step to stimulate the process is to organize “absolutely necessary” correspondence. These are also kind of games: we learn to read by syllables. Only games of purely practical importance. For example, when going to the store, do not tell your child where you are going, but write. Let him do it soon. You will see for yourself how quickly he will learn not only to decipher your messages, but also to respond to them with his own. It’s good if you can involve all family members in this process. Let the child sort out notes from dad, brother, grandmother, Bugs, and so on. Practice is important in the process of developing skills. It needs to be organized.

Fascinating comics and filmstrips

Another fun activity that helps teach your child to read. Games are good, but they get boring quickly. See for yourself how long your baby can do the same thing? As a rule, no more than half an hour. It is recommended to change the exercise. A useful activity in our case can be watching filmstrips, comics, and slides. After all, if you don’t have the necessary equipment, you can quickly type them on a computer using pictures. It is important that they are accompanied by inscriptions that are easy for the baby to understand. First broken into syllables, then whole words and sentences. It is necessary to ensure that the child not only reads, but also tells what the inscription tells about. This is where it already begins. After all, our goal is not just to teach how to read, but to teach how to perceive information.

Overcoming natural obstacles

Among the difficulties that the baby will encounter is “stumbling” over several consonants standing together. This must be overcome, as they say, in the bud. There is a special exercise. You need to write one of these every day and ask your child to read it. They should be changed periodically, because the baby will quickly learn them by heart. Therefore, it is important to present him with new tasks. To help him get comfortable, try writing a series of consonants, including one vowel. Let him try to decide which letter is the odd one out. Naturally, the row needs to be changed every time. When the child masters this exercise, let him create problems for you, dad, grandmother, and so on. And it's okay if he doesn't know how to write. There are letters on magnets for this.

Hiking and walking

You can instill skills in a child not only during play. “Learning to read” - such a proposal will work anywhere, especially in a store, on the street, or in a clinic. This is much more interesting than just wandering behind mom while she chooses groceries (or something else)! It is recommended not to forget about this “grandmother’s” method. And there is no need to take a specially prepared book or printout with you: it will be much more fun for the child to study price tags, street names, advertisements, shop windows, and so on. Of course, make sure they are decent.


Here's another exercise that your baby will definitely love. Take a multi-syllable word and pronounce it with different accents. Listen together. Then be sure to figure out how to do it correctly. Let the child decide for himself. This game helps develop attention and increase vocabulary. It is known that it is the scarcity of the latter that prevents the child from studying well. It is advisable to pay attention to the formation of this very reserve from the very cradle. To do this, children are read fairy tales, poems, told about what is around them, and so on.

Increasing reading speed

To ensure that adding words and understanding information does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to bring the acquired skills to automaticity. The following exercises are recommended for those who have mastered the rules of reading.

1. "Rhythm". Show how to tap a certain melody with a pencil. Then, when reading aloud, have your child try to repeat it. This way, attention is distributed, thereby training the brain.

2. An interesting option is reading “canon”. In this exercise, you begin to reproduce the text from the sheet, and the child seems to catch up with you a few words late.

3. “Search”: here you need to quickly read the text and then answer questions about the content (students should be able to do this by the end of first grade).

4. Don't forget that there are many spoken and written word and letter games. For example: draw a sheet/magnetic board into several columns. Determine what should be written in each (city, country, food, plant, etc.). Then a letter is selected with which all names should begin. Fills at speed. Then an inspection is carried out. Identical words are crossed out (if they were used by different players). Whoever has more words left wins. And the immortal city game?! This is a favorite activity of all children. And it is not at all necessary to use geographical names. Let these be any words, the principle is the same: the next word must begin with the letter with which the last one ended. For example: apricot - sleigh - caviar - antenna, etc. This game can be played anywhere and everywhere: on the way to school, to the store, on a walk, even while cleaning. Role-playing reading is also popular among novice “artists.” To do this, you need to select several easy dialogues and voice them one by one. It will be a lot of fun!

Possible mistakes of novice “teachers”

If you are teaching your child to read for the first time, you need to become familiar with the factors that may cause difficulties. Among them, the low level of attention comes first. It often happens that while the baby is putting syllables into words, he forgets where he started. Naturally, he gets distracted. You shouldn't scold him. Better learn poetry. needs to be developed. The second is insufficient text coverage. That is, the child sees only one or two letters, and not the whole word. We'll have to train. And further. Texts must be selected in such a way that the child wants to know what will happen next. If the work is not age appropriate, then the classes will not give the desired effect. The child will become bored and you will be disappointed. Interest in the learning process will be completely lost. And restoring it is oh so difficult. Good luck to you and your children!

Often, younger schoolchildren's studies are not going well because they read very slowly. The low speed of obtaining information affects the speed of completion of all work as a whole. As a result, the child sits for a long time over the textbook, and his academic performance is at the “satisfactory” mark.

How to teach a child to read quickly and at the same time comprehend what he read (more details in the article:)? Is it possible to ensure that reading becomes a cognitive process that provides a lot of new information and does not become a “dumb” reading of letters and syllables? We will tell you how to teach a student to speed read without losing the true meaning of the lesson. We read quickly, but efficiently and thoughtfully.

It is extremely important to teach a child not just to read, but also to comprehend what he has read.

Where to start learning speed reading?

Speaking about the classic technique of speed reading, we emphasize that its basis is a complete rejection of internal pronunciation. This technique is not suitable for younger students. It should start no earlier than 10-12 years. Until this age, children better assimilate information that is read at the same speed as when speaking.

Parents and teachers can still learn a number of useful principles and techniques that are included in this technique. A child’s brain at the age of 5-7 years has every opportunity for full development and improvement - many teachers of venerable schools say this: Zaitseva, Montessori and Glen Doman. All of these schools begin teaching children to read at this age (about 6 years), only one world-famous Waldorf school begins the process a little later.

All teachers agree on one fact: learning to read is a voluntary process. You cannot force a child to read against his will. Parents can help their child find the inner strength to master a new skill by using games.

Preparing preschoolers to read

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Today on store shelves there is a huge assortment of reading aids. Moms and dads, of course, begin this process by studying letters, for which they buy alphabet books in a variety of forms: talking books and posters, cubes, puzzles and much more.

The ABC comes to the aid of the youngest children

The goal of all parents is extremely important, but you should remember that you need to teach right away so that you don’t have to re-teach later. Often, without knowing it, adults teach using the wrong methods, which ultimately creates confusion in the child’s head, which leads to mistakes.

The most common mistakes parents make

  • Pronouncing letters, not sounds. It is a mistake to name the alphabetical variants of the letters: PE, ER, KA. Correct learning requires a brief pronunciation of them: P, R, K. An incorrect beginning will lead to the fact that later, when composing words, the child will have a problem in forming syllables. So, for example, he will not be able to identify the word: PEAPEA. Thus, the baby cannot see the miracle of reading and understanding, which means that the process itself will become absolutely uninteresting for him.
  • Erroneous learning to connect letters into syllables and read words. The following approach will be incorrect:
    • we say: P and A will be PA;
    • spelling: B, A, B, A;
    • analyzing a word only with a glance and reproducing it without taking into account the text.

Learn to read correctly

The baby should be taught to draw out the first sound before pronouncing the second - for example, MMMO-RRRE, LLLUUUK, VVVO-DDDA. By teaching your child this way, you will see positive changes in learning much faster.

Reading skill is closely related to the correct pronunciation of sounds

Very often, reading and writing disorders take their basis in the child’s pronunciation base. The baby pronounces sounds incorrectly, which subsequently affects reading. We advise you to start visiting a speech therapist starting at the age of 5 and not wait for speech to develop on your own.

First grade classes

Famous professor I.P. Fedorenko has developed his own method of teaching reading, the main principle of which is that it is not how much time you spend on a book that matters, but how often and regularly you study.

You can learn to do something at the level of automaticity even without grueling long sessions. All exercises should be short-term, but carried out with regular frequency.

Many parents, unwittingly, put a spoke in the wheels of their child’s desire to learn to read. In many families, the situation is the same: “Sit down at the table, here’s a book for you, read the first fairy tale and don’t leave the table until you finish.” The reading speed of a child studying in the first grade is very low and therefore it will take him at least an hour to read one short story. During this time, he will become very tired from mental toil. Parents with this approach kill the child’s desire to read. A more gentle and effective way to work through the same text is to work on it in portions, for 5-10 minutes. Then these attempts are repeated two more times during the day.

Children who are forced to read usually lose interest in literature completely.

When a child sits down to a book without pleasure, it is important to use a gentle reading mode in this case. With this method, the baby gets a short break between reading one or two lines.

For comparison, you can imagine viewing slides from a filmstrip. In the first frame, the child reads 2 lines, then studies the picture and rests. Then we switch to the next slide and repeat the work.

Extensive teaching experience allowed teachers to use various effective methods for teaching reading, which can be used at home. Below are examples of some of them.


Syllable speed reading table

This set contains a list of syllables that are repeated many times in one reading session. This method of practicing syllables trains the articulatory apparatus. First, children read one line of the table slowly (in unison), then at a slightly faster pace, and the last time - as a tongue twister. During one lesson, from one to three lines are practiced.

The use of syllabic tablets helps the child to quickly remember combinations of sounds

By studying such syllable tables, children begin to understand the principle by which they are built, it is easier for them to navigate and find the required syllable. Over time, children understand how to quickly find a syllable at the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines. The combination of vowels and consonants becomes clear to them from the point of view of the sound-letter system, and in the future it becomes easier to perceive words as a single whole.

Open syllables need to be read both horizontally and vertically (more details in the article:). The principle of reading in the table is twofold. Horizontal lines represent the same consonant sound with different vowel variations. The consonant is read drawn out with a smooth transition into a vowel sound. In vertical lines, the vowel remains the same, but the consonant sounds change.

Choral recitation of the text

They train the articulatory apparatus at the beginning of the lesson, and relieve excessive fatigue in the middle. On the sheet that is given to each student, a number of tongue twisters are proposed. First graders can choose to practice a tongue twister they like or that is related to the topic of the lesson. Pronouncing tongue twisters in a whisper is also excellent training for the articulation apparatus.

Performing articulation exercises improves speech clarity and helps speed reading

Comprehensive reading program

  • repeated repetition of what has been written;
  • reading tongue twisters at a fast pace;
  • Continue reading an unfamiliar text with expression.

Joint implementation of all points of the program, pronouncing in a not very loud voice. Everyone has their own pace. The schedule is as follows:

The read and conscious content of the first part of the fairy tale/story continues with a choral reading in a low voice of the next part. The task lasts 1 minute, after which each student makes a mark to what point he has read. Then the task is repeated with the same passage, the new word is also marked and the results are compared. In most cases, the second time shows that the number of words read has increased. Increasing this number creates a positive attitude in children and they want to achieve more and more success. We advise you to change the pace of reading and read it as a tongue twister, which will develop the articulatory apparatus.

The third part of the exercise is as follows: a familiar text is read at a slow pace with expression. When children reach an unfamiliar part, the pace of reading increases. You will need to read one or two lines. Over time, the number of lines needs to be increased. You will notice that after a few weeks of systematic training, the child will show clear progress.

Consistency and ease of exercises for a child are very important in learning.

Exercise options

  1. Task "Throw-notch". When performing the exercise, students' palms are on their knees. It begins with the words of the teacher: “Throw!” Having heard this command, children begin to read the text from the book. Then the teacher says: “Notice!” It's time to relax. Children close their eyes, but their hands remain on their knees all the time. Having heard the “Throw” command again, students look for the line where they stopped and continue reading. The duration of the exercise is about 5 minutes. Thanks to this training, children learn to visually navigate text.
  2. Task "Tug". The purpose of this exercise is to control the ability to change the pace of reading. First graders read the text together with the teacher. The teacher chooses a pace that is comfortable for the students, and the students should try to keep up. Then the teacher proceeds to read “to himself,” which the children also repeat. After a short period of time, the teacher begins reading aloud again, and the children, if they catch the pace correctly, should read the same thing with him. You can improve your reading level by doing this exercise in pairs. The better reading student reads “to himself” and at the same time runs his finger along the lines. The neighbor reads aloud, focusing on the partner’s finger. The task of the second student is to keep up with the reading of the stronger partner, which should in the future increase the reading speed.
  3. Find the other half. The students’ task will be to search the table for the second half of the word:

Program for children over 8 years old

  1. Search for words in the text. In the allotted time, students must find words starting with a specific letter. A more difficult option when teaching speed reading techniques is to search for a specific line in the text. This activity helps improve vertical visual search. The teacher begins to read the line, and the children must find it in the text and read the continuation.
  2. Inserting missing letters. The proposed text is missing some letters. How much? Depends on the children's readiness level. There may be dots or spaces instead of letters. This exercise helps speed up reading and also helps to combine letters into words. The child matches the initial and final letters, analyzes them and composes a whole word. Children learn to read the text a little ahead in order to correctly select the right word, and this skill is usually formed in children who read well. A simpler version of the exercise for children over 8 years of age is a text with missing endings. For example: Veche... came... to the city.... We moved... along the paths... between the garage... and notice... a small... kitten... etc.
  3. Game "Hide and Seek". The teacher begins to randomly read some line from the text. Students must quickly find their bearings, find this place and continue reading together.
  4. Exercise “Word with a mistake.” While reading, the teacher makes a mistake in a word. Children are always interested in correcting inaccuracies, because this increases their authority, as well as their confidence in their abilities.
  5. Self-measurements of reading speed. On average, children should read about 120 words per minute or more. Achieving this goal will be easier and more interesting if they start self-measuring their reading speed once a week. The child himself counts the number of words read and writes the results in a table. This task is relevant in grades 3-4 and allows you to improve your reading technique. You can find other examples of speed reading exercises and videos on the Internet.

Reading speed is an important indicator of progress and should be monitored regularly

We stimulate with results

Assessing positive dynamics is very important. The child will receive a good incentive for further work if he sees that he has already achieved some success. You can hang a table or graph above your workplace that would display the progress in learning speed reading and improving the reading technique itself.

It is especially important to improve reading by the end of third grade. At this age, a child should read at least 120 words per minute. Speed ​​reading for children is an excellent option to teach your child to speed up the pace of reading and at the same time understand what they read by reading “to themselves.”

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