There is no death, there is only a transition between worlds. Enchanted Soul

Every person sooner or later asks himself the question: what will happen to him? after physical death? Will everything end with the last breath or will the soul continue to exist beyond the threshold of life? In fact, the last such threshold, at which any creature lingers for several minutes, as if wondering whether to go back or take a step forward, decisively slamming the door of our world, is the state of clinical death.

A lot has been written and said about him. However, despite this, clinical death still continues to remain a sealed mystery for a person, and experts do not have a common opinion on the question of what actually happens to a person at this time. And this despite the many scientific (and not entirely) hypotheses put forward by various specialists in almost all countries of the world.

An unpleasant noise, an alarming ringing, was growing in the ears of the elderly man, at whose bedside people in white coats were fussing. A faintness came over him, through which the doctors’ remarks reached his consciousness, becoming more and more restless and abrupt, and when his vision cleared, the man was surprised to find that he was standing in the middle of the hospital room; nearby there was a group of doctors busy with some patient, limp on his bed and showing no signs of life.

Excited, abrupt phrases were heard in the room: specialists informed their colleagues that the patient’s blood pressure was dropping, the pulse was disappearing, the pupils stopped responding to light, characteristic pallor appeared...
“Hopeless,” one of the resuscitators waved his hand. “We’ll try, of course, but it’s unlikely...” And the young nurse, who caused the commotion, looked at the dying man with eyes widened in fear.

Her senior colleague secretly crossed herself and sighed heavily: “I’m exhausted, poor fellow...” Observing the desperate attempts of the doctors to revive the dying man, the man came closer and suddenly stared in stupefaction at the face of the man lying there.

It was... himself! Having looked around frantically, the man rushed to those present in the room and tried to attract their attention. But in vain: no one responded to his voice, and his hand passed through the shoulder of the chief doctor, whom the patient wanted to force to turn around. The man decided to look at his watch, but then he was again disappointed: the pajamas, in the pocket of which they were, remained on the lying body...

And then he felt very calm. What difference does it really make what time it is? So what if they don’t see or hear him? “So I really died?” — the man thought with surprise. And this is what he was so afraid of all the long months, being chained to a hospital bed? Well, so far everything is not so bad... Then the patient saw a long dark tunnel opening up in front of him, somewhere at the end of which there was a bright light, and he felt that they were waiting for him. The next moment, the dying man was pulled into the tunnel, and he flew forward, increasing speed. To the light.

His whole life flashed before his eyes, as if on a movie screen. The dizzying slide became slower, but the mood continued to remain excellent. Still would! For the first time in a long time, nothing hurt him, nothing bothered him. On the contrary, the confidence grew that everything that was happening was not a dream at all, but reality, and that now, finally, everything would be fine. After all, he is returning home...

Here the man stopped and saw an amazing landscape in front of him, which was hindered by streams of strong, but not cutting eyes, but some kind of friendly light. There is only one step left to take to be there, in this strange world. But on the threshold of the twilight tunnel, at the very BOUNDARY of light, a brightly glowing figure suddenly appeared, shook his head negatively and resolutely blocked his path. “This is not the time,” the words flashed through my mind like a light breath of wind. And at that moment the man felt as hurt and bad as, perhaps, never during his entire illness. Why?! Why don't they want to let him go forward? And now what i can do?

The luminous silhouette swayed, letting someone pass ahead, and he, almost no longer surprised by anything, recognized in the person who appeared his own wife, who died three years ago. The woman smiled and cried at the same time. Yes, she is very happy to see him, she misses him very much and is waiting, but... “It’s not time yet... You can’t come here... Come back!”

"But I do not want! - the man resolutely protested. - I came to you!" - "Not now. Your life is not over yet. Who will tell me about the great-grandson who will be born soon? The woman approached her husband and gently touched his cheek with a warm palm: “Don’t worry, I’ll wait. Come back. Everything will be fine..."

And again the feeling of flying, and the spot of light becomes smaller and smaller. And ahead there glimmers another light - the cold, indifferent light of the lamps in the operating room. Here he is again standing next to his own body, bending over it. It's getting really bad. Is it really necessary to go back? Nausea came again, and when the man opened his eyes again, he saw a doctor in front of him. “You scared us. It's nothing, everything will be all right..."

And someone on the side said: “Five minutes. This is necessary - it happened at the last moment! I already thought - that’s it...” The patient closed his eyelids; There was still bitterness inside, but at the same time confidence was growing: he would pull through and live a long time, and would take his great-grandson to the zoo, and ride a bike with him, and teach him to read... So many things to do ahead! But life, in general, is a good thing, and although death, it turns out, is not so scary, there is clearly no need to rush to say goodbye to this world...

A familiar picture, isn't it? It is in this vein (with minor changes) that those people who happened to be “beyond the line” describe their feelings and visions, that is, experience clinical death and return back to the world of the living. Why are the pictures seen by those who retained their memories of their stay “in the next world” so similar? What makes people of different ages, genders, nationalities, beliefs experience almost the same sensations?

Science has been struggling with the answer to these questions for a long time. It would seem that the solution to our posthumous existence is close - literally at arm's length. But again and again, among the explained facts, one or two are squeezed in, which again force humanity to believe that “we, having given up our ends, do not die for good”...

Science calls clinical death a terminal (borderline) state, the last stage of dying. In fact, this state is not death itself, although it also has nothing in common with life.

In a biological sense, clinical death is somewhat similar (but not identical!) to suspended animation and is a reversible state; with it there are no visible signs of life, the functions of the central nervous system fade away, but metabolic processes in the tissues are preserved. So the very fact of cessation of breathing, lack of blood circulation and heartbeat, lack of pupil reaction to light - the main signs of clinical death - cannot be considered as the end of life.

Thanks to advances in medicine, even in this case, a person has a chance to “play it all over again” and return to normal life. However, doctors have very little time at their disposal in this situation. If resuscitation measures were unsuccessful (or were not carried out at all), the cessation of physiological processes in cells and tissues becomes irreversible. That is, biological, or true, death occurs.

In general, the duration of the period when a patient in a state of clinical death can be “pulled out of the other world” is determined by the period during which the higher parts of the brain, which include the subcortex and cortex, remain viable in the absence of oxygen. Usually in specialized literature it is written that this period of time is only five to six minutes (if the heart of a dying person was able to be “started” within two to three minutes, then he will return to life, as a rule, without any special problems).

But from time to time, doctors have to deal with amazing cases when the patient was able to be “resurrected” even after a much longer period of time on the “other side.” It turned out that the subcortex and cortex finally die after the specified time only under so-called normothermia conditions.

True, even then the deceased can sometimes be rescued from the clutches of death, but if the specified period is exceeded, changes occur in the brain tissue - often irreversible, which lead to various intellectual impairments.

And if in some cases, through the joint efforts of specialists in various fields, including neuropathologists, psychiatrists and psychologists, it is possible to restore the patient’s full functionality, then most often doctors can only helplessly shrug their shoulders: the god of death Thanatos does not like to joke and is very reluctant to let “his” clients go . In addition, people who have been in a state of clinical death for more than five minutes usually rarely live longer than a few months and soon say goodbye to our world forever.

As for the longer period of “incomplete death,” doctors have to deal with it mainly in special conditions. Then the time allotted by fate for resuscitation measures varies widely and can be tens of minutes.

This becomes possible when special conditions are created to slow down the processes of degeneration of the higher parts of the brain during hypoxia or anoxia. They usually occur when patients suffer from electric shock, drowning, or in conditions of hypothermia (a significant decrease in the temperature of the environment in which the victim is located).

Thus, several years ago, Norwegian specialists managed to bring back to life a boy who had fallen into an ice hole and was pulled out from under the ice only after 40 minutes. It was hypothermia, which developed when entering very cold water, that allowed the little patient’s brain cells to maintain their viability almost 10 times longer than under normothermia. It is noteworthy that in this case, doctors completely restored all vital functions of the victim’s body and no changes were noted in his brain.

In clinical practice, doctors sometimes manage to create a semblance of the above-mentioned “shock conditions”. To increase the period during which resuscitation measures can have a positive result, they use head hypothermia, hyperbaric oxygenation, transfusions of fresh (not canned) donor blood, use drugs that create a state similar to suspended animation, etc. Sometimes the result of the actions of doctors generally resembles a science fiction novel.

Thus, the Serb Lubomir Cebić, who suffered a severe heart attack, was brought back to life by doctors... 17 times within two days! Medicine has never known such a number of “resurrections.” And A. Efremov, a pensioner from Novosibirsk, became a completely unique case: a man who received extensive burns suffered a cardiac arrest during one of the skin grafting operations.

Doctors managed to bring him out of the state of clinical death only after... 35 minutes! It is characteristic that the resuscitation team decided not to stop active actions after the expiration of the “standard” period and continued to fight for the patient’s life. After Efremov’s “return”, it turned out that for some reason no irreversible changes occurred in the pensioner’s brain...

Official medicine has its own view on the visions of patients who have suffered clinical death brought back to life. In recent years, a completely substantiated explanation has been found for most of the sensations of being “resurrected.” For example, one that is particularly common among those who have been reanimated is seeing a long dark tunnel with a blinding light at the end of it and flying towards that light.

Experts say that the reason for this is the so-called “tubular” or “tunnel” vision, which occurs as a result of hypoxia of the cortex of the occipital lobes of the brain. According to neuroscientists, visions of a tunnel and the sensation of a dizzying flight through a pipe in dying people occur when the cells in these areas, which are responsible for processing visual information, begin to die from lack of oxygen.

At this time, waves of excitation - concentric circles - appear in the so-called visual cortex. And if the cortex of the occipital lobes has already suffered from hypoxia, then the pole of these same lobes, where there is an overlap zone, continues to live. As a result, the field of view narrows sharply, and only a narrow strip remains, which provides only central, “tubular” vision.

In combination with waves of excitation, this gives the picture of flying through a dark tunnel. In the late 90s of the last century, researchers from the University of Bristol managed to simulate on a computer the process of dying of visual brain cells. It was found that at this moment a picture of a moving tunnel appears in a person’s mind every time.

True, there is another opinion. Thus, Russian resuscitator Nikolai Gubin and American doctor E. Rowdin believe that the tunnel is a consequence of toxic psychosis. And a number of psychologists seriously believe that the strange “tunnel” is nothing more than... a person’s memory of his birth.

Now about the pictures of a lived life flashing before the eyes of the dying. Apparently, the process of “switching off” begins with newer brain structures and ends with older ones. During “revival,” the restoration of functions proceeds in the reverse order.

That is, first the older parts of the cerebral cortex come to life, and then the new ones. That is why in the memory of a person who has suffered clinical death, when returning to life, the most persistently imprinted moments emerge first.

Doctors believe that other strange conditions during clinical death can be explained quite scientifically. Let's take the so-called out-of-body experience, when the patient sees his body and the specialists fussing around it as if from the outside.

A couple of years ago, it was discovered that the source of this strange sensation could be one of the convolutions on the right side of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for collecting information that comes from different parts of the brain. This gyrus is what forms a person’s idea of ​​where his body is. When the signals fail, the brain draws a distorted picture, and the person sees himself as if from the outside.

Now about why, during clinical death, many patients continue to hear what others are talking about. In intensive care practice, the cortical hearing analyzer is considered the most durable. Since the fibers of the auditory nerve branch quite widely, switching off one or more bundles of such fibers does not lead to hearing loss.

So the patient, who is already beyond the point of death (still reversible), is quite capable of hearing what is happening around him, and, returning from the other world, remembering what the doctors said about his body. That is why in many clinics around the world, medical staff are prohibited from expressing judgment about the hopeless state of a dying person, who can no longer react to what is happening, but still perceives to some extent what is said.

In December 2001, three Dutch scientists from the Rijenstate Hospital conducted the largest study to date of people who have experienced clinical death. Dutch scientists came to the following conclusions. Based on statistical data obtained over a ten-year period, scientists have established that not every person who has experienced clinical death experiences visions.

Only 18% of those resuscitated retained clear memories of what they experienced in the period between temporary death and "resurrection." Most of the patients talked not only about flying through a tunnel towards the light, a series of pictures of their past life and “a look from the outside,” but also about meetings with long-dead relatives, a certain luminous creature, pictures of an alien landscape, the border between the worlds of the living and the dead, a blinding flash Sveta.

During the period of clinical death, more than half of the subjects experienced positive emotions. Awareness of the fact of one's own death was noted in 50% of cases. And at the same time, not one of those who visited the next world reported frightening or unpleasant sensations! On the contrary, almost everyone who has been “beyond the line” shows a strange picture of a change in attitude towards issues of life and death.

The “resurrected” cease to be afraid of death, talk about the feeling of their relative invulnerability and, at the same time, begin to appreciate life more, realize its enormous value, and perceive their salvation as a gift from God or fate.

So, it is clearly too early to put an end to research into the phenomenon of clinical death. Of course, much can be explained from a purely materialistic point of view, but some of the “oddities” of the state of the “resurrected” still cannot be explained. For example, why do people who are blind from birth literally repeat the stories of sighted people?

But what about the fact that the weight of patients changes when dying and returning to life? Resuscitators recognize the fact that a person’s body weight changes by 60-80 g during agony. Attempts to attribute this “loss” to chemical reactions (“complete burning of ATP and depletion of cellular reserves”) do not stand up to criticism, since as a result of any chemical reactions, products are formed that must somehow leave the body.

The burning of ATP and the depletion of cellular resources are not nuclear reactions, when part of the mass of the reactants is lost into radiation energy! If these chemical reactions produce gases whose density is comparable to the density of air, then 60-80 g is approximately 45-60 dm 3.

For comparison: the average volume of a person’s lungs is about 1 dm3. Liquid and solid products of the agonizing body are also unlikely to leave it unnoticed... So where do the mentioned grams go, and where do they come from again when the patient returns to life?

Today, many scientists are inclined to think that after the physical death of a person, his consciousness remains. According to one of the leading doctors at Southampton Hospital, Sam Parney and his colleagues, the mind, or soul, continues to think and reflect, “even if the patient’s heart has stopped, he is not breathing, and the brain has stopped working.”

Natalya Bekhtereva, a specialist in the field of human brain physiology and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, had no doubt about the continuation of life in some form. Currently, scientists are increasingly saying that they have come close to scientifically substantiating the immortality of the soul...

But man is not yet able to either confirm or refute the arguments of both supporters of the theory of “life after death” and its opponents. After all, whatever one may say, clinical death is not final death, and no one has yet returned from beyond the latter line... So you and I can only believe in the theory that is closer to our own worldview, and try to realize: death is just a transfer station on the border of two worlds...

There is no death, there is a transition to the Subtle World. Robert Allan Monroe interestingly described his observations about being in the Subtle World when “exiting” the physical body in his book “Journey Out of the Body.” His evidence of life in the other world completely confirms the conclusions of other researchers and irrefutably proves that there is no death! Tatyana Tolstaya, speaking on television in the “Night Flight” program, spoke about death like this: “There is no death. I tell you this categorically. I've been there, I know. Death is simply a transition. It's like you're driving a car into a brick wall and the worst thing is Fear. You crash into a wall... but it turns out it's just a very thick fog. And you emerge from the fog into another world.” Her impressions of her stay in the Subtle World (she was in a state of clinical death) absolutely coincide with the impressions of Dr. Raymond Moody's patients, which she emphasized in particular. 2001, April 9 - on the Rossiya TV channel at 24.00 there was a demonstration of the documentary film “I was already dying once...”, dedicated to B.V. Rauschenbach, a man who is considered one of the people who constituted the national treasure of the Fatherland. A famous scientist, one of the founders of cosmonautics, winner of many awards, Academician Rauschenbach was deeply involved in philosophy, art, and theology. The film footage in which he spoke about his stay below the death line is stunning. Calmly and simply, the academician said that 2 years ago he “had to die...”: “I was there, I saw everything... I was given a choice... There were two roads in front of me. One led straight, and there one could see a bright colored world, a lot of greenery, light... This was the road to Death. The second one turned right. There you could see a spit-stained, dirty world in gray tones, and some people were moving there... It was the road to Life... I chose life... And now I’m not afraid to die.” Arthur Ford described his visit to the Subtle World quite convincingly and colorfully. “I was sick and in critical condition. The doctors believed that I would not survive, but, like all good doctors, they continued to do everything in their power. I was in the hospital and my friends were told that I would not survive the coming night. As if from the outside, feeling nothing but some curiosity, I heard the doctor say to the nurse: “Give him an injection, he needs to calm down.” I seemed to understand what this meant, but I wasn't scared. I was just curious how long it would be before I died. Then I found myself floating through the air above my bed. I saw my body, but did not show any interest in it. I was overcome by a feeling of peace, a feeling that everything around me was good. Then I plunged into a void in which time did not exist. When consciousness returned to me, I discovered that I was flying through space, without any effort, without feeling my body as before. And yet it was me. Here a green valley appeared, surrounded by mountains, all bathed in the brightest light and so colorful that there are no words to describe. People came to me from everywhere - people whom I had known before and believed that they had already died... I had never been given such a magnificent reception. They showed me everything that they thought I should see... One surprise awaited me: I didn’t see some people who, according to my assumptions, should have been there, and I asked about them. At the same instant, it was as if a thin transparent veil fell before my eyes. The light dimmed and the colors lost their shine and brightness. I could no longer see those with whom I had just spoken, but through the haze I saw those whom I asked about. They also looked real, but as I looked at them, I felt my body getting heavier and my head filling with thoughts of earthly things. It became clear to me that I now see a lower sphere of existence. I called them; It seemed to me that they heard me, but I myself could not hear the answer. Then everything disappeared and in front of me was a creature that looked like a symbol of eternal youth and kindness, radiating strength and wisdom. It said, “Don't worry about them. They can always come here whenever they want, if only they want it most.” Everyone there was busy. Everyone was continuously engaged in some mysterious activities and looked happy... At some point - I had no idea about time - I found myself in front of a dazzling white building. When I went inside, I was asked to wait in the huge lobby. I was told that I should remain here until some decision was made in my case. Through the opening of the wide doors I could distinguish two long tables, people were sitting at them and talking about me. With a feeling of guilt, I began to review my own life. The picture was not very pleasant. The people at the long tables were also doing the same thing, but the things in my life that bothered me the most were not very interesting to them. Things that are usually considered sins, that I was warned about since childhood, were barely mentioned by them. However, serious attention was drawn to such qualities of mine as manifestations of selfishness, narcissism, and stupidity. The word “wastefulness” was repeated again and again, but not in the sense of ordinary intemperance, but in the sense of a waste of strength, talents and favorable opportunities. On the other side of the scale were the simple good deeds that we all do from time to time without giving them much importance. The “judges” tried to establish the main direction of all life. They mentioned that I had not yet “finished what he knew he should have finished.” It turns out that there was some kind of goal in my life, and I did not achieve it. My life had a plan, but I misunderstood it. “They're going to send me back to earth,” I thought, and I admit I didn't like it. When they told me that I had to return to my body, I had to overcome my own resistance - I didn’t want to return to this broken and sick body that I left in the hospital. I stood in front of the door and realized that if I walked through it now, I would find myself in the same place where I was before. I decided I wouldn't go. Like a capricious child, I began to squirm and push my feet against the wall. Suddenly I felt as if I had been thrown into space. I opened my eyes and saw the nurse's face. I was in a coma for more than two weeks...” Read this passage carefully again and again and try to understand what is most valued there, and why A. Ford had to return to his sick, “almost dead” physical body. Why should Souls, who feel so good there in the Other World, have to incarnate on earth again and again: be born and die, be born again and die again? After such statements by famous and respected people, the information that was received from Frederick Myers may be of great interest; for many years of his earthly life he was engaged in research on the issue of life after death, and then for 20 years after his physical death he transmitted from the Other Side through mediums their observations. In the messages, Myers states that the developmental drive and evolutionary energy of ever-expanding consciousness is cosmic and eternal in nature, and therefore does not cease with death. “The main aspiration of the creative process is not physical forms, but mental, spiritual ones, capable of easily discarding their physical form, replacing it with another, or living a full energetic life without any physical form.” As a result of his “otherworldly” experience, Myers concluded that life is divided into 7 main stages, each of which has its own introductory phase, a period of development and a period of preparation for the transition to the next, higher stage. The first stage is the plane of our earthly existence. The second is the state of the individual immediately after death. Myers calls it the “transitional plane,” or “Hades.” The stay in this station does not last long and ends with a transition to a more stable world, which he called the “plane of illusions.” Then comes the fourth stage of indescribably attractive existence, which he called the “plane of color”, or the “World of Eidos”. Highly evolved souls can now ascend to the “plane of flame,” or the fifth stage of existence. The final stages - the sixth and seventh stages - the “plane of light” - and “timelessness” - are spheres of such a high spiritual nature and so close to the source and essence of creation that there are no suitable words to describe them yet. Myers only made an assumption about the higher spheres of existence, since he transmitted the latest information while on the fourth level. Then a message was received that he was going to a higher sphere of existence, and communication with him was interrupted. So, after the death of the physical body, the personality passes into the second stage, into Hades. She sleeps a lot, and when she is in a state of half-asleep oblivion, pictures of her past life unfold in her mind. Perhaps this state is what ancient tradition calls “hell.” It will be “hellish” or “not hellish” - it depends on what the memory of a given person contains. After awakening, the soul is met and greeted by relatives, friends and colleagues who “died” before. Then the personality moves to the third stage of existence. With the power of thought, everything that is necessary for the comfortable existence of an individual is created here. Everyone is doing something that interests them. Communication is carried out telepathically, there are no language barriers. And although a person can linger at the third stage of existence for the duration of entire generations, in the end he must make a choice: either he must return to earth, or rise to the fourth level of existence - this depends on the level of development of consciousness. When earthly experience is fully comprehended and assimilated by a person - either in one earthly life, or after repeated returns to earthly life, or as a result of exchanging what he has achieved with other souls, that is, when the development of consciousness reaches a certain level - he will be able to move into higher spheres of existence inaccessible to the earthly mind. And then she will no longer need to come to the earthly plane. Myers' messages are also confirmed by information obtained by other researchers - such prominent scientists as Dr. David Hiatt, physician and psychiatrist Raymond Moody, cardiologist Michael Sabom, psychiatrist S. Grof, founder of the Institute for Mind Research Robert Monroe and others. Dr. Moody's research is described in the books Life After Life and Life Before Life. In a simple yet compelling book, Life After Life, Dr. Moody presents and compares the testimonies of 150 people who died or were near death but were brought back to life. In many cases, patients felt that they were leaving their physical body. Often they experienced the sensation that their spiritual bodies passed through something like a dark tunnel or well, and then emerged into an incredibly bright white light, which, however, did not blind, but radiated love. Some reported seeing a "shining being" who communicated with them telepathically; sometimes it asked the question of what good the person had done in his life. Sometimes there was a very quick review of the entire past life, something like a newsreel moving in the opposite direction. Many were warmly greeted by their deceased relatives and friends. All eyewitnesses spoke of a wonderful, all-consuming feeling of peace and happiness. Then, for some incomprehensible, mystical reasons, these people, “in a state of clinical death,” returned to their earthly bodies to continue their physical lives. In most cases, the “dead” did not want to leave this wonderful place that they had just found, and returned extremely reluctantly. What is earthly life for at all, a life “borrowed” for which sooner or later you will have to answer?

February 11th, 2012

Love the earth. It was not inherited by you from your parents, it was borrowed by you from your children.

In the first year of marriage The newlyweds looked at each other and wondered if they could be happy. If not, they said goodbye and looked for new spouses. If they were forced to live together in disagreement, we would be as stupid as the white man.

Strive for wisdom , and not to knowledge. Knowledge is the past. Wisdom is the future.

We don't want churches because they will teach us to argue about God .

One "take" better than two “I’ll give it to you.”

It doesn't take many words to say the truth .

Good man sees good signs.

The one who is silent knows twice more than a chatterbox.

First look at the marks of your moccasins, before you judge about other people's shortcomings.

Before you love , learn to walk in the snow without leaving traces.

There is no death. There is only a transition between worlds.

Those who lie down with dogs - they get up with fleas.

How dexterous must the tongue of the whites be if they can do correct looking How incorrect, And incorrect looking as correct .

My son will never take up farming. He who works on the earth does not dream, but wisdom comes to us in dreams .


What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught, only then will you understand that money cannot be eaten.

The Great Spirit is imperfect. He has a light side and a dark side. Sometimes the dark side gives us more knowledge than the light side.

Knowledge is hidden in every thing. Once upon a time the world was a library.

In order to hear yourself, you need silent days.

In order to understand about yourself, talk to a stone in the mountains...

If you notice that you are riding a dead horse, get off!

When the Great Spirit gives a new day, he sends it - to everything.

Look at me. I'm poor and naked. But I am the leader of my people. We don't need riches. We just want to teach our children to be right. We want peace and love.

When you tie a horse to a post, do you expect it to work up its strength?

Don't bother people about their religion.

Even your silence can be part of prayer.

Why do you take by force what you cannot take by love?

There are many ways to smell like a skunk.

Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will not be able to remember, involve me in participation - and I will understand.

"We must" - just die.

The old days were wonderful. The old people sat in the sun at the threshold of their house and played with the children until the sun plunged them into slumber. The old people played with the children every day. And at some point they simply did not wake up.

When a legend dies and a dream disappears, there is no greatness left in the world.

Don't walk behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - I may not follow you. Walk side by side and we will be one.

Truth is what people believe.

Even a little mouse has the right to be angry.

I suffer when I remember how many good words were said and how many promises were broken. In this world, those who have no right to speak talk too much.

He who tells stories rules the world.

Water has no hair.

The frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives.

The wind that gave our grandfathers their first breath receives their last breath, and the wind should also give our children the spirit of life.

I come to you as one of your many children.

I need your strength and wisdom.

Make me strong not to rise above my brother,

but to defeat my greatest enemy - myself.

I was at the end of the earth. I was at the edge of the waters. I was at the end of the sky. I was on the edge of the mountains.

I haven't found anyone who isn't my friend.

If you have something to say, stand up to be seen.

The raven screams not because it portends trouble, but because there are enemies in the bushes.

Remember that man is also an animal, only smart.

Don't judge a man until two moons have passed in his moccasins.

A man must make his own arrows.

The white man has too many bosses.

Everything in the world has its own song.

Above me is beauty, below me is beauty. And when I leave my body, I will also follow the path of beauty.

The child is a guest in your home - feed it, teach it and let it go.

Ask a question from your heart, and you will hear an answer from your heart.

Talk to your children while they are eating, and what you say will remain even when you leave.

When you see a rattlesnake preparing to strike, strike first.

You can't wake up a person who's pretending to be asleep.

The white man is greedy. In his pocket he carries a canvas rag into which he blows his nose - as if he is afraid that he might blow his nose and miss something very valuable.

We are poor because we are honest.

When a person prays one day and then sins six, the Great Spirit is angry and the Evil Spirit laughs.

A well-spoken word is better than a well-thrown axe.

Even dead fish can float with the current.

The soul will not have a rainbow if there are no tears in the eyes.

Life flows from inside to outside. By following this thought, you yourself will become the truth.

Everything on earth has its purpose, every disease has a medicine that cures it, and every person has a purpose.

What is a man without animals? If all animals are exterminated, man will die from great loneliness of spirit. Everything that happens to animals also happens to humans.

Let my enemy be strong and terrible. If I overcome it, I will not feel shame.

If you talk to owls or snakes, they will talk to you and you will recognize each other. If you don't talk to them, you won't know them, and what you don't know, you will be afraid of. Man destroys what he fears.

Homeland is where you feel good.

An enemy is not always an enemy, and a friend is not always a friend.

When you were born, you cried and the world laughed. Live so that when you die, you laugh and the world cries.

Quotes: Sitting Bull, Settle, White Cloud and other Indian leaders

The moment of DEPARTURE from the manifest World is DEATH, the moment of ARRIVAL is BIRTH, and everything is interconnected: birth is death, and death is birth, i.e. changing cycles in the ascending flow of time. There is no death, there is only a transition to another level of consciousness and existence. At the moment of transition, a person’s rebirth occurs, i.e. based on the meaning of the prefix “re” - “repetition”, rebirth, shedding of the old physical shell. How does the transition process take place?

The ancestors said that you will not see your death. The soul is aware only of the final stage of the transition, when a surge of energy occurs, creating an energy channel through which it leaves the dead physical body, with the protective body (aura) collapsing. This channel passes through the vortex zones (chakras) from the bottom up the spine: from the “source” to the “fontanel”.

From the point of view of a dying person: the eyes become foggy, the hearing becomes dull, and there is a hum and ringing inside. A man flies into a well (a pipe, a shaft), while the well rotates and narrows, the man feels pressure on himself - the Soul flies and sees an intersection: straight - white light, to the right - greenish, to the left - bluish, but he flies forward. The pressure is strong, but as soon as he comes out, he sees his body from above - the attitude towards the body and the feeling of the body, like something old, something lying around, threadbare clothes. It seems to the deceased that you can stretch out your hand and take any thing from your former surroundings, but the world familiar to him no longer notices him and does not react to him in any way. And this is explained by the fact that the one who left his body moved to the region of Interworld, called the Edge of the World of Revealing, from which the deceased then, crossing the border of the Worlds along the passage called Kalinov Bridge among the Slavs, ends up in the palace of the city of the Sun, located in the region of the Edge of the World of Navi. Having examined himself in new conditions and focusing on the details of any part of his new body, he discovers that it has become transparent, that his new body is just a trick of light. The deceased, being in the Edge of the Real World, clearly sees the Manifest World left behind, his relatives, his lying physical body, the doctors who are trying to resuscitate him. “I’m here, why are you messing around there?” While relatives or doctors are busy, he decides to move, to visit friends, and since he does not immediately realize that he is in another dimension, he hears everything that people do and say near the body, in neighboring offices. “Hallucination” is a state of the Spirit when the body is at rest. Movement through the tunnel is the spine, the crossroads is the heart chakra. As you move forward, the energy increases, you need to go to the white light. We observe ourselves at this time as if inside and outside at the same time. Conscience is a COMMON NEWS. “Co” is somewhere nearby, and this is above your head (the so-called double).

If a person still leaves, if his time has come (and is not returned to intensive care), he walks towards the light. The majority lose their momentarily glimpsed self-awareness and acquire yet another unconsciousness, remaining in the Edge of the Manifest World. When the interrupted consciousness returns again, a person literally within a few hours after death meets the Sentinels of Eternity, appearing before him in any guise. And from the light come those who meet him: friends, acquaintances. Either a person sees a radiant young man or a radiant old man. Christians perceive this as if they are being met by Jesus Christ, Buddhists see Buddha, Hare Krishnas see Krishna. To each according to his FAITH. If you are not a believer, your mother can come, but she is young, 25-27 years old. Or he meets a radiant old man, he seems to be entirely woven from light. It radiates light, happiness, peace, kindness. He gives parting words. Those who greet them give the deceased parting words and instructions, but if the consciousness of the deceased is not developed, then he will again plunge into the darkness of ignorance. And then only the memorial ceremony (on the third day after the funeral) of the surviving relatives and friends makes him come to his senses. Or no one meets a person, but he sees the same people all at once, each one separately, inside and outside, that is, every feeling, every thought.

Some reach the river, where the carrier transports them by boat, gondola, or ferry. Others walk across the bridge over the fiery river. The purer your life, the stronger the bridge. A person goes and realizes himself from birth to death, all his life to the smallest detail, then moves on. The more sins, the thinner and longer the bridge, it can break.

Now let’s talk about the ritual that accompanies the process of Transition:

1-3 days

Next to the deceased these days in the temple there was only a priest (what the deceased is supposed to hear should not be heard by the living), who read him instructions from the “Book of the Path” (“Book of the Dead”, each nation has its own. There is Slavic, Tibetan, Egyptian, Sumerian, Hindu, Chinese), because the deceased perceives everything as alive, but cannot make himself known. The living cannot listen to these instructions about the other world, otherwise the living becomes curious, and he says, well, I’ll go there. This can only be heard by those who have reached the level of transition associated with the change of body of a given dimension, that is, the deceased.

4-6 days

At this time, the body is taken from the temple and brought home to say goodbye to relatives and loved ones. When the body is in the house: all mirrors are closed so that the living do not see the reflection of the deceased, so that the deceased is not reflected in parallel structures and worlds, and cannot take to the other world any of the living who look in this mirror (sometimes due to an open mirror later there are dead people in the house one after another), you can’t even open the bathroom when shaving; the doors are not locked so that his Soul can freely enter; if this is not done, then it can remain for 3 years; they ground the deceased to prevent decomposition of the body - a copper wire is attached to the middle finger of the right hand, the other end of which is placed in a jar of earth or to a battery; on the eyes - copper or silver coins (and no one alive caught his eye - they closed his eyes. And so that they do not open arbitrarily, since when the body is destroyed, a lot of energy is released, and the eyes can open, they put coins on the eyes); near the face - a mirror or a light feather, to prevent cases of burial of those who have fallen into a lethargic sleep. Thin ropes called “fetters” are tied on the arms and legs.

Day four

For three days now the deceased had no idea what had happened to him. Now, having woken up after the funeral ceremony of his relatives, he just needs to understand that he has changed very much. Everything around him has changed: space with its properties, time, and he himself has become different. After all, he has already broken most of the ties connecting him with the World of Revealing, which is why he is called dead. You need to realize this and not cling to the departed, not stir up feelings, not let them play out and consume you.

At this time, the deceased is not an unconscious corpse. He sees and hears everything, but cannot make himself known. It is quite natural that a person who is not prepared in advance (as now), who does not know anything about the post-mortem state, when he comes face to face with the OTHER WORLD, is at first frightened and lost. The severity of his situation, as a rule, is aggravated by the reaction of his relatives. Sobs, hysterics, calls to return to earthly life are COMPLETELY NOT ALLOWED, because... they bring confusion and despair into the consciousness of the deceased due to the inability to answer. Instead of quickly moving to another form of existence, the Soul of the deceased spends energy on emotional experiences associated with the grief of others. The deceased, in principle, does not need traditional dressing, washing, etc., since they do not bring him any relief, but only distract him. Burning the body of the deceased, as practiced by our Ancestors (kroda), is the best form of destruction of the discarded physical shell and speeds up the process of Transition compared to burial in the ground (up to a year). There is an opinion that communicating with the graves of loved ones helps not to lose touch with them. This is the deepest misconception, because... the grave is not a relationship, but an energetic degradation astral funnel that attracts low energies. Communication with the Soul of a loved one is truly possible only mentally (since this is also a form of information transfer), when you reproduce his face in your imagination (you can take a photo) and send bright, kind thoughts of love and support to him.

The most important thing: those who have left the physical body do not need to be afraid. Nothing can harm him! Therefore, first of all, during this period, he must prepare for a meeting with God - the Progenitor of his clan and with the Mother Goddess, because each clan has its own Progenitor God, who wants to look at his descendant. And in order to recognize him, the deceased must pay attention to the signs, runes, attributes that accompany the appearance of the God-Progenitor of the Family (for example, God Kolyada will have a wheel with 8 spokes in his hand, Dazhdbog will have a “Race” sign, other Gods will accompany other signs). The Gods - the Progenitors of the Family have a blinding white body that glows with Pure bluish light. This light is so Bright that it is easy for a dark (sinful) person to be afraid of it, and if the deceased is overcome by fear, then, as if through broken ice, he will fall into other, Pekelny Worlds. And whoever is not afraid and believes in the Blue Flame, accepts it into himself, will be saved from the great pain and torment of Inferno. It is important to realize your unity with the Great Ancestor and the Mother of God.

Fifth day

On this day the indestructible God Veles will come, and the deceased cannot escape the test. “And in the night, Veles walks along Svarga through the milk of heaven (i.e., through our Galaxy), and goes to his palaces, and by dawn he leads us (the souls of the dead) to the gates of Iria (transition). And there we wait to begin to sing songs and glorify Veles from century to century and his mansion (temple), which sparkles with many lights, and we become clean lambs. That Veles taught our forefathers to plow the land and sow grain, and reap straw in the suffering fields, and place a sheaf at the fire, and honor him as the Father of God." Veles's body is also shrouded in pure White Light. He holds in his hand a scepter with five runes denoting wealth, prosperity, power, strength and glory. Our Lady Yogini - Yaga (other variants of the name of Veles’s wife are also known, such as Mokosh and Dana).

On the same day, the Gates of Hell will open their terrible mouth, from which the Dark Light (light mixed with darkness) flows. Evil deeds or anger can push the deceased, pull him uncontrollably towards the smoky dark Light of the Inferno. It will seem so warm, warming, and the hard White Shine of Veles’s salvation will frighten. There is no need to look in that seemingly gentle, smoky dark side. This is the path to the Pekel Worlds, from where the path out will be long. Dead!! Beware of anger, especially here in near-earthly space! On this day you can still see the four-dimensional earthly World left behind, but looking at it, you cannot allow yourself to get angry, otherwise the Dark Light will instantly be pulled towards you, and the door of Hell will dissolve!

The Clear, Pure, White Flame of Veles sparkles so brightly, so blindingly that it hurts your eyes to look at it, but you must overcome yourself and accept the instructions of Veles and Yaga. The bad in a person can reject the blinding White Flame, and he will follow the smoky Black Fire, which leads to suffering in the Inferno. Deceased, look into the bright shining White Flame and absorb it into yourself, become one with God Veles and the Mother of God Yoginis, and you will immediately receive a guiding ball that will lead you on the surest path to the World of Light Navi (Glory).

Day six

On this day, the deceased, who has not received a guiding thread from Veles and has so far escaped the gates of Hell, will see God Varuna emitting a Yellow Pure Flame, and in his hands he holds a yellow diamond. Goddess Karna hugs him tenderly. It is difficult to look at this Yellow Bright Fire, the Yellow Flame shines so unbearably. Mixed with the yellow flame is the dull bluish tint of the earthly World, which the deceased still sees.

If there is a lot of undone badness left in him, then this will alienate and push him away from the Yellow Fire; then the person of the Clear Yellow Flame will be afraid and will be drawn to the calm of the bluish Light. The deceased should refrain from this step and try to avoid bluish dullness! If a person has unfinished earthly affairs that he must complete, then he will immediately be drawn to dullness, and the process of incarnation (inhabitation) will occur - God Varuna and Goddess Karna will return him to a new life, old age, illness, new death without insight, this is a sad stop on the Path. It’s a shame to just fall into the memoryless earthly vale, without choosing, into the worst womb where temptation will pull you. The deceased must take into himself the Yellow, Clear Flame, become one with God Varuna and the Mother of God Karna, and then, even if it is necessary to return to the earthly vale, this return will become conscious, and the prophetic bird of God Varuna - the Raven will return the soul!

Day seven

Kroda (cremation), funeral boat or burial in a grave. But before these rituals, the body is taken out of the house feet first (a prototype of the fact that he himself left). After the body is removed, not a relative remains, but one of the acquaintances or neighbors (but not a blood relative), and starting from the far corner they wash the entire apartment up to the threshold - everything is washed after the deceased. Close relatives cannot bear the body; cousins, second cousins, etc. can carry the body. Children, sisters, brothers, etc. are not allowed. Close relatives follow the deceased. On the street, the coffin is placed on chairs to say goodbye to neighbors, and then carried (carried) to the burial place (cemetery). Before closing the coffin (or before lighting the crod), relatives kiss the deceased on the forehead to give energy to the Soul for the Path and adaptation in the next world; some relatives vow not to cut their hair or beard for several months or years. The shackles are removed from the legs and arms and placed at the feet. Coins are placed in the hand (for the “carrier”), the coffin is closed and lowered to the bottom of the grave. Each mourner throws a handful of earth into the grave, then the coffin is buried. They make a grave and erect a monument. Hands are washed and dried with towels, and commemorated. Nothing is taken from the cemetery. Then there is a farewell dinner at home (without alcohol). You should not walk through the cemetery, especially near fresh graves. If the energy of a deceased person in a cemetery gets into open areas of the body, then the energy channels may be interrupted. That is, they will stop receiving life energy. Therefore, in cemeteries you must do everything with gloves, so that nothing even gets on your hands.

When they commemorate, they say “Most Pure Svarga.”

For the deceased, the Path continues.

Day seven. On this day, for those who did not accept the help of Veles, for those who escaped the process of incarnation, the stern God Siva will appear. It glows with Pure Red Flame. The Mother of God Rada hugs him. The Red Pure Flame is so strong that it is difficult to look at it. It is mixed with the dim, even reddish light of the Earthly Lot. Earthly affairs can turn the deceased away from the Pure Red Flame and cause the temptation to take refuge in the calm reddish dullness mixed with the red Radiance. You need to run away from the dim reddish light - this is the path to the world of unhappy, restless spirits (ghosts). There is no liberation ever! Deceased, focus your gaze on the Bright Flame, see in it unity with yourself! On this day, due to strong attachments, feelings of revenge or earthly love, Ghosts are born. Unlucky spirits associated with the place and plot of suffering. Their further development was slowed down, and only by being born again on Earth as humans, after the expiration of the term of imprisonment in the form of a spirit - a ghost, can they again try to rise to the Higher Worlds. Take the Red Flame into yourself and be one with God Siva!

Day eight

On this day God Svetovit will appear. In his hands he holds a scepter with four heads in the form of a cross. Our Lady Tara rides with him, hugging him tenderly. He has a body that glows Brightly with Pure Green Flame. A bright Green Glow mixed with a dull greenish light. If the deceased, while living on Earth, has not outlived his slavish inclinations, he must pass this test, and even if he was not a human slave, but a God’s slave, then this means nothing. The Light Gods do not need human slaves, they do not demand humiliation from their children. Therefore, if the deceased has not cultivated in himself the Spirit of will and freedom, then he, frightened by the blinding Flame, may try to hide in this dim calm. We must beware of this and follow Svetovit, who will save the deceased from yet another slavery. Otherwise, the dim green light will lead him to be born a slave in the World of eternal enmity and slaughter of evil giants (Yotum Hein or, as they say now, Eden). Deceased, look straight into the sparkling flame, our Gods do not accept slavery in any form! Do not be afraid and accept the fire of Svetovit into yourself! Unite with the Wisdom of Accomplishment and let Our Lady Tara embrace you.

Day 8: Close and relatives go to feed the deceased in the morning (the dead absorb the energy of the food), bring food and leave it at the grave, and leave. They don’t take anything with them from the cemetery and don’t touch the graves with their hands, especially fresh ones. No one goes to the cemetery anymore.

Day nine

The deceased all this time was near the earthly World in the Edge of the World of Revealing. The ninth day is the last day for this circle to be here. Without understanding the signs, without accepting the help of the Light Gods, without understanding his own “I”, the deceased must move on. On the ninth day, the Soul is completely separated from the body, the last ties connecting with the World of Revealing are broken, the silver thread between the Soul and the physical body is broken. The soul rises up and makes a figure eight around the Earth and the Moon. Then it crosses the border of the Interworld (Smarodina River, Svyat River) through special crossings (Kalinov Bridge).

Atmospheric layers are perceived by the Soul as a kind of boundary river separating two worlds, “The Smarodina River, the Holy River” is a figurative awareness of the layers of space (ether) separating the two Worlds that the Soul overcomes. Our Ancestors believed that a guide accompanies the Soul to the country of the Forefathers: “And all our Souls will be escorted across that river.” The names of such Slavic guides - carriers: Vozuy, Plavets, Niy, Vodets (Vodtsa), Khoron. They transport the dead on boats across the border of the Worlds, which, as they said, is called the Holy River (of fire) or the river of great oblivion of earthly life, passing through which a person lost consciousness and found himself in complete Darkness. Others were transferred across the Kalinov Bridge, and there, the cleaner life was, the stronger the bridge was and vice versa. Some Souls simply fly over the river - the border, because... the method of crossing depends only on the picture that the consciousness of the deceased himself constructs. And if the deceased safely passed the border of the Interworld without falling into the Inferno and without hanging between dimensions, then when consciousness returned to him, he found himself in the region of the Edge of the Navi World and saw in front of him a city with streets and houses shining with a bright light. His Soul discovered that the country of the Fathers was guarded by guards. The funeral lament says: “The watchmen stand there, but they all do not grow old.” This is the kingdom of the Goddess of Death, the Goddess of Peace and immortal knowledge - Marena Svarogovna. This city in the Russian north is called Agard (by the Scandinavians Asgard), Siberians and Belarusians call it the city of the Sun or Light. Some call it the invisible Echo of the Earth. Catholics call this place “purgatory.” When the soul gets there, it receives answers to all its questions and remains there until the fortieth day (according to our living time)..

Day 9 The first funeral meal, when relatives gather to remember the deceased with kind words and honors. On this day, the remaining relatives and friends on earth commemorate the deceased to give him strength. And for this purpose, in the old days, they did not arrange mourning and lamentations for the deceased, since they knew that by doing this, relatives and friends would only slow down his further progress, tying him to the earthly vale. On the contrary, on this day, at the funeral feast, his comrades and brothers-in-arms talked about his exploits and glorious deeds, the buffoons staged a display of various pictures from his righteous life, and his comrades staged lists, demonstrating what a dexterous warrior he was. 9 days - Slavic week, the dimensional (etheric) body disintegrates, and the Soul is separated from the body (“breaking the silver thread”) - the luminous person is the etheric body. The silver thread breaks on the 9th day, and the Soul rises up and describes a “figure eight” around the Earth and the Moon.

Time there is individual for everyone, both like one day and like a thousand years, there the time is different. There, the deceased goes through “three trials” - the First Court - the Court of Conscience, when a person judges himself, himself and the defendant and the prosecutor, and the lawyer and the judge. This Court is the most terrible court. You will never fool yourself there. The Second Court is the court of the Ancestors - those who died earlier, and the person gives answers. The ancestors ask - we gave birth to you, and what have you done for the prosperity of the Family? What did you do, what did you create? To what level of Soulfulness and Spirituality have you risen? When a person answers that he has accomplished such and such, then they lead him to a new earth (if in a harmonious world, then this is a world of 16 dimensions - to Slav, to the World of Legs, where a person continues to live). And if the Ancestors tell him why you didn’t do such and such, he replies, I died defending the Family. He has a little left to complete, they can take him away right away, and if a lot has not been completed, then the Goddess Karna comes into force and allows him to return to earth, and prepares his reincarnation. There is another option: Karna’s husband Varuna gives him an assistant to help the person return, and Raven returns the Soul, and the person returns from a state of coma or lethargic sleep to complete his tasks. Raven is a bird of prophecy, it gives the opportunity for Souls to return to earth again and helps such a person. Raven also helps the warriors and God Odin.

On the Path from Reveal to Glory there is an invisible land in an invisible orbit - the Land of the God Volkh, (it seems to revolve around Midgard) there is an abode of warriors, the so-called security watchtower - VOLHALLA (Volkh is the son of Indra and the Mother of the Raw Earth). It’s like a Heavenly army guarding the earth, but not in the fourth dimension, but in another. For Catholics, this is the second purgatory, from where the deceased goes either to Heaven or Hell (Galactic East).

Everyone has their own hell. Our Ancestors called the lower world Gaden, etc. You don’t go to hell forever, but for awareness, correction, and then you can rise. And from Glory the Soul gets to Prav, where it develops, and the information that this Soul has accumulated goes to Jiva, and this new information gets into the matrices of new Souls, so such Souls already come prepared: the information is light and partly from those who have risen from the lower worlds, and about the inhabitants of the lower world. Since the information is partial, it means it is not completely true, which is why the Slavs and Aryans never personified evil.

By moving along the Spiritual Golden Path, the human Soul can achieve the state of Ramha awareness. If Ramha manifested himself into a new reality and was illuminated with the light of joy, then there is also an old reality. This means that if you achieve the state of consciousness of Ramha, you can get into the old reality. Life in all its diversity is endless. In the harmonious worlds, Rule is given the opportunity to descend into the lower worlds, for example, as a Mentor, so that the Rod does not perish. But having descended from the higher worlds into the four-dimensional one, he speaks in images, many do not understand him. Such people are called Prophets, Saints, Prophets, Messengers.

In Glory, God is the Patron of the Family (he puts part of his knowledge into the matrix of the Soul) - the Third Court-Court of the Gods. He also asks the person: Why did I send you? I showed you the purpose of life, your path, but what did you do? That is, whether you are fit to be a creator or not. We come into this world to become creators.

Third stage up to 40 days

Having successfully passed the Guardians of the Threshold, the deceased can on this day receive answers to those questions that he could not resolve during his lifetime. This is the day of Knowledge and Knowledge. But not everyone has to wander the Reaches of the Goddess of Death. For spiritually developed people, even at the very moment of Death, the Eternal Light illuminated a secret vertical path, and for some, Veles and Yaga showed the Path. And whoever recognized this Light immediately reached the 16-dimensional World of Legs.

Hello, my dear. Today I want to talk to you about a deep topic - death. About accepting the inevitable transitions to another world of our loved ones - friends, relatives...

This topic, of course, is purely individual in perception, because the attitude towards death is the maturity of Life. However, time does not wait, and many will now have to “mature” at an accelerated pace. I hope my experience will be useful to someone.

I was lucky enough to experience the instant death of a loved one very early, at the age of 14. I was lucky, because from the unexpectedness of what was happening, I did not have time to evaluate anything with my mind, but only plunged into a wave of bliss and love that touched me with the last exhalation of a living body settling at my feet. Not many people are given such a death in old age - ask for a Validol tablet, put your hand to your chest and just leave your body. It is surprising that no one else in the family - and everyone was at home - did not feel the beauty of the moment, the situation caused shock and panic in everyone, the ambulance arrived very quickly, but to no avail, and I was in splits. The joy that filled me, the joy from the freedom and boundlessness of the World that was present in me, contradicted the “normal” attitude towards this “tragic” event on the part of everyone around me. I was ashamed and embarrassed, I covered my shining face as best I could, but the gift I received was the confidence that there is no death, but Life is endless and varied, - determined my entire future life. Many thanks to my dear Soul who gave me this experience!

Fear death and everything connected with it is worthy of respect and has been necessary for us for almost eons. Otherwise, we would simply run away from here - from physical embodiment, because the intensity of the spiritual path in the human body on Earth is very great. I think that few of you have not experienced at certain moments in your life the feeling of “why am I here?..” And if we knew about the infinity of life, about the variability of our incarnations and that we are free to finish this performance or leave it in the middle, we simply would not be able to implement the plans of our divine core. And our task was, as you already know, to raise this planet to a new frequency of Love, before plunging it into polarity as much as possible along with our souls

The knowledge of immortality cannot be conveyed in words; it must be felt from within oneself. Therefore, some people, still deeply immersed in their lessons, are not able to believe it, despite the abundance of information on this topic.

But for you - those who have already passed the Rubicon and stopped perceiving themselves as a separate person in a separate story; those who have seen from their own experience how deep the connections of your Soul are with your ancestors, with your loved ones, what amazing creative powers you possess as a manifested particle of God on Earth - I want to show the beauty of the inevitable transition of our loved ones to another world.

Since ancient times it has been known that death takes not the old, but the mature. And a baby can also be mature if his soul has collected all the harvest on its way and can return to other, higher forms of its existence. Tall - not in the sense of better, but in the sense of lighter and thinner.

Therefore, a person’s exit into another world is a great happiness. No posthumous retribution awaits him in new energies, since he comes out only when he is ready, when everything that was possible has been done, when all debts at this stage are closed.

Not a single death occurs by accident or due to someone else's fault. It is always the choice of the soul of the person who leaves. And there are always reasons why a person leaves the Game right now.

Of course, for those who remain, the passing of a loved one is a tragedy. It seems to us that we have not delivered enough, it seems to us that we have not loved, we could have been more attentive, more sensitive, etc. But I want to tell you honestly: the greatest share of our suffering in loneliness is not sadness that we did not give enough love, it is self-pity that we are deprived of support.

Any absurd deaths - the death of young people, the death of children, unexpected accidents that take away men and women in the prime of life - always carry a very deep meaning for those who remain. These events are a tremendous accelerator for the liberation of those who remain from selfishness, false illusions and self-pity.

Remember that life is endless. And your loved one continues his journey even after death. But it’s very difficult for him if you constantly seem to pull him by the strings of your pity for yourself and for what has already passed.

When your loved one goes on an unpredictable journey, the best thing you can do for him is not to wait for a call from him with a report on how he is coping, but to believe that everything is fine with him. In the same way, we must believe that all is well with the souls of our loved ones. We have to free them from earthly attachments so that they can further move and develop.

The more we cry about someone who has left, the more we harm and interfere with him. The more we are sincerely grateful and glad for what he has given our lives, and we let him go with all our hearts for the better, we wish him an easy and bright path, the easier it is for him not only to go where his soul planned, but also to maintain a heartfelt relationship with us. connection.

Our departed loved ones are often willing to help and support us. Believe me, if you remember the departed person happy, contented, smiling, in those moments when you were in good mutual understanding and cooperation, if you focus your attention on gratitude to yourself and him, on remembering all the good things - in other words, if you remember him with fond memory, you will be amazed at how much strength will be added to your life to solve everyday problems. It’s as if you will receive the invisible help of a guardian angel

There are many examples of loving people experiencing such emotional support. At a meeting in Moscow, I received a book as a gift from a wonderful woman in all respects, describing her path to establishing truly cordial contact with her dearly beloved husband who had passed away. And this book very clearly shows that when establishing this contact (and contact is possible when you achieve a certain degree of harmony; you cannot, out of confusion, despair and grief, feel the presence of your dear person on the other side) you simultaneously establish contact with your own soul. You begin to receive answers from your higher self and be, frankly, in harmony with God.

And this experience - preserving grateful, harmonious vibrations in relation to the departed - is their enormous help to us, so that we, being alive, establish unity within ourselves, in the space of our heart, as quickly as possible. Thus, any passing of a loved one is an amazing opportunity to open our hearts.

The book I recommend is called, it is posted on our website. Please, do not rush to evaluate and judge anything, just read the personal experience of a person who, like each of us, broke out of his illusions with great difficulty, blood and losses, but found true harmony in the fact that he sincerely wanted to be in touch with your loved one.

Now let's talk about older people. The bodies of older people (astral, mental, causal) are often so cluttered with blocks that it is easier for them to leave the body and, being born again, continue their evolution in a new world. In addition, the soul of an elderly person often gets tired of living in a sick physical body. The person himself may not understand this, his ego may cling to life, but the soul really wants to be freed. Therefore, death is a kind of renewal for such people.

Usually a person goes through several phases on the path of dying. The first is disbelief that he will die; the second is anger at those who remain to live; the third is trading with God: I am ready to do this and that in order to stay alive. At this phase, someone prays desperately, someone completely trusts medicine and performs a bunch of procedures, forcing themselves... That is. this is the struggle of biological consciousness for survival.

And finally, the fourth stage comes, when a person resigns himself, realizes that everything is hopeless, and begins to lose interest in his surroundings - the so-called pre-death depression. Close relatives are trying with all their might to return this interest, to remind a person of his past life, to please him with something... But in fact, this is a wonderful time, because the egoic consciousness is finally weakening, the work of passions, internal “reds” is finally decreasing. buttons." There is no need to disturb the person at this time, there is no need to dissuade him or “bring him back to reality.” He needs to live through this phase too. At this time, with our “inhumility” and regret, we only burden the path of our relatives. If their soul has already entered this road, we can be of enormous help to them if we are as close as possible in this process of dying harmonious themselves. It is our resource state that allows us to take care of loved ones not just technically, but by surrounding them with unconditional love during their last time on earth.

Your memory of the best in this person, your gratitude to him for the lessons he brought, your conscious ability to engage with your resource and only in a resourceful state to be close to the dying person allow you to hold like a bright lamp in your heart, which is visible to the heart of the departing person. And then it’s easier for a person to refocus on going into his own heart. When you can be next to your loved one in a high state of spirit, in a state of goodness and gratitude to life, in a state of acceptance and praise of the Creator, his soul has the opportunity to complete its affairs as comfortably as possible and easily be freed from the body.

I remind you once again that life is one, it develops many times and in many layers. And very soon the time will come when we will be able to interact with those who, on the subtle planes, continue their development for the benefit of everyone. Because no one leaves unknown where, we all create the same Love.

I wish you courage, self-confidence and peace in your heart.

Svetlana Dobrovolskaya

Continuing the topic:
Music in life

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