Specific properties of concentrated sulfuric acid presentation. Production and use of sulfuric acid

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Center for Distance Education of Disabled Children at OSAOU "Belgorod Engineering Youth Boarding School" SULFURIC ACID Prepared by: chemistry teacher, Bykova O.S.

Sulfuric acid H2SO4 is a strong dibasic acid corresponding to the highest oxidation state of sulfur (+6). Under normal conditions, concentrated sulfuric acid is a heavy, oily liquid, colorless and odorless, with a sour “copper” taste. In technology, sulfuric acid is a mixture of both water and sulfuric anhydride SO3.

Molecules and ions of sulfuric acid have a tetrahedral structure.

FeS 2 S H 2 S SO 2 → SO 3 → H 2 SO 4 Pyrite Sulfur pyrite Production of sulfuric acid

General properties of acid solutions

Dilution of sulfuric acid

I. Chemical properties of dilute sulfuric acid 1. Dissociation: H 2 SO 4 H + + HSO 4 - HSO 4 - ↔ H + + SO 4 2 -

2. Interaction with metals (up to H) Zn + H 2 SO 4 → ZnSO 4 + H 2 Mg + H 2 SO 4 → MgSO 4 + H 2 Cu + H 2 SO 4 →

3. Interaction with basic and amphoteric oxides CuO + H 2 SO 4 → CuSO 4 + H 2 O CuO + 2 H + → Cu 2 + + H 2 O ZnO + H 2 SO 4 → ZnSO 4 + H 2 O ZnO + 2 H + → Zn 2+ + H 2 O

4 . Interaction with bases and amphoteric hydroxides 2NaOH + H 2 SO 4 → Na 2 SO 4 +2 H 2 O H + + OH - → H 2 O NaOH + H 2 SO 4 → Na H SO 4 +H 2 O Acid salt sodium hydrosulfate Zn(OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4 → ZnSO 4 +2H 2 O Zn(OH) 2 + 2 H + → Zn 2+ +2H 2 O

5. Interaction with salts H 2 SO 4 +BaCI 2 = BaSO 4 ↓ + 2HCI Ba 2+ +SO 4 2- = BaSO 4 ↓ K 2 CO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + CO 2 + H 2 O 2 H + + CO 3 2- = CO 2 + H 2 O

Qualitative reaction H 2 SO 4 +BaCI 2 = BaSO 4 ↓ + 2HCI Ba 2+ + SO 4 2- = BaSO 4 ↓

Sulfuric acid displaces more volatile acids NaCI + H 2 SO 4 → NaHSO4 + HCI

Properties of concentrated sulfuric acid Organic substances become carbonized!!! C12H22O11 (sucrose) → 12С (coal)

concentrated sulfuric acid oxidizes nonmetals HeMe + H2SO4(conc.) = H2O + SO2 + oxygen-containing acid HeMe, C + 2H2SO4 = 2H2O + CO2 + 2SO2 S + 2H2SO4 = 3SO2 + 2H2O 2P + 5H2SO4 = 2H3PO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O

concentrated sulfuric acid oxidizes metals; concentrated H2+6SO4 is a strong oxidizing agent; when interacting with metals (except Au, Pt) it can be reduced to S+4O2, S0 or H2S-2 (Fe, Al, Cr also do not react without heating - they are passivated): 2Ag + 2H2SO4 → Ag2SO4 + SO2+ 2H2O 8Na + 5H2SO4 → 4Na2SO4 + H2S + 4H2O

Thank you for your attention!


chemical industry

Until the 14th century it was called “oil of vitriol”

Rains of this substance have been discovered on the planet Venus

N 2 SO 4

sulfuric acid

Production of mineral fertilizers


in lead batteries

For purification of gasoline, kerosene and lubricating oils.

Production of explosives

Production of synthetic fibers, plastics and other organic compounds

Lesson topic:

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

H 2 SO 4 = 2H + + SO 4 2–

General properties of acids

  • Interaction with metals (up to H 2)
  • Interaction with metal oxides
  • Interaction with bases
  • Interaction with salts
  • Changing the color of indicators

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4



Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Common properties with other acids

+ Me (to H 2 ) → salt + H 2

+ Me oxide → salt + H 2 ABOUT

+ base → salt + H 2 ABOUT

+ salt → new salt + new acid

changes the color of the indicator litmus and methyl orange

N 2 SO 4


Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Specific properties

H 2 SO 4 = 2H + + SO 4 2–

Qualitative reaction

for sulfuric acid and its salts

SO 4 2– + Ba 2+ = BaSO 4 ↓

white sediment

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Specific properties

H 2 SO 4 – strong oxidizing agent

5H 2 SO 4 (conc.) + 4Zn → 4ZnSO 4 +H 2 S+4H 2 O

2H 2 SO 4 (conc.) + Cu → CuSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

Concentrated acid does not react under normal conditions with Fe, Cr, Al - it passivates them, i.e. forms a thick oxide film on the metal surface.

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Specific properties

H 2 SO 4 – has hygroscopicity,

those. absorbs water

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Specific properties

Dilution of sulfuric acid.

Add acid to water!

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

Specific properties

Strong oxidizing agent

Hygroscopic substance

H 2 SO 4

Qualitative reaction - Ba ions 2+

Sulfuric acid – H 2 SO 4

H 2 SO 4

Has some specific properties

Has general properties characteristic

for most acids

Check yourself!

Give 1 point for each correct answer.

Total 5 points

5 points – rating “5”

4 points – score “4”

3 points – score “3”

Suskina Olga Nikolaevna

Communal government agency

“Secondary school No. 1 named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky"

Kazakhstan, Semey


9th grade

Lesson topic:

Sulfuric acid and its salts.



1. Educational.

2. Developmental.

3. Educational.

Lesson type:

lesson of learning new educational material.

Lesson type:

lesson - exploratory conversation.


technology of problem-based learning, technology of level differentiation.


sulfuric acid (diluted and concentrated), zinc, copper, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, barium nitrate, computer, interactive whiteboard.

This topic for the 9th grade chemistry course allows students to apply their existing knowledge about the chemical properties of the most important classes of inorganic substances to study new material.

The lesson is conducted using a computer and an interactive whiteboard. The lesson uses a presentation made in the Ms program. Powerpoint. In modern schools, the use of computers is mandatory. This develops computer literacy and information culture in children. The use of computer technology allows schoolchildren to complete a large amount of work in a minimum amount of time and simultaneously work in several directions to complete several tasks. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom helps students develop the ability to work with information and develop their communication abilities. These technologies prepare a comprehensively developed personality of the new society. They develop students' research skills and the ability to make optimal decisions. In modern conditions, it is necessary to prepare students to quickly perceive and process incoming information for its successful application. Computer technologies in the process of teaching chemistry are used to increase the interest of schoolchildren in studying the subject, to enhance the cognitive activity of students in the classroom, as well as to organize operational monitoring of children’s knowledge and skills. The end result of the introduction of information technology into the process of teaching chemistry is the mastery of computers by students as a means of understanding the processes and phenomena occurring in nature and used in practical activities. Information technologies in teaching chemistry make it possible to raise the learning process of students to a qualitatively new level, develop a new type of thinking in them, and also contribute to the rational organization of mental activity of schoolchildren.

In the instructional and methodological letter “On the features of teaching the fundamentals of science in general education organizations (including those implementing inclusive education) of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2014-2015 academic year,” when characterizing the educational process in chemistry, along with other modern methodological approaches, it is recommended “the use of interactive forms of teaching , modern information and communication technologies". Attention is drawn to the need to use multimedia. According to this letter, the school must exclude the use of substances included in the “List of Precursors,” including sulfuric acid. However, according to the program, the topic “Sulfuric acid and its salts” is studied in some detail. To make a lesson on this topic more interesting, rich and varied, you can use video files reflecting laboratory experiments with sulfuric acid. In this lesson, students will be able not only to familiarize themselves with the material from the textbook, but also to observe experiments characterizing the properties of this acid. This leads to better assimilation of the material. In such lessons the feasibility of using ICT tools is very high. Not all chemical phenomena and processes can be demonstrated in a school laboratory. They can be demonstrated using a computer.

During the lesson, attention is paid to health-saving technology, for which physical exercises are held.

The lesson uses differentiated learning technology. When studying new educational material at the implementation stage, group work of students on differentiated tasks is used. Level differentiation helps strong children get the opportunity to feel even more confident in their abilities, while less prepared children get the opportunity to feel a situation of success and get rid of an inferiority complex.

Lesson outline


teachers and students


I. Organizing time. (1 min.)


Checking absentees.

II. Setting goals, lesson objectives and motivating learning activities.

Lesson topic: Sulfuric acid and its salts.

Target: Study of sulfuric acid, its physical and chemical properties, the properties of its sulfate salts; consideration of the use of sulfuric acid and its salts.



Study the physical and chemical properties of dilute and concentrated sulfuric acid, the properties of its sulfate salts and the qualitative reaction to the sulfate ion. Consider the use of sulfuric acid and its sulfate salts.


To develop students' ability to write equations of chemical reactions.


To instill in students an interest in the subject of chemistry as an applied science.

III. Incentive stage.

Chemical warm-up.

As a chemical reaction, students are given questions on the 8th grade educational material.

1. What is the chemical formula of sulfuric acid?

2. What oxidation states do the chemical elements that make up sulfuric acid exhibit?

3. What is the structural formula of sulfuric acid?

4. What are the salts of sulfuric acid called?

IV. The implementation stage is learning new material.

Creating a problem situation to enhance the cognitive activity of students.

How does concentrated sulfuric acid differ in its chemical properties from dilute sulfuric acid?

Physical properties of sulfuric acid.

Students work with the textbook (§16, p. 74).

To study the process of dissolving concentrated sulfuric acid in water, students are offered a video file “Dilution of sulfuric acid” from the Internet, shown on the interactive whiteboard.

Chemical properties

dilute sulfuric acid.

Students are asked to remember from grade 8: “What chemical properties does dilute sulfuric acid have?”

    Reacts with metals in the activity series of metals up to hydrogen, forming a salt and hydrogen gas.

Demonstration of a video file with an experiment: iron and zinc react with dilute sulfuric acid.

    Reacts with basic and amphoteric oxides to form salt and water.

    Reacts with bases to form salt and water.

    Reacts with salts to form a new salt and a new acid.

Chemical properties

concentrated sulfuric acid.

Demonstration of a video file on an interactive whiteboard: copper reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Qualitative reaction

to sulfate ion.

Performing laboratory experiment No. 4 “Recognition of sulfates.”

Students work in 4 groups, which are offered tasks of varying difficulty levels.

Assignment to group No. 1 and group No. 2.

Carry out a chemical reaction between sodium sulfate and barium nitrate. Write the reaction equation in molecular form.

Assignment to group No. 3 and group No. 4.

Recognize which test tube contains sodium chloride and which test tube contains sodium sulfate. Write the equation for the reaction in molecular, full ionic and reduced ionic forms.

After completing the laboratory experiment, representatives from the groups explain the result obtained and write down the reaction equations on the interactive board.

Demonstration of a video file on an interactive whiteboard: barium chloride reacts with magnesium sulfate.

Sulfuric acid salts-sulfates,

their properties and applications.

Independent work of students with the textbook. Written assignment. Students copy from §16 (pp. 76-77) educational material about salts of sulfuric acid - sulfates and hydrosulfates.

Application of sulfuric acid.

Production of sulfuric acid in Ust-Kamenogorsk. (Regional component).

Demonstration of static images, use of an Internet resource to watch a video clip, teacher working with a blackboard

Demonstration of static images, use of an Internet resource to watch a video clip, teacher working with a blackboard

Demonstration of static images, use of an Internet resource to watch a video clip, teacher working with a blackboard

Demonstration of static images, a video clip of a film with sound, a teacher working with a blackboard

Demonstration of static images, a video clip of a film with sound, a teacher working with a blackboard

Demonstration of static images, teacher working with blackboard

V. Physical exercise.

"Two halves"

Video fragment of the film with sound accompaniment

VI. Reflection stage.


To solve a problem situation, students are asked questions.

1. What is the difference between the chemical properties of concentrated sulfuric acid and the properties of dilute sulfuric acid?

2. What is the oxidizing agent in concentrated sulfuric acid?

3. What is the oxidizing agent in dilute sulfuric acid?

Students use stickers to determine their level of understanding of the material they have studied.

Demonstration of static images, students working with the board

VII. Summing up the lesson.


VIII. Homework.

§ 16.

Exercise No. 2, p. 78 – on “3”,

Exercise No. 3, p. 78 – on “4”,

Exercise No. 5, p. 78 – at “5”.

List of sources used

    Gin A.A. Techniques of pedagogical technology: Freedom of choice. Openness. activity. Feedback. Ideality: A Manual for Teachers. – M.: Vita-Press, 2004. – 88 p.

    Dendeber S.V., Klyuchnikova O.V. Modern technologies in the process of teaching chemistry: developmental learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, cooperation in learning, computer technology. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007. – 112 p.

    Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies: A manual for teachers. – St. Petersburg: KARO Publishing House, 2002. – 368 p.

    Kulnevich S.V., Lakotsenina T.P. Modern lesson. Part I: Scientific and practical manual for teachers, methodologists, heads of educational institutions, students of pedagogical educational institutions, students of the IPK. – Rostov n/d: Uchitel Publishing House, 2005. – 288 p.

    Chemistry: Textbook for 9th grade of secondary school. N.N. Nurakhmetov, K.M., Dzheksembina and others - Almaty: Mektep Publishing House, 2013. - 272 p.

Sulfuric acid production

“There is hardly another artificially produced substance so often used in technology as sulfuric acid...”

(D.I. Mendeleev)

FeS2- pyrite, sulfur pyrite, iron pyrite

S8 native rhombic sulfur

H2S – hydrogen sulfide

WITH u2S; ZnS; PbS – non-ferrous sulfides metals

CaSO4*2H2O – gypsum

Production technology

Production technology

Stage I: Pyrite firing

Kiln in
"fluidized bed"

1. Large pieces of pyrite are crushed, small pieces are sintered;

2. Enrich the air with oxygen;

3. Heat exchange, because temperature above 8000C;

4. The thick walls of the oven are lined with steel.

Stage II. Cyclone

Cleaning from

coarse dust.

Double cylinder, centrifugal force, gravitational attraction force.

Stage II. Electrostatic precipitator

Cleaning from

fine dust

The grid is positively charged

Wire negative

Stage II. Drying tower

Ceramic tubes - “nozzle”, increase the contact area.

Concentrated sulfuric acid on top, “furnace gas” on the bottom.

Cleaning the stove

Heat exchanger and contact apparatus

Heat exchange:

Stage III.
Oxidation of sulfur(IV) oxide to sulfur(VI) oxide

2 SO2(g) + O2(g) Û 2 SO3(g) +Q






6. Redox


Ceramic tubes - increasing the contact area.

Sulfuric acid on top, sulfur(VI) oxide on bottom.

Counterflow principle.

Preparation of oleum

SO3 + H2SO4 ® H2S2O7

Dispersion to-ta

H2S2O7 + SO3 ® H2S3O10 OLEUM

Trisernaya to-ta

H2S3O10 + SO3 ® H2S4O13

Tetrasulfur to-ta

Stage IV.
Absorption of sulfur (VI) oxide by water

SO 3(g)+ N 2ABOUT(g) ® N 2SO4(l) + Q






6.No change in oxidation states

Complete H2SO4 production process

Application of sulfuric acid

Ø1. Production of mineral fertilizers.

Ø2. Production of sulfates (salts of sulfuric acid).

Ø3. Production of synthetic fibers.

Ø4. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Ø5. Production of organic dyes.

Ø6. Alcohols, acids, esters (organic substances).

Ø7. Food industry (molasses, glucose), emulsifier (thickener) E513.

Ø8. Petrochemicals (mineral oils).

Ø9. Production of explosives

Application of sulfuric acid

Technological principles for the production of sulfuric acid

1. The principle of continuity

2. The principle of integrated use of raw materials, use of waste from other production

3. The principle of waste-free production

4. Heat transfer principle

5. Counterflow principle (“fluidized bed”)

6. The principle of automation and mechanization of production processes.

Transportation and storage of sulfuric acid

Transported in railway and road tankers made of acid-resistant steel

Store in hermetically sealed containers made of polymer or stainless steel, coated with an acid-resistant film.

Solving environmental problems

1. Use of technological schemes, minimizing air pollution

2. Improvement of technological

equipment, in particular various filters and absorbers

Slide 2

Entertaining experiments

Charring Sugar Flame Artist "Water" Lights a Fire

Slide 3

I will dissolve any metal. The alchemist received me in a simple clay retort. I am known as the main acid... When I myself dissolve in water, I get very hot...

Slide 4

“When you work, you will do everything for your loved ones and for yourself, and if you don’t succeed at work, failure is not a problem, try again.”

Mendeleev D.I.

Slide 5

The purpose of the lesson:

get acquainted with the history of the discovery of sulfuric acid and its distribution in nature; study the chemical and physical properties of sulfuric acid; give an idea of ​​the practical importance of sulfuric acid in the national economy and human life.

Slide 6

1. History of discovery 2. Sulfuric acid in nature 3. Physical properties 4. Chemical properties a) dilute sulfuric acid b) concentrated sulfuric acid 5. Application 6. Salts of sulfuric acid

Slide 7

Let's remember:

1. Which of the following formulas of substances refer to acids: H2SiO3, NaOH, HCl, H2O, CO2, BaCl2, H2SO4 Define the concept of “Acids”. 2. Match:

Slide 8

3. In the proposed rows, eliminate the “extra substance”. Explain your choice: a. NaOH, KOH, HCl; b. H2SO4, HCl, H2SiO3;c. HNO3, H2CO3, H2SO4.

4. Which of the following formulas of substances does a solution of hydrochloric acid react with: Cu, KOH, CO2, Zn, CuO, AgNO3

Slide 9

History of discovery

1. First mention - the alchemist Geber (when alum is heated, “alcohol” is distilled, which has a strong dissolving power); 2. Middle Ages - the production of sulfuric acid is based on the decomposition of sulfates; 3. Andreas Liebavius ​​(16th century) – technical method for producing sulfuric acid; 4. 1746 (England) - the first chamber plant for the production of sulfuric acid;

1805 (Moscow) - production of sulfuric acid at the plant of Prince Golitsyn.

Slide 10

Sulfuric acid in nature

Acid lake at the depths of the Maly Semyachik volcano Boiling lake (Kuril Islands) Europa is a satellite of Jupiter Clouds of the planet Venus

Slide 11

Physical properties

H2SO4 is a colorless, oily, heavy liquid, odorless, non-volatile at ambient conditions. Has strong water-removing properties. It dissolves well in water. Safety precautions: Acid is poured into the water carefully, in a thin stream.

Dilution of sulfuric acid

  • Slide 12

    Slide 13

  • Chemical properties

    Slide 14

  • Chemical properties of dilute H2SO4

    1. Interaction with metals (up to H in ERNM) Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + H2 Zn0 -2e- → Zn+2 reducing agent 2H+ +2e- → H02 oxidizing agent Cu + H2SO4≠

    Slide 16

    2. Interaction with basic and amphoteric oxides H2SO4 + CuO = CuSO4 + H2O 2H+ + SO42- + CuO = Cu2+ + SO42- + H2O 2H+ + CuO = Cu2+ + H2O

    Slide 17

    3. Interaction with bases: a) alkalis H2SO4 + 2NaOH = Na2SO4 + 2H2O 2H+ + SO42- + 2Na+ + 2OH- = 2Na+ + SO42- + 2H2O 2H+ + 2OH- = 2H2O H+ + OH- = H2O b) insoluble bases H2SO4 + Cu(OH)2= CuSO4 + 2H2O 2H+ + SO42- + Cu(OH)2= Cu2+ + SO42- + 2H2O Cu(OH)2 + 2H+ = Cu2++ 2H2O

    Slide 18

    4. Interaction with salts H2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4↓+ 2HCl 2H+ + SO42- + Ba2+ + 2Cl- = BaSO4↓+ 2H+ + 2Cl- Ba2+ + SO42- = BaSO4↓ Qualitative reaction – precipitation of a white precipitate white

    Slide 19

    Concentrated H2SO4 is a strong oxidizing agent due to S(+6) 1. Interaction with metals H2SO4 + active metals + low-active metals + Fe, Al H2S, S, SO2 SO2 Passivation of metal Cu + 2H2SO4(conc) = CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O Cu0 – 2e- Cu+2 S+6 + 2e- S+4 oxidation reduction reducing agent oxidizing agent

    Slide 20

    Reaction of concentrated sulfuric acid with metals

  • Slide 21

    Chemical properties of concentrated H2SO4

    2. Interaction with non-metals 2H2SO4 + C = CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O 3. Interaction with organic substances (hygroscopicity) 4. Interaction with salts H2SO4(conc) + NaCl(s) = NaHSO4 + HCl

    Slide 22

    Hygroscopicity of sulfuric acid

    Slide 23


    H2SO4 HNO3 Acid production Explosives Electrolytic copper Mineral fertilizers Medicines Salt production Artificial silk Petroleum purification Electrolyte in batteries Enamel production

  • Continuing the topic:
    History of music

    (A shortened version of a chapter from a textbook for universities "Beliefs of the World's Religions", St. Petersburg, Khimizdat, 2001) The role of religion is understood as its influence on people and their environment, that is...