Albin Igor Nikolaevich. Slyunyaev Igor Nikolaevich Albin Igor Nikolaevich biography

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg

Education: Moscow Higher Police School, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Summary: Occupying a high post in St. Petersburg, he continues to flaunt his own cynicism and appoints his old acquaintances to responsible positions, who have already managed to tarnish themselves in a similar field. Latest dossier:


In 1988 he served in the internal affairs bodies.

From 1994 to 1996 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Mossibinterbank.

From 1996 to 2000 - Advisor to the Department of Affairs, Head of the Department of Financial and Credit Relations, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with CIS Member States, Head of the Department for Providing Income for Road Funds of the Federal Road Service of Russia, Deputy General Director of the Russian Road Agency.

From 2000 to 2003 - First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation - Head of the State Road Service, member of the Russian Government Commission on Agricultural Issues.

In 2006, Slyunyaev was a representative of the executive body of state power of the Altai Territory in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, deputy chairman of the Federation Council budget committee, a member of the commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of Russia, and a member of the commission on natural monopolies.

On October 23, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin nominated Slyunyaev to the Kostroma Regional Duma for approval as governor of the region.

In 2010, the Kostroma branch of the United Russia party, with the direct participation of Governor Slyunyaev, presented two long-term development programs for the region: “Kostroma land: renewal 2010-2015” and a comprehensive program to increase the tourist and investment attractiveness of the city of Kostroma and the Kostroma region - “Kostroma - the soul Russia". The programs are aimed at radical transformations of the socio-economic sphere of the region and securing for Kostroma the official status of a “national center of history, culture and spirituality.”

On April 13, 2012, Slyunyaev wrote a letter of resignation from the post of governor of the Kostroma region of his own free will.

In 2009, Slyunyaev received the honorary title "Governor of the Year - 2009", awarded

International Academy of Social Sciences. Winner of the Grand Prix of the national award "For the development of the Russian Land" - "Golden Laurel Branch". In 2009, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Slyunyaev was awarded the Order of Honor for his labor successes and many years of conscientious work.

Since 2014 - Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg for housing and communal services.

Wife - Khotina Irina Vasilievna, headed the Kostroma regional public organization "Chernobyl Union"; son - Khotin Alexander Igorevich.

Source: RIA Novosti

Continuation of the dossier:

Vice-Governor for Housing and Communal Services Igor Albin once again commented on the story of changing his last name on the eve of his arrival in Smolny and, to the surprise of readers, suggested that those wishing to take their old last name.

“I did not change my surname, but restored the family surname of my ancestors (the genealogy, as is known, is traced along the paternal side), and thus historical justice triumphed in relation to several generations of the Albin family, who, due to the foolishness of the Volkonsky princes, began to be called “Slyunyaevs”,” wrote he is on his Facebook page. And then he offered his old surname to everyone who wanted it.

“By the way, as a free surname, after changing your own, you can take the surname “Slyunyaev”, since it is now free. A well-known, well-promoted surname in Russia, the last bearer of which was an entire federal minister. And, perhaps, everything will change for the better, both at work and at home. But, frankly, I don’t believe in such changes, because it is said that not a single hair will fall from a person’s head without the will of God,” wrote the vice-governor of St. Petersburg and former minister of regional development.

Source: “” from December 11, 2014

At the beginning of 2015, Igor Albin, in charge of the housing and communal services block, advised St. Petersburg residents not to be lazy and to start clearing snow in their yards on their own, because “work ennobles a person.” He apparently forgot that this particular work was his main responsibility.

A resonant statement was made during a discussion on the social network. The head of the magazine "Noise" Pavel Smolyak posted a post on his Facebook page dedicated to the poor performance of utility workers. “Yesterday I looked out the window for a long time. First, during the day, I walked through puddles, snow, slid on ice, almost fell. Then I came home, poured boiling water into a large cup, sat down on a chair and began to look out the window... I waited Vice-Governor Igor Albin and special equipment vehicles... The boiling water cooled down, but on the street everything was as before,” Smolyak wrote.

Vice-Governor Albin left his answer in the comments: “Perhaps, instead of listening to the next series and waiting for manna from heaven, we should invite friends, take shovels and put things in order, at least in our yard? This is good for your health, and it puts your thoughts in order... Work ennobles a person." The official further summarized: “Indifference and dependency kill both individuals and entire states.” Albin advised not to rely on a “good uncle” who “will wash the dishes, clean the yard, raise a child, protect him from a foreign aggressor, restore order in my country and in my house,” Rosbalt quotes.

The post of lieutenant governor has received controversial comments. Some users agreed with him, while others remarked with sarcasm: “If there is a fire, then you don’t need to call the firefighters, you need to call your neighbors, grab buckets and pour it in. If you’re robbed, you don’t need the police, you need to call your friends, find the criminal and lynch him.” from 01/10/2015

Vice-Governor Igor Albin made his first appointment to the landscaping committee responsible for clearing snow from the streets. The first deputy head of the Center for Comprehensive Improvement was the former mayor of Kostroma, Bislan Satuev, who worked with Albin both in the Ministry of Transport and when he was the governor of the Kostroma region. Satuyev was remembered by local residents for encouraging them to remove snow from their entrances themselves. And also by the fact that 9.2 million rubles were allegedly spent on the decoration and maintenance of his Kostroma service apartment.

Igor Albin began assembling his team shortly after his appointment to the post of vice-governor for housing and communal services and transport. He also introduced a practice in which advisers responsible for a particular committee are permanently located not in Smolny, but in the department under their supervision. In particular, he sent Bislan Satuev, whom he knew from his work in the Kostroma region, to the improvement committee as his “delegate.” However, Satuyev’s office was not equipped in the committee building on Karavannaya, but in the center for comprehensive improvement (CDB) on Sedova Street. And on January 20, he was appointed first deputy head of the Central Design Bureau, coordinating the work of all road enterprises responsible for cleaning the streets.

52-year-old native of Chechnya Bislan Satuev worked with Igor Albin (at that time Slyunyaev) back in the early 2000s: when Albin was Deputy Minister of Transport and headed Rosavtodor, Satuev headed the center for production and financial control in the road sector at the ministry, and subsequently - Rosdorinspectorate. After Igor Albin headed the Kostroma region in 2007, Bislan Satuev also went there: he worked as deputy head of Kostroma, and in 2012, for two months, he was even acting. O. mayor of the city. He left this post immediately after the resignation of Igor Albin in April of the same year.

Igor Albin did not forget about his comrade-in-arms and took him with him to the Ministry of Regional Development, where Satuev was deputy head of the key department for coordinating preparations for the Olympic Games, and then assistant minister. According to the official declaration, in 2013 he earned 2.1 million rubles, and drove around Moscow in a Mercedes E270. He owns a plot of land with an area of ​​18 acres and an apartment of 83 square meters. m.

True, as one can judge from the Kostroma media, Bislan Satuev had previously repeatedly encountered serious snowfalls, but the quality of cleaning still raised complaints among local residents.

Sometimes, under Bislan Satuyev, utility services, on the contrary, performed their duties too zealously.

“Yesterday, February 14, at an operational meeting in the administration of the Kostroma region, the work of utility workers was once again criticized. Snow is being removed from the streets and roadsides of the city too slowly. Today, February 15, you can appreciate the result of their brilliant work on the famous Mira Avenue alley. You won't find almost a single piece of ice there. True, after such a thorough cleaning, the decoration of the alley suffered significant losses - cast-iron fences lie on the ground, the legs of the benches are twisted, even on the trees there are traces of struggle with snow (the bark has been torn off on almost every tree),” wrote the local Komsomolskaya Pravda.

After Bislan Satuev left the Kostroma administration, the local Chamber of Control and Accounts found out that in 2011, the municipal enterprise Kostromgorvodokanal acquired an apartment with an area of ​​105.6 square meters. mza 4.7 million rubles in an elite house in the city center. Bislan Satuev moved into it under a social tenancy agreement. As RIA Novosti reported, the enterprise’s costs for finishing, purchasing furniture, designing curtains and maintaining the apartment amounted to 9.2 million rubles.

Let us note that previously Lyudmila Solovyova was appointed to the position of deputy chairman of the housing committee, who, like Satuev, was Igor Albin’s assistant in the Ministry of Regional Development. She worked at the ministry since the mid-2000s with a break - for some time she worked as the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Tula Region. Lyudmila Solovyova is one of the developers of the new Rules for the provision of utility services, which in the winter of 2012/13 led to scandals with rising rents in a number of regions. And Anton Goreglyad, the son-in-law of TV presenter Sergei Dorenko and Albin’s assistant in the Ministry of Regional Development, became Igor Albin’s adviser on energy issues.

© Photo from the site

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin resigned. The Smolny press service reported this on the morning of December 26. Responsibilities were assigned to Deputy Governor Nikolai Bondarenko.

Rosbalt tells what is known about the reasons for Albin’s departure and what the official is remembered for.

He-who-must-not-be-named fights the Jedi and builds roads

Igor Slyunyaev (original surname Albina) was born in Isilkul, Omsk region. Studied at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. Graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

The official has a long track record. Among other things, he worked as Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with CIS Member States, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, then received a promotion to First Deputy, Head of Rosavtodor. Slyunyaev himself called the opening of a through passage on the Chita-Khabarovsk highway the main achievement in his life.

In 2007, Slyunyaev became governor of the Kostroma region. During his governorship, the region's debt almost tripled and reached 10 billion rubles. Slyunyaev received the nickname “curb” from local residents because curbs were installed in the city, allegedly produced at an enterprise controlled by the governor. In addition, the scandal with the closure of the “Kostroma Jedi Forum” is associated with the name of Slyunyaev. It is believed that the reason for the closure was criticism of the governor by visitors to the resource. For this, dissatisfied people nicknamed Slyunyaev “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

In April 2012, the official left the post of governor of his own free will.

— Krestovsky Cormorant (@zenitbaklan) August 21, 2017

The story of the house on Crafts Street caused a great stir - the building is close to the bridge that was built for the World Cup. It's impossible to live there. At first the authorities simply did not notice this, then they said that the people would be resettled. But everything was limited to a belated apology from Vice-Governor Albin - a few were resettled, the rest of the residents remained in this house.

The official's reaction to poor snow removal was ambiguous. The editor of the magazine “Noise” Pavel Smolyak posted a post on the social network dedicated to the poor performance of utility workers. Albin wants to remove the snow on his own: “It’s good for health, and it puts your thoughts in order... Labor ennobles a person.” A scandal erupted and a collection of signatures began online for the official’s resignation. But Albin was rehabilitated - he showed how the scheme he proposed worked, using his own example - and went to clean it himself.

Albin took a very active position; there were rumors that he could become a candidate in the gubernatorial elections of St. Petersburg in 2019. In recent months, an information war has unfolded against the official.

Vice-Governor criticized at Putin's press conference

During a press conference by Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 20, shareholder of the Gorod Group of Companies Alla Andreeva introduced herself as a journalist for the Ryazan regional newspaper and complained about the situation with defrauded shareholders.

“In St. Petersburg, in order to report to Moscow that everything is fine, they simply put unfinished houses into operation. Houses that do not comply with equity participation agreements. During a direct line with you on June 15, 2017, Albin and Minenko, federal inspectors, simply stood under my house, which was not completed... They put it into operation, officially, having committed a criminal offense,” Andreeva said. She said that she suffered because of her active work in protecting the rights of shareholders. They are trying to initiate a criminal case against her, her car was burned, her husband was killed by unknown assailants, and her mother died of shock.

Putin promised to look into this story and said that Beglov would meet with Andreeva.

On December 21, Igor Albin accused Andreeva of self-promotion. He stated that he did not believe the woman and would not work with her. “I am ready to be punished for my intractability and even resign. The honor and dignity of me and my colleagues are affected,” the vice governor wrote.

But there was no immediate dismissal. Albin continued to work.

At a government meeting on December 25, Beglov criticized Albin. “The President ordered a meeting with Alla Andreeva. Well, I met her. The president's instructions are not discussed, they are carried out. Complex woman. But she can be understood. She lost her husband... This must also be treated with understanding,” said the acting governor.

Beglov also expressed dissatisfaction with the “catastrophic situation” with the construction of important facilities in the city. He noted that the kilometer-long section of Bogatyrsky Prospekt had been reconstructed by only 60% in five years. “The Crimean Bridge was built in two years, but a kilometer-long road cannot be built in five years? What is the problem?" — the acting governor was indignant.

Albin resigns and asks “not to spit in the back”

On December 26, the press service of the governor of St. Petersburg announced Albin’s dismissal. The official statement said that Beglov accepted the resignation of the vice-governor.

Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that this had nothing to do with criticism of the vice-governor during a press conference. "No. Not related at all. This is a question exclusively for the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg,” he said.

Albin himself commented on the incident on his Facebook. “Dear Alexander Dmitrievich (Beglov, acting head of St. Petersburg - approx.), I asked for my resignation immediately after your appointment as acting governor of St. Petersburg, in the first ten days of October 2018. You asked me to stay for a transition period. Georgy Sergeevich Poltavchenko asked me about the same thing. I have only one request, Alexander Dmitrievich. The governor's team today relies on a powerful information resource. Please ask the coordinated media “not to spit in the back” of those leaving, including me. Don’t earn cheap dividends from dirt,” concluded the now former official.

"Connections / Partners"



The acting governor of St. Petersburg fired two deputies

The vice-governors of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Mokretsov and Igor Albin, who previously worked in the federal government, lost their posts. Albin’s publicity and conflict behavior did not suit the new governor, experts say

Albin announced the donation of 23 billion rubles. to the analogue of Skolkovo in St. Petersburg

Vice-Governor Igor Albin said that the city was “donated” 23 billion rubles for the construction of an innovation center near St. Petersburg. investment

Telegram review: seething shit in a frozen swamp

Marat Oganesyan will become a cormorant for Igor Albin

Former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Marat Oganesyan admitted to embezzlement during the construction of the Zenit Arena stadium and entered into a pre-trial agreement to cooperate with the investigation. “The defendant admitted guilt. The amount of stolen funds, according to investigators, is 50 million 480 thousand rubles,” follows from a message in the Telegram channel of the United Press Service of the Courts of St. Petersburg. Law enforcement agencies have no complaints yet against Igor Albin, who replaced him at the post in 2015, with whom the main thefts at the stadium are usually associated.

Oganesyan served as vice-governor of St. Petersburg for construction issues from March 2013 to April 2015. In this position, he oversaw construction sites in St. Petersburg, including the construction of the Zenit Arena stadium. Oganesyan’s successor at the post of vice-governor, Igor Albin, lamented that the roof of the stadium, which cost the budget 46 billion rubles, was irreparably damaged by seabirds. “Cormorants spoil the reflective film on the roof of the St. Petersburg Arena stadium (formerly Zenit Arena). Despite the fact that the film can withstand a load of 400 kg per square meter. m, it turned out to be vulnerable to cormorants, which with their powerful beaks destroy its yellowness,” the RBC official quotes. Albin noted that to protect against birds, it is necessary to create a system similar to that used at airports. After the grand opening of the stadium, Albin asked for another 400 million for its completion.

Igor Albin: the Yuzhnoye electric depot will be commissioned in the first half of 2018

The Yuzhnoye electric depot, as well as new stations of the Frunzensky radius of the St. Petersburg metro, are planned to be put into operation in the first half of 2018. Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin announced this today.

“This (electric depot - Kommersant) is an extremely important facility. It will be put into operation in May 2018. We are working to ensure that all stations of the Frunzensky radius are commissioned in the first half of 2018,” Interfax quotes Mr. Albin.

Albin: Unscrupulous contractors flock to the budget like bees to honey

Vice-Governor Igor Albin called on the Construction Committee to more actively get rid of unscrupulous contractors at budget construction sites. To do this, he proposed introducing as a mandatory requirement that at least 50% of general construction work be performed by the contractor’s own resources.

The Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg accused cormorants of damaging the roof of the Zenit Arena

Cormorant seabirds spoil the reflective film on the roof of the St. Petersburg Arena stadium (formerly Zenit Arena), Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin said in an interview with Sport Day by Day.

“Word and Deed” by Igor Albin

St. Petersburg Zenit dealt another free kick to the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin. Just a couple of days before the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the club announced that it intended to build a new stadium for itself. It is perhaps not difficult to guess what high-ranking fans of the club will now talk about on the sidelines of the forum and what consequences this will lead to for the city authorities.

Zenit plans to build a new stadium with 20 thousand seats in the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. It is understood that the new arena will be used as a reserve arena. Although it is possible that the club, which recently returned with a scandal from the notorious Zenit Arena to the old Petrovsky stadium, will never move to Krestovsky Island. Too scandalous and expensive.

The Ministry of Regional Development estimated the development of Crimea until 2020 at 620 billion rubles

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia has prepared a draft federal target program (FTP) for the socio-economic development of the Crimean Federal District until 2020.
link: finance/news/28342691/ minregion-ocenil-razvitie- kryma-do-2020-goda-v-620-mlrd

Ministry of Regional Development: Growth of industrial production in 2013. recorded in 55 constituent entities of the Russian Federation

RBC 04/30/2014, Moscow 02:38:58 Growth of industrial production in 2013 recorded in 55 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, growth in agricultural production - in 49 constituent entities, positive dynamics in lending to legal entities - in 71 regions. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia following a meeting of the department's board, where the results of its work were summed up.
link: shtml#xtor=AL-—--

The Ministry of Regional Development estimates the program for the development of Crimea until 2020 at 0.8-1 trillion rubles

The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a “road map” for the transition of Crimea to the Russian system of public administration

03/25/2014, Moscow 18:17:57 The Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation has developed an action plan (“road map”) for the transition of the authorities of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol to the Russian system of regional, state and municipal government. The press service of the department reports this.
link; 20140325181757.shtml

Stepashin headed the supervisory board of the housing and communal services fund - Interfax

The Ministry of Regional Development distributed grants for 5.278 billion rubles. among twenty regions.

RBC 12/19/2013, Moscow 15:30:32 The Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation distributed grants totaling 5.278 billion rubles among twenty regions.
link: shtml


Dmitry Medvedev: The regional incentive system needs additional debugging.

12/19/2013, Moscow 11:50:30 The incentive system for Russian regions needs additional debugging, says Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “The regional incentive system needs additional fine-tuning and further improvement. In some places it has begun to look more understandable, but in others it does not stimulate the abandonment of dependent sentiments,” the prime minister expressed his opinion at a government meeting at which the issue of assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the results of 2012 was considered.
link: 20131219115030.shtml

RBC daily: An investment attraction agency will be created on the basis of the Ministry of Regional Development.

RBC 12/09/2013, Moscow 10:32:15 Based on the Ministry of Regional Development (Ministry of Regional Development) of the Russian Federation until the end of 2013. a Russian Investment Promotion Agency will be created, which will become a “single window” for foreign investors and an intermediary between regions and potential investors, the RBC daily newspaper writes today.
link; 20131209103215.shtml


I. Slyunyaev: The investment agency will help businessmen in the regions

The Russian investment agency will be created before the end of 2013, said the head of the Ministry of Regional Development (Ministry of Regional Development) Igor Slyunyaev during a round table dedicated to the issue of developing effective mechanisms for attracting investment to Russian regions.
Read in full: 06/12/2013/893347.shtml

I. Slyunyaev: The Russian investment agency will be created by the end of the year.

RBC 06.12.2013, Moscow 17:44:45 The Russian investment agency will be created before the end of 2013. The head of the Ministry of Regional Development, Igor Slyunyaev, announced this during a round table dedicated to the issue of creating effective mechanisms for attracting investments to the regions.
link; 20131206174445.shtml

Head of the Ministry of Regional Development: The mortgage lending market in Russia has taken hold.

11/19/2013, Moscow 11:56:35 The mortgage lending market in Russia has taken place. This was stated today by the Minister of Regional Development of Russia Igor Slyunyaev during a speech at the IX All-Russian Construction Assembly.
link; 20131119115635.shtm

Ministry of Regional Development: In Russia in 2013. 71 million sq.m. may be put into operation. m of housing.

11/19/2013, Moscow 12:30:02 In Russia, based on the results of 2013. 71 million sq.m. may be put into operation. m of housing, which is 5.8 million sq. m more than in 2012 This forecast was announced today by the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev at the IX All-Russian Construction Assembly. He added that for January-September 2013. 39 million sq.m. commissioned m of housing, which is 12% more than in the same period last year.
link 20131119123002.shtml

The Cabinet of Ministers removed the development of policy on construction and housing and communal services from the powers of the Ministry of Regional Development.

11/14/2013, Moscow 17:51:52 At a meeting today, the Government of the Russian Federation removed from the powers of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation the authority to develop state policy in the field of construction and housing and communal services. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development.
link; 20131114175152.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development may deal with interethnic relations

After the reorganization, the direction of activity at the Ministry of Regional Development will change somewhat. Thus, the department can deal with issues related to the settlement of interethnic and interfaith relations. Experts are already talking about re-establishing the Ministry of Nationalities, which was liquidated in 2001.
link: politics/562949989453822

The head of the Ministry of Regional Development called on Moscow to share investors with other regions.

RBC 10.23.2013, Moscow 12:50:06 Head of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of Russia Igor Slyunyaev called on Moscow to share its investors with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. He stated this today at the II Moscow International Forum on Foreign Investment.
link; 20131023125006.shtml

RBC 10/18/2013, Moscow 12:45:05 The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation plans until November 1, 2013. submit to the government the draft state program “Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of Russia for the period until 2020.” This was announced today by the head of the department, Igor Slyunyaev, at the XI General Assembly of the Northern Forum in Moscow.
link: 20131018124505.shtml

Flood-affected regions of the Far Eastern Federal District will receive 4.5 billion rubles. for housing.

RBC 10/15/2013, Moscow 17:55:52 The Russian government will allocate 4.5 billion rubles to the flood-affected regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. for the purchase, construction and overhaul of housing. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development.
link; 20131015175552.shtml

10/14/2013, Moscow 01:23:23 The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation plans by October 15, 2013. accept registers of surveys of all flood victims in August - October of this year. residential buildings in the Far East, the department’s press service reports. Employees of the Ministry of Regional Development, the State Construction Committee and specialists from the Scientific Research Center "Construction" were sent to assist commissions formed at the municipal level to inspect the housing stock damaged as a result of a natural disaster.
link: 20131014012323.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: The scale of damage in the Far Eastern Federal District can only be determined in the spring.

RBC 01.10.2013, Moscow 16:25:16 An idea of ​​the magnitude of the damage in the Far East and the scale of the upcoming resettlement of citizens can only be determined in final form only next spring. This was announced by the Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev during a meeting of the government commission to eliminate the consequences of the flood.
link: 20131001162516.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: For the successful development of housing and communal services, 9 trillion rubles are needed. investment

The total investment need of Russia's housing and communal services (HCS) is about 9 trillion rubles, Russian Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said at a meeting of the presidium of the Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development.
Read in full: 01/10/2013/879938.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development will maintain a register of unscrupulous developers.

RBC 10/01/2013, Moscow 15:28:45 The Government of the Russian Federation has given the Ministry of Regional Development the authority to maintain a register of unscrupulous developers. The press service of the department reported this.
link; 20131001152845.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: The investment needs of the housing and communal services industry are estimated at 9 trillion rubles.

10/01/2013, Klimovsk, Moscow region. 15:10:18 The total need for investment in the housing and communal services sector of the Russian Federation is estimated at 9 trillion rubles, said the Minister of Regional Development of Russia Igor Slyunyaev at a meeting of the presidium of the Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development.
link; shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development limited the cost of housing for flood victims to 30,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m

The Ministry of Regional Development estimated the costs of helping those who lost their housing in Komsomolsk at 1.5 billion rubles.

Ministry of Regional Development: 213 settlements were flooded in the Far East.

RBC 09/04/2013, Moscow 15:00:17 In the Far East, as of September 4, 213 settlements have been flooded since the beginning of the flood. This is stated in the materials of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation following a meeting of the interdepartmental working group on preparation for the heating season in flooded regions.
link: 20130904150017.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: Damage in the Far East can be assessed no earlier than the end of September.

RBC 08/30/2013, Moscow 11:54:28 The damage from the flood in the Far East can only be assessed after the water subsides, that is, not earlier than the end of September. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Vasily Kopylov at a round table organized by RBC.
link: 20130830115428.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: Damage to the Khabarovsk Territory from the flood is estimated at 5-7 billion rubles.

RBC 08/29/2013, Moscow 09:42:22 The damage caused by the flood to the Khabarovsk Territory is currently estimated at 5-7 billion rubles. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
link: 20130829094222.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: 26 districts in 5 regions were flooded, damage exceeds 25 billion rubles.

08/28/2013, Moscow 12:10:03 To date, 26 municipal districts (125 settlements, inhabited by more than 40.5 thousand people) in five constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been flooded, the amount of damage exceeds 25 billion rubles. Such data was announced today by the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev, opening a meeting in the Jewish Autonomous Region, the press service of the ministry reports.
link: 20130828121003.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: To restore the communal infrastructure of the Amur region. about 100 million rubles are required.

08/21/2013, Moscow 11:23:32 According to preliminary data, about 100 million rubles will be required to restore the utility infrastructure of the Amur region, damaged as a result of the flood. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation. In the region where the disaster is receding, an assessment of the scale of its consequences for the public sector has already been carried out: 48 boiler houses, 35.7 km of heating networks, 29 km of water supply and 24 km of sewer networks, 13 wells, 80 wells, 223 water intakes were affected by the flood zone.
link: 20130821112332.shtml

Tariffs to increase: monopolies and industrialists count losses

In Russia since July 1, 2013 Tariffs of natural monopolies increased by 15%. Along with them, utility bills of the population will also increase. According to officials, the average increase will be about 12%, which corresponds to 6% per year - since tariffs were increased with a delay.
Read in full: 03/07/2013/864346.shtml

Utility bills for Russians are increasing by 12% on average.

RBC 07/01/2013, Moscow 10:01:25 From today, utility bills of the population on average in the Russian Federation are increasing by 12%. This is in line with the threshold set by Russian President Vladimir Putin of 6 percent annual growth.
link: shtml

From July 1, prices for heat, electricity, water and gas in Russia rise immediately by 12-15%. This increase in utility costs occurs, as they say, with a delay: not from the beginning of the year, but only from the second half of the year. And since we paid at the old rates for the first six months, for the year as a whole, rates will rise by 6-7.5%, explains Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
link: shtml

RBC daily: The Ministry of Regional Development has updated the strategy for the construction materials industry.

RBC 06.27.2013, Moscow 10:17:19 The Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation has updated the development strategy for the construction materials industry until 2020. As RBC daily writes today, the strategy was approved back in 2011, but in two years its implementation has not solved a number of problems.
link: 20130627101719.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development has found a way to save on the 2018 World Cup

Clusters for the production of building materials will be created around large infrastructure projects. This idea is promoted by the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev. The new scheme can be applied already in preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and in the implementation of Far Eastern projects. Investors who are ready to work according to the new method will receive benefits, and the state will save on construction. The cost of the program will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.

Igor Slyunyaev, Ministry of Regional Development: “I don’t think that everything will end with the Olympics in Sochi”

In the coming years, Russia will have to complete several projects that require huge budget expenditures: preparation for the Olympics in Sochi, the World Cup, and the development of the Far East. Minister of Regional Development IGOR SLYUNYAEV told how to save on raw materials, load domestic capacities with work, overtake China and reduce the cost of rent, in an interview with RBC daily correspondent YULIA SINYAEVA.

Russia will eliminate imbalances in the geography of construction

Russia must eliminate imbalances in the geography of new buildings. 37% of housing commissioned in Russia in 2013 occurred in just 6 regions, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said yesterday, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes.
link: 06/26/2013/562949987566079. shtml

A list of all residential buildings will be created in Russia

The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a draft decree of the Russian government on annual monitoring of the use of housing stock and ensuring its safety. According to this document, all residential buildings in the country, including apartment buildings, will be monitored. The authorized body - this will be the Ministry of Regional Development itself - must transfer the collected data annually to the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services, the Izvestia newspaper writes.
link: 06/26/2013/562949987565143. shtml

In the Russian Federation as of June 1, 2013. 83% of Great Patriotic War veterans who registered after March 1, 2005 are provided with housing.

06/21/2013, Moscow 14:58:21 In Russia, according to data as of June 1, 2013, 83% of Great Patriotic War veterans who registered after March 1, 2005 have improved their living conditions. As stated in the message of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation, 279 thousand 229 people were registered, of which 232 thousand 978 veterans improved their living conditions, 29 thousand 643 veterans were deregistered for various reasons.
link: rbcfreenews2.shtml?/ 20130621145821.shtml

D. Medvedev approved the requirements for programs for the development of utility systems.

06/20/2013, Moscow 12:57:18 Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a resolution approving the requirements for municipal programs for the comprehensive development of utility infrastructure systems in Russia.
link: 20130620125718.shtml

It will be easier for residents to keep track of building managers

In the near future, Gosstroy will approve uniform standards for information disclosure in the housing industry. Management companies will be required to disclose information about the characteristics of utility systems. This will make it possible to more accurately calculate the cost of major repairs, said Oleg Rurin, Deputy General Director of the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform, at the Public Chamber.
link: 06/19/2013/562949987432720. shtml

A special mortgage will be created for the construction of rental housing

For now, rental housing is almost exotic for Russia. And in order for businesses to have an incentive to build it, various regulatory documents are being worked out. As RG writes, Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said this at an all-Russian meeting on the development of housing construction.
link: 06/18/2013/562949987418185. shtml

Free land and low taxes will be provided for apartment buildings

The Ministry of Regional Development has submitted draft amendments developed by the Moscow Institute of Urban Economics foundation together with the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML). The amendments concern rental housing and provide, in particular, a number of tax benefits for enterprises and legal entities that own so-called apartment buildings, the Izvestia newspaper writes.
link: shtml

Insurance for shareholders will increase the cost of housing in Russia by 3-4%

Next week, the final version of the charter of the Society for Mutual Insurance of Developers (OVS) should be adopted. After this, the document must be sent for consideration to the FAS and the Federal Financial Markets Service, and then registered after the general meeting of the founders of the OBC.
link: shtml

New electric power industry: business will stop paying for the population

The Russian electric power industry will soon face new rules of the game, according to which not only energy companies will operate, but also electricity bills will be formed. Ministries, departments, as well as market players have been actively discussing innovations in the field of the energy market, generation development, grid complex and the work of sales companies for several years.

New housing and communal services rules: who will pay for heating the entrances

On June 1, amendments to the Rules for the Provision of Utilities (Government Decree No. 344) came into force, which will bring order to the payment of so-called communal utilities, writes the official Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
link: shtml

V. Putin reproached the head of the Ministry of Regional Development for trying to attract him to influence the government.

RBC 05/31/2013, Moscow 16:27:07 Russian President Vladimir Putin reproached the Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev for seeking to attract the authority of the head of state to influence the government’s position in the adoption of the federal target program (FTP) for reforming the housing and communal services sector. The head of state stated this after I. Slyunyaev’s speech at a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation.
link: 20130531162707.shtml

V. Putin: More than 9 trillion rubles are required for the initial restoration of housing and communal services funds.

05/31/2013, Moscow 15:29:42 More than 9 trillion rubles are required for the initial restoration of housing and communal services funds, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the State Council dedicated to housing and communal services issues. “If we don’t change the situation as a whole, this figure will essentially grow,” he added.
link: 20130531152942.shtml

Putin reprimanded Slyunyaev for the “crude” housing and communal services reform project

President Vladimir Putin reprimanded the Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev, who presented a proposal that was not agreed with the government to create a federal target program for the reconstruction of the housing and communal services sector, Prime reports.
link: politics/news/12661111/putin_ otchital_slyunyaeva_za_syroj_ proekt_reformy_zhkh

V. Putin: Corruption and nepotism hinder the improvement of the situation in housing and communal services

More than 9 trillion rubles are required for the initial restoration of housing and communal services funds, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the State Council dedicated to housing and communal services issues. “If we don’t change the situation as a whole, in fact, this figure will grow,” he added.
link; 31/05/2013/860144.shtml

Tomorrow the State Council will discuss measures to improve the quality of housing and communal services.

RBC 05/30/2013, Moscow 15:48:00 The meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation “On measures to improve the quality of provision of housing and communal services” will be held on May 31 of this year. This was reported by the press service of the President of Russia.
link; 20130530154800.shtml

Almost two-thirds of Russians assess the state of housing and communal services positively

Almost two-thirds (64%) of Russians living in large cities assess the state of the housing and communal services systems in their area to one degree or another positively. Such data are provided in a survey conducted by the ROMIR research holding.

Head of the Ministry of Regional Development: The ministry has no overdue orders from the President of the Russian Federation.

05/28/2013, Moscow 13:46:35 The Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) does not include any overdue instructions given to the ministry within the framework of the May decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev told reporters about this today.
link: 20130528134635.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development will look into every fact of issuing inappropriate plots to families with many children.

05/28/2013, Moscow 14:00:16 Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev promised to consider each individual fact of issuing inappropriate land plots to large families for housing construction. He told reporters about this today in Moscow. “Let's deal with every similar case of issuing improper plots near cemeteries, landfills, etc.,” he said. In addition, I. Slyunyaev stated that the ministry is ready to respond to the publication of such facts in the media.
link; 20130528140016.shtml

Cheap mortgages will be introduced in Russia in 2016

In his pre-election articles, Vladimir Putin set a goal of lowering the rate to 6% per annum, but in 2012 it turned out to be twice as high - 12.2%. Such figures were announced during the government hour in the State Duma by the Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.
link: 05/27/2013/562949987094722. shtm

Most regions must switch to the principle of “alternative boiler house” by 2022.

RBC 05/21/2013, Moscow 11:50:36 According to Energy Minister Alexander Novak, most Russian regions should switch to pricing based on the “alternative boiler house” principle from 2016 to 2022. He stated this at a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Energy.
link; 20130521115036.shtml

SP: it is necessary to freeze housing and communal services tariffs for three years

“Taking into account the increase in fees for housing and communal services and the opacity of cost formation in this area, I consider it advisable to raise the issue of freezing tariffs for the population for three years, I addressed the Russian government with such a written proposal,” Stepashin noted, ITAR-TASS reports. The joint venture also believes that it is necessary to develop a mechanism for controlling the formation of expenses in the housing and communal services sector.

The government can significantly adjust monopoly tariffs for 2014-2016.

RBC 05/16/2013, Moscow 15:25:16 The Government of the Russian Federation has decided not to change tariffs for services of natural monopolies for 2013, but may significantly adjust them for 2014-2016. Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) of the Russian Federation Andrei Klepach told reporters about this following a meeting of the Russian government at which this issue was discussed.
link: 20130516152516.shtml

Mutual insurance companies will protect the interests of shareholders

The main goal of creating the OBC is to ensure the protection of the rights of citizens. From the date of publication of the notice, developers will have 20 working days to submit an application and participate in the selection. The selection will be carried out by the Organizing Committee for the creation of the All-Union Forces, created under the Ministry of Regional Development. It included representatives of federal authorities, the public, the deputy corps, and the Federation Council.
link: 16/05/2013/562949986959694. shtml

Expert: water supply tariffs can be predicted

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev introduced state regulation of water tariffs, which President Vladimir Putin previously spoke about during a direct line. The corresponding document is intended to curb the unreasonable rise in prices for utility services. Experts believe that this resolution provides predictability for prices not only for a year, but for 4-5 years in advance.
link: society/562949986940079

Former deputy head of the Ministry of Regional Development headed “Resorts of the North Caucasus”

Former Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Sergei Vereshchagin has been appointed acting general director of North Caucasus Resorts OJSC (KSK). The decision on this was made by the Board of Directors of the company. The issue of the appointment of S. Vereshchagin as General Director of OJSC KSK will be submitted for approval to the general meeting of shareholders of the company, which is scheduled for the end of May 2013, reports the press service of KSK.
link: shtml

Russians consider housing and communal services to be the main problem of the country

Russians, contrary to the old saying, do not consider fools or roads to be the country’s main problem, but the situation in the housing and communal services sector. 64% of participants in a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) included “communal apartments” among the most serious problems.
Read in full:

Residents will be exempt from paying for attic heating and for neighbor's water

From June 1, residents of apartment buildings will not have to pay for a significant part of the general building needs. Representatives of the housing and communal services sector spoke about this at a press conference held at RBC. This is enshrined in government resolution No. 344.
Read in full:

V. Putin signed the law on concession agreements in the housing and communal services sector.

05/08/2013, Moscow 13:42:12 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law providing for the possibility of transferring rights of ownership and use of housing and communal infrastructure through the conclusion of a lease or concession agreement. This is reported by the official Internet portal of legal information. We are talking about heat supply facilities, centralized hot and cold water supply and sanitation systems. Changes are being made to the federal law “On Concession Agreements”.
link: 20130508134212.shtml

V. Kopylov, Deputy Head of the State Construction Committee, was appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

05/08/2013, Moscow 13:12:21 Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy) Vasily Kopylov has been appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. The corresponding order was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the press service of the Russian government reports.
link: 20130508131221.shtml

Deputies considered the housing and communal services IT system expensive and unnecessary

The Ministry of Regional Development will be responsible for defrauded shareholders

The powers for legal regulation in the field of shared-equity construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects have been transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, according to a government decree published today.
link: 05/08/2013/562949986896332. shtml

The State Duma adopted a bill on concession agreements in the housing and communal services sector.

04/26/2013, Moscow 12:39:05 The State Duma adopted in the second and third, final readings a draft law providing for the possibility of transferring rights of ownership and use of housing and communal infrastructure through the conclusion of a lease or concession agreement. We are talking about heat supply facilities, centralized hot and cold water supply and sanitation systems. Changes are being made to the federal law “On Concession Agreements”
link; 20130426123905.shtml

V. Putin: It is necessary to regulate tariff setting in the housing and communal services sector.

RBC 04/25/2013, Moscow 13:31:23 Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it necessary to regulate tariff setting in the housing and communal services sector. He expressed this opinion during a direct line with citizens. According to the head of state, the government promised him that the average increase in housing and communal services tariffs for the year will not exceed 6%. However, in some regions it is below 6%, and in a number of others it is slightly higher, and this is “acceptable,” the president noted.
link: 20130425133123.shtml

V. Putin promised to speed up work on the law on housing and communal services.

RBC 04/25/2013, Moscow 13:26:09 Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to take measures to speed up work on the law on requirements for the provision of housing and communal services. He stated this during the “direct line”.
link; 20130425132609.shtml

Expert: Every year about 20% of management companies go bankrupt in the Russian Federation.

RBC 04/22/2013, Moscow 15:05:23 Every year about 20% of management companies go bankrupt in Russia. Such data was presented at a press conference in RBC by the President of the National Housing Congress, Irina Bulgakova.
link: 20130422150523.shtml

Experts: To increase the level of energy saving in homes, cheap loans from management companies are needed.

RBC 04/22/2013, Moscow 15:17:27 To increase the level of energy saving when maintaining common property in apartment buildings, cheap loans are needed for major repairs. This opinion was expressed by Vladilen Prokofiev, deputy director of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation, during a press conference with RBC.
link; 20130422151727.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development estimated the restoration of order in the housing and communal services system at 9.3 trillion rubles.

Ministry of Regional Development: Since the beginning of the year, more than 10 thousand compatriots have moved to the Russian Federation.

04/18/2013, Moscow 14:03:31 Since the beginning of 2013 More than 10 thousand compatriots moved to Russia from abroad. This was announced today at a meeting of the Russian government by the Minister of Regional Development of Russia Igor Slyunyaev.
link; 20130418140331.shtml

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the allocation of almost 4 billion rubles. for the resettlement of compatriots.

04/18/2013, Moscow 13:26:31 The Russian government approved an action plan for the implementation of the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation for 2013-2015. As Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev announced today at a government meeting, the total amount of funding for activities under the program in 2013 is . — 1 billion 090 million rubles, in 2014 and 2015. — 2 billion 900 million rubles.
link: shtml

The Cabinet of Ministers approved 20 subjects where territorial development zones can be created.

04/15/2013, Moscow 14:41:26 The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a list of 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the creation of territorial development zones is allowed. The corresponding resolution was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and posted on the official Internet portal of legal information.
link; 20130415144126.shtml

S. Ivanova was appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

04/15/2013, Moscow 15:56:03 Svetlana Ivanova was appointed Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. The corresponding order was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the press service of the Russian government reports.
link; 20130415155603.shtml

The minimum income in the government of the Russian Federation was declared by Minister I. Slyunyaev.

04/12/2013, Moscow 23:15:48 Minimum income in 2012 Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev declared in the government of the Russian Federation, his earnings amounted to 2 million 602 thousand rubles. This was reported by the press service of the Russian government. At the same time, he owns a land plot with an area of ​​3 thousand 992 square meters. m, apartment with an area of ​​108 sq. m (shared ownership), as well as Porsche Cayenne and Buick Special Straight cars
link: 20130412231548.shtml

Accounts Chamber: The increase in energy tariffs was provoked by mistakes by energy workers

Technically and financially unjustified decisions of the management of grid companies led to an increase in electricity transmission tariffs. This conclusion was made by auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation based on the results of checking the validity of prices and tariffs for products and services of natural monopolies in the field of electric power and public communications.
link: 12/04/2013/853699.shtml

They want to take away apartments for debts to housing and communal services

The Ministry of Regional Development proposed to deprive debtors of their only home if the debt exceeds 5% of its market value
link: politics/news/11023921/ kommunalnaya_konfiskaciya

Debtors will be allowed to holiday abroad

Small debtors will be allowed to go abroad Deputies proposed to allow tourists who do not owe the state or other persons too much money to go on vacation abroad. A bill, according to which the lower threshold of “non-exit” debt will be 10 thousand rubles, has been submitted for consideration to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
link: article/10/04/2013/264060

The Ministry of Regional Development proposes to allow confiscation of housing for debts on housing and communal services

The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a bill according to which it will be possible to sell the debtor’s apartment at auction for debts on housing and communal services. This option to collect debt is offered for situations where the amount of debt reaches 5% of the market value of the property.
link; realty/news/10992191/ minregion_predlagaet_ razreshit_konfiskaciyu_zhilya_ za_dolgi

V. Putin extended the deadlines for competitions to select management companies for apartment buildings.

RBC 04/08/2013, Moscow 10:56:28 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law amending the Housing Code and the federal law “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services.” This was reported by the press service of the head of state.
link: 20130408105628.shtml

Gosstroy will be able to conclude agreements on the creation of land on reservoirs.

03/27/2013, Moscow 09:00:45 Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree amending the regulations on the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services. The resolution gives the State Construction Committee the authority to conclude, without holding an open auction, an agreement on the creation of an artificial land plot with a person specified by decree or order of the President of the Russian Federation or by order of the Government of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the press service of the Russian government.
link: 20130327090045.shtml

The Legal Commission approved the calculation of fees for connecting power receiving devices.

RBC 03/27/2013, Moscow 10:05:44 The relevant commission of the Russian government approved a bill on calculating fees for technical connection of power receiving devices. This is stated in the materials of the Cabinet of Ministers. The document was developed by the Federal Tariff Service.
link: 20130327100544.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development proposes to introduce tax incentives for commercial lease agreements.

RBC 03/21/2013, Moscow 10:58:01 The Ministry of Regional Development proposes to introduce tax benefits for commercial lease agreements. This proposal was voiced at a meeting in the department chaired by the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev, which was also attended by State Duma deputies and industry experts, the department said in a statement.
link: 20130321105801.shtml

The State Duma proposed to postpone the start of payments of contributions for major repairs

An amendment may be made to the Housing Code that will postpone the start of payment for major repairs to 2015. This was stated by the head of the Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services Galina Khovanskaya, RIA Novosti reports. In December 2012
link: http://www.vedomosti. ru/realty/realty-city/news/ 9770181/v_gosdume_predlozhili_ perenesti_nachalo_vyplat_ vznosov_na

Pekhtin did not comment on reports of his possible appointment to the Ministry of Regional Development

State Duma deputy Vladimir Pekhtin, who announced the surrender of his mandate on February 20, refused to comment on reports of his possible appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of Regional Development. “Wait a little.
link: politics/news/9782471/pehtin_ ne_stal_kommentirovat_ soobscheniya_o_ego_vozmozhnom

The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a draft resolution on tariffs for housing and communal services.

RBC 02/28/2013, Moscow 17:14:18 The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a draft resolution of the Russian government on changes to some legal acts on the provision of utility services.
link: 20130228171418.shtml

From the editor: Where do utility money flow?

Nobody in our country knows how much housing and communal services actually cost.
link: opinion/news/9536801/ regulirovanie_po_televizoru

The head of the Ministry of Regional Development ordered the preparation of bills to limit the growth of housing and communal services fees.

02/27/2013, Moscow 03:32:04 The Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev instructed the organization created on the basis of his order dated February 26 of this year. working group to develop proposals and take measures to prevent an increase in citizens' payments for utility services to the group until March 4, 2013. develop draft regulations to amend the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of introducing restrictions on the growth of citizens' fees for housing and communal services. The press service of the ministry reports this.
link: shtml

FTS: Payments for housing and communal services are growing due to changes in service consumption standards.

RBC 02/26/2013, Moscow 18:46:24 The main reasons for the cumulative increase in payments by citizens, voiced by the President of the Russian Federation, are largely not tariff decisions, but changes in utility consumption standards and the procedure for charging for utility services, as well as the introduction of consumption standards for general house needs. This was reported by the Federal Tariff Service (FTS).
link: 20130226184624.shtml

Share of housing and communal services in the structure of household expenditures

In Russia it is 11.1%, while in the EU it is 16.1%
link: library/news/9495881/dolya_ uslug_zhkh_v_oschej_strukture_ rshodov_naseleniya

The head of the FTS is not sure that limiting the growth of payments for housing and communal services will change tariffs.

RBC 02/26/2013, Moscow 11:03:07 The head of the Federal Tariff Service, Sergei Novikov, is not sure that limiting the growth of household payments for housing and communal services will lead to changes in electricity and gas tariffs. He expressed this opinion to journalists.
link: 20130226110307.shtml

FTS: Limiting payments for housing and communal services will strengthen budgetary responsibility.

RBC 02/26/2013, Moscow 11:56:40 According to the head of the Federal Tariff Service, Sergei Novikov, limiting payments by the population for housing and communal services and smoothly organizing payments by month with a maximum fluctuation of up to 20% implies increased budgetary responsibility. He stated this today at a meeting of the FTS public council.
link: 20130226115640.shtml

The head of the Federal Tariff Service doubts the possibility of changing housing and communal services tariffs

Limiting the growth of household payments for housing and communal services may not lead to changes in tariffs for electricity and gas, says the head of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) Sergei Novikov. “There is no certainty that those orders related to payments will lead to a revision of tariffs,” he said, adding that payments and tariffs are different things. S. Novikov does not rule out that tariffs may change.
link: shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: Meters should be installed not by consumers, but by service providers

The Ministry of Regional Development wants to free citizens from installing a meter V

The head of the Ministry of Regional Development, Igor Slyunyaev, proposes to shift the responsibility for installing water and electricity meters from the population to supply companies. The minister stated this during a meeting on housing and communal services with the president, RIA Novosti reports.
link: 17811031/

I. Slyunyaev: The increase in utility bills ranged from 10 to 225%.

RBC 02/25/2013, Moscow 14:44:02 Payments for utility services have increased since the beginning of the year in 49 constituent entities of the Federation. This was announced by the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev at a meeting on housing and communal services tariffs.
link; 20130225144402.shtml

V. Putin instructed to exempt citizens from monthly checks of meters

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop measures that would free citizens from the obligation to take monthly meter readings, providing for the possibility of recalculating payments and paying for utility services based on the results of periodic checks of meter readings. This is stated in a message from the Kremlin press service following a meeting on measures to improve the quality of provision of housing and communal services.
link: 21/02/2013/846285.shtml

RBC-TV: A scheme for resettling citizens may appear in Russia.

RBC 02/21/2013, Moscow 11:58:08 In Russia, a scheme for resettling citizens throughout the country may appear. The Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev announced this at the meeting of the board of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation, reported RBC-TV.
link: 20130221115808.shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: The flooded areas in Krymsk should not have been built up with housing.

RBC 02/20/2013, Moscow 12:06:45 As Deputy Head of the Ministry of Regional Development Valery Gaevsky said, according to the general plan, the areas flooded as a result of the flood in Krymsk should not have been built up with housing. He stated this today at the board of the Ministry of Regional Development.
link: 20130220120645.shtml

Developers will pay an additional 20% for infrastructure

The Supreme Arbitration Court may recognize payments under investment contracts with regional authorities as donations
link: realty/news/9126671/dvojnoj_ podarok_zastrojschika

The Ministry of Regional Development will allocate 125 billion rubles. to strengthen the unity of the “Russian nation”

Many Russian citizens prefer to identify themselves according to ethnic and religious parameters, as noted in the final version of the concept of the federal target program “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia,” prepared by the Ministry of Regional Development, Izvestia writes today.

There is no hot water in 20% of Russian apartments, no sewerage in 12%

Satellite cities near Moscow are best provided with communal infrastructure, analysts from the Russian Union of Engineers found out.
link: realty/news/9081781/za_ proshedshie_10_let_iznos_ setej_zhkh_dostig_70

Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation: Suppliers will be able to terminate the contract with the housing and communal services management company

The Ministry of Regional Development will correct the mistakes of the APEC summit according to the Soviet model

Officials took into account the mistakes made during preparation for the APEC forum and intend to strengthen control over the expenditure of budget funds allocated for the construction of landmark government facilities. The head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev instructed not to approve design and estimate documentation for objects without a feasibility study. This practice has long been adopted by commercial developers, but the state last used it back in Soviet times.
link: 562949985620843

For a comprehensive modernization of the housing stock, 3.6 trillion rubles are required

A third of the Russian population lives in houses that require major repairs; at best, the problem of old housing will be solved in 30 years
link: na_trilliony

Slyunyaev considers it realistic to build up to 120 million square meters by 2018. m of housing per year

Prosecutors will check the legality of allocating compensation to residents of Krymsk

The prosecutor's office will check whether residents of the city of Krymsk, who suffered during the flood, should return to the state part of the money allocated to them for major repairs of residential buildings, a representative of the prosecutor's office of the Krasnodar Territory told RIA Novosti on Sunday...
link: politics/news/8436821/ prokurory_proverit_ pravomernost_vydeleniya_ kompensacij

The Ministry of Regional Development proposes to spend more than a trillion rubles on the construction of “new federalism”

This money should be used to reduce differences in regional development; The budget includes 117.3 billion rubles for the implementation of the state program.
link; http://www.vedomosti. ru/politics/news/8383981/ uravnyat_za_trillion

The State Duma may not allow simplifying the rules for transferring land for construction

Deputies argued about the meaning of Putin's instructions regarding simplification of the land management system; For the first time, the regions voted, actively opposing the bill
link; politics/news/8334891/duma_ delit_zemlyu

RBC 01/22/2013, Moscow 13:18:14 As of January 1, 2013 the number of veterans of the Great Patriotic War who are not provided with housing is 25 thousand 894 people. Such data are provided in a message from the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation.
link; shtml

Minister Slyunyaev proposed returning NVP, Code of Criminal Procedure and GTO standards to schools

At a government meeting, Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev proposed using the positive experience of Soviet times in schools: GTO standards, basic military training, industrial training centers and other pedagogical practices.
link; politics/news/8072471/ministr_ slyunyaev_predlozhil_vernut_v_ shkoly_nvp_upk_i_normy

The Ministry of Regional Development submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft state program “Regional Policy and Federal Relations”.

01/16/2013, Moscow 19:28:33 The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (MinRegion) submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft state program “Regional Policy and Federal Relations”
link; shtml

Ministry of Regional Development: The construction of the APEC summit facilities has been completed.

RBC 01/15/2013, Moscow 17:45:40 The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation has completed the commissioning of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit facilities, the completion date of which was planned until the end of 2012. This is stated in the department's message.
link: shtml

The Kremlin named ineffective ministers

Five ministers from the cabinet of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev were rated “ineffective.” According to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, they are the ones who cope with their responsibilities worse than their other colleagues. The ineffective ones included the heads of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor.
link; politics/562949985506702

V. Putin approved ways to combat unscrupulous developers in shared-equity construction.

01/06/2013, Moscow 14:39:17 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed amendments that complement the methods of combating unscrupulous developers in shared construction. The corresponding federal law was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012. and approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012.
link: 20130106143917.shtml

V. Putin signed a law extending the validity period of technical conditions for housing construction.

06.01.2013, Moscow 13:03:04 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the federal law “On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” The Kremlin press service reports this. The law increases the validity period of technical conditions for connecting capital construction projects to utility networks.
link: shtml

Employees of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia and the State Construction Committee joined the work of the emergency response headquarters in the village of Khovu-Aksy.

01/06/2013, Moscow 19:32:26 On behalf of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev, the director of the department of housing policy and housing and communal services of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia Yuri Osipov and Head of the Department of Communal Infrastructure of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services Sergei Shal.
link: shtml

Ministry of Regional Development since 2013 will contribute to the formation of an affordable rental housing market in the Russian Federation.

12/29/2012, Moscow 16:23:03 The Ministry of Regional Development will create in the federal districts by February 1, 2013. working groups on the formation of an affordable rental housing market. As the department said in a statement, the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev gave the corresponding instructions to his deputies in the regions.
link: shtml

V. Putin signed a law on major repairs of houses at the expense of home owners.

RBC 12/27/2012, Moscow 11:13:32 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on attracting funds from homeowners in apartment buildings for major repairs. Corresponding changes are being made to the Housing Code of Russia. The Kremlin press service reports this.
link: shtml

D. Medvedev appointed V. Dedyukhin Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

12/26/2012, Moscow 08:25:03 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev appointed Vladimir Dedyukhin Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. As the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported today, the corresponding order was signed on December 24, 2012.
link: 20121226082503.shtml

Dmitry Medvedev fired the head of Gosstroy after a scandal with the minister

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the head of Gosstroy Vladimir Kogan, the corresponding decree was published on the website of the Russian government.
link; politics/25/12/2012/838334. shtml

The leadership of Gosstroy threatened the White House with resignation

The head of Gosstroy, Vladimir Kogan, and his five deputies showed their resignations to Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. The reason is their conflict with the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev, the Kommersant newspaper reports.

The Ministry of Regional Development denies information about the resignation of the head of Gosstroy

The Ministry of Regional Development will deal with the subjects where housing and communal services bills have sharply increased

The Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev sent letters to the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the increase in the total payment of citizens for utilities exceeded 115% compared to the 2011 level.
link: 20/12/2012/837685.shtml

Kostroma region approved the medium-term financial plan for 2013-2015.

12/19/2012, Kostroma 13:46:37 The administration of the Kostroma region approved the medium-term financial plan for 2013-2015. This was reported by the press service of the regional governor. The region's budget and tax policy will be aimed at maintaining fiscal stability, solving the most important social problems and modernizing the economy.
link: 20121219134637.shtml

2.5 trillion rubles will be invested in the North Caucasus over the next 13 years

The volume of financing of the state program for the development of the North Caucasus in the period until 2025. will amount to 2.5 trillion rubles. The Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev announced this at a government meeting. At the same time, 90% of all allocated funds, according to him, will come from extra-budgetary funds.
link: 13/12/2012/836412.shtml

The Ministry of Regional Development plans to prepare a target program to improve interethnic relations.

12/09/2012, Moscow 17:33:42 The Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation plans to prepare a long-term target program to improve interethnic relations. The head of the ministry, Igor Slyunyaev, announced this today at a meeting with authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation.
link: shtml

RBC daily": Developers will not have to obtain a construction permit.

12/07/2012, Moscow 10:50:36 The Government of the Russian Federation has prepared amendments to the Town Planning Code, according to which from January 1, 2015. It is proposed to introduce a notification procedure for the start of construction and reconstruction of capital facilities, the RBC daily newspaper writes today. The bill is aimed at implementing the construction “road map” adopted by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in August 2012.
link: shtml

Vladimir Putin: It is unacceptable to shift the overhaul of houses onto the shoulders of citizens.

RBC 11/30/2012, Novo-Ogarevo 17:44:18 Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it unacceptable to shift the overhaul of apartment buildings onto the shoulders of citizens. He stated this at a meeting with the leaders of the Duma factions.
link: 20121130174418.shtml

D. Medvedev ordered the allocation of about 1 billion rubles for the protection of Lake Baikal.

RBC 11/27/2012, Moscow 11:41:20 Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on providing subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for environmental protection measures provided for by the federal target program (FTP) “Protection of Lake Baikal and socio-economic development of the Baikal natural territory for 2012-2020.” This was reported by the government press service.
link: 20121127114120.shtml

To carry out a water pipeline to Russky Island in 2012-2013. will allocate 2 billion rubles.

RBC 11/22/2012, Vladivostok 09:20:18 For the construction of a water pipeline to Russky Island in Vladivostok in 2012-2013. 2 billion rubles will be allocated. This was announced during a trip to the island by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov.
link: 20121122092018.shtml

The head of the Ministry of Regional Development will control the transfer of FEFU facilities to the authorities of Primorye

The Far East needs 5 trillion rubles for development.

The relevant ministry submitted to Vnesheconombank a list of 92 priority projects in the Far Eastern District
link: politics/news/6260351/ osvoenie_strany

The head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the Ministry of Regional Development resigned

Head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the Ministry of Regional Development Oleg Bukalov, who is suspected of involvement in the theft of more than 93 million rubles. budget funds, submitted his resignation of his own free will.
link: politics/news/6268121/ rukovoditel_dalnevostochnoj_ direkcii_minregiona_podal_v

The Ministry of Regional Development sends a commission to check the work of its Far Eastern Directorate

The Commission of the Ministry of Regional Development is sent to Vladivostok to check the work of the Far Eastern Directorate of this department. The agency was informed about this by a source in the regional authorities.
link: politics/news/6151011/ minregion_posylaet_komissiyu_ dlya_proverki_raboty_svoej

Financing of the state program for affordable housing will amount to 2 trillion rubles.

The total amount of funding for the state program to provide Russians with affordable and comfortable housing will be about 2 trillion rubles, half of which will be provided by extra-budgetary sources, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said at a government meeting on Thursday.
link: finance/news/2012/11/15/ 6118961

Ministry of Regional Development: 50% of Russians will be able to solve their housing problem by 2020

The share of Russians who have the opportunity to purchase residential real estate using their own or borrowed funds will increase to 50% by 2020.
link: realty/news/6117071/minregion_ 50_rossiyan_smogut_reshit_ kvartirnyj_vopros_k_2020

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: The defendants in the case of theft of funds at APEC used controlled companies.

09.11.2012, Moscow 20:14:41 Suspected of implementing a scheme to steal budget funds in the amount of more than 93 million rubles, allocated for one of the areas of activity during preparation for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, held in 2012. in Vladivostok, organized competitions for the conclusion of government contracts for engineering, scientific and technical support for the construction of summit facilities, as well as for voluntary insurance of unfinished facilities, after which they ensured victory in them for controlled commercial firms, reports the press service of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia.
link: shtml

Former deputy head of the Ministry of Regional Development detained in the case of embezzlement of funds at APEC

Former deputy head of the Ministry of Regional Development Roman Panov, the current head of the government of the Perm Territory, was detained in the case of embezzlement of funds at APEC, the press service of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs told RBC.
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Tariffs for housing and communal services in Russia have increased by 9% since the beginning of the year

Minister of Regional Development Slyunyaev headed the supervisory board of Olympstroy

Former Kostroma governor Igor Slyunyaev, who headed in October 2012
link: http://www.vedomosti. ru/career/career-dismissal/ news/5803711/glava_minregiona_ slyunyaev_vozglavil_nabsovet_ olimpstroya

The Ministry of Regional Development wants to create territorial state programs for all federal districts

The Ministry of Regional Development considers it necessary to “switch” the planning of state programs from a sectoral principle to a territorial one. Ideally, separate state programs should be created for each federal district, as was done for the North Caucasus and the Far East.
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There are 25,784 WWII veterans on the waiting list for housing.

10.25.2012, Moscow 13:47:03 As of October 1, 2012, there are 25 thousand 784 veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the queue for housing in the Russian Federation, the press service of the Ministry of Regional Development (MinRegion) of the Russian Federation reported with reference to the head of the ministry Igor Slyunyaev.
link: 20121025134703.shtml

Minister of Regional Development I. Slyunyaev: Russia’s strength is in the regions.

RBC 10/17/2012, Moscow 11:23:03 The strength of Russia lies in its regions, says Igor Slyunyaev, today appointed Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. According to the Kremlin press service, he expressed this opinion at a meeting with the country's President Vladimir Putin, speaking about the tasks facing his department
link: 20121017112303.shtml

D. Medvedev instructed the new head of the Ministry of Regional Development to check the progress of work in Krymsk.

RBC 10/17/2012, Kaliningrad 16:15:21 Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the new Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Igor Slyunyaev, to visit the city of Krymsk to check the construction of housing for flood victims. Natalya Timakova, press secretary of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, reported this in Kaliningrad.
link: 20121017161521.shtml

V. Putin fired the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Oleg Govorun

Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed Oleg Govorun from the post of Minister of Regional Development, the Kremlin press service told RBC. O. Govorun spent only 149 days in his post. The portfolio of the head of the Ministry of Regional Development went to Igor Slyunyaev.

O. Govorun was dismissed from the post of minister in accordance with paragraph “e” of Article 83 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Basic Law of the country, at the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President appoints and dismisses Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers. Other details of the resignation were not reported.
Read in full:

The head of the Kostroma region Igor Slyunyaev was dismissed

The governor of the Kostroma region, Igor Slyunyaev, was dismissed. The resignation was led to the extremely low results shown in the elections by both United Russia and Vladimir Putin, as well as the lack of initiative of the head of the region, says a Gazeta.Ru source in the Kremlin administration. Sergei Sitnikov will most likely become the new head of the region.
link: http://mypoliticalstyle.

What will happen to the criminal case if the victim Slyunyaev is no longer the governor’s son

Among the many events that worry residents of the Kostroma region, one of the first places can be put on the sudden resignation of Governor Igor Slyunyaev. And among the many criminal cases that the local public is following, two lawsuits stand out: in one of them, the son of the now ex-governor, Alexander Khotin, is the plaintiff, and in the other, the defendant. And observers are betting: how the resignation of the Boss will affect specific judges, investigators and prosecutors, whether the administrative resource will now turn to its former owner in some indecent way... Indeed, an interesting turn in a case where, it would seem, everything has already been almost decided .
link: 32060.htm

Four more governors may be replaced in the near future

“The resignation of Igor Slyunyaev is logical and expected”

The decree “On the early termination of powers of the governor of the Kostroma region” appeared on Friday, April 13, on the website of President Dmitry Medvedev. The decree, in particular, notes that Governor Igor Slyunyaev resigned of his own free will. Well-known in the region, Sergei Sitnikov, who until recently headed Roskomnadzor, was appointed acting governor.

Kostroma Governor Igor Slyunyaev refused the mandate of a State Duma deputy

KOSTROMA, December 14 - RIA Novosti, Anna Skudaeva. Governor of the Kostroma region Igor Slyunyaev refused the mandate of a State Duma deputy, the press service of the head of the region reported on Wednesday.
link: 20111214/516507170.html

The legality of the closure of the “Kostroma Jedi Forum” will be determined by the court

KOSTROMA, December 12 - RIA Novosti, Anna Skudaeva. At a meeting on Monday, the Leninsky Court of Kostroma will consider the case on the legality of the police closing the Internet forum of the Kostroma Jedi, the forum administration reports.
link: 20111212/514299427.html

Four people were detained during a rally in Kostroma

Police in Kostroma detained four participants in the unauthorized political action “For Fair Elections,” Alexander Dugarev, head of the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, told RIA Novosti on Saturday.
link: 20111210/512484560.html

The revolt of a lonely United Russia member. The party in power in the fight against the Socialist Revolutionaries.

Vladimir Andreichenko’s article “Where Slyunyaev and his “slubbers” will lead the Kostroma region” did not lead to a discussion of the essence of the problems. Instead, Kostroma governor Igor Slyunyaev began suing his former deputy. He saw the article about the region's failures as a personal insult. But he didn't succeed.

Now, at the request of the deputy, a criminal case against the governor has been initiated by the court and is being considered in the second instance - in the district court. Vladimir Andreichenko received an SMS message from the official mobile phone of the head of the region, which he believes was a personal attack. The governor’s lawyers, not without success, prove that the offensive SMS was not sent to him: in the interval between conversations with his wife and deputy, and communication with Moscow: someone allegedly used Igor Slyunyaev’s phone. But for now, Igor Slyunyaev is today the only head of the region in Russia who has the status of a defendant.
As we see, Governor Igor Slyunyaev, by the way, a former member of the Federation Council and Deputy Minister of Transport, and his deputy Vladimir Andreichenko did not have a constructive dispute about the economy.

But there is something to talk about, especially during the election campaign.
Former vice-governor Vladimir Andreichenko has this assessment of the situation in rural areas in the Kostroma region.
link: html

Regional heads supported Sobyanin's candidacy

A professional with a capital letter
The head of the Kostroma region, Igor Slyunyaev, is confident that Sergei Sobyanin will quickly and effectively solve Moscow’s problems if the city duma approves him as mayor.

“A good decision for the city of Moscow, since Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin has extensive experience working in the federal center and was one of the most successful heads of regions. A professional with a capital P, who combines experience in legislative work and its practical application,” RIA Novosti quoted the head of the regional information and analytical department Olga Alexandrova as saying on Saturday to RIA Novosti.

The governor noted that he has great respect for Sobyanin, and also expressed confidence that “many Moscow problems will be resolved quickly and effectively.” “I think Moscow is lucky,” the governor said.
link: detail/id/572588/cat/94/

Will Yakovlev answer for everything?

On Saturday, Vladimir Putin held a meeting at the governor's residence on Kamenny Island to prepare for the tricentenary and scolded federal officials for their sluggishness and carelessness. This meeting was attended by Mikhail Shchvydkoy, Alexey Kudrin, Valery Gergiev, Sergey Yastr-zhembsky, German Gref, Igor Ivanov, Vladimir Yakovlev, Viktor Cherkesov and others. The St. Petersburg governor probably enjoyed listening to the president more than ever.

“We are allocating millions,” the president said. - Of course, I agree with the governor of St. Petersburg that these funds are not enough, but even what is allocated we use ineffectively. Data from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the State Construction Committee and the Administration of St. Petersburg differ in the list of objects, nomenclature and cost of work.”

To support his words, Putin cited figures: there are no consolidated estimates for any construction project, and comprehensive design documentation is missing for half of the projects. Of the 20.6 million rubles allocated for the reconstruction of the Mariinsky Theater, only 0.6 million were spent. Gosstroy also got it for negligence.
Putin said that there is no proper control over the use of three-hundred-year-old funds, since there is no “coordinating body that summarizes information on the financing of construction and control over it.”

Literally immediately after the meeting, news agencies distributed a voluminous commentary by Vladimir Yakovlev on its results. “The President correctly criticized everyone for the fact that federal structures cannot arrange funding for the Mariinsky Theater, the Ring Road and the complex of protective structures,” the governor said. “Let those who will then control it again draw conclusions.”

However, it turned out that Yakovlev’s joy was premature. The criticized federalists decided to turn the tables on the governor of St. Petersburg. On Saturday, after a meeting with Putin, Chairman of the State Construction Committee Anvar Shamuzafarov and Deputy Minister of Transport Igor Slyunyaev spoke to reporters at the International Press Center.

Blog intentions

Blogger Vladimir Andreichenko achieved recognition in court of the fact that a criminal case had been illegally initiated against him and, as a result, its termination. A year ago, the governor of the Kostroma region, Igor Slyunyaev, filed a complaint with the police, considering the article by his former deputy Andreichenko, “Where Slyunyaev and his “bibs” will lead the Kostroma Region,” published on one of the Internet portals under the pseudonym Kostroma Rossiyanovna Obmanutaya, slanderous and offensive.
link: 29212.htm

Gang of “governors” against organized crime groups of “judges”

The head of the Kostroma region Igor Slyunyaev is fighting a power battle against Themis
In the Kostroma region, an acute conflict broke out between the governor Igor Slyunyaev and the chairman of the regional court Vyacheslav Ivanov. The head of the region accused local judges of the fact that the decisions they made sharply reduced budget revenues, and Mr. Ivanov of personal interest in sentencing local officials and leaders of organized criminal groups (OCGs). Mr. Ivanov, in turn, told Kommersant that this conflict was generated by the governor’s desire to “steer in an area inaccessible to him.” The regional council of judges appealed to the Chairman of the Supreme Court (SC) of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Lebedev with a request for intercession.

The conflict between the head of the region, Igor Slyunyaev, and the regional judiciary reached its highest point after the governor recently addressed a letter to the Chairman of the RF Supreme Court, Vyacheslav Lebedev. In the letter, Mr. Slyunyaev reported on the vicious practice of making illegal court decisions that has developed in the region, in his opinion. In particular, Mr. Slyunyaev noted that Kostroma courts are universally canceling decisions on the reimbursement of the seven percent enforcement fee of bailiffs, which has led, according to the governor’s calculations, to a sharp decrease in contributions to the federal and regional budgets. The head of the region also drew Mr. Lebedev’s attention to the alleged numerous cases of unjustified termination of cases of administrative offenses. In a letter from Kostroma, the governor actually demanded the resignation of the chairman of the regional court, Vyacheslav Ivanov, accusing him of “clanism” and personal interest in passing sentences in high-profile cases against raiders, officials of various ranks and leaders of local organized crime groups. According to the head of the region, Mr. Ivanov entrusts the consideration of such cases to a narrow circle of trusted judges, which ultimately leads to acquittals or suspended sentences. As examples, Mr.

Slyunyaev cited cases against the head of the administration of the village of Chistye Bory, Vadim Lebedev, the head of the housing and communal services department of the regional administration, Emma Molchanova, and the head of the administrative and technical inspection department, Andrei Syroegin. Let us note that for a bribe of 148 thousand rubles. Vadim Lebedev was sentenced to a fine of 1 million rubles in 2008. with deprivation of the right to hold positions in government agencies for a period of two years, Emma Molchanova was sentenced to four years in prison for fraud in the purchase of coal for municipal needs, Andrei Syroegin received two years in prison for a bribe of 200 thousand rubles.

Governor-bloggers: from “advanced users” to “Internet suckers”

Anatoly Artamonov (Kaluga region), Vasily Bochkarev (Penza region), Oleg Bogomolov (Kurgan region), Vladimir Chub (Rostov region), Alexander Volkov (Udmurtia), Valery Serdyukov (Leningrad region), Vyacheslav Dudka (Tula region), Nikolay Dudov (Magadan region), Alexander Zhilkin (Astrakhan region), Igor Slyunyaev (Kostroma region), etc.

Incompetent users. With the Internet on "you". Deep down in their hearts, they generally regard blogs and the Internet in general as the boyars regard barbering. And for show, they entrust their personal blogs, as a rule, to press secretaries, who write on behalf of the bosses. The records represent a dry official summary of news from the life of an official. Or (in the case of a video blog) a clip from TV news. In the blog of Saratov Governor Ipatov, for example, video messages to users include interviews with local TV channels and reports from cowsheds and dairy shops. And the blog of the governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev is a selection of his meetings with members of the regional administration.

The commenting function on such diaries is most often unavailable. However, there are exceptions, for example, the blog of the governor of the Rostov region, Vladimir Chub. Comments are published here if they comply with established rules. This blog also has an absolutely amazing rule: “A comment will not be published if it contains complaints, requests of a personal nature, messages and petitions related to personal life situations and requiring a response.”
link: 28962.htm

The governor declared on the judges

In the Kostroma region, an acute conflict broke out between the governor Igor Slyunyaev and the chairman of the regional court Vyacheslav Ivanov. The head of the region accused local judges of the fact that the decisions they made sharply reduced budget revenues, and Mr. Ivanov of personal interest in sentencing local officials and leaders of organized criminal groups (OCGs). Mr. Ivanov, in turn, told Kommersant that this conflict was generated by the governor’s desire to “steer in an area inaccessible to him.” The regional council of judges appealed to the Chairman of the Supreme Court (SC) of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Lebedev with a request for intercession.

The conflict between the head of the region, Igor Slyunyaev, and the regional judiciary reached its highest point after the governor recently addressed a letter to the Chairman of the RF Supreme Court, Vyacheslav Lebedev. In the letter, Mr. Slyunyaev reported on the vicious practice of making illegal court decisions that has developed in the region, in his opinion. In particular, Mr. Slyunyaev noted that Kostroma courts are universally canceling decisions on the reimbursement of the seven percent enforcement fee of bailiffs, which has led, according to the governor’s calculations, to a sharp decrease in contributions to the federal and regional budgets. The head of the region also drew Mr. Lebedev’s attention to the alleged numerous cases of unjustified termination of cases of administrative offenses. In a letter from Kostroma, the governor actually demanded the resignation of the chairman of the regional court, Vyacheslav Ivanov, accusing him of “clanism” and personal interest in passing sentences in high-profile cases against raiders, officials of various ranks and leaders of local organized crime groups. According to the head of the region, Mr. Ivanov entrusts the consideration of such cases to a narrow circle of trusted judges, which ultimately leads to acquittals or suspended sentences. As examples, Mr. Slyunyaev cited cases against the head of the administration of the village of Chistye Bory Vadim Lebedev, the head of the housing and communal services department of the regional administration Emma Molchanova and the head of the administrative and technical inspection department Andrei Syroegin. Let us note that for a bribe of 148 thousand rubles. Vadim Lebedev was sentenced to a fine of 1 million rubles in 2008. with deprivation of the right to hold positions in government agencies for a period of two years, Emma Molchanova was sentenced to four years in prison for fraud in the purchase of coal for municipal needs, Andrei Syroegin received two years in prison for a bribe of 200 thousand rubles.

Igor Albin was born on October 4, 1966 in the city of Isilkul, Omsk region. He spent his childhood on the Karaganda state farm in the North Kazakhstan region. Since 1983, he worked at Karaganda State University as a worker, then as a laboratory assistant, combining work with study at the university’s evening department.

From 1984 to 1986 he served in the airborne forces of the Soviet Army. Then, he studied for a year at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Chemistry. In 1988, he went to serve in the internal affairs bodies, became a student, and then an adjunct at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from which he graduated in 1992. At the same time, he was the secretary of the Komsomol organization and was involved in the formation of construction teams.

Since 1994, for two years, Albin was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Mossibinterbank, Advisor on Economics and Finance to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. From 1996 to 2000 - Advisor to the Department of Affairs, Head of the Department of Financial and Credit Relations, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with CIS Member States, Head of the Department for Providing Income for Road Funds of the Federal Road Service of Russia, Deputy General Director of the Russian Road Agency.

In 1999 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in Law, State and Municipal Administration, Finance and Credit.

Since 2000, for four years, Albin was Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation - Head of the State Road Service, and a member of the Russian Government Commission on Agricultural Issues. Since 2002, he received the rank of Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

In 2002, Igor Nikolaevich defended his dissertation “Criminal movement of capital: Characteristics and social control” for the degree of candidate of legal sciences in specialty 12.00.08 “Criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law" in the dissertation council at the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Four years later, he served as a representative from the executive body of state power of the Altai Territory in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Budget Committee, and member of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

On October 23, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin nominated Albin for approval to the Kostroma Regional Duma. He took office as governor of the Kostroma region on October 25, 2007. In the same year, he became a member of the United Russia faction. Five years later, Igor Nikolaevich Albin was voluntarily relieved of his position as governor of the Kostroma region.

In October 2012, Albin Igor Nikolaevich was appointed Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. In September 2014, he was dismissed from the post of minister in connection with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to abolish the Ministry of Regional Development. In the same year, he was approved by deputies of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly as vice-governor of St. Petersburg.

Until October 2014, Igor Nikolaevich bore the last name Slyunyaev. This fact is explained by the fact that he took the historical surname of his family on the male line - Albin. For several years, genealogical research of a kind was carried out on his personal order. His ancestors were Albins, and in the middle of the 19th century, against their will, the family had to change their surname. When Igor Nikolaevich became acquainted with the research, he had a desire to restore historical justice to his family.

Acting Head of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov December 26, 2018, Igor Albin, who was responsible for the construction sector of St. Petersburg, and Mikhail Mokretsov, who oversaw the financial and property block, accepted the resignation of two vice-governors.

Igor Albin's awards

Order of Honor - for achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work 2009

Order of Friendship 2014

Medal “For Assistance to Drug Control Authorities” of the Federal Drug Control Service - for significant contribution to the implementation of measures to combat drug abuse and their distribution in the Kostroma region 2008

Commemorative patriarchal badge “700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh” for active participation in preparations for the anniversary of the great ascetic and prayer book of the Russian land Sergius of Radonezh

Order of the Holy King Constantine (Serbian Orthodox Church, September 25, 2014) - for love of the Serbian people and the Church

Honorary title of the International Academy of Social Sciences “Governor of the Year” and Grand Prix “Golden Laurel Branch” (based on the results of 2009)

The Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg has become the city's most scandalous official in two years of work.

Recently, rare news from St. Petersburg has been without a scandalous construction situation Zenit Arena stadium on Krestovsky Island. The conflict between the authorities of St. Petersburg and the general contractor took place at the sports arena, which was to host matches of the Confederations Cup and the football championship. In mid-July this year. Chairman of the Federation Council commission on preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Vadim Tyulpanov said that if the stadium “is not put into operation in December, then it is unlikely that we will be able to host the Confederations Cup in June 2017.”

Let us recall, however, that on February 1, 2016, the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko decided create a headquarters to coordinate the completion of the construction of the 2018 World Cup stadium - at the same time, Vice-Governor Igor Albin was entrusted with control to ensure that work on the sports arena and related facilities was completed on time. But at the exit of the Abinsk control we got a “funny” match that made YouTube laugh, and the final expulsion in July of this year. from the construction site of the general contractor with termination contract with him. Which, naturally, will further slow down the delivery of the project. There are a lot of reasons for the conflict between the city authorities and the builders, but Igor Albin at the final stage of this conflict was not the last spoke. And judging by the sharp attack on the general contractor of the four specialized city committees and the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal, subordinate to the vice-governor, it was most likely even a director.

Albin is bigger for our country famous under the name Igor Slyunyaev, which he bore for 48 years until his appointment to the city on the Neva at the end of 2014. Before this, Slyunyaev was known in Russia as the governor of the Kostroma region, who was relieved of his post in April 2012, which was preceded by a fourfold increase in the region’s debt and the failure of the elections “ United Russia" Igor Slyunyaev, promoted to minister of regional development in October 2012, and in this post, caused dissatisfaction with the country's leadership, who criticized him for the increase in utility bills, and, in the end, liquidated the department for inefficiency. And here connections saved the day again: Georgy Poltavchenko, appointed governor of St. Petersburg, took the unsuccessful manager under his wing.

It is characteristic that, having received the supervision of housing and communal services and the construction and investment block of the Northern capital, now named Igor Albin, the official did not gain the favor of St. Petersburg residents. Although he was not a stranger to populist openings and self-PR. Sometimes it seems that all of Albin’s vice-governor’s powder is wasted on messages on social networks about how he held a meeting, flew around the city in a helicopter, and participated in events. The publicity of an official often replaces real affairs, and many city residents are surprised: Igor Albin either advised them to contact “the heavenly office” to combat traffic jams, or told eighth-graders at literary readings about Hitler as the greatest mystic of our time.

The scheme that Mr. Albin implemented was not new. Under obvious or far-fetched pretexts, he begins a powerful attack on the contractor. The media is catching up with a wave of information, builders are losing their step, the schedule is breaking down, negotiations are leading nowhere. And then, instead of the allegedly guilty companies, Albin’s friends come to the site. Moreover, on the very conditions that the previous builders could not get from him. Moreover, these could even be companies with a rich criminal record, such as the Construction Management-620 Group of Companies. But this does not bother the official.

Gambit a la Albine is a convenient thing. Even if the stadium is not delivered, then they will blame everything on their predecessors (“it’s all because of them”), if they deliver it on time – glory to Albina, as they say! In the meantime, he shows the public ersatz football to “raise the spirit.” By the way, such remarkable abilities of the “Varangian”, transferred by patrons to the city on the Neva, are clearly visible to experts.

For example, publicist Sergei Shelin sneers: “And I like this Albin. Hundreds of thousands of labor migrants flock to St. Petersburg from all over the country and from neighboring countries. But few of them manage to get a job as a vice-governor.”

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