Sniveling centurion parasyuk. Vladimir Parasyuk: unknown facts from the life of the main “shock leader” of the Rada Typical Parasyuk


Biography of Vladimir Parasyuk

After school, I decided to receive higher education at the I. Franko Lviv National University, but did not graduate from its Faculty of Electronics.

Parasyuk was a member of the Student Brotherhood of Lviv National University and was a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. He played for the Lviv team "Etalon". He made his living as a private entrepreneur, providing videographer services, had a small studio, and filmed various kinds of holidays, programs, and weddings.

Well-known activist. He took part in the events on Maidan as the commander of a combat hundred. Literally from the first days he was a participant; among the members of his hundred, his father was also with him.

Political career of Vladimir Parasyuk

He played an important role in removing the President of Ukraine Yanukovych from power. On February 21, 2014, rising to the podium without warning the organizers, Vladimir Parasyuk, on behalf of his squad, expressed distrust of the overly cautious, in his opinion, policy of the opposition leaders and publicly vowed to launch an armed assault on the Presidential Administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed until 10:00 the next day.

Subsequently, Parasyuk repeatedly sharply criticized parliamentary politicians who gained power after Yanukovych fled. According to Parasyuk, the previous political forces that were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime also compromised themselves. After the annexation of the Crimean peninsula by the Russian Federation and the emergence of separatist movements in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, he volunteered for the ATO and was a fighter in the Dnepr-1 battalion.

After the start of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, he joined the Dnepr territorial defense battalion, where he became commander of the 4th company. On August 31, Vladimir Parasyuk, together with several groups of fighters, managed to escape from the encirclement near Ilovaisk, but received an open head injury and a bullet wound.

On September 1, 2014, he was returned from captivity by armed supporters of the self-proclaimed DPR. According to Deputy Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration Boris Filatov, before that he was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for interrogation by the GRU. With the start of the parliamentary election campaign in 2014, Parasyuk decided to run for people’s deputies of Ukraine as a self-nominated candidate.

He entered the Rada in single-mandate constituency No. 122 (Lviv region) as a self-nominated candidate, gaining 55.79% of voters.

Vladimir Zinovievich Parasyuk is a Ukrainian politician, public figure, people's deputy of Ukraine of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation. Born on July 9, 1987 in the village of Maidan, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region. This is near the village of Papirnya, where the deputy’s family now lives. Parasyuk spent his childhood in the city of Novoyavorovsk, Yavorovsky district, where the family moved.


Graduated from school No. 1 in Novoyavorovsk. After school, he entered the Faculty of Electronics at Ivan Franko Lviv National University, majoring in “Physical and Biomedical Electronics,” but without completing his studies, he took an academic leave. Later he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad National University. I. Franko received a bachelor's degree in absentia with a degree in Enterprise Economics.


Vladimir Parasyuk is not married. The parents live in the village of Papirnya, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region, where the deputy himself is registered. Mother - Parasyuk Oksana Grigorievna, entrepreneur. Father - Zinovy ​​Alekseevich Parasyuk, fighter of the Dnepr-1 battalion.

Vladimir Parasyuk’s elder sister Irina has been involved in socio-political work in nationalist organizations since her youth, worked as editor of the local newspaper of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists and secretary for general issues, and ran the website Now Irina Golub teaches at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Lviv National University. Irina, together with her husband, entrepreneur Alexander Golub, work on a voluntary basis as assistants to deputy Vladimir Parasyuk, and during the elections to the Verkhovna Rada they were his proxies.

Career and social activities

While studying at the university, he was a member of the Student Fraternity of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University, and played in the Lviv KVN team “Etalon”.

He was a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, where there was a military report. Attended courses in hand-to-hand combat, shooting with pneumatic and firearms.

He worked as a videographer and owned a small studio that was engaged in video filming of holidays, weddings, and celebrations.

Participation in Euromaidan

I was at Euromaidan from the first days, as a centurion - commander of a combat hundred. Together with Vladimir, his father, Zinovy ​​Parasyuk, was in his hundred.

Vladimir Parasyuk gained all-Ukrainian fame on February 21, 2014 after his famous speech delivered on the Maidan. Then there was a meeting with the Euromaidan participants of the leaders of the political opposition, who announced Viktor Yanukovych’s ultimatum to the Maidan.

As the centurion of the Maidan Self-Defense detachment, Parasyuk took the stage and made a call for an armed assault on the Presidential Administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed before 10 am the next day. Parasyuk’s unplanned speech was warmly supported by the participants of the protest meeting. Later Parasyuk repeatedly sharply criticized parliamentary politicians of the former opposition, who came to power after Yanukovych fled the country, claiming that they had also compromised themselves.

Participation in the ATO

After the events of Maidan and the start of the war in eastern Ukraine, Parasyuk joined the Dnepr-1 battalion Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnepropetrovsk region, where he became commander of the 4th company. Together with Vladimir, his father Zinovy ​​Parasyuk also became a fighter in the volunteer battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Dnepr-1”.

Participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation on the territory of Donbass, where he barely managed to escape the “Ilovaisk Cauldron”. During the battle for Ilovaisk on August 29, 2014, Parasyuk received a shrapnel wound and, together with other Ukrainian fighters, was captured by the Russian military, who fought on the side of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic. As Parasyuk himself later stated, he managed to hide his identity, and on September 1 he was returned to the Ukrainian military.

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, company commander of the Dnepr-1 special battalion Vladimir Parasyuk was awarded with a registered bladed weapon for courage and bravery which he demonstrated in battle with the enemy.

Political and social activities

On September 19, 2014, Vladimir Parasyuk announced his intention to participate in early parliamentary elections as a self-nominated candidate in a majoritarian constituency. The Central Election Commission of Ukraine registered it in district No. 122, which includes the Zhovkiv and Yavoriv districts of the Lviv region. During elections 56.6% of voters in the district voted for Parasyuk, and he became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation.

Vladimir Parasyuk is a non-party and non-factional people's deputy and is a member of the Committee on Prevention and Combating Corruption. He is also a member of the groups for interparliamentary relations with the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Indonesia, the State of Israel, the Republic of Armenia, and the United Arab Emirates.

At the beginning of 2015, Vladimir Parasyuk, already a people’s deputy, together with his sister Irina and friend Alexander Gostishchev, with whom he served in Dnepr-1, founded the public organization “Military Assistance and Support Center”, which raised funds to help ATO participants.

He is a co-founder of another public organization, the Legislative Bureau of Vladimir Parasyuk, whose goal is to create and promote bills.

At the end of 2016, along with Semyon Semenchenko and Yegor Sobolev, he initiated the blockade of the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The blockade lasted until March 15, 2017, after which the National Security and Defense Council approved it at the national level. According to some rumors, Parasyuk and the company started the blockade in order to get their share of the profits from the Donbass anthracite trade. During the blockade Part Ukrainian enterprises that were located on the territory of ORDLO and paid taxes to the budget of Ukraine were “nationalized” by “LDPR” militants – two weeks before its completion.

In April 2018, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said that five deputies of the Verkhovna Rada could lose their immunity, among them deputies from the Samopomich faction Yegor Sobolev and Semyon Semenchenko, as well as non-factional deputy Vladimir Parasyuk, since these three people’s deputies accused of organizing a coup d'état, namely, rallies, which then grew into a tent city near the Verkhovna Rada.


According to the electronic declaration, for 2016 Vladimir Parasyuk received income in the form of wages of 161.5 thousand hryvnia. In addition, 168.4 thousand hryvnia was compensation for rental housing, and he received another 169.9 thousand hryvnia from the Verkhovna Rada for the exercise of deputy powers. The deputy received 26.1 thousand hryvnia as compensation for the cost of travel.

According to the declaration, the deputy does not own any real estate or transport; he is registered in the village of Maidan, Lviv region. The declaration also indicates annual income of the mother of the deputy Oksana Grigorievna Parasyuk: 996.5 thousand hryvnia– income from business activities. Parasyuk has 8,853 hryvnia deposited in his Privatbank accounts.

Four plots of land and two houses in the villages of Papirnya and Maidan in the Lviv region, owned by the mother and grandmother of the deputy Maria Kalitovskaya, are listed as real estate. Among the vehicles are a Mercedes Vito (1999), owned by Parasyuk's father Zinovy ​​Alekseevich, as well as a Škoda SuperB (2011), which is in the use of the people's deputy, but the owner of the car is a third party - the sister's husband, Alexander Golub.

In the declaration for 2015, Vladimir Parasyuk indicated a smart watch that “Saint Nicholas brought.”

Scandals and fights

Vladimir Parasyuk can be considered one of the most shocking and scandalous people's deputies of the current convocation. By sending him an invitation to go on air, channels add viewership ratings along with headaches. Yes, Parasyuk became one of the initiators of the first brawl in the Verkhovna Rada of the 8th convocation already December 4, 2014. The People's Deputy did not like the process of voting for the heads of parliamentary committees. Even then, Parasyuk made it clear to his opponents that he knew how to fight and generally loved it.

On September 26, 2015, in Severodonetsk in the Lugansk region, I tried to talk “like a man” with the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region, Anatoly Naumenko. A fight after a visiting meeting of the parliamentary anti-corruption committee was avoided only thanks to the intervention of accompanying persons.

On June 15, 2016, Dmitry Kolesnikov, a deputy from the Opposition Bloc, intervened and interrupted the speech from the podium. This led to a scuffle with fellow party members who spoke when the enemy had a clear numerical superiority. Parasyuk held on bravely, even after missing several blows and retreating, he tried to regroup and rush into battle again. As a result, like-minded people managed to calm him down.

On September 22, 2016, he resumed the offensive against the Opposition Bloc. After a television broadcast in the building of the 112 Ukraine TV channel, Parasyuk clashed with Alexander Vilkul. Vladimir Parasyuk found himself the loser, again missing several significant blows. To be fair, it should be noted that a guard acted on Vilkul's side. Parasyuk took revenge on the “oppositionist’s” car, kicking it and scratching “VLK PNH” on the hood.

"Parasyuk's Legs"

November 19, 2015 kicked Police Lieutenant General Vasily Pisny in the face after the latter’s statements that he did more for Maidan than Parasyuk himself. The incident occurred during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Prevention and Combating Corruption. The people's deputy was captured just moments before delivering a masterfully accurate strike. Pisnoy fled under the protection of the head of the committee, Yegor Sobolev, who showed the victim to the door.

On October 17, 2017, the former Minister of Defense, head of the State Security Administration, Valery Geletey, suffered at Parasyuk’s feet. The incident occurred during a walk between the people's deputy and his parliamentary colleague Sergei Leshchenko near the Verkhovna Rada building. First after a verbal altercation Vladimir Parasyuk pushed his opponent and kicked him. Geletey said something after the deputies. Parasyuk returned to the second circle and again kicked the manager.

Tatiana Kostyuk, RIA Novosti Ukraine, Lvov

At first, Vladimir Parasyuk was called “the hero who turned the tide of history.” Then - "the most eligible bachelor." After being elected as a people's deputy, he received status in the Verkhovna Rada. Some opponents labeled him “Kolomoisky’s project,” while others called him “a Kremlin agent.”

Parasyuk burst into the Ukrainians’ field of vision as a kind of unrestrained youth d’Artagnan of the Galician format. And his fiery speech on the Maidan stage with an ultimatum to Yanukovych really became the starting point of the “new era.” Many, of course, started talking about the coincidence, they say, “skis” for escape were ready a long time ago. But this does not change the essence of the matter and the chronology of Ukrainian history: on the morning of February 22, 2014, there was a change of power, and the 26-year-old centurion Parasyuk woke up famous.

“If he had been older, smarter and more experienced, he could well have become one of the people’s leaders, who would have stood out favorably against the backdrop of very cautious opposition negotiators and too radical “right-sectorists.” But to the best of his intelligence and age, he became only a favorite of girls,- says the political scientist Marjan Oliynyk. — If he had a chance to become someone’s profitable “project,” it would only be in the wake of the then glory. And now he is too small a unit in the coordinate system of Ukrainian politics to look for someone else’s hands behind him, either Kolomoisky or the Kremlin.

Lviv past

After the fateful speech, Vladimir became a public person and found himself under close public attention. They began to invite him to television broadcasts and “direct lines”. Many were interested in his “pre-Maidan” past, family, work, education. The centurion himself was a man of few words. Little is known from his interview at that time: “not married,” “now on the Maidan, not up to work,” “graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Lvov Franko University.”

It will come out during the election campaign that have only "school" secondary education, but so far no one has the desire to double-check the words of the centurion-hero.

Small Vladimir’s birthplace is in the village of Maidan, Zhovkovsky district. He was born there in 1987. Then the family moved to the town of Novoyavorovsk, where the guy graduated from school. At the age of 23, he went to Lviv to go to university. He studied at the university at the Faculty of Electronics, but did not graduate.

As far as I know, his official version of leaving the university is corruption,- says the centurion’s friend Andrey. — But I have never heard of bribes being demanded from excellent students. If a person studies and knows the subject, he passes the session without problems.

- Was Vladimir a weak student?

I don't dare to evaluate. But he was active. Participated in KVN. Played on the team""Italon". There he had the nickname "Paravoz".

We found several videos on the Internet with the participation of the future MP. Especially in the role of a monument to Bandera, who kicks the “Muscovite” in the ass.

“Let’s take off, hire a killer and blow up the Verkhovna Rada!”

On the “forgotten” page the main topic is KVN. But there are other statuses. For example, it’s very fun to read this message from Parasyuk from 2011: "People, let's chip in 1 UAH. Let's collect 1,000,000 UAH. Let's hire a killer and blow up the Verkhovna Rada... who's for it???"

A new page can also tell a lot about its owner. It is clear that Vladimir was brought up in a patriotic spirit. In my parents' house, along with icons, there is a portrait of Bandera. On holidays, the whole family gathers at a large table and dresses in vishivankas. Vladimir has the most heartfelt photographs with his nephews. The warm relationship between brother and sister Irina is also obvious. Sometimes it’s educational.

- I will no longer write jokes and anecdotes on my wall, otherwise my own sister accused me of vulgarity))) And since I am the younger brother, I must obey... — Vladimir wrote back in “peacetime.”

The jokes really are below the belt. Then the vulgar humor subsides. And political sketches appear.

- He has a good family,- says a former neighbor Maria Pasichnyk. — My parents have a business in Lviv. They sell clothes. Before the second crisis there were five stores, but now there seem to be four left. Volodya first worked in construction somewhere. Then I was a videographer, filming weddings. And then Maidan...

"Star sickness"?

After the Crimean events and the beginning of armed unrest in the East, the Parasyuks - father and son - volunteered for the ATO. We joined the Dnepr-1 battalion. Vladimir was the commander of the 4th company. My father commanded one of the platoons of the 2nd company. Then there was the Ilovaisk cauldron, captivity and return home.

It was precisely the moment that the famous centurion, who “overthrew” Yanukovych, managed to free himself from enemy captivity in just two days and gave rise to rumors that Parasyuk was “working for the Kremlin.” In turn, Volodya explained his salvation by incredible luck and cunning, because he hid who he was from everyone.

These military vicissitudes again fueled interest in the film and its rating increased significantly. And after rehabilitation in the hospital, Vladimir announced his decision to run for deputy.

Naturally, there were many questions about the “fresh” candidate. Parasyuk reacted especially nervously to some of them, for example, about financing by oligarchs. The centurion's behavior during the debate at the press club was called strange. Ordinary people were divided into two camps: some felt sorry for the guy, saying he had suffered enough in the war, while others diagnosed him with “star fever.”

Parasyuk’s main problem was that he was accused of discrepancies in the stated facts,- assumes Marjan Oliynyk. — One can, of course, assume that the journalists who twisted the information are to blame for everything. But Parasyuk himself often gave reason to doubt his words. Take, for example, his statement that one of the leading parties offered him a place on the list and two million dollars in addition. When he was asked to be a decent citizen of his country and voice the name of the party, which, at a time when the army collects 5 hryvnias, allows itself to spend such huge money on buying members, he refused. Let's assume he had no evidence of this bargaining. Then another question is how decent it is to increase one’s worth in front of voters in this way.

Deputy present

Due to the lack of a strong competitor, Parasyuk still won in his 122nd district. 57% voted for him.

The name of Vladimir Parasyuk became widely known in 2014, after his active participation in Euromaidan. Before that, he was a simple videographer in his homeland, but the revolution radically changed his life. And not for the worse - now he is a deputy.


Parasyuk Vladimir Zinovievich was born on July 9, 1987 in the small town of Novoyavorovsk, which is located in the Lviv region. Graduated from Lviv National University. Ivan Franko. Specialty: physical and biomedical electronics. Although, according to one version, this was not the case - Parasyuk never completed his studies, but after a while he entered the same higher education institution for distance learning and successfully completed it.

Even before the Maidan, he was part of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. He worked as a wedding videographer and played in KVN. He was engaged in shooting and hand-to-hand combat. Not married and never been, no children. He actively participated in Euromaidan from the first day. Currently he is a non-factional deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Vladimir Parasyuk not only took part in the revolution, he was a centurion and a very ardent activist of the rally. Many, especially Euromaidan supporters, remember his threatening and emotional speech towards opposition leaders, whose credibility was then somewhat undermined. He set an ultimatum that if Yanukovych was not dismissed by the next day, then he and his fighters would storm the presidential administration. It sounded like this:

We are not part of any organization, we are the ordinary people of Ukraine who came to defend their rights. We are not from sectors, not from self-defense, we are just a fighting hundred. And I want to tell you that we, ordinary people, say to our politicians who stand behind me: “No Yanukovych - no! — will not be president for a whole year. He must leave before ten o'clock tomorrow."<…>I’m speaking from my hundred, where my father is, who came here: if you don’t make a statement by ten o’clock tomorrow asking Yanukovych to resign, we’re going to storm with weapons, I swear to you!

Participation in hostilities

After Euromaidan and the flight of Viktor Yanukovych from Ukraine, a military conflict began in the east, where Vladimir Parasyuk went as part of the Dnepr territorial defense battalion, as a company commander. In August 2014, miraculously avoiding being shot, he was wounded and was taken prisoner for interrogation and obtaining information. But after a couple of days he was released.

Vladimir Parasyuk - deputy

It was then that Parasyuk announced his decision to go into politics and participate in early elections to the Verkhovna Rada. He ran for the position of deputy in district 122, in the Lviv region. He won the elections, as the support of the electorate was more than impressive - he gained 56.56%. This is more than half of all votes.

In parliament, the patriotic Parasyuk wants to cooperate only with those who truly care about the future of Ukraine. And on December 2, 2014, together with several deputies, among whom were Dmitry Yarosh and Borislav Bereza, he created the inter-factional group “Ukrop”.

After the Maidan, confidence in Parasyuk was maximum. Vladimir Zinovievich, with his passionate, patriotic and strong speeches, convinced people that he could change the situation in Ukraine for the better and save the country from the invasion of corrupt officials. Indeed, being a patriot of his country, Vladimir said a lot of things. What about actions?

Parasyuk's power policy

Most of all, Vladimir Parasyuk during his deputy tenure was remembered for fights. There were actually plenty of them. His first fight in the Verkhovna Rada occurred in December 2014, when he demanded to be given the floor from the podium. Many deputies took part in the brawl at that time. Then there was a fight with deputy Maxim Kuryachiy, after airing on one of the Ukrainian channels. Parasyuk hit his colleague for PR accusations.

Then there was an epic kick to the face of Vasily Pisny, when he said that he had done more for the Maidan than Vladimir Parasyuk. The situation with striking occurred at the court hearing that took place in the case. Parasyuk simply walked up and hit the prosecutor several times. And this is not a complete list of such antics. Three criminal proceedings have already been opened against Vladimir Parasyuk.

Vladimir Zinovievich Parasyuk(Ukrainian Volodymyr Zinoviyovych Parasyuk) - Ukrainian politician, people's deputy of Ukraine of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation from November 27, 2014 to August 2019. In the past, he was a Euromaidan activist. Commander of the 4th company of the Dnepr battalion.

Place of birth. Education. Born on July 9, 1987 in the village of Maidan, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region. Incomplete higher education. Studied at the Faculty of Electronics of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, specializing in “Physical and Biomedical Electronics”; did not finish his studies, taking a leave of absence.

He was a player in the KVN team "Etalon" (Lvov). He owned a video studio and worked as a videographer at weddings and other celebrations.

Participation in Euromaidan. He took part in the events of Euromaidan as a commander of a combat hundred (sotnik). He gained wide popularity after his speech at a meeting of opposition politicians with Euromaidan participants. On the evening of February 21, 2014, Vladimir Parasyuk took to the Euromaidan stage after a speech by representatives of the parliamentary opposition, who announced Viktor Yanukovych’s ultimatum to the Maidan, and stated that if politicians do not make a statement at 10:00 on February 22, 2014, Yanukovych will resign from the post of President of Ukraine , they will storm with weapons.

Participation in the ATO. He joined the "Dnepr-1" battalion of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnepropetrovsk region, where he became the commander of the 4th company. During the battle for Ilovaisk on August 29, 2014, he was wounded and, together with other Ukrainian soldiers, he was captured by the Russian military. On September 1, the Ukrainian military exchanged Parasyuk and other Ukrainian soldiers for captured Russian terrorists. According to the deputy chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, during his captivity, Parasyuk was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for interrogation by the GRU; later Parasyuk himself denied this information, saying that he managed to hide his identity.

Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. At the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2014, he ran as a self-nominated candidate in single-mandate constituency No. 122 (Zhovkivskyi and Yavorivskyi districts of the Lviv region). Vladimir Parasyuk won the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation in his district, gaining 56.56% (69,281 votes); a total of 11 candidates took part in the elections in district No. 122. Joined the Committee on Prevention and Combating Corruption. Non-partisan, non-factional.

Scandals and fights. Parasyuk is known for his scandalous behavior and fights. On November 13, Assistant Prosecutor General Vladislav Kutsenko said that the GPU was investigating three criminal proceedings in which the name of V. Parasyuk appears. One of them is the kidnapping of an SBU officer in the Lviv region, two more are related to a fight in the Pechersky District Court, when the case of G. Korban was considered there.

On November 19, at a meeting of the anti-corruption committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Vladimir Parasyuk kicked in the head the deputy head of the “K” department of the SBU, Vasily Pisny, during a discussion of personnel issues. Pisny wrote a statement to the GPU, after which a criminal case was opened against Parasyuk under Article 345 of the Criminal Code - “threat or violence against a law enforcement officer. The article provides for a sanction in the form of restriction of freedom for up to 5 years.

On September 22, 2016, Vladimir Parasyuk started a fight with a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Opposition Bloc and damaged the latter’s car. The fight between Parasyuk and Vilkul occurred after the broadcast of “Evening Prime” in the building of the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. After the end of the broadcast, Parasyuk waited for Vilkul under the studio, a fight broke out, which was broken up by security. Later, Parasyuk damaged Vilkul’s car, which was in the TV channel’s parking lot, and started a verbal altercation with the driver of the car. On September 23, the Chairman of the National Police of Ukraine announced that a case had been opened under Art. 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

On October 17, 2017, Vladimir Parasyuk appeared in another brawl: when he saw the head of the State Security Administration under the walls of the Verkhovna Rada, he got into an altercation with him, after which he tried to hit the official. Parasyuk, together with a parliamentary colleague, was heading to a meeting of the conciliation council in the Rada, saw Geletey, approached him and sarcastically said that “we should have taken more security.” In addition, Parasyuk reminded his interlocutor several times that he was a people’s deputy and asked him to “take your hand away from me, as I will now break it for you.” Geletey reacted incomprehensibly to such statements, after which a scuffle broke out: Parasyuk pushed the head of the state security and tried to kick him.

Declaration. According to the electronic declaration, for 2016, Vladimir Parasyuk received 161.51 thousand hryvnia in wages, the state compensated him 168.36 thousand hryvnia for renting housing, and he received another 169.87 thousand hryvnia for performing parliamentary powers. His parents earned 1,037,821 hryvnia: 996,500 hryvnia - income from business activities, 41,321 hryvnia - pension. Parasyuk had $8,853 in his Privatbank accounts. The MP owned a Škoda Superb car (2011) worth 353,250 hryvnia, which he purchased in 2015, and his father owned a Mercedes Vito (1999). Vladimir Parasyuk’s relatives had four plots of land and two houses in the village of Papirnya, Lviv region.

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