Printed notebook for the Russian language. Russian primary school language

primary school No. 75



Workbook with printed basein Russian. 3rd grade.

/ Comp. . – Orenburg, 2009. – 28 p.

Reviewer: , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Notebook No. 2 in the Russian language for grade 3 is compiled on the basis of a developmental education program according to the system.

The purpose of this manual is to study the grammatical features of the declension of nouns, develop strong spelling skills for unstressed case endings of nouns, and develop the textual skills of schoolchildren.

“I keep the image of the Motherland in my heart” - this is the single speech theme. The manual presents a systematic analysis of the word “Motherland”. The language material of the manual helps to foster a sense of boundless respect for the Motherland through a heartfelt and thoughtful attitude towards the native language.

The notebook can be used for independent work by students as a supplement to the Russian language textbook.

© Municipal Educational Institution "Primary General Education

School No. 75", 2009

Language is our teacher, and every word is a lesson.

Russian language

I love my native language!

He is understandable to everyone, he is melodious,

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

As our power, mighty.

If you want, write songs, hymns,

If you want, express the pain of your soul.

It’s like rye bread, it’s smelly,

As if earthly flesh is tenacious.

He is great, like our dreams,

Life-giving Russian language!

IN language e o spirit O creation appears all people and all of it homeland; in it the creative power of the people's spirit transforms the sky into thought, into picture and sound fatherland, ...its climate, its fields, mountains and valleys, forests and rivers, storms and thunderstorms - all that deep, full of thought and feeling voice native nature who speaks so loud about a person's love for its sometimes harsh homeland.


There are many words on earth...

But we have words for all words in the language:

Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.

Let them not serve as bargaining chips, - Keep them in your heart as a golden standard!

And do not make them servants in small households -

Take care of their original purity!..

V. Shefner

“I keep the image of the Motherland in my heart...”

1. Handwriting exercise

R. ___. skl. ___. r. ___. skl. ___. r. ___. skl.


2. Name the words that appear in your memory when you pronounce the word “homeland”. Where does the Motherland begin for you?


This is what our selfless and boundless love for our homeland grows from.

3. Compare your associations with those presented in the poem “Motherland” by Z. Alexandrova.

If they say the word “homeland”,

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

A modest birch tree by the river

And a chamomile hillock...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,

The clatter of feet above the jump rope,

And a large neighboring factory

Loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold...

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

4. Copy from Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” an explanation of the meaning of the word “motherland.”


5. Write words - synonyms (close in meaning).

Homeland - _________________________________________

Homeland (what?) ___________________________________


These many-sided words...

Good speeches are pleasant to listen to.

8. Read, listen and reflect.

The country of the Russian language is huge, and it has wide expanses of vocabulary.

Words Motherland, Russia, World, Friendship, sonorous and loud, rich and proud, bright and joyful. They amaze people with their simplicity and grandeur. These words are unusually friendly to each other.

They captivate with their charm, tenderness and ease of speech. Happiness, Sun, Spring, Birch, Joy, Youth.

The word radiates with amazing affection, warmth and light Mother. Nice, kind, gentle words!

Lexicon so badly wants all its inhabitants to be exactly like this. Forever young and optimistic Life firmly believes that all over the world only heroic, fair, spring words will remain, bringing people not only the need to communicate, but also the need to live, work and rejoice in peace.

(From the magazine “Russian Speech”)

9. Read. Determine the topic of the text.

Motherland! This word especially resonates with me, full of deep meaning. I see her immense fields stirring with harvest. Extensive and she who gave birth to us is diverse country. Inexhaustible and full of water rivers, high mountains, shining with eternal glaciers. Wide sultry steppes, impassable deaf Siberian taiga, spread over the ocean. The cities are crowded and numerous. Many languages ​​are spoken by the people who inhabit majestic this country. Spacious blue given, calls wonderful songs of the people living in it.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

10. Indicate the words and expressions that most clearly express the idea of limitlessness our homeland.

Country (what A?) general And rna, rivers ______________________, mountains ____________________, steppes ______________________,

given ____________________.

11. Trembling, reverent The author’s feeling for his homeland is conveyed by special words - epithets.

Write down epithets from this text.

Fields ___________________, steppes ______________________, taiga ___________________, country _____________________,

given ____________________, songs _____________________.

12.VWrite out the nouns in the initial form from the given text.

1st declension – _________________________________________

2nd declension – _________________________________________


3rd declension – ________________________________________.

When determining the declension of a noun, use memo No. 1.

Indicate the gender of nouns, highlight endings, and indicate spelling patterns.

13. Did you know...

What do you call a person who is hotloves his homeland, is devoted to his fatherland and people?

The hereditary family name of a person, passed from father to children.

Among the loaves is the queen.

1. The procedure for maintaining and preparing notebooks.

2. Design of inscriptions on the covers of notebooks.

3. Preparation of written works in the Russian language

4. Organization of work to develop calligraphy skills

5. Preparation of written works in mathematics

6. Keeping diaries in elementary school.

Unified spelling regime in elementary school.

The procedure for maintaining and preparing notebooks .

· All entries in notebooks should be written in neat calligraphic handwriting.

· Use a ballpoint pen with blue ink.

· All underlining and drawing of geometric shapes are done with a simple pencil.

In elementary school, students have notebooks for completing all types of educational and testing work in basic subjects.

Mathematics and Russian language:

Notebooks No. 1 and No. 2 (for current work)

Notebook No. 3 (for tests)

Presentation and composition refer to works of a creative nature and are signed as notebooks for creative works.

It is allowed to have notebooks on literary reading in which creative types of work are performed (essays, drawings, plans for works, definitions of literary concepts, etc.)

For lessons on learning about the world, it is possible to use printed notebooks, but more often in practice, students have ordinary workbooks.

In accordance with program requirements, notebooks in music, foreign languages, elective courses, etc. are allowed.

There is no requirement to maintain notebooks on labor, fine arts, physical education, life safety, and traffic rules.

Design of inscriptions on the cover of notebooks.

The notebooks of 1st and 2nd grade students are signed by the teacher. Notebooks for students in grades 3-4 are signed by the students themselves under the guidance of the teacher. Not necessary so that the notebooks are signed in the same handwriting.

The inscriptions on the covers must be drawn up in a uniform form, in compliance with calligraphy standards.


Notebook No. 1 (No. 2, No. 3)

For (control) work

In mathematics (Russian language)

2nd grade student "a"

Secondary school No. 1

Petrenko Ksenia.

The preposition “by” is written on the same line with the name of the item.

The class numbering is written Arabic in numbers.

Last name and first name should be written in the genitive case. First write the last name and then the full name.

Working on bugs complete in workbooks. Daily work on mistakes should be a holistic system, the effectiveness of which can be seen in improving the quality of training.

In elementary school, notebooks are checked daily without fail. Test papers are checked for the next lesson. Notebooks No. 3 are shown to parents and given to them at home. But they are kept in the classroom until the end of the school year.

Students' work is checked by the teacher using red ink. Assessment of written current and test work is carried out in accordance with accepted assessment standards.

Preparation of written works in the Russian language.

After class and homework you should retreat two lines (we write on the third).

Upon registration red line an indentation to the right of at least 2 cm is made (two fingers). Compliance with the red line is required from the first grade when preparing texts and starting a new type of work.

During work lines are not skipped.

A new page begins from the top lines, is added to the end of the page, including the last line.

On the left, when designing each line, no more than 0.5 cm is indented from the edge.

On the right, the line is appended to the end. The use of transfer rules is mandatory. Unreasonable presence of empty spaces on a line is not allowed.

The date of writing the work in the Russian language (and mathematics) is recorded in the center of the working line.

In the first grade, during literacy training, the date is recorded by the teacher or students in the form of a number and the initial letter of the name of the month: 1 d. At the end of this period, the date is written in full: December 1st.

From the 3rd grade (from the 2nd half of the year) it is allowed to write numerals in words in date entries: first of December.

The title of the work is recorded on the next working line (without a gap) in the center and is formatted as a proposal.

For example: Cool job.


Work on mistakes.

The variability of the work is recorded on the following line in the center or in the margins (short form of recording):

Option 1

1-in.( notation in Roman numerals)

The word exercise is written in full from 3rd grade, starting from the third quarter.

The numbers of exercises performed in notebooks are indicated when they are complete. If the exercise is not performed completely, then it is not indicated. A short and full form of entry is allowed (in the center of the line).

Sample: Exercise 234.

Exercise 234.

In work that requires recording in a column, the first word is written with a capital letter. Punctuation marks (commas) are not used.

For example: Wind



When performing this type of work on a line, the first word is written on the red line, with a capital letter, separated by a comma.

For example:

Wind, east, sand.

When performing various types of analysis, compliance with accepted norms of word abbreviations and term designations is required. The word is shortened only by consonants:

deaf-voice, voiced-voice, consonant-consonant, hard-tv.,





masculine gender


middle gender

Past tense - past.

Present time - present.

Future tense - will.

Singular number

Plural - plural.

The names of the cases are indicated capital letter (Im.p. R.p. D.p. V.p. etc. P.p.)

It should be determined that the designations above the words perform with a pen, as well as simple sharpened pencil. All underlinings are made using a ruler only pencil.

Some types of work can be carried out without a ruler, if children have developed skills in working with a pencil.

When preparing written types of analysis, you should comply with the requirements of the proposed samples. Draw students' attention to the placement of dashes, periods and commas after certain abbreviations of terms.

Let us recall that in mathematics, when abbreviating the names of units of measurement

no dots are added.

For example: mm, m, cm, h, min, km, kg, g, etc.

Students in grades 1-2 write in notebooks in a narrow line. The transition to a wide range is determined by the teacher from the 3rd grade, taking into account whether the students have successfully developed writing skills.

Primary school teachers have many different organizational techniques “a minute of penmanship.” The methodology for conducting them requires compliance with the content, volume and frequency of implementation.

State educational institution

primary vocational education

Professional Lyceum No. 6

with printed base

1st year student



surname, first name

Vladivostok 2010

Berezovskaya E.G.

Russian language. A notebook with a printed base for first-year students of PL No. 6 in the profession “Locomotive driver”.

The notebook with a printed base is intended for students in the profession of “Locomotive Driver” to practice literate writing skills and punctuation marks.

The system of exercises includes texts from a profiled Russian language course, helping to awaken interest in the chosen profession, and elements of speech development.


Technical editor

Vladivostok, Amurskaya, 90,

Professional Lyceum No. 6


It is not easy to earn the right to be called a machinist.

To do this, you need to study long and hard, know and be able to do a lot.

(From a student’s essay)

The purpose of this manual is to, by repeating the rules of the Russian language, convey to students that a machinist is a worthy profession that requires hard work and discipline. Choosing a profession is not only about determining the work that everyone will do. This is also thinking about civic duty to the country and people, about the future place of everyone in the general working order.

This manual helps to enrich students' vocabulary, precise, specific selection of words and expressions to convey their thoughts orally or in writing. The proposed material allows you to develop interest in your future profession, bringing learning closer to life in all its diversity of forms and manifestations.

§1 Spelling of unstressed vowels, dubious consonants at the root of the word.

Reference: see tables pp. 2,4

Exercise 1.

You and I are standing on the platform of the night

Under the sparkling lights.

Time will pass quickly and the whistle will sound -

The electric train will come to us.

So we got into the w..gon, the w..z set off,

To the saints, saying: “Goodbye!”

And only the fire is bright red...

I smiled at him goodbye.

How much strength and courage there is in here,

What flies upward like a bird!

Well, for us, as if in memory of days gone by,

I will always dream about the electric train.

Write down words related to the railway.

Exercise 2.

Read the text.

To drive a train on schedule in bad weather, the driver must have not only extensive experience, high

skill and knowledge, but also personal qualities: self-control, caution, restraint, prudence. Speed ​​and accuracy of working movements are also requirements for a locomotive driver. The driver must be able to calculate the braking distance with an accuracy of a few centimeters so that the train stops exactly where the “First car stop” sign is located, and not further or closer. A machinist is a profession necessary for society, requiring special vigilance and skill.

Answer the question in writing: “What qualities should a driver have?”

Exercise 3.

Rewrite by inserting the missing letters and indicating the test words in brackets.

Sample: expressway (speed) road.

Travel ticket; ve..ti go..; suburban electric train; entrance light; the cold path.

§2 Business papers

Each of us has had to deal with a business letter. Very often mistakes are made in such papers, and sometimes they do not know how such papers are prepared. And everything is quite simple.

Statement 1

To the rector of Khabarovsk

Institute of Engineers

railway transport

Professor Sergeev A.N.

from Shtatnov Sergei Ivanovich,

residing at:

600002, Vladivostok,

st. Nekrasovskaya, 15, apt. 7.


I ask you to allow me to take the entrance exams to the Faculty of Electric Transport, majoring in Electrical Equipment of Rolling Stock.

05/09/2010 S. Shtatnov

Statement 2

To the director of PL No. 6

Nalome V.I.

from student 912 gr.

Ivanova A.


I ask you to allow me to be absent from classes on March 3, 2010, since on this day sports competitions for prizes in Vladivostok will be held.

I was included in the youth volleyball team No. 6 to participate in these competitions.

03/02/2010 A. Ivanov



I, Sergei Nikitich Stepanov, was born on April 17, 1963 in Moscow, into a family of employees. Parents: father - Stepanov Nikita Evgenievich - design technician, mother - Stepanova Agrippina Savvichna - computer operator.

In 1980, I graduated from the 10th grade of secondary school No. 15 and entered the construction technical school. In 1983, after graduating from technical school, I was sent to work at the Sever construction trust as an assistant foreman.

In 1985, I was drafted into the Soviet army.

After serving in the army in 1987, I moved to Vladivostok and got a job as a construction foreman at SMU No. 14, where I still work.

Married. Wife - Lidiya Ilyinichna Stepanova - student of the philological department of Vladivostok State University.

Son – Andrey, born in 1989.

Home address: 690002, Vladivostok,

Red Banner Ave., 12, apt. 7

09.09.2010 S.N. Stepanov


To the director of Lyceum No. 6


Nalome V.I.

from student 912 gr.

Kolesova S.


On May 22, 2001, I was absent from math class for an excused reason. The day before, May 21, 2001, I visited a dentist who installed a temporary filling for me. In case of toothache, the doctor advised me to immediately come to him. Before a math lesson, I felt a sharp toothache and was forced to go to the dentist. Unfortunately, I did not have time to warn teacher Zinaida Petrovna Sizova about my absence from class.

I am ready to complete all the tasks at home that were discussed in the above-mentioned lesson.

05/23/2010 S. Kolesov



I, the head of the volleyball section of the Start sports complex, P.P. Gusev, took S.S. Nikiforova from the caretaker. 20 (twenty) volleyballs for training.

The deadline for returning balls is 05/27/2010.

01/20/2010 P.P. Gusev

Power of attorney


I, Elizaveta Valerievna Mukhina, trust Lyubov Yurievna Ivanova to receive my scholarship for November 2009 in PL No. 6.

10.10.2009 E.V. Mukhina

Signature L.Yu. Ivanova ______________________________

I certify

Director ___________________ Naloma V.I.

10.10.2009 Print

§3 Spelling of vowels in prefixes.

N and NN in different parts of speech.

Help: see tables pp. 12,13

Exercise 4.

Read it. Find words with a vowel in the prefixes and explain their spelling orally.

From a pa..fat side, our profession is romantic. In winter, these are snow-covered rail threads - two black stripes, signals passing by at a speed of 100 km/h, trees wrapped in a blanket of snow. In the spring we watch how nature wakes up, see the first streams, feel the smell of filling buds on the trees. In fact, when you walk into the bus driver's cab, the romance ends, the loc..m..tivny br..gad begins to work strictly according to the instructions: r..regulations p..r..govorov, ex. .concern with problems, technical inspection on turnover, because behind them there are 2000 people who need to be brought to their destination, everyone has the most precious thing - this is life, which is local..m..tative the brigade has no right to l..mother.

Write down, insert the missing letters. Explain the spelling.

Highlight the main idea of ​​the text.

Exercise 5.

Read the text. Convey in your own words the main meaning of the text.

The art of the driver's profession is to competently control the electric train, acceleration and braking, so as not to arrive at the station earlier or later than scheduled, so that speed limits remain invisible to passengers. Accelerating an electric train does not require any special skill: the reverser is forward and the controller is in traction, but not everyone can stop it. The weight of a passenger car is on average 800-900 kilograms, the weight of an electric train is 700-800 tons, the driver fully feels the train and stops it exactly a few meters away at the “First car stop” sign at a speed of 70-80 km/h from the edge of the platform, clearly calculating braking distance and pressure in the brake cylinders so that at the moment of stopping the brakes are fully released, avoiding the electric train from digging into place, skidding.

The assistant and the driver are required to know the structure of the electric train, so that in the event of a malfunction, they can decide, if possible, assemble an emergency circuit and clear the section. Only 10 minutes are allotted for all manipulations, because trains come next, they also have passengers.

Exercise 6.

Guess the riddles. Write down the answers.

    A powerful locomotive is moving forward,

Who confidently leads this team?

    Driver in bad weather

Helps for a long time

Miniature and reliable...

    What kind of houses are in a row?

Are they on wheels?

The locomotive ran up

And he took them all away, chaining them together.

4. The rails extended,

Rushing into the distance.

Everyone knows what it is...

    On a difficult path

Helps us cross the road

Our kind and reliable friend,

Of course this is...

§4 O-a in roots with alternation. Punctuation marks in simple and complex sentences.

Reference: see tables pages 7, 8, 20, 30 [1]

Exercise 7.

Read expressively. How do the highlighted words relate to the topic of our lesson?

caught fire red eye:

He wants to detain us.

If it's red, there's no way.

Red light - you can't go.

The railway, as always,

Alive by people who give care,

And devoting my life to the road,

They invested soul into that work.

We are grateful to the people on earth bow,

And our gratitude is endless, like the road,

which growing and gets stronger every day,

Bringing south and north, west and east together.

It gets longer every year.

For each of the highlighted words, write 5 of your own examples, justify them graphically.

Exercise 8.

Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

In all d..pos in which electric..trains are operated, the profession..of the driver..driver and the driver..assistant are the main ones, because the driver..driver with the..assistant, Having arrived at the platform for boarding passengers, they are left alone with passengers, malfunctions that arise during the journey and often with emergency situations. The driver and assistant are the first who can prevent accidents with people on the railway.

On the line, the driver is subject to the rules of technical operation, instructions on movement and mental work, instructions on signaling (about traffic lights), traffic schedules - the basic laws on the railway, knowing their requirements by heart. And only the coordinated work of all the people on the railway - station attendants, dispatchers and drivers - allows the beating of the heart of the railways, through whose arteries people travel every second. When it's over, the lights switch, and the radio call starts.

Explain punctuation marks

Exercise 9.

Hurry up and fill in the missing letters.

The train was traveling on the night railway. Outside the window, the lights of the stations flashed monotonously, and nothing disturbed the peaceful sleep of the passengers in the warm carriage. Work was in full swing in the train cabin. The fireman, without ceasing, threw coal into the firebox, and the old tired tirelessly looked ahead. He knew for sure that nothing would happen on his last voyage. He was leaving for a well-deserved rest.

Why did the passengers calmly continue their journey?

Explain punctuation marks.

§5 Dash between subjects and predicate. N and NN in adjectives and participles.

Reference: see tables pp. 22, 23

Exercise 10.

Write down, insert the missing letters.

A long road, a lit..light, a set traffic schedule, a missed walk..baum, an excited pa..fager, e.g. the work of the driver, laid..a, the speed..reduced..on, the, the short..scheduled

Exercise 11.

Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Explain the spelling of N and NN.

This was in 1919.

The spring breeze blows wisps of locomotive smoke over the steppe. Light... shapeless clouds rush by in the bluish-tender blue and quickly... Shadows from the clouds either slide or creep along narrow strips of black arable land, along the weeds of abandoned fields, along the broken slopes of ravines that have long been deforested.

From time to time you can hear... and freeze in the distance the very sharp whistles of steam locomotives. To the right and left, from one edge of the horizon to the other, stretched an endless line of trains. Over ninety e...lons lined up over many kilometers. Trains, like giant cuttlefish, are slowly moving towards Krivoy Rog, planning to then turn north to escape the encirclement.

In classy carriages, in shabby heated cars with rusty bolts, broken doors and seemingly chewy walls, on heavily loaded platforms, as if wounded by bullets, a wide variety of property is taken away: artillery shells, rifles piled up in heaps, zinc ammunition boxes and some kind of steel blanks.

Exercise 12.

Write it down, inserting a dash between the subject and predicate where necessary.

Cool position - track foreman. Being a mechanic is not easy. It is the driver's responsibility to know the machine well. Mastering the intricacies of the future profession is the task of every student.

Four years of study at a lyceum is not a long time. Knowing the structure of an electric locomotive well means not being afraid of failures in the machine.

A train dispatcher is a traffic controller.

§6 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Spelling unpronounceable and ambiguous consonants.

Reference: see table pp. 28,29,9

Exercise 13.

Rewrite using punctuation marks.


This is the traffic control.

He will always find the answer... without a doubt

Where will it take place?

Everyone will be built according to schedule..t

Cross trains

If they collide... they won't allow it.

Explain the spelling of words with missing letters.

Exercise 14.

Explain the spelling of the highlighted words (formulate a rule for spelling words with unpronounceable consonants).


IN stormy Sergeant Vasily Boyko had to be on duty for the day. He stands on the bridge and sees clouds crawling across the sky, as if terrible giant monsters.

Suddenly, like an avalanche, he burst onto the bridge heavy compound. The unprecedented speed worried the border guard. Cars and loaded platforms flashed past him. In one of the vestibules, Boyko managed to notice a man. He feverishly twisted the brake handle. The decision was born instantly: jump onto another platform and also slow down. After all, it’s close to the station, but at the switches the cars might get knocked out, and then...

The sergeant grabbed the railing stairs, but could not resist - he was thrown to the ground. He whistled out of surprise, but immediately repeated dangerous attempt, and this time unsuccessfully. However, there was no brake in the vestibule. Then the sergeant climbed onto the roof of the carriage. It was necessary to find a platform equipped with a handle. But where is she: in the tail

or the head of the composition? Boyko saw someone running along the roofs from the locomotive. "There, There!" - the assistant driver shouted. Under Boyko’s feet the carriages swayed wildly,

but he jumped from one to another, every second

at the risk of falling apart. His heart was beating strongly, pounding in his temples. Finally he reached the brake and was soon relieved

felt, as the composition gradually reduces acceleration. The train was stopped almost at the switches.

(From newspapers)

Indicate the composition of the words worry, relief, border guard.

Make an outline for the text.

§ 7 Thesis. Abstract.


Abstract - a concise, connected summary of an article, lecture, or report.

Thesis a statement that briefly outlines one of the main ideas of a lecture, report, or article.

Exercise 15


Read and make a summary of the article.

The work of a driver is very stressful: working with your head. The driver must feel the behavior of the train, calculate the speed limit in different sections

distillation. Our terrain is difficult. If the composition

more than a kilometer, it happens that on the rise the difference between the locomotive and the tail of the train is ten meters.

The driver experiences a constant burden of responsibility. Trains weighing six thousand tons and more than a thousand meters long do not give the driver any room for error. It is the driver who can prevent an accident at the last moment by making the only right decision in a fraction of a second.

What is the value of a true professional? Because when the driver sits down in the chair, he feels each car with his spine: how it starts, how it moves, the slightest changes in its behavior. It doesn't come right away. When this happens, a person becomes a professional. The speed is 70-80 kilometers per hour, you go to the limit and feel all the ups and downs and rolls. If the profile is broken, the so-called washboard, then the entire composition is simultaneously in several states - on the rise and on the descent. A real driver would never leave a train in good condition; this should not be allowed.

The train must be either in a compressed or extended state, because in a calm state the cars can behave unpredictably, and this again risks breaking the automatic coupler...

What is a machinist? But tie at least three sleds with ropes and try to guide them so that the sleds do not collide with each other. You're unlikely to succeed. The professional driver will guide this sled, and they will not catch up with each other. Even now, even as a passenger, I still feel the train, I feel the driver who drives this train, and I can tell for sure whether it is the driver or the rider...

I was returning from a business trip to Zima station by train. Lying on the shelf, I listened with my spine to the carriages.

The wheels habitually waltzed at the joints of the rails, the carriage floated gently across the expanses of Eastern Siberia. I imagined a confident, focused man and his assistant who took responsibility for my life for several hours.

This is a driver, not a rider, I thought and calmly fell asleep...

    What should a real driver be like?

Text 2

Read the text and write a summary.

General characteristics of railway transport

The main mode of transport is railways. They connect all areas into a single whole, provide

the population's need for transportation and the normal circulation of industrial and agricultural products.

Railway transport contributes to a greater extent to the development of new areas and their natural resources, satisfaction of the material and cultural needs of people and the development of connections with other countries. Any even short-term delay in fulfilling a transportation request harms the normal operation of the enterprise and undermines the contractual basis of business management.

Railways have various engineering structures, technical devices and facilities, the main of which are the railway track, rolling stock (locomotives and cars), locomotive and carriage facilities, signaling structures and devices, communications and computer equipment, electricity and water supply, railway stations and nodes.

The diversified economy of railway transport is a huge one, stretching over many

tens of thousands of kilometers of conveyor belt, the uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of which requires the mutually coordinated coordinated work of all its links.

Rail transport is most suitable for mass transportation. It operates day and night, regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions.

Railways have relatively low transportation costs and high speed of cargo delivery.

Railways are a universal mode of transport for transporting all types of goods in inter-district and intra-district communications. However, the construction of railways requires large capital investments, depending on topographical, climatic and economic conditions.

In railway transport there is a high share of expenses that have little dependence on the size of traffic (repair of buildings and other devices), maintenance of administrative and technical personnel.

Transporting goods by rail over relatively long distances is more economically profitable than over short distances, which is explained by the high share of costs that do not depend on the distance of transportation and increase their cost over short distances. This includes the costs of initial operations, including delivering cars to the place of loading and unloading and cleaning them, carrying out cargo operations, etc.

§ 8 Isolation of participial and participial phrases

Reference: see tables page 26

Exercise 16

Read the text.

Who's driving the train? “Of course, driver,” you will say, and you will be wrong. I explain to all my assistants, friends and acquaintances that the train is driven by the CONDUCT, not the driver. When you or other passengers leave the carriage of a passenger train, “THANK YOU” is said to the conductor, but many people have no idea about the driver. In fact, the best way to praise a driver’s work is silence, when they don’t remember, don’t know, or even see you.

You sit in the carriage, you look: the station floated, arrived at the stop, and you didn’t even notice how the train stopped. This is where the skill of the driver is demonstrated. And the other one drives as if he was carrying firewood, he keeps jerking something, stopping so that people almost fall off the shelves, and here they will remember the driver. “Stunned, stupid, crazy,” - in this, or rather in a more cruel form, the driver will be remembered.

    Write a sentence describing the work of the driver.

    Explain why silence is the best way to praise a driver’s work?

Exercise 17

M...tire driver l...k...m...tiva is a railway transport worker responsible for the safety...of transportation of passengers or cargo.

Drivers who have reached the age of 18, have passed a medical examination, passed the PTE exam and completed an internship are allowed to drive a motor vehicle.

M...tire driver can...go to work only after well...preparing the electric...cart for the trip. Setting out on the road, he monitors the indications of the track... lights, observes the operation of the engine, performs service repairs, and prepares. ..t train for delivery to a rational mode of...traffic in...the building

During the trip, the driver is assisted by his assistant, who is obliged to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of his boss.

    Under what conditions is the driver allowed to work?

    What does the driver do while the locomotive is moving?

    Who helps him in his work?

Exercise 18

Write down, insert the missing letters.

(Block) section, (auto) blocking, l...k...m...tiva, train...control...cher, .ee, l...k...m...tive light...for, s...mafor, safety...techniques, (red) yellow...light of the holy...t... head start

§ 9 - Z, - C at the end of the attachments

O-E in compound words

Reference: see table pp. 10, 11

Exercise 19

Rewrite, insert the missing letters

    The workplaces of railway workers of many professions are located in close proximity to moving transport.

    Work on the contact network is carried out from isolated platforms of trolleys or removable towers.

    The recruitment of personnel on the railway must be carried out in accordance with professional requirements.

4.On the railway, it is necessary to conduct an investigation of each case of violation of traffic safety with the analysis of the results in the prescribed manner.

    Make a conclusion about the spelling -з, -с at the end of the prefixes.

Exercise 20

Explain the spelling of difficult words.

Electric motor, steam locomotive, overpass, electric locomotive, life safety in railway transport, energy intensity of transportation work, automatic blocking.

Exercise 3

Read and explain the spelling of words with missing letters.

It just so happens that once you come to work on the railroad, you (cannot) part with it. On the road, a person transforms, becomes more responsible and open to people.

The feeling of boundless trust on the part of the passengers does not give the right to make a mistake. And only the one who felt all this, let it pass through his heart, remains to work on the road, linking his destiny with it.

Of course, there are many professions on earth,

There is no beginning or end to their number.

And my life is a railway

And I will never part with her.

    Why is it difficult for the narrator to part with the railway?

§10 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with one or more subordinate clauses

Exercise 21 (repetition).

Rewrite, adding missing punctuation marks

A person spends most of his life at work. It is very important that the work brings satisfaction. I chose the profession of mechanic... for the repair of... the... structure. (Without) it (it is not) possible to do on the railways... A fitter... carries out repair... repairs of ag... gat units and... equipment of the... train. He...determines the quality of the...details, draws up defective statements, eliminates...defects (s, h)

Borki. In the process of (s, ss) repairs, he performs plumbing operations... and replaces (v, f) bushings on... the rods (currently ) with...pullers, makes simple, adjusts and...tortures parts...mounted units and assemblies of ag...gates . In order (to) cope (with) everything, the s... r... for the repair... installation of the .. structure must know well the... instructions.. the prince.. py interactions and order of work and (h, s)assembly of units of, basics of plumbing and much more.

To master all the details of my future profession (s, ss) and p...m...teachers and masters of the (iron) road lyceum tell me .

    Explain the spelling of words with missing letters.

Exercise 22

Read it.

The most prestigious and noble profession on the railway, undoubtedly, is the profession of a driver. But it is also one of the most responsible professions. The driver must learn to feel the train, be able to predict this or that

different situation and pay attention to every little detail. One wrong move by the driver and anything can happen, including carriages derailing.

During the journey, the driver and his assistant have all organs

feelings are working to the limit. They should feel any hesitation in their gut. Over time, a kind of sixth sense appears when a touch invisible to prying eyes helps to avoid an emergency situation. Therefore, the selection of machinists for work is strict.

The driver and his assistant must know by heart: the structure of a diesel locomotive, electrical engineering, brakes and many job descriptions. Only after a year, having mastered the above and passed the exams, a person will receive the right to drive a locomotive and will be allowed to work.

This means that before entering such a specialty, which requires strict discipline and excellent health, you need to decide whether you are ready to take on such a huge burden of responsibility for the train that you have been entrusted with leading, for the passengers sitting behind you, for the cargo that you must deliver to the destination station.

And if you feel that you are ready, then go!

    Answer in writing the question: “Why is the profession of a driver the most responsible?”

Exercise 23

Rewrite the words by inserting the missing letters. If you have any difficulties, consult a spelling dictionary.

Prepare for a vocabulary dictation.

Assistant m...s...nist, mechanic...for repairing...sub...

s...stva, (red) yellow fire s...t...for, s...m...for, in...go(n, nn)y re(s, ss)ory, (iron ) road v...gon, steel m...mains, l...k...m...tiv, train...disp...cher, pa (s, ss) azhirsky v...hall, increased(n, nn) ​​speed, great speed(s, ss)continuity, in...hell..., walked...baum, to...nstruct...i, agr...gat, driver (electric) cart, (block) site, (auto) block...kirovka, future profession (s, ss)ia, under...ez.. .noy way, electric (train),, process (s, ss) (h, s)assembly of parts...hoists.

§ 11 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Reference: see tables pp. 28, 29, 30.

Exercise 24

Read carefully


Enemy pilot saw clearly their prey: in the middle of the forest, which looked like a green pie, there was a narrow yellow stripe. There he crawled along the embankment long train with the military

cargo, And dive there was simply no need to go to the forest. You just need to wait until the train approaches the exit to the open space between two forests, and then bomb it calmly and unmistakably.

Two fountains of mud and earth stood on both sides of the embankment

where was supposed to be a train. But when the pilot looked at the forest, he saw that the train, having reached an open space, quickly rushed back into the forest. The bombs were in vain.

The pilot made another circle, deciding that now he would not miss. The train rushed through the open space. How could he know that now a meeting was prepared for him in the forest and heavy pine trees will fall on the carriages , reset from their seats with a thunderous blow? The pine trees fell in vain. The train passed this place. There were bombs again spent in vain.

The pilot swore. He dived straight into the forest, into the middle of the train. Maybe, he miscalculated, perhaps some kind of accident happened here, but the bombs did not hit the train, but the forest. The elusive train continued on its way, stubbornly moving forward.

The fight lasted. Bombs fell in front, behind, on the sides of the train, but this monster, as the fascist called it to himself, walked towards the station as if it guarded by invisible spirits.

The pilot was sweating. He spat down again and again threw himself into

attack. Last time he guessed correctly. The train cannot be saved. The driver made a mistake for the first time. A curse escaped the chapped lips of a fascist: all the bombs... nothing to bomb with!

Then he walked along the train, showering it with machine-gun fire. He aimed at the locomotive, at this enemy hidden there, behind the thin wall, at this terrible Russian worker, who laughs at all his ace courage and drives his train across the expanse of fields and forests, like crazy. Bullets flew over the train, some fell somewhere under the wheels, clanged into the rails, but the train moved on...

Pilot leaned back exhausted. The cartridges are out. The fight is over. The Russian down there won.

The fascist descended and walked over the train with curiosity and hatred. He couldn't see the driver. The driver only said: “What did you take, the bastard?”

AND the locomotive crossed the black shadow with contempt, crushing it - the shadow of an enemy plane, spread out on the way.

    Explain the spelling of the highlighted words.

    Answer the following questions in writing:

- Who watched the long train with military cargo?

- What did the enemy pilot do?

- Why did the bombs fall in vain?

- Why did the bombs fall into the forest for the third time?

- Why didn’t the driver’s mistake bring victory to the enemy?

- How did the fight end?

- What is the result of the fight?

§ 12 Punctuation marks for direct speech

Reference: see tables page 32

Exercise 25

Copy it down and add the missing punctuation marks.

Everyone knows: the railway zone is a high-risk area. Drivers constantly remind us of this, introducing passengers to safety rules. When crossing the railway tracks, be careful.

Don’t touch the stop valve, don’t stand in the vestibule We often read on posters.

Don't walk on train tracks heard from the speaker

This life-threatening.

Exercise 26

Make up sentences and present these tips as direct speech.

Get out of the car only onto the platform and always when the train is completely stopped.

Keep children away from train tracks.

Don't walk on the tracks during transit.

Standing close to the edge of the platform is dangerous.

Walking along the railway track is a big risk to your life.

Exercise 27

Write it down, insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks.

Railroads are a very complex mechanism; in order to manage them, you need great skill and deep knowledge.

Railway...road workers honorably cope with the responsible...tasks that face them by ensuring the smooth and smooth...movement of trains.

Day and night, in blizzards and rain, thousands of trains rush in various directions. The work of a friendly family of road workers is a guarantee that the cargo and cargo of the national economy (during) time will be at their destinations.

§ 13 Repeat exercises on spelling and punctuation

Exercise 28

Rewrite, opening the brackets and adding the necessary punctuation marks.

Since ancient times, people have come up with various mechanisms to (would) simplify their lives and shift the entire burden of labor (co) 35

Your shoulders on various inventions. Machinists appeared after the invention of the steam engine, and then specially trained people appeared to operate them. The crane driver appeared in the 20th century when the self-propelled crane and combine harvester operator were invented - around the same time when the first self-propelled combine was invented in 1907 in the USA. But the locomotive driver initially worked (not) alone, but as a team. The first steam locomotive drivers were English inventors and mechanics who built the very first self-propelled mechanism “Rocket” driven by a round steam boiler and engine. About ten years later, the railway and drivers appeared in Russia... .

(From) the time of the appearance of the first trains and (to) this day, this type of transport plays a huge role in the national economy of almost all countries of the world. Influential states in the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th tried to overtake (each other) in terms of

the length of railway tracks and the number of trains. Trains transported raw materials from mines to factories to soldiers to the front and wounded weapons and ammunition to the rear to the battlefield. Grain is exported (abroad) by rail and necessary goods are imported (from) there. That is why the training of intelligent machinists and their assistants has always been a matter of national importance. After all, before the development

road transport and transport aviation, the power of the state and its economic potential (largely) depends on the railway. To this day, most of the cargo and passengers in our country are transported by trains.

Exercise 29

Rewrite by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Add the necessary punctuation marks.

The main requirement for the work of a machinist is a technical mindset and attentiveness, since the railway (does not) forgive mistakes. Machinist is a very common profession. Such specialists can be found (on) the ground and (under) the ground as metro l...k...m...tiv machinists work there.

The work of these people involves a great risk to the lives of both their own and other people. Mash...nist l...k...m...tiva

who manages the pa...zhirsky po...zd must realize that (because of) his mistakes people can suffer...or even die. Working with complex heavy machinery is of course always risky. But many people like the feeling of being controlled by a huge asshole. Peering (into) the distance through the... t...row of heat...seeing in front of you two iron...iron strips that lead you to other lands is also a kind of r...manticism.

Those wishing to become (in) the ranks of these “r...mantics” (with) technical...technical specialization await the railway technical schools professionally) (technical) But of course (without) some period of practice (at) the workplace (no) anyone (will) allow a young specialist (to) control a complex and dangerous mechanism.

Exercise 30

(Repetitive). Write the text under dictation, then check it with the typed text.

Train dispatcher. He does not drive the trains, he maintains the train schedule, organizes the movement, directs it. All railway workers associated with the movement of trains are subordinate to the dispatcher. And the territory in which he operates is called a control center.

A huge number of trains depart every day. It is very important to organize and direct their movement

so that they leave the stations and arrive at their destination at the time established by the schedule. This is what the train dispatcher takes care of. The efforts of teams of large and small stations, where hundreds of people work, are subordinated to his will. He must organize their work in such a way that trains are formed on time and locomotives are delivered to them, so that trains are received and departed from the station without delay, so that they are transported in a timely manner.

stations and wagons with local cargo were collected from them. Under the close attention of the dispatcher and the trains on the stretch: he monitors whether they are late, whether they interfere with each other and, if necessary, organizes their overtaking and crossing.

Exercise 31

Explain punctuation marks.

The machinists are called the guards of the steel highways! The leading profession of all. And why - there is no need to explain for a long time: they are the ones who drive the trains. Being a machinist is very difficult and very honorable. Even dreaming of becoming a machinist is interesting.

They ask the question: “What should a driver be like?” Answers: “Educated. Disciplined. Seasoned. Calculating. Inventive. Brave. Strong-willed."

They ask the question: “What is the most important thing in the profession?” Answers: “Attitude to work, love for the profession, sense of personal

responsibility for passengers and material assets.”

And all this is brought up by the profession of a machinist.

But whoever loves technology doesn’t have to become a machinist. What is worse than the profession of a mechanic who repairs rolling stock? It is the mechanic who bears full responsibility for the reliability of the locomotive on the road. If the locomotive had spoken, it would have confirmed:

I’ve known them for a long time – masters!

At the depot they used to joke with me:

Like, don’t break down, it’s time to go,

But - it's a matter of course - the nuts will be tightened.

Exercise 32

Open the brackets, insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks.

A person spends most of their life at work. It is very important that work brings satisfaction. I chose the profession of the repair...of sub...structures. (Without) it (not) to do on the railways... . The fitter carries out repair...installation of agro...gate units and the...stay. He also determines the quality of parts...he composes d...defective statements, eliminates d...defects (from, h)assemblies. In the process of (s,ss)repairs, performs plumbing op...rations...and replaces (in, f) bushings

on...shi...nicks of the rod (toko) with...pullers, bends...simple parts...tali...regulates and...tortures separate...assembled (n, nn) ​​nodes and assembled (n, nn) ​​agri...gates. In order to cope (with) everything, the fitter for the installation of the sub...structure must know well the...instructions...the principle of interaction and the order of work and (with, h)assembly units of r...m...ntable equipment...basics of plumbing and much more.

To learn all the details of my future profession (s, ss) and p...m...teachers and masters of the (iron) road lyceum tell me.

Exercise 33

Copy it, open the brackets, insert the missing letters, add punctuation marks.

Under the body there are various braking equipment. Sending a train with (not) and...right the same as...throwing a person out of...flight without a It is the brakes that allow you to safely drive a train at high speeds at... the ability not only for the driver, but even for any passenger, if necessary, with the help of an emergency crane ( n, nn)th brake...stop...stop the train.

Brakes are manual, pneumatic, electric, pneumatic, or pneumatic. (B) manual brake is easier

It doesn’t require all the complex equipment. You need to turn the steering wheel handle clockwise and then the force is transferred from the screw in the system of rods and levers to the brake pads which are pressed against the scaffolding. In pneumatic…th…rmoses it’s more complicated. Compressed air works here.


The manual includes the Russian language school course program. All specialized exercises contribute not only to improving literacy, but also to cultivating interest in a future profession.

    Methodological manual “To help students” Vladivostok 2007

    D. E. Rosenthal. Russian language for high school students and those entering universities

Bustard. Moscow 2001

    V.F. Grekov Study Guide

S. E. Kryuchkov in Russian language

L. A. Cheshko in high school

"Enlightenment", 2007.

    Introduction……………………………………………………………….. 2

    §1 Spelling of unstressed vowels and dubious consonants at the root of the word……………………………3

    §2 Business papers…………………...5

    §3 Spelling of vowels in prefixes. Neither, not in different parts of speech…………………………………..10

    §4 O-A in roots with alternation. Punctuation marks in simple and complex sentences…………………………………………13

    §5 Dash between subject and predicate. N and nn in adjectives and participles……………………….15

    §6 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence……...17

    §7 Thesis. Abstract…………………………………19

    §8 Isolation of participial and participial phrases…………………………………………………………………….24

    §9 - З – С at the end of the attachments. O-E in compound words………………………………………….26

    §10 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses……28

    §11 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence……31

    §12 Punctuation marks for direct speech…………….34

    Repeating exercises on spelling and punctuation…………………………………………35


The great and mighty Russian language in modern times is gradually losing its power and sound, and all because children do not pay due attention to it. Of course, there are so many rules in it, you need to memorize them all, and then be able to apply them in practice. Why all this if the guys understand each other even with mistakes? Therefore, the primary task of parents and teachers is to explain why learning Russian at school, why it is important to write and speak correctly. And the second is to teach the child Russian. We will help you teach elementary school students (grades 1, 2, 3, 4) with teaching aids and articles. From us you can download and print printed textbooks and notebooks on the Russian language for elementary school for free.

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    Ready homework assignments or GDZ for the first part of the workbook for the third grade in the subject Russian language, the author of the notebook Kanakin, will make life easier not only for the third graders themselves, but also for their parents.

  • GDZ Russian language workbook Kanakin grade 2 part 1. Answers to assignments

    GDZ in Russian language. 2nd grade. Part 1. Workbook. Kanakina V.P. We continue to study the great and mighty Russian language, to become more familiar with the text, words, letters and sounds. If you are studying under the “School of Russia” program, then the author of your workbook in the Russian language is V.P. Kanakina. Not all teachers use such workbooks when teaching lessons, since they are not provided free of charge by the school, but by parents

  • So you moved to third grade, and your favorite Russian language lessons began again. If you are studying under the “School of Russia” program, then you were given textbooks on the Russian language by the authors Kanakina and Goretsky. There will be new topics, as well as repetition and consolidation of what was learned in the second grade. Arm yourself with pens, pencils and rulers! Exercises

  • Rules for spelling words with capital letters

    An uppercase, or uppercase, letter is a letter that is increased in size compared to lowercase letters. The first word of the text is written with a capital letter, as well as the first word after the period, ellipsis, question mark and exclamation mark that ends the sentence. Note 1. Usually the first word of each line in poems is written with a capital letter independently

  • Sound analysis of words

    One of the important tasks of preparing for learning to read and write is to familiarize children with the sound composition, the sound structure of a word. The initial principle of the preschool literacy teaching system is that a child’s acquaintance and work with letters should be preceded by a pre-letter, purely sound period of learning. A letter is a sign of sound.

  • Summer assignments "School of Seven Gurus" from 4th to 5th grade

    That is why, in the first grade, both students and parents treat their studies more responsibly than in the second, and even more so in the fourth grade. And they follow the teacher’s recommendations, and read all the literature on the list in the summer, and do developmental assignments. And the teachers, at the end of the fourth grade, seem to have disowned their students; they don’t give assignments for the summer, sometimes even about books

  • Workbook "Russian language. Summer assignments. I'm going to 3rd grade. Shvetsova A.P." is designed to encourage children to study Russian in a playful way during the summer holidays, so as not to lose all their skills acquired during the second grade.

  • Any verb can be put into a form called initial. It is also called the indefinite form of the verb or the infinitive. The indefinite form of the verb received this name due to the fact that it does not show time, number, person, or gender. Verbs in the indefinite form answer the questions what to do? what to do? Verbs that answer

  • GDZ Russian language 2nd grade textbook part 2. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to tasks ✍

    In the "Perspective" program of the elementary school, the reference book for students in the subject Russian is the textbook by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. We continue to work with textbooks and workbooks by these authors. The program is becoming more and more complex, in the second part you will increasingly look into our State Database. We hope you quickly

  • GDZ Russian language textbook Kanakina, Goretsky, grade 4, part 2. Answers to assignments

    Ready-made homework assignments for the Russian language textbook for grade 4, second part, authors V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky, School of Russia program. The workbook has been checked and approved by a primary school teacher.

  • Dysgraphia has always been common among schoolchildren, but recently this attention disorder has become even more common. A child with dysgraphia misses letters or syllables in words, and even whole words, swaps syllables, duplicates the same syllable. With such children it is necessary to work on developing visual attention. There are some tricks that can help you get rid of

  • Vasily Surikov painted the painting “The Capture of a Snowy Town” in 1891. Now it is in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. The size of the canvas is 156 by 282 cm. His brother helped Surikov in preparing the painting and creating scenes of the town, in search of images, and Siberian peasants built a snowy town especially for him, some of them posed for the artist. That's how it was written

Continuing the topic:

Adjectives with fixed prepositions are included in a predicate, which is called a compound nominal predicate. A compound nominal predicate consists of a linking verb...