Children of Evgeny Popov. Biography and personal life of Evgeny Popov

The Olympic Games are considered open from the moment when the Olympic flag is carried into the sports arena. Strange as it may seem, athletes believe that carrying a flag is a bad omen, foreshadowing loss in competitions. Perhaps this is why the flag ceremony is often entrusted to sports veterans or people who have merit in other areas of activity. The names of those who carried the Olympic flag in Sochi speak for themselves: who doesn’t know Valentina Tereshkova, Lidiya Skoblikova, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Chulpan Khamatova? Among them was a slender, pretty girl, Anastasia Popova, who could have become an athlete or a movie star, but despite her age (she was born in 1987), she is already a legend of domestic television journalism.

The profession of Anastasia Andreevna Popova (Bourt) can be considered hereditary. Her father, Andrei Popov, is a prominent international journalist who currently works in such a far from peaceful region as Egypt. Anastasia studied at the Moscow State Linguistic University and while still a student began working as a correspondent for the “main TV channel of the country” Russia-1. The girl understood that in addition to a university education, a journalist

practical work was necessary and she constantly tried to improve herself - she even took special courses to get rid of the “childish” timbre of her voice, which was not suitable for serious political programs. Anastasia Popova has always considered the main thing in the work of a television journalist to be impartiality in relation to the events that he covers and independence from the political situation.

In 2011, Popova was detained in Minsk after being tortured

shoot video footage of the explosion in the Minsk metro. She could not stand aside from such problems as events in the Middle East. During the Syrian revolution, Anastasia managed to obtain permission to travel to this region several times, although foreign journalists were reluctantly allowed there.

Popova’s experience in Syria became decisive when, in 2012, a team of journalists was formed who were supposed to cover the events taking place in the country.

and I. Anastasia understood that in a combat situation it would be more difficult for her than for her male colleagues, cameraman Mikhail Vitkin and editor Evgeny Lebedev. In the suburbs of Damascus, the group came under fire; Anastasia was saved by an 11-kilogram body armor, but she was wounded in the face. Immediately after getting stitches in a military hospital, Anastasia Popova covered the wound with a band-aid and then with makeup to record a stand-up routine. The stay of a group of Russian journalists in Syria about

It lasted about eight months, and many of the stories they filmed attracted international attention. In particular, a video filmed after a chemical attack in the city of Khan al-Hasal was used in the work of UN inspectors on the use of chemical weapons.

Based on reports, interviews and documentary videos filmed in Syria, the documentary film “Syrian Diary” was created, shown on television, and causing a heated debate

this both in Russia and abroad. On the eve of 2013, the traditional presentation of government awards took place in the Kremlin. What was unusual about this ceremony was that this time the military medal “For Courage” was awarded not to the military, but to a group of television journalists, among whom was Anastasia Popova, special correspondent of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In addition, on behalf of the Orthodox Foundation of St. Andrew the First-Called, Anastasia Popova was awarded the international prize “For Faith and Fidelity.”

The bright, pretty journalist, who has long appeared with her sharp reports on the Rossiya-2 TV channel, a year ago became the host of the popular project “60 Minutes”, which discusses topics in the socio-political life of the country and the world. Olga Skabeeva’s husband, TV journalist Evgeny Popov, became her partner in this project.

Personal life of Olga Skabeeva

She prefers not to talk about what happens in the life of the TV presenter behind the scenes, but some facts about her acquaintance with her future husband are known. Olga and Evgeniy were brought together by common work - her future husband, like her, was an employee of Vesti.

In the photo – Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov

Unlike Skabeeva, for whom it was her first marriage to Popov, Evgeniy was already married – to Anastasia Churkina, the daughter of Vitaly Churkin, who worked on the Russia Today TV channel in the USA. They met when Evgeniy worked in New York as a Vesti correspondent and headed the agency's bureau. The young people started dating, then got married, but this marriage was short-lived and did not last very long.

After his divorce from Churkina in 2012, Evgeny Popov returned to Russia and soon met Olga. When their wedding took place, history is silent - no information appeared in the media that the journalists became husband and wife. However, it is reliably known that the married couple Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov have a child - a son, Zakhar, born on January 1, 2014.

Her husband is six years older than Olga, and in him she sees true support not only in her personal life, but also professionally.

Their family union has long grown into a creative one - together they look good in the format of the 60 Minutes program, complementing each other.

However, the fact that the hosts are a married couple is outwardly completely invisible, and for many this was a real discovery.

Olga Skabeeva - short biography

Olga comes from the Volgograd region, the city of Volzhsk, where she was born on December 11, 1984. She always dreamed of becoming a journalist, and her professional biography began in the Volga newspaper “City Week”.

After school, Olga Skabeeva entered the journalism department of the State University in St. Petersburg, from which she graduated with honors. During her studies, she began working in the program “Vesti St. Petersburg”, and after graduation she got a job in the editorial office of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

From the very beginning, Skabeeva declared herself as a talented journalist - in 2007, Olga won the “Prospect of the Year” nomination in the “Golden Pen” competition, and received the St. Petersburg government’s youth award. The following year, Skabeeva became a laureate in the “Investigative Journalism” nomination of the “Profession – Reporter” competition.

On the Rossiya-1 TV channel, Olga hosted her own program “Vesti.doc”, which became the forerunner of the “60 Minutes” project, built in the format of a studio discussion.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are the hosts of a popular talk show on the Russia 1 channel. The program "60 Minutes", which airs on weekdays, regularly discusses the main political events that have happened or are happening in the world. Experts in one field or another are constantly invited to the studio, depending on the topic of the program. Often the temperature on the set goes through the roof due to the inability of the debating parties to come to a common opinion.

However, few people know that journalists Evgeniy Popov and Olga Skabeeva are a married couple. On the air of the program they co-host, this is not felt at all, which speaks of a high level of professionalism. Both graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and for many years have been taking part in serious and successful television projects, usually dedicated to politics and social issues.

Evgeny Popov. Biography

Popov Evgeniy Georgievich (09/11/1978) - a native of the city of Vladivostok. From school I was familiar with my future profession - after school I worked on the radio. Graduated from Far Eastern. In parallel with his studies, he worked on local television.

Having received a diploma from DSU in 2000, he was accepted into the Vesti team of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company as a correspondent in the capital of the Primorsky Territory, shortly after which he moved to Moscow.

International journalist

During his career as a political commentator, Evgeniy Georgievich Popov worked in many cities and countries: North Korea, the United States of America, etc. He is known for his anti-opposition views. For a long time he covered the unstable situation in Ukraine, which resulted in the “Orange Revolution” and the illegal seizure of power by opponents of Viktor Yanukovych’s political views.

All television programs to which Popov is in one way or another related, unlike many similar (but unfounded) ones, are always supported by stories and interviews with influential people on the world stage. It is felt that the journalist delves deeply into the area of ​​the issue under study and does not make customized, but honest, truthful reports. It is not surprising that many people do not like this material. The Ukrainian authorities, for example, included him in the sanctions list for public statements about their attitude towards the inclusion of the Crimea peninsula into the Russian Federation and the military operations that have been taking place on the territory of Donbass for several years.

“News at 23:00”, “Special Correspondent”, “News of the Week” - this is a list of just some of the well-known projects in which Evgeny Popov took part.

Olga Skabeeva. Biography

Skabeeva Olga Vladimirovna (12/11/1984) was born in the Volgograd region (Volzhsk). She acquired her first journalistic skills while working in the editorial office of a local newspaper, where she wrote articles.

She graduated from a higher educational institution in St. Petersburg with honors, after which her career began at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Winner of the Golden Pen 2007 award in the Perspective of the Year category and the Profession Reporter 2008 award in the Investigative Journalism category.

Before this, the host of “60 Minutes” Olga Skabeeva published her own program “Vesti.doc”. It covered topical topics that not every reporter, especially one from the country’s largest information media holding, would tackle.

Journalist from God

TV viewers were once again convinced that the girl was a journalist by vocation in June 2016, when, having received the consent of the German journalist Hajo Seppelt, who slandered Russian athletes, to give an interview, she was unexpectedly refused in a rather aggressive manner. The reason was Olga’s uncomfortable questions, to which the German paper maker had no answers. The courageous behavior of a journalist who defends the honor of not only athletes from Russia, but also the country as a whole, cannot but arouse respect. The resonance caused by this video certainly made us think about the scandal surrounding our Olympic team not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout Europe.

In one of the few interviews, the journalist gave herself the following description: “Journalism for me is a balanced and thoughtful step. I clearly decided on my choice of profession in the tenth grade. Since then I have lived in terms of goals and achievements. Ambitious and, perhaps, too self-confident - I don’t know. Life will show. I treat everything with irony - this, I think, is the main journalistic quality, in addition to literacy, meticulousness and curiosity, first of all, towards others - I think you need to work hard, otherwise there is no point. I pay great attention to little things. I love to read.”

Interview with the program "Morning of Russia"

Answering questions from Anastasia Chernobrovina and her co-host, 60 Minutes hosts Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov said that in their program they must answer the main question of the day in sixty minutes, and that its similar title (which, by the way, was suggested by Olga) is one way or another otherwise, it forces invited guests to concentrate as much as possible during this time in order to fully develop the topic. The program is broadcast live, and its technical capabilities allow, if necessary, to contact any part of the globe where the most important events are currently taking place. After the end of the broadcast, the viewer should not have any questions about the situation discussed.

When asked by the host of the morning show how two independent journalists manage to host “60 Minutes” so harmoniously, without interrupting each other, the married couple, without thinking for a second, gave the answer: “We don’t agree. That’s how everything works out somehow.” It’s very convenient, and this is probably also a distinctive feature of our show.”

An unsurpassed duet

Indeed, serious disputes often flare up on air, to the point where the participants are almost ready to get personal. However, a married couple, without raising their voices or resorting to the help of security, always manages to calm down their opponents by finding the right words and not allowing the brewing conflict to develop into something more.

The host's charm and tact play an important role in this. Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, for example, when he is in a “state of political passion”, from the numerous staff of the Russia 1 channel, probably only Skabeev is able to stop. Moderately strict and always tactful, she calmly defuses the situation and neutralizes heated “duelists” like a fakir cobra.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. A wedding about which nothing is known

A wedding for any average girl is an event of what seems like her entire life. But Olga Vladimirovna Skabeeva turned out to be a black sheep in this matter. Not a single note in the press, not a single mention on the Internet. The spouses keep this secret behind seven seals. There is only one explanation for this - genuine mutual feelings. Only this reason can push two people to such a reverent attitude towards personal life. When colleagues asked the couple whether the hosts of the 60 Minutes program discussed work issues after the broadcast, they replied: “Only on the way home.” Apparently, at home, the husband and wife are busy with other things, and if they talk, it is on abstract topics.

By the way, in an interview Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are also stubbornly silent about the wedding.

Another mystery

One gets the impression that the couple literally wants to shroud their lives in mystery.

Another point that haunts the audience watching how Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov arrange their lives is children. It is reliably known that the couple are raising a young son. Zakhar was born in 2014, and this, perhaps, is all that can be said, paying attention to this issue, except for the few photographs on social networks in which the baby is present.


If the family union had not developed into a creative one, then the relationship between the two journalists would probably also only be a guess. But viewers of the Russia 1 channel have the opportunity to watch them live every weekday in the studio of the 60 Minutes program. It’s nice to watch this couple work: they never interrupt each other, everyone is always ready to give up the floor to their partner. The presenters begin preparing evening episodes of the program in the morning and sometimes it is not easy to guess the main topic of the day early in the morning, because after lunch the situation in the world can change dramatically. And only thanks to their professional instincts and joint reasoning, they manage to invite relevant guests and experts every time and create a sharp, interesting program.

During the broadcast of the program, the husband and wife literally feel when one of them finishes expressing his thought, and instantly the initiative passes to the other. One complements the other, and at the same time they hardly look into each other’s eyes during the broadcast (apparently, so as not to be distracted themselves and not to distract the viewer).

Evgeniy Georgievich Popov(September 11, 1978, Vladivostok) - Russian television journalist and TV presenter. Currently he hosts the “Special Correspondent” program on the Russia-1 channel.


Evgeny Popov was born on September 11, 1978 in Vladivostok. In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Far Eastern State University. As a student he worked on Primorye television.

Since 2000 - correspondent for Vesti. The first position in the program is a correspondent in Vladivostok. Then he moved to Moscow. He worked in Ukraine as a special correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel. Subsequently, he became a correspondent for the channel in the USA, at first he worked together with Konstantin Semin. He was the head of the New York bureau of Vesti.

In 2013, he continued to work at Vesti as a political commentator. He worked in Kyiv, at Euromaidan, including in the same group with Anton Voloshin, who tragically died in Ukraine in June 2014.

Since the fall of 2013, after reformatting the Vesti+ program, Popov began hosting his own program Vesti at 23:00 instead of Vasily Zhuravlev and Oksana Kuvaeva. Since July 2014, he handed over the position of presenter to Maxim Kiselev. Along the way, he made reports for the “Special Correspondent” program, among them “Telemaidan”, “Blockade. Slavyansk" and others.

In 2014, during the break between the first and second eras of Andrei Kondrashov, he hosted the main evening editions of the Vesti at 20:00 program. During his vacation, this program was hosted by the head of the Berlin bureau of VGTRK, Mikhail Antonov.

Since September 2014, he has been conducting discussions in the studio as part of the television project “Special Correspondent” instead of Arkady Mamontov. In turn, after this Andrei Kondrashov returned to the “News at 20:00” program.

Personal life

He is married to VGTRK correspondent Olga Skabeeva, who came to the federal Vesti together with Salima Zarif. Son Zakhar (born 2014).


Included by Ukraine in the sanctions list for his position on the war in Eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

  1. Larisa Rasputnaya: The Faculty of Journalism of the Far Eastern State University is waiting for new talents. PrimaMedia (April 15, 2010).
  2. A career in television? Everything depends on you!. Careerist (November 19, 2009).
  3. American nostalgia by Evgeniya Popova
  4. Evgeny Popov.
  5. Journalists from the Rossiya-1 TV channel turned to their colleagues for professional solidarity. Jourdome (March 26, 2014).
  6. The circus has left - the commentators remain. Russian State TV is conducting an operation to enforce brotherhood and friendship. Novaya Gazeta (February 27, 2014).
  7. “Maidan is choking.” On Russian TV. Grateful Ukrainians bring awards to Russian television workers. Russian TV crews continue to talk nonsense. Novaya Gazeta (December 13, 2013).
  8. “I dreamed of becoming a cameraman...” Farewell to Anton Voloshin. Vesti FM (June 24, 2014).
  9. About rubbish: “And the one who does not sing with us today is against us.” Novaya Gazeta (February 14, 2014).
  10. Promo “News at 23:00 with Evgeny Popov” of the TV channel “Russia 24”
  11. Dmitry Kiselev is not as scary as his clones. Interlocutor (November 4, 2014).
  12. The man from TV. Politics for housewives is the absolute know-how of Channel One. Echo of Moscow (September 20, 2014).
  13. Vladimir Kara-Murza: Clumsy lies and fantastic fees. Interlocutor (September 30, 2014).
  14. Congratulations to our colleagues: Olga Skabeeva gave birth to her first child. (January 14, 2014).
  15. The Ukrainian authorities have published a list of banned Russian journalists. Rosbalt (August 28, 2014).

Evgeny Popov: biography, personal life - that’s what we’ll talk about below. Nowadays, journalists and TV presenters are remembered very often. First of all, this is due to the scandalous programs that they host, sayings addressed to politicians, and even incorrectly formulated phrases that the audience did not like. Therefore, their work is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

Evgeny Popov is one of the most famous Russian TV presenters. The latest project Evgeniy is working on is the “60 Minutes” program. There is very little information about the personal life and biography of journalist Evgeny Popov, since he only recently became famous.

The TV presenter, along with his programs and TV shows, collects ratings. A huge number of television viewers constantly watch these programs throughout the country. Of course, the personal life and biography of Evgeny Popov does not go unnoticed; he regularly shares his photos on social networks. The person is very open and cheerful.

Working as a correspondent has always been of great importance to him. From an early age, he understood that this was the industry that could bring him fame and popularity.

At the moment, many of Popov's television programs and his role as host are directly related to political and public discussions. He never stays away from all events.

The biography of Evgeny Popov was for some time connected with the personal life of Anastasia Churkina. This marriage did not last long and soon broke up.

Despite all this, the main thing in Popov’s life is to devote himself to his work in full. Working abroad allowed him to reach certain heights; he mastered the English language perfectly. In general, today Evgeny Popov is a full-fledged journalist and specialist in the field of correspondence. In addition to all this, he is actively involved in writing.


The TV presenter was born in the Far East, his hometown is Vladivostok, where he spent most of his life. The intelligent family in which Evgeniy himself lived became for him some kind of start in the future. The career should have turned out very well. Popova’s mother worked at one of the local higher educational institutions. Since childhood, or rather since his school years, Evgeniy has had a passion for journalism. He conducted various interviews, traveled to events, and even began working with print media. All this foreshadowed his work as a TV presenter.

Evgeny Popov - famous TV presenter

As a result, already in his school years he had the opportunity to perform and even communicate with the audience on local radio. This was such an important event for him that Eugene remembers it very often. Oddly enough, he ends up in the journalism department, but not at Moscow State University, but at a local university. He immediately gets a job on one of the local TV channels. Throughout his studies, Evgeniy Popov was engaged only in this work, as it allowed him to achieve good success in his studies.


Then, having received his diploma, he gets a job on the TV show “Vesti”, which is known to many Russian television viewers. His first working trip abroad, he went to North Korea to report. He was never afraid of any difficulties or restrictions. Popov strove to get a good report that TV viewers could really like. He soon got tired of working as a special correspondent in Vladivostok; he wanted something bigger and more ambitious. Well, where should we go if not to Moscow? He was accepted into the Rossiya television company.

Evgeny Popov hosts the Vesti program

His first work trip lasted about three years. In 2003, the management formalized him as a seconded correspondent to Kyiv. The main job is to monitor the political situation in the country. At that time, the Orange Revolution was actively developing, which was of great importance for neighboring states. He was such a valuable employee that no one ever wanted to replace him.

All reports were well-founded, with clearly prepared data. A clear analysis of situations today is carried out by Popov before each release of his program. He understands that people cannot be misled just because of ratings.

In Ukraine, he sometimes had to work in rather difficult conditions. He traveled to the hottest spots in Kyiv and filmed live reports there; trips to North Korea as a youth helped him understand how to work in such situations. In general, Evgeniy Popov had already developed as a journalist at that time. He could easily work in a wide variety of conditions without any difficulties. It was this factor that helped him reach such heights. Today he recalls with pleasure the time when he worked in Kyiv.

Already in 2005, he returned and received the position of news columnist, which was published once a week. In 2007, he will have a working trip to New York. This was not political news, but simple coverage of events taking place in society. Of course, Evgeny Popov did his job very well and many predicted a great future for him, despite the fact that he had already achieved a lot at that time. Working at Russian television and radio stations brought him certain advantages, since he wanted to devote his life to news and similar programs.

Of course, the biography of Evgeny Popov also contains information about his personal life and his talent as a writer. Today, almost nothing is known about his books, since he published them in small editions and distributed them only to those closest to him. But written scripts and other texts for author's programs are also a kind of art. In general, Evgeny Popov has proven his worth as a full-fledged specialist in the field of correspondence and journalism. Working abroad, he had enough time to write his own poems or short passages for future books.

Journalist Evgeny Popov is going to release a book from which you can learn about his biography and personal life. This is his personal decision, which he has been thinking about for a very long time. Of course, it will not be released soon, but it will include a very large number of facts and stories. Of course, he wants to make some kind of original, innovative book project that has never been used before. Many fans and admirers of his work are looking forward to this event.

The author’s program, which he worked on independently, appeared four years ago and was called “News at 23:00.” Since the channel was completely news, there was no way to come up with something unique. His work was recognized as one of the best. He also worked as a presenter in the television program “Special Correspondent”; this project was quite popular, as events of great importance for society were examined and discussed here. Recently, he has been working on the talk show “60 Minutes”, together with his host O. Skabeeva.

Popov worked as a presenter in the TV show “Special Correspondent”

In 2016, a short documentary film “Medialiteracy” appeared on TV screens, which was completely developed and prepared by Evgeny Popov. He always tried to present the audience with something new and interesting, but at the same time he never embellished events, he spoke as it was. The film itself revealed some of the factors of the information war that is taking place all over the world today. Many publications and television corporations saw this as the modern reality of television and the media. The project received universal recognition, despite the fact that it was aired in the “Special Correspondent” program.

Life in the United States of America seemed like a fairy tale to him, but when he found out how much was going on, his opinion changed. Since he was engaged in public news, not a single crime or other social event passed him by. All this made it possible to understand the essence of the American nation and that they do not live better there than in the Russian Federation. But here the first happiness in his life happened, when he met Churkina. This was an event for him that he had dreamed about for a long time. Evgeny Popov met his first wife in America, she played a huge influence on his personal life and biography.

Personal life

The personal life of Evgeny Popov in the first stages of his career development did not work out, he did not have children, and the section of his biography about marriage remained empty. Life changed when he went on a work trip to New York, where he lived for a long time. Far from his loved ones, he struggled to communicate with native Russian speakers. The meeting with Anastasia Churkina allowed them to communicate in their native language, and it was this factor that brought them closer and closer. Subsequently, communication grew into love and marriage. Anastasia Churkina herself has spoken more than once about how much she loves her snake. They had no children together.

Anastasia Churkina - the first wife of E. Popov

While working in America, Evgeny Popov met his first wife. Anastasia Churkina, the daughter of the UN permanent representative and an employee of the Russia Today TV channel, dated Evgeniy for quite a long time, then there was a wedding, but everything collapsed at one point. In 2012, they filed for divorce. This event somehow influenced the journalist himself; he became more responsible and attentive to many people. The divorce took place in America, so he was not there for a long time and returned to his homeland. This greatly disappointed Evgeny himself, who was in some bewilderment for a very long time after the divorce. He himself did not understand why he had to part with the woman of his dreams.

For a long time, Evgeny Popov was completely alone. He devoted himself almost completely to his work, but it is clear that creative people cannot be alone for a long time. What is needed is communication that provides some opportunity for ideas and development of perspectives. Many fans are interested in the biography, personal life, height and weight of Evgeniy Popov, this information is certainly interesting, but he practically does not talk about his family. After a certain time, he still found exactly that love, or maybe he just hid the relationship from the very beginning.

The second wife Olga Skabeeva is also a television worker. They have a common son, Zakhar, and a joint television project.

Olga Skabeeva is the current wife of Evgeniy Popov

We can say that Evgeny Popov found his happiness, which he had been looking for for a very long time. Family is of great importance to him and Eugene always treated his wives with tenderness.

We can say that the work of a correspondent allowed him not only to achieve high results, but also to arrange his personal life.

They are currently raising a son together and are very happy to work and live together. Many people say that people are annoying when they are at work and at home together, the Popov family is a clear refutation of this rule.

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