Vector psychology personality types test. Test – system vector psychoanalysis of personality (test for determining system vectors)

System-vector psychology is a continuation of Freud’s theory about the stages of personality development associated with two centers of pleasure - oral and anal. The authors of this system, Yu. Burlan and V. Tolkachev, continued their study of this area, suggesting that there are 6 other pleasure centers. In their opinion, all human aspirations associated with these centers act independently of each other in all periods of life. Systemic vector psychology includes 8 vectors for determining personality type, including: sound, visual, skin, olfactory, oral, muscular, urethral and anal.

Systemic vector psychology: 8 vectors and their descriptions

Sound vector represents a closed personality type, focused on himself and his feelings. He can be arrogant and arrogant. In speech of the sound type, the pronoun “I” is most often heard. This type of personality, unlike all others, does not have material desires; its main desire is to know one’s Self.

Visual vector symbolizes a sensual type of personality that constantly experiences strong emotional shocks. It is about such people that they say “makes a molehill out of a molehill.” This type of personality likes to scare himself. He is afraid of death and everything connected with it. If in childhood the state of “fear” was too strong, then this attitude may persist into adulthood.

Skin vector represents a personality type that prefers to save. Moreover, he often does this thoughtlessly, because of which he can lose a lot. Strives for the role of leader in order to completely control the situation. The main feature is stinginess.

Olfactory vector expresses a personality type that divides everything in the surrounding world into “pleasant” and “unpleasant.” He listens to his intuition and does not trust people. Tries to think through all possible options in order to avoid dangerous life trends.

Oral vector represents a person-orator who knows how to speak and convince, inspires confidence. He may say stupid things, distort his words or make mistakes, but thanks to his special delivery, there will always be listeners around him. This type has a bright minus - he does not know how to keep secrets.

Muscle vector characterizes a personality type that loves monotonous physical work to achieve its goals. He can be content with little if everything happens without change. One of the obvious disadvantages is the lack of motivation to improve life positions.

Urethral vector- This is a type of personality that does not demand anything for itself. A representative of this vector does not need any forms of ownership, because he does not feel anything attractive in it. He sees himself only in the role of a leader. The ideological desire is to lead and give, improve, give. Among the shortcomings: reluctance to look back at one’s own mistakes and change one’s mind.

Anal vector represents a type of personality characterized by excessive conservatism. He is sure: everything that was before is better than all innovations. The greatest pleasure comes from old memories. Engaged in the accumulation, transmission and preservation of information from the past. It can be cruel.

The test is a systemic vector psychoanalysis of personality (a test for determining systemic vectors). Systematic vector psychology vector identification test

Yuri Burlan, vector-system psychology. System-vector psychology, vector determination test

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, whose books have become quite popular recently, is based on S. Freud’s concept of psychosexuality. Let's take a closer look at it.

general characteristics

The author of the theory calls understanding the innate properties and abilities of each child as one of the key conditions for the proper upbringing of children. System-vector psychology helps to acquire the necessary knowledge in this area. Vectors are types of "directionality". They indicate what a person likes and gives him pleasure. Self-realization is carried out through a certain role in society. The concept that the author proposes acts as an applied science. It promotes the rapid development of the mechanisms of functioning of the unconscious, its manifestations in each individual, at the level of a couple, group, and society. As a result of assimilation of knowledge, an adult’s thinking is transformed into an objective view of what is happening. There is an acceptance and full understanding of the behavior of others and their life priorities. Vector-system psychology allows a parent to better understand their child and raise him so that his potential is maximally realized.

The essence of the concept

What is system-vector psychology based on? Tolkachev (co-author of the theory) and other researchers of the problem of education develop the idea that each person is born with specific given properties. They determine a person’s life scenario, his behavior and character. These properties are divided into 8 groups. Each of them combines characteristics depending on the role played in society. It, in turn, expresses the goal of humanity, which is survival. Each group (vector) has a connection with a specific sensitive area. It predetermines the method by which a person obtains or deduces information about himself and the world that surrounds him. The innate characteristics of an individual do not change their nature during life. However, they can appear in different forms.

Basic provisions

Vector-system psychology includes the concepts of the formation and subsequent implementation of directional characteristics, on which the actual behavior of the carrier depends. A person whose properties remain undeveloped will act according to the opposite scenario compared to a developed individual. In accordance with this, the life scenario develops. A person can become a thief or a judge, a genius or a schizophrenic, a rapist or a wonderful family man, and so on. Properties develop up to and including puberty. After this, the characteristics can either be filled/implemented or not. In the first case, vector-system psychology involves the use of innate properties, due to which a person receives satisfaction and remains in a state of harmony. All this suggests that key characteristics are laid down from an early age and improved until full puberty. The main role in this process belongs to parents. It is they who shape the conditions of the world surrounding the child during this period.

Getting to know the characteristics

The identification of properties begins with a description of their expression during the period of the primitive pack. This allows us to understand the primary, initial state, which is set from birth. In this way, one can trace the development of mental characteristics that has taken place as the world has become more complex over the past few thousand years.

Nuances of understanding

The question of competent upbringing of children in classical psychology provoked the emergence of many methods of child development. However, some of them clearly contradict each other. Their ineffectiveness and the misconceptions that arise are due to the fact that they do not have an established definition of the “normality” of a child. There are no absolute signs by which a person at an early age is considered mentally healthy, and his behavior is recognized as adequate, nor vice versa. In this regard, over the past half century, both early sexual activity and rejection of innate gender identity have been included in the category of acceptability. What does Yu. Burlan offer in this case? System-vector psychology defines the concept of norm in a differentiated way, according to the innate characteristics of the child. This prevents harm that parents can cause to the development of their children, and also allows for the most effective educational methods to be identified at an early stage.


  1. The child does not inherit characteristics from the parents and may have completely different properties.
  2. The main task of adults is to provide children with safe conditions and a state of security. Otherwise, development slows down, distorts or stops.
  3. Methods of education and training must correspond to innate characteristics.
  4. The consequences of mental trauma received before puberty can be neutralized or alleviated through systemic interaction.
  5. Children are representatives of the next generation. This means that the innate strength of desire and their potential is significantly higher than that of the parents.
  6. In everyday communication, upbringing and development of a child, the key is the systematic thinking of older family members. This is especially true for the mother, since she is the main person in life until the end of puberty.

Let's consider some groups that are distinguished by system-vector psychology. The vector identification test contains specific questions. According to the answers to them, belonging to one or another type is established.


The specific role of such a child is to create and store food reserves. He has a logical type of thinking. System-vector psychology defines mobility and activity as the innate properties of such a child. He has sensitive skin and a flexible body, which predetermines his choice of dancing and sports. Such a child is quite stingy with emotions and words. He is characterized by short, succinct phrases. It is important for parents to teach him the rules and show him boundaries.

Life values

How do the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan characterize them? The test shows that with the development of the innate qualities of a “skin maker,” a child grows into an engineer, legislator, and successful manager. He knows how to both obey and subjugate, disciplines himself and those around him. If a child is punished by beating, he will develop a craving for masochism. If his qualities are underdeveloped, he becomes a thief, an alcoholic, and girls grow up to be prostitutes.

The necessary conditions

Vector-system psychology formulates a number of rules for the normal development of a child with skin. First of all, he should be accustomed to routine and discipline. Exercise will be key. In the process of education, the author of the concept recommends that parents agree on incentives for the child to perform certain actions. The most acceptable punishment may be restriction in time and space.

Urethral direction

Children of this type tend to take responsibility for life and strive to expand their living space. This is exactly the description given by system-vector psychology. The vector determination test shows non-standard tactical thinking. Such children are bundles of energy and desire to live. They are characterized by a dominant look, their eyes always sparkle. Body temperature is always elevated. Such children do not recognize authorities; they are uncontrollable. At the same time, if parents choose the right approach, they will raise a very responsible person. Such children react with lightning speed both mentally and physically. They do not feel restrictions, and therefore do not perceive danger. This, in turn, causes a high mortality rate due to negligence. A person of this type with developed innate abilities is able to lead people. Quite often, such children grow up to be directors of large enterprises. If the innate characteristics are undeveloped, the child experiences pressure or violence from adults in childhood, he runs away from home. Such children often become leaders of criminal associations. An emphasis on responsibility is the main condition for development, which system-vector psychology assumes for them. Books describing the concept contain detailed comments and recommendations for parents of such children. The authors believe that adults should not persistently demand obedience; it is only necessary to guide the child’s actions.

Muscular direction

Physical labor is the main guideline that system-vector psychology sets for such children. The direction test indicates two main states: rage or monotony. In the latter case, a person has a tendency to work hard. He can perform the same work every day, every year. Such people do not have their own opinion; they will act as they were taught. Choices in life will depend on who influences the child's development. The thinking of such children is characterized as visually effective. They do exactly as they were shown. This property must be taken into account during the learning process. These children cannot be called stupid. They have a specific way of thinking. It is thanks to him that only they can do the job so consistently. With developed innate properties, such children grow up to be very hardworking specialists. They build, plow the land, work in the mines. They do not have high demands; what they were able to get by working with their hands is enough for them. If a child is not taught to work, then he can grow into a dangerous criminal authority. He will easily end up in a criminal gang, where he will show his physical strength.

Impressionable children

They are characterized by a visual vector. In system-vector psychology, such children are classified as bright extroverts. For them, rapid mood swings are considered common. Such children have a highly developed fear of death. With illiterate upbringing, it transforms into persistent phobias. Many such children are afraid of the dark and refuse to sleep with the lights off. This is explained by the fact that their visual analyzer cannot distinguish the threat and ensure safety. Such children have a well-developed imagination. They easily come up with different stories and bring inanimate objects to life. The main task in life is to understand the world. That is why the main zone of perception is the eyes. As a rule, they are large and expressive. These children like everything beautiful and are prone to coquetry. The most important aspect for them is the establishment of emotional connections. It can be created with inanimate objects, and with people, and with animals. The immune system of such children is weak, so they are the first to catch viral diseases. With developed innate characteristics, they grow into deeply feeling, loving and sincere people. Intimidation and reading scary fairy tales have a negative impact on them. Having become fixated on such emotions, a person begins to choose horror films himself, goes to a cemetery at night, reads dark books, and so on.

Sound direction

Children of this vector are characterized by abstract thinking. They begin to be interested quite early in the meaning of life, the existence of people, and their purpose. Subsequently, these kinds of questions can be pushed to the unconscious level. However, they become especially acute during puberty. Sound children are uncommunicative and thoughtful. They prefer privacy. Their faces often do not reflect any emotions, but this does not mean at all that they do not exist. During the first half of the day, such children, as a rule, are lethargic and somewhat inhibited. It is quite difficult for them to concentrate on the first lessons. Due to this, they are at risk of becoming academically unsuccessful, despite having a fairly strong mind. With normal development, children exhibit good intellectual abilities. Exact sciences and languages ​​are easy for them. With developed innate characteristics, geniuses grow out of them. Such people become outstanding physicists, scientists, writers, and philosophers. Noise and screaming hinder their development. Children perceive them very painfully. As a result, they withdraw into themselves and distance themselves from the world around them. Their condition becomes tense and depression appears. Drug addiction is possible and headaches are common. These children are at risk for autism and schizophrenia.

Oral direction

Such children are cheerful and talkative. They are always on the rise and can join any team. It is important for them to find listeners. If someone interrupts them, they tend to compress the information so that they can get it all out before they are interrupted. Therefore, their speech becomes incoherent and rapid. These children have increased sensitivity of the mouth and lips. They like to touch them. They can come up with a story on the fly and are easily deceived. They need all this to attract attention. Children with developed qualities become actors, TV presenters, and speakers. They are knowledgeable about food. In the case of undeveloped intelligence, children become buffoons who never shut up for a minute. They even talk while eating.

System-vector psychology: reviews

It should be noted that the concept has become quite widespread in Russia. Its author conducts seminars, lectures, and courses. He has created a large number of video tutorials. Online trainings are also conducted. Seminars and lectures are attended by both ordinary people who have absolutely no understanding of psychology, as well as specialists, doctors, and psychiatrists. Most of them speak positively about the work of Yu. Burlan. Lectures help people cope with problems that have arisen in the family and reconsider their approaches to education. Nevertheless, there are also those who negatively evaluate all this activity. For example, Vyacheslav Yunev is different in this regard. System-vector psychology, in his opinion, is an attack on human consciousness. Streams of criticism were directed at the author of the concept. However, some of his angry articles were refuted both by followers of the theory and by those people who were able to solve family problems with the help of system-vector psychology.

Test to determine your vector

Hello Maria!

Of course, there are no tests for vectors and those who do this are simply profanators. Why? Let's take a closer look

1. When answering a test, a person lies at least three times: firstly, because often (almost always) he doesn’t have the slightest idea about himself, and all his reasoning about himself is just a rationalization of his actions. Secondly, when answering the test, he will most likely proceed not from his natural properties, but from superstructures inspired by the environment, mentality, media, etc. Well, and finally, thirdly, he’s just lying)) So all these tests can be regarded as entertainment, nothing more) They don’t give any real insight into the properties of the human psyche

2. Tests are a kind of “horoscope” - someone tells you what you are like, and you try to adjust it to your feelings. In system-vector psychology, no one tells you who you are, what you are like. It is strictly forbidden to assign vectors to another person, as this takes away his inner work and deprives him of the pleasure of knowing himself and the world around him. Besides, perhaps you were identified incorrectly, and then you are tormented by doubts? This is the wrong approach. The human psyche is not a toy. Yuri Burlan never talks to his students about their vector set until they themselves have said to themselves, for example, “I am visual” or “I am skin-sound.” SVP is a way of thinking, it either exists and then systemic things are clear and observable, or it doesn’t, and then all that remains is to “believe” someone, which has no meaning or result.

3. Sometimes people write about vector percentages and vector “acceptance,” but such concepts do not exist in Systemic Vector Psychology. If there is a vector, then there is, if not, then no, and somehow it is impossible to acquire it for yourself, the vector set is innate and does not change. “Here I am a leader, I have a urethral vector, but I don’t accept it in myself and that’s why I sit at home” - this is nonsense.

4. And even if some test gives a couple of vector names, without understanding their content, the vector names are just empty words.. In any case, this test doesn’t tell you anything - because you don’t know what stands behind these vector names.

The goal of the training in system-vector psychology is to teach you to think systemically, so as not to depend on test results or people who have completed the training... and, moreover, to understand for yourself what your vector set is and how it manifests itself..

The only method is deep awareness. Defining yourself is the most difficult thing; it requires a lot of mental and mental effort. It is also difficult to identify our loved ones, since we have already attached our stamps and anchors to them, it is unpleasant to realize that they are completely different, and what motivates them is not at all what we assumed before.

What is awareness and how does this process occur? On the website two free lectures are given, on the skin and anal vector (there are many such people around, some of the most clear first observations often occur with their example) After the first lecture, it may already seem that everyone around is a skin specialist . And after the second one you already see - no, not everything! And so you gradually begin to see and differentiate the people around you, not based on tests and not trusting anyone, but because you see it clearly and clearly on your own. Further more. At first you see funny things, you can tell a person about him, but he thinks that you are spying on him. Afterwards you discover that this knowledge is deep, there are many nuances and combinations. Vectors form complexes. There are such concepts as the development phase, the mental superstructure... And you don’t have to believe in anything! You see all this with your own eyes. You understand that there is no need to deceive yourself, there is no need to hang on to yourself what is not there... there is a desire to know what really is...

When you complete the training, you will have a clear awareness of your own self, a sense of your nature. This causes enormous delight and joy of life. And this is a sustainable result. And the test is just stupidity, you may just think that I have determined my vector set and now I know everything, but in reality this “I know everything” does not give anything..

Test – system vector psychoanalysis of personality (test for determining system vectors)

Is it possible to determine your vectors without delving into the knowledge of systemic vector psychology? Is there an accurate test for identifying system vectors? Is it possible? If necessary? How big is the chance of error? Can systemic vector psychoanalysis replace the test?

And in general, why define vectors?

So, each of the eight vectors has its own qualities, signs and characteristics, each vector is designated on the body by its own erogenous zone. Based on this information, you can create a test to determine the vector set.

But the problem is that there are no accurate tests - the temptation for each test taker to take wishful thinking is too great. This is why test results are often not true. The test for determining system vectors is even more incapable of giving accurate answers. It is very tempting to confuse and replace, for example, skin ambitions and the mental superstructure of the urethral mentality with the presence of a urethral vector. Or visual curiosity and attraction to esoteric knowledge with sound search. Or even the silence of a muscleman with the isolation of an introverted sound artist - and this has happened.

But the main thing is not this at all. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the task of systemic vector psychology is not to determine vectors. The task of systemic vector psychology is a holistic three-dimensional description of reality based on the idea of ​​eight measures, and eight vectors are only partial manifestations of each of the measures. In other words, we study what is hidden behind the name, and identifying vectors in ourselves and other people is a consequence of deep knowledge about a person, and not its main task.

Can the test accommodate systemic vector psychoanalysis?

Even if we assume purely hypothetically that a whole team of systemic psychologists worked on creating such a test, and that they managed to incorporate systemic vector psychoanalysis into this test (all its depth, all its volume and multidimensionality), what would the user of this product get as a result? The answer is a list of its vectors.

However, defining vectors without a fundamental understanding of them is nothing more than labeling. The team of the portal of systemic vector psychology Yuri Burlan warns about the ineffectiveness of superficial perception of information about vectors, because deep knowledge about the human psyche cannot be put into test format.

The volume and depth of the concept of “vector” is something that must be taken into account before the test

Before describing the external manifestations of each of the facets of the eight-dimensional matrix of the psyche (below I present a kind of test for determining system vectors), the reader must understand that a vector is not some kind of static unit. An undeveloped and unrealized person is always the opposite of a developed and realized person with exactly the same vectors. In addition, the parameters of development and realization are also not fixed; they have many gradations and corresponding variants of external manifestations.

The depth of systemic vector psychology allows a person to get to know himself and other people, allows him to get rid of all kinds of psychological problems, but does not allow him to fit into the framework of the test. There is no technology that could allow the creation of such a test that could take into account all levels of development and states of vectors and their mixtures.

The goal of systemic knowledge is to go beyond one’s own rationalizations, that is, to get out of the trap of narrow consciousness, to realize what is hidden in the unconscious. Is it possible to achieve this goal with a test?

Test for determining system vectors

Short characteristics of the lower vectors in the developed state.

Skin vector.

  • Sensitive and delicate skin (erogenous zone).
  • Moderate libido.
  • Thinking according to the benefit-benefit principle.
  • Developed logic (only he).
  • Provider, hunter, innovator.
  • Ambitious, striving for material and social superiority.
  • Flexibility of mind and body, good metabolism.
  • Resourcefulness, high adaptability to changes in the landscape.
  • Needs a novelty factor.

Urethral vector.

  • High libido, polygamous.
  • Irrational thinking.
  • Leader (chief).
  • Mercy, giving according to lack.
  • He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of the pack (as a result, he does not value life and his health).
  • There are no properties to limit.
  • Bad habits are disastrous for him - he always goes to increase.

Anal vector.

  • High libido (double inhibited), monogamous.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Rigid psyche, slow metabolism.
  • Congenital tendency to be overweight, wide bones.
  • The ability to accumulate and transfer knowledge.
  • Perseverance.
  • Perfectionism, thoroughness, attention to detail.
  • One of the highest values ​​is family.
  • Changes in the landscape and the factor of novelty cause stress and stupor.

Muscle vector.

  • Low libido.
  • Erogenous zone – muscles.
  • Strong physique, great physical strength.
  • Visual-effective (practical) thinking.
  • The “salt of the earth” man is a plowman, builder, warrior.
  • We control (anal business executive in peacetime and skin leader in wartime).

Short characteristics of the upper vectors in the developed state.

Visual vector.

  • Sensitive eyes (erogenous zone) - distinguishes more shades of colors than others.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Sensitivity, “wet eyes.”
  • Huge emotional amplitude.
  • Tendency to fears and hysterics (in stressful situations).
  • Demonstrativeness, the desire to stand out, to attract attention.
  • High intelligence.
  • Sincerity, openness, kindness, the ability to compassion.
  • Amorousness, the ability to love.
  • The desire and ability to create emotional connections.
  • There is snobbery and arrogance.

Sound vector

  • The erogenous zone is the ear. Sensitive hearing
  • Abstract thinking.
  • Philosophical views, seeks an answer to the question of the meaning of life.
  • Introvert.
  • Mimic face (lack of facial expressions).
  • In poor conditions he suffers from migraines and insomnia. May become depressed (for years).

Oral vector.

  • Erogenous zone – mouth, lips.
  • Verbal intelligence (thinks by speaking).
  • Sensitive taste buds, gourmet.
  • Good speaker, ability to persuade.
  • Sense of humor.
  • Extrovert.
  • He knows how to ridicule (discredit) anything and anyone.

Olfactory vector.

  • Thinking is intuitive, non-verbal.
  • The erogenous zone is the nose (smell).
  • All strong odors are unpleasant (everything stinks, especially people).
  • He himself is unpleasant to others.
  • Secretive in every sense, introvert.
  • Inconspicuous appearance.
  • Smart.
  • Melancholic.

For a more detailed description of vectors, see Wikipedia.

If signs of a vector appear in a person, then it is likely that he has this vector. But the possibility of making a mistake is too great. Moreover, whatever one may say, the test is not systematically carried out by vector psychoanalysis. This means that it does not solve any psychological problems. Practical benefits come from awareness of oneself and others, which is what happens in the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using training materials on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Psychological test for vector determination

You may be upset, but this test does not work, like all “psychological tests”, they are also modified fortune telling on coffee grounds. The mental unconscious is not an arithmetic problem and cannot be revealed to a guessing woman even with a calculator and a psychology degree in her pocket.

Of course, we can give you another label. Phlegmatic-choleric sanguine, Dreiser - Napoleon - Huxley and say: that's it, now you know how to live your life!

But no label provides universal guidance, and no label reflects the real state of affairs for a number of reasons:

First of all, we are all on time. First of all, take time for yourself. By filling out the test, we fit ourselves into other people’s and our ideas of what we should be.

Secondly, we understand different things by the same words. Each of us has our own understanding of justice, happiness, our own rating scales, which also vary depending on time and circumstances.

Thirdly, no test can cover all manifestations of human nature. We can measure objective parameters of our own body. But with what objective scales and from all sides can the human psyche be measured? Each coordinate system overlooks many other indicators.

Hoping that passing the test will somehow help us in life is at least naive. Although there is such a temptation, of course. We want some kind of ground under our feet, some kind of landmarks - everything is too confusing and foggy.

System-vector psychology will give you an amazingly accurate and daily applicable coordinate system, a support in your life.

But he will do this not with the help of a test, hanging another label - but by giving you a fundamentally new, SYSTEMIC VISION OF THE WORLD.

For the first time, systemic vector psychology will allow you to look at the world through the eyes of absolutely any person. You will not rationalize other people's behavior based on your point of view, you will learn to see exactly why the other acts in one way or another. In the same way, for the first time you will learn not to rationalize, but to accurately understand your conditions in detail.

You will no longer have causeless blues, you will no longer be confused by the behavior of others, you will no longer have constant tension from the fact that your point of view does not coincide with the point of view of others. You will understand any person more than he understands himself. You will interact with everyone as complementarily as possible, which means building happy couple relationships, raising happy children, being successful at work, and generally enjoying life and communication.

Who compiles tests on System-Vector Psychology and why?

Considering the ineffectiveness and crudeness of any test, we say that any test in system-vector psychology is pure profanity, created with the aim of defrauding you of money.

Today, around any phenomenon, many spiteful critics gather and many people want to profit. SVP is no exception.

Why should I believe you?

In a world of misinformation and deception, there is only one way to verify the effectiveness of a technique - to familiarize yourself with the results of the people who used it.

Systemic vector psychology today means THOUSANDS OF RESULTS of real people who left reviews under their photographs, names and surnames. Thousands of detailed, sincere results and confessions.

You can view the results here:

If not a test, then what? Where to begin?

We recommend starting your acquaintance with systemic vector psychology with basic articles on vectors. Each article not only brings together characteristics, but paints a portrait of the owner of a particular vector.

Basic articles:

Sound vector

Visual vector

Skin vector

Olfactory vector

Oral vector

Muscle vector

Urethral vector

Anal vector

Free lectures are always an event. Each one brings together thousands of real people from all over the globe. Each lecture is rich in information and is of great interest. No lecture repeats another.

Many people testify that after the introductory lectures they receive their first results - from a significant improvement in relationships with loved ones to the weakening of psychosomatic diseases.

Lectures are held in online format. To participate you need internet and 2-3 hours of time.

Do you want to continue playing with children's blocks and being fooled? Take SVP tests. Have you decided to study seriously and want results? Welcome to free training!

You can sign up for free lectures here:

Determine your vector = find out your fate without a horoscope

Very often, at free introductory lectures on system-vector psychology, students ask the same questions: “What is my vector?”, “How to determine my vector?”, “I love this and that, what vector is this? " Those who have already listened to the lectures of the first level of the training are perplexed: “What is the point of defining your vectors when there is still no understanding of their essence?”

And, as usually happens, both sides are right. The former are right that defining your own vector or set of vectors makes life much easier (we’ll talk about this a little further), while the latter know for sure that it is useless to attach a label to yourself without deep study of each vector.

Define your vector. For what?

So, why does a person need to determine his vector?

This is the way it is in the world; everyone is born with a place in society “prepared” for him in advance. Of course, not as some would like, for parents to reserve a title, money and a position at court as a gift for the newborn.

Children are born with the desires and abilities that society needs - five healthy strong farmers, a couple of cheeky silent people with golden hands and a phenomenal memory, well, and others, as required. But a person is born, albeit with given properties, but only to develop the given is the task of parents and teachers. So that all talents are revealed, so that the little man learns to be a big man, to fulfill his role and, most importantly, to be happy in his place.

Actually, a vector is a group of natural properties and desires. The little man was lucky, his parents guessed right with their upbringing methods - he will be happy and respected in society. And if not? Will be known as a loser. I'm sure everyone knows such people - no matter what they undertake, everything turns out badly. In this case, system-vector psychology can help both parents in determining the child’s vectors in order to avoid mistakes, and the already grown “loser” in correcting behavior.

It is no less important to determine your vectors in the case when a seemingly successful person from time to time has serious “failures” in fate or constantly wants “know-no-what.”

Define your vector. When everything is fine, but...

For example, my not very close friend Marina, a pronounced skin-visual madam in a not very developed state. She leads a corresponding lifestyle - she conquers men left and right, drives them crazy, works as a sales manager and spends all her free time on photo shoots and parties. One “but” that I found out about completely by accident is that Marina has epilepsy, and besides, her relatives complain about her periodic fits of unbearable criticism.

That's how it goes! It turns out that there is also an anal vector that requires attention - suppressed desires that do not fit into the image of her ideal self. To determine your vector in a timely manner in this case would mean the development and implementation of properties in the best possible way.

Example two: Elena Petrovna, the classic anal-visual “ideal mother.” A soft smile, the kindest eyes and super care for her children, grandchildren and husband. Anyone who catches her eye will be wrapped in warmth, fed, given water, wrapped in a scarf, and will receive pies with them. Fabulous woman! And Elena Petrovna’s innocent “hobby” – rearranging the furniture in the apartment several times a month and constantly changing the curtains – somehow doesn’t really bother anyone. The skin vector's thirst for change found this way out. There is nothing to be done - what is given requires implementation. Due to the prevailing life circumstances, Elena Petrovna had to “forget” about the specific role of the skin-visual woman-dream, which had been developed over centuries.

Could Elena Petrovna's life have been more complete? Undoubtedly! And perhaps the children would not complain so much about their mother’s suffocating care.

There are many such examples that can be given.

Define your vector. What will this give me?

The question is correct. Each of us thinks that “I’m not like others” and therefore we want to hear all the recommendations individually. And individual recommendations are possible only in one case - when you yourself undergo training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Otherwise, all definitions of vectors will have no more meaning than a test from a women's magazine, and recommendations will be perceived at the level of a horoscope from there. The world is changing so rapidly that a lack of understanding of your needs can throw you far from your desired place in the sun. Even if everything is going well now.

A vector is not just a list of character traits. Anyone who has completed training in system-vector psychology, naming a vector or a bunch of vectors, understands a person’s entire worldview, his character and possible life scenarios, including things that are impossible under any circumstances. To determine your vector means to know yourself. A vector is complete information about a person, his physiological characteristics and way of thinking.

Is it possible to convey this in a nutshell or briefly describe it in an article? Just realize the properties of each vector. In yourself and in others. Then you won’t need any recommendations, you will have a complete understanding of all the options and possibilities. And all the “I don’t know what I want” will definitely disappear.

Define your vector. How?

So we moved on to the main question - how to determine its vector. From what was written above, it is clear that the vector cannot be determined by any tests. The error rate is too high. From descriptions and articles, many properties are recognizable in oneself, but not all. And there is also a high probability of “attributing too much to yourself, which sometimes is fraught with no less problems than persistently not noticing the properties of any vector in yourself.

Someday, system-vector psychology will become as obvious in understanding as the difference between birds and fish and fish and insects is obvious to modern man. Without any description, we understand where the cockroach is and where the dog is, and even a child won’t confuse it. But for now, it is only possible to correctly determine your vector, and more often than not it is a set of three or four vectors, only at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

And, alas, trying to figure it out on your own using articles or videos will not only not lead to results, but will confuse you even more in the illusions of false ideas. Especially if you come across sites of profaners who decide to make extra money from strangers. Yes, you will be able to determine your vector with a high degree of probability, but this definition will not be filled with meaning, will not become an internal sensation and... at best, will not affect your life in any way.

For those who have completed Yuri Burlan’s training, the difference between people with different vectors becomes obvious, and the number of results after the training proves: UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF IS NOT A LUXURY, BUT A CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL.

These are not loud phrases - the experience of many people from different cities (and even countries) of different ages with different levels of education confirms this fact every day.

Written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

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Interpretation of the test for determining system vectors. The gypsy said in two

Proper use of the system vector test?

Systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan is a fundamentally new approach in psychology, unprecedented in its effectiveness. Therefore, it is not surprising that the trainings in system-vector psychology conducted by its author, Yuri Burlan, received a great response among those for whom issues of understanding the human psyche are not of idle interest, but an urgent problem and even a vital necessity.

In the minds of most people, psychology and tests are inseparable. A psychological test is one of the tools of cognition that helps to cope with the puzzles of the human soul - both experts and ordinary people think so. Are there tests in systemic vector psychoanalysis?

Systematic vector psychology is based on the concept of the eight-dimensional structure of the psyche, which reflects both the unconscious of an individual person and the collective psyche. Systematic vector psychology identifies eight vectors, each of which characterizes the direction of implementation of the principle of pleasure - the principle of development of everything that exists. Our desires determine our thinking, behavior, relationships with other people, the world. They are conductors of the principle of pleasure, and their unrealization is what is called “suffering.”

A vector is desires and properties that ensure their implementation. Each vector corresponds to an erogenous zone. In total, there are eight erogenous zones and, accordingly, eight mental vectors: urethral, ​​anal, skin, muscle, olfactory, oral, visual, sound. The state of vectors, their combination in a person determines his perception and behavior and, being fateful, sets a special role in the team and life scenario. The relationships between vectors and their states are very complex, so creating a test to identify system vectors is difficult. There are lower (urethral, ​​anal, skin, muscle) and upper (olfactory, oral, visual, sound) vectors.

Urethral vector

The species role of the urethral man is leader. His main task is to ensure the survival of the team and its advancement into the future. This is always a bright personality, a passionate nature, which sets him apart from others with his special love of life, irrepressible energy, and charisma. This is a person who is able to unite people around him, unite them into a single whole and lead, like a real leader, to any, the highest and most inaccessible, peaks. The urethral specialist has unconventional thinking, he does not know boundaries and standards, he is always ready to take risks.

Another important property of the urethral individual is innate altruism. For him, giving back is primary, and the integrity of the team and its movement into the future is more important than his own life and well-being. It is known that only 5% of people are born with a urethral vector, and about 1% survive to adulthood.

Anal vector

The specific role of a person with an anal erogenous zone is to protect the home, as well as collect and transmit information to the younger generation. Great conservatives who respect traditions and authorities, anal people treat the past with special reverence, do not like and are even afraid of change. It is anal people who have excellent memory. As a rule, they are masters of their craft - professionals, since “quality” occupies one of the most important places in their value structure. Decent and straightforward, honest and fair in their own way (for them, fair means equally). Homebodies and bookworms, “golden hands” and “golden heads”. Thinking – systemic, analytical. The anal vector determines the thinking and behavior of approximately 20% of people.

Skin vector

Skin people are managers, organizers. Flexible in body and soul, able to adapt to any circumstances, dexterous, agile. A skinny person is a breadwinner for whom status and rank are the No. 1 values ​​in life. Material well-being is above all. Both in the primitive pack and on the modern landscape, the skin man is a hunter and keeper of reserves. Discipline is the most important rule and principle of survival; the skinner will demand it both from himself and from other people. They also create rules and laws, frameworks and standards. If for some people restrictions are unacceptable, then for leather workers it is a reason to enjoy life. The thinking that expresses such a vector is logical.

Approximately 24% of people are born with a cutaneous vector. After free training on systemic vector psychology, it is quite easy to start identifying cutaneous and anal vectors without any tests to determine systemic vectors.

Muscle vector

This is the most “densely populated” vector. In various vector mixtures, about 95% of people are its carriers. People who work physically, enjoy physical activity because it initiates a special erogenous zone – the muscles. In the primitive pack, the Muscle Men were warriors who gave their lives without fear and easily took the lives of others. In the modern world, the main sphere of sales of muscular people is construction and agriculture. Very calm and peaceful, driven, committed to monotonous work. They never think in the “I” category; their thinking is formed in the “we” pattern, as well as on the opposition between “us” and “strangers”. To live life “like a human being”, “like everyone else” - these are their guidelines. The thinking of muscular people is visual and effective. You can find more complete information about vectors in the Basic Vectors Wikipedia.

So, is it possible to construct a test to identify system vectors? Have you read it? Do you recognize yourself? Or do you have doubts? Do you want to take a test on systemic vector psychoanalysis?

“Know yourself and you will know the whole world,” says the ancient prophecy. Perhaps drawn by the strangeness of being in the world, or perhaps by the search for “ourselves,” the real one, or trying to understand the constantly elusive Other, we turn to psychology. Here, surrounded by all sorts of concepts and approaches, we hope to define our personality, our lifestyle, and even our destiny. We try on all kinds of samples and standards - we conduct tests. We place the same hopes on the test for systemic vector psychoanalysis. What if these cherished questions will somehow miraculously penetrate the hidden corners of the soul, and all doors and secrets will open, we think. And everything will become easy and clear. 10-30 minutes, 10-100 questions - and the riddles of the many-sided Self are solved, the secrets of the world are revealed...

Alas, the test for determining system vectors, like other tests in psychology (mass and scientific), is a very, very dubious method. With tests we want to measure ourselves, another person, the people around us, the world, to diagnose everything... in order to thus put a limit on uncertainty, to set a framework according to which it is possible to find understanding, and perhaps justification for our behavior, actions, relationships. And most importantly - quickly, and without much effort. Sit back, click on the answer buttons or check the boxes. It is not recommended to even think about it. Otherwise it will be worse.

Tests in psychology are a strange subject, there seem to be answers, but they are of no use. Who am I? What am I? – as a rule, it is with these questions that people turn to tests, serious or entertaining. Alas, the same can be said about tests for systemic vector psychoanalysis. After lengthy questionnaires, you will be able to establish that, it turns out, your name is “spectator” and that you are also a “urethral person”, that you have an increased level of anxiety and in general, you can’t live like that. That's the whole process of self-discovery. We have hung another label on ourselves. But for some reason this didn’t make it any easier. Even more difficult.

System vector psychoanalysis test results

“I didn’t learn anything new about myself,” say many of those who decided to take tests to determine system vectors. In this case, self-knowledge appears somewhere in a completely different, parallel plane and has no relation to testing. And approaching another person with a hundred other questions in order to finally understand why he is like this is completely absurd.

Passing the test of systemic vector psychoanalysis is an excellent opportunity to give free rein to your imagination for the purpose of convincing self-deception. Often, when “frankly” answering questions, we choose those options that seem to us “best,” “correct,” “socially approved,” “suitable” for a given situation. And it turns out that the essence of the mysterious Self, sought in the answers-results, hides even deeper and further. The unconscious (that which actually defines us), out of habit characteristic of it, hides from thinking that has come out in search of it.

Such an anachronism of old psychology as tests is not applicable to systemic vector psychology. Awareness. Awareness of the unconscious. Awareness of the unconscious, which is united and holistic in nature and also manifests itself - being realized in the general, collective unconscious, the flow of existence. Self-knowledge is knowledge of oneself in relation to everything else, because “oneself” in itself does not exist. You always need a mirror in which “it”, that is, “I”, is always relative (that is, in relationships and connections).

Understanding the principle, the driving forces of mental processes, which are similar in many ways in the private and collective, as well as in relation to the universe, is much more important (but more difficult) than measuring the level of non-standardism and creativity of one’s own thinking, trying to fit itself into the standards of the test for determining system vectors.

Standardization and simplification are unacceptable approaches when we talk about the human psyche. But it is on them that the testing system, and psychology in general, is built.

How to correctly determine your vectors if the test for determining system vectors does not work?

Understanding how the mental structure as a whole is structured, what laws it lives by, what directions and methods of expression it has, is the basis for the formation of systems thinking. “Everything is in one and one in everything”, harmony of interaction and integrity of what is happening - in system-vector psychology, each vector is considered not on its own, but in an eight-dimensional volume. It is impossible to achieve such an understanding by filling out a systemic vector psychoanalysis test. There is no such task - to determine which vectors are inherent in me, and thus find another name for the incomprehensible self. Systems thinking presupposes a three-dimensional holographic and living image of a mental person, in which we see not a lonely self in empty space, but how this “I” is formed by the endless interweaving of connections and relationships with other people, space and time.

In the process of Yuri Burlan’s training, there is a gradual and increasingly deeper awareness of the characteristics of one’s psyche, how certain people and life factors influenced it. Awareness of the unconscious is the task of systemic psychoanalysis. Only during trainings in system-vector psychology is it not someone else who is aware of your unconscious and is trying to understand your characteristics, make a diagnosis and prescribe a prescription, while you lie on the couch and chatter whatever comes to mind.

The process of awareness takes place in your head - from the piggy banks of your own soul, you yourself bring grievances and negative experiences to the white light, from the black closets - monsters and fears, and the oddities of your own body and the frightening impulses of the soul suddenly become understandable and controllable. This is a very intimate process. But you can admit everything to yourself, without hiding anything, without fearing anything.

And other people become simple, understandable, predictable - funny. Tests of systemic vector psychoanalysis are not needed for this. Systemic thinking makes it possible to understand and feel another person from the inside, but not through oneself. He is different, not like me, but I understand him, I know what he wants and why he does this. To understand a person’s cherished desires, his goals and dreams, what his childhood was like and what approximately awaits him in the future, tests are not needed. Systems thinking allows you to understand another person even better than he understands himself. To do this, you don’t even need to ask him questions and wait for answers.

In general, there are no tests for systemic vector psychoanalysis and cannot be. Since the foundations of psychoanalysis and self-knowledge, systemic psychology are different. Our psyche is a living, developing substance. It is useless and pointless to force it into the framework of a test.

However, on the Internet you will find tests for identifying vectors and supposedly tests for systemic vector psychoanalysis. Understanding the difference between deep systemic psychoanalysis (authentic system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan) and nothing-about-anything tests, you probably won’t waste time on them. And having passed (well, just for fun, for fun) you will not attach any importance to the results of such tests.

Systematic vector psychology has established itself as a science of the human psyche, the most important indicator of its unprecedented effectiveness in psychology is not only its high explanatory potential, but above all its effectiveness. Training in system-vector psychology is a lot of work for a person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge, which is rewarded by acquiring a tool that can open the most inaccessible and hidden doors to the unconscious, opening the world to a person. This tool is systems thinking.

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Systemic vector psychoanalysis Vector test

Material from the Encyclopedia of System-Vector Psychology

Vector test

Systematically, vector psychology distinguishes 8 vectors in the human unconscious that determine the system of values, way of thinking, type of sexuality, desires and innate qualities of character. Many interested people ask: what does vector psychoanalysis study systematically, can a test determine in a person? Let's first look at brief descriptions of all 8 vectors.

Skin vector. Its owners do not like to waste time. Main principles: “Time is money”, “Time for business, time for fun.” Thrifty in everything, right down to the expression of emotions. The only vector who enjoys self-restraint knows everything about discipline. They build a career and make useful connections. Flexible in body and soul. Depending on the development and implementation, a leather worker can be an engineer, a legislator, a dancer, an athlete, or maybe a thief and a drunkard.

Anal vector. Professionals in their field, meticulous, thorough, love order in everything, including in their own heads: analytical thinking, all information is on its own shelf. They pay attention to details in everything, which allows them to bring any task to perfection. It is difficult for them to start something, but they bring what they start to the end, to the point. The main values ​​are family, respect, traditions.

Urethral vector. Leader by nature. The only vector that, from birth, receives pleasure from giving. His main internal values ​​are mercy and justice: to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities. He is characterized by natural altruism. For other vectors, it is the core, leads them forward, aims at the future. Thinking outside the box, knowing no limitations.

Muscle vector. People with a muscle vector are the so-called “ordinary people.” For them, the main thing is to satisfy basic human needs. They enjoy physical labor and simple food. Muscular people have a collective mindset, “like everyone else, so do I”, there are no personal interests. Take the “shape” of their environment.

Visual vector. People with the greatest emotional amplitude. When communicating, emotional connections are built. Very sensitive and compassionate, due to their empathy - natural psychotherapists. They experience the greatest fears and make mountains out of molehills. The higher the level of development, the less fear there is and the greater the feeling of love and compassion.

Sound vector. The biggest introverts. They are focused within themselves in the desire to comprehend the hidden, to find the answer to their main question “What is the meaning of life?” Without an answer, all material life seems meaningless and illusory to them. By nature they are endowed with abstract intelligence, capable of thinking in intangible categories. Unfulfilled sound desire often leads them to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Oral vector. The soul of the party, joker and joker. A person who thinks through speaking, voicing the unconscious shortcomings of those around him, for which he is the closest to being allowed into their personal space. Enjoys changing taste sensations and the process of speaking. He may be a brilliant speaker, singer, cook, or an incorrigible liar and slanderer who will never be caught in a lie.

Olfactory vector. Misanthrope by nature. He doesn't like people, but he understands that he can't survive without them. Surviving at all costs is his main task. There are no categories of truth and lies, morality, morality. Has natural intuition and flair. They become financiers, economists, politicians, microbiologists, studying everything that threatens the life of mankind.

A detailed and deep understanding of each vector is developed during the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. During the training process, systematic thinking is formed, which allows you to see everything around you in volume, understand your place in this volume, and learn to see in people’s actions not their own reactions to them, but their true reasons.

The formation of systems thinking involves deep internal elaboration and awareness of one’s own unconscious programs, one’s real desires, many of which are hidden from us behind various rationalizations. This requires a lot of internal work, since it is human nature to justify one’s desires and actions, leaving only the good and comfortable in one’s self-image.

Gradually, after completing the training, we begin to see behind external manifestations the inner essence of a person, his motives, values, and understand how he works from the inside. The feeling of another person begins to come no longer by labeling him with the name of some vector, but from within, unconsciously. The names of the vectors themselves no longer matter; only the inner vision of people remains, and on this basis, interaction with them is naturally built.

There are no tests to determine one’s vectors and cannot be, since any test that presupposes any kind of personality classification contains questions about external manifestations, about how a person sees himself, which is often far from the truth. With the help of tests, a person will never gain objective knowledge either about himself or about others.

The test involves a simple decision that others have made for you, assigning you to some classification, and does not require any effort on the part of the person. Therefore, any tests for determining one’s vectors are not part of systemic vector psychoanalysis and were created by people unfamiliar with even the basic principles of systems thinking.

A real understanding of oneself and an objective vision of the world around us, based not on one’s own conjectures, but on the basis of an understanding of the system that our unconscious represents, can only be obtained through training in systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Gradually, by correlating his own observations with the information that is studied in detail and deeply during the training, a person forms a holistic picture of the world in his head, completely objective and systematic.

Vector test

Systemically, vector psychology distinguishes 8 vectors in the human unconscious that determine the system of values, way of thinking, type of sexuality, desires and innate qualities of character. Many interested people ask: what does vector psychoanalysis study systematically, can a test determine in a person? Let's first look at brief descriptions of all 8 vectors.

Skin vector. Its owners do not like to waste time. Main principles: “Time is money”, “Time for business, time for fun.” Thrifty in everything, right down to the expression of emotions. The only vector who enjoys self-restraint knows everything about discipline. They build a career and make useful connections. Flexible in body and soul. Depending on the development and implementation, a leather worker can be an engineer, a legislator, a dancer, an athlete, or maybe a thief and a drunkard.

Anal vector. Professionals in their field, meticulous, thorough, love order in everything, including in their own heads: analytical thinking, all information is on its own shelf. They pay attention to details in everything, which allows them to bring any task to perfection. It is difficult for them to start something, but they bring what they start to the end, to the point. The main values ​​are family, respect, traditions.

Urethral vector. Leader by nature. The only vector that, from birth, receives pleasure from giving. His main internal values ​​are mercy and justice: to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities. He is characterized by natural altruism. For other vectors, it is the core, leads them forward, aims at the future. Thinking outside the box, knowing no limitations.

Muscle vector. People with a muscle vector are the so-called “ordinary people.” For them, the main thing is to satisfy basic human needs. They enjoy physical labor and simple food. Muscular people have a collective mindset, “like everyone else, so do I”, there are no personal interests. Take the “shape” of their environment.

Visual vector. People with the greatest emotional amplitude. When communicating, emotional connections are built. Very sensitive and compassionate, due to their empathy - natural psychotherapists. They experience the greatest fears and make mountains out of molehills. The higher the level of development, the less fear there is and the greater the feeling of love and compassion.

Sound vector. The biggest introverts. They are focused within themselves in the desire to comprehend the hidden, to find the answer to their main question “What is the meaning of life?” Without an answer, all material life seems meaningless and illusory to them. By nature they are endowed with abstract intelligence, capable of thinking in intangible categories. Unfulfilled sound desire often leads them to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Oral vector. The soul of the party, joker and joker. A person who thinks through speaking, voicing the unconscious shortcomings of those around him, for which he is the closest to being allowed into their personal space. Enjoys changing taste sensations and the process of speaking. He may be a brilliant speaker, singer, cook, or an incorrigible liar and slanderer who will never be caught in a lie.

Olfactory vector. Misanthrope by nature. He doesn't like people, but he understands that he can't survive without them. Surviving at all costs is his main task. There are no categories of truth and lies, morality, morality. Has natural intuition and flair. They become financiers, economists, politicians, microbiologists, studying everything that threatens the life of mankind.

A detailed and deep understanding of each vector is developed during the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. During the training process, systematic thinking is formed, which allows you to see everything around you in volume, understand your place in this volume, and learn to see in people’s actions not their own reactions to them, but their true reasons.

The formation of systems thinking involves deep internal elaboration and awareness of one’s own unconscious programs, one’s real desires, many of which are hidden from us behind various rationalizations. This requires a lot of internal work, since it is human nature to justify one’s desires and actions, leaving only the good and comfortable in one’s self-image.

Gradually, after completing the training, we begin to see behind external manifestations the inner essence of a person, his motives, values, and understand how he works from the inside. The feeling of another person begins to come no longer by labeling him with the name of some vector, but from within, unconsciously. The names of the vectors themselves no longer matter; only the inner vision of people remains, and on this basis, interaction with them is naturally built.

There are no tests to determine one’s vectors and cannot be, since any test that presupposes any kind of personality classification contains questions about external manifestations, about how a person sees himself, which is often far from the truth. With the help of tests, a person will never gain objective knowledge either about himself or about others.

The test involves a simple decision that others have made for you, assigning you to some classification, and does not require any effort on the part of the person. Therefore, any tests for determining one’s vectors are not part of systemic vector psychoanalysis and were created by people unfamiliar with even the basic principles of systems thinking.

A real understanding of oneself and an objective vision of the world around us, based not on one’s own conjectures, but on the basis of an understanding of the system that our unconscious represents, can only be obtained through training in systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Gradually, by correlating his own observations with the information that is studied in detail and deeply during the training, a person forms a holistic picture of the world in his head, completely objective and systematic.

His books have become quite popular recently and are based on S. Freud’s concept of psychosexuality. Let's take a closer look at it.

general characteristics

The author of the theory calls understanding the innate properties and abilities of each child as one of the key conditions for the proper upbringing of children. System-vector psychology helps to acquire the necessary knowledge in this area. Vectors are types of "directionality". They indicate what a person likes and gives him pleasure. Self-realization is carried out through a certain role in society. The concept that the author proposes acts as an applied science. It promotes the rapid development of the mechanisms of functioning of the unconscious, its manifestations in each individual, at the level of a couple, group, and society. As a result of assimilation of knowledge, an adult’s thinking is transformed into an objective view of what is happening. There is an acceptance and full understanding of the behavior of others and their life priorities. Vector-system psychology allows a parent to better understand their child and raise him so that his potential is maximally realized.

The essence of the concept

What is system-vector psychology based on? Tolkachev (co-author of the theory) and other researchers of the problem of education develop the idea that each person is born with specific given properties. They determine a person’s life scenario, his behavior and character. These properties are divided into 8 groups. Each of them combines characteristics depending on the role played in society. It, in turn, expresses the goal of humanity, which is survival. Each group (vector) has a connection with a specific sensitive area. It predetermines the method by which a person obtains or deduces information about himself and the world that surrounds him. The innate characteristics of an individual do not change their nature during life. However, they can appear in different forms.

Basic provisions

Vector-system psychology includes the concepts of the formation and subsequent implementation of directional characteristics, on which the actual behavior of the carrier depends. A person whose properties remain undeveloped will act according to the opposite scenario compared to a developed individual. In accordance with this, the life scenario develops. A person can become a thief or a judge, a genius or a schizophrenic, a rapist or a wonderful family man, and so on. Properties develop up to and including. After this, the characteristics can either be filled/implemented or not. In the first case, vector-system psychology involves the use of innate properties, due to which a person receives satisfaction and remains in a state of harmony. All this suggests that key characteristics are laid down from an early age and improved until full puberty. The main role in this process belongs to parents. It is they who shape the conditions of the world surrounding the child during this period.

Getting to know the characteristics

The identification of properties begins with a description of their expression during the period of the primitive pack. This allows us to understand the primary, initial state, which is set from birth. In this way, one can trace the development of mental characteristics that has taken place as the world has become more complex over the past few thousand years.

Nuances of understanding

The question of competent upbringing of children in classical psychology provoked the emergence of many methods of child development. However, some of them clearly contradict each other. Their ineffectiveness and the misconceptions that arise are due to the fact that they do not have an established definition of the “normality” of a child. There are no absolute signs by which a person at an early age is considered mentally healthy, and his behavior is recognized as adequate, nor vice versa. In this regard, over the past half century, both early sexual activity and rejection of innate gender identity have been included in the category of acceptability. What does Yu. Burlan offer in this case? System-vector psychology defines the concept of norm in a differentiated way, according to the innate characteristics of the child. This prevents harm that parents can cause to the development of their children, and also allows for the most effective educational methods to be identified at an early stage.


  1. The child does not inherit characteristics from the parents and may have completely different properties.
  2. The main task of adults is to provide children with safe conditions and a state of security. Otherwise, development slows down, distorts or stops.
  3. Methods of education and training must correspond to innate characteristics.
  4. The consequences of mental trauma received before puberty can be neutralized or alleviated through systemic interaction.
  5. Children are representatives of the next generation. This means that the innate strength of desire and their potential is significantly higher than that of the parents.
  6. In everyday communication, upbringing and development of a child, the key is the systematic thinking of older family members. This is especially true for the mother, since she is the main person in life until the end of puberty.

Let's consider some groups that are distinguished by system-vector psychology. The vector identification test contains specific questions. According to the answers to them, belonging to one or another type is established.


The specific role of such a child is to create and store food reserves. He has a logical type of thinking. System-vector psychology defines mobility and activity as the innate properties of such a child. He has sensitive skin and a flexible body, which predetermines his choice of dancing and sports. Such a child is quite stingy with emotions and words. He is characterized by short, succinct phrases. It is important for parents to teach him the rules and show him boundaries.

Life values

How do the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan characterize them? The test shows that with the development of the innate qualities of a “skin maker,” a child grows into an engineer, legislator, and successful manager. He knows how to both obey and subjugate, disciplines himself and those around him. If a child is punished by beating, he will develop a craving for masochism. If his qualities are underdeveloped, he becomes a thief, an alcoholic, and girls grow up to be prostitutes.

The necessary conditions

Vector-system psychology formulates a number of rules for the normal development of a child with skin. First of all, he should be accustomed to routine and discipline. Exercise will be key. In the process of education, the author of the concept recommends that parents agree on incentives for the child to perform certain actions. The most acceptable punishment may be restriction in time and space.

Urethral direction

Children of this type tend to take responsibility for life and strive to expand their living space. This is exactly the description given by system-vector psychology. The vector determination test shows non-standard tactical thinking. Such children are bundles of energy and desire to live. They are characterized by a dominant look, their eyes always sparkle. Body temperature is always elevated. Such children do not recognize authorities; they are uncontrollable. At the same time, if parents choose the right approach, they will raise a very responsible person. Such children react with lightning speed both mentally and physically. They do not feel restrictions, and therefore do not perceive danger. This, in turn, causes a high mortality rate due to negligence. A person of this type with developed innate abilities is able to lead people. Quite often, such children grow up to be directors of large enterprises. If the innate characteristics are undeveloped, the child experiences pressure or violence from adults in childhood, he runs away from home. Such children often become leaders of criminal associations. An emphasis on responsibility is the main condition for development, which system-vector psychology assumes for them. Books describing the concept contain detailed comments and recommendations for parents of such children. The authors believe that adults should not persistently demand obedience; it is only necessary to guide the child’s actions.

Muscular direction

Physical labor is the main guideline that system-vector psychology sets for such children. The direction test indicates two main states: rage or monotony. In the latter case, a person has a tendency to work hard. He can perform the same work every day, every year. Such people do not have their own opinion; they will act as they were taught. Choices in life will depend on who influences the child's development. The thinking of such children is characterized as visually effective. They do exactly as they were shown. This property must be taken into account during the learning process. These children cannot be called stupid. They have a specific way of thinking. It is thanks to him that only they can do the job so consistently. With developed innate properties, such children grow up to be very hardworking specialists. They build, plow the land, work in the mines. They do not have high demands; what they were able to get by working with their hands is enough for them. If a child is not taught to work, then he can grow into a dangerous criminal authority. He will easily end up in a criminal gang, where he will show his physical strength.

Impressionable children

They are characterized by a visual vector. In system-vector psychology, such children are classified as bright extroverts. For them, rapid mood swings are considered common. Such children have a highly developed fear of death. With illiterate upbringing, it transforms into persistent phobias. Many such children are afraid of the dark and refuse to sleep with the lights off. This is because the threat cannot distinguish them and ensure safety. Such children have a well-developed imagination. They easily come up with different stories and bring inanimate objects to life. The main task in life is to understand the world. That is why the main zone of perception is the eyes. As a rule, they are large and expressive. These children like everything beautiful and are prone to coquetry. The most important aspect for them is the establishment of emotional connections. It can be created with inanimate objects, and with people, and with animals. The immune system of such children is weak, so they are the first to catch viral diseases. With developed innate characteristics, they grow into deeply feeling, loving and sincere people. Intimidation and reading scary fairy tales have a negative impact on them. Having become fixated on such emotions, a person begins to choose horror films himself, goes to a cemetery at night, reads dark books, and so on.

Sound direction

Children of this vector are different. They begin to be interested quite early in the meaning of life, the existence of people, and their purpose. Subsequently, these kinds of questions can be pushed to the unconscious level. However, they become especially acute during puberty. Sound children are uncommunicative and thoughtful. They prefer privacy. Their faces often do not reflect any emotions, but this does not mean at all that they do not exist. During the first half of the day, such children, as a rule, are lethargic and somewhat inhibited. It is quite difficult for them to concentrate on the first lessons. Due to this, they are at risk of becoming academically unsuccessful, despite having a fairly strong mind. With normal development, children exhibit good intellectual abilities. Exact sciences and languages ​​are easy for them. With developed innate characteristics, geniuses grow out of them. Such people become outstanding physicists, scientists, writers, and philosophers. Noise and screaming hinder their development. Children perceive them very painfully. As a result, they withdraw into themselves and distance themselves from the world around them. Their condition becomes tense and depression appears. Drug addiction is possible and headaches are common. These children are at risk for autism and schizophrenia.

Oral direction

Such children are cheerful and talkative. They are always on the rise and can join any team. It is important for them to find listeners. If someone interrupts them, they tend to compress the information so that they can get it all out before they are interrupted. Therefore, their speech becomes incoherent and rapid. These children have increased sensitivity of the mouth and lips. They like to touch them. They can come up with a story on the fly and are easily deceived. They need all this to attract attention. Children with developed qualities become actors, TV presenters, and speakers. They are knowledgeable about food. In the case of undeveloped intelligence, children become buffoons who never shut up for a minute. They even talk while eating.

System-vector psychology: reviews

It should be noted that the concept has become quite widespread in Russia. Its author conducts seminars, lectures, and courses. He has created a large number of video tutorials. Online trainings are also conducted. Seminars and lectures are attended by both ordinary people who have absolutely no understanding of psychology, as well as specialists, doctors, and psychiatrists. Most of them speak positively about the work of Yu. Burlan. Lectures help people cope with problems that have arisen in the family and reconsider their approaches to education. Nevertheless, there are also those who negatively evaluate all this activity. For example, Vyacheslav Yunev is different in this regard. System-vector psychology, in his opinion, is an attack on human consciousness. Streams of criticism were directed at the author of the concept. However, some of his angry articles were refuted both by followers of the theory and by those people who were able to solve family problems with the help of system-vector psychology.

Hello Maria!

Of course, there are no tests for vectors and those who do this are simply profanators. Why? Let's take a closer look

1. When answering a test, a person lies at least three times: firstly, because often (almost always) he doesn’t have the slightest idea about himself, and all his reasoning about himself is just a rationalization of his actions. Secondly, when answering the test, he will most likely proceed not from his natural properties, but from superstructures inspired by the environment, mentality, media, etc. Well, and finally, thirdly, he’s just lying)) So all these tests can be regarded as entertainment, nothing more) They don’t give any real insight into the properties of the human psyche

2. Tests are a kind of “horoscope” - someone tells you what you are like, and you try to adjust it to your feelings. In system-vector psychology, no one tells you who you are, what you are like. It is strictly forbidden to assign vectors to another person, as this takes away his inner work and deprives him of the pleasure of knowing himself and the world around him. Besides, perhaps you were identified incorrectly, and then you are tormented by doubts? This is the wrong approach. The human psyche is not a toy. Yuri Burlan never talks to his students about their vector set until they themselves have said to themselves, for example, “I am visual” or “I am skin-sound.” SVP is a way of thinking, it either exists and then systemic things are clear and observable, or it doesn’t, and then all that remains is to “believe” someone, which has no meaning or result.

3. Sometimes people write about vector percentages and vector “acceptance,” but such concepts do not exist in Systemic Vector Psychology. If there is a vector, then there is, if not, then no, and somehow it is impossible to acquire it for yourself, the vector set is innate and does not change. “Here I am a leader, I have a urethral vector, but I don’t accept it in myself and that’s why I sit at home” - this is nonsense.

4. And even if some test gives a couple of vector names, without understanding their content, the vector names are just empty words.. In any case, this test doesn’t tell you anything - because you don’t know what stands behind these vector names.

The goal of the training in system-vector psychology is to teach you to think systemically, so as not to depend on test results or people who have completed the training... and, moreover, to understand for yourself what your vector set is and how it manifests itself..

The only method is deep awareness. Defining yourself is the most difficult thing; it requires a lot of mental and mental effort. It is also difficult to identify our loved ones, since we have already attached our stamps and anchors to them, it is unpleasant to realize that they are completely different, and what motivates them is not at all what we assumed before.

What is awareness and how does this process occur? The site gives two free lectures, on the skin and anal vectors (there are many such people around, some of the most clear first observations often occur through their example). After the first lecture, it may already seem that everyone around is a skin specialist. And after the second one you already see - no, not everything! And so you gradually begin to see and differentiate the people around you, not based on tests and not trusting anyone, but because you see it clearly and clearly on your own. Further more. At first you see funny things, you can tell a person about him, but he thinks that you are spying on him. Afterwards you discover that this knowledge is deep, there are many nuances and combinations. Vectors form complexes. There are such concepts as the development phase, the mental superstructure... And you don’t have to believe in anything! You see all this with your own eyes. You understand that there is no need to deceive yourself, there is no need to hang on to yourself what is not there... there is a desire to know what really is...

When you complete the training, you will have a clear awareness of your own self, a sense of your nature. This causes enormous delight and joy of life. And this is a sustainable result.
And the test is just stupidity, you may just think that I have determined my vector set and now I know everything, but in reality this “I know everything” does not give anything..

Continuing the topic:

Slide 2 Peter was clearly aware of the need for enlightenment, and took a number of decisive measures to this end. On January 14, 1700, a school of mathematical and...