Teachings of the Optina elders. Seven levels of worlds That which lives in the world 7 letters

The second part of the book appeared four years later, when the first sold out in huge numbers and became, without exaggeration, a national bestseller.

This book is about me - the author has heard such reviews from many readers. “Thanks to this book, I invite people into our business,” distributors from different companies told the author.

The whole highlight of the book is that it contains instructions for action between the lines. It is very difficult for newbie distributors to explain what they do and what needs to be done, but here the book Women does it for them. Take advantage of the experience of the main characters and you will certainly achieve success!

From the author

When the first part of “Women...” was published, I, like any author, of course, hoped that readers would like the book, but I could not even imagine in my wildest dreams that such a tremendous success would await it. The book sold out in huge numbers and became, without exaggeration, a national bestseller. “This book is about me” - I heard such reviews from many readers. “Thanks to this book, I invite people into our business,” distributors from different companies told me. “Well, when will there be a sequel? - demanded readers who wanted to know how events in the life of the main character would develop further. And I, of course, could not help but meet them halfway and wrote the second part of the book.

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 1

Chapter 1 On Sunday we went to Irina’s birthday party, my husband’s older sister. I treat her very warmly, despite the fact that for a long time she tried (and continues to do so) to teach me how to take care of my little brother - my husband. Well, there's nothing you can do about it - big sister instinct. So this is my gift to her...

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The first half of Monday in my diary is painted in frivolously colorful tones. I spend the time from eleven to sixteen in the fitness center with the amazing name “For myself, my beloved” and enjoy it to the fullest. And because all this happens on Monday, I feel...

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 3

Chapter 3 We arrived at the office at five o’clock, and at six our Board of Directors met. Today we discussed what promotion to announce for the next three months. They met for about two hours, then the people went home, and a few of us remained in the Director’s room to finally settle the schedule for presentations. Moreover, Nina Petrovna from...

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 4

Chapter 4 A month later, I went to see Iraida in Smolensk, and before that I spent the whole week running around the shops, buying gifts for her and other familiar leaders of her structure. As a result, at the station I looked like a lady who was “checking in luggage” - all hung with bags and bundles. It’s good that I went with Nastya, and also with me...

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Immediately after returning from Smolensk, I called Innokenty and noted with pleasure the joyful intonations in his voice. - It’s so good that you called, I was already starting to worry whether you had forgotten about your promise. “Well,” I reassured him. - I’m calling to invite you to our Club. Besides, I have...

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Well, Innokenty, what impression did you get from conversations with our consultants? - I asked when we sat down to drink tea. “Honestly,” Innokenty stirred thoughtfully with a spoon, “the impression is ambivalent.” The first thing I want to note is that everyone I talked to made an impression...

The Woman Who Lives (Volume 2). Chapter 7

Chapter 7 “Well,” Innokenty continued the conversation when we sat comfortably in the soft chairs of my favorite restaurant. - Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with “live” distributors - it was a tremendous pleasure. Something has become more clear to me in your business, but still questions...

The Japanese guerrilla who never gave up ground Back in 1944, the Japanese army sent Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda and several other troops to the sparsely populated Philippine island of Lubang to wage guerrilla warfare. And, although quite soon after this, World War II was over, neither Onoda nor his people were informed about this, and they remained living and fighting among the jungle for thirty years to come. In October 1945, the Japanese government tried to announce the end to soldiers hiding in the deep wilderness, but Onoda and his comrades mistook news papers and leaflets dropped from passing aircraft for enemy propaganda. And, although they had read every last word of the news, they decided not to surrender until they received an order from their commander-in-chief. And, although detachments were sent to search for them, the partisans were never found. Over the years, all of Onoda's comrades died, and one of them decided to give up and went into hiding. Onoda lived alone for the next twenty years, becoming a legend among Japanese and Filipino soldiers who were certain of his death. In 1974, he was accidentally met by a young traveler, Norio Suzuki. He tried to convince the diehard soldier personally that the war was over, but Onoda never believed him. Suzuki had to track down Commander-in-Chief Onodo and arrange a meeting between them. When Onodo learned the truth, he was shocked to the core. He was hailed as a hero by Japanese authorities and was forgiven for the murders of Filipinos he committed while on the island. However, Onoda failed to integrate into modern Japanese society. He eventually moved to live in Brazil. After moving to Brazil, he led a fairly active social life, eventually organizing and leading the society of Brazilian Japanese. At the same time, he raised livestock on the farm: a considerable amount of work for an already elderly person. Onoda got married there. When his age no longer allowed him to work on a farm, Onoda returned to his homeland: in Hokkaido, he organized a school for difficult teenagers, where he takes them on hikes and teaches them not only the science of survival in harsh nature, but also discipline and mutual assistance. For his successful work with youth, in November 1999, Onoda was awarded the Social Education Prize by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports of Japan. Now he is over 90, but he continues to work with difficult teenagers, lecture at universities, participate in social activities in Japan and Brazil, do charity work in the Philippines (with which he fought for so long), write books and articles. Onoda’s wife is the chairman of the Women’s Society of Japan and a member of the Ehime Prefectural Council.

Hermits are people who live or dream of living not like everyone else, but as they want, as their nature and destiny calls them. Many of them were disappointed with society, while others simply decided to stop contact with the outside world. Could you live like this?

30 years in the mountains of Alaska. After many years of service in the navy and working as a mechanic, American Richard Proenneke chose a rather unusual way to relax in retirement. He built a cabin high in the mountains of Alaska, in a picturesque place called Twin Lakes. He lived there for almost thirty years - until his death. It should be noted that the hermit did not completely cut himself off from the outside world: several times he made a long trip to Iowa, to visit his relatives.

However, he spent most of his life completely alone in the wilderness. He hunted, fished and studied nature, discovering the naturalist in himself. Proenneke recorded episodes of his hermit's life on film, which was later edited into the series of documentaries “Alone in the Wild.” His writings have been adapted into several books, and he has also written several important articles in the fields of meteorology and biology.

During the Vietnam War, when a bomb killed his wife and his two sons, forty-two-year-old Vietnamese man Ho Van Tann fled into the jungle with his only surviving two-year-old son. Both remained there to live for the next 40 years, and even news from relatives about the end of the war did not force the hermit father to return back to the cruel world of people. More recently, in August 2013, workers from a neighboring village discovered a forty-two-year-old man and his elderly father in the jungle. They already poorly understood the local language, were exhausted and looked like absolute savages. All these years they lived in a simple hut and ate mainly only roots, corn and wild fruits.

Since the condition of the old father was alarming, after discovery he was sent to the hospital. Both men now face an attempt at socialization in modern society.

The Lykov family: life in remote Taiga At one time, this story occupied the front pages of all Soviet newspapers. In 1978, geologists, during one of the expeditions in a remote corner of Taiga, instead of mineral deposits, discovered a family of six people who had been living in the forest for forty years. Karp Lykov and his family were Old Believers. Even during the revolution, many Old Believers fled to Siberia to escape communist persecution; The Lykovs were one of these refugees. In 1936, a tragedy occurred: Lykov Sr.’s brother was shot. Fleeing from Stalin's repressions, the family fled to the forest... With their modest belongings, the Lykovs went further and further from society, stopping only a couple of hundred kilometers from the border with Mongolia. The husband, wife and four of their children (two were born in Taiga) lived only on what they grew or caught in the hunt. They often went hungry; the mother of the family died of exhaustion in 1961 after once again giving her portion of food to the children. The Lykovs had never even heard of flights to the Moon, or even of the Great Patriotic War. Such little things of the modern world as plastic bags brought them complete delight. Over all these years, the younger children began to speak a dialect in which it was only difficult to recognize the Russian language. After the geologists came into contact with the Lykovs, family members little by little began to trust them, however, being deeply religious, they refused to leave their home, cut off from society.

Over the next few years, three of the four children died. Two died from kidney problems caused by years of malnutrition. The third was killed by pneumonia; He flatly refused medical help. Their father died in 1988. Agafya Lykova, the last of the family, still lives in the same place completely alone. Now she is almost seventy years old, and in her entire life she has never left the borders of her native taiga region.

The Japanese guerrilla who never gave up ground Back in 1944, the Japanese army sent Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda and several other troops to the sparsely populated Philippine island of Lubang to wage guerrilla warfare. And, although quite soon after this, World War II was over, neither Onoda nor his people were informed about this, and they remained living and fighting among the jungle for thirty years to come. In October 1945, the Japanese government tried to announce the end to soldiers hiding in the deep wilderness, but Onoda and his comrades mistook news papers and leaflets dropped from passing aircraft for enemy propaganda. And, although they had read every last word of the news, they decided not to surrender until they received an order from their commander-in-chief. And, although detachments were sent to search for them, the partisans were never found. Over the years, all of Onoda's comrades died, and one of them decided to give up and went into hiding. Onoda lived alone for the next twenty years, becoming a legend among Japanese and Filipino soldiers who were certain of his death. In 1974, he was accidentally met by a young traveler, Norio Suzuki. He tried to convince the diehard soldier personally that the war was over, but Onoda never believed him. Suzuki had to track down Commander-in-Chief Onodo and arrange a meeting between them. When Onodo learned the truth, he was shocked to the core. He was hailed as a hero by Japanese authorities and was forgiven for the murders of Filipinos he committed while on the island. However, Onoda failed to integrate into modern Japanese society. He eventually moved to live in Brazil. After moving to Brazil, he led a fairly active social life, eventually organizing and leading the society of Brazilian Japanese. At the same time, he raised livestock on the farm: a considerable amount of work for an already elderly person. Onoda got married there. When his age no longer allowed him to work on a farm, Onoda returned to his homeland: in Hokkaido, he organized a school for difficult teenagers, where he takes them on hikes and teaches them not only the science of survival in harsh nature, but also discipline and mutual assistance. For his successful work with youth, in November 1999, Onoda was awarded the Social Education Prize by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports of Japan. Now he is over 90, but he continues to work with difficult teenagers, lecture at universities, participate in social activities in Japan and Brazil, do charity work in the Philippines (with which he fought for so long), write books and articles. Onoda’s wife is the chairman of the Women’s Society of Japan and a member of the Ehime Prefectural Council.

The last of a tribe in the Amazon jungle. Almost twenty years ago, a lone Indian was discovered in the Brazilian jungle, who, apparently, was the last representative of his tribe. Attempts by the authorities to contact him ended in failure: the Indian, without hesitation, shot an arrow into the chest of one of the rescuers. It must be said that earlier efforts to integrate Indians into society, as a rule, failed and ended in the early deaths of Amazonian savages. As a result, the authorities declared a plot of land fifty kilometers around his place of residence inviolable. The man, who must now be in his forties, still lives a lonely, isolated life in the jungle.

Each person evaluates the concept of “Motherland” in his own way. For me, the Motherland is not just a state where you live, but a native place where you are always welcome and loved. Homeland is a place where you come and cannot find the limit where it ends. As one great man said: “They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. And indeed it is! The homeland should not be special, unique, the main thing is that it should be your own! Homeland is in the person himself, in his feelings, soul and worldview.

My motherland is Kazakhstan. A unique civilization in the very center of Eurasia, a meeting place of West and East, eternity and modernity, land and water, harsh winters and fierce summer heat. The nature of Kazakhstan is very interesting: mountains and steppes, deep lakes and deserts, forests and meadows.

But for me, Kazakhstan is not just a part of the Earth. My Kazakhstan is the most dear, important, precious, beloved country. This is my homeland... I was born in this country, so many wonderful and happy moments have been lived here. I am very grateful to my Kazakhstan for giving me peace, tranquility and prosperity.

While in other countries now, perhaps, people are starving, suffering torment and hardship due to wars and unrest, peace reigns in our country, the most important and precious thing that we have and must preserve with all our might.

Kazakhstan! I love this cloudless sky above my head, these golden steppes and free winds! What an ecstatic feeling you experience looking at the vast expanses of our Motherland. When the wind blows on you and you breathe in the spirit of the steppe, that very feeling arises that is called freedom.

When you are free, you can take a deep breath, feel your strength and the strength of your country.

Motherland! It is a very valuable feeling to feel your homeland, your native place. This is what you perceive as it is, with its “pros” and “cons”.

This is a place where you want to return again and again, and living in that native place, you feel joy, pride and want to rejoice that you are in your eternally desired native place. Where you like to be under any circumstances, in any weather. And it is Kazakhstan for me that is the place where I can feel at home, feel calm, peace and joy of the soul.

It’s good when there is a place that becomes so familiar, close and soothing.

I was born in Kazakhstan, Karaganda. In childhood it is still difficult to understand the borders of Kazakhstan, but over time it is possible.

I remember being surrounded by family and friends. I think it’s good when there is something to remember that is pleasant and close to your heart from childhood. Immediately your soul becomes peaceful and very light. Karaganda always seemed different to me as the seasons changed.

It is also warm, with blooming lilacs and green tree leaves. And autumn, with colorful leaves, rain, wind and puddles. Winter, cold, with crunchy snow underfoot, sledding down the hills and fluffy snowflakes in the sky. All this naturally repeats itself from year to year, but each year has its own twist, something new, unlike the previous one. In winter, it is especially interesting to watch people as they prepare for the New Year, buying Christmas trees and gifts for loved ones. I can remember and remember, and these memories bring me great joy.

This is my Kazakhstan: peaceful, free, rich, multinational. How can you not love such a country? Is it possible to remain indifferent to such a country? Is it possible?! ...

My Kazakhstan is my homeland. I always say this phrase with such pride. Kazakhstan has been able to achieve incredible success in such a short period, and I hope there is more to come.

And finally, I want to wish: “Grow and prosper, my Kazakhstan, for the benefit of future generations!”

"For the competition from InterTravel - Good bye everyone, hello Dubai!"

Monastery and world

Ask<в молитве>and that He<Бог>informed your parents about your dismissal to a monastery, where your weaknesses will appear to you in the fight against passions (St. Macarius).

It’s good that you realized that the peace that you relied on in the world is fragile and unreliable. And besides, know that, living in a monastery, you are in the field of battle, like a spiritual warrior, and you accept wounds and are awarded crowns, but when you retire from this field, you no longer have battle and imagine having peace of mind, but it is false, for it may soon turn into a fierce storm. So, thank God, who called you to this path and teaches you in battle (St. Macarius).

Some are saved in monasteries, sometimes they are reproached for selfishness. “Think,” they say, “so-and-so entered a monastery! He did so much good in the world, this and that, brought so much benefit and suddenly abandoned everything. It's just a sin! Don't listen to such speeches. If the Lord calls a person to serve Him in the monastic rite, then one must give up everything and follow the call of God. However, they are saved in the world, but with great difficulty. The lives of the saints tell about two sisters, one of whom went to a monastery, the other got married, and both of them were saved. True, the one who went to the monastery received the highest reward from the Lord, but both received salvation. But how can one be saved in the world when there are so many temptations there? The Apostle says: “Love not the world, neither those in the world” (1 John 2:15). However, here we need to make a reservation: the word “world” does not mean the universe, but everything base, vulgar, nasty, sinful. You can live both in the world and outside the world (St. Barsanuphius).


Monasticism is an image of humility, and it is achieved through many battles and temptations, for which you must prepare yourself, and the Lord is able to strengthen you (St. Macarius).

About your monasticism... I will say: may your acceptance of it be not for vanity, or pride, or presumption, but rather for humility, meekness, and patience (Venerable Macarius).

What does monasticism mean? The fulfillment of Christianity, which consists in fulfilling the commandments of God, in them also lies the love of God: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word” (John 14:23), said the Lord, and by doing the commandments a person is cleansed of passions, achieves dispassion and ascends to spiritual contemplation, and all this must be dissolved by humility, therefore humility crushes all the enemy’s snares; while fulfilling the commandments, the fire of temptation from people and enemies must also pass<бесов>, and without temptations we do not know ourselves and cannot humble ourselves and receive spiritual understanding (Venerable Macarius).

Although monks are honored by the Lord in an angelic way, they are not given angelic wings, perhaps because every monk is most in his place and pays attention to his salvation, otherwise everyone would scatter in all directions, so that there is no other abbot I would soon be waiting at the monastery. And therefore it is enough for me that in my thoughts I fly to you with my love! (Venerable Anthony).

To whom is given what: to whom activity, to whom silence, the gifts of God are many. The Monk Arseny was given a life equal to the angels, to serve God in silence. Others, on the contrary, serve God in vigorous activity. But those who bury their talent are like those who refuse where they are placed according to the will of God. So, here I am standing in this place. I'm afraid to refuse. Father Archimandrite told me: “Will you endure what might happen if you refuse?” Here I stand... (Rev. Barsanuphius).

Monasticism is external and internal. You cannot ignore the external, but you cannot be satisfied with it alone either. The external alone without the internal even brings harm. External monasticism can be likened to plowing the earth. No matter how much you plow, nothing will grow if you don’t sow anything. Inner monasticism is sowing, and millet is the Jesus Prayer. Prayer illuminates the entire inner life of a monk, gives him strength in struggle, it is especially necessary when enduring sorrows and temptations... (St. Barsanuphius).

Monasticism is a great boundless sea, it is impossible to exhaust or cross it. This is incomprehensible to a person who has not embarked on this path; practice is needed. There is a huge curtain in front of you, and it begins to rise slightly in front of you from the bottom corner. All earthly wisdom, however, has some meaning and purpose, mainly to provide convenience in earthly carnal life, but in comparison with monasticism it is nothing, or better said, a penny compared to a billion rubles. One person I know, highly educated, who received a European education, was at Moscow University, and in London, and in Paris. Having entered the monastery, he writes to his worldly friend, fellow student, that he still did not understand anything. The meaning of monasticism is so wonderfully deep. And the purpose of a monk is even higher. The Holy Apostle Paul says that in the future life there will be different degrees of bliss: “There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, another of the stars; and star differs from star in glory” (1 Cor. 15:41). There are billions of these degrees, speaking according to human understanding, an incalculable number, and the first belongs to monks. And schemamonks, of course, living worthy of their title, will be among the Seraphim. This is how great the significance of a monk is. Therefore, how should you thank God that He brought you here to the skete. Don’t think for a minute that you yourself have come: “No one can come to Me unless My Heavenly Father draws him” (cf. John 6:44). Freedom was given to you by God, and there was only free will on your part. You just didn’t resist when He took you by the hand and led you here. The Lord saves us, and we are not saved, but He, the Merciful, saves us at our desire. So, thank God. You yourself see how many people are dying in the world, now think for yourself why the Lord showed you such mercy that he brought you here to the monastery, to our secluded quiet hermitage! Yes! Only with God's help can one go through this narrow, sorrowful path. ...At first glance, it seems that there is some kind of contradiction: on the one hand, this path of fulfilling the commandments of the Lord is easy and good, but on the other, it is cramped and regrettable. Yes, it is cramped and regrettable only for those who enter it either under compulsion, without internal disposition, or because of any other goals other than the salvation of the soul. For such people it is difficult. And for those who join the ranks of monks with a pure desire and intention to serve the Lord God in spirit and truth, it is easy. True, there are sorrows, but these are clouds in a clear, radiant sky (Rev. Barsanuphius).

Question: “I was sometimes embarrassed by the thought that monasticism had deviated from its ideal.” Answer: “Yes, yes, he evaded it, but the devil doesn’t really like it either, if he rebels so much against modern monasticism. The whole world is supported by this monasticism. When there is no monasticism, the Last Judgment will come” (St. Barsanuphius).

You came here to seek God, and everyone is seeking God. Finding God is the goal of monastic life... you can live in a monastery, but not be a monk and achieve nothing... Everyone is looking for God. So artists in the field of poetry, painting, especially music - everyone wants to find God. That's not what we were looking for. How to search for God? By observing the commandments, especially humility, enter a monastery. But they didn’t want to keep the commandments, they especially didn’t want to humble themselves, they wanted to take some side streets, closer, shorter. Do you know Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet”? There he says: “I dragged myself in the dark desert.” The desert is life, he understood that life is a desert. He dragged himself and crawled with his whole body. Further: “And the six-winged Seraphim appeared to me at a crossroads.” Pushkin then paints a picture of the dedication of the Old Testament prophet. It seems that it is said that he comprehended “the cherubic aspirations on high and the underwater passage of the sea.” Angels are pure, they only “philosophize on high.” And we also have a bastard underwater passage. These two currents run parallel to us. But one should only try to “be wise.” This will not be achieved immediately, but only the passage of the sea will become quieter and quieter, and you can achieve the point that there will be only one mountain aspiration, and those reptiles will dive into the abyss and disappear. Yes, this can be achieved. So, I tell you: humble yourself and humble yourself (Venerable Barsanuphius).

In Holy Scripture, for example, in the Apocalypse and even in the Old Testament, the word “islands” is found. For example, the islands will trust in God... (Isa. 51:5). How can the “islands” have hope? The word “islands” refers to monasteries. What the whole text means is that by the coming of the Antichrist, will faith still be preserved in the monastery... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

One should only be afraid of sin... And the Holy Scripture says that God does not love the fearful (Cf. Sir. 2:12), a monk should not be fearful, cowardly, but should place his hope in God. Why does God not love the fearful and cowardly? Because they are close to despondency, despair, and these are mortal sins; fearful and cowardly - on the edge of the abyss. A true monk must be alien to such a dispensation... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

<У Игнатия Брянчанинова>all on the same thing, on the Jesus Prayer. What a width! Now you see it. And before, perhaps, they saw in monasticism, like most worldly people, nothing but radish, kvass and the deepest ignorance. Yes, that’s understandable. “Taste the cup of life and see that the Lord is good.” Yes, you have to taste it, and then you will see what bliss it is... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

Saint John Climacus says: “Angels are the light of monks, monks are the light of the world.” Remember that we are to be the light of the world, that our future destiny is to be kings and priests. Remember how merciful the Lord is in calling us to this holy monastery. Judge for yourself what kind of deeds we did, how we lived before our calling here, to this holy monastery... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

Monasticism... is the bliss that is only possible for a person on earth; there is nothing higher than this bliss. And this is because monasticism provides the key to the inner life. Bliss is within us, we just need to discover it. Complete bliss is in heaven, in the future life it only continues... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

Not all monasticism consists of a cassock and porridge. He put on his cassock, began to eat porridge, and thought: I have now become a monk. No! The external alone will not bring any benefit. True, you need to wear monastic clothes and fast, but that’s not all! A lamp, until it is lit, does not justify its purpose - to shine. Perhaps someone will push it and break it in the dark. What is missing? - Light! True, both wick and kerosene are necessary, but since there is no fire, if it is not lit, it will not do anyone any good. When it is lit, light will immediately flow. So in monasticism: appearance alone does not bring any benefit, we must not bypass the inner flame. Father Anatoly said that monasticism is the hidden person of the heart... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

What is a monk? A monk is the fulfiller of all God's commandments. And all the commandments come down to two: 1. Love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength and 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments combine the entire law and commandments of God. Angels in heaven thrive in love. The whole life of a monk should be love. Our great elders: Fr. Leo, oh Macarius, Fr. Ambrose, Fr. Anatoly really had this love (Venerable Barsanuphius).

Always rely only on God, and never on man. Then all evil will fall away from you like a severed branch... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

There are two monasticisms: external and internal..., external, so-called hooded monasticism, is easy to acquire, as St. John Climacus writes: it is easy to become an external monk, but it is difficult to become an internal monk. This inner monasticism can even exist in the world, although it is precisely “only it can.” And now they talk so rarely about this inner monasticism, they have almost no idea... (Venerable Barsanuphius).

From a young age, the Lord brought you into the ranks of His chosen ones, He showed you the most convenient monastery for salvation, He did not deprive you of closeness to the elders, and everything is a little sad for you. Turn to the Mother of God and tell Her: “You, Lady, brought me into Your chosen flock, You protect me. You could save Mary of Egypt, but can’t you save me?” (Venerable Anatoly).

Monastic life is difficult - everyone knows that, but that it is the highest, the purest, the most beautiful and even the easiest - that I say easy - inexplicably attractive, the sweetest, most joyful, bright, radiant with eternal joy - this is known to few. But the truth is on the side of the few, not the many. That is why the Lord said to his beloved disciples: do not be afraid, my little flock! As God willed to grant you - what? - Do you think it’s a joy? wealth? pleasure? No! - Kingdom! (Luke 12:32). And what a Kingdom! Where not only all the blessings, all possible treasures, and beauty, and glory, light, joy, burning love, Divine life and eternal joy. This kingdom is the Kingdom of all ages, before which all the greatest kingdoms of this world are smoke and stench! And in that Kingdom of light and joy a royal place is prepared for you, and for all who love the Lord Jesus. Virgins will be brought to the King - in the footsteps of Her - the Queen of Heaven (Venerable Anatoly).

I am a monk, and a monk is the fulfiller of all the commandments of God. Neither seduction, nor threats, nor even death should force a monk to despise the commandment of God. The words of the Psalm touch my sinful heart: “I am Thine, save me, for I have sought Thy justification” (Ps. 119:94). I tell them to the Lord when people or my thoughts threaten me in the performance of my monastic duty. God willing! (Venerable Nikon).

If a monk stays in a lay house, he is looked upon as a layman. A monk cannot remain in the world for a long time. Like a fish without water, so is a monk outside the monastery (Venerable Nikon).

A monk must be entirely in God (Venerable Nikon).

If a monk lives in the world, does not perform any feats and does not even wear monastic clothes, how does he differ from a layman? - With my love for monasticism. You can live in a monastery, apparently be a good monk, but not love monasticism. Such a person is no longer a monk (Venerable Nikon).

Although now there are no monasteries, the monastic vow must remain in the soul, for it was given to God, for monasticism was, is and will be (Venerable Nikon).

Our monastic task is to humble ourselves, bow down, and ask for forgiveness—and thus we are justified (Venerable Hilarion).

Sister! Repent, humble yourself, give in to your sisters - what you can, and do not judge others - all with weaknesses (Venerable Ambrose).

We must understand the spirit of the times and not get carried away by previous concepts and impressions, which are currently impossible to implement. The importance is in Christianity, not in monasticism. Monasticism is important to the extent that it leads to perfect Christianity (Venerable Nikon).

This was the case: one brother was tempted, he decided to buy vodka and drink it, he went to the tavern, there were customers standing there. The woman saleswoman, seeing her in monastic clothes, asked: “What do you want, father?” I shamed my brother with such a question, and he answered: “Half a pound of raisins.” Thus, monastic clothing saved us from temptation (Venerable Nikon).

Monasticism, built in the spirit of the Holy Gospel, on the love of God and the renunciation of worldly life, has always been a stumbling block for the people of this world, it has always been hated by them, misunderstood as doing something alien to them. The servants of Christ, even if they were in the world, loved monasticism and love, seeing in it the ideal of Christian life, which is not alien to them in spirit. Speaking here about monasticism, I mean not individual people, but the very way of life, and speaking about the people of this world, I also mean not living in the world, but with their souls devoted to worldly life (Venerable Nikon).

“Why, father,” asked one person, “is the abbess given the right to dispose of nuns like serfs?” The elder replied: “More than serfs. The serfs could even grumble at their masters behind their backs and scold them, but even this right was taken away from the nuns - the nun herself voluntarily surrenders herself to serfdom” (Venerable Ambrose).

Monasticism arose from the desire to live exactly according to the teachings of the Gospel. Because among the rumors of the city and in the worries of everyday life, it seems a great inconvenience to live exactly according to the teaching of the Gospel, although everyone is obliged to fulfill it. The difference between monks and laity is that the latter are allowed to live in marriage, while the former choose a (celibate) life without a wife. And although you live only at the monastery, you still chose a life without a wife. Read the Gospel of Matthew 5 often from the beginning of the 5th chapter to the end of the 10th and try to live by what is said there. Then you will find order in your life, and you will gain peace of mind for your soul (Venerable Ambrose).

One must understand about monasticism that it is a sacrament that covers previous sins, like baptism. A person who is baptized before baptism cannot feel what he receives afterwards, that is, the inner strength to fulfill the commandments of God (Venerable Ambrose).

My child is ungrateful and unreasonable. Yes, the news is your small soul, that no one has the right to allow anyone to leave the path of pious life that he has adopted. Because those who took up monasticism and left it are likened to Judas the traitor, who did not ask anyone for permission to do so, but willingly betrayed him, and himself suffers his bitter fate in hell. Anyone who still has any sense should not decide to imitate such a pitiful and ill-fated person, but rather let him endure temporary inconveniences and temporary minor sorrow in order to receive the great eternal mercy of God (Venerable Ambrose).

I see that your health is improving, but in matters of monastic deeds there is no better one. What benefit does our health have? We did not enter the gates of the monastery to prepare our own carcass for the exhibition. What for? Then, to decorate yourself with sorrows, illnesses, reproaches from others, fasting, prayer, humility! This is the purpose of our departure from the world! (Venerable Anatoly).

To one head of the monastery, in response to her words that the people entering the monastery are different, it is difficult with them, the priest said: “Marble and metal - everything will do” (Rev. Ambrose).

The main task of our correction and salvation depends on ourselves, and from the outside there is only assistance in this, albeit considerable, because in every matter and in every art testimony is required. And without testimony, a commoner will not weave a bast shoe, a girl will not knit a stocking. Moreover, monastic and monastic life requires testimony, and guidance, and instruction, and on the part of students it requires undoubted acceptance and obedience, according to the Gospel word: “what they tell you to observe, observe and do; But do not follow their works” (Matthew 23:3). These Gospel words clearly show that one should not analyze the lives and deeds of mentors, but only accept their instructions if they agree with the word of God and are not contrary to it. And everyone himself is responsible for his deeds before God, both the mentor and the obedient (St. Ambrose).

The schema-monastic image is a perfect monastic image, and monasticism is perfect Christianity. Our main goal should be to fulfill God’s commandments, by which our heart is cleansed of passions and filled with spiritual fruits: peace, joy, love, and others. Abstinence refines our carnal makeup, and with it, together with the prayer rule, the mind is cleansed, but with the fulfillment of God’s commandments and with the deepest humility, and without this, neither fasting, nor work, nor the rule will bring us any benefit. And if we only place the image of monasticism in this one thing, to fulfill the rule and observe fasting, and do not care about the commandments of love, patience and humility, then we will work in vain. The rule and fasting, of course, must be greater for schema monks than for a simple monk, and it is appropriate to force oneself to do this: but, however, God seeks from us, according to the strength of each, physical feat, and spiritual feat - love and humility - torments from everyone : both the sick and the elderly can love their neighbor, and humble themselves, and receive the mercy of God, this is not my opinion, but I offer you the teaching of the holy fathers (Venerable Macarius).

When they read, especially in church, even without diligence, listen. Over time, everything will fall in love, and life will be monastic (Venerable Anatoly).

Every monastic robe, long or short, with sleeves or without sleeves, with wide sleeves or narrow, is not a simple robe, but humble and holy, and therefore one should put it on oneself, as a gift of God, with reverence and thanksgiving. (Venerable Anthony).

One bishop, having arrived at a monastery, asked the abbot: “Do you have any good monks?” “Yes,” was the answer. - Well, show me. The abbot called and said: “Here is a good blacksmith, here is a good craftsman, etc.” The bishop listened and said: “I asked you to show me a good monk, that is, a worker of prayer or humility, and you show me good craftsmen.” There is a lot of this in the world. The bishop left and then replaced this rector (Rev. Nikon).

Continuing the topic:

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