Modern methods of teaching computer science and ICT in the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards. Advanced training remotely for computer science teachers Advanced training in computer science for university teachers

ANO DPO "VGAPPSSS" invites you to courses for computer science teachers. With us, you can remotely obtain a professional retraining diploma to start a teaching career or improve your qualifications if you are already working in education.

Who is suitable for professional development courses?

Professional retraining is designed for individuals who need professional competencies to work in a new field. The volume of such training for computer science teachers by law is at least 250 hours, in our center - 340 or 640 hours, depending on the program.

Professional retraining can be done, for example, by a programmer or engineer who wants to teach computer science at school or run a computer club at a center for further education. It is also suitable for teachers who do not have enough workload. After completing correspondence courses, they will be able to teach computer science classes, thereby increasing the number of working hours and, accordingly, the size of their salary.

Completion of professional retraining is confirmed by the issuance of a diploma.

Who needs advanced training?

6 reasons to take the course:

1. Direction of the course. The program is aimed at forming and developing in students professional and methodological competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, provided for by the qualification characteristics for the position “Informatics Teacher”, in the context of developing readiness to implement the Federal State Educational Standard of general education when teaching computer science in educational organizations of various types.

2. Combination of theory and practice. The formation of the professional competence of students is ensured by the successful study of such course disciplines as “Information and Information Processes”, “Computer Architecture”, “Fundamentals of Algorithmization and Programming”, “Information Resources and Databases”, “Fundamentals of Information Security”, etc. Formation of the methodological competence of students is implemented through the successful study of such disciplines as “Theory and methodology of teaching computer science”, “Information and communication technologies in teaching computer science”, “Modern pedagogical technologies”, “Training a computer science teacher to conduct the Unified State Exam (USE)”, etc.

3. The principle of modularity. The form of training is modular, which provides for a consistent and uniform familiarization of future specialists with new materials and skills.

4. Complexity. This program provides comprehensive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, information and technological preparation of the student for activities as a computer science teacher in an educational organization.

5. Availability. The implementation of this course is based on easy access to distance learning training materials, so you can study without disturbing your work rhythm and take the course at any time of the year.

6. Cost-effective. This program will provide the shortest path to obtaining additional professional education with the qualification of a computer science teacher. Significant savings of time and money, the opportunity to study in comfortable conditions and choose a convenient time for classes.

Conclusion: This program is a worthy alternative to a second higher pedagogical education. Choosing this course is the most profitable and fastest way to gain additional knowledge in the field of theory and methods of teaching computer science. Expand your capabilities in a short time - choose this method of mastering new skills!

The professional retraining program is developed taking into account the requirements:

The professional retraining program is developed on the basis of:

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 44.03.01 “Pedagogical Education”;

Professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activities in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education), (educator, teacher).”

  • The level of education:


  • Form of study:

    using distance educational technologies

  • Start of classes: Anytime


Issued document on completion of training Certificate Certificate
Scope of the program 72 academic hours 144 academic hours
Duration 2 weeks 2 weeks
Price *
discounts until 07/15/2019
4,500 rub.
9,000 rub.
5,200 rub.
10,400 rub.
Sample of the issued document
* Please check with the manager for prices for the organization.

Course curriculum

Module 1: Presentation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC and SOO

  • 1.1. General provisions of Federal State Educational Standards LLC and SOO
  • 1.2. Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program
  • 1.3. Requirements for the structure of the main educational program
  • 1.4. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 1.5. Requirements for personnel conditions
  • 1.6. Financial and economic conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 1.7. Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 1.8. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 1.9. Information and educational environment
  • 1.10. Activity-based paradigm of education: planned results and assessment system
  • 1.11. Portraits of graduates

Module 2: Technology of lesson construction in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC

  • 2.1. Features of the transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm
  • 2.2. Key characteristics of a modern lesson
  • 2.3. Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a modern lesson
  • 2.4. Typology and structure of the lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • 2.5. Formation of universal educational actions in lessons of various types
  • 2.6. Technological lesson map
  • 2.7. Lesson assessment

Module 3: Features of teaching computer science and ICT in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC

  • 3.1. Relevance and prospects of teaching computer science and ICT in the context of modernization of education
  • 3.2. Place of the academic subject “Informatics and ICT” in the federal basic curriculum
  • 3.3. Federal component of the educational standard in computer science and ICT
  • 3.4. Conceptual foundations of the educational standard in the subject “Informatics and ICT”

Total: 72/140 ac. hours


Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, computer science teacher

I liked the training in this program, as the information is presented in an accessible and understandable form, and laid out concisely. This is my first year teaching computer science, but thanks to the course I took, the principle of drawing up a calendar-thematic plan became clear to me.

Course Description

Teacher qualifications are the main factor in student success

Today it is difficult to overestimate the importance of computer science as a subject that allows students to master the basics of computer literacy. In order for students to successfully master the basics of programming, they must have a qualified teacher. The key to supporting the professional level of a teacher and his development is constant professional development. This axiom is reflected in Russian legislation. According to Federal Law No. 273-FZ, every teaching employee must undergo CCP at least once a year.

Given the need to take advanced training courses, the question arises of where exactly to look for them and which educational institution is better to choose. There will be several selection conditions. Firstly, these must be courses based on federal state educational standards. Federal State Educational Standards courses in computer science are a mandatory requirement for working as a teacher teaching this subject in an educational institution. Secondly, the course program should be as useful as possible for the teacher. And thirdly, the organization and format of training should be convenient for students. All these requirements are met by courses for computer science and ICT teachers at the Institute.

Advanced training remotely

PDAs are usually associated with travel and staying in a hotel while studying, which is often inconvenient for students. What is the convenience of studying at our institute? Studying takes place remotely, which allows teachers to take advanced training courses in Moscow without interrupting work and family, without additional expenses for travel and accommodation.

In addition, the institute assigns a personal tutor to each student, who helps to quickly resolve all issues related to the organization of training. The student himself chooses with what intensity and at what pace he studies, and does not depend on other faster or slower students.

Distance training courses in computer science and ICT give the teacher the opportunity to significantly improve their pedagogical knowledge and acquire practical skills, and get to know the Federal State Educational Standard in detail. During the training, students receive a charge of inspiration and new ideas for work, which is immediately felt by interested students and school management.

State license

License to carry out educational activities

Check with Rosobrnadzor

License No. 039454 dated June 26, 2018 (LIFELESS), issued by the Moscow Department of Education. You can check your license on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor).

Duration: unlimited
OGRN: 1197700009804
Series, form number: 77Л01 0010327
INN: 7724442824

Application for training

The main task in the work of a highly qualified computer science and ICT teacher is to instill in his students a love for this subject. To interest and help them in its further development. And in order to achieve this, modern ICT teachers need to constantly engage in self-education, take retraining courses, study and implement new teaching methods. Appropriate advanced training courses for computer science teachers remotely will help with all this.

At the Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists, we offer you to take distance learning courses for computer science teachers. This training format has long proven its effectiveness. In addition, it allows you to study without interrupting your main activity, be it study or work. You will be able to master the profession in question from anywhere on the planet at any time convenient for you, because all course materials will be available to you 24/7.

Cost and duration of training

Duration of training: 4 months
Start of study groups: 10th and 25th of every month
Cost of education: 4,000 rubles/month (16,000 rubles for the entire program)

Study schedule: distance form

Document upon completion of training:
Diploma “On additional professional education”
with the assignment of a new qualification.

Gives the right to introduce a new type of activity.

Training course program “Informatics and ICT Teacher”

Disciplines specified in the diploma:

Discipline Number of hours
Fundamentals of special pedagogy 40
Special psychology 55
The structure of various types of lessons in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 50
Patriotic education of schoolchildren 30
Success of school education according to Federal State Educational Standards 60
Pedagogy 45
Computer Science and ICT 70
Teaching an academic subject under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard 60
PC architecture and software 50
Multimedia technologies in the professional activities of computer science and ICT teachers 40
Information and information processes 40
Technology for processing text and numerical information 25
Methods of teaching computer science and ICT in primary and secondary schools according to the Federal State Educational Standard 50
Innovative technologies for teaching computer science and ICT as the basis for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 50
Final interdisciplinary exam 5
final examination 10
Total: 680 hours

General professional disciplines

— Pedagogy

— Psychology in the educational process

Special disciplines

— Software and hardware information processing systems

— Computer science as a science. Information and information processes

— Using the capabilities of MS Office in the professional activities of a computer science and ICT teacher

— Fundamentals of e-learning and distance learning technologies

— Internet technologies in teaching the academic subject “Informatics and ICT”

— Multimedia technologies in the professional activities of computer science and ICT teachers

— Information modeling technologies. Algorithmization and programming

— Methods of teaching computer science and ICT in primary and secondary schools

— Innovative technologies for teaching computer science and ICT as the basis for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Online application for training

Retraining computer science teachers remotely at our Institute will allow you to thoroughly study such general disciplines as pedagogy, psychology of the educational process, modern educational methods and many others. In addition, you will receive fundamental knowledge of the basics of computer science, working with MS Office, Internet technologies, programming basics and much more.

After you successfully complete the program “Distance courses for computer science teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard”, you will be awarded a diploma confirming the assignment of the appropriate qualification.

Upon completion of training, a diploma is issued
“On additional professional education” with the award of qualification “Teacher of Informatics and ICT” under the additional professional education program: “Teacher of Informatics and ICT. Technologies for the design and implementation of the educational process in primary and secondary schools, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" (680 hours)

Specialty "Informatics teacher"

The process of transition of Russian schools to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard is gaining momentum. First of all, this, of course, leaves its mark on the work of all teachers, including computer science teachers. Traditional teaching methods, used for decades, must now be complemented by modern information technologies, innovative educational methods and a special approach on the part of teachers. Everything in order to bring the teaching of both computer science and other subjects to a qualitatively new level.

A computer science teacher is a very important specialty that introduces a child to the world of digital technologies, which today penetrate almost all areas of our lives. In computer science lessons, children get acquainted with the structure of a computer, working with applications, the basics of programming and many other skills necessary in the modern world.

It is important to remember that in addition to the fact that the teacher influences the formation of the child’s worldview, participates in the formation of the character and skills of a healthy social life, he lays a fundamental interest in new knowledge and studying the world around him, primarily through his own example. So it is not surprising that every successful teacher, and especially a computer science teacher, must keep up with the times, obtain up-to-date knowledge in a timely manner, and undergo regular training in advanced training courses in computer science.


The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex provides additional vocational education services on the basis of license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014.

You can expect the most attractive prices on the market for additional education, the possibility of distance learning, original methods and training programs developed by the highly qualified teaching staff of the Academy and, of course, a certificate of advanced training upon completion of training.

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