Napoleon quotes. Phrases of Napoleon Bonaparte Expressions of Napoleon Bonaparte

On August 15, 1769, the great commander, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was born. In just a few years he managed to conquer almost all of Europe. We decided to collect a list of the most striking quotes from Bonaparte

About love.

A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure.

Love is an occupation for an idle man, a pastime for a warrior, and a pitfall for a sovereign.

A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.

Nature does not provide for marriage.

Prostitutes are a necessity. Otherwise, men would attack decent women on the streets.

In love, the only victory is escape.

Love is a foolish thing done together.


Only wake me if bad news comes; and if they are good, by no means.

The surest way to keep your word is not to give it.

In misfortune, they usually do not respect someone in whom greatness was previously revered.

In every big undertaking, you always have to leave some part to chance.

There are no roads in Russia - only directions.

Skillful flatterers are usually no less skillful slanderers.

Everyone is right in their own way.

The disasters that befall them elevate the wise, but the fools are completely broken.

Impossibility is a word from the dictionary of fools.

You can stop when you rise, but not when you fall.

From the great to the ridiculous there is one step.

Keep it short and unclear.

Fame wears out.

Chance rules the world.

Only the truth is offensive.

A fool has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.

Success is what makes great people.

You need to want to live and be able to die.

Inspiration is a quick calculation.

A leader is a merchant of hope.

You should be afraid not of those who disagree with you, but of those who disagree with you and are afraid to tell you about it.

The greatest of all immorality is to take on a task that you do not know how to do.

History is just a version of events that happened in our interpretation.

There are two levers with which people can be moved - fear and self-interest.

About the army.

One bad commander is better than two good ones.

It is bad if young people learn the art of war from books: this is a sure way to raise bad generals.

What is required of a soldier, first of all, is endurance and patience; courage is a secondary matter.

Each soldier's backpack contains a marshal's baton.

A people who does not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.

Soldiers are numbers that solve political problems.

I showered gold on my companions: but I had to understand that, having become rich, a person no longer wants to expose himself to mortal danger.

The enemy can be forgiven, but first he must be destroyed.

You can do anything with bayonets, but you can’t sit on them.

About war.

First you need to get involved in a serious battle, and then you’ll see.

An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram.

Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while a country defended by the people is invincible.

To wage war I need three things: firstly, money, secondly, money and thirdly, money.

The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except what is carefully calculated and carefully thought out.

Coups are performed with the belly.

When the enemy makes a mistake, you should not interfere with him. It is not polite.

About government.

Big politics is just common sense applied to big things.

There should be no semi-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to concealment of waste and failure to comply with laws.

It is very difficult to manage if you do it conscientiously

The art of management is to not allow people to grow old in their positions.

Those who cannot speak will not make a career.

It is easier to create laws than to follow them.

The most important thing in politics is to follow your goal: means mean nothing.

When they say about a monarch that he is kind, it means that he is no good for hell.

Politics has no heart, only a head.

About religion.

A people without religion is a miserable ship without a compass. Without religion a person walks in darkness. Only religion shows a person his beginning and end. Christ is useful to the state.

About medicine.

Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do more harm than good.

If anyone thinks they remember everything about the history of Napoleon, read Nikonov. If you're lazy, go through the quotes that I really liked from his "Napoleon. Attempt No. 2."

“Napoleon, for example, proved a theorem, which is now called Napoleon’s theorem. It sounds like this: “On the sides of an arbitrary triangle, external equilateral triangles are constructed. Prove that the centers of these external triangles form an equilateral triangle.” Try to prove it at your leisure.

And now let’s just mention that the Egyptian campaign gave the world not only Egyptology, but was also marked by the first mass production of... dark glasses. While planning the conquest of Egypt, Napoleon wondered what it would be like for his soldiers to fight in the bright African sun. And he ordered a huge batch of dark glasses with lenses the color of “Nile mud,” as he put it. So the world's first industrial batch of glasses was not a tribute to fashion, but an army order from General Bonaparte, and this order was made in 1798...

But the wristwatch may have been invented by Bonaparte personally. Before that, all wearable watches were pocket watches. Napoleon ordered Abraham Breguet to wear a watch in an unusual way - on the hand, to which the watch was attached with a bracelet. It is unknown whether Napoleon himself invented such a watch or who suggested it to him, but documents found in the archives of the Breguet company indicate that Bonaparte was the first customer of such a watch. The watch was intended as a gift for Napoleon's sister Polina. The craftsmen wove their bracelet from thin gold wire and human hair, and the watch itself was also equipped with a thermometer.

Six months later it was all over. I mean, there was no longer any banditry in France. The country sighed, once again turning into a normal civilized state, where it is not scary to travel by stagecoach from city to city. How did Napoleon manage to do this?
And it’s very simple: he was not shy about “peeing in toilets.” Moreover, all of France at the beginning of his reign was one continuous toilet. Therefore, it was very convenient to wet. The measures to restore order were the same ones that Napoleon used in the south of France before his first Italian campaign and in Cairo, when he pacified the protests of the natives - shootings and executions. A good product that always works.

he was “imprisoned” for the most ordinary, vulgar family happiness. And family comfort. This was a man with whom any woman would live her life, as if behind a stone wall, in an atmosphere of love, care and tenderness.
And Josephine was a bitch...
She was completely unworthy of the prize that fate had thrown at her. At first. And only towards the end of her life Josephine finally realized what exactly she got in the marriage lottery. But it was already too late.

“Not letting people grow old is the art of management”

“Sovereign! If you don't want peace, then give every Russian soldier a loaded pistol and order them all to shoot themselves. You will get the same result..."

Peace was all Napoleon needed. That's why he fought all the time.

Kutuzov - by that time an old, flabby pedophile - was known in the Russian army as a lazy, mean-spirited and flattering intriguer. This is not a joke about pedophilia. Kutuzov really preferred young 14-16 year old girls, whom he used in every war. And it’s also true about flattery. He always agreed with the king, afraid to contradict him. This obsequious manner of behavior even caused Alexander disgust and indignation. He did not like Kutuzov, saying: “This man never objected to me.”

What do simple civilized people need, given that civilization is comfort through reason? So for you personally?.. You wake up in the morning, have breakfast, go to the subway or get in the car, go to work. You eat, sleep, go to the store, and go on vacation to the sea. A measured, peaceful life, family, children, entertainment, prosperity. What else does a normal person need? And does it make any difference to him, like the surname of the “king” who rules the country, if nothing changes except the surname? Well, Medvedev or even Bush came instead of Putin - if there is work, the metro runs, garbage is taken out and cars are sold on credit, then what difference does it make to a civilized (read, civilized) citizen who sits in the Kremlin - Pupkin or Seledkin?
But Pupkin, wanting to stay in power, perhaps would like the people to go to fight for him against Seledkin. But then you need to clearly understand that this will be a war not for the homeland, but for Pupkin. In which the people will shed blood not for their own interests (the people don’t care in the economic sense), but for the interests of Pupkin. The authorities, of course, want the people to gnaw at their throats for them. And the simpler and dumber the people, the easier it is to organize them to fight for the interests of the Leader. And vice versa.
If a country is conquered not by barbarians, whose invasion will lead to the collapse of civilization, that is, a drop in the standard of living, the disappearance of comfort, but, on the contrary, by people with a higher civilizing status, resisting them is a sign of stupidity.

Amazed by such barbarity, Napoleon said: “In order to cause me temporary troubles, they destroyed the creation of many centuries.”

“I was going to create a Europe in which citizens would have the same nationality and could move from one end of Europe to the other with one passport...”
This was stated after the fact, so many historians believe that Napoleon came up with such a version already in St. Helena, but in fact he “sought world domination.” Historians, of course, know better than Napoleon where he was aiming. Therefore, we will accept their version, and not Napoleonic’s. After all, who is Napoleon? Yes, small fry. I didn’t know what I was doing... But historians are

Having promised peace to his compatriots and offered peace to Europe, Napoleon guessed that there would be no peace. The Allies declared him an “enemy of humanity,” apparently considering themselves the latter’s best friends.

Napoleon despised too much the plebs and the beast that tried to crawl out of him at the first weakness. It was not for nothing that he called the mob rascals. Three years earlier, Napoleon had not released this beast in Russia: “A large number of village inhabitants asked me for a decree that would give them freedom, and promised to take up arms to help me. But in a country where the middle class is small ... I felt that arming the slave population meant dooming the country to terrible disasters ... "

He was called a usurper. And it looked funny. Napoleon never usurped power in France. On the contrary, of all European kings and emperors, he was the most legitimate. The French people voted overwhelmingly in national plebiscites both for Napoleon's lifelong consulate and for his emperorship. French people twice soot

Napoleon I Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, Ajaccio, Corsica. Emperor of France in 1804-1815, French commander and statesman who laid the foundations of the modern French state. Author of works - “Dialogue about Love”, “Dinner at Beaucaire”, etc. Died May 5, 1821, Longwood, Fr. Saint Helena.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Napoleon I Bonaparte

  • Chance rules the world.
  • Everyone is right in their own way.
  • Coups are performed with the belly.
  • From the great to the ridiculous there is one step.
  • It is easier to create laws than to follow them.
  • Inspiration is a quick calculation.
  • Those who cannot speak will not make a career.
  • Each soldier's backpack contains a marshal's baton.
  • Wise men are above disasters, and fools are below them.
  • Chance is the only legitimate king of the universe.
  • A journalist is a street cleaner who works with a pen.
  • Nothing multiplies battalions in numbers like success.
  • It is very difficult to manage if you do it conscientiously.
  • Public opinion always has the last word.
  • Soldiers are numbers that solve political problems.
  • There are no undaunted people among those who have something to lose.
  • Unlimited power does not need lies: it is silent.
  • True heroism is to rise above the misfortunes of life.
  • Anyone who does not strive to gain the respect of his contemporaries is not worthy of it.
  • In misfortune, they usually do not respect someone in whom greatness was previously revered.
  • The disasters that befall them elevate the wise, but the fools are completely broken.
  • The most important thing in politics is to follow your goal: means mean nothing.
  • Custom forces us to do many stupid things; the biggest one is to become his slave.
  • A true hero plays a chess game during a battle, regardless of its outcome.
  • Do you want to know if your friends are reliable? To do this you have to be in misfortune.
  • What is required of a soldier, first of all, is endurance and patience; courage is the second thing.
  • Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do more harm than good.
  • Governments in which opposing opinions are expressed are good as long as there is peace.
  • Only those who want to deceive and control the people can keep them in ignorance.
  • An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.
  • Those who are ready to take control must be prepared for the fact that they will be killed.
  • The Congress is a fable invented by diplomats, the pen of Machiavelli joined to the sword of Mohammed.
  • The art of management is to not allow people to grow old in their positions.
  • Wealth does not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use that one knows how to give them.
  • A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.
  • Even one scoundrel is enough to destroy the fatherland: there are many examples of this in history.
  • Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while a country defended by the people is invincible.
  • Love is an occupation for an idle man, a pastime for a warrior, and a pitfall for a sovereign.
  • Those who seek happiness in luxury and extravagance are like those who prefer the glow of candles to the radiance of the sun.
  • An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram.
  • A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure.
  • Victory is not won by numbers. Alexander defeated three hundred thousand Persians at the head of twenty thousand Macedonians.
  • Among those who seek death, there are few who find it at the very time when it would be to their advantage.
  • The nation, the people, the army, all the French should not forget about their past: after all, it constitutes their glory.
  • For the French, the sense of national honor always smolders under the ashes. All it takes is a spark to ignite it.
  • He who prefers wealth to fame is a spendthrift who takes from the moneylender and goes bankrupt on the interest.
  • Those who seek happiness in vanity and amusement are like people who prefer the light of a candle to the radiance of the sun.
  • It turns out that out of one hundred former royal favorites, at least ninety-five were hanged.
  • A coward runs from someone who is more evil than him; the weak are defeated by the strong: this is the origin of political law.
  • In revolutions we encounter two kinds of people: those who commit them and those who use them for their own purposes.
  • In order for the people to gain true freedom, it is necessary that those governed be wise men, and those who govern them be gods.
  • It is bad if young people learn the art of war from books: this is a sure way to raise bad generals.
  • There should be no semi-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to concealment of waste and failure to comply with laws.
  • The human spirit is not yet mature enough for managers to do what they should do, and for the managed to do what they want.
  • Common sense creates gifted people; pride is just the wind that inflates the sails and leads their ship straight to the pier.
  • The place of military operations is the general's chessboard; it is his choice that reveals the ability or ignorance of the military leader.
  • I showered gold on my companions: but I had to understand that, having become rich, a person no longer wants to expose himself to mortal danger.
  • In essence, the name and form of government are of no importance: if only justice is given to all citizens, if they are equal in rights, the state is governed well.
  • It is in the interests of the state that officials are constantly replaced: if this principle is not observed, then appanage estates and seigneurial justice inevitably appear.
  • The great and beautiful truths of the French Revolution will live forever - we surrounded them with such splendor, such monuments, miracles! These truths will remain immortal. We washed away the first stains of the revolution with streams of glory.
  • Public order depends on justice. Therefore, by right, the place of judges is in the first row of the social hierarchy. Therefore, no honors or signs of respect can be considered excessive for them.
  • Every party leader must be able to take advantage of the enthusiasm of his supporters, for there is no party that does not have its own ardent adherents. And the greatest military leader, at the head of his soldiers, devoid of fighting spirit, turns out to be a complete mediocrity.

The collection includes quotes from Napoleon Bonaparte, the French commander:

  • I showered gold on my companions: but I had to understand that, having become rich, a person no longer wants to expose himself to mortal danger.
  • Wealth does not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use that one knows how to give them.
  • I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management is knowing when to be this or that.
  • Only wake me if there is bad news; and if they are good, by no means.
  • You can do anything with bayonets; You just can’t sit on them.
  • In every big undertaking, you always have to leave some part to chance.
  • What does a million human lives mean to a person like me?
  • In misfortune, they usually do not respect someone in whom greatness was previously revered.
  • Success is what makes great people.
  • In revolutions we encounter two kinds of people: those who commit them and those who use them for their own purposes.
  • For the French, the sense of national honor always smolders under the ashes. All it takes is a spark to ignite it.
  • In essence, the name and form of government are of no importance: if only justice is given to all citizens, if they are equal in rights, the state is governed well.
  • A coward runs from someone who is more evil than him; the weak are defeated by the strong: this is the origin of political law.
  • The great and beautiful truths of the French Revolution will live forever - we surrounded them with such splendor, such monuments, miracles! These truths will remain immortal. We washed away the first stains of the revolution with streams of glory.
  • Anyone who does not strive to gain the respect of his contemporaries is not worthy of it.
  • Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while a country defended by the people is invincible.
  • Only the truth is offensive.
  • Imagination rules the world.
  • Those who are ready to take control must be prepared for the fact that they will be killed.
  • Do you want to know if your friends are reliable? To do this you have to be in misfortune.
  • With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done.
  • Men of genius are meteors destined to burn to illuminate their age.
  • Death is nothing, but a life of defeat and ignominy is death every day.
  • To wage war I need three things: firstly, money, secondly, money and thirdly, money.
  • Chance is the only legitimate king of the universe.
  • To control the seal you need a whip and spurs.
  • Power is never funny.
  • The bullet that can kill me has not yet been cast!
  • From the time I became the head of the state, I consulted only with myself, and this suited me quite well; I only started making mistakes when I started listening to what my advisors were saying.

  • Common sense creates gifted people; self-love is just the wind that inflates the sails and leads their ship straight to the pier.
  • Prostitutes are a necessity. Otherwise, men would attack decent women on the streets.
  • The art of management is to not allow people to grow old in their positions.
  • Governments in which opposing opinions are expressed are good as long as there is peace.
  • A true hero plays a chess game during a battle, regardless of its outcome.
  • After victory there are no enemies - all people!
  • Everyone is right in their own way.
  • As long as we are at war in Europe, the war remains civil.
  • A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure.
  • It is bad if young people learn the art of war from books: this is a sure way to raise bad generals.
  • Those who stand high and in full view of everyone should not allow themselves to make impetuous movements.
  • Coups are performed with the belly.
  • It is easier to create laws than to follow them.
  • From mind to reason is much further than is believed.
  • The best speaker in the world is success.
  • Public order depends on justice. Therefore, by right, the place of judges is in the first row of the social hierarchy. Therefore, no honors or signs of respect can be considered excessive for them.
  • Love for one's homeland is the first virtue of a civilized person.
  • From the great to the ridiculous there is one step.
  • Among those who seek death, there are few who find it at the very time when it would be to their advantage.
  • It turns out that out of one hundred former royal favorites, at least ninety-five were hanged.
  • My glory is that it will live forever.
  • Custom forces us to do many stupid things; the biggest is to become his slave.
  • Wise men are above disasters, and fools are below them.
  • You need to get involved in the battle first, and then we’ll see.
  • On the battlefield, the most dangerous are supposedly the ideal military genius and the absolute idiot, with the advantage on the side of the idiot, since his actions are completely impossible to foresee.
  • Never consider what party the person who seeks justice from you belonged to.
  • Impossibility is a word from the dictionary of fools.
  • A people who does not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.
  • There are no undaunted people among those who have something to lose.
  • An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.
  • There is nothing more arrogant than a powerless person who feels supported.
  • The nation, the people, the army, all the French should not forget about their past: after all, it constitutes their glory.
  • An ignoramus is only boring, a pedant is unbearable.
  • The greatest of all immorality is to take on a task that you do not know how to do.
  • Nothing multiplies battalions in numbers like success.
  • A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.
  • A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. Without religion a person walks in darkness. Only religion shows a person his beginning and end. Christ is useful to the state.
  • The disasters that befall them elevate the wise, but the fools are completely broken.
  • One bad commander is better than two good ones.
  • The place of military operations is the general's chessboard; it is his choice that reveals the ability or ignorance of the military leader.
  • You can stop when you rise, but not when you fall.
  • Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do more harm than good.
  • Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent.
  • Love is an occupation for an idle man, a pastime for a warrior, and a pitfall for a sovereign.
  • What is required of a soldier, first of all, is endurance and patience; courage is the second thing.
  • A leader is a merchant of hope.
  • Patriotism is the first sign of a civilized person, the quality that distinguishes a person from a slave.
  • He who knows how to flatter also knows how to slander.
  • Keep it short and unclear.
  • Those who cannot speak will not make a career.
  • Victory is not won by numbers. Alexander defeated three hundred thousand Persians at the head of twenty thousand Macedonians.
  • When they say about a king that he was kind, it means his reign was unsuccessful.
  • Show me people who read books and I will show you who moves the world.
  • History is woven from lies that everyone believes.
  • Public opinion always has the last word.
  • True heroism is to rise above the misfortunes of life.

  • Skillful flatterers are usually no less skillful slanderers.
  • Religion is an excellent tool to calm the mob.
  • A journalist is a street cleaner who works with a pen.
  • The most important thing in politics is to follow your goal: means mean nothing.
  • If you put rams at the head of lions, then lions will ram, but on the contrary, even a ram will have the heart of a lion.
  • Glory wears out.
  • In order for the people to gain true freedom, it is necessary for the governed to be wise men, and for the rulers to be gods.
  • Chance rules the world.
  • Even one scoundrel is enough to destroy the fatherland: there are many examples of this in history.
  • First you need to get involved in a serious battle, and then you’ll see.
  • The battle was won not by the one who gave good advice, but by the one who took responsibility for its implementation and ordered it to be carried out.
  • Soldiers are numbers that solve political problems.
  • Every party leader must be able to take advantage of the enthusiasm of his supporters, for there is no party that does not have its own ardent adherents. And the greatest military leader, at the head of his soldiers, devoid of fighting spirit, turns out to be a complete mediocrity.
  • Those who seek happiness in luxury and extravagance are like those who prefer the glow of candles to the radiance of the sun.
  • War consists of unforeseen events.
  • Only those who want to deceive and control the people can keep them in ignorance.
  • It is very difficult to manage if you do it conscientiously.
  • He who prefers wealth to fame is a spendthrift who takes from the moneylender and goes bankrupt on the interest.
  • There should be no semi-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to concealment of waste and failure to comply with laws.
  • Politics has no heart, only a head.
  • There are no roads in Russia - only directions.
  • Fortune follows a great man.
  • Each soldier's backpack contains a marshal's baton.
  • The human spirit is not yet mature enough for managers to do what they should do, and for the managed to do what they want.
  • In love, the only victory is flight.
  • Other people's stupidity has never made anyone smart.
  • It is in the interests of the state that officials are constantly replaced: if this principle is not observed, then appanage estates and seigneurial justice inevitably appear.
  • People can be controlled by these pathetic trinkets! (About orders and medals)
  • Big politics is just common sense applied to big things.
  • I do not think that France has ever known a better order than that which existed under me. — "Maxims and Thoughts of the Prisoner of St. Helena", CCCLIII
  • God fights on the side that, other things being equal, has more troops.

Topics of the issue: statements, sayings, aphorisms, phrases and quotes of Napoleon I Bonaparte, (in Corsican: Napulione Buonaparte, in Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, in French: Napoleon Bonaparte). Great commander, statesman, emperor of the French in 1804-1815. Years of life: August 15, 1769, Ajaccio, Corsica - May 5, 1821, Longwood, St. Helena.

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Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

I've put together a new collection quotes - Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte .

This Corsican who shocked Europe wanted to remain in history not only with his deeds, but also with his words. And so he stayed.

Quotes summarized by topic: government, life ethics, war, politics, about yourself, human manifestations, generals, management, life, love, great people, women and men, patriotism, history, revolution, Russia, wise men and fools, success, marriage, religion, people , glory, heroes, press and journalists, death.

About government

The people, like women, have only one right: to be governed.

In order for the people to gain true freedom, it is necessary for the governed to be wise men, and for the rulers to be gods.

In essence, the name and form of government are of no importance: if only justice is given to all citizens, if they are equal in rights, the state is governed well.

It is easier to create laws than to follow them.

It is very difficult to manage if you do it conscientiously.

There should be no semi-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to concealment of waste and failure to comply with laws.

Governments in which opposing opinions are expressed are good as long as there is peace.

If you put rams at the head of lions, then lions will ram, but on the contrary, even a ram will have the heart of a lion.

It is in the interests of the state that officials are constantly replaced: if this principle is not observed, then appanage estates and seigneurial justice inevitably appear.

Only those who want to deceive and control the people can keep them in ignorance.

Even one scoundrel is enough to destroy the fatherland: there are many examples of this in history.

About life ethics

Imagination rules the world.

There are two levers with which people can be moved - fear and self-interest.

Common sense creates gifted people; pride is just the wind that inflates the sails and leads their ship straight to the pier.

Only the truth is offensive.

The surest way to keep your word is not to give it.

You should be afraid not of those who disagree with you, but of those who disagree with you and are afraid to tell you about it.

The greatest of all immorality is to take on a task that you do not know how to do.

Anyone who does not strive to gain the respect of his contemporaries is not worthy of it.

Keep it short and unclear.

In every big undertaking, you always have to leave some part to chance.

About war

War consists of unforeseen events.

You need to get involved in the battle first, and then we’ll see.

To wage war I need three things: firstly, money, secondly, money and thirdly, money.

God fights on the side that, other things being equal, has more troops.

Victory is not won by numbers. Alexander defeated three hundred thousand Persians at the head of twenty thousand Macedonians.

Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while a country defended by the people is invincible.

What is required of a soldier, first of all, is endurance and patience; courage is the second thing.

As long as we are at war in Europe, the war remains civil.

When the enemy makes a mistake, you should not interfere with him. It is not polite.

After victory there are no enemies - all people!

About politics

Politics has no heart, only a head.

Big politics is just common sense applied to big things.

The most important thing in politics is to follow your goal: means mean nothing.

Soldiers are numbers that solve political problems.

Coups are performed with the belly.

A people who does not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.

A coward runs from someone who is more evil than him; the weak are defeated by the strong: this is the origin of political law.

Public order depends on justice. Therefore, by right, the place of judges is in the first row of the social hierarchy. Therefore, no honors or signs of respect can be considered excessive for them.

Public opinion always has the last word.

About Me

The bullet that can kill me has not yet been cast!

What does a million human lives mean to a person like me?

Only wake me if there is bad news; and if they are good, by no means.

From the time I became the head of the state, I consulted only with myself, and this suited me quite well; I only started making mistakes when I started listening to what my advisors were saying.

My glory is that it will live forever.

I do not think that France has ever known a better order than that which existed under me.

In misfortune, they usually do not respect someone in whom greatness was previously revered.

Death is nothing, but a life of defeat and ignominy is death every day.

About human manifestations

Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent.

Inspiration is a quick calculation.

With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done.

There are no undaunted people among those who have something to lose.

Those who seek happiness in luxury and extravagance are like those who prefer the glow of candles to the radiance of the sun.

Other people's stupidity has never made anyone smart.

Skillful flatterers are usually no less skillful slanderers.

There is nothing more arrogant than a powerless person who feels supported.

About generals

The greatest commander is the one who makes the fewest mistakes.

The battle was won not by the one who gave good advice, but by the one who took responsibility for its implementation and ordered it to be carried out.

The place of military operations is the general's chessboard; it is his choice that reveals the ability or ignorance of the military leader.

Every party leader must be able to take advantage of the enthusiasm of his supporters, for there is no party that does not have its own ardent adherents.

And the greatest military leader, at the head of his soldiers, devoid of fighting spirit, turns out to be a complete mediocrity.

It is bad if young people learn the art of war from books: this is a sure way to raise bad generals.

About management

I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management is knowing when to be this or that.

Those who are ready to take control must be prepared for the fact that they will be killed.

The art of management is to not allow people to grow old in their positions.

A leader is a merchant of hope.

The human spirit is not yet mature enough for managers to do what they should do, and for the managed to do what they want.

Those who stand high and in full view of everyone should not allow themselves to make impetuous movements.

Those who cannot speak will not make a career.

About life

Chance is the only legitimate king of the universe.

From the great to the ridiculous there is one step.

You can stop when you rise, but not when you fall.

Custom forces us to do many stupid things; the biggest one is to become his slave.

Wealth does not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use that one knows how to give them.

About love

In love, the only victory is escape.

Love is a foolish thing done together.

I think love is harmful to society. Oh, that the gods would rid the world of love!

Love is an occupation for an idle man, a pastime for a warrior, and a pitfall for a sovereign.

About great people

Men of genius are meteors destined to burn to illuminate their age.

Fortune follows a great man.

Genius lies in the ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible.

Great careers, great achievements are born from the meeting of character, genius and luck.

About women and men

A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure.

A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.

Prostitutes are a necessity. Otherwise, men would attack decent women on the streets.

About patriotism

Love for the homeland is the first dignity of a civilized person.

Patriotism is the quality that distinguishes a person from a slave.

For the French, the sense of national honor always smolders under the ashes. All it takes is a spark to ignite it.

The nation, the people, the army, all the French should not forget about their past: after all, it constitutes their glory.

About history

History is just a version of events that happened in our interpretation.

History is woven from lies that everyone believes.

When they say about a king that he was kind, it means his reign was unsuccessful.

It turns out that out of one hundred former royal favorites, at least ninety-five were hanged.

About the revolution

Revolution is a conviction backed by bayonets.

The great and beautiful truths of the French Revolution will live forever - we surrounded them with such splendor, such monuments, miracles! These truths will remain immortal. We washed away the first stains of the revolution with streams of glory.

In revolutions we encounter two kinds of people: those who commit them and those who use them for their own purposes.

About Russia

There are no roads in Russia - only directions.

Dig a Russian and you will find a Tatar!

The Battle of Borodino was the most beautiful and most formidable, the French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians deserved to be invincible.

About wise men and fools

The disasters that befall them elevate the wise, but the fools are completely broken.

Impossibility is a word from the dictionary of fools.

An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.

About success

Success is what makes great people.

The best speaker in the world is success.

If you want to succeed in this world, then promise everything and deliver nothing.

Nothing multiplies battalions in numbers like success.

About marriage

Nature does not provide for marriage.

Establishing the indissolubility of marriage is incitement to crime.

Marriage licenses should not be given to couples who have known each other for less than six months.

About religion

Religion is an excellent means to calm the mob.

A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. Without religion a person walks in darkness. Only religion shows a person his beginning and end. Christ is useful to the state.

About people

Give a man power and you will know who he is.

About fame

Each soldier's backpack contains a marshal's baton.

Fame wears out.

About the heroes

True heroism is to rise above the misfortunes of life.

A true hero plays a chess game during a battle, regardless of its outcome.

About the press and journalists

To control the seal you need a whip and spurs.

A journalist is a street cleaner who works with a pen.

About death

Death is the best exile.

Among those who seek death, there are few who find it at the very time when it would be to their advantage.

About miscellaneous

Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do more harm than good.

Show me people who read books - and I will show you who moves the world.

Power is never funny.

You can do anything with bayonets; You just can’t sit on them.

So, the commander and Emperor Napoleon, as one would expect, more and more people are speaking out about war, politics, government, generals... However, he also touches on the topics of love and marriage, although without much enthusiasm.

Quotes about Napoleon

  • Emperor Alexander I: Napoleon or me, me or him, but together we cannot reign.
  • A.S. Pushkin:
    • A wonderful lot has happened:
    • A great man has passed away.
    • Has sunk into gloomy captivity
    • Napoleon's formidable age. (see quotes from Pushkin)
  • J. Byron:
    • Thank you! A cruel example!
    • He means more for centuries,
    • Than philosophy lessons,
    • Than the teachings of the sages.
    • From now on, the shine of military power
    • Will not seduce human passions,
    • The idol of the minds has fallen forever.
    • He was like all earthly gods:
    • The forehead is made of bronze, the legs are made of clay.
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