Academician Negin. Evgeny Arkadyevich Negin: biography

) - Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lieutenant general engineer, hero of Socialist Labor.


Evgeny Arkadyevich Negin devoted almost 50 years of his life to work at RFNC-VNIIEF - Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (in Arzamas-16). Everyone with whom Evgeniy Arkadyevich had to collaborate during these decades noted his unusually rapid scientific and administrative career.
year - defense of a candidate's dissertation at the Air Force Academy. NOT. Zhukovsky and the beginning of teaching at his native department of small arms. Since the year E.A. Negin is an employee of KB-1 1 in Sarov. Starting as a junior researcher, he soon became deputy head of the sector for scientific issues. In the year, at 38 years old, E.A. Negin is the chief designer, and since the year has been the first deputy scientific director of Yuli Borisovich Khariton. After 12 years, Evgeniy Arkadyevich has been working in the most responsible positions of director for years and at the same time chief designer of nuclear charges for years.
Not all theorists also have organizational talent. He knew how he had to work almost seven days a week, not being at home for six months, putting up with everyday unsettled conditions and eating “like everyone else.” He was distinguished by the balance of rare qualities: a scientific mindset and practical acumen.
The “Neginsky method” of the leadership was chosen correctly: it demanded that you always get to the bottom of the truth yourself, be critical of your methods, and only in extreme cases “cry out for help.” Evgeniy Arkadyevich never emphasized his superiority in his official position; his exactingness, sometimes harsh, was never expressed in a rude and harsh form.
In the last decade of his life, E.A. Negin thought a lot and keenly felt personal responsibility for the future fate of the Nuclear Center. Despite his deteriorating health and family tragedy (the death of his wife Valentina Romanovna), he continued to work for another 10 years as an adviser to the director of the institute and head of the historical research laboratory. He understood that the restructuring that had begun could also affect the Nuclear Center.
In numerous interviews and publications, he expressed strong convictions about the need to preserve the unique scientific and technical association that VNIEF is. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the institute, celebrated this year, Academician Negin headed the organizing committee for the preparation of the Social-Historical Conference on the development of domestic nuclear weapons.
During these years, when the secrecy regime wavered, in pursuit of sensation, many journalists began to publish literally fables, which spoke very roughly, and sometimes distortedly, about the solution to the atomic problem in our country. It was agreed that our academicians Yu.B. Khariton and A.D. Sakharov were allegedly “gifted” by intelligence officers with an atomic and even a hydrogen bomb. One myth and speculation replaced another, but there was no increase in clarity. Then the scientists themselves, the true creators of the atomic project, put pen to paper, knowing the whole history of the country’s first Nuclear Center “from the inside.”
In the early 90s, statements by our politicians that we, our country, had no enemies began to cause alarm. Yes, it seems that there are no obvious enemies, that is, in words. But there are no friends either! All this had to be thought about during visits of high management to the Nuclear Center.
So, President Boris Yeltsin came there. Admired by the achievements of science, installations that have no equal in the world, he solemnly declared: “You are the pride of Russia! Keep going! Russia needs you! You should be paid five times for your work!” The institute leaders were delighted and headed to the acting director. Chairman of the Council of Ministers E. Gaidar. However, he quickly cooled down the hope that had flared up, saying that the president’s promises were not backed up by financial funds, and nuclear weapons were increasing tension in the world.
Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin also visited Arzamas-16, even three times, and promised unconditional support. Each of his visits was marked by the repayment of salary arrears, but after his departure everything returned to normal.
No, no, yes, it was heard from the lips of new wave politicians and even military leaders that nuclear weapons are a huge evil that must be immediately dismantled and disposed of. However, the entire history of the second half of the 20th century has proven that it is, first of all, a political weapon of deterrence, and as long as we have it, we are forced to be taken into account. Yes, at the dawn of the atomic age, humanity was interested in the peaceful development of nuclear energy. And who, what politicians, needs to know why the great achievement of human civilization has become destructive. These difficult questions haunted Academician Negin, who was accustomed to answering for everyone and everything.
On February 6, the “nuclear city” of Sarov and the institute said goodbye to their honorary citizen and honorary veteran of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, participant in the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Parade, academician, Lieutenant General of Aviation Evgeniy Arkadyevich Negin.
E. A. Negin was buried in the city cemetery among the honorary citizens of Sarov. The last military honors were given with a gun salute and anthem.

Based on materials from the Bor Museum, Nizhny Novgorod. I. Gogoleva.

Evgeniy Arkadyevich devoted almost 50 years of his life to work at RFNC-VNIIEF - Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (“Arzamas-16”).


Born on January 16, 1921 in the village of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod province (now the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region) in the family of an employee. Russian.

He studied at a secondary school in the village of Bor, then moved to secondary school No. 1 in the city of Gorky, from which he graduated with honors in 1938. Without exams, he was admitted to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Gorky State University (now Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky). After completing the 3rd year of university, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he began working as a carpenter's apprentice at factory No. 21 named after Ordzhonikidze (Gorky).

1948 - defense of a candidate's dissertation at the Air Force Academy named after. N. E. Zhukovsky and the beginning of teaching at his native department of small arms.

Since 1949, E. A. Negin has been an employee of KB-11 in Sarov. Starting as a junior researcher, he soon became deputy head of the sector for scientific issues. In 1959, at the age of 38, E. A. Negin was the chief designer, and since 1966, the first deputy scientific director of Yuli Borisovich Khariton. After 12 years, Evgeniy Arkadyevich works in the most responsible positions of director from 1978 to 1987 and at the same time as chief designer of nuclear charges from 1959 to 1991.

Died February 3, 1998. On February 6, 1998, the “nuclear city” of Sarov and the institute said goodbye to their honorary citizen and honorary veteran of the RFNC VNIIEF, participant in the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Parade, academician, lieutenant general of aviation Evgeniy Arkadyevich Negin.

E. A. Negin was buried in the city cemetery among the honorary citizens of Sarov. The last military honors were given with a gun salute and anthem.

Scientist's Case

Not all theorists also have organizational talent. He knew how he had to work almost seven days a week, not being at home for six months, putting up with everyday unsettled conditions and eating “like everyone else.” He was distinguished by the balance of rare qualities: a scientific mindset and practical acumen.

The “Neginsky method” of the leadership was chosen correctly: it demanded that you always get to the bottom of the truth yourself, be critical of your methods, and only in extreme cases “cry out for help.” Evgeniy Arkadyevich never emphasized his superiority in his official position; his exactingness, sometimes harsh, was never expressed in a rude and harsh form.

In the last decade of his life, E. A. Negin thought a lot and keenly felt personal responsibility for the future fate of the Nuclear Center. Despite his deteriorating health and family tragedy (the death of his wife Valentina Romanovna), from 1988 he continued to work for another 10 years as an adviser to the director of the institute and head of the historical research laboratory. He understood that the restructuring that had begun could also affect the Nuclear Center.

In numerous interviews and publications, he expressed strong convictions about the need to preserve the unique scientific and technical association that VNIIEF is. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the institute, celebrated in 1996, Academician Negin headed the organizing committee for the preparation of the Social-Historical Conference on the development of domestic nuclear weapons.
During these years, when the secrecy regime wavered, in pursuit of sensation, many journalists began to publish literally fables, which spoke very roughly, and sometimes distortedly, about the solution to the atomic problem in our country. They even agreed that our academicians Yu. B. Khariton and A. D. Sakharov were allegedly “gifted” by intelligence officers with an atomic and even a hydrogen bomb. One myth and speculation replaced another, but there was no increase in clarity. Then the scientists themselves, the true creators of the atomic project, put pen to paper, knowing the whole history of the country’s first Nuclear Center “from the inside.”

In the early 1990s, statements by our politicians that we, our country, had no enemies began to cause alarm. Yes, it seems that there are no obvious enemies, that is, in words. But there are no friends either! All this had to be thought about during visits of high management to the Nuclear Center.

So, in 1917, President B. Yeltsin came there. Admired by the achievements of science, installations that have no equal in the world, he solemnly declared: “You are the pride of Russia! Keep going! Russia needs you! You should be paid five times for your work!” The institute leaders were delighted and headed to the acting director. Chairman of the Council of Ministers E. Gaidar. However, he quickly cooled down the hope that had flared up, saying that the president’s promises were not backed up by financial funds, and nuclear weapons were increasing tension in the world.

Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin also visited Arzamas-16, even three times, and promised unconditional support. Each of his visits was marked by the repayment of salary arrears, but after his departure everything returned to normal.

No, no, yes, it was heard from the lips of new wave politicians and even military leaders that nuclear weapons are a huge evil that must be immediately dismantled and disposed of. However, the entire history of the second half of the 20th century has proven that it is, first of all, a political weapon of deterrence, and as long as we have it, we are forced to be taken into account. Yes, at the dawn of the atomic age, humanity was interested in the peaceful development of nuclear energy. And who, what politicians, needs to know why the great achievement of human civilization has become destructive. These difficult questions haunted Academician Negin, who was accustomed to answering for everyone and everything.


  • Honorary citizen of the city of Sarov.
  • He was awarded four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree, the Order of the Red Star, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, and the medal “For Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”
  • Winner of the Lenin Prize (1959), two Stalin Prizes (1951, 1953) and the USSR State Prize (1985).
  • For great services in the development of the defense industry, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 20, 1956 (“closed”), Evgeniy Arkadyevich Negin was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.


In the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region, a memorial plaque was unveiled to Negin E.A. on the building of the State Museum of Local Lore.


  • Materials of the museum of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod. I. Gogoleva.

Evgeniy Arkadievich Negin(-) - Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lieutenant general engineer, Hero of Socialist Labor ().

Evgeniy Arkadyevich devoted almost 50 years of his life to work at RFNC-VNIIEF - Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (“Arzamas-16”).


He studied at a secondary school in the village of Bor, then moved to secondary school No. 8 in the city of Gorky, from which he graduated with honors in 1938. Without exams, he was admitted to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Gorky State University (now Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky). After completing the 3rd year of university, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he began working as a carpenter's apprentice at factory No. 21 named after Ordzhonikidze (Gorky).



In the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region, a memorial plaque was unveiled to E. A. Negin on the building of the State Museum of Local Lore, as well as a monument in the form of a bust of the scientist and a model of the Soviet nuclear bomb RDS-4. One of the streets in the west of Sarov is named after him.

In the city of Nizhny Novgorod, in Lyceum No. 8, a museum dedicated to E. A. Negin was opened.


  • Materials of the museum of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod. I. Gogoleva.

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Website "Heroes of the Country".

  • . They forged the country's nuclear shield. FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. Retrieved February 8, 2015.
  • on the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences

An excerpt characterizing Negin, Evgeniy Arkadyevich

At the sight of a strange city with unprecedented forms of extraordinary architecture, Napoleon experienced that somewhat envious and restless curiosity that people experience when they see the forms of an alien life that does not know about them. Obviously, this city lived with all the forces of its life. By those indefinable signs by which at a long distance a living body is unmistakably distinguished from a dead one. Napoleon from Poklonnaya Hill saw the flutter of life in the city and felt, as it were, the breath of this large and beautiful body.
– Cette ville Asiatique aux innombrables eglises, Moscow la sainte. La voila donc enfin, cette fameuse ville! Il etait temps, [This Asian city with countless churches, Moscow, their holy Moscow! Here it is, finally, this famous city! It's time!] - said Napoleon and, dismounting from his horse, ordered the plan of this Moscou to be laid out in front of him and called the translator Lelorgne d "Ideville. "Une ville occupee par l"ennemi ressemble a une fille qui a perdu son honneur, [A city occupied by the enemy , is like a girl who has lost her virginity.] - he thought (as he said this to Tuchkov in Smolensk). And from this point of view, he looked at the oriental beauty lying in front of him, whom he had never seen before. It was strange to him that his long-standing desire, which seemed impossible to him, had finally come true. In the clear morning light he looked first at the city, then at the plan, checking the details of this city, and the certainty of possession excited and terrified him.
“But how could it be otherwise? - he thought. - Here it is, this capital, at my feet, awaiting its fate. Where is Alexander now and what does he think? Strange, beautiful, majestic city! And strange and majestic this minute! In what light do I appear to them? - he thought about his troops. “Here it is, the reward for all these people of little faith,” he thought, looking around at those close to him and at the troops approaching and forming. – One word of mine, one movement of my hand, and this ancient capital of des Czars perished. Mais ma clemence est toujours prompte a descendre sur les vaincus. [kings. But my mercy is always ready to descend to the vanquished.] I must be generous and truly great. But no, it’s not true that I’m in Moscow, it suddenly occurred to him. “However, here she lies at my feet, playing and trembling with golden domes and crosses in the rays of the sun. But I will spare her. On the ancient monuments of barbarism and despotism I will write great words of justice and mercy... Alexander will understand this most painfully, I know him. (It seemed to Napoleon that the main significance of what was happening lay in his personal struggle with Alexander.) From the heights of the Kremlin - yes, this is the Kremlin, yes - I will give them the laws of justice, I will show them the meaning of true civilization, I will force generations the boyars lovingly remember the name of their conqueror. I will tell the deputation that I did not and do not want war; that I waged war only against the false policy of their court, that I love and respect Alexander, and that I will accept peace terms in Moscow worthy of me and my peoples. I do not want to take advantage of the happiness of war to humiliate the respected sovereign. Boyars - I will tell them: I do not want war, but I want peace and prosperity for all my subjects. However, I know that their presence will inspire me, and I will tell them as I always say: clearly, solemnly and grandly. But is it really true that I am in Moscow? Yes, here she is!
“Qu"on m"amene les boyards, [Bring the boyars.]" he addressed the retinue. The general with a brilliant retinue immediately galloped after the boyars.
Two hours passed. Napoleon had breakfast and again stood in the same place on Poklonnaya Hill, awaiting the deputation. His speech to the boyars was already clearly formed in his imagination. This speech was full of dignity and the greatness that Napoleon understood.
The tone of generosity in which Napoleon intended to act in Moscow captivated him. In his imagination, he appointed days for reunion dans le palais des Czars [meetings in the palace of the kings], where Russian nobles were to meet with the nobles of the French emperor. He mentally appointed a governor, one who would be able to attract the population to himself. Having learned that there were many charitable institutions in Moscow, he decided in his imagination that all these institutions would be showered with his favors. He thought that just as in Africa one had to sit in a burnous in a mosque, so in Moscow one had to be merciful, like the kings. And, in order to finally touch the hearts of the Russians, he, like every Frenchman, who cannot imagine anything sensitive without mentioning ma chere, ma tendre, ma pauvre mere, [my sweet, tender, poor mother], he decided that for everyone In these establishments he orders them to write in capital letters: Etablissement dedie a ma chere Mere. No, simply: Maison de ma Mere, [An institution dedicated to my dear mother... My mother’s house.] - he decided to himself. “But am I really in Moscow? Yes, here she is in front of me. But why hasn’t the city’s deputation been showing up for so long?” - he thought.
Meanwhile, in the back of the emperor's retinue, an excited meeting was taking place in whispers between his generals and marshals. Those sent for the deputation returned with the news that Moscow was empty, that everyone had left and left it. The faces of those conferring were pale and agitated. It was not the fact that Moscow was abandoned by the inhabitants (no matter how important this event seemed) that frightened them, but they were frightened by how to announce this to the emperor, how, without putting His Majesty in that terrible position, called by the French ridicule [ridiculous] , to announce to him that he had waited in vain for the boyars for so long, that there were crowds of drunken people, but no one else. Some said that it was necessary to gather at least some kind of deputation at all costs, others disputed this opinion and argued that it was necessary, having carefully and cleverly prepared the emperor, to tell him the truth.

This material was prepared for publication in the journal “Atom” for the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Physics of Physics RFNC-VNIIEF (Sector 3 KB-11) in January 2012. However, it was not included in the anniversary “Atom” No. 55. Nevertheless, the material is of interest in the light of the preparation of the book “History of the IHV”, andcAl's consent A. Demidov is posted on the internal website of the Institute of Physics and History and the website “Sarov Local Historian”.

Why did the director of VNIIEF V.E. Kostyukov address a letter to the director of the Institute of Physics A.L. Mikhailov for execution on 02/08/11? by the editors of “Technique” S. B. Oganjanyan “on providing assistance in preparing an article ... about the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Negina Evgeniy Arkadievich for publication in volume 22 of the “GREAT RUSSIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA” (BRE)” is not known for certain. The text “it would be desirable to send no later than February 28 2011...” After all, at VNIIEF we have a Laboratory of Historical Research, which, due to its duty, should be engaged in such work. Moreover, it is well known that Negin has very fruitfully headed this Laboratory since 1992... A. L. Mikhailov’s resolution on paper marked “Urgent!” prescribed on 02/10/11: “To Demidov Al. A. I ask you to prepare materials based on the report of R.I. Ilkaev.” For me, such an address was not unexpected, because A. L. Mikhailov had just helped R. I. Ilkaev prepare a report at the anniversary Scientific and Technical Council of VNIIEF for the 90th anniversary of E. A. Negin. Then, to our surprise, we found in the archives of the personnel service of the IHV “Personal Card” of E. A. Negin with the characteristics of the first head of Sector 3, V. K. Bobelev, and Radiy Ivanovich happily quoted on NTS one of the endings of Negin’s characteristics from the early 50s : “He knows how to keep military and state secrets. Devoted to the cause of the Lenin-Stalin party and the Socialist Motherland.” We had no more than two weeks to complete this task, one might say, we were psychologically ready... The fact is that my mother Nina Mikhailovna Grigorieva - at the site since October 1947 - was one of the first employees after V.I. Zhuchikhin in laboratory No. 5 of full-scale tests under the direction of K.I. Shchelkin. Father Demidov Alexander Dmitrievich in the same laboratory (later - department 25) - since April 1951. It is not surprising that when Negin became the head of this laboratory, transformed into a department, the family very closely monitored the personnel growth of E. A. Negin. Mom, in conversations with undisguised sympathy, called E. A. “Negus”; Dad wrote, at the request of the head of the sector L. M. Timonin, anniversary poems... and even a “poem” “Evgeniy A. Negin”. It should be especially noted that if the father did not “love” or did not respect any hero of the day for some reason, it was impossible to persuade the father to write poetry “in honor of this little man” and even out of “friendship” it was impossible to persuade... Here is one of the poems Father to the hero of the day “NEGIN Evgeniy Arkadyevich on his 70th birthday” (January 1991):

And our younger generations,

And those who gave 30-40 years to the institute

We sincerely send you congratulations,

Bow and warm greetings!

We are ready to swear on the Bible,

What if we get lucky on your Christmas?

Get some vodka and some meat,

The people are ready to raise a toast in your honor.

We will remember our past youth,

Romance, your humor and your cheerful optimism,

How we worked recklessly then

And we firmly believed that we were building communism.

We strengthened the power of Russia.

We didn’t know another country like this...

At that time we didn’t ask anyone for a loan -

How sad it is to see us now with an outstretched hand.

We believe that he will save Russia

The ruler of the world is honest work.

The fruits of your labor efforts

Russia will not be allowed to fall into ruin!

One day, while studying my parents’ archives, I came across a large portrait of a young, curly-haired captain with two medals on his chest... For a long time I could not understand who it was in the photo and why this photo was so carefully kept in the family archive... I understood only after flipping through the Atom magazine, dedicated to Negin ... But there is NO such photograph in the magazine! We included this photo in the report of R. I. Ilkaev, apparently, from there the photograph from our family archive migrated to the book “GENERAL OF THE NUCLEAR CENTER” Collection of articles and memoirs about E. A. Negina / Compiled by O. E. Negina, N. N. Bohunenko. - Sarov: FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF", 2011. - 261 p.: ill. (the book was signed for publication on August 29, 2011.) But for some reason there is this wonderful photograph in a very, very reduced form...? And in the book there are practically no poems dedicated to E. A. Negin...

Figure 1 - Captain Negin E. A. - late 40s

Needless to say, this book is limited to 500 copies. It’s simply impossible to buy in Sarov (I managed to get one copy...) I think that in the new re-editions of the book dedicated to the General, Academician Negin, appropriate changes and additions will be made!

Well, now an article for BDT...

Negin Evgeniy Arkadyevich, grew up. physicist, mechanic, one of the main creators of the first samples of Russian technology. nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, major leader and organizer of the USSR Atomic Project; acad. USSR Academy of Sciences (1979), Hero of Socialism. Labor (1956), Lieutenant General - Air Force Engineer (1978). In 1938 N. graduated with honors from school No. 8 named after. Lenin in Gorky (now Lyceum No. 8, Nizhny Novgorod) and entered without exams for physics and mathematics. Faculty of the State University (now Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky). In 1941, after completing the 3rd year, he was drafted into the army and sent as a cadet to the Air Force. Engineering Academy (VVIA) named after. N. E. Zhukovsky at the Air Force Aviation Weapons Facility in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). In 1942 N. was awarded the first officer rank - technician - lieutenant, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1943 (CPSU: 1952-91). In the summer of 1944, he graduated with honors from the Military Aviation Academy with a degree in “Mechanical Engineer for Air Force Weapons” with the rank of engineer - senior lieutenant and was left without exams in the postgraduate course at the department of small arms and cannon weapons. On Sept. 1944 N. sent to the front; I spent 1.5 months repairing weapons on the Western Front near Vyazma, then trained in a regiment in Lithuania on the 1st Baltic Front, but did not participate in battles. In Feb. 1945 returned to the Academy, continued his studies, taught, and graduated as an external student from the 4th year of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Participant in the Victory Parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945. In 1948, N. completed his postgraduate studies, defending his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. tech. sciences in ballistics homing. feathered air-to-air projectile, left at the department ml. teacher The first state awards for special services - medals “For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1945.” (1945) and “30 years of the Soviet Army and Navy” (1948). Since Apr. 1949 N. transferred to work in KB-11 at Laboratory No. 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences (chief - P. M. Zernov) in the system of the First Main Directorate (PGU) under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (now FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF of the State Corporation Rosatom) in village Sarov, Temnikovsky district, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region), where ml. worked until 1952. scientific employee, then (from July 1950) SNS in theoretical. Department of Ya. B. Zeldovich Research sector (NIS) under the leadership. K. I. Shchelkina. The main areas of N.'s activity during this period were gas dynamics. hydrodynamic calculations systems associated with the development of charges for RDS products, calculation of the effectiveness of these charges. N. made detailed assessments of the effectiveness of products with small masses of active materials, established the values ​​of the minimum masses for use in charges, and carried out a number of calculations for small-sized products. At the same time, he was engaged in solving a number of hydrodynamic problems. tasks related to the work of gas dynamics experimenters. For participation in the development of the first samples of the father. Nuclear weapons N. was awarded the title of Stalin Prize Laureate, 1st degree (1951) and awarded the first Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1951, after the successful testing of atomic charges RDS-2 and RDS-3). Since May 1952 N. was appointed deputy. chief (Bobolev V.K.) gas-dynamic. sector 3 in scientific issues (now the Institute of Experimental Gas Dynamics and Explosion Physics - IHEP RFNC-VNIIEF) and at the same time the head of scientific and experimental. Laboratory No. 5 (hereinafter referred to as the head of department 25) for full-scale testing. During this period, the department was engaged in studying the performance and measuring the performance characteristics of charges RDS-3, RDS-4, RDS-6s, etc. in explosive experiments with full-scale blocks at the internal test sites of KB-11. Beginning in 1953, N., as the head of the ground-based explosion automation group, took part in nuclear tests. charges at Training Site No. 2 of the USSR Military Military District in the region of the Degelen mountain range near the city of Semipalatinsk (now a former nuclear self-propelled in situ in the Republic of Kazakhstan). In 1953, “for the creation of the hydrogen bomb (RDS-6c) and new designs of atomic bombs” (RDS-4, RDS-5), after their successful nuclear tests, he was awarded the title of Stalin Prize laureate, 2nd degree, for the second time. The first highest award of the USSR is the Order of Lenin (1954). In May 1955 N. was appointed first deputy. scientific manager and chief KB-11 designer Yu. B. Khariton. In 1955-57 he constantly participated as a scientist. manager or first deputy in conducting full-scale nuclear tests of a number of products: testing the charge for the RDS-9 torpedo; tests of the first ballistic rockets R-5M with atom. charge; experiment. testing under stationary conditions a charge for an artillery shell - RDS-41; state tests of the anti-aircraft guided missile ZUR-215 with atom. charge; charge tests for intercont. R7 missiles and T5 torpedoes (with an atomic charge), etc. It was N. who led the first underwater nuclear test of the USSR at the Novaya Zemlya test site (1955, now the Central Test Site of the Russian Federation). For the development of new languages ​​in 1956, N. was awarded the title of Hero of Socialism. Labor. In 1956-61 he taught theory. mechanics and strength of materials for eternity. Department No. 4 of MEPhI in Arzamas-75 (now SARFTI NRNU "MEPhI" in Sarov). In 1958, N. (without defending a dissertation) was awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Science. tech. Sciences, in the same year – a business trip to the PRC, awarded the PRC “Sino-Soviet Friendship” medal. In 1959 N. was awarded the title of Lenin Prize laureate, and in 1961 - scientific. title of professor. Since 1959 N. has been appointed chief. designer for the development of YaZ (KB-1 in KB-11) with full responsibility for the development of YaZ, from 1966 - Ch. designer and first deputy scientific head of VNIIEF. This period of work was marked by the further development of nuclear charge engineering, the appearance of charges on new physical devices. principles (with increased emission of gamma radiation, for peaceful purposes, etc.), further increasing the specific characteristics of nuclear and thermonuclear charges for all branches of the USSR military. N. supervised the extinguishing of an uncontrollable emergency gas fountain using underground nuclear weapons at the Urta-Bulak gas field, Uzbekistan (1966, now the Republic of Uzbekistan). In 1974 N. was elected corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of Mechanics and Control Processes (specialty “Mechanics”), and 1979 – active. member USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1978 he was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General Air Force Engineer. From 1978 to 1987 N. – director and chief. designer VNIIEF, until 1991 – Ch. designer of VNIIEF, as director he had to solve new problems: development of factories and experiments. bases, production line buildings, housing, schools, kindergartens, trading. and honey objects, finance, transport, state farms, but the main task remained the same - leading the development of nuclear weapons. In 1982 N. was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of Arzamas-16” (now Sarov), in 1985 - the title of State Laureate. USSR Prize. From 1991 to 1998 N. – Advisor to the Directorate of the RFNC-VNIIEF, from 1992 to the beginning. lab. ist. research RFNC-VNIIEF, initiator and chairman of the organizing committee of the 1st (1992) and 2nd (1996) conferences on the history of the development of nuclear weapons of the USSR, director. auto quantity during the preparation and publication of the book “The Soviet Atomic Project” (1995).

Awarded the Order of Lenin (1954, 1956, 1962, 1981), the Order of the October Revolution (1972), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1951, 1975), and the Order of the Red Star (1956).

Since 2010, one of the streets in Sarov has been named after Academician Negin. N. was buried in the Alley of Honorary Burials of the municipality. cemeteries in Sarov.

Cit.: article “The problem of the best selection of energy from an explosive charge” in co-authors. with Ya. B. Zeldovich and E. I. Zababakhin in the book “Some questions of gas dynamics of an explosion” (E. I. Zababakhin, Snezhinsk, 1997); article “Determination of mass velocity at the front of a normal detonation wave” with the same co-authors, Atom magazine (Sarov, 2000, No. 15).

Lit.: Creators of nuclear weapons KB-11 (RFNC-VNIIEF)/Auth.-comp. V. T. Solgalov, E. A. Astafieva, O. A. Pogodina, / Ed. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences R.I. Ilkaev, Sarov, 2004; History of the creation of nuclear weapons in the USSR (1946-1953) in documents, vol. 8, memorial-biographical, / Comp. A. D. Pelipenko, I. A. Karpenko, Sarov (Arzamas-16), 2001; Atomic project of the USSR: Documents and materials: In 3 volumes / General. ed. L. D. Ryabeva. T. II. Atomic bomb. 1945 – 1954. Book 7 / Federal Agency of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy. energy; Compiled by: G. A. Goncharov (responsible comp.), P. P. Maksimenko. – Sarov: RFNC-VNIIEF; M.: FIZMATLIT, 2007; Evgeny Arkadyevich Negin. – Sarov: FSUE “RFNC-VNIIEF”, 2011.

Al. A. Demidov

Figure 2 – Photo by E. A. Negin for BDT

On February 21, 2011, the text of the article for BDT, after some amendments by A. L. Mikhailov, was ready. With Anatoly Leonidovich’s “escort” to V.E. Kostyukov: “...Please express your attitude to the text,” I went to the office of the Director of VNIIEF. On 02.22.11 our text was agreed upon by Valentin Efimovich without comments. On the same day, the article was sent with a cover letter signed by A.L. Mikhailov by email to the head. by the editors of “Technique”, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor S. B. Oganjanyan.

We are waiting for the publication of volume 22 of BRE with our article!

So, almost a year has passed since the article was written for BDT. Today I would make only two changes and additions to the text of this article:

  1. By decision of the City Duma of Sarov No. 81/4-gd on 07/09/2009, Turgenev and Volodarsky streets were renamed Academician Negin Street;
  2. I added the above book to the Literature section.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Demidov – senior researcher at the scientific and theoretical department of the Institute of Physics and Physics, one of the sons of the first employees of the full-scale testing department of the gas-dynamic sector 3

Evgeny Arkadyevich Negin (1921-1998) - Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lieutenant general engineer, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin Prize. He devoted almost 50 years of his life to work at the Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics “Arzamas-16”.

Where it all began

In 1938, he graduated with honors from high school in Gorky, and without exams entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Gorky State University. N.I. Lobachevsky. In 1941 he was drafted into the army and sent as a cadet to the Air Force Engineering Academy. NOT. Zhukovsky. The practice took place at the front, in active aviation units.

In 1949 he was transferred to work at KB-11 (Sarov). A few years later, Negin E.A. is appointed chief designer, and Yu.B. Khariton - scientific director of KB-11.

Doctor of Technical Sciences without defending a dissertation

In 1958 he became a Doctor of Technical Sciences, but he did not defend his dissertation. In the development of Evgeniy Arkadyevich as a scientist, the education he received certainly played a big role: a fundamental beginning at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Nizhny Novgorod, plus a first-class scientific and technical education at the Air Force Engineering Academy, as well as joint work with a galaxy of leading scientists and prominent engineers to create the country's nuclear shield.

What happens in his life after retirement?

Since 1992, he headed the Laboratory of Historical Research of the All-Russian Federal Nuclear Center. Evgeniy Arkadyevich is one of the authors of the idea of ​​holding conferences on the history of the development of nuclear weapons in the USSR. As the leader of the team of authors, he made a great contribution to the preparation and publication of the book “The Soviet Atomic Project” and books on the development of thermonuclear charges.

Negin's favorite story

He was an interesting storyteller. Here is an ironic story told by Evgeny Arkadyevich.

It would seem that such a serious event in the history of Russia and even world history is the test of a hydrogen bomb in 1953. But for some reason I remember only this:

“We are sitting on the central site of the test site in the assembly building, and there, in the back, in the building there is a ready-made bomb. Igor Ivanovich Kalashnikov “almost sits on it” and suddenly says, regarding Malenkov’s radio message that the USSR already has a hydrogen bomb: “Wow, somewhere else they are doing the same thing as us...”. And Fishman looks at him with a smile: “Turn around, Igor Ivanovich, that’s what Malenkov said about her.”

Monument to E.A. Negin in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The monument to the scientist Evgeny Negin was solemnly opened on Bor by the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev on August 10, 2014. The initiative to create the monument belongs to local historians of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

“The history of any city, any settlement is made by people. The Bor land raised many talented people. These are scientists, designers, astronauts, and military personnel. But the name of Evgeniy Arkadyevich Negin, who was born and raised on Bor, stands in a special order in this series. The Nizhny Novgorod land was for him the only place where he put all his work into making our country strong, powerful and independent,” Valery Shantsev said at the opening ceremony.

Continuing the topic:

VIKTOR VASNETSOV. “POEM OF SEVEN TALES” Part 2. “POEM OF SEVEN TALES” by Viktor Vasnetsov includes the following paintings: - “The Sleeping Princess”; - "Princess Frog"; - “Princess Nesmeyana”; -...