Hissing consonant sounds. Consonant sounds of the Russian language (hard-soft, voiced-voiceless, paired-unpaired, hissing, whistling)

The Russian language has 21 consonants and 37 consonant sounds:

LetterSounds LetterSounds
B [b], [b"] P [P], [P"]
IN [V], [V"] R [R], [R"]
G [G], [G"] WITH [With], [With"]
D [d], [d"] T [T], [T"]
AND [and], [and"] F [f], [f"]
Z [h], [z"] X [X], [X"]
Y [th"] C [ts]
TO [To], [To"] H [h"]
L [l], [l"] Sh [w]
M [m], [m"] SCH [sch"]
N [n], [n"]

Consonant sounds are hard and soft, voiced and voiceless. The softness of sound in transcription is indicated by [ " ].

Hard and soft consonants

A hard consonant sound is produced if there is a vowel after the consonant. A, O, U, S or E:

na lo ku we fe

A soft consonant sound is produced if there is a vowel after the consonant E, Yo, I, Yu or I:

be le ki nu la

The softness of consonant sounds is also indicated using a soft sign - b. The soft sign itself does not indicate sound. It is written after a consonant and together with it denotes one soft consonant sound:

lynx [trot"], fire [fire"], snowstorm [in "th" uga].

Most consonant letters correspond to two sounds: hard and soft; such consonants are called paired.

Paired consonants for hardness - softness:

But there are consonant letters that correspond to only one of the sounds: hard or soft. Such consonants are called unpaired.

Unpaired hard consonants(always hard):

AND [and], Sh [w], C [ts].

Unpaired soft consonants(always soft):

H [h"], SCH[sch"], Y [th"].

In Russian there is a long voiced soft sound [ and"]. It occurs in a small number of words and is obtained only when pronouncing combinations of letters LJ, zzh, zhd:

reins, rattle, rain.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonant sounds can be divided into voiceless and voiced.

Voiceless consonants are those sounds that are not produced using the voice. They consist only of noise. For example: sounds [ With], [w], [h"].

Voiced consonants are those sounds that use the voice in their pronunciation, that is, they consist of voice and noise. For example: sounds [ R], [and], [d].

Some sounds form a pair: voiced - voiceless, such sounds are called paired.

Paired consonants according to deafness - voicing:

Unpaired voiced consonants: J, L, M, N, R.

Unpaired voiceless consonants: X, C, Ch, Shch.

Hissing and whistling consonants

Sounds [ and], [w], [h"], [sch"] are called hissing consonants. Sounds [ and] And [ w] are unpaired hard hissing consonant sounds:

bug [bug], jester [jester]

Sounds [ h"] And [ sch"] are unpaired soft hissing consonant sounds:

siskin [h"izh], shield [shield]

Sounds [ h], [z"], [With], [With"], [ts] are called whistling consonants.

Letter and sound Y

Letter Y(and short) denotes the sound [ th"]: paradise [paradise"].

Letter Y is written:

  1. At the beginning of the words:

    iodine, yogurt.

  2. In the middle of words, before consonants:

    husky, T-shirt, coffee pot.

  3. At the end of the words:

    paradise, may, yours.

Sound [ th"] letters are more common Y, since it appears in words where there is no letter Y, but there are vowels I, E, Yu And Yo. Let's consider in what cases the sound [ th"] occurs in words that do not contain a letter Y:

  1. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo come at the beginning of the words:

    pit [th "ama],

  2. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo come after vowels:

    blowing [blow it],

  3. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo stand after the dividing symbol ( Kommersant):

    entry [vy"ezd],

  4. vowels I, E, Yu And Yo stand after the soft separating sign ( b):

    it's pouring [l"th"from],

  5. vowel AND comes after the separating soft sign ( b):

    hives [st "y"].

Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch – hissing consonant sounds.

Ж, Ш – hard consonant sounds.

Ch, Shch are soft consonant sounds.

ZHI – SHI - write with the letter I.


And there are reeds on the river

Past the field, past the rye

Prickly hedgehogs walked by.

ma ka

n ran

lan ru

d and ly

shi shi

and And














Selective dictation.

  1. Write down words with the combination zhi-shi.
Slightly shake the reeds,

The lake slumbers in silence.

Reflections live in it,


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

1. Compose and write down from words


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

1. Compose and write down from words


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

1. Compose and write down from words


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

1. Compose and write down from words


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

1. Compose and write down from words


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write, correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.

Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

1. Compose and write down from words


  1. cat, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Vera, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, babies, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying..., nimble stri..., prickly e..., thick kama..., colored karanda..., long y....

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly marking the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has arrived in the forest, it’s boring and cold, the birds are flying away to warm countries, the cranes are circling over the swamp, they say goodbye to their dear homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Selective dictation.

  1. Selective dictation.
Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

  1. Selective dictation.
Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

  1. Selective dictation.
Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

  • Selective dictation.
  • Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
    Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    1. Selective dictation.
    Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
    Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    1. Selective dictation.
    Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
    Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    1. Selective dictation.
    Write down words with combinations zhi-shi
    Shura was stirring up the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    What words are hidden here?

    Selective dictation.

    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.
    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    The seagull heated the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    Come everyone for tea! I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    The seagull heated the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    Come everyone for tea! I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    The seagull heated the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    Come everyone for tea! I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    The seagull heated the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    Come everyone for tea! I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    The seagull heated the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    Come everyone for tea! I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write down only words with the combinations cha - sha, chu - schu.

    The seagull heated the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She swept the bottom with a brush,

    Come everyone for tea! I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

    This article is about what hissing sounds are in the alphabet. About how they are pronounced correctly, about their origin.

    There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. We see letters, and we pronounce and hear sounds. There are 10 vowel sounds, 21 consonants, the letters b and b have no sounds. But the consonants Ж Ш Ш Ш have a hissing sound and are hissing letters. Since elementary school I remember well the rule about hissing words: “zhi-shi” write with “i”, “cha-sha” write with “a”, “chu-shu” write with “u”, it’s also useful to remember and know, but This is a topic for another question.)

    The hissing sound in the Russian alphabet is made by four consonant letters: Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch. The letters “Zh” and “Ch” are voiced consonants, the other two letters “Sh” and “Shch” are voiceless. When pronouncing these letters, the lips behave in exactly the same way - they tense and stretch forward slightly. It will not be possible to pronounce these sounds with closed lips (compare, for example, with the pronunciation of the letter “M” - it can be “pronounced” with closed lips). The tip of the tongue is slightly pressed against the palate with its edges, leaving a small space in the center of the tongue. It is through this space (or gap) that air passes, which creates the hissing sound from the pronunciation of these letters. The air is exhaled. When pronouncing the sound "zhzhzhzhzh", the vocal cords are activated, so this sound is louder.

    Pinching consonants are the consonants [sh], [zh|, [""], as well as [sh"] [zh"], so called according to the acoustic impression they produce. In the old Russian language Sh. s. [sh" ], [zh"], [V] were originally soft: they arose as a result of the first palatalization (see) or as a result of a change in combinations of consonants with /: "chj, "sj>$", *gj, "zj, "dj >z\ "kj", "tj>c" . The original softness of \w"], [zh"], [h"\ determined that in written monuments the letters denoting these consonants were used with subsequent vowels b, i, as well as l(ed) and yu: mouse, husband , sLch; nessshi, run, clean; nesoshl, zhti, hour; write, kozhukh, comfort. At the same time, the letters sh, zh, h could be used with subsequent a and u (but not s), and this indicated that , that the consonants [i/"], [zh"], [h"] did not have a solid pair and there was no need to differentiate the spelling of vowels after them.

    Learning letters

    In the history of Russian of the tongue [шг] and [ж"] underwent hardening, and [ch"\ was preserved as a soft consonant; hardening Sh. dates back to the 14th century: during this period, the spellings sh and z followed by the letter s appeared in monuments: live, live, Shyshkin (Spiritual Letter of Dmitry Donskoy, 1389). Modern spelling retains the traditional spelling of the letters i and ъ (at the end

    nouns gender and certain forms of verbs) after w and f: sew, fat, mouse, rye, carry, don’t disturb.

    Modern long Sh. s. [YAG] and [zh"] arose from

    Ancient Russian combinations [sh"t"sh"], [zh"d"zh"] (going back to the combinations, respectively, "stj, "skj, *sk and "zdj, *zgj. "zg) as a result of the loss of the explosive element in these combinations in words such as looking for - [ish"t"sh"u]> >[ish"u], bream - [l"ssh"t"sh"v]>[l"esh"a], yeast - [dr6zh "d"zh"i\>\dr6zh"i], rain -

    \d6zh"d"zh"ik]>[d6zh"ik]. They remain soft in many Russians. dialects and in Old Moscow. pronunciation, which formed the basis of the oral form of Lit. language (see Moscow pronunciation); in other dialects they were hardened, and

    sometimes saved in the form [shch"), [zhdzh"] or [sht"], [zhd"]. In modern rus. lit. language there is a tendency to pronounce the hard [zh\: ezhu], [vbzhy], [v "iZhat"] or the combination [zhd"]

    Class: 1

    Goals: to develop the ability to recognize hissing consonant sounds in words; give an idea of ​​the hard consonant sounds [Zh] and [Sh] and the soft sounds [Ch"] and [Shch"].

    Planned results: students will learn to correctly pronounce hissing consonant sounds; distinguish hissing consonant sounds in words.

    Lesson objectives:

    • creating conditions for replenishing children's knowledge about the hardness and softness of consonant sounds ([zh] - [w] - always hard);
    • promote the development of competent writing skills;
    • develop students' coherent oral and written speech.
    • instilling interest in Russian language lessons through the use of information technology.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    The cheerful bell rang,
    We are starting our lesson.
    The Russian language and I are going on the road.
    And we take a good mood to help.
    What's your mood?
    - WHOO!

    II. Calligraphy (Work in pairs of constant composition)

    Now guys, guess my riddles, and the answers in these riddles are the letters of our native Alphabet. Your task: together with your desk neighbor, find these letters on your pieces of paper and cross them out.

    1. This letter is wide
    And she looks like a beetle
    And at the same time, like a beetle,
    Makes a buzzing sound.

    2. This letter is large:
    The letter is very good
    Because from her
    Can be done E And Yo.

    3. Yes! You decided correctly:
    The letter tapa is similar to four.
    Only with numbers, friends,
    We can't confuse the letters.

    4. It looks like a comb:
    Three teeth in total. So what?

    What sounds do these letters represent?

    This is a penmanship task for you,

    III. Updating knowledge.

    Guess the riddles. Write down the guess words. Underline the letters that represent the paired consonant sounds at the end of the word. Choose verbal test words.

    1. It trails behind you, even if it stays in place. ( track)
    2. At first it grew free in the field, in the summer it blossomed and made ears, and when they threshed it, it suddenly turned into grain. From grain to flour and dough, he took a place in the store. (bread)
    3. He’s not a tie, not a collar, but he’s used to squeezing his neck. But not always, but only when it’s cold. (scarf)
    4. They hit Yermilka on the back of the head, but he doesn’t cry, he just hides his nose. (nail)

    How to check the spelling of words with paired consonants at the end of the word? (To check a paired consonant at the end of a word, you need to choose a test word so that there is a vowel after the consonant).

    IV. Self-determination for activity.

    (letters are written on the board.)

    M, N, K, R, C, Ch, L, B.

    Which letter is missing here? Justify your answer. ( The letter b does not mean a sound. The letter is removed.)

    Now which letter is missing? Justify your answer. ( The letter Ch - denotes a hissing consonant sound.)

    What other letters represent sibilant consonant sounds? ( Zh, Shch, Sh.)

    What do you know about them?

    Name the topic of the lesson. (Hissing consonant sounds.)

    V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    1. Work according to the textbook.

      Ex. 1 (p. 104)

    Read it.

    Find words that have sibilant sounds. Make each hissing sound. Name the letter with which it is indicated on the letter.

    Find words in the text with hissing consonant sounds. Name the letters that represent them.

    Ex. 2 (p. 104)

    Look at the pictures. Name the objects.

    Listen to the sound of the sibilant consonant in each word.

    Which of the sibilant consonants in these words are hard and which are soft?

    Read the information on the page for the curious.

    What have you learned?

    Ex. 3(p. 104)


    And in the second? ([SH])

    Both sounds are pronounced firmly.)

    Copy any tongue twister, underlining the letters that indicate unpaired hard hissing sounds.

    VI. Physical education minute.

    (Musical physical education minute)

    VII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

    1. Work according to the textbook.

      Ex. 4 (p. 106)

    Read the tongue twisters slowly, gradually increasing the pace to a fast one.

    What hissing sound is repeated in the first tongue twister? ([SCH"]. )

    And in the second? ([H"])

    What do the pronunciation of these sounds have in common? ( Both sounds are pronounced softly.)

    Read language information on page 106.

    Describe these sounds.

    1. Work in the Workbook.

    Ex. 59 (p. 53)

      Name the letters. Say the sound that each letter represents. Write down the sound designations of the letters.

    Ex. 60 (p. 53)

      Look at the pictures and write the correct letter in the name of each picture.

      Underline the letters that represent hard hissing consonant sounds.

    VIII. Vocabulary work. (Working with ESM)

    1. Introducing a new word.

      Open the electronic supplement to the textbook “Russian Language”.

      Find the topic of today's lesson.

      Go to the vocabulary work section.

      What word are we going to learn about today?

      Listen to information about this word.

      How many syllables are there in a word?

      What drum?

      What unstressed vowel do we need to remember?

      Separate words for hyphenation.

      Write the word in your notebook with and without hyphenation. Place stress and underline the unstressed vowel A.

    2. Work on speech development.

      Complete task #1. Insert suitable words into the sentences.

    3. Repetition of previously studied material.

      Complete task #2. Fill in the missing letters in the vocabulary words.

    IX. Reflection. (Working with ESM)

      Working in pairs, complete the test in the electronic appendix to the textbook.

      How did you cope with the task?

    X. Summing up the lesson.

      What consonant sounds are called sibilants?

    In this article we will talk about consonant sounds, their quantity, types (soft, hard, voiceless and voiced) and other features and interesting facts.

    There are 33 letters in the Russian language, of which 21 are consonants:

    b - [b], c - [c], g - [g], d - [d], g - [g], j - [th], z - [z],
    k - [k], l - [l], m - [m], n - [n], p - [p], p - [p], s - [s],
    t - [t], f - [f], x - [x], c - [c], h - [h], w - [w], sch - [sch].

    All named consonant letters represent 36 consonant sounds.

    The Russian language also has 10 vowel letters and only 6 vowel sounds.

    A total of 33 letters (10 vowels + 21 consonants + “ь” and “ъ”), denoting 42 sounds (6 vowels and 36 consonants), not all sounds of speech, but only the main ones.

    The difference between the number of letters and sounds is due to the peculiarities of Russian writing, because, for example, hard and soft consonant sounds are indicated by one letter.

    Consonant sounds are divided into:

    • voiced and voiceless,
    • hard and soft,
    • paired and unpaired.

    There are a total of 36 different combinations of consonants by pairing and unpairing, hard and soft, voiceless and voiced: voiceless - 16 (8 soft and 8 hard), voiced - 20 (10 soft and 10 hard).

    Hard and soft consonants

    Consonants are divided into hard and soft, this division is due to the difference in the position of the tongue when pronouncing them. When we pronounce soft consonants, then the middle back of the tongue is raised towards the hard palate. We also note that in addition to the fact that consonants are divided into hard and soft, they can be paired and unpaired.

    For example, the letter “k” can denote both a hard sound [k], for example, in the word cat, and a soft sound [k`], for example, in the word glasses. We get that the sounds [k] and [k’] form a pair of hardness and softness. For consonant sounds that have a pair of hardness and softness, the following rule applies:

    • a consonant sound is hard if it is followed by vowels: a, o, u, s, e;
    • and is soft if it is followed by vowels: e, e, i, yu, i.

    In the Russian language there are letters in which the sound they denote can only be hard ([ш], [ж], [ц]), or only soft ([й], [ч`], [ш`]). Such sounds do not belong to paired sounds, but are unpaired.

    Voiceless and voiced consonants

    Consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless sounds. In this case, voiceless consonants are pronounced with the mouth practically covered and the vocal cords do not work when pronouncing them. Voiced consonants require more air, and the vocal cords work when pronouncing them. That is, voiced consonants consist of noise and voice, and voiceless consonants consist only of noise.

    Lifehack for determining the deafness or voicedness of consonants for schoolchildren

    To determine whether a sound you encounter is dull or voiced, and children often have difficulty with this, you should cover your ears with your hands and pronounce the sound. When pronouncing dull sounds, they will be heard somewhere in the distance, but when pronouncing voiced sounds, your ears will actually ring! This way you can determine what sound was encountered. Especially during phonetic analysis of words.

    Some consonant sounds are similar both in their sound and also in the way they are pronounced. However, such sounds are pronounced with different tonality, that is, either dull or loud. Such sounds are combined in pairs and form a group of paired consonants. There are 6 such pairs in total, each of them has a voiceless and a voiced consonant sound. The remaining consonants are unpaired.

    • paired consonants: b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, z-s, zh-sh.
    • unpaired consonants: l, m, n, r, y, c, x, h, shch.

    Sonorant, noisy, hissing and whistling consonants

    In the Russian language, sonorant, noisy, as well as hissing and whistling consonant sounds are also distinguished. We will give a definition of each of the named types of consonants, and also list which consonants belong to one or another type.

    Sonorant consonants

    Sonorant consonants - these are voiced unpaired consonants.

    There are 9 sonorant sounds in total: [y’], [l], [l’], [m], [m’], [n], [n’], [r], [r’].

    Noisy consonants

    Noisy consonant sounds are divided into voiced and voiceless. Voiceless noisy consonants include 16 sounds: [k], [k'], [p], [p'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [f], [f '], [x], [x'], [ts], [ch'], [sh], [sh'], and noisy voiced consonants include 11 sounds: [b], [b'], [ c], [v'], [g], [g'], [d], [d'], [g], [h], [z'].

    Hissing consonants

    There are a total of 4 hissing consonant sounds in the Russian language: [zh], [ch’], [sh], [sch’]. They all resemble hissing to the ear, which is why they are called hissing consonants.

    Whistling consonants

    Whistling consonant sounds [з] [з'] [с] [с'] [ц] are, in their pronunciation, front-lingual, fricative. When articulating hard sounds [z], [s] and [ts], the teeth are exposed, the tip of the tongue leans against the lower teeth, and the back of the tongue is slightly arched, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The air passes through, creating frictional noise.

    When articulating soft sounds [s'] and [z `], the same thing happens, but the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate.

    When pronouncing voiced sounds [з] and [з`], the vocal cords are closed and vibrate, but the velum palatine is raised.

    Continuing the topic:

    The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, the skin itself, or dermis, and subcutaneous adipose tissue. The epidermis includes epithelial cells that have a different structure. IN...