Taekwondo sections. I would like to know more about Taekwondo

Taekwondo can be called the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial art, which can give a person much more than just the development of physical skills. It is a discipline that can show us the way to improve our health, both physical and spiritual.

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the word "taekwondo", which consists of three parts, although in Korean it is one word. "Tae" means "leg", "foot", "step"; “kwon” - “fist” or “duel”; and "to" means "path" or "discipline". Putting these three parts together, we can see two key aspects of the concept of taekwondo.

Firstly, taekwondo is a martial art that teaches a person how to use his body correctly. Secondly, Taekwondo can be seen as a way to maintain calm and peace. Thus, taekwondo is a path by which a person can improve not only himself, but also the world around him.

In addition to regulated poomsae, modern taekwondo can distinguish “freestyle” poomsae. There is no strict regulation in such a technical complex, which allows one to demonstrate all the beauty of taekwondo.

Kyorugi is the basis of sports taekwondo at the present time; it is this sports discipline that is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as an Olympic sport. A high level of athletes requires not only the development of technique or physical qualities, but also spiritual development.

Kyorugi is a practical training of self-defense techniques. The student uses all aspects of martial art: conscious-willed, physical and technical - against the strength and skills of the opponent. Winning a fight requires quick reflexes, determination, common sense, precise reaction time, mastery of a variety of techniques, good concentration on the target, a sense of distance, good balance, control of movements and perseverance. In a taekwondo match, defensive and offensive movements are used, mastered by studying forms - poomsae: basic kicks, combinations of kicks, blocks, punches, side steps and backwards, sliding steps, step combinations and feint movements.

Three categories of application of the duel can be distinguished: real situations, demonstration performances and competitions. In practical application in a situation requiring self-defense, the technical aspect of the art is of primary importance. There are no rules here and it really is a matter of life and death. In such a situation, those practicing taekwondo should use common sense and use only as much force as necessary to neutralize the attacker. Reasonable force must be applied to vital points of the attacker's body.

When working in training, the athlete learns to overcome his fear or panic that may appear in a real situation. The training develops the reflexes, concentration, speed and self-control needed to effectively defend yourself in a real-life situation. By developing discipline and self-control in the classroom, the student gets the opportunity to find a way out of a dangerous situation and then not regret what he has done.

In kyorugi demonstrations, the student performs technical actions in a certain sequence, according to established rules and working with a partner with certain restrictions, since here it is not a real attacker who threatens life. Beautiful and powerful attacks and counterattacks should show a variety of blocks, punches and kicks, and combination techniques. Physical power must be combined with concentration, self-discipline, precise focus and precise reaction time. Self-control and quick reflexes are important here not for winning, but for preventing injury.

In a competitive bout, opponents follow official rules, including regarding permitted and prohibited strike zones and permitted and prohibited strikes in a certain area. Before each fight, participants are reminded of allowed and prohibited strikes, as well as the time of the fight, after which points are calculated. Winning requires good reflexes, determination, speed, common sense and a sense of distance.

Kyokpa, the technique of breaking hard objects with the hand or foot, is the process of demonstrating the strength and technique of Taekwondo through breaking objects. There are a huge variety of breaking types in taekwondo. This diversity is due to the wide technical arsenal of taekwondo. You can distinguish jumping smashes, 360, 540, 720, 900 degree turns, acrobatic smashes, and power smashes.

Mostly kokpha can be seen at demonstration performances, festivals, and sports events. Also, every year the world headquarters of Kukkiwon Taekwondo holds the Hanmadan tournament (Seoul, Korea), at which gyeokpa is included in the competition program.

TaekwondaO(translated from Korean - the path of the hand and fist) — korean martial art, including the system spiritual training and technology self-defense without weapons, appeared more than 2000 years back and again revived in 1955 Choi Hong Hee.

Taikwondo demonstration is very spectacular spectacle: athletes perform high jumps, objects break in flight legs, arms and head. Also the fights are interesting in this type of martial arts, they are characterized activity, using a variety of striking techniques, especially with legs, and beautiful jumps. But this only outer shell, - like other oriental martial arts, tai kwon do includes, along with technical aspects deep philosophy and value system, among which: etiquette, respect, courtesy, conscientiousness, morality, patience, self-control, courage.

Korean martial arts contains a number of disciplines helping to educate a well-rounded, skilled fighter: performing formal complexes (analogues of kata in karate), fights, jumping kicks, breaking objects, applied applications (self-defense).

Like many other oriental martial arts, taekwondo has belt system- By belt color can be determined level practitioner - from beginner to master. It is interesting that belts are assigned, including taking into account intensity training (how many times and how many hours per week the athlete trains).

Much attention during preparation, attention is paid to execution formal complexes exercises - them multiple repetition allows you to form the necessary bodily structure, translate understanding of movements into unconscious level. Masters indicate that sets of exercises consisting of movements in stances and strikes should be performed in a state of meditation, during which the general relaxed background alternates with sharp short-term stress like a flash of lightning. It is interesting that each such complex (poomsae) has its own sacred meaning, usually associated with Buddhism, And movement drawing complexes is such that in the process of performing them on the floor, it’s as if a specific symbol is written, corresponding to the idea of ​​this poomsae. For example, a complex called “Diamond Mountains” has a picture of a hieroglyph denoting a mountain (other meanings of this hieroglyph are strength, steadfastness).

Story development and formation of taekwondo is very dramatic. Despite the years Japanese occupation Korea (in the first half of the 20th century), when everyone korean martial arts were very strict prohibited, the Koreans succeeded don't break the tradition, secretly maintaining their martial arts. This was facilitated, among other things, by active emigration to other countries, as a result of which taekwondo for the first time came into contact with foreign martial arts. After the end of the war 1950-1953 in South Korea at the state level was launched unification process various national martial arts (taesudo, subak, subak-do, kwonbop, daegyon, taesudo, tansudo, taekwonbop) in uniform style, which became taekwondo. This process had both positive, so negative consequences. The first is the creation well-functioning system preparation, holding competitions in Taikwondo, its popularity all over the world and adoption into the family olympic sports. Critics note that the result was national traditions are lost, taekwondo "became sporty", lost my spiritual content.

In 1972 Taekwondo creator Choi Hong Hee for political reasons he was forced to emigrate to Canada. It happened Taikwondo division for 2 federations: International Taekwondo Federation(ITF) headquartered in Toronto and World Taekwondo Federation(WTF) is headquartered in Seoul. And today exactly WTF is world leader in the field of taekwondo - branches have been opened in 118 countries, in which they are engaged 25 million athletes. With my heart taekwondo is a unified training Kukkiwon center, representing huge complex- study rooms, conference rooms, medical rooms, etc.

Among the tasks solved in Kukkiwon, it should be noted - research and development taekwondo techniques. The fact is that Korean martial arts, unlike most oriental martial arts, rests not so much on tradition (by type - this is the only way the master who died several centuries ago commanded to do it), but for scientific achievements. That is why for improvement biomechanics, physics, medicine and others are actively used in all technical aspects of taekwondo Sciences.

Taikwondo is great example, How national martial art can conquer global popularity, while contributing not only to maintaining healthy lifestyle, but also spiritual development practitioners.

Synonyms: taekwon-do, taekwon-do, taekwondo, taekwondo, taekwondo, takwondo, taekwondo, tae kyun, taesudo, subak, subak-do, kwonbop, taegeon, taesudo, tansudo, taekwonbop, World Taekwondo Federation, WTF, International Taekwondo Federation , ITF

What does the word "taekwondo" mean? In a sense, Taekwondo is a lifestyle. Simply put, Taekwondo is a form of unarmed self-defense. However, this is not all.

Taekwondo is a scientifically proven way of using your body for self-defense, which allows, as a result of intense physical and spiritual training, to unusually expand the range of a person’s individual capabilities.

Taekwondo is a type of martial art that has no equal in terms of power and effectiveness of technique. The discipline, technique and spirit that make up this art are the means of developing in those involved a sense of justice, firmness, humanism and determination. It is spiritual culture that distinguishes a true master from an amateur who improves only the technical aspects of martial art.

The above are just a few aspects that help you understand why Taekwondo is an art of self-defense. The concept of “taekwondo” also includes a way of thinking and living, manifested, in particular, in mastering, drop by drop, high morals, concepts and the spirit of self-discipline. Taekwondo is almost a cult.

Korean "tae" means "jumping or flying kick", "kwon" means "fist" (mainly in the context of punching or breaking something with the hand), "do" means "art", "path" means way truth, trodden in the past, covered with holiness and wisdom. Putting everything together, we get that the word “taekwondo” denotes a system of spiritual training and self-defense techniques without weapons, along with health, as well as the skilled execution of strikes, blocks and jumps performed with bare hands and feet to defeat one or more opponents.

Taekwondo allows the weak to gain powerful weapons, to gain self-confidence in order to be able to protect themselves and others.

Improper use of Taekwondo can be fatal. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to constantly focus on improving the moral qualities of those involved.

As for the fair sex, they will undoubtedly find Taekwondo invaluable in cases where the need arises to free themselves from the harassment of some annoying men. In the vast majority of cases, stories that a woman was able to stand up for herself are perceived as fables. However, once they master the technique of taekwondo, women can actually do it.

Taekwondo has many spectacular tricks. Examples are listed below:

    a jumping kick after jumping over a motorcycle or 11 people standing in a line;

    breaking a thick board fixed at a height of 3 m with a kick;

    breaking two bricks with the edge of the palm;

    breaking a pack of 18 cm thick pine boards with a fist;

    sequential attack of two targets with the same leg while jumping, etc.

For a person on the street, such tricks seem supernatural. For those who seriously practice taekwondo and demonstrate it themselves, there is nothing supernatural about this. The above does not mean at all that in the process of practicing taekwondo you will be required to do something impossible.

In particular, in order to prove that someone is capable of killing a wild bull with his bare hands, it is not necessary to actually kill the animal. You can demonstrate the power of blows by performing tasks of equivalent complexity, similar to what is customary in other types of martial arts (for example, breaking a pack of pine boards).

Continuous training is a necessary condition for maintaining good shape and physical condition. During training, all muscles of the body are loaded. Only by learning to control your muscles is it possible to sum up the power developed by each of them when performing movements. After mastering this skill, you must learn to transfer this power to the opponent’s body (including those in motion), directing it to areas of the body where vulnerable points are located. During this period of training, it is necessary to constantly remind students that taekwondo was created as an art of self-defense, aimed at quickly neutralizing a moving aggressor.

Most offensive actions in taekwondo are based on the interaction of two forces. The first is associated with the impact on the opponent’s body as a result of the blow, the second is with the inertia of the moving segments of the opponent’s body.

Correctly using the forward movement of the opponent's body, it is enough to strike a weak counter blow to knock him over.

Those who regularly practice taekwondo, as well as masters of this type of martial arts, perform their actions automatically, without thinking for a second. We can say that their actions have become conditioned reflexes.

Readers will note that throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the need for systematic training to master the technique of defensive and attacking actions. The hours spent in the training room will not be in vain. Surely you will be fully rewarded by acquiring a lightning-fast reaction and practicing strong blows that rain down on your opponent, both when the need arises to save your life, and in other cases.

Even if you practice taekwondo only for health purposes, the pleasure gained during the training will fully justify the time spent. “Health” taekwondo is equally suitable for young and old, women and men.

It should be noted that today there are a huge number of types of martial arts. Some of them are based on the use of exclusively striking techniques, including strikes with both hands and feet, some are based only on wrestling.

Taekwondo (approx. also called taekwondo and taekwondo) belongs to the striking types of martial arts. If you read articles on various sites, including Wikipedia, they all say that the most striking feature of taekwondo is the predominant use of the legs throughout the fight.


Founder of Taekwondo, Korean Army General Choi Hong Hee

The birthplace of taekwondo is Korea, and its history is an integral part of the history of this country.

The very name of this martial art, translated from Korean, includes 3 words: “noga-tae”, “fist-kwon”, and “way-do”. That is, it is literally translated as “the path of the foot and fist.”

The founder of taekwondo is the now deceased General of the Korean Army, Choi Hong Hi, and it is quite logical that this type of martial arts was originally created as a method of self-defense in military conditions.

This gave traditional taekwondo a strict discipline of training and the fastest possible training system, which was invented by Choi Hong Hi, since the military did not have many years to learn anything, as well as maximum efficiency, taking into account its use in harsh war conditions.

Also, it was developed in such a way that it would suit different people, both those with experience in martial arts and those using it for the first time. Therefore, anyone can start practicing taekwondo, regardless of their level of physical fitness and skill.

Technical features

Despite the hallmark of taekwondo - kicks, great importance is also paid to the striking technique of the hands, although it is not used as actively.

Of no small importance in this is the fact that at competitions in this sport, kicks are given a significantly higher score.

So, even several blows delivered by hand are equivalent to one kick. Grabs by clothes, throws, head and knee strikes are unacceptable and penalty points will be awarded for them. The arsenal of taekwondo techniques also includes open palm strikes and blocks.

Taekwondo equipment

Its effectiveness in real conditions is also due to the fact that martial art was developed using knowledge in the field of biomechanics and physiology.

It is known that kicks have an incomparably greater crushing effect than kicks; also, the greater length of the legs than the arms allows one to successfully keep the enemy at a distance, which in itself is invaluable when facing several opponents.

Great attention is also paid to a unique fighting stance, depending on the specific situation.

It is selected with the goal of both protecting the taekwondo player as much as possible and quickly attacking from a defensive position.

Punches are also divided into several types, including those delivered with the edge of the palm, open palm, strikes with the back of the fist, strikes with both hands at the same time, which is quite a rare occurrence in modern martial arts. Blocks used to repel enemy blows deserve special attention.


As in the main, traditional martial arts, in taekwondo there is a widespread system of awarding belts, depending on the skill of the practitioner, the frequency of training processes, and the overall experience of training.

All beginners are automatically put on a white belt, then upon successful completion of the exam they receive yellow, green, blue, red and black belts.

It should also be noted that yellow, green, blue and red belts are also divided into corresponding ones with a patch. That is, for example, after a yellow belt, the exam is taken for green with a badge and only then for green. The time between taking the belt exam differs in different federations, but on average it is 3-4 months.

To take the black belt exam, at least 6 months must pass after receiving the red belt. A taekwondo player with a black belt is a true professional, an athlete who has mastered all the secrets and perfectly masters all the techniques of taekwondo.

Of course, everyone is free to practice at their own discretion: you can go to training without passing belt exams or competing in competitions, but something else is important here: the acquired self-defense skills, good health, a healthy body and spirit will be with you always and everywhere!

Taekwondo (from the Korean word “tae” - leg, “kwon” - hand (fist), “do” - art) is an oriental martial arts originally from Korea. A special feature of this martial art is the active use of high kicks.

In terms of footwork technique, no martial art can compete with taekwondo. Although taekwondo is considered a martial arts, it is more reminiscent not of boxing or kickboxing, but rather of fencing, because a lot of attention is paid to technique and tactics.

This article is purely informative; specific punches, kicks, sets of exercises, blocks, stances, etc. will not be considered here. All this you can find on this site.


Taekwondo as a form of martial arts was formed in the second half of the 20th century on the basis of disparate schools of martial arts in Korea at that time (subak, subak-do, taesudo, kwonbop, taekwonbop, taesudo, taegyon, tansudo, etc.). The work to form a unified style of Korean martial arts was carried out by Lieutenant General Choi Hong Hi (Choi Hong Hi). It is he who is usually called the “father of taekwondo”, just like A.A. Kharlampiev is called the creator of Soviet combat sambo.

At the insistence of Choi Hong Hee, it was decided to call the new style “taekwondo”. This name most accurately described the essence of martial arts (literally, “taekwondo” means “the path of the foot and fist”) and absorbed all the features of those martial arts of Korea on the basis of which it originated. In fact, it was a collective name for the type of our hand-to-hand combat, which does not mean a specific school, but any of the many.

On April 11, 1955, the creation of taekwondo was announced. At the same time, the history of taekwondo was created, representing all the diversified development of this martial art.

Great hopes were placed on the unified martial arts system. Choi Hong Hi even believed that it could help unite and strengthen the country. However, in 1972 he was forced to leave for Canada. After this, a split occurred and two taekwondo federations were formed: ITF (International Taekwondo Federation), WTF (World Taekwondo Federation).

Each of the federations introduced its own sets of exercises, rules of combat, as well as terminology to finally indicate its independence. In March 1990, another independent taekwondo organization GTF (Global Taekwondo Federation) appeared. Its founder is Park Jun Tae.

Main differences between WTF and ITF

WTF is an Olympic sport. The rules prohibit sweeps, pushes, grabs, throws, any blows below the belt, as well as punches to the head. Full force blows to the body (with arms, legs) and to the head (with legs only) are allowed. Athletes' equipment:

  • dobok (similar to a kimono),
  • hand and shin guards,
  • feet (foot protection),
  • vest.

ITF - combat sports. According to the rules, sweeps, pushes, grabs, throws, and any blows below the belt are prohibited. Strikes to the head and body are allowed with both legs and hands. The athletes' equipment does not include a helmet and vest, but they do have gloves.

WTF Taekwondo rules (sparring)

Two people participate in sparring. Opponents are selected by weight category. The dimensions of the area where sparring takes place are 8 x 8 meters. The fight lasts 3 rounds of 2 minutes, the break between rounds is 1 minute. Kicks and punches to the body and only kicks to the head are allowed.

For each kick delivered to the vest, 1 point is awarded, to the head - 3 points, for a punch to the body, the athlete receives 1 point if the arm was fully straightened during the blow.

Athletes are prohibited from: crossing the boundary line, turning their backs to the opponent, falling (any third touch of the floor is considered a fall), avoiding the competition, grabbing and pushing the opponent, striking below the belt, in the face (with a hand), any blows with the knee or head.

The winner is the athlete who earns the most points. The fight can end with a knockout.

Belt system

  • 10 kip - white belt;
  • 9 kip - white with a yellow notch;
  • 8 kip - yellow belt;
  • 7 kip - yellow with a green notch;
  • 6 kip - green belt;
  • 5 kip - green with a blue notch;
  • 4 kip - blue belt;
  • 3 kip - blue with a red notch;
  • 2 kip - red belt;
  • 1 kip - red with a black notch;
  • 1st dan – black belt (only taekwondoists who have reached the age of 15 can wear it; before that they wear a red and black “poom” belt, which is later equivalent to dan).
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