What does the phraseological unit mean without a hitch. About the history of language, the etymology of phraseological units

When we see a job done perfectly, we usually say: “Look, not a hitch.” Today we are looking at what the last phrase means.


The phraseology “not a hitch” came to us from the life of those who worked on wood. A perfectly processed product received the highest rating. Then the speech pattern broke away from the environment of its origin and went into free floating. And many generations of Russian people absorb the wisdom of the language without thinking about what are the origins of the expression “not a hitch”? But we have already paid attention to this, let’s move on to the meaning of the stable phrase.


As mentioned just above, this is what they say about a job well done. Moreover, the scope of application of the expression is extensive. Another thing is that phraseological units are usually used in informal settings. It is impossible to say at a meeting with the authorities that Petrov prepared a brilliant report: not a hitch. This would be taking excessive liberty. But in your office it’s quite possible to praise a subordinate in this way.

Any work can, if desired, be likened to the skill of a wood craftsman. For example, in literary and semi-literary circles they sometimes talk about the smoothness of a text. If a book is easy to read, the author is praised for its style. True, there is another criterion when books are very difficult to read, but they are still considered masterpieces of world literature. For example, Kafka's works cannot be called easy reading, but no one argues that they are classics. And both lightness and smoothness are unreliable criteria for the quality of literature. Modern history knows examples of absolutely meaningless reading. Now let’s pay attention to sentences with the phraseological unit “no hitch.”

Chairs, cars and birdhouses

The easiest thing would be to continue the literary theme and let it spread like wildfire from the works of classics to school work, but we will resist this temptation, because we want something different. What does "no hitch" mean?

Previously, during labor lessons, schoolchildren fanatically made stools. Now, of course, chairs are made not only from wood, but in general, a piece of kitchen interior is associated with this material. Even the imagination refuses to recognize the existence of an iron stool; such a formation seems almost unnatural.

How to correctly use phraseological units? Children make something like this at school. And so the teacher expresses his praise: “Well done, Sidorov! He made an excellent stool, without a hitch.” In the following examples, we invite the reader to mentally add this expression as praise.

Let's take something more modern, like cars. Despite the fact that cars are made of iron, this expression can also be applied to them. Although, of course, this is a matter of taste. Maybe someone will fundamentally refuse such freedom, knowing the origin of the phraseological unit.

A new domestic car model is rolling off the assembly line. And the production manager praises the engineer: “Well done, Evgeniy Petrovich! What a car you designed! Shine!" Next, the reader can add the expression that we are analyzing.

And again back to Soviet times. Once upon a time, schoolchildren quite consciously built birdhouses out of pure love for birds. And if someone made the perfect house for birds, they said words of praise to him. Of course, since it concerned a tree, God himself ordered the use of a stable phrase. That's what they did. Expressions with a well-known phraseological unit nearby acquired a deeper meaning and were benevolent in nature. Usually a sentence with the phraseological unit “no hitch” inspires those for whom it is intended.

The ideal is unattainable

Reflections about the Russian language prompt us to ask a general question: “What is the ideal?” It's sad, but no one knows the answer to this question. The work is considered perfect by one observer and ugly by another. That is, quality often depends not on objective criteria, but on subjective ones. For example, let's take a school essay. Russian language teachers say this: “Any essay can be checked for both a “two” and a “five.” This means that in any case you can find reasons to evaluate the result as both “two” and “five”. What does this teach? Only that you shouldn’t delude yourself. There will always be those who praise a person, and those who criticize and scold him. Whether it’s deserved or not is another question.

We have looked at various examples of what the expression “no hitch” means.

They say about a well-made thing: “No hitch!” What does this mean, we will analyze today.


It is not difficult to guess that we inherited phraseological units from those people who worked with wood in the old days. If the wood has been lovingly cared for by the craftsman and he has put a lot of skill and diligence into the piece of log, then there should be no roughness on it. Neither a hitch nor a hitch - that is, no unevenness to the touch, much less anything that reminds of the past life of the material - rudiments of branches.

Over time, the origin of the expression was forgotten, but the meaning remained. This happens quite often.

The fashionable word “cut out” and the old phraseology

Nowadays you can often hear the following sentence from sports commentators (in particular, football ones): “What pass did Messi make?” It means that the titled Argentinean made a very convenient pass to his teammate, and all he had to do was hit the goal.

Surprisingly, the fashionable word “cut out” refers listeners and viewers to the old phraseological unit. If we continue the line, we can say: “Messi’s pass was miraculously good - not a hitch!”

School essay and expression in question

Let's move on to an example that is more understandable to the general public. Famous writers are said to have style. Naturally, they write well and smoothly. In general, when a person writes smoothly, this does not mean that he has style. The author's manner of choosing words and syntax is on another level.

When we talk about a school essay, it’s too early to talk about style, but it’s quite possible to talk about the smoothness of the text. If a teacher checks a high-quality essay (without errors and meaningful), he may well praise it like this: “No hitch! Brilliant work!” Of course, we do not forget that work is noticeable only at the school level. Whether a budding child becomes a famous writer or not depends only on him and his diligence.

There are many such examples that can be found. The main thing is to know the meaning of the expression. The athlete presses the barbell and technically performs everything without blots or errors. When the coach praises him, he says: “Well, Sidorov, well done! The classes were not in vain - not a hitch!” And so with everything. No matter what a person succeeds at. Not only can wood be roughly hewn or a part cut unevenly on a machine, but the translation from English into Russian can be made “clumsy” and “rough”. A sentence with the phraseological unit “no hitch” may be wonderful, or it may not be very true and accurate. Let the reader practice adding words himself, because he already knows perfectly well the meaning of the expression we have considered.

1. Razg. Without complications, interference and obstacles. DP, 426; ZS 1996, 128. 2. Razg. No flaws or shortcomings. FSRY, 464; BTS, 1293; ZS 1996, 128; FM 2002, 497. 3. Psk. Shuttle. About a flat, smooth surface of something. POS 11, 189.

  • - smooth, nothing to complain about Wed. One will lie, even if you stick your fists in, the other will lie, you won’t knock out the needles! Wed. Nothing was noticeable behind anyone - not a knot, not a splinter. Leskov. Interesting men...
  • - without a hitch and without a hitch. Unism. Good, flawless, without difficulty; without any obstacles or interference. = Like clockwork...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - without a bitch / without...
  • - not a bitch/not a butt/rinky...

    Together. Separately. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - ZADORINA, -y, w. Roughness on a smooth surface...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference book

  • - without a bitch, without a butt...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - without any shortcomings. There is no hitch or a hitch, everything is smooth. Wed. Having worked to remove the prohibition that was placed on the estate... it has already become completely clean and free, i.e. it was, as they say,... N. Makarov...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Without a hitch, without any flaws. There’s not a hitch or a hitch here, everything is smooth. Wed. Having made efforts to remove the ban on the name.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Razg. Express Without any interference, without any difficulty. “I still admire how quickly you equipped and dispatched the detachment, Comrade Izvekov. . Organizer's talent...
  • - Razg. Express. Without any flaws or shortcomings. She thought that her married life would be good, that she would not encounter a hitch in it...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Razg. The same as without a hitch 1. FSRYa, 464; BTS, 1293; BTS, 320; SHZF 2001, 18; FM 2002, 496...
  • - 1. Unlock Without complications, interference and obstacles. DP, 426; ZS 1996, 128. 2. Discussion. No flaws or shortcomings. FSRY, 464; BTS, 1293; ZS 1996, 128; FM 2002, 497. 3. Psk. Joking. About a flat, smooth surface of something. POS 11, 189...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - like clockwork, smoothly, without difficulty, like...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - Cm....

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 11 without difficulty without hindrance without difficulty flawlessly without hindrance smoothly ideally like clockwork as written without a hitch ...

    Dictionary of synonyms

"No hitch" in books


From the author's book

Hitches The economy must be economical! Previously, when I was still working and not a writer, there was such a thing: spin-off production. For example, a plant that produces housings for rockets produces pots and flowerpots from rocket waste... A fur factory -

17 Black bitch, white bitch

From the book Baroness. In search of Nicky, the Rothschild rebel by Rothschild Hannah

17 Black bitch, white bitch Paris was the perfect place for Nicky and Monk's first date. The city had partly lost its pre-war chic, but Paris still remained the capital of fashion and taste. In 1954, Chanel reopened her fashion house and dressed women in short

This saleswoman is just a bitch because:

From the author's book

This saleswoman is just a bitch because: When asked to give size 46 clothes, she replies: “Oh, unfortunately, no. The plus sizes sell out so quickly.” “It’s the same thing every time,” she grumbles, pulling your stuck jeans off. When she tells you.

“I have been subscribing to Vechernaya Odessa since its foundation. He left the first three issues in the family archive, but, unfortunately, they burned down in a fire. I am writing for this reason. After I read about the history of the origin of some expressions in the November 5th issue under the “This is Interesting” section, I started thinking about expressions whose meaning is clear to us, but the words used in them seem strange. For example, “You can’t see a damn thing,” “If only there was henna,” “And there’s a hole in an old woman,” “Running around like crazy,” “Upside down,” “Without a hitch,” “Through a tree stump.” What kind of words are these - “zga”, “henna”, “tormashki”... It would be interesting to read the explanations” - Vladimir MELNICHENKO.

Can't see anything

The phraseological phrase “you can’t see anything” is used in the sense of “such pitch darkness that you can’t see anything.”

Linguistic researchers have offered many explanations for this word, forever lost in hoary antiquity. At one time it was believed that the zga was a metal ring on the horse’s arch, which was difficult to notice in the dark.

It was also suggested that zga is a modified stga - a stitch that is not visible in the dark. According to another version, zga is a spark, a glimmer of light in the darkness. It is also believed that zga, stga (from the verb “to quilt”) is a stem, rod, whip that was used to drive horses. You can’t see anything - the darkness is such that even a whip, that is, a twig or a twig, even if you bring it right to your eyes, you can’t see it.

At least henna

Whining and crying have nothing to do with it in this case.

The onomatopoeic word “khny”, from which our “khnykat”, means in Russian not only crying, but also other nasal and labial sounds, for example, snoring, mooing, grunting, etc.

The word “henna” also denoted any unclear sound uttered by a person in response to an appeal. That is, the original meaning of the expression “at least give a damn” - at least he gave a voice, reacted somehow. The modern meaning of this expression: complete indifference, no reaction, does not touch anything, does not care.

And there is a hole in the old woman

According to Ushakov’s dictionary (and other authors too), a hole is a mistake, an oversight, a mistake. Hence the expression “even an old woman has a problem” means that no one is immune from mistakes and annoying mistakes, despite age and life experience.

Running around like crazy

Literally, crazy - inhaled carbon monoxide, usually during a fire. In this state, a person is in shock, in panic, cannot be completely rational and focused, and rushes here and there. He usually has trouble understanding where to run and what to do, and strives to quickly get away from the fire. Hence the expression.

“Running around like crazy” is a phraseological unit that means that someone is doing very quickly, but stupidly and senselessly, fussing, running headlong, it is unclear where and why, without making out the road.

Upside down

There are different interpretations. Sometimes the word tormashki is associated with the word tormas (a sled device for braking). When the sled turned over, the torsos were on top.

But there is another interpretation: in some dialects the words torma, tormany (legs) are preserved. Apparently, these words were used more widely and became a stable combination. After all, the most accurate definition of meaning is upside down, upside down. And the stable combination has become entrenched in the language and continues to this day.

Thus, the expression upside down means upside down, head over heels, head over heels, and in other combinations - in complete disorder, upside down, upside down (example: everything in the house is upside down).

Without a hitch

We owe the appearance of the phraseology “without a hitch” to carpenters who professionally performed their work: without a single protruding knot or hitch, without roughness and burrs on a smoothly planed board.

Initially, this was what they said about wood. The board was of high quality, carefully processed, without roughness or flaws. Nowadays, when talking about any events or activities, they use the phraseology “without a hitch,” which means: impeccably, without difficulties, with high quality, masterfully, without interference or shortcomings, without obstacles, well.

Through the stump-deck

The expression originated among lumberjacks. Initially, the phraseological unit was used in the form of comparison - to do something, like knocking a deck through a stump; that is, it is as inconvenient as dragging a thick log over a stump.

Second option: the expression is associated with walking through windbreaks, where you walk “through a stump into a log,” that is, by stepping over another stump, you can get your foot into a rotten log.

In the modern sense, this expression means: to do something haphazardly, in bad faith, carelessly; indiscriminately, randomly; inconsistently, intermittently.


Select the ones that suit youmeaning of phraseological units with in words, having a root with the value of a number, and highlight them.

Based on the resulting text, conduct a physical session with the audience

First, stand up...

(“rooted to the spot”, “all as one”, “when the crayfish hangs on the mountain”)

Turn left and right so that...

(“my soul went to my heels”, “not a single hair fell from my head”)

Try bending...

(“in three deaths”, “topsy-turvy”)

Show me how to move correctly

“on your own two feet” so as not to...

(“get into a galosh”, “get lost in three pines”, “fall through the ground”)

At the same time, just go...

(“without looking back”, “by leaps and bounds”)

Sit down

(“to divert attention”, “neither twice nor one and a half times”)

Raise your head up as if you...

(“they swallowed a yardstick”, “they were not born with bast”, “a star of the first magnitude”)

Imagine that after a physical session you...

(“you’ll go far”, “in seventh heaven”)

Take your seats and continue working, but...

(“by the sweat of your brow”, “a hundred times better”)

Task 2.

  1. Read the text expressively

If you hang your nose, then cut your nose, and even if your nose bleeds, follow the main rule: keep your nose up!

If someone sticks his nose into your affairs and tries to lead you by the nose and even leave you hanging, then when you meet him nose to nose, tell him: “This doesn’t suit me!” And he will immediately stop turning his nose and turning up his nose.

You shouldn’t nod off with your nose buried in the pillow, and don’t point your nose out into the street. Take action! And if someone tells you that your nose is not mature enough, then try to prove: you can wipe anyone’s nose. But only so that the mosquito does not undermine your nose.

Find in the text a phraseological phrase with the meaning:

fail; to remain without what one hoped for, counted on, what one sought___________________________________

Task 5.

Using a phraseological dictionary, describe who is wearing what.

(match phraseological units to the existing items of clothing)


Task 4.

Write a comic ad using these phraseological units

Play on your nerves, hang your tongue well, put a spoke in the wheels.


Task 6.

Determine which profession the occurrence of each phraseological unit is associated with




For information: doctor, tailor, teacher, carpenter, railway worker, blacksmith, cook.

Task 1.

Finish the line in rhyme. Explain the meaning of phraseology.

Be like all the girls
I haven't wanted to since childhood.
I don’t shed tears, I don’t put on makeup -
I AM THE CROW….___________________________________________

Oh, our rabble-rouser Taras -
We were waiting for a friend BEATEN... . _________________________

Summer is going to waste -
There is no Internet at the dacha

Ilyusha has nothing to do -
All day long he HEATS …_______________________________________________
Doesn't draw, doesn't read,
Just TIME... _____________________________________________________

Task 7

Select phraseological units that correspond to each feeling and emotion. Write them down in the table.

For information: carry in your arms, tear and throw, be in seventh heaven, those times, pout


Lisikhina Natalia Alexandrovna

Master class

Topic: “Use of phraseological units in Russian language lessons.”

IT IS KNOWN that One of the main indicators of a person’s education is his literate speech. It improves throughout life, but is especially productive during the school period. The success of learning in all subjects depends on the development of children's speech.


Arouse interest in the sounding word

Learn to use it

Prepare children to improve speech creativity

PHRASEOLOGY HELP US IN SOLVING THESE PROBLEMS - this is a branch of the science of language in which stable phrases are studied, equal in meaning to either one word or a whole sentence, i.e. phraseological units.

WHEN USING phraseological units, children's vocabulary will become richer and more diverse, their speech will become brighter and more expressive. After all, “phraseologisms, as V.G. Belinsky said, constitute the national physiognomy of the language, its original means and its… wealth.”

MASTERING phraseological units is a long process that remains relevant throughout schooling.


Propaedeutic - familiarization on a practical level, without introducing terms (primary grades)

Systematic – study of the section “Phraseology” (grades 5-6)

Aspectual - consideration of phraseology in connection with other sections (grades 8-9)

ANALYSIS OF THE “PHRASEOLOGY” SECTION OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS shows that their authors mainly focus on the integrity of the meaning, imagery, and evaluation of phraseological units. However, the ability of these language units to reflect the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people is practically not considered in them. In addition, textbooks contain a limited set of tasks that cannot provide an individual approach.

THUS, the teacher’s task is to develop a system of work that willis aimed not only at the formation and expansion of the student’s phraseological competence, but also at the individualization of such work. Of course, it is necessary to replenish the task bank.

All tasks can be divided into three blocks:

Tasks to replenish students' vocabulary;

To develop creative thinking;

To get acquainted with the achievements of the spiritual and material culture of the people.


1. Tasks to replenish students' vocabulary.

  • Select phraseological units that match the pictures and explain their meaning:

« Dancing to someone else's tune"(to act not of one's own free will)

"Sit on the neck "(to become someone's dependent, to burden, to burden)

  • “Guess what!”

Students are given joke riddles: using the proposed phraseological units, they need to guess what they are talking about.

1. Not flowers, but withering; not clapping hands, but clapping them; not laundry, but they are hung out


2. It is in the head of a frivolous person; it is advised to look for it in the field; they throw words and money at him(wind)

3. It can be swallowed; they pull on him; something that you are about to remember is spinning on it; they keep it tight-lipped so as not to say too much(language)

  • PRACTICAL 1 . Finish the line in rhyme. Explain the meaning of phraseology.

Borka has two “twos” in the quarter.
Yes, WITHOUT A KING my friend V... .

Be like all the girls
I haven't wanted to since childhood.
I don’t shed tears, I don’t put on makeup -

Oh, our rabble-rouser Taras -
We were waiting for a friend BEATEN... .

  • PRACTICAL 2 . Involves working with text. It is necessary to find a phraseological phrase with a certain meaning in the text.

After completing the task, you can give historical information and report on the origin of these phraseological units.

This technique can also be used in biology lessons when studying certain topics. For example, this text contains phraseological units only about the nose.

2. Tasks to develop students' creative thinking.

  • PRACTICAL 3 . Compose a physical lesson using phraseological units. For example, when studying the topic “Numerals” in a Russian language lesson, the task may sound like this: choose phraseological units that are suitable in meaning with words that have a root with the meaning of number.

This technique allows you to make the most productive use of lesson time, since even during rest, work on the topic continues. It can be used in any lesson by choosing appropriate expressions.

It also helps relieve emotional stress, it is interesting, fun, and children like it.

  • PRACTICAL 4. “Test of the pen.”Write a funny ad using phraseological units (phraseologisms are written on the board). Sample ad texts:I put spokes in the wheels; I teach playing on nerves; I'll buy a well-hung tongue.

3. Tasks to familiarize yourself with the achievements of the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people.

  • PRACTICAL 5. “Who is wearing what.”Using a phraseological dictionary, dress the person, i.e. select phraseological units for all elements of clothing (parts of the body).

Such tasks can also be used in technology lessons when studying the topics “Clothing”, “Food”, etc.

  • PRACTICAL 6. “City of Masters”.This is a game. Determine which profession the emergence of each phraseological unit is associated with.

1) clumsy work; without a hitch; remove the shavings.(Carpenter)

2) for one cut; bursting at the seams; sewn with white threads.(Tailor)

3) you can’t lure with a roll; make porridge; pound water in a mortar.(Cook)

This task can be used in technology lessons and at career guidance events.

  • PRACTICAL 7. The following game can also be used in social studies lessons when studying the topic “Emotions and Feelings.” This is lotto.

Exercise. Select phraseological units that correspond to each feeling and emotion.

Systematic use of tasks with phraseological units allows you to:

  • diversify the Russian language lesson;
  • gradually replenish children's vocabulary;
  • provide an individual approach;
  • expand students’ understanding of the culture, history and way of life of the people;
  • establish interdisciplinary connections in educational activities

This technique can be used as reflection in any lesson.


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Slide captions:

T Municipal educational state institution “Ustpersky basic secondary school” S E R - K L A M A S S “Studying phraseology in Russian language lessons” Lisikhina Natalya Aleksandrovna teacher of Russian language and literature of the 1st category

I T Z V G G E S T N O one of the main indicators of a person’s degree of education is his ability to speak competently; l people improve their speech throughout their lives; The most productive stage for enriching vocabulary is the school period; The success of learning in all academic disciplines depends on the development of children’s speech

Z T A D G A C H A to arouse interest in the sounding word; n teach how to use it; to prepare for improving speech creativity

E Phraseology is a branch of the science of language in which stable phrases are studied that are equal in meaning to either one word or a whole sentence - phraseological units O L O Z A R F I G Y

R T O L E children's vocabulary will become richer and more diverse; By using phraseological units in written and oral speech, schoolchildren will be able to speak brighter and more expressively O L O Z A R F I G I

“Phraseological units make up the folk physiognomy of the language, its original means and its… wealth” V.G. Belinsky

A T K T G U A L Mastering phraseological units is a long process that remains relevant throughout schooling. Stages: propaedeutic - acquaintance at a practical level, without introducing terms (primary grades); systematic – study of the section “Phraseology” (grades 5-6); and spectral - consideration of phraseology in connection with other sections (grades 8-9)

U T H E G B N I a focus on the features of the iconic nature of phraseological units and their systemic connections (phraseological synonymy, polysemy, antonymy), however, the ability of these language units to reflect the spiritual and material culture of the people is practically not considered; with a limited set of tasks that do not provide an individual approach to

N T A P G R A V formation and expansion of the student’s phraseological competence; individualization of work

Z T A D G A N I To replenish students’ vocabulary with phraseological units; for the development of creative thinking; to get acquainted with the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people

Z T A D G A N I To replenish students’ vocabulary with phraseological units

Z T A D G A N I I dance to someone else's tune and sit on someone else's neck

Z T A D G A N I "Guess it!" Not flowers, but withering; not clapping hands, but clapping them; It is not laundry, but they are hung in the head of a frivolous person; it is advised to look for it in the field; words and money are thrown at him. He can be swallowed; they pull on him; something that you are about to remember is spinning on it; he is kept behind his teeth so as not to say too much (ears) (wind) (tongue)

Z T A D G A N I YA Finish the line in rhyme. Explain the meaning of phraseology. I haven’t wanted to be like all the girls since childhood. I don’t shed tears, I don’t put on makeup - I AM A CROW... .

Z T A D G A N I Finish the line in rhyme. Explain the meaning of phraseology. Oh, our hoarder Taras - We were waiting for a friend BEATEN... .

Z T A D G A N I Finish the line in rhyme. Explain the meaning of phraseology. SUMMER IS WASTED FOR VAST – There is no Internet at the dacha Ilyusha has nothing to do – He STRIKES all day long... He doesn’t draw, doesn’t read, It’s just TIME...

Z T A D G A N I Working with text If you hang your nose, then cut your nose, and even if your nose bleeds, follow the first rule: higher your nose! If someone sticks his nose into your affairs and tries to lead you by the nose and even leave you hanging, then when you meet him nose to nose, tell him: “This doesn’t suit me!” And he will immediately stop turning his nose and turning up his nose.

Z T A D G A N I “stay with the nose” In pre-Petrine Rus', a bribe was called “nose”. Bribery flourished in that era, but there were still honest officials who refused to accept the “nose”. About a person who, while trying to give a bribe, met with one, they said that he was “left with his nose.”

Z T A D G A N I for the development of creative thinking of students

To begin, stand up... (“rooted to the spot”, “all as one”, “when the cancer hangs on the mountain”) Turn left and right so that... (“the soul goes to your heels”, “not a single hair falls from your head”) Try to bend over... ("to death", "topsy-turvy") Show how to move correctly "on your own two feet" so as not to... ("get into a galosh", "get lost in three pines", "fall through the ground") At the same time, just walk... (“without looking back”, “by leaps and bounds”) Sit down (“to avert your eyes”, “not two times or one and a half times”) Raise your head up as if you… (“swallowed a yard”, “don’t be fooled” ", "star of the first magnitude") Imagine that after a physical minute you... ("you will go far", "in seventh heaven") Take your places and continue to work, but... ("by the sweat of your brow", "a hundred times better" )

Z T A D G A N I "Test of the pen" Write a comic ad using these phraseological units. play on the nerves the tongue is well hung put a spoke in the wheels

Z T A D G A N I for acquaintance with the achievements of the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people

Z T A D G A N I "Who is wearing what"

Z T A D G A N I "City of Masters" Determine which profession is associated with the emergence of each phraseological unit. clumsy work without a hitch, remove chips without a hitch

Z T A D G A N I "City of Masters" Determine which profession is associated with the emergence of each phraseological unit. for one cut, bursting at the seams, sewn with white threads

Z T A D G A N I "City of Masters" Determine which profession is associated with the emergence of each phraseological unit. you can’t tempt a roll of bread to make porridge, pound water in a mortar

Z T A D G A N I “Emotions and feelings” Select phraseological units that correspond to each feeling, emotion. love carry anger in your arms tear and throw happiness be in seventh heaven surprise those times resentment pout

T H U N Y YEAR Systematic use of tasks with phraseological units allows you to: diversify the Russian language lesson; gradually replenish children's vocabulary; o provide an individual approach; expand students’ understanding of the culture, history and way of life of the people; establish interdisciplinary connections in educational activities

Today we did not pour from empty to empty, but worked tirelessly. And although we were a little tired, we did not lose our temper, but pulled ourselves together and continued working. And there was no one between us who would turn a blind eye to our neighbor’s work.


Trousers, trousers. Overpants. (Walk) with your hands in your trousers - idle, (colloquial).

Tie, -a, m. A bandage made of a wide ribbon, tied with a knot or bow around the collar. Put (pour) behind the tie (collar) - drink alcohol (simple, joking).

Epancha, -i, f. A long and wide ancient cloak (later a women's cape). One cloth epancha - about similar people and objects.

Vest, -i, w. (colloquial). Short men's clothing without a collar and sleeves, over which a jacket, frock coat, tailcoat is worn, as well as women's clothing of this style. Cry/cry into an e/silette (to someone - n.) - complain about failures, trying to evoke sympathy.

Kaftan, -a, m. Ancient men's long-brimmed outerwear. Trishkin caftan (colloquial, disapproved) - about partial and external corrections that only harm the cause and do not bring benefit.

Pocket, -a, m. A sewn or sewn-on detail in clothing - a container for a scarf and small necessary things at hand. Hit your pocket - introduce expense, cause loss (colloquial).

Uniform, -a, m. Military or civilian uniform Jacket potatoes - potatoes boiled in their skins.

Hem, -a, m. The bottom edge of a skirt, dress. Twist the hem (simple, disapproved) - about a woman: behave cheekily, dissolutely with men.

Glove, -i, g. A garment that covers the hand from the wrist to the end of the fingers. Throw down the gauntlet (to someone) - challenge someone to a fight, a competition, a duel.

Belt, -a, m. Ribbon, cord, belt or stitched strip of fabric for tying onto a talin. To outshine (someone) - to surpass someone in something (colloquial).

Shirt, -i, f. Lightweight clothing worn over the upper body (men's) or as underwear (women's). Born in a Shirt (colloquial) - about a lucky, happy person. Shirt is a guy - an open, easy-to-handle person.

Mitten, -i, g. A garment that covers the entire hand and thumb separately. Keep a tight rein on (someone) (colloquial) - treat someone harshly, strictly.

Sleeve, -a, m. Part of clothing covering the arm. (Work, get down to business) with your sleeves rolled up - diligently, diligently, energetically (do something).

Collar, -a, m. On clothes: neckline around the neck. Pull (someone by the collar) (simple, exp.) - force, force someone. do sth.

Mitten, -i, f. Soft winter mitten. To open / open a mitten (simple) - to be extremely surprised, amazed.

Suit, -a, m. 1. Clothes, dress. 2. Men's (jacket and trousers) or women's (jacket and skirt or trousers) outer dress. Dressed as Adam and Eve - naked, without any clothes.

Clothes, -s, w. The totality of objects that are used to cover the body. Do not get out of any clothes - be constantly dressed in the same thing; wear the same thing all the time.

Shirt, -i, f. Same as shirt (see above). To be born in a shirt (shirt) means to be lucky, happy.

Tailcoat, -a, m. A type of ceremonial frock coat with the flaps cut out in the front and with long narrow tails at the back. (I need it) like a crayfish needs a tailcoat, like a pike needs trousers, like a fish needs underwear (jokingly) - about giving up something as unnecessary.

Pants, -s. Clothing that covers the lower torso and each leg separately. Wipe your pants (colloquial, joking) - do clerical work, study for a long time.

Trousers, -ov (simple). Same as pants. Someone was left without trousers - impoverished.

Meter with cap; arshin with a hat (verb., joke); one and a half meters with a cap (joking):

Two boots a pair; one cloth epancha (similar, having the same qualities);

Put it in your pocket; reach into pocket; put your hand in your pocket, fill your pocket (simple) (to appropriate someone else’s);

There is a louse on the lasso in your pocket; the wind is blowing in your pocket; pocket consumption (simple); whistling in your pocket (lack of money);

Not affordable; hits the pocket (expensive);

Dumb as a felt boot; gray like a soldier's overcoat; bast shoes slurp cabbage soup (ignorant);

Keep a tight rein; take a tight rein (be strict).

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primary school No. 75 ___________________ ___________________ Workbook with a printed basis on the Russian language. 3rd grade. / Comp. . – Orenburg, 2009. – 28 p. Reviewer:...