Separatist Donbass: political groups of the "DPR". How Donetsk lives: political movements and organizations - the Communist Party of the DPR will interact with the Communist Party of Ukraine, with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

A full-fledged political system - autonomous to the required extent and independent of external factors - is impossible in the absence of economic sovereignty. In previous materials about the civil life of Donetsk, we touched upon economic aspects as the basis of the system that emerged after 2014. The portal site found out what the political superstructure of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) is under current conditions.

Parties that formally do not exist

The legal confusion in Donetsk is a topic that deserves special attention and the involvement of legal experts. Let us only note that the system of public relations within the DPR is not regulated at the legislative level: there is no law on political parties in the republic; in June 2016, the bill “On Public Associations” was adopted in the first reading, but then the law got stuck. The last mention of the bill on the official resources of the DPR dates back to November 2016.

“In practice, we were faced with the fact that some so-called non-profit organizations were conducting anti-state and anti-people activities.<…>

Bodies of state power and local self-government must have the legal ability to prevent the commission of offenses by public organizations and suppress any abuses by non-profit associations,” commented the Chairman of the DPR People’s Council Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations on the fate of the bill “On Public Associations” Alexander Malkov.

As a result, the bill was not considered in the second reading and was not adopted as a whole. At the same time, in the Constitution of the DPR the term “public association” appears three times (Article 13, paragraph 3, Article 23, paragraph 1, Article 39, paragraph 2).

“Everyone has the right to association, including the right to create trade unions to protect their interests. Freedom of activity of public associations is guaranteed,” - paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the DPR Constitution.

There are no nominally political parties in the DPR, although paragraph 1 of Article 9 recognizes “ideological and political diversity, multi-party system.”

In the summer of 2016, the speaker of the parliament of the republic Denis Pushilin explained the absence of political parties in the DPR and the actual ban on the Communist Party by “political background” and the conditions of the Ukrainian side within the framework of the Minsk negotiation format.

“We insist there [in Minsk] that we [in the DPR] have no political parties and we will have a majoritarian election system. We personally heard dissatisfaction from Kuchma: how come you don’t have parties? There is a Communist Party, so let there be “Petro Poroshenko Bloc”, “Right Sector” (the organization’s activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation - approx. website) and so on,” the website of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation quotes Pushilin as saying.

In fact, both political and public associations operate on the territory of the DPR.

Party of the head - social movement "Donetsk Republic"

The “party” with the largest representation in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government is public movement "Donetsk Republic" (OD DR).

According to information posted by the Donetsk News Agency (DAN), in August 2016, more than 139 thousand people had membership in the OD DR. DAN also published a list of movement participants. A counter of movement members is also installed on the OD DR website.

As of January 8, 2018, the counter indicates that more than 194 thousand people (about 11% of the population) are members of the DR OA. At the same time, the official group of the movement on the social network “VKontakte” It has just over 15 thousand subscribers (on average, about 300 people view each post, which indicates low user activity) on the Facebook page signed about 660 users, in Instagram- about three thousand.

The Chairman of the OD DR is the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko, head of the central executive committee - ex-director of the Donetsk Drama Theater, chairman of the organizing committee for the primaries in the DPR in 2016 Natalia Volkova.

Until October 2017, the position of head of the central executive committee was held by the speaker of the DPR parliament, the permanent plenipotentiary representative of the DPR at the negotiations of the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk Denis Pushilin.

During the general elections in the DPR on November 2, 2014, the Democratic People's Republic won 68 seats out of 100 in the People's Council. The remaining 32 seats in the republic's parliament went to representatives of the Free Donbass public movement. Alexander Zakharchenko received the support of 78.9% of voters in the elections.

Members of the OD DR occupy the positions of heads of cities and towns of the DPR and almost all seats in the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPR.

Instead of the opposition - the public movement "Free Donbass"

The second “party” with representation in the DPR parliament is public movement "Free Donbass" (OD SD). The chairman of the movement and head of the parliamentary faction of the OD SD is a little-known and publicly inactive 35-year-old deputy Evgeniy Orlov.

The unofficial leader of the faction, judging by the New Year's greetings and the intensity of communication with the press, is a DPR deputy Ekaterina Gubareva. Her husband Pavel Gubarev- a prominent participant in the 2014 events in Donbass, one of the organizers of the Novorossiya party, author of the book “Torch of Novorossiya”. On March 1, 2014, at a rally, Gubarev was elected “people's governor”; on March 3 and 5, he participated in the seizure (assault) of the Donetsk regional state administration.

The OD “Free Donbass” is actually removed from the executive power in the DPR and informally occupies a niche of opposition in relation to the “Donetsk Republic” movement.

Pavel Gubarev is to a certain extent toxic for the population of Donbass: he was involved in a number of scandals and stories. In March 2014, Gubarev was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), but in May he was released (exchanged for officers of the Ukrainian special services); an activist was shot at from a grenade launcher; in January 2015 he was kidnapped by Chechens; in January 2016, Gubarev was “appointed” as mayor of Yasinovataya. At the same time, the politician is a link between the OD SD and two other organizations: The people's militia of Donbass and the political movement "Novorossiya".

From time to time, Gubarev allows himself critical remarks and attacks against the current authorities in the DPR. This is probably why the activist disappeared from the airwaves of local TV channels.

“In the DPR and LPR, as you know, there is no democracy. This is correct, but war requires a vertical line. However, some democratic instruments still remain. For example, media democracy has taken on the function of a regulator of power in matters of correcting special excesses and abuses.

When the actions of the authorities reach the point of lawlessness (unfortunately, this happens very often in our country), social networks, bloggers and non-state online media begin to cover this topic, and all politically conscious citizens who are not indifferent to the problem get involved. The highest authorities pay attention to the problem and begin to respond,” stated Gubarev on his VK page.

Movements that do not exist: Donbass People's Militia and Novorossiya

At the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis (spring - summer 2014) People's Militia of Donbass (NOD) was a volunteer armed formation. After the creation and final formation of the 1st Army Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR, it is problematic to assess the structure of the NOD and Gubarev’s influence on it. On the social network VK there is group of the same name with 113 thousand subscribers. Among its administrators is Pavel Gubarev. But whether this resource performs any functions other than information is unknown.

The same fate befell movement "Novorossiya"- the media don’t talk about him. On the Internet you can find the website “Novorossiya Movement” by Igor Strelkov. However, it positions itself as an association of organizations that help “the militia and ordinary residents of Donbass.”

Igor Strelkov (Girkin) - leader of the armed resistance in Slavyansk, ex-Minister of Defense of the DPR and military commandant of Donetsk in July - August 2014. Today Strelkov is a media figure who does not directly influence the political and social life of Donbass.

OD DR 2.0: public organization “Stronghold of Donbass”

In the fall of 2015, the DPR was created public organization "Oplot of Donbass" (PO OD). Chairman of the board of the organization - member of the DPR parliament Sergey Zavdoveev(call sign "French") Ukrainian media classify Zavdoveev as one of Alexander Zakharchenko’s inner circle.

“Oplot of Donbass” implements cultural and educational programs, provides support to the families of militiamen and military personnel of the DPR Armed Forces, including those who died during the fighting.

On December 28, 2017, the NGO “Oplot of Donbass” supported Zakharchenko’s candidacy for the post of head of the DPR. And about. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DPR Alexander Timofeev Also stated that the “Oplot of Donbass” will participate in the parliamentary elections, and explicitly called the movement a “parliamentary public organization.” Apparently, the OD DR will be rebranded with the separation of several parties within the largest movement of the republic.

“I'll be honest. I perceive our meeting today and those that were... Believe me, for me you [“Stronghold of Donbass”] are my family. What we experienced together is... To be honest, some information cannot be told: there is something to remember, but nothing to tell.<…>We chose our fate ourselves. And our destiny is inextricably linked with you,” said Alexander Zakharchenko on December 28 at the reporting conference of the NGO OD.

Public organization "Patriotic Forces of Donbass"

As written on the organization's website, public organization "Patriotic Forces of Donbass" (PSD) was created during a rally on March 1, 2014. At the same time, a former SBU employee, Secretary of the DPR Security Council (2014–2015) was elected head of the organization. Alexander Khodakovsky. PSD activists participated in the seizure of “strategically significant points in Donetsk” (for example, the SBU building, television center and military units), organized checkpoints near Donetsk, and prepared for the referendum on May 11, 2014.

On May 6, 2014, the people’s militia battalion “Vostok” was created from PSD activists. Later, the military unit became part of the 1st Army Corps.

At this stage, the main activity of the PSD is to carry out humanitarian actions. Until the spring of 2016, the organization had representation in the DPR parliament, but on April 30, deputies Alexander Semenov and Pyotr Savchenko were early deprived of their parliamentary powers during a vote of the DPR People's Council. The reason in the resolutions of the parliament is stated: “Due to the loss of confidence in the Social Movement “Donetsk Republic”” (the deputies were members of the Council from this organization). In 2016, Alexander Khodakovsky publicly announced his transition to the opposition to the current government in the DPR.

“This is simply freeing up seats to be filled by some new deputies, intimidating those who are undesirable. This is delegitimization. Endless legal violations on the part of “parliament” lead to the fact that the understanding of what kind of body this is and why it is needed is washed away.

This is, first of all, a blow to the image of the “republic”, a blow to the system of legitimation that was launched,” commented the ex-head of the DPR parliament Andrei Purgin on the deprivation of the mandates of deputies Shaftner and Bogdanova in 2015.

The first point of the political program of the “Patriotic Forces of Donbass” is: “We see our future only as part of Russia.”

The path of the communists to the DPR

The first political party of the self-proclaimed republic was Communist Party of the DPR (CP DPR). It was organized on October 8, 2014. The chairman of the Supreme Council of the DPR was appointed head Boris Litvinov. At the very first congress, the DPR Communist Party expressed support for the then Prime Minister of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, in the upcoming elections of the head of the republic in November.

Deputies from the Communist Party of the DPR entered parliament on the lists of the OD DR. However, in June 2016 they were stripped of their mandate with the wording “for loss of trust.” According to party representatives, this decision was made after criticism of the bill on transferring 50% of the production of alcohol and tobacco products into private hands.

“It was cynical lawlessness, and it happened in a matter of minutes, without trial or investigation,” Litvinov commented on the exclusion of communists from the number of DPR deputies.

Donetsk communists also reported attempts at “decommunization” in the DPR: they were prohibited from laying flowers at the monument to Vladimir Lenin on the leader’s birthday, holding rallies and participating in actions under red flags.

The reasons for the “persecution” of Donetsk communists were covered in its journalistic investigation by the publication

Outside the political struggle... for now

Over the four years of the Ukrainian crisis and the war in Donbass, the political and social life of the self-proclaimed republics has acquired certain characteristics. Today, many movements, associations and organizations have little direct or indirect influence on the DPR.

Among organizations outside the territory of the DPR, one can highlight the public association “South of Russia” (participant - Andrey Purgin), “Committee of January 25” (headed by Igor Strelkov), Union of Donbass Volunteers (UDV) (leaders by the first Chairman of the DPR Council of Ministers Alexander Borodai and the first Minister of State Security of the DPR Andrey Pinchuk).

The project with the participation of Purgin should be perceived as a platform for discussion, a think tank, which is in search of new ideas for the development of Donbass. Strelkov's projects were marginalized by the media. At their core, they are designed for right-wing forces in Russia. The SDD is similar to a “back-up option” that can be launched if the political system within the DPR collapses.

The political landscape within the DPR is not as homogeneous as it might seem at first acquaintance. For example, on the territory of the republic there is a branch of the Russian left-patriotic social movement “The Essence of Time” by Sergei Kurginyan. Moreover, members of the movement undergo military training and participate in combat operations as part of the Khan battalion. One can only guess what long-term goals the far left in Donbass are pursuing and what prospects they see.


The future of the self-proclaimed republics is characterized by a high level of uncertainty. Although no one seriously hopes for the implementation of the Minsk agreements (which imply the return of Donbass to Ukraine), the factors of Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian relations and the geopolitical balance of power make any development of events possible. Also, the November situation from the highest echelon of power in Lugansk showed that “black swans” in Donbass should always be expected. Therefore, the elites and leadership of the DPR concentrate their efforts on operational and tactical tasks.

Working with youth is largely a strategic activity. The situation in this policy direction is ambiguous. On the one hand, continuous work is being carried out: patriotic education, creating a personnel reserve, attracting activists and public opinion leaders among young people to implement youth projects. On the other hand, this work is carried out by amateurs, and the learning process in conditions of partial isolation of the region from the experience of advanced countries is slow, mainly by trial and error.

The main centers for working with youth are the youth wing of the OD DR - a public organization

Development of a lesson on the topic:"Parties and social movements"

for 11th grade

The purpose of the lesson: formation in students of a stable, conscious idea of ​​the role of political parties in the life of society, the state and the individual, their role in the life of society; develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions; participate in discussions, work with documents.

Lesson objectives:


    consider the concept, characteristics, typology and functions of political parties;

    study the essence and typology of party systems;

    continue to systematize students’ legal and political science knowledge and the ability to integrate it into the practice of public life;

developing :

    consolidate the ability to pose and formulate a problem;

    continue to develop group work skills, the ability to formulate and defend your point of view;

    promote the development of specific skills of retrospective empathy and forecasting;

educational :

    stimulate the motive to search for new knowledge;

    promote the formation of tolerant thinking;

    to cultivate respect for one’s homeland, to form a sense of belonging to the life of one’s country.

Lesson type : a lesson in studying and initially consolidating new knowledge.

Lesson format: traditional using ICT and other technologies.

Forms of student work: collective, individual, group work.



    multimedia installation

    presentation on the topic

During the classes

    Organizing time (2 min.)

Preparing students for work in the lesson, determining the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Summing up the results of the sociological study “Definitions of learning and thinking style” (Slide 1-6). The class is divided into 2 groups based on the results of the study. Each group receives appropriate tasks during the lesson.

Teacher: British Prime Minister William Gladstone said: “Politics is a labyrinth, from which it is more difficult to get out than to enter”. But each of us will have to enter this “labyrinth”. How not to get lost in it? In Greek myth, Theseus was able to navigate the labyrinth's intricate passages with the help of Ariadne's thread. What can become that thread for us? Which will give us the opportunity to understand the kaleidoscope of political events, parties, movements. This is the question we will try to answer in our lesson.

The topic of our lesson "Political parties and movements"(Slide 7).

    Checking homework (7 min.)

Test task by groups (test no. 1)

    Learning new material (16 min.)

    Working with tables(Appendices No. 1-4)

The emergence of parties is preceded by socio-political movements and organizations. (Slide 8-10).

As a rule, a movement unites people who have one common goal. So, in the 50-70s. last century, in many countries a movement of peace supporters opposed war developed, demanding an end to the arms race and disarmament. It united people regardless of nationality, political and religious views. Today in different countries, including Russia, there are movements in defense of human rights, an environmental movement to protect the environment, etc.

To achieve their goals, such socio-political movements strive to influence the government in one way or another. They organize citizens' appeals to various government bodies, come up with civil initiatives on issues of political life, hold rallies, demonstrations, picketing, and use other forms of political activity.

A socio-political association is a non-governmental and non-party organization formed with the aim of influencing (pressuring) the authorities to defend their interests.

Distinctive features of socio-political movements are:

The desire is not to achieve power, but to influence power;

Have voluntary membership or have no formal membership procedures at all;

They do not have a strict hierarchy, that is, a clear distribution between the center and the periphery;

Focus on expressing the private interests of a particular group of people;

Upon achieving the goal, they may cease to exist.

Such socio-political movements organize citizens' appeals to various government bodies, come up with civil initiatives on issues of political life, hold rallies, demonstrations, picketing, and use other forms of political activity.

A characteristic feature of all democratic regimes is the pluralism of the socio-political life of society - the presence in society of several or many political parties, movements and associations that share different political views, programs and attitudes.

One person has nothing to do in politics. Politics is a group, collective, mass affair. It requires mutual assistance and mutual support. When there is a struggle for power, its success is often determined by the number (and quality) of supporters, associates, and like-minded people.

What is a political party? (Slide 11-19).

Political Party- a special public organization that directly sets itself the task of seizing political power in the state or taking part in it through its representatives in state authorities and local self-government.

Another definition can be given: Political Party- an organized group of people who share a common political program and strive to legally come to power by installing their own president and forming their own government.

Signs of a political party:

1. A certain ideology, a system of common values ​​and norms,

2. Availability of a party program and charter,

3. Duration of existence,

4. Availability of governing bodies and management staff,

5. The party’s focus on realizing the interests of those social groups that it expresses

6.Striving will secure the support of voters.

We can highlight the following classification of parties.

Ideologically: liberal, conservative, social democratic, communist, fascist, clerical (oriented towards religious teachings), nationalist, etc.

Depending on the software settings: far left, left, center, right, far right.

In relation to the current policy: ruling and opposition. The opposition is parties that do not support the existing government leadership and strive to become ruling parties and form a government.

By organizational structure: personnel (in which only those members who vote for a given party in elections carry out activities only during the election period) and mass (including a large number of supporters).

Why are parties created? What are their main functions?

- political– the struggle for state power and participation in political governance;

- representative– expression of the interests of certain groups and segments of the population: the party acts as an intermediary between society and the state;

E lecture– organization and participation in election campaigns;

-socialization– raising loyal members and forming a political culture of citizens;

- ideological– formation and adoption of a political program that sets out the goals and objectives, means and methods of political activity. These functions are external; there are also internal functions of the party, such as: ensuring party funding, coordinating the interaction of party members, etc.”

    Representation of the most significant political parties and social movements of the DPR

The Communist Party became the first political party in the history of the DPR. Until this point, political organizations existed in the form of social movements.

On 10.2015, an organizational meeting of the Donetsk City Committee of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic took place.

Yakina Irina Aleksandrovna was elected first secretary of the Donetsk City Committee of the Communist Party of the DPR. At her suggestion, Danilova Olga Vladimirovna and Blanc Andrey Viktorovich were elected secretaries.

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic

    The Donetsk People's Republic was established by the will of the people in a referendum May 11, 2014. Her freedom was won in bloody battles, thanks to the heroism of the militia, the hard work of the civilian population - volunteers, activists, doctors, utility workers, rescuers, builders, managers, thanks to the resilience of the entire people. The people of Donbass have not been and will not be broken either by massacres, bombing of peaceful areas, or economic blockade.

November 2, 2014 citizens of the Republic showed free political will in the formation of new government bodies of the DPR and showed a record turnout when voting for deputies of the People's Council.

The symbolism of the public organization "Donetsk Republic" is a flag consisting of three horizontal stripes of the same width (top - black, middle - azure, bottom - red). The flag features a white double-headed eagle taking off, with outstretched wings. Above the eagle's head there is a ribbon topped with an orb. On the eagle's chest, in a red shield, is the silver Archangel Michael with a raised golden sword. Below the shield is a ribbon with the inscription “Donetsk Rus'”. Above the eagle is the word “DONETSK”. Under the eagle is the word "REPUBLIC".

The names of the OD "DR" and the Public Movement "Donetsk Republic" have the same legal force, are equivalent and can be used in all documents of the public movement, including on letterheads and seals, as well as on ballot papers.

"Free Donbass"- block, which includes several parties and movements. How the organization took shape in 2014, in the first six months after the declaration of independence of the DPR from Ukraine. Having satisfied the requirements of the DPR Central Election Commission, this party became one of two (along with the Donetsk Republic party) allowed to participate in the general elections in the Donetsk People's Republic on November 2, 2014. After registration, the party began campaigning with voters, including on the Internet. The party is a supporter of the exit of the historical and cultural region of Novorossiya from Ukraine

Main article:General elections in the Donetsk People's Republic (2014)

The chairman of the organization, Evgeny Orlov, said that the party “is going to the elections with the same slogans and the same program that were supported by the absolute majority of the region’s population during the referendum on May 11.” Respect for people of all nationalities and cultures who live on the territory of the republic, restoration of destroyed infrastructure, development of mechanisms for social protection and social justice.

Opinion polls According to opinion polls on the parliamentary elections of the DPR, conducted by the monitoring group of the Sociology Support Foundation "Socis", conducted on October 28, 2014, 39.1% of respondents were going to vote for the public organization "Donetsk Republic", 31.6% were inclined to support the public movement "Svobodny" Donbass", which also included the Novorossiya party, and the remaining 29.3% were undecided on the answer. At the same time, in a fairly short period of the campaign, the party managed to significantly increase its representative potential: at the beginning of the election race, according to the results of a preliminary opinion poll conducted by the Donetsk University of Management, only 11% of voters were ready to vote for it.

Voting results On November 3, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the DPR, Roman Lyagin, announced the results of the elections of deputies of the People's Council in percentage terms as follows: “Donetsk Republic” gained 64.43%, “Free Donbass” - 27.75%. The People's Council was elected for a term of four years in the number of 100 deputies, of which the “Donetsk Republic” received 68 deputy mandates, “Free Donbass” - 32 mandates.

(Slide 20-23).

The union of all parties operating in the country is called party system, which is a mechanism for interaction and competition between parties in the struggle for power and its implementation. Party systems can be:

- Single-party(characteristic of authoritarian and totalitarian societies) (USSR, Cuba, India, Japan).

- Bipartisan: when two major parties alternate who is in power and who is in opposition USA (Democratic-Republicans), Great Britain (Labour-Conservatives).

- Multi-party: There are three or more parties (Russia, France, Italy, Spain).

Multi-party system is the legal activity in the state of many political parties that introduce alternative thinking and actions into the consciousness and practice of people. (Slide 24).

Each of us is a voter. What does it mean to “be a voter”? First of all, it is to take part in the social and political life of the country, because politics meets us at every step. Sometimes we complain about the poor management of a country, city, region, criticizing the actions and policies of certain structures. This can be done, first of all, by participating in elections. All of you guys are future voters. By participating in elections, you cast your vote for the party or candidate that you consider more worthy of representing and protecting your interests at the state level.

Analysis of a social survey on the topic "Youth's attitude to elections"

(Slide 25-35).

    Reinforcing the material learned

Test task by groups (test no. 2)

    Homework (Slide No. 36).

For all students: know basic concepts and terms

Reproductive level: questions 3.5.

Construction level: imagine that you are the leader of a new party;

name it, characterize it according to the plan, write the party program

Creative level: indicate the advantages and disadvantages of multi-party and single-party


1. Did you like the lesson?

2. How did you feel during the lesson?

3. What difficulties did you encounter during the lesson?

Conclusion:If you liked or didn’t like the lesson, then take your smartphones and take a selfie that suits your mood!

Back in 2014, local cells of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) became the organizational backbone of the “Russian Spring.” The left set up a tent city near the Lenin monument in February 2014 and secured a referendum on independence on May 11. Only they had a network of disciplined activists to form election commissions.

The first secretary of the Donetsk regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine was not particularly noticed in supporting the DPR. According to Gazeta.Ru sources, now former People’s Deputy of the Rada Kravchenko spends more time at his dacha in Khmilniki, Vinnytsia region. At the forefront of the movement were the grassroots organizations of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The current leader of the Communist Party of the DPR, Boris Litvinov, headed the Kirov district cell in Donetsk in 2014.

Why communists are not needed by republics

In addition to the conflict with Pushilin, sources express several other versions of the soft decommunization of the DPR.

“All political processes in the DPR-LPR must be correlated with the problem in Moscow, where they are trying to suppress the leftist theme before the elections and put pressure on the communists. But the republics do not have sovereignty and are completely controlled politically,” says an informed interlocutor on the left.

Other sources in Donetsk believe that the persecution of communists in the DPR may be related to the cleansing of the political field in connection with the idea of ​​holding local elections in the republic at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. In the event that the election law within the framework of the Minsk agreements is not agreed upon. However, Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutors in Moscow consider the likelihood of holding elections this year to be “zero.”

Evgeny Tinyansky, a militia member and member of the Novorossiya parliament, believes that the communists may be in disgrace because of their ideological component. In his opinion, they interfere with the informal pro-Ukrainian integration lobby in the People's Council. This lobby, he said, advocates maintaining ties with Ukrainian oligarchs.

For more than two years, the main element of the political process in modern Ukraine remains the aggravation of the military-political situation in the East of Ukraine, caused by the occupation of part of the territory of Donbass by united Russian-separatist forces. During this time, in the occupied territory of Donbass, Russian “curators” (representatives of the Russian special services, army and Kremlin political strategists) formed quasi-state structures, which resulted in the emergence of local “elites” of separatists. The main goals of the Russian side in this direction are:

Imitation of quasi-state construction in the occupied territories, which is aimed at legalizing the separatist “republics” “DPR” and “LPR” in the international environment according to the Abkhaz-Transnistrian scenario;

Pressure on the current Ukrainian government in order to implement the external and internal political course of Kyiv that is beneficial for the Kremlin;

The overthrow of the constitutional order through the legalization of separatist gangs and power in the separatist “republics,” which could provoke a civil conflict and a third Maidan in Ukraine.

However, to understand the specifics of the political process, an element of which are the events in the East of Ukraine, it is necessary to determine the current political situation that has developed today in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass. To interpret the political situation in the occupied territories of Donbass, it is necessary to understand the power-elite specifics, which today has developed in the so-called. "LPR" and "DPR".

In this material we will identify the main political groups in the “DPR”.

Main political groups of the "DPR"

Today, the following political groups can be distinguished in the power configuration of Donetsk separatists:

"Donetsk Republic"

The largest and most influential separatist group, the DPR, was created on the basis of the organization of the same name, which emerged at the end of 2005. In fact, this group, after the exclusion of Andrei Purgin’s group, consolidated around the figure of Alexander Zakharchenko various detachments of controlled field commanders and representatives of the bureaucracy. The group includes both representatives of the new Donetsk clan led by the leader of the “DPR” and representatives of the regional administration, city and district councils of the Donetsk region who worked during the time of Viktor Yanukovych.

Today, in the structure of the “Donetsk Republic” we can distinguish the following groups:

Alexander Zakharchenko’s group - acts as the “Center”, an arbiter in relations between various clans in the separatist power hierarchy;

The Timofeev-Kulishov group is one of the most influential centers of influence in the “DPR”, which controls small and medium-sized businesses through the “nationalization” of markets and the introduction of a new tax system. Representatives of the group are involved in large-scale racketeering schemes and real estate squeezes. The main representatives are Alexander Timofeev (also known as “Sasha Tashkent”, head of the “Ministry of Revenue and Duties”, “Vice Prime Minister of the DPR”) and Konstantin Kuleshov (Timofeev’s trading partner, controls the Donbass Markets enterprise). They have at their disposal the militants of the Oplot gang and the support of Vladislav Surkov, Vladimir Putin’s assistant;

Zavdoveev’s group is represented by militants of the bandit formation “special risk detachment “Legion”. Formally it works under the “Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR” to carry out special rescue operations of special risk and ensure the safety of the employees of the “Ministry of Emergency Situations”. In fact, the group acts as the personal armed formation of Alexander Zakharchenko. Sergey Zavdoveev in contrast to the growing influence of the Timofeev-Kulishov group, he increases his power for the sake of control over the markets in the “DPR” in the interests of the leader of the Donetsk separatists. He also plays a leading role in putting pressure on Alexander Zakharchenko’s opponent, the field commander Alexander Khodakovsky;

Koval’s group is represented by an armed formation led by the deputy of the “People’s Council of the DPR”, Chairman of the “Committee on Security and Defense” Anatoly Koval. He is engaged in “squeezing out” business and racketeering in the “DPR” under the cover of Alexander Zakharchenko;

Pushilin's group. Previously, this wing of the separatists could be attributed to the “Rinat Akhmetov group”, but since 2015 it has demonstrated a more independent political position and formed connections with representatives of Vladislav Surkov’s team. The possibility of connections with the Starodonetsks and Rinat Akhmetov is possible, but the effectiveness of their potential remains relatively low.

2) "group of Rinat Akhmetov"

The conventional name of the political wing, whose representatives, according to the blogger "Insider", have a direct or indirect relationship with the Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. Members of the group may have conflicts with each other, play different roles and represent their own interests in the leadership of the DPR. Let us define the main representatives of this conditional group of Donetsk separatists:

Leshchenko’s subgroup is represented by the head of the “administration of the head of the DPR” Maxim Leshchenko. Connected with representatives of the Party of Regions in Khartsyzsk and Ilovaisk. At the same time, there is an open conflict between Maxim Leshchenko and another representative of the “Akhmetov group” - Dmitry Trapeznikov. In May of this year, Trapeznikov opened fire with a firearm at the head of the “administration of the head of the LPR” while at his home;

Trapeznikov subgroup. The group is headed by “Vice Prime Minister of the DPR” Dmitry Trapeznikov, formerly the head of the fan club of the Shakhtar football team, deputy head of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk;

The subgroup of Alexander Khodakovsky is represented by militants of the illegal armed group “Vostok”, former law enforcement officers who went over to the side of the separatists. Representatives of the subgroup are trying to distance themselves from Rinat Akhmetov and play their own independent political game, acting as opponents of Alexander Zakharchenko. They are trying to come to power through the controlled separatist organization “Patriotic Forces of Donbass”. Khodakovsky also has a conflict with Zavdoveev due to the latter’s attempt, through the “DPR parliament” and other levers of influence, to remove the former Voskhod commander from the political process of the Donetsk separatists.

3) Andrey Purgin's group

It arose after Purgin’s resignation from the post of speaker of the “People’s Council of the DPR” and a conflict with Denis Pushilin in September 2015. Due to opposition from the “MGB of the DPR” (due to the conflict at the top of the “DPR” and changes in political configurations in Moscow), Andrei Purgin’s group gradually weakened its influence.

This group of Donetsk separatists is developing the organization “South of Russia” with the aim of promoting an ideological project to unite the lands of the mythical “Novorossiya” and the southern regions of the Russian Federation. The organization "South of Russia" is supported by the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin.

Andrei Purgin’s group today includes Pavel Rasta, Dmitry Gau, Sergei Baryshnikov, Ellada Shaftner, Tatyana Dvoryadkina and others. Representatives of the group actively cooperate with Alexander Khodakovsky and individual “LPR” separatists - supporters of “Novorossiya” (Tikhon Goncharov, Yuliy Fedorovsky, Alexander Gavrisyuk, etc.).

4) "Free Donbass"

The group was formed on the basis of the separatist organization of the same name, which is represented together with the “Donetsk Republic” in the “People’s Council of the DPR.” According to the results of the 2014 elections, “Free Donbass” received 27.75% of the votes.

The structure of “Free Donbass” includes the following groups:

The group "Novorossiya" - represents the political wing of the Donetsk separatists, which advocates the collapse of Ukraine and the creation of the so-called. the mythical “Novorossiya”, which includes 8 regions of southeastern Ukraine and Transnistria. The group is led by Pavel and Ekaterina Gubarev. It became part of the “Free Donbass” in October 2014 after the assassination attempt on P. Gubarev and the conflict with the leadership of the “Donetsk Republic” group. Representatives of the group maintain contacts with Igor Girkin. Today, the organization is losing its influence, and Ekaterina Gubareva is actually actively working in the interests of Denis Pushilin’s group;

The SVD group "Berkut" includes part of the former security forces and a number of activists who took an active part in the seizure of administrative buildings and blocking the work of government bodies in the Donetsk region in the spring of 2014. Representatives of the group are Yuri Sivokonenko, Roman Ivlev. At the moment they are not active politically;

The Orlov-Rudenko group consists of the direct creators of the separatist organization itself, who act as ideological supporters of separatism and the further occupation of Donbass by Russia. Previously, representatives of the group actively collaborated with Andrei Purgin’s group, and some of its representatives (for example, E. Shaftner) were part of the separatist faction in the “People’s Council of the DPR.”

5) "Siloviki"

Unlike the “LPR”, there is no active conflict within this group for control over spheres of influence and smuggling flows in the occupied territory of the Donetsk region. Representatives of the group actively cooperate with both the leader of the “DPR” and Russian “curators.”

The group of "security officials" unites the "MGB", "Ministry of Internal Affairs" and the "Prosecutor General's Office" of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic". The leaders of these structures are Vladimir Pavlenko (Russian, most likely a military man or a military counterintelligence officer), Alexey Dikiy (former police officer) and Andrey Spivak (former employee of the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office).

6) "Communists"

This political group is represented by members of the former Communist Party of Ukraine and various left-wing radical organizations. The structure of this group includes the following groups:

Litvinov's group - represented by members of the "Communist Party of the DPR" led by Boris Litvinov, former activists of the Communist Party of Ukraine in the Donetsk region. He has a high rating among the local population, maintains connections with KPLNR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Funded by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation through Kazbek Taisaev. At the moment, pressure and political repression are being exerted on members of the KPDNR by the group of Alexander Zakharchenko;

Bidevka’s group is a wing of Donetsk separatists led by Vladimir Bidevka, a deputy of the “People’s Council of the DPR”, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Communist Party of Ukraine. The group includes representatives of the Union of Left Forces of Donbass, who maintain relations with the communist party Union of Left Forces of Ukraine, led by Vasily Volga. This group of Donetsk separatists is used to discredit the KPDNR and draw away potential votes from Litvinov’s group;

The group "Workers' Party of Donbass" - unites mainly representatives of radical left-wing youth organizations operating in the "DPR". They maintain ties with the pro-Russian left-wing radical organization “Borba”, which operates on the territory of Ukraine and maintains ties with Donbass separatists. Representatives of this group of Donetsk communists actively work among the youth of the occupied territory of Donbass, holding a series of propaganda events and informal meetings.

Class 11 Topic 12.

Macrosphere 1. “Donbass is my Motherland.”

Microsphere “I am a resident of Donbass”

Lesson topic.

Lesson type. Review combined lesson, meetings with representatives of parties and social movements.

Goals :

Educational: To familiarize students with the main socio-political parties and movements in the DPR, to form an understanding of the structure of social and political life of a modern democratic society,a stable, conscious idea of ​​the role of political parties in the life of society, the state and the individual.

Developmental: develop the ability to work with additional literature; expand the legal horizons of students, instilling communication skills.

Educational: stimulate the motive to search for new knowledge;

promote the formation of tolerant thinking;

to cultivate respect for one’s homeland, to form a sense of belonging to the life of one’s country.

Formed UUD:

meta-subject: develop the ability to accurately and competently express one’s thoughts and structure acquired knowledge; analyze them;

development of communication skills: participation in dialogue, construction of a coherent narrative, orientation in scientific terms and concepts;

work with various sources of information

consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems.

personal: to form personal guidelines aimed at love for one’s state, the development of general culture and erudition.

Lesson format: traditional using ICT.

Forms of student work: collective, individual.



multimedia installation

presentation on the topic.

Key definitions : political system of society,political party, socio-political movement


I. Class organization.

The teacher welcomes students and checks the class's readiness for the lesson.

II. Updating basic knowledge. (frontal survey).

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the legislative process in the DPR and the state administrative structure of the Republic.

What does the power triangle mean?

Which bodies in the DPR represent this triangle?

Remember what the legislative process is?

What is law? What types of laws do you know?

What are by-laws? Why are they taken and by whom?

How many stages and which ones can be distinguished in the legislative process of the DPR?

Who, according to the DPR Constitution, has the right of legislative initiative in the People's Council?

Can you be the initiator of the adoption of a new law in the DPR?

Indeed, you can initiate the adoption of legislation through elected deputies or membership of political parties that make up parliament. And we will talk in more detail about political parties and their activities in today’s lesson.

ІІ I . Announcing the topic and goals of the lesson and motivating learning activities.

British Prime Minister William Gladstone said: “Politics is a labyrinth, from which it is more difficult to get out than to enter.” But each of us will have to enter this “labyrinth”. How not to get lost in it? In Greek myth, Theseus was able to navigate the labyrinth's intricate passages with the help of Ariadne's thread. What can become that thread for us? Which will give us the opportunity to understand the kaleidoscope of political events, parties, movements. This is the question we will try to answer in our lesson..

Political parties and movements in the DPR, their role in public life.

We'll get to know youwith the main socio-political parties and movements in the DPR, we will consider the structure of the social and political life of modern democratic society, our state, Let's define the role of political parties in the life of society, the state and the individual.

Children write down the topic

IV Learning new material
Teacher's story with elements of conversation.

Before directly moving on to studying the political system of the DPR, let's look at the basic concepts that will be necessary to study this topic.

Political system of society - this is a set of institutions, ordered on the basis of law and other social norms, such as state bodies, political parties, movements, public organizations, within the framework of which the political life of society takes place and political power is exercised.(write in the supporting notes).

The concept of "political system" shows how the regulation of political processes, the formation and functioning of political power occurs. This concept is used to characterize the relationship between the state and society, between various social actors at the non-state level.

- organizational and legal form . Typically, social movements are created to allow citizens to express their position on various socially significant issues. (write in the supporting notes).

Political Party - a united group of people who directly set themselves the task of mastering V or take part in it through your representatives in And . (write in the supporting notes).

About three years have passed since a country called the Donetsk People's Republic exists and develops. The appearance of a young state on the world map was, on the one hand, a natural reaction of the people of Donbass to the chaos and fascisation of Ukraine, on the other hand, it was the result of profound changes in public consciousness and the need for modernization of civil society. Over the past quarter century, official Kyiv has actually marginalized the Donbass, deliberately trying to instill in its residents a sense of their own inferiority. It was believed – and this idea was openly postulated in the Ukrainian media – that there could be no internal political life and development of civil institutions in Donbass. They say this is a mining region, lumpen people live here, they just need to pay their salaries on time, and so that the Shakhtar football club sometimes becomes a champion. This was the opinion of both officials in Kyiv (mostly immigrants from Western Ukraine) and the Donetsk oligarchic clans, who were satisfied with total control over the people and who mercilessly suppressed any manifestation of public activity that went against the established rules.

Today the situation is not just different - Donbass has changed completely, and, most likely, completely and irrevocably. And it’s not just about actual independence, new state symbols and our own army. It turned out that under the DPR, people had the opportunity to lead an active public life, defend their position, and create public associations and movements.

Today, more than 20 social movements are officially registered in the Donetsk People's Republic, expressing the interests of almost all social groups and categories, not counting associations of citizens on religious and national grounds.
Their distinctive feature is the desire for cooperation. This strikingly distinguishes the political background in the DPR from the Ukrainian one.

At the same time, a characteristic detail can be noted: in the formation of social and political movements, Donbass followed an absolutely unique path. As one of the leaders of the Social Movement noted. "Donetsk Republic" A.V.Kostenko -Head of the Donetsk Republic Faction: “We deliberately did not build party structures. Thanks to the previous political model that existed under Ukraine, the word party now only evokes a negative reaction in all of us, and for a long time will be associated with all sorts of chauvinists or oligarchs. We decided to follow the path of building Social Movements that unite like-minded people and form power, both legislative and executive, and local power. Here, on the platform of our movements, we create mechanisms for control over power. In this situation, it is simply not possible to create a “toy” party or structure to solve personal political problems.”

Today our guests are representatives of the main social movements

Public Movement (MO) "Donetsk Republic"

Public organization (NGO) "Young Republic" is the largest youth organization in the DPR.
I think you will be interested in hearing first-hand about the creation, activities, program provisions and development prospects of these most numerous and popular social movements of the DPR. But you have to not only listen, but also record the main points in a table. (see Attachment).

The guests are performing. (If it is not possible to invite representatives, it is possible for children who have prepared in advance to speak and show a presentation. (For the material, see the Appendix).

Thanks to our guests for the interesting story, you can ask a question that interests you and receive a comprehensive, competent answer.

Children ask questions.

But besides these, let’s say, the most massive movements, there are other parties in our state. This is the Communist Party of the DPR andSocial movement "Free Donbass". Representatives of the NGO "Free Donbass" received 32 mandates in the elections in November 2014 and now represent the interests of the voters who voted for them in the LPR parliament - the People's Council.

Our guys who prepared the presentation in advance will tell us about them.

Children listen to the speeches and enter the data into a table.

Thanks guys. I think that in our lesson you became acquainted with the main socio-political movements and parties in the DPR, and proved that they play an important role in the political life of our state.

Tell me, can a person who does not participate in the political life of the country be a useful member of society?

Children express their point of view.

Of course, by participating in social movements, a person has more opportunities to influence political life in the state, participate in the formation of a modern democratic society, in solving pressing problems and problems, and realize their legitimate interests and needs.The main task of social movements is to unite those who want to see our Republic as a strong state, to enjoy civil rights and democratic freedoms, to live in a society of interethnic harmony and social justice, without external control influencing our internal policies, to feel confident in the future, to strive for reunification in within the framework of the great Slavic world.

But those who believe that even without participating in social movements can also benefit their state are also right. Study conscientiously, work for the benefit of society, increasing its welfare and stability. The main thing is to be a worthy citizen of a worthy state!

What things await us in the future?

We should think about this more and more often

And if you are a real citizen

The country expects great results from us.

V. Generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge and skills

Which social movement in the DPR has more rights: “Donetsk Republic”, “Free Donbass” or the Communist Party of the DPR?

That's right, they have the same rights, because, according to the Constitution of the DPR (Art.23), Everyone has the right to association, including the right to form trade unions to protect their interests. Freedom of activity of public associations is guaranteed.

What is a social movement and political party?

What is the name of the DPR parliament? (People's Council).

What political forces formed the People's Council? (OD "Donetsk Republic" and OD "Free Donbass". These two political forces formed the People's Council of the DPR. The People's Council of the DPR includes 68 people from the "Donetsk Republic" and 32 from the "Free Donbass").

VII. Homework
1. Know the definition of the concepts: political party, social movement; political system of society.

2. Write an essay on one of the topics:

1. The role of social movements and political parties in the life of society.

2. Can a person who does not participate in the political life of the country be a useful member of society?


1.Table. Political parties and social movements in the DPR.

The social movement "Donetsk Republic" was created in 2005. On December 6, 2005, the city organization "Donetsk Republic" was formed, on December 9, 2005 - the Donetsk regional organization "Donetsk Republic". The founders were Alexander Tsurkan, Oleg Frolov, Andrey Purgin.

In 2006, the organization "Donetsk Republic" merged into one political force with the public organizations "Union of Born of the Revolution" and "Dusty Movement".

The main goals proclaimed by the organization are the federalization of Ukraine with the formation within it of the Donetsk (Donetsk-Krivoy Rog) Republic within the same borders as the DKR was in 1918-1919 as part of the RSFSR, giving the Russian language the status of a state language on the territory of the Donetsk Republic. The organization opposes the forced Ukrainization of universities, schools, education, television and radio broadcasting, against the rewriting of history, and for preserving the memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Supporters of the coalition held rallies on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv under a flag with a double-headed Russian eagle; in April 2007, flags of the “Donetsk Republic” appeared at their rallies.

In November 2007, following a claim from the Donetsk Regional Department of Justice, the Donetsk District Administrative Court banned the activities of the Donetsk Republic organization. The Security Service of Ukraine opened a criminal case against the leadership of the organization for calls for violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Since 2009, the organization was legally banned in Ukraine, but in fact continued its activities semi-openly.

After the Euromaidan events in Kyiv, the organization’s activities intensified. Members of the movement participated in the seizure of the building of the Donetsk regional administration in March 2014, and were among the organizers of the convening of the Coordination Council of the Donetsk Region, which replaced the Donetsk Regional Council on April 7 and declared the sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic. The organization’s flag has become, along with the Russian tricolor, the main symbol of resistance in Donbass.

The chairman of the movement is Andrei Purgin.

On October 4, 2014, the DPR Central Election Commission registered the public movement "Donetsk Republic" as a participant in the election campaign for the election of deputies of the People's Council of the DPR on November 2, 2014.

The first three of the republican list of candidates for the People's Council of the DPR:
- Zakharchenko Alexander Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic;
- Andrey Evgenievich Purgin, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DPR, Chairman of the Donetsk Republic movement;
- Pushilin Denis Vladimirovich, deputy head of the public movement "Donetsk Republic"

The Donetsk Republic Public Movement was created in the interests of residents of Donbass, regardless of their national, social and religious affiliation.

The Social Movement is ready to take responsibility for the implementation of the peaceful construction of an independent PEOPLE'S Republic.

Each of us made a conscious choice on May 11, 2014 in favor of freedom and independence. There is no turning back. Today we publicly declare through the OA “Donetsk Republic” that the fight for our interests continues. We have taken place, we are building a people's state, we are united: we have a common goal, a common idea. No one except ourselves will decide our fate.

It was thanks to our strong Donetsk character that a year ago Donbass was not broken and did not submit to the will of the rabid nationalist Kyiv authorities. It was thanks to the strong Donetsk character that we survived this struggle and were able to form our Donetsk People's Republic. It is thanks to this strong character that we will restore the economy, restore order, and build a truly People's State.

We have become participants and creators of a new People's State, which is based on Equality, Freedom and an open foreign policy. An ordinary person does not need war and revolution, we need a peaceful life that will allow us to create, create families, raise children and simply enjoy life.

It so happened historically that from time immemorial our ancestors brought creation and peace to all territories of their habitat. Our people never started wars - we ended them. This position is well characterized by the sacred words of the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky:“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword! That’s where the Russian land stood and stands!”

And now, a repeating turn of history, when the danger of division of the Slavic world has again come to our land, places a huge burden of responsibility on us, not only for what is happening on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, but also for the well-being, preservation and unification of the entire Slavic civilization.

It was we, the residents of Donbass, who, after 70 years, began to defend the world again from the revival and spread of a nationalist approach to the world order. Donbass has become a locomotive, a ray of light for ordinary people living on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, the European Union and all countries of the post-Soviet space, which leads everyone to a country in which the priority is the ordinary person, universal human values ​​and equality of all peoples and cultures.

Dividing people along national lines and inciting hostility between them, infringing on their rights on these grounds has always been alien to us. In our large family, people of different nationalities were endowed with equal opportunities and rights.

Therefore, our main goal is to establish a single, just world in which people of all nationalities, religions, social and cultural backgrounds will feel like equal members of society!

The focus of our attention is the well-being of every citizen of both the Donetsk People's Republic and, in the future, the entire revived Slavic civilization!

The Donetsk People's Republic was established by the will of the people in a referendum on May 11, 2014. Its freedom was won in bloody battles thanks to the heroism of the militia, the heroic work of civilian specialists - volunteers, activists, doctors, utility workers, rescuers, builders, managers, and thanks to the resilience of the entire people. The people of Donbass could not and will not be broken either by mass murder, or by bombing peaceful areas, or by an economic blockade.

On November 2, 2014, citizens of the Republic showed free political will in the formation of new government bodies of the Donetsk People's Republic and voted overwhelmingly for the Public Movement "Donetsk Republic". Thus, our Movement received the mandate of the majority of the people to implement the policy of building the Donetsk People's Republic.

In October 2015, this mandate of trust was confirmed in the first elections to local councils of the Donetsk People's Republic, which showed the entire world community that our state is built on truly democratic principles of democracy.

The entire vertical of power in our state does not belong to family clans, oligarchs, corporations or third external forces, but only to the people of Donbass!

Only the people of the Donetsk People's Republic have the right to choose all the power electoral structures of the DPR at the behest of their hearts and minds!

We unite, not divide. Therefore, we are not a party (“part of society”), but rather a Social Movement. We directly call for general participation in the construction of the People's Republic.

We unite, not divide. Therefore, we do not divide people according to class, estate, religion or ethnicity. We are not fighting with other Social Movements of Donbass, but in discussion and cooperation with them we are building a People’s Republic.

We unite, not divide. And in this sense, we are not separatists. Separatists (“dividers”) are neo-Nazis and nationalists who seized power in Kyiv as a result of the Maidan. They are blinded by hatred; it is not for nothing that “dividing” in the Christian tradition is one of the names of the unclean.

We do not build borders; borders and walls between people are created by the current government in Ukraine. We were not initially aimed at building borders in the West. We were against the construction of borders in the East. We need our own state to protect people's lives, their honor and dignity. We need a Republic to uphold unity and a common destiny with all peoples and nationalities.

We did not start this war, but we will win, because our cause is sacred. Victory is forged not only on the battlefield, but also in the realization of our creative freedom in organizing peaceful life, in building our own statehood and economy.

We took responsibilityfor the peaceful construction of an independent democratic Donetsk People's Republic, which everyone has been talking and dreaming about for so long.

We see the Donetsk People's Republic as a legal and social state, where everyone is guaranteed opportunities to develop their abilities, to live freely in prosperity and respect for each other. The right to life, the right to work, the right to preserve one’s national and cultural identity, and social protection must be guaranteed to all citizens of the Republic.

3. Public movement "Free Donbass"

"Free Donbass" - block, , including several parties and movements. How the organization took shape in 2014, in the first six months after the declaration of independence of the DPR from Ukraine. Having satisfied the requirements of the DPR Central Election Commission, this party became one of two (along with the Donetsk Republic party) allowed to participate in the general elections in the Donetsk People's Republic on November 2, 2014. After registration, the party began campaigning with voters, including on the Internet. . . The party is a supporter of the exit of the historical and cultural region of Novorossiya from Ukraine

The chairman of the organization, Evgeny Orlov, said that the party “is going to the elections with the same slogans and the same program that were supported by the absolute majority of the region’s population during the referendum on May 11.” Respect for people of all nationalities and cultures who live on the territory of the republic, restoration of destroyed infrastructure, development of mechanisms for social protection and social justice.

Opinion polls According to opinion polls on the parliamentary elections of the DPR, conducted by the monitoring group of the Sociology Support Foundation "Socis", conducted on October 28, 2014, 39.1% of respondents were going to vote for the public organization "Donetsk Republic", 31.6% were inclined to support the public movement "Svobodny" Donbass", which also included the Novorossiya party, and the remaining 29.3% were undecided on the answer . At the same time, in a fairly short period of the campaign, the party managed to significantly increase its representative potential: at the beginning of the election race, according to the results of a preliminary opinion poll conducted by the Donetsk University of Management, only 11% of voters were ready to vote for it.

Voting results On November 3, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the DPR, Roman Lyagin, announced the results of the elections of deputies of the People's Council in percentage terms as follows: “Donetsk Republic” gained 64.43%, “Free Donbass” - 27.75%. The People's Council was elected for a term of four years in the number of 100 deputies, of which “Donetsk Republic” received 68 deputy mandates, “Free Donbass” - 32 mandates

4 . Communist Party of the DPR

The Communist Party became the first political party in the history of the DPR. Until this point, political organizations existed in the form of social movements.

In October 2015, an organizational meeting of the Donetsk City Committee of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic was held.

Yakina Irina Aleksandrovna was elected first secretary of the Donetsk City Committee of the Communist Party of the DPR. At her suggestion, Danilova Olga Vladimirovna and Blanc Andrey Viktorovich were elected secretaries.

5. Public Movement "Young Republic"

1.1. Full name: public organization “Young Republic”.

Abbreviated name: NGO "MR".

The names of the public organization "MR" and the public organization "Young Republic" have the same legal force, are equivalent and can be used in all documents of the public organization, including on letterheads and seals, as well as on ballot papers.

1.2. The symbolism of the public organization “Young Republic” is a flag that depicts:

Two white and one red arrows pointing upward, symbolizing movement and development;

The inscription “National organization “Young Republic””.

Name and location of the permanent governing body of the NGO "Young Republic": Coordination Council of the public organization "Young Republic", Donetsk People's Republic, Donetsk, st. Artema, 97.

1.3. The NGO “Young Republic” fully supports the ideas of the social movement “Donetsk Republic”.

1.4. NGO "Young Republic" is a voluntary public association created in order to provide conditions for the comprehensive development of youth in various spheres of public life, discovering and realizing potential, protecting the interests and rights of members of the NGO "Young Republic".

1.5. The activities of the NGO "Young Republic" are based on the Constitution of the Donetsk People's Republic and are regulated by republican laws, other regulations, as well as this Charter.

1.6. The activities of the NGO “Young Republic” are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and transparency.

1.7. The NGO "Young Republic" operates throughout the entire territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

II. Goals and objectives of the NGO “Young Republic”

2.1. The main goals of the NGO “Young Republic” are:

Development of the youth movement of the Donetsk People's Republic;

Formation of patriotic feelings among young people;

The desire for intellectual, spiritual and physical development;

Formation of human resources potential of the Donetsk People's Republic;

2.2. To achieve the statutory goals of the NGO “Young Republic”, in accordance with current legislation, solves the following tasks:

Expresses and protects the interests of youth, members of the NGO “Young Republic” in state and public bodies;

Supports initiatives aimed at the intellectual, spiritual, physical development of members of the NGO “Young Republic”, youth;

Assists in using the capabilities of state, economic, public organizations, and also uses its own capabilities for social and legal support of its members;

Participates in the prescribed manner in the development of targeted youth government and other programs.

2.3. The main goal of the NGO “Young Republic” is to involve young people in the process of building, using constitutional methods, a legal, socially oriented state with a developed economy and guaranteed implementation of civil rights and freedoms.

Leaders: N. Kiosev, A. Testova, V. Taranenko, L. Trimbalyuk and others.

Continuing the topic:
Music in dancing

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