Kindergarten middle group March 8th. Project "March 8 - Mother's Day" for middle group children

No. 677 Scenario for the holiday of March 8 for the middle group

Kiryushina Olga Anatolyevna

Target: create a festive mood for children and adults who come to the holiday; to form love for mother, respect for women; develop interest in the traditional holiday of March 8


1. Foster a love of music, movement and the need for artistic expression.
2. Cultivate a positive, friendly attitude towards each other;
1. Develop communication skills and abilities.
2. Promote the development of musical and creative abilities and cognitive activity.
3. Develop curiosity, speech, memory, attention and imagination;
educational :
1. Strengthen your singing skills.
2. Improve motor skills.
3. Develop the ability to improvise in an orchestra.
Equipment : balloons with hearts, attributes for games, children's musical instruments, gifts for mothers

Celebration progress:

Ved. The last snow welcomes spring,

Lies tenderly in your hands,

Today we invite everyone

For a sincere, good holiday,

It is filled with smile, warmth,

Cheerful, most gentle,

With flowers, joy and kindness.

It is for you, grandmothers and mothers!

Children perform a dance - congratulations with heart balloons to the song “Golden Mother”

1 child Look outside the window

It became a little warmer there.

Everyone is squinting from the sun,

After all, spring is outside!

2 reb. Holiday morning

There's a knock on our door.

Day of the eighth of March -

Together: Celebration of our mothers!

3 reb. The sun is warming,

From mom's smile

4 children Our dear mothers,

Congratulations, dear ones,

And kisses, darlings! (Children blow a kiss to their mothers)

(Song about mother “Zorenka is more beautiful and miles away from the sun”)

Children sit on chairs.

Ved. How many in our hall

Dear, beloved mothers!

Now we will read

Poems as a gift to you!


It's true, mom, I'm big -

I put on my boots myself

And cold water

I wash my palms myself.

I haven't been crying since morning,

Maybe it's time for me to go to school?

I will kiss my mother deeply,

I'll hug my dear one,

I love her very much

Mom is my sunshine!

The sun only warms us during the day,
Mom - no days off
And cares, cherishes,
And doves his children.
The moon only shines at night,
Mom - loves all year round

He loves you tenderly, very deeply.
And he never gets tired of loving!

I to my sister Anya

Talked about Women's Day

Sister understands everything
She's not too lazy to listen to me.
The pacifier fell out - does not cry
And he doesn't take his eyes off me.

I'll give her candy
A ball and a book about an elephant.

Even though my sister is not a year old
Still, she is a woman.

5th child – girl Look at me,

I'm almost a star already:

We will dance like this for you,

Be surprised everyone now!

Girls perform the dance "Palms"

Ved. Who caresses you the most?

Who loves you, dresses you up,

Buys you toys

Books, dolls, rattles?

So who are all our children

Loved more than anyone in the world?

All children: Mom

Ved.: We have a sea of ​​kisses (a hoop with “sponges”). Let's see who can give their mom the most kisses

Game "Sea of ​​Kisses"

(5 mothers are sitting on chairs, 5 children are standing nearby; in the middle of the hall there is a hoop containing sponges cut out of cardboard - kisses. Children run up to the sea of ​​kisses and take 1 kiss and bring it to their mother, not forgetting to kiss their mother on the cheek. )

Ved. There is nothing more beautiful in the world
What a Strauss polka when children play!
We have tambourines, maracas, spoons,

And bells and children's hands
We wish you a pleasant experience
From the sounds of music
Let's play with inspiration!

(Polka Orchestra)

Ved. Girls and boys -

Suck up and pretend,

Children stage the poem “Liars” by M. Karim

1 boy: I saw how in the sun
We sat with our paws dangling
Three little ducklings
And they ate chocolates.
2 boy: Just think, what a miracle!
I saw on the moon
Like camel ants
They rode on their backs.
girl: I saw it in the sky
Three small sausages
Jam from pebbles
They cooked in a bowl.
3 boy: And I.. . On a white cloud
I saw mice swimming
Shouting that you are poor people
And terrible liars!

Together: No! We are not liars!

Ved. Without a merry dance the holiday is not bright,

For you the dance “Clock” from the children as a gift.

(Dance “Clock”)

6 children There are many friends around, but I will notice -

That my best friend is my grandmother!

7 children Grandma has a lot of trouble with us,

Grandma cooks us a delicious compote,

He can knit warm mittens,

Tell us a bedtime story!

8 reb. Grandma works all day long.

Grandma, dear, sit down and rest!

We'll sing you a song quietly

We live together with our grandmother!

Song "Be Healthy Grandma")

Ved: We are our dear grandmothers

Happy Women's Day.

So that they all have fun,

We will read poems for them.

I'll give my grandmother flowers today,
A postcard with funny cats.
And I’ll hug you tighter and smile quietly -
I undertake to be your gift on this holiday.
You are the best, beautiful and very young,
Darling, good one, I adore you.

Okay, okay - a holiday for grandma too! The grandchildren loved their grandmother,

They gave me a huge cake.

Grandmother loved her grandchildren

I divided the cake into pieces.

Hands reached out to the cake,

And the grandchildren ate the gift!

Who are you drawing Misha?

“Grandmother,” answered the grandson.

Why dear Misha

Are there ten hands in the picture?

In the morning grandma said

That I was completely tired,

And that she doesn’t have enough hands,

To handle everything!

Ved. Threads and ropes
Loves the kids very much
Various balls.

Grandmothers wound up magic balls,

And the naughty mice scattered them all.

And if no one here minds,

We need to help the grandmothers!

Game "Colorful balls"

(4 baskets, balls of 4 colors, 4 children; you need to collect the balls in baskets by color)

(You can hear the roar of the engine)

Ved: Oh, what are those sounds, do you guys hear? What's happened?

(“Carlson flies in and runs around the hall)

Kar: Attention attention! I'm landing! I'm landing! 30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters, 0 meters! (falls)

Ved: With a soft landing to you!

Kar: Thank you madam

(Stands up and rubs his sore spot)

Kar. Hello girls and boys,

Mischief makers and naughty girls!

Ved. Hello! But, in my opinion, you got something wrong - our children are not mischievous at all. Come on, say hello to us properly!

Kar. Hello, nice kids,

Cheerful and funny,

The kids are great and very cute!

Ved. Guys, did you find out who came to us for the holiday?

Kar. Calm, just calm! I’ll tell you everything myself now!

(Song “Funny Man”)

Kar. Yes, in front of you is the biggest mischief maker and a very cheerful person! I live on the roof and often go to visit the guys. What are you doing here? Everyone dressed up and invited guests. Is it really some kind of holiday?

Ved. Yes, dear Carlson, today is the first spring holiday - March 8th - the holiday of mothers, grandmothers and all women in the world! Sit down and listen carefully. The children themselves will tell you everything about him!

9 children Today is a holiday, today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring! .

10 reb. This morning my mother told me:

“Put on a new dress! »

I immediately realized -

Today is a holiday - Women's Day!

11 children I'll go straight to mom

And I'll tell you this secret:

I'm more dear to my mother

There is no one in the world!

Kar. I understood everything - mother’s holiday!

Bouquet of spring March flowers

With all my heart I present to you today,

Let them give you more kind words,

And I invite you to play!

Game “Collect a festive bouquet”

(boys receive one petal of a certain color, the middle of a flower and one petal lie on the mat in different places; the boys stand scattered, dance to the music, at the end of it they must collect flowers of a certain color )

Carlson: I'm hungry, I can't wait any longer...

Ved. Wait, Carlson! You would have said so right away, have your favorite jam!

Kar. Oh, how great! How I love sweets! Let's fly to my roof for tea!

Ved. No, Carlson, that won’t work! Look how many guests we have! We won't all fit on your roof!

Kar. Well then, I ask everyone to stand up,

Let's dance together

Friendly dance is calling you,

We need to get into a round dance!

Dance with mothers and grandmothers “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven”

Kar. How fun you are

It's a shame to leave!

From me to all dear mothers

Congratulations and hello,

To lift your spirits

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

And I’m flying away to my dear grandmother!

Goodbye, guys!

Goodbye, mothers and grandmothers!

Ved: Thank you, Carlson, for the congratulations and the treat. Goodbye!

(Carlson waves his hand and flies away)

Ved. We have been waiting for this day for a long time

Spring, ringing, bright.

And now it's time

Give mothers gifts!

Hug your mothers

Kiss them hard!

Children give homemade cards

12 children Happy holiday, grandmothers, mothers, sisters,
Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!
I wish you to always be happy,
Strong, kind, very beautiful!
May the sun always smile on you!
Let your dreams come true soon!
Well, we want to wish ourselves
To make you happy and help you in everything.

(Music sounds, children invite mothers to the group to drink tea )

677 Scenario for the March 8 holiday for the middle group - website for preschool teachers
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Musical director

Scenario March 8 in the middle group.

"Music cafe"

ED. Hello, dear guests, dear mothers and grandmothers. Today is an unusual holiday for you.

We invited you to our “Music Cafe”. You can relax here, listen to music, and watch performances by artists.

So, sit back and let's get started.

Children run to the music and stand in a circle facing the audience.

DANCE “Holiday of Grandmothers and Mothers”».

(4 children remain for editing)

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

The sun shines brightly?

Because our mother

The best in the world!

3. Go around the whole world,

Just know in advance -

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

4.You won’t find brighter eyes,

More affectionately and more strictly,

Mom to each of us

All people are more precious!


After the song, the children sit down.

VED. The food in our cafe is very tasty, because we have wonderful chefs, please meet us.


The cook and cooks run out to the music. The cook has spoons, the cook has a ladle.

COOKS. cook with the team!

And everyone tells us that

We fry deliciously

We bake delicious food!

We give it to the guys. Here!

Dance "The Cook"

FEDORA appears under the music.

FEDORA. Hello friends, your cafe smells so delicious.

ED. Hello. Didn't you guys find out?

Who do we have in the hall now?

Who did they run away from?

All plates, spoons.

And pots and glasses,

Who is this, tell me in unison!

CHILDREN: This is Aunt Fedora!

FEDORA. You guessed correctly,

And you all recognized me.

I found your cafe.

And I came to you for the holiday,

I'll sit here for a while, stay

Maybe I can find my dishes?

VED. No, the dishes from the lazy woman didn’t come to us in the cafe.

After all, our guys are mom’s helpers and always help mom.

And we clear the dishes, even if suddenly something doesn’t work out,

We'll definitely clean up after ourselves. Listen, Fedora.

A boy and a girl come out.

BOY: Mom will come into the house and gasp...

GIRL: What does our apartment smell like?

BOY.-A lot of things,-we'll tell mom,

Three-clothes in fish oil.

Smells like laundry and cleaning.

And we know a lot about cleaning.

FEDORA. I'll check now

How hard you work, friends!

We'll play a little

We will amuse our mothers!

The game “Set the Table” is played.

FEDORA. Well, okay, you help mothers, but what about grandmothers?

VED. Of course, tell me, guys.


FEDORA. Well, guys, good

Made me laugh heartily!

Why are mothers still sitting?

And they look so sad?

I know, I know the answer -

They don't have any tools!

Here are some painted rattles for you,

They're all so beautiful!

We need to give them to mothers.

VED. And then let's start playing!

VED. Yes, guys, come out,

Take all the tools!


FEDORA. Well, what musicians!

There's talent all around!

VED. You see, Fedora, what kind of children we have not only, but also their mothers.

Our mothers can do everything, right, guys?

FEDORA. Now we’ll check if your mothers can do everything.

GAME WITH MOMS “Dress up your mom.”

“Sew on a button” (cardboard shirt with holes for buttons, large cardboard or foam buttons, laces)

VED. And today we have prepared a surprise for our mothers. Guess which one for yourself!

Tell me, what do foreigners usually buy in Russia as souvenirs?

(Parents’ answer. If they don’t name the nesting doll, make a riddle)

She looks alone, big,
But the second sister sits in it,
And you will find the third in the second.
Taking them apart one by one,
You'll get to the smallest one.
Inside them all is a baby, a baby.
All together - a souvenir.. (Matryoshka)

Ved: That's right, Matryoshka! For you, dear mothers, we give this musical souvenir!

Our guests arrived straight from the airport...

Meet! Group "Russian Souvenir".

Dance "Russian nesting dolls".

FEDORA. Yes, apparently the boys love their mothers.

VED. Of course, listen to what they say about mom.

My mother always sings at work,
And I always help her with hunting!
I dream of becoming like my mother.
I am learning to iron and cook, wash,
And I wipe the dust and sweep the floor...

I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I dream, I dream...
I dream, like a mother, to be able to do everything,
And maybe, like my mother, I’ll learn to sing.

SONG “Seeds”.

CHILDREN: Girls and boys,

Come with us

Let's say thank you to grandma

Let's say thank you to mom

For sweet jam,

For long patience,

For songs and fairy tales,

For troubles and affections,

For delicious cheesecakes,

For new toys.

Children (in chorus). Thank you.

FEDORA. I understood a lot from you,

But it’s time for me to go back to the fairy tale.

Listen to mom and help her in everything!

Ved. Our festive evening has come to an end. We once again congratulate all mothers and grandmothers on the holiday. And the doors of the Romashka cafe are closing.

Scenario March 8 in the middle group
Scenario for the holiday on March 8 in the middle group “Music Cafe”. ED. Hello, dear guests, dear mothers and grandmothers. Today is an unusual holiday for you. We invited you to our “Music Cafe”. You can rest here, listen


Scenario for March 8 (middle group)


1. Triangles, diamonds and drums
2. 2 pots, vegetables for playing
3. Airplanes and a cassette with music
4. Dolls Petya, Kolya and Katya
5. Flowers for dancing.

Children enter the hall to the music and stop in free form

LEAD: There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know -
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus -
CHILDREN: This is our mothers' holiday!
POETRY: There are different mothers in the world
Children different mothers and different children.
It’s not just us, the guys, who have mothers,
Birds and animals have mothers,
And the chicks and the hippopotamus,
And the whale has a beloved mother.
Everyone will answer, ask everyone
My mom is the best!

Different mothers live on the planet.
But they love their mothers
All the children in the world.

Children sing the song “WE CONGRATULATE MOM”
(music by Sorokina)

Immediately after the song (you can come up and kiss your mother) dance

(music by S. Karataeva)

We settled down.

LEAD: Who loves you dearly, kids?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Who takes care of you without closing your eyes at night?
CHILDREN: Mom dear
Who rocks the cradle for you,
Who sings songs to you?
Who tells you fairy tales and gives you toys?
CHILDREN: Mom is golden
If you children are lazy,
Disobedient, playful,
What happens sometimes - who sheds tears then?
CHILDREN: That's all she is, dear.
The presenter reads the poem with the children.
Poem: Listen to our song
Dear Mommy,
Always be cheerful
Be always happy.

Children sing the song “MOMMY, MY DEAR MOTHER”
(music by Tilicheeva)

LEAD: I want to ask, guys, who is helping my mother at home? Let's play the game "Mother's Helpers": prepare soup in a saucepan from the vegetables and fruits offered.
LEAD: We grow up not only as mother’s helpers, but also as mother’s protectors, so listen to our song for yourself

Children sing the song “LET BE SOLDIERS”
(music by Levkodimov)

POEMS: on a military theme, children

Over the fields, over the meadows
Starting my flight
Rises in circles
Blue-winged plane.
But it flies, overtaking
Clouds and trains
To our brave pilots
We send warm greetings

Glory to our Army!
Glory to the Russian soldiers!
Glory to our Motherland,
Beloved and dear!

Dance "Pilots"(recording)

LEAD: Everyone can hug mommy
And kiss her.
And so that mom doesn’t be sad,
Play with her.

The musical game “FIND MOM” is being held(music r.n.)

(Children and mothers stand in pairs in a circle so that 2 circles are formed - children inside, mothers outside, children have a handkerchief in their hands. Under the r.n.m., the children dance a cheerful dance, then run in a circle and stop near their mother, at this time, mothers clap their hands. Children give their mother a handkerchief and clap their hands, and mothers dance with a handkerchief. At the end of the music, children close their eyes, mothers run in a circle and change their places and squat, covering their faces with a handkerchief. Children are looking for mother, find, hug and kiss)

VERSE (reb.) We have a lot of fun in the morning,
Get ready, kids.
Orchestra performance
It's high time we started!
ORCHESTRA- tambourines and drums.
(after the orchestra, the mother-artists go to the locker room to get the dolls)

LEAD: Guys, do you know? I went to kindergarten this morning and met some very strange kids - two boys and a girl. Their names are Kolya, Petya, and the girl’s name is Kate. So, Katya screamed so loudly, cried, was capricious, and Kolya and Petya could not calm her down. Yes, I hear them and they are coming here themselves.

(artists with dolls enter and Katya is already screaming)

(roles with dolls are performed by the children’s mothers)

Characters: Katya (Kaprizka), Petya and Kolya
KATE:(is capricious, whines, covers his face)
I don’t want to wash my hands, I don’t want to eat -
I'll whine all day and won't listen to anyone.

Kolya and Petya look at Katya aside

KOLYA: What happened to our Katya? She whines all the time
PETER: Let's go to her, maybe she needs help?
KOLYA: Katya, let's go for a walk
KATE: I don't want to.
PETER: Katya, let's go play
KATE: I won't.
KOLYA: Look how nice the weather is!
KATE: But I want a bad one, let it be rainy and cold!
PETER: Then you'll get wet and sick
KATE: I want to get wet, I want to get sick!
KOLYA: Maybe you want to eat?
I'll bring you some cake
KATE: I don’t want...
PETER: Maybe you'd like some ice cream?
KATE: I don't want anything - neither ice cream, nor cake,
no sweets, no cutlets! Nothing! Ah-ah-ah....
KOLYA: Maybe you're cold?
KATE: I'm neither cold nor hot.
PETER: Why are you screaming like that?!
KATE: Why do I keep shouting - what do you care?
I don’t want anything - I’m tired of everything.
KOLYA:(addresses children)
Guys, what happened to Katya?
PETER: How do you think? Help!
(communicate with children)
Then they walk around Katya, meaningfully saying “Aha”, “Wow”,
“I see,” etc.
KATE: What’s “Aha”, what’s “Wow”, what’s “Got it”?!
KOLYA: Okay, let's tell you a secret.
You swallowed a CAPRIZE!
PETER: He flew into your mouth when you were screaming and acting up.
KATE: I swallowed a CAPRIZE?! (surprised and scared)
What will happen now?
KOLYA: Now CAPRIZE sits in your stomach, and that's why you
you are capricious, screaming and angry.
KATE laments, shakes his head, groans
PETER: But we will help you. Guys, can we help Katya?
KOLYA: You have to stomp loudly.
PETER: And clap loudly, the whim will fly out and
Katya will recover.
(children stomp and clap)
KATE: Oh, I think it flew out, oh, it definitely flew out.
KOLYA and PETYA: There, there he flew out the window, goodbye, Kaprizka...
KATE: Where did Kaprizka fly to now?
KOLYA: Look for children who stand with their mouths open
PETER: They scream, cry and act up and don’t listen to their mother.
KATE: I won't cry and scream anymore, I don't want to swallow
Capricious, and I don’t advise you guys to be capricious like that.
PETER: Guys, do you understand everything?
KOLYA: You can't scream, cry or be capricious. Won't you?
Petya and KOLYA: Goodbye guys!

LEAD: And now we congratulate our own mother in poetry.
Children's poems: The sun smiled tenderly at us,
The holiday is coming - the holiday of our mothers!

I help my mother - I bake buns,
But I can’t bake raisin buns.
Do you know what's the matter? I ate all the raisins!

LEAD: Moms, sit quietly
And look at the kids
Now my daughters are dancing
And dear sons,
And we have flowers for you -
Unprecedented beauty.

Dance with flowers, music Tchaikovsky

LEAD: We congratulate mom on her holiday
And in unison we wish mommy:

All children in chorus: Don't let mom know
Grief and worries!
May the eighth of March
Lasts a whole year!

Scenario for March 8 (middle group) – Planet of Childhood
A TRIBUTES 1. Triangles, tambourines and drums 2. 2 pots, vegetables for playing 3. Airplanes and a cassette with music 4. Dolls Petya, Kolya and Katya 5. Flowers for dancing. Children enter the hall to the music and stop in free form. EDIT: In March there is such a day With a number, like a pretzel. How many of you guys know – Digit


    li” data-url=”/api/sort/PersonaCategory/list_order” id=”folders”>
  • Questionnaire for parents (1)
  • Scripts (29)
  • Presentations (4)
  • Lesson notes (26)
  • Consultations for parents (14)

Scenario March 8 for the middle group


The children enter the hall to the music. Dance with balls
– A bright day, a spring day, the drops are ringing joyfully!
Let's have fun in the spring and start Mother's Day!
2.Child– Let the sun shine tenderly, let the birds sing today.
I’m talking about the most wonderful thing in the world – my mother.
3.Child– Our dear mothers, we declare without embellishment:
This holiday is the most, most wonderful for us.
4.Child– We will collect our mothers’ kind smiles in a huge bouquet.
For you, dear, beloved, we sing songs today
5.Child– Our dear mothers and grandmothers, we dressed up for you.
Everything we prepared - songs and dances - we will show you everything now!

(You can do it all together) Let our mothers hear

How we sing a song.

You, our dear mothers,

Happy Women's Day

The song “Congratulations to Mom” is performed

  1. child: The streams rustle, sparkle, ring here and there.

The spring holiday has arrived for our dear mothers.

  1. child: I love my mother so much - I can’t find words,

I'll kiss you tenderly and sit you in a chair.

  1. child: Let mother not know grief and worries,

Crying is heard. A girl comes in and cries.

Presenter: Hello dear girl, what is your name?

Girl: Zhenya.

Presenter: Why are you crying?

Zhenya: My mother sent me to the store to buy bagels. I bought seven bagels: two bagels with cumin for dad, two bagels with poppy seeds for mom, two bagels with sugar for myself and one small pink bagel for my brother. I took a bunch of bagels and went home. I walked around, yawned, read signs, counted crows. Meanwhile, an unfamiliar dog stuck behind and ate all the bagels one after another: (crying)

Presenter: Zhenya, you stay with the guys to have fun at our spring holiday and the holiday of our dear mothers and grandmothers. And we will return your steering wheels to you.

Zhenya: What can your children do? Probably nothing!

Presenter: Our children can do everything, listen to how they read poetry.

Child: The snow melts in the sun,

Today is a big holiday

child. To our mothers on spring day

Spring itself sends greetings.

The sound of streams and birdsong

She gives for the holiday.

(Spring enters with a basket of flowers to the music.)

Spring: I know they are waiting for me everywhere, everyone in the world needs me

I bring joy to people, and my name is Spring.

Spring: To all the women of the world

I send my regards

There is a bouquet of flowers in it.

But this flower burns brightest of all, because it is magical. There are exactly seven petals in it, there are enough miracles for everyone. I give you Zhenya a seven-flowered flower. He will help you fulfill all your desires. (Hands over the flower, says goodbye, leaves.)

Zhenya: Well, now I’ll check what you can do (first petal)

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

Leading: our children never forget about their grandmothers, they love them very much, listen to Zhenya, what poems they have prepared for them.

  1. Child: If grandma said
    Either don’t touch it or don’t you dare.
    We must listen because
    Our house rests on it.
    10.Child: Dedicated to education
    Dad has his day off.
    On this day, just in case,
    Grandma hides her belt.
    11. Child: Goes to kindergarten for meetings,
    Grandma is making broth.
    She gets it every month
    The postman carries money.

Zhenya: Let's pick the next petal - blue (second)

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be according to my wishes.

Zhenya: Play the music louder

Invite the guys to the orchestra.

Spoon orchestra for grandmothers

Presenter: So, the seven-flowered flower does not let us down.

Zhenya:- Fly, fly petal (third)

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground, it will be in my opinion.

Zhenya: Together, the grandmothers need to get up, I suggest they play.

"Beloved Grandchildren"

Presenter: But now we’ll check how your kids can dance.

Zhenya:- Fly, fly petal (fourth)

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground, it will be in my opinion.

DANCE _______________________________

Presenter:- Dear mothers, sit quietly.
Take a break from your worries and watch a fairy tale.
Children give you this fairy tale as a gift from the heart.
They are almost artists, even though they are still kids.

Fairy tale "Chicken - little yellow chicken."

- There was one hen who had a child,
Tsypa is a yellow little chicken.
Hen– Tsypa’s mother spoiled him a lot (pats his head)
I cleaned up the toys for him,
dressed and spoon-fed, calling: “My little baby!”
Presenter– But one day in front of the Corydalis Hen
our chicken stomped his paw hard
Chick– I don’t want to be small, I’m a mother, I want to grow up big like dad.
Presenter- our chicken ran quickly and saw the Frog on the path.
Chick– Let me ask you one question:
How to grow big quickly?
Frog- Maybe you’ll stand on a stump,
You will immediately become half a meter taller.
Chicken climbs onto a tree stump.
Presenter- Chicken perched on a stump,
the frog looked and was surprised...
Frog- No, nothing has changed, the chicken is on a stump, that’s all.
Presenter- Our chicken became sadly silent,
suddenly he sees a large mushroom in front of him.
- Let me ask you one question,
How can you grow big quickly?
Mushroom - the rain helps me grow, maybe I can bring some water in a watering can?
(brings a watering can and waters.)
Mushroom- I’ll water it on the wing, on the tail, so Tsypa’s beak and nose will grow.
Presenter“The poor chicken was all wet, the fungus was disappointing.”
Mushroom“Nothing has changed, the chicken is wet, that’s all.”
Presenter– The mushroom quickly disappeared from the chicken,
and Piglet appeared on the path.
Piglet appears with a bucket:
– Let me ask you a question: How can I make me grow up?
Piglet– I grow when I eat. I try to eat a lot.
Just eat from the bucket, maybe your dream will come true.
Presenter- The chicken agreed with this, swallowed diligently, choked,
(Chick raises his head and drinks from a bucket)
Presenter“He ate almost a bucket, but only Tsypa’s belly grew.”
(the chicken sticks out its belly)
Presenter- And the pig scratched himself and honestly confessed to the baby.
Piglet- No, nothing has changed,
you're a fat little chicken that's all.
Presenter– The chicken lost hope of growing up, but fortunately he saw a butterfly.
Chick– Let me ask you one question:
What needs to be done to make me grow up?
Butterfly– To grow up as big as dad, you need to do big things
Try to remove toys, cars, balls and rattles from behind you.
Eat yourself, get dressed for a walk, well, in general, try to be an adult.
Chick- Thank you, Butterfly, I’ll run, I’ll probably be able to do it.
Presenter- And that’s when the chicken entered the henhouse
She spread her wings in surprise.
Hen– Who put things in order in the room?
Chick- I! (takes a step forward, raising his wing up)
Hen- Who washed the dirty dishes?
Chick- I! (takes a step forward, raising his wing up)
Hen- Son, you have become very big!
Chick- Hooray!
Presenter- That’s it, guys, to become big...
AllWe need to help mothers!

Zhenya(plucks a red petal) (fifth)

Well, this petal is the brightest, the most cheerful.

Let him give us an interesting game.

Host: I invite mothers to play with us.

Fun game "Blind Man's Bluff" with mothers

(Facilities:-handkerchief, -bell)
Mom is blindfolded and the children scatter around the room. The child whose mother is participating in the game has a bell in his hands. The mother's task is to catch her child.

(or) Game "Transfer the candy in a spoon"

Two teams of 5-6 people (mothers and children). Near each team on a chair there is a bowl with dragees or small candies and a spoon.
On the opposite side there are chairs with empty buckets. To the music, children and mothers put candy in a spoon and carry it to a bucket. The game continues until the bowl runs out of candies.)

Zhenya:- Fly, fly petal (petal) (sixth)

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

be according to my wishes.

Zhenya: Let's sing a song for mom!

It rings and flows.

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

The song “SONG OF DROPS” is performed

Zhenya:- Fly, fly petal (seventh)

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

be according to my wishes.

Presenter: What a fun holiday

So that it fills up for you,

Let's go now, guys.

Let's invite moms to the dance.

Dance with moms

Presenter: Well, our holiday for mothers and grandmothers has come to an end. Zhenya, have we fulfilled all your wishes?

Zhenya: Yes, you guys are great. You can sing, act and dance. I really enjoyed your party, it was a lot of fun. It's time for me to go home to my mom.

Presenter: What about the bagels? So that mom doesn't scold!

Zhenya: Thanks a lot! Goodbye, guys!

Children: Goodbye!

Leading: Many nights passed without sleep, worries and worries were countless.

I bow to you all, dear mothers,

For the fact that you exist in the world!

Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers.

May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive!

Let your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, and love.

Good luck to you, dear ones! All the best to you!

To remember this day, accept the gifts that the children prepared themselves. (Music plays, children give gifts).

Music plays, children invite mothers to join the group for tea.

Scenario March 8 for the middle group
Scenario March 8 for the middle group li” data-url=”/api/sort/PersonaCategory/list_order” id=”folders”> Questionnaire for parents (1) Scenarios (29) Presentations (4) Notes

Holiday scenario for middle group children.

Leading : Spring has come again!

Again she brought a holiday,

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women.

So that we all smile today,

Our children tried their best for us,

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance.

Children run out to the music and stand in checkerboard formation. ok.

Dance "Sponges in a Bow"

Then we stand in a semicircle

1 child : Spring is coming around the world,

And now there is no winter.

According to happy signs

We recognized spring!

2 child : Recognized by the windows

Open everywhere

Recognized by the paths

On snowy water.

3 child : Along the street, along the flexible ones.

Swift streams,

And at home by smiles

Our beloved mothers!

4 child : Listen to our song

Mommy darling!

Be always healthy.

Be always happy!

A song is being performed : "Mommy, my dear mother"

Presenter : Well done my guys, guess the riddle:

Who caresses you the most?

Who loves you, adores you?

Buys you toys

Books, tapes, rattles!

Who bakes pancakes?

These are our...


Presenter : Let's have grandmas too

Happy Women's Day!

We will read poems for them,

And we'll sing a song.

Girl: My grandmother and I are old friends -

How good my grandmother is!

Maybe I am like that too

I'll be old, gray-haired,

I will have grandchildren.

And then, putting on glasses,

I’ll tie gloves for one,

And to the other, shoes.

A song is being performed : "Our Grandma"

Sat down on the chairs

Child(girl) :

I love work, guys,

A hunter of everything.

And it’s not for nothing that my name is -

Mom's assistant!

Child(boy) :

I take care of my mother’s work -

I help as much as I can:

Mom's for lunch today

Made cutlets

And she said, “Listen,

Help me out, eat!”

I ate a little -

Isn't it help?

Child(boy) :

Mom made a pie

I helped her a little:

I put cinnamon in the dough.

Poured out a jar of mustard,

Added a spoonful of lentils -

In general, I did everything I could!

Child: My brother and I are alone

They helped mom.

We were praised and then

They gave me some candy.

Helping is such a trifle,

There's nothing else to do.

We are good for this

And not for candy!

Presenter : What is a holiday without people?

What is a holiday without guests?

Come out and try

Make your friends laugh!

Cheerful music sounds and Klepa the Clown runs into the hall.

Klepa : Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I am Klepa, a glorious clown,

Cheerful and funny!

I was in a hurry to get to you, I was in a hurry,

Almost fell into a ditch.

I flew into a birch tree,

I touched two bushes with my nose,

And then he fell five times!

Finally got to you!

Didn’t my friend Kaprizka come to see you? That's good! So I'm first! (looks right - left)

But for some reason she’s been gone for a long time! Let's all get together and call her: “Capricious!” - Name: “Capricious!”

Music is playing. Capriciousness enters.

Klepa : And here she is!

Capricious (sings capriciously):

I don't want to wash my hands

I don't want to eat.

I'll whine all day -

Don't listen to anyone! A-a-a!

Klepa : What happened to Capricious? She's crying and doesn't want to do anything!

Presenter : I probably need to talk to her, console her.

Klepa : Capricious, let's take a walk. Look how nice the weather is!

Capricious : And I want a bad one! Let it rain! A-a-a!

Klepa(surprised): But you'll get wet!

Capricious : That's good! I want to get wet! A-a-a!

Klepa : Maybe you're hungry?

Capricious (stomps his feet): Don't want!

Klepa : Or maybe you're cold? Are you cold?

Capricious : Don't - f - t! I'm neither cold nor hot! A-a-a!

Klepa : Then why do you cry and scream all the time?

Capricious: Why do I keep screaming

What do you care?

I do not want anything -

I'm tired of everything! Wow!

Klepa : Ah, I know! You are ill! Tell: "Ah-ah"!

Capricious : Bae-uh-uh!

Klepa : Breathe... don't breathe (walks around Kaprizka, pressing his ear to her)

Capricious : Don't breathe, don't breathe!

The presenter approaches Klepa and whispers something in his ear.

Capricious : What are you whispering about?

Klepa : Fine! We'll tell you.

Presenter : Just don't tell anyone.

Capricious : I won't tell anyone!

Klepa : You have become infected with a virus - Antivus. He flew into your mouth as you cried and stomped your feet.

Capricious : Antiviral? What is he like? (scared)

Presenter : Angry, whiny, nasty! That's why you yourself became disgusting. Now you can’t get close to the guys, otherwise they will turn into nasty capricious people.

Capricious : I don’t want to be nasty (turns his head, waves his arms!

Klepa : Then say cheerfully: “Antivous, go away!”

Capricious : Antiviral, go away! (stomps his foot)

Klepa : Oh look! There, there... The antivirus flew away.

Capricious : Guys! Quickly clap, stomp loudly and laugh more cheerfully so that he doesn’t come back to us again.

The children do it.

Klepa : Well done boys! Today is a holiday and everyone should be in a good mood.

Capricious : Well, we won’t get bored, I suggest we dance.

And the girls will dance.

Performed "Dance with Ribbons" girls

Capricious : Klepa, what good girls! They danced so well.

Klepa: The girls, of course, did great, but did the boys also prepare something for their mothers? Children's answers. Come on, boys, come out and show me your number!

Boys Orchestra

Presenter : Children say many kind and affectionate words to their mothers on this day, and now we will sing a song for our mothers and tell them how much we love them!

Song “I love mommy very much”

Capricious : You sing and read poetry at the holiday.

To make it more fun, maybe you can play? Want to?

Games are being held :

    Transport the products

    Get to know your child

Capricious: Well done guys, how fun we played, we lifted everyone’s spirits, but it’s time for us to go, but I think we should leave some gifts for the children.

Klepa : Of course, Capricious! But today is a holiday not for boys, but for girls! This means that gifts are needed only for them! Right?

Capricious : No! Everyone needs gifts! Really, guys?

Presenter: And first of all, our mothers really need gifts! And the best gift is a gift made with your own hands, with care and love.

Dance with crafts “Mom”

Capricious : Well done guys, you made very beautiful crafts for moms, and Klepa and I want to reward you, but we need your help, can you help, guys? Then everyone close your eyes tightly and count to five. Let's get ready...we're counting!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Klepa : The eyes can be opened.

At this time, Klepa brings food.

Capricious : Look what a wonderful treat1

Music plays and clowns hand out food.

Capricious : Now it's time to say goodbye,

It was fun with you


Klepa : Goodbye!

Both : We will come again! They run away.

Presenter : Our holiday is already over.

What else can we say?

We want you goodbye

We wish everyone good health!

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Never be angry -

So young

Stay forever!

Scenario for the March 8 holiday for children in the middle group of kindergarten "Today is Mother's Day"

Educator: Engulatova E.R.

Description of material : Scenario for the March 8 holiday for middle group children (4-5 years old).

Target : To evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.


Educational: To develop in children the ability to emotionally perform songs and dances.

Developmental: Develop an ear for music, plasticity, emotional responsiveness to music.

Educational: Cultivate a friendly attitude towards mother and grandmother, the ability to overcome fear of an audience.

Progress of the holiday.

The boys run into the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Dear women, dear guests! The wonderful time of year has come - spring! The gentle sun melted the snow and smiled cheerfully at all the women on earth! Happy holiday to you, Happy March 8th!!!

Children with heart-shaped balloons enter to the music and perform a dance chosen by the music director. stop in two semicircles at the central wall.

1 Child: Spring has come againAgain she brought a holiday,The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,A holiday for all our dear women!

2 Child: Invited to visit usWe are both grandmothers and mothersWe promise, we promiseYou won't be bored here!

3 child The days are fineSimilar to holidaysAnd the sun is warm in the skyCheerful and kind.4reb . It's time for springIt's time to bloomAnd that means moodIt's spring for everyone!5reb. The guests were all already seated.Where have the girls gone?We need to call them hereIt's time for us to start the holidayGirls, run quicklyHurry up to our holiday.The girls enter the hall dancing. They all continue dancing together.

6reb: And again spring has come to us, we can feel its breath! The rivers have woken up from their sleep, and the chirping of birds can be heard! 7th child: The frosts are already receding, and the end of winter has come, In the forest, where the snow has now melted, a small snowdrop has bloomed!

Warmed by the spring sun, spring streams are flowing! They send greetings to all of us from the young spring!

8reb: Hear, spring is comingMother's holiday brings usSo that the holiday is not boringLet's learn songs for mothers.The children's choir is in harmonyOur songs sound.

Song: Skvorushki

Child. We thought for a long time and decided:What should we give our mothers? After all, it’s a gift, we were told -Must be the best! We cannot give a “jacuzzi”, And we can’t buy a ticket to Cyprus. It’s also difficult to give us a Mercedes. What should we give our mothers? And the answer came by itself:We'll give you a theater ticket! We will perform all the roles here ourselves. All: Let's give the performance as a gift to mom!

Performance “Let's give mom a rest”


What a wonderful performance, and most importantly, edifying! In order for mom to always be young and beautiful and healthy, you need to take care of her and help her in everything.

Song "Mom's Flowers"


Now, guys, listen to the riddle.

Who will tell a fairy tale to his granddaughter,

He will sew a new dress,

Will treat you with sweet cookies

And he will sing ditties,

He will play “ladushki” and bake pancakes.

Who is this? Answer!

Well, of course (grandmothers)

Poems about grandmother.


To our dear grandmothers

We also say hello

We wish them good health

For many, many years!

11child Most beautiful
Who grows flowers?
Most beautiful
Who will knit some socks?

Grandma, grandma,
My grandmother.
Grandma, grandma,
Happy holiday to you!

12 child Finally everyone fell asleep
They won't spy on my secret
Because for grandma
I'll draw a bouquet.

Roses, asters, daisies
They will flash brightly on the postcard.

13child I'll write to grandma
How I love her
What are her pancakes
I always praise.

It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

14 child I congratulate grandma
Happy Women's Spring Day!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

He will tell a good story,
Sing a lullaby
A warm winter scarf will tie
And he will go for a walk with me!

Competitions “Sons of Craftsmen”


Dear dear grandmothers, please accept this dance as a gift. Dance of the Primroses

Dance of the Primroses.

Music is playing


Who's singing the song there? Who's coming to our party?

Matroskin enters with cans of milk, on skis, with a backpack

And he sings: ...If only there were no winter... Falls.


Oh guys - so many


Who came to us?


I am a cat, and my last name is Matroskin. What is your holiday here, New Year? So I was going to visit my grandmother on skis, but they weren’t going.


Matroskin, your skis aren’t working because it’s spring outside. And we really have a holiday, just not the New Year, but March 8, the holiday of all mothers and grandmothers.


Yes, I also have a grandmother, I was just going to see her, bringing milk. This is milk from my cow Murka. She gives such delicious milk, and do you like milk?

Leading: We also love various competitions, do you want to participate with us? Let’s see if you are a good craftsman, a needleworker.

Competitions for mothers and daughters:

1. "Swaddle the doll"

2. "Draw a portrait of Murka the cow"

There's a knock on the door. Postman Pechkin enters.


Hello! Is this kindergarten "Rainbow"?




Average group?




And I have a package for you!


Fine! (delighted) I love receiving parcels! (stretches)


But I won't give it to you. You have no documents.


How is it not? Paws, tail, whiskers - these are all my documents!


Documents are always stamped. Do you have a stamp on your tail?


I don't have any stamp on my tail. Yes, we don’t need this package at all. There's only shoe polish there.


Who sent you so much shoe polish?


Yes, my aunt works at a shoe polish factory. She has this shoe polish there... So he sends it to just anyone.


Shoe polish is not shoe polish, and I won’t give you the parcel!


Pechkin, the guys don’t have documents yet, but we can sing and dance. Songs, games, dances are our documents. Sit down, Pechkin, sit down, watch the guys dance.

Matroskin is carrying a chair. Pechkin boards the parcel.

Dance: "Sailors and Sailors"


You dance well, but I still won’t give you the parcel, because there is a stamp on the documents, but you have stamps on your dresses and bows? No!


Pechkin, in our kindergarten the head of our kindergarten has a stamp.


Yes - Yes, I'll bring it now.

He leaves and brings the seal. The presenter has a paper, they put a stamp on it


Now it's a different matter. Pick up the parcel.

Leading: Comrade Pechkin and Cat Matroskin, we won’t just let you go, listen to those wonderful poems dedicated to International Women’s Day

15 child There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

Of two syllables, the simple word “mother”.

And there are no words in the world more valuable than that.

16 child Many nights passed without sleep,

There are countless worries and worries.

Big bow to all of you dear mothers

For the fact that you exist in the world!

17 child Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved,

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales,

There is nothing more important for her, blue-eyed me!

18 Child . Mom, I love you very, very much!

I love you so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night,

The sun has risen, it's already dawn

There is no one better in the world than mom!

Matroskin: Pechkin, today I have to send congratulations to my beloved grandmother, aunt from the shoe polish factory and Uncle Fyodor’s mother, let’s go help me send postcards.

Matroskin and Pechkin say goodbye and leave.


What did they bring us in the package? Yes, here are parcels for our mothers (shows). We will give them to the mothers in the group. Now let's once again congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, and all guests on this wonderful holiday.

19 Child. We are finishing our holiday

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old

Younger, prettier.

20 Child. We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

21 Child. We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wondrous beauty.

22 Child . We love you very, very much

Let's grow up kind.

And we will always try

ALL: Behave yourself!

Children stand in a semicircle.


Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for all relatives

Let's talk...


Thank you!

Song: "Raindrops have a mother" Children go to the group with their mothers.

A holiday for children of middle preschool age dedicated to Women's Day on March 8

A festively decorated music room. Mothers and grandmothers sit at eight tables. Competitions were announced for the holiday: for mothers of girls - a competition for the most original hat design; for mothers of boys - a competition for the most interesting gentleman's suit; for everyone there is a competition for the most beautiful bouquet. The results of these competitions are summed up at the end of the holiday.

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers! We invited you to congratulate you on Women's Day. We will try to make it fun and interesting for you.

Children enter to the soundtrack of the song “Let there always be sunshine.”

1st child:

Today is the best holiday

Today is the holiday of our mothers.

And immediately the clouds flew away,

And the sun smiled at you.

2nd child:

We invited you all to visit;

And grandmothers, and teachers, and mothers.

We decided to please you,

May you feel comfortable here.

They sing the song “What a Grandmother” (words by Yu. Ostrovsky, music by E. Telicheyeva).

Our grandmother loves

Play with us

Loves our songs

Sing with us.

Our grandmother loves

Music and laughter

Well, grandma is dancing

Simply the best!

Someone's grandmother is invited to dance with the children.


In a word, warm, sonorous singing

Happy spring day.

And who, tell us?

Children(in chorus): Dear, beloved mothers!

Children take gifts from a vase - snowdrops.

3rd child:

These snowdrops are pure, tender

We made it ourselves.

Dear mothers, beloved grandmothers,

We admire you.

4th child:



We will treasure you!

Children(in unison):

We wish you many, many years

Live in happiness and joy.

Children give gifts and sit at tables. Girls perform the dance “Snowdrop” (words by T. Kolomiets, music by G. Petritsky).

Description of dance movements

In the center of the hall, on the floor, lies a large hoop, divided into 8 parts by light green ribbons. The ribbons are connected in the center of the circle in the form of a large flower. The snowdrop is made of white nylon ribbons.

The “snowdrop” girls are dressed in light white dresses, have large white bows on their heads, and 1.5 m long light green ribbons in their hands (the middle of the ribbon sags slightly, the ends are free).

For the introduction, the girls run up to the hoop, kneel on their right knee at a distance of two or three steps from it and, bowing their heads, put their hands on their knees - the “snowdrops” are sleeping.

Everyone sings:

In the forest under a birch tree

Snowdrop woke up.

He shook his petals.

He looked around.

While singing the first verse (lines 1-2), the girls slowly raise their heads and spread their arms to the sides. On the 3rd-4th lines, smoothly waving their arms, they stand up.


Snowdrop, snowdrop,

Your outfit is beautiful.

Snowdrop thin

There is a scent in the forest.

On lines 1-2 of the chorus, they wave their arms in front of them, putting their right foot forward on their toes.

On the 3rd-4th lines of the chorus, they spin around, holding the ribbon in front of them with outstretched arms.

You're wearing a white cap

You sparkle with dewdrops.

Green leaf

Decorated with a teardrop.

While singing the second verse, the girls run on their toes, raising the hoop with their left hand to shoulder level. The right hand with the tape is moved to the side.

On lines 1-2 of the chorus - take the hoop with both hands (ribbon in the right hand) and, standing still, raise and lower it.

On the 3rd-4th lines of the chorus, placing the hoop on the floor, they spin and step back two or three steps.

Here the sun has set,

It's time to rest.

It got dark in the forest,

Everything is quiet again.

While singing the third verse, the “snowdrop” girls, holding the ribbons with both hands, as at the beginning of the game, slowly wave them in front of them and stand on their right knee, slightly springing.

On lines 1-2 of the chorus, wave the ribbons to the right and... to the left while turning your head.

On the 3rd-4th lines of the chorus - waving the ribbon in front of them, they slowly lower their hands and bow their heads - the “snowdrops” fell asleep.

Host: And now we will play the game “Through the Mouth of a Baby.” Two teams will take part in it.

Mothers and grandmothers sitting at tables No. 1, 2, 3, 4 are the “Spring” team, and at tables No. 5, 6, 7, 8 – the “Sun” team.

The presenter introduces the jury members.

Leading: Let's start the game. You also have squeaky toys on your tables. Whoever knows the answer presses the toy, but only after listening to all the children. For a correct answer, the team receives 2 points.

The game is being played.

Leading: Now let’s hold a “Rationales” competition.

The teacher invites the children to join him. They take turns describing the characteristics of various objects.

Exercise 1

1st child: They are very beautiful, I would like to give them to my mother, but this is impossible. They seem small, but in fact they are huge.

2nd child: They have sharp corners, the hottest ones are blue.

3rd child: They have names.

4th child: They come in giants and dwarfs.

5th child: You can admire them only at night.

Task 2

1st child: Everyone has them.

2nd child: They come in different colors.

3rd child: Mom’s are the most beautiful.

4th child: They can be kind and affectionate, and sometimes sad and tired.

5th child: Two brothers live across the street, but don’t see each other.

Task 3

1st child: When this happens, everyone is in a good mood. Everyone is smiling.

2nd child: Everyone is dressed smartly: both adults and children.

3rd child: On such a day, music sounds, everyone dances and sings.

4th child: And they eat a delicious pie or cake.


Task 4

1st child: This is in every home.

2nd child: It's so big and comfortable.

3rd child: It comes in different colors and different shapes.

4th child: Dads love this very much.

5th child: You can jump on this, play around, but only adults will then scold it, because you can break it or fall from it.

6th child: It is soft, you can lie on it.

Leading: While the jury sums up the results, our children will congratulate their grandmothers.

1st child:

My grandmother and I -

Old friends.

How good my Grandmother is.

Leading: And now we will hold the next competition, which is called “Explainers”.

Exercise 1

1st child: Some like it, others don’t, and others bring money.

2nd child: This can be seen everywhere: on the street, on the bus, tram, in the subway.

3rd child: Anyone who watches TV often knows this by heart.

4th child: If you watch a movie on TV, then suddenly they start showing it, then they show the movie again.

Task 2

1st child: Many families have this, but they always want it to be even more modern.

3rd child: He runs fast, but he is not a horse, and for nutrition he needs not hay, but expensive liquid.

4th child: If it is old, then dad spends a long time fiddling with it, fixing it, cleaning it, if it is new, then dad is very proud of it.

5th child: If this is not the case, then you have to go by bus or trolleybus.


Leading: While the jury sums up the results of the competition, the children will read poetry to us.

1st child:

Babies need care

They reach out to their mother.

Well, if mom is at work -

Who will replace their mothers?

2nd child:

It is necessary for children to feel affection, warmth and tenderness of hands.

The teacher is responsible for the children, -

This is the kindest, best friend.

Children sing the song “This is our opinion” (words and music by B. Larionov and I. Ponomareva).

A sparrow sat on a branch

- Chick-chirp,

Sang a song about spring:






Spring song.

Let everyone have beauty

There will be a mood!

This is our opinion!

On Mother's Day we sing:



Happy Women's Day!

- Chick-chirp,


Leading: And now our boys will congratulate the girls.

The boys carry portraits of girls drawn in advance.

1st boy:

We congratulate our girls.

We wish our girls good health.

2nd boy:

If you were sometimes teased offensively -

We apologize - we are very ashamed.

It’s not out of anger, but out of habit. We often pull your pigtails.

4th boy: To our dear girlfriends... (All boys in chorus). We want to give portraits.

They give portraits to girls.

The presenter gives the floor to the jury.

Leading: And now we will hold the competition “I made a wish”.

Multi-valued concepts called one word (homonyms) are proposed. For example: a braid that is mowed and a girl’s braid.

Exercise 1

1st child: This happens near the tank.

2nd child: It turns into a butterfly. (Caterpillar)

Task 2

1st child: They are grown specifically to decorate houses and streets.

2nd child: They are given on their birthday.

3rd child: There is such a female name. (Rose)

Task 3

1st child: It hits from underground.

2nd child: They wear it on a keychain.

3rd child: Buratino was looking for him. (Key)

Task 4

1st child: The doctor asks to show him when he examines the patient.

2nd child: Adults scold if children show it.

3rd child: May be native or foreign. (Language)

Task 5

1st child: Item from school supplies.

2nd child: They grab it when they open the door.

3rd child: Gentlemen kiss ladies. (Pen)

Task 6

1st child: They are used to evaluate competition participants.

2nd child: They are used to see better. (Glasses)

Task 7

1st child: Airplanes have this.

2nd child: This helps Carlson fly. (Propeller)

Task 8

1st child: Children get this disease.

2nd child: This is a pet. (Piggy)

Task 9

1st child: It only happens in the summer during a thunderstorm.

2nd child: It is sewn into jackets, dresses, trousers, bags. (Lightning)

Leading: While the jury sums up the results of this competition, listen to “Ditties and Stompers.”

Our dear mothers,

We will always love you.

We will give you ditties.

The girls walk forward with a stomp, bow, retreat to their places, the boys “play” the balalaikas. Then the children take turns singing.

1st child:

To our mother in the morning, our Nina

She gave me two candies.

I barely had time to give -

She immediately ate them herself.

The boys walk forward, bow and step back.

2nd child:

Luda's mother asked

Wash dirty dishes.

For some reason Luda became

Also dirty, like dishes.

The children walk forward in pairs, the girls hold the boys by the arm, everyone bows and moves back.

3rd child:

And on the 9th -

I didn't remove anything.

The girls are ahead of the boys.

4th child:

Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to frying pan

But then four days

They couldn't wash me off.

Boys bypass girls.

5th child:

I found a broom in the kitchen

And he swept the whole apartment,

But what remained of him

Three straws in total.

Children spin around in circles.

6th child:

Don't recognize dad today:

He came and suddenly at the door

He didn't throw his hat on the table,

And he hung it as if he were visiting.

Girls form their own semicircle, boys form theirs. Then the children sing without changing lines.

7th child:

He said: “Great, daughter!”

And laughing this time

He kissed his mother on the cheek,

And he shook grandma’s hand.

8th child:

He was better, he was simpler,

He poured tea into cups.

Not even my grandmother's mother-in-law,

And he called me mommy.

9th child:

I asked my mother directly:

“Mom, what happened to him?”

“On Women’s Day,” said my mother, “

Dad should be like this."

Children return to their seats and stand in one semicircle (boy - girl).

10th child:

What a gift for mom

Will we give on Women's Day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

11th child:

We are preparing a surprise for mom -

It is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the bathtub

Or wash the chair.

12th child:

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers.

It would be nice if the ceiling

It's a pity I'm not tall.


We stop singing ditties.

We promise our mothers:

Be obedient in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Everyone bows. The jury's word.

Leading: And now we will hold a “Dark Horse” competition. You need to find the answer faster than your opponent and press the beeper.

Exercise 1

1st child:

He inhales a lot of dust.

So that everyone is healthy. (Vacuum cleaner)

2nd child:

No ears, but hears

There are no hands, but he writes.

Music flows all day

I'm not too lazy to dance to it. (Record player)

3rd child:

Little Ivashka,

Shirt made of wood,

Where he pokes his nose -

That's where the line will be drawn. (Pencil)

4th child:

Blue sheet

Covers all the light. (Sky)

5th child:

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything. (Comb)

6th child:

No bark, no bite

And he doesn’t let me into the house. (Lock)

Then, at the request of the leader and the children, the games “Move Mom’s Shopping” and “Recognize Mother, Daughter, Son Blindfolded” are played.

The jury's word.

Leading: Now the girls will show off their hats, and the jury will evaluate the work of their mothers.

Then the Presenter invites the boys to show off their gentlemanly suits. Everyone looks and evaluates the bouquets that the children and parents made at home. While the jury is summing up the results, the children invite guests to the “Dance of the Ducklings.”

The jury sums up the results of the game and all competitions, the winners receive prizes.

Leading: This wonderful holiday charged us all with good energy and distracted us from life's problems. Once again we congratulate dear women on the beginning of spring.


Who loves you dearly, children?

Who loves you so tenderly.

Reads books to you,

Does he sing songs?

Who hugs you

Praises and caresses?

Let's say it loudly, let's say it straight.

Everyone knows this...

Children. Mother!

With the first flowers in this bright hour,

Dear mothers, grandmothers, sisters,

Children of the middle group congratulate you!

1st child.

The snow melts in the sun,

There was a whiff of spring.

Today is a big holiday

Mom's dear!

2nd child.

Let our mothers hear

How we sing a song.

You, our dear mothers,

Happy Women's Day

The song "Radiant Sun" is performed

3 child.

My eyes are brown

And mom too.

On top of each other with mom

We are very similar.

There is a dimple on the cheeks,

Black eyelashes...

But mommy doesn't have it

Thin braid.


Mom, very, very

I love you.

I love you so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark.

I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka.

I love you all the time, mommy.

So the dawn is shining,

It's already dawn.

There is no one better in the world than mom!

Ved. There will be a lot of things to do and roads in life.

Let’s ask ourselves: “Well, where did they begin?”

This is our answer

The most correct one:

Everything always starts with mom!

My brother and I helped mom together,

They praised us and then gave us candy.

Helping is such a trifle, there’s nothing else to do,

We are good for this, not for the candy.

I take care of my mother’s work and help as much as I can.

Mom made cutlets for lunch today

And she said, “Listen, help me, eat!”

I ate a little, isn't that a help?

Dad and I decided a long time ago

Surprise mom on holiday.

They washed, cleaned, cooked and, of course, surprised.

Mom praised us... and started cleaning

Let the snow still lie

March is in a hurry for all the guys!

We need to congratulate mom

We need to start singing a song!

Song "Mom's Smile"

Today not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday

9 children. We love our grandmother.

We are very friends with her.

With a good, kind grandmother

The guys have more fun.

10 children. I am for my beloved grandmother

Ready for anything on this day

I'll drink her tea with raspberries,

I'll eat a dozen pies.

11th child I will wash the dishes myself

I'll put grandma to bed

It's very hard to be a hero

We need to help the weak

12 children I tell you my secret now

I'll tell you in your ear:

Know, my grandmother -

Best friend!

13 children. There are many different songs

About everything in the world.

And now we’ll sing a song for you

Let's sing about grandma!

Song about grandma

Ved. I know well that when children are healthy and cheerful, mothers and grandmothers have peace of mind. So let's please our lovely women with a fun dance!

Dance "Barbariki"

We will call mom the best,

Gentle sunshine, ray of sunshine.

We will call mother the sweetest,

Kind, gentle, very beautiful!

And our girls are very good too! Let's see what kind of fashionistas they are.

Game "Fashionistas"

On 2 tables there are each a handbag, beads, and a mirror. At the signal, you need to put on the beads in front of the mirror, put the handbag over your shoulder, take the stroller with the doll and walk around in a circle. THE ONE WHO COMPLETES THE TASK FASTER WINS.

Game "The most dexterous"

And now boys,

And now girls,

Let's play fun

With our rattle!

If the music sounds

The rattle is silent.

Well, we are all behind each other

We move quickly in a circle.

It will become quiet, don't yawn

Take the rattles apart!

The game begins!

Are you ready to play?

The game "Who can move mom's shopping faster"

14 reb.Reb. There are many mothers in this world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom!

15 reb.Reb.

Our dear mothers! We ourselves admit

Which of course, we don’t always behave well.

We often upset you, but we don’t notice at all.

We ask you to please forgive us for our pranks.

We love you very, very much, we will grow up kind,

And we will always try to behave well.

Ved. Well, are you guys sitting?

Are you looking in all directions?

Better go to your mothers

And invite me to dance.

Dance with moms

Our dear mothers.

We are finishing our holiday,

Happiness, joy, health

We wish you with all our hearts!

Thank you, moms, for the beauty,

Thank you, moms, for your kindness,

But what are your kids like?

Because they dote on you!

Let your faces get tired only from smiles. And hands from bouquets of flowers.

May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive!

Let your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, and love.

Happiness to you, dears !

Continuing the topic:
Music in life

Thanks to the Future in the Past tense group in English, you can convey a future action that was discussed in the past. The rules for using this tense are studied in...