Accounting department presentation slides. My future profession is an accountant, the work of a 1st year student at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Education, Baymak Agricultural College, Zavyalova A.A.

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State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vladimir region Presentation on the topic: “Profession of an accountant” Completed by: Sukhova Anna Checked by: Kalashnikova I.A. Gus - Khrustalny 2012

The accounting profession is one of the most widespread and in demand, both throughout the world and in Russia. This is understandable. After all, not a single enterprise today can do without accounting as a way of documenting business accounting.

A little history The accounting profession is one of the oldest and one of the most widespread. Its first origins go back thousands of years, 6000 years ago, at the moment when people began to purposefully record the facts of economic life; 500 years ago, when Luca Pacioli’s book was published, the understanding of accounting began, and, finally, 100 years ago, when the first theoretical constructs in the field of accounting appeared.

Pros and cons of the profession of an accountant In the profession of an accountant, as in all professions, there are advantages: - Demand in the labor market, - Mostly standardized working hours, - You can have additional income, for example, helping small entrepreneurs with bookkeeping. There are also disadvantages: -Changes in legislation, -Contradictions in legislation (for example, tax and accounting), -Frequent communication with representatives of government agencies, especially with the tax inspectorate, -You have to follow the instructions of your superiors, even if they seem incorrect in a given situation, -Activity The accountant is strictly regulated and does not leave room for creativity, -Accountant errors lead to sanctions and fines

Functional responsibilities Typical responsibilities of an accountant include: maintaining accounting, tax, management accounting - in one or several areas; drawing up the organization's accounting policies; interaction with regulatory organizations.

People of this profession must, first of all, be patient, honest, careful, emotionally and mentally stable. In addition, he must love numbers; he will have to deal with them every day, and a mistake can be fatal. High concentration, scrupulousness and perseverance are also required. It’s good to have a good memory and, most importantly, you need to be able to remain silent, since often an accountant has to keep trade secrets.

I would like to note that a modern accountant must be legally literate: know the laws, orders, regulations, and must timely monitor any changes in legislation. Today, all accounting is automated. Using the 1C program, specially created to help in such a difficult task as accounting and analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise, you can quickly obtain any report of interest for any specified period.

An accountant must have knowledge in the following areas: Accounting, tax accounting, financial analysis, basics of auditing, accounting legislation, information about IFRS, basic computer knowledge, 1C, Excel.

An accountant can work in any organization: chief accountant, financial analyst, auditor, consultant, financial director, manager.

Many accounting experts agree that their profession does not require any supernatural abilities. The main thing is that you like her. Accounting education is required in financial institutions, insurance companies, tax and government agencies, industrial enterprises, joint ventures and trading companies as managers of enterprises, chief accountants, financial directors, accountants, managers at various levels of management, auditors, educational teachers establishments. There is one general requirement: excellent knowledge of accounting requirements and conditions.

Thank you for your attention!

The word accountant comes from a German word back in the time of Peter 1 and means book science. Obviously, due to this, and for reasons of overestimation of the importance of accounting and control in general, at all times of the existence of the administrative management system, the attitude of the state and society towards the accounting profession was rather cool.

If earlier an accountant's workplace was equipped with office accounts and microcalculators, and her work was purely manual and unproductive, today it is difficult to imagine accounting without high-performance computers, copiers and other office equipment that facilitate and ennoble the work of an accountant.

The accounting profession is one of the oldest and one of the most widespread. Its first origins go back thousands of years ago, at the moment when people began to purposefully record the facts of economic life; 500 years ago, when Luca Pacioli's book was published, and the understanding of accounting began. And finally, 100 years ago, when the first theoretical constructs in the field of accounting appeared.

In a primitive society, where the economy was no more complicated than our household, everything that could be written down was remembered without writing it down, and the results of labor were insignificant and therefore obvious. Initially there were no numbers. Counting was replaced by notches that were made on tree branches, on animal bones, on cave walls, and even on rock surfaces. A particularly interesting data carrier was the ropes on which knots were tied.

Subsequently, papyrus, fired clay tables - bricks, parchment, wax, wood, paper - became carriers of information. In Greece and Rome they used wax tablets, copper boards, leather, canvas, parchment, papyrus, in Galina - ceramic tiles and pottery shards, in Peru - ropes.

Ancient Egypt can already be called, to a certain extent, if not the birthplace of accounting, then at least the birthplace of inventory, current material accounting and control. The ancient Greeks kept records mainly on tablets whitened with plaster. Papyrus was sometimes used, but it was very expensive. Clay shards were used for rough notes.

Greece became the birthplace of the first calculating device - the abacus - a calculating instrument in the form of a tablet or stylus, reminiscent of a modern abacus. The board was divided into strips or columns along which counting marks were moved or shifted, indicating certain monetary units, as well as units of measure and weight. It was in Greece that money first appeared in the form of coins. The history of accounting is mysterious, because no one can accurately determine the time of its origin.

In the early 90s, during the period of the formation of new market relations, the accounting profession, more than ever before, became one of the most popular in Russia. Not a single enterprise, firm, company can do without accounting, be it a kindergarten or a giant machine-building plant. This specialty is one of the most in demand. For a smart, meticulous and experienced accountant, the head of any company is ready to give, as they say, half a kingdom.

An accountant performs work on various types of accounting (accounting for fixed assets, material assets, production costs; settlements with suppliers and customers, payroll, taxes, etc.). Receives and controls primary documentation for relevant types of accounting and prepares it for accounting processing. Accountants work in enterprises, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership: state, joint-stock, cooperative, private, performing work on various types of accounting.

Accountants record fixed assets, material assets, and production costs. To carry out the financial activities of the enterprise, they make payments to suppliers and customers, payroll, and taxes. Since all financial activities of an enterprise are recorded in documents, the accountant compiles, accepts from other organizations and controls primary documentation for various types of accounting and prepares it for accounting processing. Taking into account the financial activities of the enterprise, the accountant controls all its most important functions. The accountant conducts an economic analysis of production processes, as a result of which reserves are identified, losses and non-production expenses are eliminated

Accountant is a profession that is always required. As long as the state exists, and with it the tax system and financial reporting, there will remain a demand for the accounting profession. Over the past few years, the demand for accounting workers has been quite stable. Its nature, volume, and requirements for specialists are changing, but the demand remains, which is natural.

The apogee of demand for accountants came in the nineties, when cooperatives began to form, privatization began, various types of property appeared and the taxation system changed. Newly founded companies needed specialists for accounting, oriented towards a market economy, which did not exist then; working accountants and newly-minted personnel, due to the changed situation, found themselves in almost an equal position - both had to learn. As you know, it is easier to teach than to retrain, so new firms preferred new accountants. They were either the founders themselves or their relatives, mainly their wives. At the same time, industrial enterprises reduced their production, liberated engineers, as a rule, women, forced to retrain, chose a popular profession - accountants, took courses or independently mastered this profession. Then, after completing short-term courses, you could quickly find a well-paid job. It should be noted that some who managed to become accountants at this time still work in this field.

As a result of this time, there remains an opinion that becoming an accountant is quite simple and accounting is a profession that does not require high qualifications. There is an opinion, but it is clear that the boom of non-professionals has passed. What does an employer require from an accountant today? Experience in a specific field of activity, good command of one of the accounting programs, knowledge of tax legislation, the ability to minimize the tax base An accountant usually works as part of the accounting department of an enterprise, where accounting functions are divided and performs one of them, for example, prepares pay slips for issuing wages fees, calculating personal income tax for each employee, salary deductions for all types of insurance and to various funds. However, the accountant must be fluent in all types of accounting in order to be able to replace other members of the accounting department if necessary.

Carrying out constant calculations, the accountant must constantly monitor himself, checking and recalculating some of them several times. He should not make mistakes, since his mistakes can lead to very serious consequences and affect all employees of the enterprise. An accountant constantly feels this burden of responsibility for the correctness of the calculations he makes, so his work is associated with constant emotional stress.

An accountant needs not only accuracy, high concentration and perseverance, but also a high level of emotional and volitional stability. Currently, most accounting departments have their own computer equipment, so an accountant must be able to work fluently on a PC.

The priority of the accounting profession is now determined by the interests of the state and the needs of the owner, and the requirements for accountants and economists are constantly increasing. The development of the accounting profession is carried out by increasing the intellectual and educational level. Issues of professionalism in any field of activity are issues of quality of work. In market conditions, professionalism at work is the main criterion that determines the usefulness of each employee and his value to the enterprise.

A responsible and organized person, because an accountant simply does not have the right to forget or lose documents, or not submit reports on time. Possessing mathematical abilities, since you will have to constantly deal with numbers, and a mistake here is expensive - in the most literal sense. Working with documents and reports requires high concentration. It is also advisable to have a good memory, developed logical thinking and... be able to keep your mouth shut. Many accounting experts agree that their profession does not require any supernatural abilities. The main thing is that you like her. Accounting education is required in financial institutions, insurance companies, tax, budget and government agencies, industrial enterprises, joint ventures and trading companies as managers of enterprises, chief accountants, financial directors, accountants, managers at various levels of management, auditors, educational teachers establishments. There is one general requirement: excellent knowledge of accounting requirements and conditions

There is no such thing as an accountant as a profession. At enterprises, accountants work in the following areas: cash register, fixed assets, currency transactions, payroll, warehouse. The chief accountant is responsible for all accounting. In a small company, one accountant may be responsible for everything

The work of the accounting department is strictly controlled, on the one hand, by the employer, and on the other, by decrees and regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, which, alas, often contradict each other. Therefore, you need to understand the vicissitudes of legislation and be able to communicate with government agencies, for example, tax authorities. You need to keep in mind the entire financial picture of the enterprise in order to know how any transaction will affect the balance sheet and reporting.

Disadvantages of the profession: Changes in legislation Contradictions in legislation (for example, tax and accounting) Frequent communication with representatives of government agencies, especially the tax inspectorate You have to follow the instructions of your superiors, even if they seem incorrect in a given situation The activities of an accountant are strictly regulated and do not leave room for creativity Mistakes accountants lead to sanctions, fines, etc.

Personal qualities: People in this profession must, first of all, be responsible and organized, because late submission of a report or the loss of a document can be costly to the company. In addition, he must love numbers - he will have to deal with them every day, and a mistake can be fatal. High concentration, scrupulousness and perseverance are also required. It’s good to have a good memory and, most importantly, you need to be able to remain silent (since often an accountant has to keep trade secrets).

For a long time I dreamed of having a profession that is rare not only for women, but even for men. So, for example, I wanted to be a doctor, or rather a surgeon. Then I wanted to become a military man, or rather to serve the Motherland. I wanted to become a Policeman. And when the time came to choose, I panicked, and the question “where?” suddenly began to torment me and all my relatives the most... But for several serious reasons, my dreams could not be realized, and soon my parents advised me to become an economist. "An economist?" “I asked myself, “why not?”

My dad pushed me to get an economics education. One day we started talking about professions that interested me. Dad picked up a rubber gnome, given to me by a friend, and using this toy as an example, he talked about the work of an economist. “The economist’s task is to calculate the costs of making this gnome: how much rubber and dyes will be required, what is the cost of the mold for its production, what is the salary of the worker, employees, management, what taxes must be paid, and how much profit the company will receive from the sale of the toy.” , - said dad.

I enrolled in accounting and don’t regret it. After two months of study, it became clear to me that an accountant is a profession needed in all areas of activity. The work is painstaking, requires concentration, but is interesting. You feel like a person needed by society, you are proud of it. In addition, we have a great group and excellent teaching staff. And who knows, maybe someday I will become a professional accountant

The work of an accountant is dangerous, difficult, fun, and important “All over the world, many people read the profession of accountant, as well as accounting itself, as a boring, dry, difficult matter, but if you look very carefully, this turns out to be completely different. Accountants who love their occupation, have a good sense of humor, joke, and sometimes in their spare time they compose funny poems, puzzles, crosswords about accounting..."

Know that accounting is a science - a most interesting thing! He will teach you how to manage, how to draw up documents, how to receive money from the bank, and how to calculate expenses. Pay off taxes so as not to lose money. It is a profitable investment to solve the issue with profit. So that interest income from bills and dividends comes to your account - Study accounting! Once you study accounting, your business will start right away. In general, with such luggage you will be indispensable.

“My profession is an accountant” specialty: 02.38.01 “Economics and accounting”

Who is an accountant?
An accountant (German: Buchhalter, Buch - book, Halter - holder) is a specialist in the field of accounting. Currently, the profession is important, not a single enterprise can do without it!!!

If earlier an accountant's workplace was equipped with office accounts and microcalculators, and his work was purely manual and unproductive, today it is difficult to imagine accounting without high-performance computers, copiers and other office equipment that facilitate and ennoble the work of an accountant.

The accountant has almost completely lost purely accounting functions: his main task is now more to analyze business situations.

Recognized as the international emblem of accountants. It depicts: the sun, scales, Bernoulli curve. Motto: Science, Trust, Independence.
Coat of arms of accountants

Coat of arms of accountants
The sun shines on our coat of arms, Lighting up everything around us, And Libra is responsible for harmony - the balance sheet. The curve flies into infinity from the sun, taking its run. This means that the accounting will remain for eternity, As long as a person lives!

Meaning of symbols
The sun - illumination of accounting financial activities Libra - balance Bernoulli curve - a symbol of the fact that accounting, having arisen once, will exist forever

The word "accountant" originated in Germany. Initially, persons involved in maintaining accounting books were called scribes. Since 1498, at the behest of Emperor Maximilian 1, they began to be called accountants.
A little history

Accounting is very necessary and important. If you don’t keep track of income and expenses, then there will be no order in the organization’s work! In addition, without accounting, the state would not be able to control the operation of the enterprise.

Perseverance Attentiveness Analytical abilities Resistance to monotonous work Efficiency Resistance to stress Low fatigue Easy learning
Personal qualities of an accountant

Ability to read, understand, hear numbers Availability of professional flair Self-motivation Ability to persuade Ability to control Ability to work in a team Ability to use economic and mathematical methods, models and modern technical management tools
General professional skills and abilities

Service ladder

Demand in the labor market Predominantly fixed working hours You can have additional income, for example, help with bookkeeping for small entrepreneurs Career growth
Pros of the profession

Frequent changes and contradictions in legislation Constant communication with representatives of government bodies, especially with the tax inspectorate The activities of an accountant are strictly regulated and do not leave room for creativity Accountant errors lead to sanctions, fines, etc.
Cons of the profession

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vladimir region

Presentation on the topic:
"Profession accountant"

Sukhova Anna
Kalashnikova I.A.

Gus - Khrustalny

The accounting profession is one of the most widespread and in demand, both throughout the world and in Russia.
This is understandable. After all, not a single enterprise today can do without accounting as
method of documenting business accounting.

A little history

The accounting profession is one of the oldest and one of the most widespread. Its first origins go back thousands of years, 6000 years ago, at the moment when people began to purposefully record the facts of economic life; 500 years ago, when Luca Pacioli’s book was published, the understanding of accounting began, and, finally, 100 years ago, when the first theoretical constructs in the field of accounting appeared.

Pros and cons of the accountant profession

In the profession of an accountant, as in all professions, there are advantages:

Demand in the labor market,

Mainly normal working hours

You can earn extra income, for example, by helping small entrepreneurs with bookkeeping.

There are also disadvantages:

Changes in legislation

Contradictions in legislation (for example, tax and accounting),

Frequent communication with representatives of government agencies, especially the tax office,

You have to follow the instructions of your superiors, even if they seem wrong in a given situation,

The activities of an accountant are strictly regulated and leave no room for creativity,

Accountant mistakes lead to sanctions and fines

Functional responsibilities

Typical responsibilities of an accountant include:
maintaining accounting, tax, management records - in one or several areas;
drawing up the organization's accounting policies;
interaction with regulatory organizations.

People of this profession must, first of all, be patient, honest, careful, emotionally and mentally stable.
In addition, he must love numbers; he will have to deal with them every day, and a mistake can be fatal. High concentration, scrupulousness and perseverance are also required. It’s good to have a good memory and, most importantly, you need to be able to remain silent, since often an accountant has to keep trade secrets.

I would like to note that a modern accountant must be legally literate: know the laws, orders, regulations, and must timely monitor any changes in legislation.
Today, all accounting is automated. Using the 1C program, specially created to help in such a difficult task as accounting and analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise, you can quickly obtain any report of interest for any specified period.

An accountant must have knowledge in the following areas:

Accounting, tax accounting, financial analysis, basics of auditing, accounting legislation, information about IFRS, basic computer knowledge, 1C, Excel.

The accountant can work
in any organizations: An accountant can work
in any organizations:
chief accountant
Financial analyst
financial director

Slide No. 10

Many accounting experts agree that their profession does not require any supernatural abilities. The main thing is that you like her. Accounting education is required in financial institutions, insurance companies, tax and government agencies, industrial enterprises, joint ventures and trading companies as managers of enterprises, chief accountants, financial directors, accountants, managers at various levels of management, auditors, educational teachers establishments. There is one general requirement: excellent knowledge of accounting requirements and conditions.

Slide 2

Accountant (German: “Buch” - book, “Halter” - holder) is a specialist in the field of accounting. The accounting profession is one of the oldest and one of the most widespread; not a single enterprise can do without it. The word "accountant" originated at the end of the Middle Ages. In 1498, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian 1 appointed Christopher Stecher as “accountant”. An accountant is a specialist who works on an accounting system in accordance with current legislation.

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The accounting profession is the most important profession of our time. Not a single economy in the world can manage without accounting.

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The history of accounting is as old as civilization. A long time ago, when there were no numbers, people already knew the basics of accounting. They made notes about their household, and the score was replaced by notches that they made on tree branches, on animal bones, on cave walls, and even on rock surfaces. But a particularly interesting data carrier was the ropes on which knots were tied. Subsequently, papyrus, baked clay tables - “bricks”, parchment, wax, wood, and paper became carriers of information. Subsequently, papyrus, clay tables, parchment, and paper became carriers. Ancient Egypt became the birthplace of inventory, current material accounting and control. Greece became the birthplace of the first abacus, a counting instrument. Here, for the first time, coins appear in the form of money.

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The accounting profession is one of the mass professions; it is in demand in a wide variety of organizations. These specialists can work in the accounting department of any institution, in large firms and banks, in enterprises in the departments of economic planning and analysis. The work of an accountant is to perform the following functions: maintaining accounting and tax records; preparation of periodic reports and their submission to tax authorities and government funds; payroll for employees of the organization; Maintaining cash register and related documentation.

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The work of an accountant is not at all limited to the world of assets, liabilities, entries and balances. A true professional must be aware of everything that is related to the activities of the organization in which he works, be interested in economics, politics, monitor changes in legislation and constantly improve his skills. Each profession has its own qualities, accountants must have: pedantry; responsibility; organization; high intellectual performance; developed logical thinking; independence; attention to detail; high concentration of attention; analytical thinking; tendency to work with documentation and large amounts of information.

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