Essay “The strength and weakness of Bazarov. What is the strength of Yevgeny Bazarov’s personality? (Based on Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”) The clash of free consciousness and the old order

A young man named Evgeny Bazarov was an obvious supporter of nihilism; he denied all existing orders of any authority. But all the events that became the consequences of his turbulent personal life, over time, forced him to abandon some of his views.

The power of Bazarov's nihilism.

Nihilism - this word was fashionable and denoted a philosophical movement of the 19th century.

It was described in the literature in the following words: “This word means a person... who does not recognize anything... does not respect anything...”.

Bazarov was a medical student and did not respect any authorities; all the achievements and conclusions made by people who lived in the world before his appearance meant nothing.

“Why should I admit this? And what exactly do I need to believe? They tell me the point, I accept it, that’s all,” this is how Bazarov expressed his point of view.

More often than not, such reasoning and statements of his baffled all of Bazarov’s opponents; no one could answer his sometimes ruthless and unprincipled questions. Bazarov considered himself smarter and “higher” than everyone with whom he dealt. He justified such thoughts by the fact that he was not interested or important in those things that those around him considered valuable and important for humanity. He tried to assert his independence from any conventions, and even from reasonable boundaries. He was a complete materialist, and this trait knew no bounds: “Raphael is not worth a penny, and Russian artists are even less.”

As a result of his worldview, he even stopped recognizing love, although he was a young, attractive and cheerful man. And he expressed his attitude towards women, which was very contemptuous, in the following words: “Only freaks think freely between women.”

But Bazarov’s nihilism also had its vulnerable sides.

What became important was that no matter how Bazarov denied high matters, they did not cease to exist. And after meeting Anna Odintsova, Bazarov’s whole life “turned around,” as love was revealed to him. And the passion, ardor and unbridledness with which he plunged into this feeling proved to Anna that it was precisely such an unpredictable person that she did not want to allow into her life. And with his actions he destroyed this feeling that he had only just begun to understand. As a result, Bazarov had to learn to live by the rules that society dictates.

Evgeniy realized that everything he had believed in for so long had collapsed, his theory turned out to be wrong. He realized that it is impossible to erase feelings, emotions and moral principles from life, that they are necessary for a person at the same level as the application of skills acquired in practice.

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The image of Bazarov occupies a central place in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Only in two chapters out of twenty-eight is this person not the main character. All other characters described by the author are grouped around Bazarov, help to see certain traits of his character more clearly, and also reveal themselves. Bazarov is radically different from the people around him: he is smart, has enormous spiritual strength, but among the representatives of the county aristocracy he experiences loneliness. This is a commoner who adheres to democratic views, opposes the serfdom, a materialist who has gone through a difficult school of hardship and labor. The image of Bazarov attracts attention with its independence and ability to think independently and freely.

The clash of free consciousness and the old orders

The plot of Turgenev's novel is based on Bazarov's clash with the aristocratic world of that time. The author reveals the character and life position of the hero in his conflict with the “damned barchuks.” In the work, the writer actively uses contrasts: Bazarov is contrasted with Pavel Petrovich. One of them is a staunch democrat, and the other is a typical representative of the aristocratic class. Bazarov is consistent, purposeful, possessive. In turn, Pavel Petrovich is soft-bodied and is in a state of some “divination.” His beliefs are random, he has no idea of ​​his goal.

As already mentioned, the image of Bazarov is most fully revealed in the hero’s disputes with other characters. Talking with Pavel Petrovich, he demonstrates to us the maturity of the mind, the ability to look at the root, contempt and hatred of the lordly-slave order. The relationship between Bazarov and Arkady reveals the personality of the first from a new side: he acts as an educator, teacher and friend, shows the ability to attract young people to his side, intransigence and honesty in friendship. And his relationship with Odintsova shows that, among other things, Bazarov is capable of deep, true love. This is an integral nature, having willpower and possessing

Origin of Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov, whose image is the topic of our discussion today, comes from a simple family. His grandfather was a peasant, and his father was a county doctor. Bazarov speaks with undisguised pride about the fact that his grandfather plowed the land. He is proud that he studied for “copper money” and that he achieved everything he has on his own. Work for this person is a real moral need. Even when relaxing in the village, he is not able to sit with his hands folded. Bazarov communicates with people simply, guided by sincere interest. And this is once again confirmed by the fact that after he visits Arkady, the yard boys “ran after the doctor like little dogs,” and during Motya’s illness he gladly helps Fenya. Bazarov behaves simply and confidently in any company, he does not seek to impress others and under any circumstances remains himself.

Denial as the basis of the hero’s worldview

The image of Bazarov is the image of a supporter of “merciless and complete denial.” What does this strong and extraordinary person deny? He himself gives the answer to this question: “Everything.” Bazarov denies literally all aspects of the socio-political structure of Russia in those years.

The main character of the novel does not succumb to the influence of others, but knows how to win other people over to his side. His strong influence on Arkady is obvious, and in disputes with Nikolai Petrovich he is so convincing that he makes him doubt his views. The aristocrat Odintsova also could not resist the charm of Bazarov’s personality. However, in fairness, it should be noted that not all of the hero’s judgments are true. After all, Bazarov denied the beauty of the living nature around him, and art, and the boundless sphere of human emotions and experiences. However, apparently, his love for Odintsova forced him to rethink these views and rise one step higher.


Turgenev portrays a man who is one step ahead of his time in his creation. The image of Bazarov is alien to the world and the era in which he lives. However, at the same time as the character’s inexhaustible spiritual strength, the author also shows us the “other side of the coin” - his ideological, political and even psychological loneliness in the alien environment of the nobles. Demonstrating Bazarov’s readiness to change the world around him for the better, to “clear” it for those who will build a new state with new orders, Turgenev, however, does not give his hero the opportunity to act. After all, in his opinion, Russia does not need such destructive actions.

Essay “The Powers and Impotence of Bazarov” Who can help me write?? I will thank you and received the best answer

Answer from Elena Ivleva[expert]
What is his strength? The fact is that he is a representative of the new time. Aristocrats, like Pavel Petrovich, have outlived their usefulness. They lived well at the expense of others, but with their help the country fell behind Europe. We need new people and new ideas. Evgeny Bazarov shows us this new idea throughout the entire novel. If you look closely, you can see the similarities between the time that Turgenev describes and ours. Today, too, old ideas, and with them the leaders of the Communist Party, are gone. We need to carry out reforms and pull the country out of the swamp. There are endless debates about how to do this.
What is Bazarov's weakness? In my opinion, his main weakness is that he only denies, he does not bring anything positive. How can people live with only denial? Today, too, there are many people who perfectly criticize the old, perfectly prove that a lot needs to be changed, but cannot offer anything worthwhile, much less do. For them, as in Nekrasov’s poems, it turns out: “if it gets to the point, then it’s a disaster, the world is to blame for the failures then.” And Evgeny Bazarov appropriated to himself the “title” of a nihilist and denies everything: religion, science, family, morality, etc. It becomes especially creepy when you think about the fact that he also denies such things as art and love. Of course, life is richer than his ideas, and the “theorist” himself falls in love “stupidly, madly.” While Evgeny Bazarov is talking about this in the Kirsanovs’ dining room or in Odintsova’s living room, this is his business, his whim. But what if he comes to power? And these are the ones who are eager to come to her...
I remember the famous passage in the dispute between Kirsanov and Bazarov. Nikolai Petrovich asks why Bazarov and his like-minded people deny everything, but in fact, they destroy, but do not build anything? After all, it is necessary to build? Bazarov proudly answers:
“This is no longer our business... First we need to clear the place.” And I involuntarily want to enter into an argument. Ask about how you can destroy something without receiving the approval of the one who lives in this building? How can you break without a clear plan of what and how to build? Isn’t it like that after 1917, they were breaking hard in order to “clear the place”, exclaiming: “We are ours, we will build a new world!”, and then it turned out; that “architects” are illiterate and criminals too?
Maybe some people like such heroes. But for me, a gardener cultivating his small garden, an illiterate old woman looking after the kids, are much more “heroes” than Bazarov. After all, they create to the best of their ability, and he destroys.
How can you break it without even knowing why? Pavel Petrovich rightly cannot understand this. And Bazarov’s “young student” Arkady answers him: “We break because we are strength.” And force, in his opinion, does not give an account. I would really not like the old rulers to be replaced by new ones who consider their main duty only to “clear the place” and not to build a new one. After all, this is where you and I live...
And I have nothing to add to Pavel Petrovich’s thought that the last musician, who is given five kopecks for the evening, is more useful than people like Bazarov, because he is a representative of civilization, and not brute Mongolian force.
Of course, Bazarov cannot be wrong in everything. He quite rightly condemns the idleness of Pavel Petrovich, and with him the idealists of his era, who only talk about business and the common good.
But in this case, the natural question is: what does Bazarov himself do? He denies, and that's all. He does not accept this world, does not agree with it, but also does not strive for any improvement. He believes that the task of him and his associates is to “clear the place” for future generations. He is not going to build himself, that is, he actually lives by the principle - “after us, even a flood.”

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is the main character of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons." Undoubtedly, it was his image that played a huge role in the formation of all Russian literature. Bazarov is a character who changed the worldview of many who lived at that time. His nihilism, opposition to general norms and values, and promotion of his own way of life prompted the desire in the younger generation to break the chains of the “old” burden in the form of outdated values ​​and rules.

No matter how much I want to be like Bazarov, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we have few similarities. At the same time, I believe, Evgeniy is a “warehouse” of both positive and negative qualities. He, in fact, is an example for many - intelligence, the ability to express one’s own opinion, intelligence, versatility, moral and physical strength, and self-confidence in one’s actions.

It would seem, where does such a person have negative qualities? Alas, they do exist - this is his pride against the background of his worldview, some selfishness, but what surprises me most is that for him the concepts of “pity”, “kindness”, “love” do not exist.

Bazarov’s attitude towards women was no less upsetting. There was, in fact, no relationship. Evgeny does not know how to communicate with the opposite sex, he is not able to sacrifice anything for the sake of another person, he denies certain responsibilities in the relationship between a man and a woman.

It is also frustrating that Bazarov’s family never appeared in the novel as characters. Reading Eugene’s story, I hoped until the very end for the appearance of a family, so that I could understand whether the hero was raised by his parents as a nihilist or whether he himself formed such a way of life.

Despite the above, Bazarov is still a unique personality who is distinguished by his originality; Evgeny was not created according to someone else’s template. There is not a single hero in all of Russian literature who was even half like this character.

It seems to me that Bazarov simply has not fully formed as a person. There is some uncertainty in his words. An example of this is the way he talked about love - supposedly it is just a “chemical process,” but having fallen in love with Odintsova, the hero immediately renounces his words and admits that love is something immeasurable, living its own life inside every person.

If we talk about my attitude towards Bazarov, I honestly don’t know how I feel about him. If we think logically, Evgeniy is smart, honest, strong, versatile, in a word - attractive as a person, but on the other hand, his excessive self-confidence and selfishness are repulsive. If I am asked to make a final choice, I will still answer that I mainly have positive emotions for this hero, because he is the image of the “new”, going against the “old”, ready to remove him from his throne at any moment.

Reflecting on the question of whether Bazarov is needed at the present time and whether he could live in this era, I will undoubtedly answer - he is needed. The hero himself asked this question and said: “Russia needs me... No, apparently I don’t.” Perhaps Russia did not need him at that particular time, because the forces were very unequal and his attempts to transform the country were not supported by the majority. But if we talk about current Russia, then, undoubtedly, “Bazarovs” are needed, because expressing one’s own point of view, and not blind submission, is a very important ability in the age of TV, media, and the Internet. Bazarov promoted evolution, progress, he is an example for the new generation, capable of destroying the “old” and building the “new” with its numbers.

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