Presentation "Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (from work experience)." Presentation on the topic "Essay on the Unified State Exam" Link to a generalized person

Self-control is a confident look and a firm hand. Self-control is stability in any situation. Self-control is a quick calculation and accurate reaction. Self-control is control not only over one’s own, but also over other people’s emotions. Self-control is patience, tolerance and tact.

Benefits of Self-Control Self-control gives a person the ability to act rationally rather than emotionally. Self-control contributes to making the right decisions, especially in extreme situations. Self-control helps you see the world through the prism of calm and self-confidence. Self-control comes to the rescue in cases that unrestrained people later regret.

Introduction, - formulation of the problem, - commentary on the problem, - position of the author of the text, - position of the author of the essay, - first proof of his position (from literature), - second proof of his position (from literature or from life), - conclusion. Working on an essay

Typical constructions: 1. In the text proposed for analysis, the focus is…(who?)….. the current problem…….(what?). 2. The proposed text is devoted to the problem….. 3. The text examines, studies, analyzes the problem…. 4. In the text proposed for analysis, the author examines a number of important issues. The author pays special attention to the problem...

1. We express our opinion on the problem RAISED! Ethically correct! (No need to lose 1 point...) 2. Arguments (2!!!) - evidence, explanations, examples. 3. YOUR opinion – a small text inside the entire essay “C”: - thesis (your position on the problem with a dose of emotion!); - actually 2 arguments; - conclusion (overall).

Thus, systematic preparation of students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is impossible without constant, thoughtful, purposeful work on each Unified State Exam task: diagnostic test, repetition of rules, training tests, followed by a control test. Without clearly planned, daily work, it will be difficult for students to complete the Unified State Examination tasks, therefore, they must work hard and conscientiously to improve their literacy level. Patience and hard work are the beginning of great success!

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Task formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text. Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

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Composition of the essay

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    “From the author’s position to the problem”

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    Types of information in text

    Factual information is a message about facts, events, processes mentioned in the text. Conceptual information is the author’s subjective understanding of the relationships between facts, events, their assessment, and understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between events. Subtextual information is not indicated in words, but only implied.

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    Principles of commentary construction

    The commentary must be logically connected with the previous and subsequent parts of the essay. The commentary should be based on the text, but not turn into a paraphrase. The factual information of the text should be framed by conceptual information from the author of the essay (Why did the hero do this? How do these words characterize the hero? For what purpose did the author give this quote? etc.)

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    Comment structure

    Example 1 Example 2

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    Algorithm for working with text

    State the problem. Find 2 examples in the text that are important for understanding this particular problem. (They can be emphasized.) Think about the importance and significance of these examples for revealing the author’s thoughts. Include these examples logically in your essay. (Movement of thought from the problem to the position of the author.)

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    Ways to refer to text

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    Quote “These are the laws of life: everything that flies up sooner or later returns to the ground,” writes the author. At first glance, it may seem that these words contain the meaning of the text. However, the writer does not agree with this primitive philosophy. It is no coincidence that Kolka’s heart skips a beat when he sees planes in the sky. All his life the hero carries within himself the pain of a betrayed dream.

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    Indirect quotation Why does Kolka fearfully hide his excited gaze from his fishermen neighbors? Apparently, because the hero is ashamed of the weakness he once showed, for the fact that he abandoned his cherished dream.

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    Reflection on the facts, events mentioned in the text Revealing the problem, the writer depicts boys who save geese trapped in ice. This act, not in words, but in deeds, shows concern for our little brothers. Indeed, not everyone is able to risk themselves for the sake of animals.

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    Journalistic text

    How does the author construct his argument? What arguments does it use? What examples does he give? What is their significance? Who is the author quoting? For what? What is the significance of these quotes? What thoughts of the author deserve special attention? Why? What means of expression help the author convey his thoughts to the reader? What is the author's emotional response to the events depicted? What is the author's attitude towards the depicted?

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    Ch. Aitmatov “Books that open us”

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    Journalistic text. Essay fragment

    What is the role of books in human life and society? Chingiz Aitmatov is thinking about this problem. The author is sincerely convinced that the book is “an important link in the spiritual connection of people.” Indeed, books pass on knowledge from generation to generation, unite like-minded people, transcending time and space, and preserve the spiritual values ​​of humanity.

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    It seems to me that Aitmatov’s idea that “every book requires complete detachment from vain affairs” is especially important. The writer wants to say that reading does not tolerate fuss and the book will reveal its secrets only to a thoughtful, attentive, sensitive reader. In fact, real literature not only provides food for the mind, but also awakens the soul and prevents us from becoming hardened and indifferent.

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    Artistic text

    What examples does the author use to reveal the problem? What facts, events, actions of heroes deserve special attention? Why? Are there significant literary details in the text? What is their significance? What means of expression help the author convey his thoughts to the reader? What is the author's emotional response to the events depicted? What is the author's attitude towards the depicted?

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    B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”

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    Source text fragment

    It was painful to think about my grandmother. How can I help her? What did your mother advise? He says it helps. It may well be. This is the psyche. Order, shout - and he will stop. Grisha walked leisurely and walked, thinking, and in his soul something warmed and melted, something burned and burned. All evening at dinner, and then reading a book, watching TV, Grisha was thinking about the past. I remembered and looked at my grandmother, thinking: “Just so as not to fall asleep.”

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    “Bread... cards...” Baba Dunya said in great agony, with tears. The boy's heart was filled with pity and pain. Forgetting what he had thought about, he knelt down in front of the bed and began to convince, softly, affectionately: “Here are your cards, granny... In a blue handkerchief, right?” yours in a blue scarf? These are yours, you dropped them. And I picked it up. “You see, take it,” he repeated persistently. “They’re all intact, take them...” Baba Dunya fell silent. Apparently, there, in a dream, she heard and understood everything. The words did not come immediately. But they came:

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    - Mine, mine... My handkerchief, blue. People will say. I dropped my cards. Christ save me, good man... Grisha understood from her voice that she was about to cry. “There’s no need to cry,” he said loudly. - The cards are intact. Why cry? Take some bread and bring it to the kids. “Bring it, have dinner and go to bed,” he said, as if he was ordering. - And sleep peacefully. Sleep. Baba Dunya fell silent.

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    Baba Dunya obediently turned over on her right side, put her palm under her head and fell asleep. Now it's until morning. Grisha sat over her, got up, and turned off the light in the kitchen. The lopsided moon, descending, looked out the window. The snow turned white, sparkling with living sparks. Grisha lay down in bed, anticipating how he would tell his grandmother tomorrow and how they were together... But suddenly a clear thought burned him: he couldn’t talk. He understood clearly - not a word, not even a hint. It must stay and die in him. You need to do and be silent. Tomorrow night and the one that comes after it. You need to do and be silent. And healing will come.

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    Artistic text. Essay fragment

    Are all of us ready to give kindness to our loved ones and take care of them? The writer Boris Ekimov reflects on this question, addressing the problem of mercy.

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    The author reveals the problem using the example of the relationship between a grandmother and her grandson. The writer strives for each of us to feel the heroine’s mental pain: after all, Baba Dunya’s terrible dreams are echoes of war, anxiety for children who are threatened with death from hunger. Ekimov shows how sympathy awakens in Grisha’s soul. The boy understands that his grandmother’s spiritual wounds cannot be cured by shouting “Be silent!” The phrase that echoes the title of the story deserves special attention: “And healing will come.” With these words, the writer convinces us that kindness and mercy can heal any mental pain.

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    F. Krivin “Two stones”

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    I read the latest novel by Alexander Chernyaev. An unfinished novel, because Chernyaev died of hunger in Leningrad in 1942. In the evening I read an article about Chernyaev. She talked about how he lived in Leningrad during the siege, how he worked and even went to the front in the very cold, under fire, to speak to the soldiers. And suddenly at the end of the article I read the following, believe it or not:

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    “In winter, it seems, in January, I went to see Chernyaev. It was cold. We put broken chairs in the potbelly stove. Suddenly Chernyaev said: “A strange thing happened to me.” The other day I received a parcel. - Which one? - I ask. - It's a blockade. - It is unknown from whom. There was condensed milk and sugar. “You really need this,” I say.

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    And he answers: “Don’t the children need it?” I'm an old man, and you should look at the kids in the next apartment. They still have to live and live. And you gave them the parcel? - What would you do in my place, young man? - Chernyaev asked, and I felt ashamed that I could ask such a question. This, sad as it is to admit today, was my last meeting with the writer.”

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    I re-read these lines five times. I myself should have guessed that if the old man received such a package, he would not suck condensed milk in the corner. Not such an old man... (According to Kir Bulychev)

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    Problem formulations

    The Great Patriotic War left a deep mark on the history of our country. Stories about the life of besieged Leningrad are amazing examples of courage and perseverance, humanity and the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others. It is the problem of self-sacrifice that Kir Bulychev raises. What is good nature and how does it affect a person? Kir Bulychev tells us about the good nature of a person during the blockade. Should we help others during difficult times or should we only take care of ourselves? The writer Kir Bulychev thought about this question.

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    The text by Kir Bulychev raises the problem of compassion for the younger generation. Probably, each of us has thought about the question: “What should be a truly noble act, and therefore a truly noble person?” Kir Bulychev dedicated his text to this important problem. This text raises the problem of hunger during the siege.

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    Essay fragment 1

    Bulychev in this text talks about the writer Chernyaev. How he lived in Leningrad during the siege, how he, risking his life, went to the front in front of the soldiers. Once he received a package from an unknown person, it contained condensed milk and sugar. But he did not keep it for himself, since there were children living next door who were starving. He was a noble man and sacrificed it to him, although he himself could barely walk and was very weak. You could say this was one of his last good deeds.

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    The author introduces us to the content of the article about the writer Chernyaev. It is no coincidence that Bulychev mentions that Alexander Grigorievich continued to write in besieged Leningrad, and went to the front in front of the soldiers under fire. All this points to his sense of duty and inner nobility. The author’s particular admiration is for the episode with the parcel that Chernyaev gives to the starving children. This act is a real feat of self-sacrifice.

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    Essay fragment 2

    All living beings have an instinct of self-preservation. But a person is also characterized by something that is often contradictory, if, of course, it is a person, namely: mercy, self-sacrifice. These qualities are not alien to the writer Chernyaev, who gave a parcel of condensed milk and sugar to save children from hunger. Perhaps this was the reason for his death, who knows... But one thing can be said with confidence: his death was not in vain. It was a necessary measure to save young lives.

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    All living beings have an instinct of self-preservation. However, man, unlike animals, is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of the lives of others. As an example, Kir Bulychev cites the act of the writer Alexander Chernyaev, who, shortly before his death, gave a parcel of food to save hungry children. The author is convinced that the death of this man was not in vain: he proved that even in the terrible years of war, a humane, truly human element remains alive in people.

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    Essay fragment 3

    The author reveals the problem using the example of the act of the writer Chernyaev, who gave a parcel of food to neighboring children, although he himself suffered from hunger. This act shows that any elderly person thinks not only about himself, but also about others. What can we say about the younger generation? Young people are more often concerned only with their lives, which they live without doing anything good. The author is alarmed by this indifference to others, and in his text he calls on people to help their neighbors.

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    Differentiation of concepts

    Narrator Author “I-narrative” - statements about events from the first person, usually from a participant in the events. A story from inside the depicted world. “He-narration” is a distant portrayal by an impersonal subject of a character referred to in the third person. A story from outside the depicted world.

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    Analysis of the text by Felix Krivin

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    There is a joyful event in the Drill family: a son is born. Parents can’t stop looking at their son, the neighbors look at him and are surprised: he looks just like his father! And they named their son Corkscrew. Time passes, Corkscrew grows stronger and matures. He should really study it, try himself on metal (after all, all of us are hereditary metalworkers), but his parents don’t let him: he’s still young, let him first learn something soft. Father takes home corks - special corks - and with them Corkscrew learns drilling skills. This is how Drill's son is raised - in traffic jams. When the time comes and they try to give him something harder (they drilled it, they say, he’s already learned it) - no matter what! Corkscrew doesn't even want to listen! He begins to look for corks for himself and look closely at bottles. The old Drills are surprised: how did their son get away with it? (F. Krivin)

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    Compare the problem statements proposed by the students. Indicate the numbers of the correct answers. Why do you disagree with some of the wording options? Explain your answer.

    Should children continue the family business of their parents and is it possible to instill a love for the profession by force? F. Krivin raises the problem of raising children and poses the following question to the reader: is the excessive care of parents about their children always justified? Are parents always right when choosing a profession for a child? F. Krivin’s text raises the problem of the wrong approach to raising a child. F. Krivin raises the problem of raising children and shows what influences the formation of personality. Should children continue the work of their parents against their wishes?

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    Edit unsuccessful formulations of problems in essays based on the text by F. Krivin. Write down the corrected version.

    1. The author has a problem that worries him. This is an education problem. 2. The author of this text is concerned about the problem of raising children. 3. The problem of the text, authored by F. Krivin, is education. 4. Every chick sooner or later falls out of the nest. Until when should you raise your child? The author suggests thinking about this problem.

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    Editing a comment

    In this text, author Felix Krivin raises the problem of personality formation. Much in a person's personality depends on his parents. The author gives people an analogy with drills and a corkscrew. Parents (Drill) protected their son (Corkscrew) from rough metal. My son learned from traffic jams. So what grew was not a strong working drill, but a fragile and thin corkscrew. Felix Krivin raises the problem of personality formation. Much in the formation of a person depends on parents. The writer, using allegory, draws an analogy between people and inanimate objects: Drills are overly caring parents who protect their child (Corkscrew) from serious work. As the author shows, as a result of such upbringing, the son grows up spoiled and unsuited to work.

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    As an example of improper upbringing, the author cites the Sverla family, into which a son, Shtopor, is born. Parents admire their son and watch him grow. Parents protect the child, think that he is still young, and give him easy work. The father brings home corks, with which the father thinks he will learn drilling skills. But when the time comes to move on to harder work, the son does not want to give up the easier one. And after this, parents do not admire their son so much. As an example of improper upbringing, the author describes a family in which parents overindulge their child and give him only the easiest work. The writer shows that excessive parental care has a detrimental effect on children who grow up not adapted to independent life.

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    There is an opinion that a person’s name predetermines his fate. You can verify this by reading the text: calling their son Corkscrew, the parents independently determined the type of his activity. Disagreements begin from this moment. After all, a corkscrew is intended for completely different purposes than working metal drills. Personifying inanimate objects, the author selects “speaking” names for them. Drills (working tools) symbolize people who know the value of work. It is no coincidence that Krivin calls them “hereditary metalheads.” But even such people’s children grow up to be lazy if their parents raise them incorrectly. Hence the child's name Corkscrew - the embodiment of an idle life.

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    What is the author's position?

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    How to identify the author's position?

    What did the author want to tell his readers when creating the text? How does the author assess the specific situation being described and the actions of the characters? What words, artistic techniques express the author’s attitude, give a negative or positive assessment of the described facts?

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    Argument structure

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    Arguments worth 1 point

    Examples from personal experience Generalized examples from life Conjectural examples Link to a generalized person Links to generally valid experience Proverbs, aphorisms Links to films

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    An example from personal experience

    Thesis: a computer will not replace a book. I don't agree with the author on everything. It just so happens that there are not very many books in my library, but thanks to the Internet, I have collected a fairly large collection of electronic publications, which I actively use. It seems to me that thanks to electronic media, the book simply acquired a new look and even became more accessible to the reader.

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    Generalized example from life

    Thesis: Mass literature has a negative impact on human development. Among my peers, unfortunately, I often meet people who read nothing but entertaining literature - detective or adventure novels. I am sincerely sorry that many people limit their horizons to primitive “reading”, not wanting to learn more about the world and themselves than mass literature or entertaining television programs can give.

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    Speculative example

    Thesis: the ability to sympathize is the most important quality of a spiritually developed person. Let's imagine for a moment a world in which there are no people capable of empathy. You have difficulties, you need help, and your best friend (however, are friends possible in such a world?) says: “I don’t have time! Figure it out yourself." You are sick, you feel bad, and your parents indifferently say: “Go to the doctor,” and as if nothing had happened, they take on household chores... Would you like to live in such an indifferent world? I think no. From the people who surround us, we expect sympathy, a willingness to share grief and joy with us. It is the attention of others that helps a person understand that he is not alone, that he has a reason to live in this world.

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    Link to a generic person

    Psychologists have proven that to be a good leader, professional knowledge and organizational skills alone are not enough. It is also necessary to see in subordinates not just conscientious executors of someone else’s will, but a team of employees; one must be able to create a favorable psychological climate in it.

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    Link to general experience

    Thesis: communication with books is important in childhood, during the period of personality formation. In childhood, the content of a book is perceived especially vividly and often evokes strong emotions. I think this will be confirmed by everyone who traveled through Wonderland with Alice, or helped Robinson explore a desert island, or fought against dark forces together with the heroes of folk tales.

    The Unified State Exam (USE) is the main form of state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, which graduates of Russian schools must pass after finishing 11th grade, as well as a form of entrance tests for admission to Russian universities.

    The required exams for obtaining a certificate are Russian language and mathematics. The remaining subjects are optional.

    Unified State Exam 2018 - presentation from the official website of Rosobrnadzor

    The Rosobrnadzor website periodically publishes useful information for graduates and their parents in the “Information Materials” section.

    Useful online resources about the Unified State Exam

    When preparing for exams, you should first of all pay attention to the website of Rosobrnadzor ( and the official information portal of the unified state exam ( - information about the Unified State Exam is primarily published there, which one way or another may be of interest to future participants.

    To understand what awaits you in the exam in a specific subject, we recommend that you visit the website of the developers of the Unified State Examination materials - the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) (, which contains a lot of useful information.

    To understand how to perform the exam work, you should first familiarize yourself with the demo versions of control measuring materials (CMM) of the Unified State Examination in this year’s subjects ( specifikacii-kodi-fikatory). They will help you get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

    In addition, the demo version contains criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer. It is important to familiarize yourself with them in order to understand the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording the answer.

    A complete list of questions and topics that may appear on the exam is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates. It can be used to create a review plan before an exam.

    Also on the FIPI website there is an Open Bank of Unified State Examination tasks (, which contains several tens of thousands of tasks used in compiling versions of the Unified State Exam KIM in all academic subjects. It will help you navigate the exam material and practice completing typical tasks.

    By the way, on the same site there is an Open Bank of OGE tasks (9th grade), as well as training tasks for students with disabilities.

    On the Youtube channel of Rosobrnadzor you can find many videos that give recommendations on preparing for the Unified State Exam in various subjects and others.

    The Unified State Exam is an exam, the successful results of which (in mathematics and the Russian language) will allow you to receive a certificate of secondary general education, as well as provide them when entering a university.

    Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you can apply to five universities for three specialties in each, that is, you have 15 options, and you can choose the most desirable one from them. By the way, you can submit documents to the university by email.

    You have the opportunity to learn how to pass the Unified State Exam: throughout your studies at school, from time to time you complete tasks similar to those you will receive on the Unified State Exam. You can get great practice for passing the Unified State Exam! You choose some of the academic subjects in which you will take the Unified State Exam - which means that as soon as you decide on this, you can act purposefully to prepare for the exam.

    You can take into account your wishes for your future profession and prepare for the Unified State Exam in the subjects required for admission.

    Unified State Exam 2017 Exercise 1

    Information processing written texts in scientific styles

    Exercise 1. Information processing of written texts

    Task 1 tests the ability to work with information contained in a short text. You need to carefully read and comprehend the text, and then correlate your understanding with the proposed wording.

    This is what this task looks like in the 2017 demo version

    (1) If you look at the map, you will be convinced that Siberia is more than half of the territory of the Russian Federation, it is approximately equal to Europe, makes up almost a quarter of all Asia and one fifteenth of the entire landmass of the Earth. (2) But Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the world’s largest treasury of forests, oil and gas reserves. (3) It is in Russia’s economic development plans that much attention is paid to Siberia.

    1) Siberia, which occupies two-fifths of Asia, receives great attention in the economic development of Russia.

    • Siberia surprises us not only with its size and uniqueness, but also because it

    The world's largest treasure trove of minerals.

    • In Russia's economic development plans, much attention is paid to Siberia,

    since this region contains enormous natural resources.

    • Siberia occupies a special place in the development of the world economy, since this region

    occupies one fifteenth of the entire landmass of the Earth and enormous natural resources are concentrated here.

    • Siberia, which has enormous natural resources, is in economic terms

    Much attention is paid to the development of Russia.

    Answer: 35

    What is required of you when completing this task?

    The task consists of a short text in a scientific style and sentence options, one or two of which correctly convey the main information contained in the text.

    You need to conduct a logical and semantic analysis of the source text, highlight keywords in it, trace cause-and-effect relationships between the parts and choose the sentence that contains main information text. This tests the ability to adequately understand basic and additional, explicit and hidden information in a written message, using text compression techniques.

    Algorithm for completing the task

    1 . Highlight in each sentence keywords, important for understanding the issue addressed in this text; pay attention to main part complex sentence.

    2.Define cause-and-effect relationships between sentences in the text, analyzing conjunctions, allied words, introductory constructions.

    3. Shorten the text, crossing out unimportant information (various kinds of explanations, details, descriptions of minor facts, comments, lexical repetitions).

    4. Convey in one sentence the main information contained in the source text.

    5. Correlate your version of text compression (your sentence conveying its main idea) with the answer options.

    6.Choose the correct answer option(s).

    Please note: the sentences from which you need to choose the correct answer may contradict content of the text, include information that is in the text No, transmit only piece of information , convey in detail Additional information, which is secondary for understanding the main idea, quote verbatim any part of the text containing the transmission details and small details. Such sentences are not suitable for an answer.

    Most often, the correct answer will be sentences that briefly convey all main components content, clearly formulate the dominant idea.

    This means that in order to check the correctness of your choice, and in difficult cases to make it correctly, you need to determine for yourself what information is the main one in the text. To do this, you need to cut off secondary information: details, examples, comments, explanations, descriptions. Ask yourself simple questions:

    - What is this text or fragment of text about?

    - What does it say?

    - What is the main information?


    Proceed to analyze the answers only after you have carefully analyzed and understood the text well.

    (1)Huge Archimedes' merit to everyone humanity is development of mathematical solution methods many technical problems . (2) But myself He , like many other scientists of that time, thought What practical use theoretical solutions obtained by him at all doesn't deserve the same attention as scientific developments . (3) of all the works of Archimedes, only the only one dedicated to description one of his technical inventions.

    Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information,

    • Archimedes' services to humanity are enormous due to the development of mathematical methods for solving many technical problems and attention to scientific developments.
    • Archimedes, like many other scientists of that time, considered it important both scientific developments and practical use theoretical solutions obtained by him.
    • Huge merit Archimedes before all humanity is a description of his technical inventions. (Contradicts the content of the text)
    • Archimedes developed mathematical methods for solving many technical problems, but described only one of his inventions, since he valued scientific developments above all.
    • Of all the works of Archimedes, only the only one is devoted to the description of one of his technical inventions. (Only part of the information was transmitted)

    Answer: 14 or 41

    ( 1)According to certificate Plato (dialogue “State”), great thinker of Ancient Greece Socrates said one day: "All I know is that I don't know anything" and often the reader who encounters this phrase becomes confused, because he does not understand why the philosopher belittles his knowledge so much. (2) The meaning of this phrase, however, becomes clearer if we turn to another work of Plato (“Apology”): Socrates after a conversation with person , “who is reputed to be wise” and “ not knowing, thinks he knows something" , comes to the conclusion that both of them really do not understand anything perfectly, and remarks: “It seems to me that I'll be wiser than him, since I, not knowing something, do not imagine that I know this thing.” (3) Socrates makes a distinction between imaginary and real wisdom : genuine wisdom not ashamed limitations of one's knowledge .

    Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information,

    1) Socrates, arguing that opponents “who are reputed to be wise” do not understand anything perfectly, thus points to the limitations of all knowledge.

    2) The great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Socrates, claiming that he “knows only that he knows nothing,” deliberately belittles his knowledge and seeks to show his superiority over other philosophers.

    3) By saying “I only know that I know nothing,” Socrates means that he is wiser than those who, without actually knowing anything, “think that they know something,” since Socrates is not ashamed of his own ignorance and acknowledges it.

    4) Faced with the famous statement of Socrates, the reader is perplexed by the fact that the great philosopher in this phrase groundlessly belittles his knowledge.

    5) According to Plato, there is genuine and imaginary wisdom: genuine wisdom is not ashamed of the limitations of its knowledge.

    Answer: 35 or 53

    U most parents and teenagers enough has happened positive perception of one’s own digital competence : Almost 80% of schoolchildren and every second parent consider themselves confident Internet users. Assessing the level of digital competence based on a special index shows that this is overpriced and inadequate opinion: in fact, this level in both parents and adolescents is one third of the maximum possible. Concerning motivation , then neither parents nor teenagers didn't show sustainable self-improvement mindset in the digital world. Their motivation is only 20% of the maximum possible.

    Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information,

    1) Adults have an overestimated opinion of their own level of digital competence.

    2) The majority of parents and adolescents’ own assessment of the level of digital competence turns out to be overestimated.

    3) Most parents and teenagers do not realize that their existing ideas about their digital competence are inflated, and therefore do not have a mindset for self-improvement.

    4) Teenagers have an overestimated opinion of their level of digital competence.

    5) Neither parents nor teenagers have a sustainable motivation to improve in the digital world, because their self-esteem is inflated

    Answer: 35 or 53

    Ettore Lo Gatto's book is a relaxed, spontaneous account of the life and work not only of a translator, critic and scholar, but also of a rare enthusiast, tenacious, perhaps stubborn, who was always a friend of Russia and Russians, wherever he met them - in Leningrad , Moscow or Paris. Everyone Lo Gatto writes about are famous personalities: some became famous even before he met them, others - later. The names of many of the book’s heroes have only recently been revealed to the Russian reader, since we are talking about both literary and artistic figures who remained in the USSR after the revolution and those who emigrated. Lo Gatto always considered Russian literature to be indivisible, bound by the unity of language and the unity of love for Russia, only this love was expressed in different forms and was experienced in different ways.

    1) The book by translator, critic and scientist Ettore Lo Gatto talks about famous figures of Russian culture and literature, many of whom emigrated from the USSR after the revolution.

    2) Ettore Lo Gatto, a famous translator, critic and scientist, met with many Russian cultural figures both in Russia and abroad.

    3) Ettore Lo Gatto spoke in his book about famous figures of Russian culture with whom he was familiar and who represent a single culture, regardless of whether they remained in Russia after the revolution or went into exile.

    4) Ettore Lo Gatte, a leading researcher of Russian literature in Italy, dreamed of a time when the works of Russian writers and poets who emigrated abroad after the revolution would be allowed to be published in their homeland.

    5) Ettore Lo Gatto - translator, critic and scientist, a rare enthusiast and friend of Russia.

    Answer: 13 or 31

    An amazing device - a feather!

    As a heat insulator, it has almost no equal, and in terms of aerodynamic properties it surpasses, weight for weight, any material, no matter whether it is of natural origin or created by man. It consists of ordinary keratin, the same horny substance as the scales of reptiles or our nails, but the special properties of the feather are associated with this unusually complex structure.

    Almost all the properties that distinguish birds from other living beings are in one way or another related to the presence of feathers. Actually, a bird is, by definition, a creature that has feathers.

    1) Almost all the properties that distinguish birds from other creatures are associated with the presence of feathers, because the feather is a unique device that has no equal in a number of parameters.

    2) The thermal insulation and aerodynamic properties of bird feathers are unique.

    3) A bird's feather consists of ordinary keratin, the same substance as the scales of reptiles and human nails, but it has a complex structure.

    4) A bird is a creature that has feathers, and the feather consists of keratin.

    5) A bird is a creature that has feather cover, and a feather has a simple composition, but a complex structure, which provides unique thermal insulation and aerodynamic properties.

    Answer: 15 or 51

    The immediate source of energy in the human body is glucose in the blood. Its rapid disintegration and oxidation, as well as rapid extraction, provide emergency mobilization of the body's energy resources with increasing energy expenditure during intense muscular and mental stress, emotional arousal, etc.

    Those who are trying to eliminate sugar from their diet should remember that carbohydrates are the only source that normally covers the energy costs of the brain, that is, the ability to think is preserved.

    Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

    1) Due to the rapid breakdown and oxidation of glucose in the blood, the body cannot use energy resources during intense exercise.

    2) Sugar cannot be excluded from the diet, because carbohydrates are the only source that allows us to nourish brain activity.

    3) The source of energy in the human body is glucose in the blood.

    4) Due to its properties, glucose in the blood is a source of energy consumed by the human body during muscular and mental stress.

    5) The source of energy that a person needs during muscular and mental stress is glucose in the blood: it is thanks to carbohydrates that the ability to think is maintained.

    Answer: 45 or 54

    Apes, when helping their relatives, especially cubs, if necessary, use the same method of artificial respiration as modern doctors. Several years ago, at the Dresden Zoo, a male orangutan saved the life of his newborn cub in this way. Unlike humans, monkeys resort to artificial respiration unconsciously, instinctively, and not consciously.

    Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

    1) Not all orangutan cubs are born viable; to save them, monkeys resort to artificial respiration.

    2) Unlike humans, apes, if necessary, provide artificial respiration to their relatives instinctively.

    3) Several years ago, at the Dresden Zoo, a male orangutan saved the life of his newborn baby.

    4) Apes do not understand that they breathe air and that air saturates the blood with oxygen in the lungs, so they instinctively resort to artificial respiration.

    5) Apes, like humans, resort to artificial respiration if necessary, but use the method instinctively and not consciously.

    Answer: 25

    Having safely crossed the Atlantic and landed with his crew on the shores of America, Columbus was convinced that he had reached India, and therefore called the local residents “Indians.” Despite the obvious mistake, this name stuck with the indigenous people inhabiting the American continent. But in fact, the American Indians were not even a single people: they were strikingly different from each other in stature and appearance, spoke many different languages, and developed a wide variety of customs and beliefs.

    Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

    1) Despite the obvious mistake, the name “Indians” stuck to the indigenous people inhabiting the American continent, so they created a variety of customs.

    2) Until the end of his days, Columbus never admitted his mistake and was convinced that, having safely crossed the Atlantic and landed on the shores of America, he had reached India, which is why he called the local inhabitants of the American continent “Indians.”

    3) The native inhabitants of America, who were not a single people, were given the erroneous name “Indians,” since Columbus, who discovered America, believed that he had reached India.

    4) The general name “Indians” was assigned to the indigenous inhabitants of America thanks to Columbus, because the inhabitants of the American continent have many common features: dark skin, high cheekbones, black hair and eyes, blood chemistry.

    5) The widespread name "Indians", common to all indigenous people of America, was given by Columbus, who mistakenly believed that he had reached India.

    Answer: 35

    Considering the archaeological finds of recent decades, scientists are increasingly inclined to talk about the emergence of the ancient Russian state as a result of the complex interaction of Slavic and Varangian principles.

    On the one hand, all Kyiv rulers and most of the warriors bore Scandinavian names until the end of the 10th century. On the other hand, having arrived in Kyiv and eventually becoming part of the ancient Russian elite, the Varangians, after a few generations, completely disappeared into the Slavic population.

    Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

    Answer: 35

    In the second half of the 18th century, the human personality takes another important step, which is associated with the emergence in art and literature of a movement known as “romanticism.” Romanticism began to affirm personal feelings and experiences: instead of the cult of common sense and reason, there was a cult of human feelings. In the field of art, romanticism brought landscape painting to the forefront, because nature evokes in a person deep feelings of surprise and admiration, without which the perception of beauty is impossible.

    Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

    1) Based on archaeological finds of recent decades, scientists are increasingly inclined to talk about the emergence and formation of an ancient Russian state called Kievan Rus.

    2) Scientists tend to talk about the emergence of the Old Russian state as a result of the active participation of the Swedes, however, having become part of the Old Russian elite, they did not dissolve into the Slavic population.

    3) Archaeological finds indicate that the ancient Russian state arose as a result of the interaction of the Slavic and Varangian principles, which is confirmed by the Scandinavian names of the Kievites who ruled until the end of the 10th century, and the complete merger of the Varangians with the Slavic population.

    4) Based on archaeological finds, scientists have established that all Kyiv rulers and most of the warriors bore Scandinavian names until the end of the 10th century.

    5) Scientific data of recent decades indicate a complex interaction between the Slavic and Varangian principles during the formation of the ancient Russian state.

    Currently, the business world has recognized the importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data. High-profile processes associated with the penetration of corporate computer systems by attackers have attracted the close attention of not only specialists in the field of computer data processing, but also company directors. (...) company managers realized that with the launch of each new computer system that has access to the global computer network Internet, they risk opening a window to various attackers through which they can freely penetrate the company’s secret materials and cause significant material damage.

    Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

    1) The importance of solving the problem of protecting computer data is recognized by all specialists in the field of computer data processing.

    2) High-profile processes related to the penetration of corporate computer systems by attackers amazed company directors and forced them to act.

    3) Company directors realized that every new computer system connected to the Internet must be protected from intruders in order to avoid information and material damage.

    4) According to experts in the field of computer data processing, attackers cause significant material damage to various companies that have access to the global computer network Internet.

    5) Any new computer system connected to the Internet, company executives realized, must be protected from intruders in order to avoid information and material damage.

    Answer: 35

    Thank you for your attention!

    Successful passing of the Unified State Exam - 2017

    Unified State Exam (USE) in Russian language in 2017

    four main aspects of verification

    • – linguistic competence
    • – language competence
    • – communicative competence
    • – cultural competence

    Part 1

    24 short answer questions

    • – open-type tasks for recording an independently formulated correct answer;
    • – tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers;
    • – multiple choice task from a list.
    • The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers written without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    • Part 2 contains 1 open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    • exercise 1:
    • Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?


    • Task No. 1.
    • Remember: the answer must be only two digits, no more and no less. To make sure your answer is correct, look carefully at the selected sentences. They must include same words, same information and can differ only in construction.


    • For example:
    • 1) When cooling or heating many substances change their state of aggregation– liquid, solid or gaseous, while acquiring completely different properties. 2) Under the influence cooling or heating changes state of aggregation And properties many things.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Task 3:

    • working with a dictionary entry
    • Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word PLAN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


    • Task No. 3.
    • Following each value listed are examples in italics. Substitute this word as an example - you will see similarities in the desired answer point.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    • Tasks 6 and 7 They check the knowledge of grammatical norms that are subject to compulsory study at school:
    • norms for the formation of forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verb forms, participles and gerunds
    • norms for coordination of subject and predicate
    • standards for using non-compliant applications

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Tasks 6 and 7:

    • norms for coordinating attributive phrases with combinations of words;
    • norms for coordinating the subject and the compound nominal predicate in a sentence built according to the “noun” model. – this is a noun.”
    • norms of prepositional control;
    • norms for the use of participial and adverbial phrases as part of a simple sentence

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Tasks 6 and 7:

    • norms for the use of homogeneous members in a simple sentence.
    • norms governing the order of words in a sentence (homogeneous members with double conjunctions: not only, but also...  norms for constructing a complex sentence;
    • norms for constructing complex sentences
    • norms for constructing a non-union proposal;
    • norms for constructing sentences with direct and indirect speech.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Tasks 8-14 check the spelling literacy of the examinees.

    • Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.
    • Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gap E.
    • Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word


    Task 8.

    • When completing this task, you must exclude roots with alternation, then it will be easier to choose. Sometimes alternating roots are confused with unstressed vowels. For example, repented(fence). To avoid this, change the word so that a different letter appears at the root according to the norms of alternation. For example , bye…..(fence). There is no such word, therefore it is not alternation. Don't forget that in words understand, take away, compressalternating roots.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Tasks 15-19 aimed at testing punctuation literacy and the ability to correctly place punctuation marks.

    • Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of proposals in which need to be delivered ONE comma.
    • Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place There must be commas in the sentence.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Task 24.

    • “The author’s intense thoughts are conveyed with the help of such reception, as (A)________ (sentences 5-6, 22-23). The emotional sound of the text is enhanced with the help of such syntactic means, as (B) __________ (for example, sentences 16-20). Used trails: (B)___________ (for example, “the will is paralyzed by fear” in sentence 20, “the dedication and courage of a soldier can ruin the plan” in sentence 34) and (D)______________ (“a cunning plan” in sentence 34) – give the author’s judgments brightness and persuasiveness."


    List of terms:

    • rhetorical appeal
    • metaphor
    • synonyms
    • epithet
    • interrogative sentences
    • question-and-answer form of presentation
    • dialectism
    • series of homogeneous members
    • spoken word


    Task 24.

    • When reading this task, we do not pay attention to such combinations as figures of speech, tropes, techniques, syntactic and lexical means. And if you know what applies to them,

    this will make your work much easier and give you a 100% chance of an answer, even if you don’t know the means of artistic expression very well.


    • The task contains three points (see highlighted in green). Words from the list of terms need to be divided into points.
    • Techniques: rhetorical appeal, question-and-answer form of presentation. Syntactic means: interrogative sentences, rows of homogeneous members. Trails: metaphor, epithet.
    • It's easier to choose from fewer terms.

    Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

    • Essay based on text
    • The presence of a formulation of the problem of the text, a commentary on this problem, a formulation of the author’s position, a formulation of one’s own position, two arguments in favor of one’s own position, written speech (semantic integrity, verbal coherence, consistency of presentation), accuracy and expressiveness of speech, literacy and facts are assessed.
    • Minimum 150 words. It is not advisable to use more than 200 words (maximum 300)

    Clue :

    Task 25.

    • Before you panic after reading the essay text, study the text carefully tasks 24: here (if you're lucky) the problem may be formulated or hinted at.
    • In task 20 you will definitely find the author's position or aspects to comment on.

    Grading system

    Part 1. 24 tasks

    • For correct completion of each task of part 1 (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) 1 point is given
    • For the correct answer to tasks 1 and 15, 2 points are given. If at least one of the numbers given in the answer is incorrect, or one of the correct numbers is missing, 1 point is given. In all other cases, 0 points are given. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer does not matter.

    Grading system

    • Part 1. 24 tasks
    • For the correct answer to task 7, 5 points are given, 1 point for each correct number. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer matters.
    • For the correct answer to task 24, 4 points are given, 1 point for each correct number. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer matters.
    • Maximum number of points – 33

    Grading system

    • Part 2. Essay-reasoning based on the text read.

    Criteria for assessing the answer to task 25:

    • Formulation of the source text problem
  • Continuing the topic:
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